How to make a car out of a notebook sheet. Craft machine - manufacturing scheme and features of the choice of machines from improvised materials (85 photos). How to make a paper boat

There are many different ways to entertain yourself. One of these options is origami. Such an activity will interest not only children, but also adults, and will also allow you to spend a joint vacation with benefit. In this article, we will consider unusual and simple ways to create paper cars at no extra cost and using improvised means.

origami technique

Origami is a fairly ancient technique, originating in China. Primarily, the technique was used in rituals of a religious orientation, later it became available to the upper strata of society. Over time, the technique spread and found a huge number of fans.

Today, not only adults, but also children of all ages are engaged in origami, while there are a huge number of various patterns and patterns of paper cars.

The technique has several varieties:

  • modular - the most popular and widespread system, characterized by the creation of several blocks and three-dimensional figures;
  • simple - created specifically for beginners or people with disabilities;
  • wet folding - carried out by using water to give the lines smoothness and expressiveness.

Origami is a technique for creating models and figures of various subjects from paper. This method helps to develop logic and spatial thinking. In addition, the creative side of the personality develops due to the active work of thought processes.

Varieties of paper machines

There are a considerable number of options for creating beautiful paper cars. Let's consider the most common of them.

Assembly according to instructions. There are special instructions on how to make a typewriter out of paper, which can be easily found on the Internet. In order to make such a machine, you will need to download the diagram, print it on a printer, then cut it out and glue it.

Sports variant

To create, you need a sheet of rectangular paper. It is important that its sides have a ratio of 1:7. The upper right corner is folded first, and the lower left in a similar way. After fixing, the corners are returned back. As a result, we get outlines.

After that, it is necessary to bend the upper element, while tucking it inward. Next, again bend the triangles to the central part of the sheet. The side parts of the sheet are bent, and the lower part is folded.

At the final stage, the figure is folded in half, and protruding pieces of paper are carefully tucked into the resulting pockets. If desired, the car can be decorated.

Easy option

A square sheet of paper is folded in half from bottom to top, then unfolded. Similarly, it should be rolled up from the perpendicular side. As a result, a basting should be obtained and the central element should be determined, as shown in the photo of paper machines. The bottom quarter is folded up, and the corners are folded over.

The part located on top is bent down, while obscuring the lower part. The upper right corner must be bent, thereby we will get a windshield. At the end, it is recommended to expand the figure.

Racing car

You will need a sheet that needs to be bent in half along the long side. Connect the corner to the opposite side. Do the same for all corners. This will result in two squares with intersecting lines. Triangles related to the long side are bent to the inside.

The triangle, located on the other side, is tucked into the folds formed on the hood. It remains only to bend the fragment that will be a spoiler.

Fire engine

When creating such a model, paper alone will not be enough, so glue and scissors should be prepared in advance. To create, you will need a special blank made of dense material.

In addition to the main elements of transport, additional details should be transferred. After that, the blanks are cut out and neatly glued together. If necessary, additional elements can be glued with PVA glue.

Hand tools car

An equally exciting activity can be the creation of a machine not only from paper, but also from improvised means. To create, you can take several figures from cylindrical cardboard, pasting them with pre-colored paper.

After that, a small rectangle is cut out and slightly bent. It will be a car seat. Plastic bottle caps can be used as wheels. In the end, it remains only to decorate the machine.

In conclusion, it should be noted that creating paper models is a very exciting and useful activity, the main thing is to follow the step-by-step instructions on how to make a car with your own hands. The video shows a master class on paper typewriters.

Photo of paper cars

Making toys and fakes from paper develops the child's imagination and motor skills. In our article we will tell you how to make a typewriter out of paper. What kid doesn't dream of something like this? With your help, the kid will understand the instructions and then he will enthusiastically make a typewriter.
So let's get started!

The simplest

If you have just begun to be interested in making all kinds of paper things, then this method is just for you - it is extremely simple and understandable. Take an A4 sheet and cut a square out of it. Bend the workpiece in half in different directions to get lines for further folds. Unfold the mold and fold the bottom edge up towards the center. Bend the corners down - these will be the wheels for the car. Once you've done that, fold the piece of paper in half along the center line, and fold the bottom up as well. Bend the corner that is at the top forward. You managed to make a typewriter out of paper.

The resulting toy can be decorated with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints. For the manufacture, you can use colored paper.

Making a racing car

The instructions given in this paragraph will help you make a racing car out of paper. Any piece of paper, landscape sheet, sheet from a school notebook is suitable for a typewriter. You need to fold the sheet in two layers, and then fold the corners on all sides and follow the instructions below.

Such a machine can be painted or decorated.

Colored paper car

In order to make a fake you will need:

  • scissors
  • colored paper
  • pencils
  • markers

First, cut out a square blank. If the sheet is rectangular, cut off unnecessary parts. It is best to take double-sided colored paper, unlike plain paper, it does not need to be painted.

We bend the square in half twice - you will get lines for bending.

Fold the folded strips in half again and bend the corners. The shape of the machine begins to take shape.

We divide the upper part into three and begin to bend them.

Now we need to make the trunk and wheels of our cars. For the wheels, we fold the corners of the sheets inwards, which can be trimmed to be parallel to the body. Now our car is running. To form the hood, we bend the front inward. To make a spoiler, you can bend the corners at the back.

Our machine is ready. We begin to decorate or decorate it if you used non-colored paper. You can draw doors, windows and headlights - this way the car will turn out to be more believable.

origami car

Unlike the previous version, in origami we will not use glue or scissors. All you need is an A4 paper. Fold the sheet lengthwise and carefully run your fingers along the fold line. We begin to bend the corners as we do for paper planes. Again we draw all the fold lines and unbend the entire workpiece. Now you need to make an envelope - for this we bend the form into ourselves. We have a triangular shape. We turn the left triangle outward, up, and begin to bend the inner parts of the workpiece. At the same time, they need to be bent a little at the ends. Such actions must be performed very carefully, monitor the edges and, if necessary, align them. If you followed all the instructions correctly, you will get a workpiece in the form of an arrow that has two ends. At this stage, we choose which side our hood will be on. For the hood, we bend the triangular corners inward, towards the center, and then unfold them. Now we need to fasten the front and back of the car. We will simply bend the part and fix it under the car fender. This action will allow us to do without glue. So we got our car! Now you can start decorating and coloring it. It would be a great idea to paint a race number or the name of the car on the hood. On the instructions below, you can see all the stages of creation.

So, you have learned how to create simple models of paper cars. There are more complex and detailed models - they can be found on the Internet. Despite this, if you are just a beginner in this business, then ours will do. Over time, you can learn how to make modular origami - in it a fake consists of many separate modules. You can even find whole car templates on the net that you just need to cut and glue. Good luck in your work! We hope everything works out for you!

Video lessons

Making crafts with children always gives positive results. The motor skills of the hands and fingers, the eye, orientation in space, the ability to use scissors, the strength of the hands and fingers, creativity and imagination are developing. Children repeat the features of cars, find out what parts they consist of. All this develops the thinking of kids.

Joint activities with parents also have their pleasant side. The child's speech develops, the ability to distribute responsibilities, take the initiative. If the parents decide to do needlework at home with the boy, then they will not find a better pastime than making a car out of paper with their own hands. Imagine several options for cars made of paper and cardboard.

Racing car

You will need the following materials: cardboard cylinder (leftover after using toilet paper), black and white cardboard, scissors, white and colored paper, felt-tip pen, pushpins, PVA glue.

First you need to take a cylinder and glue it with colored paper. We cut out 4 black circles under the stencil and 4 smaller white circles for future wheels. If you want there to be no holes in front and behind, then you need to circle the round part of the cylinder on a sheet of any colored paper. Next, you need to cut a larger circle, cut the excess in the form of triangles, on which glue is subsequently applied. Then everything is glued to the end of the cylinder. Before gluing the circles on the back and front of the cylinder, you need to stick or draw on the headlights, grille or rear brake lights.

Then it remains to collect together all the details of the machine from paper with your own hands. For the driver, you need to cut a hole with scissors. The wheels in the center should be pierced with a button and bent inside it. At the end of the work, you need to draw decorations on colored paper. For example, a number or stripes on the sides, because the created car is a racing car.


The next option for making a car out of paper with your own hands will be a toy steam locomotive. It has two main parts: the driver's cab and the trailer. To get started, you need to prepare scissors, PVA glue, corrugated packaging cardboard, colored paper, bolts with nuts, a rope and an awl.

On the cardboard you need to draw the shape of a steam locomotive and a trailer and 8 identical circles for the wheels. Carefully cut out the details, you should glue them with colored paper. The application should be detailed: a pipe, a driver's window, headlights, wheels, square windows can also be glued onto the trailer.

At the end, the parts are assembled. It will be interesting for the boy to work with real tools: pierce holes for wheels and rope with an awl, tighten bolts and nuts, tie the trailer to the train with a rope. Before making paper with his own hands, dad must explain the safety precautions for using scissors and an awl. The engine assembled in this way will roll, and it will be more interesting for the boy to play with him.

Machine according to the scheme

An interesting option would be to independently make a car out of paper with your own hands according to the schemes. Models of real cars can be purchased at the store, or you can follow the example to draw your own version of the model. Using the template, draw all the details in 3D projection. Next, with scissors, carefully cut along the contour and bend the edges of all parts. Glue is applied to the triangular corners, and the machine is assembled.

It should be noted that the wheels will not spin. This version of the craft is suitable for school-age children, as it requires complex preparatory work. Preschool kids can be offered a purchased version of a simpler typewriter. They will only have to cut along the contour and glue the edges.

origami car

This is the most difficult of the proposed options. How to make an origami car out of paper with your own hands is shown in the diagram. First you need to have some experience in folding sheets. You need to start with a boat or an airplane, and then move on to a typewriter. The only requirement that must be observed with the origami technique is to carefully and evenly bend the parts by running your finger along the edge of the fold on the table.

The smoother the fold, the neater the end result looks. For the first time, work must be done under the guidance of an adult. These could be kindergarten teachers, elementary school teachers, or parents. Subsequently, understanding how to use the schematic instructions, the child will be able to make a car out of paper with his own hands. After the craft is completely ready, it can be painted, adding details.

Origami, origami! Ever since the days of the USSR, Soviet children could skillfully make various crafts and toys from plain paper or newspaper. Sleight of hand and no cheating. But today, in the era of computer technology, those same cars, airplanes, and even more so boats, have begun to be forgotten. I will remind you of them, because computers do not live in kindergarten yet!

How to make a rose and flowers out of paper.

In order to make a rose out of paper you need to take colored paper, red or any other color of a rose to make it more beautiful, but you can also use white paper so that later, color it as you like. We take a pencil and draw a circle, and taking special scissors with a ribbed blade, we cut out a spiral, going deep into the circle. The width of the spiral is about one centimeter.

After that, we take a toothpick and wind a spiral on its inner end until we reach the outer edge. We fix the outer edge with glue. That's all, a beautiful rose is ready. In order to make a stem, you can also take colored paper.

How to make a paper car

This craft will be interesting for the boys. At first glance, it is heavy, but following the drawings and instructions, everything will turn out without problems. Of course, it will be necessary to make efforts and patience, but I assure you, it will be worth it.

I present to your attention the sequence of actions in order to make a paper car:

1. Smooth out the main - basic shape (double triangle). To do this, bend and lower the upper corner to the base.
2. Next, open the resulting figure and flatten the corners.
3. We get such an element that can be seen in the photo, then turn it over.
4. Then, bend and lift the bottom side to the fold line. Raising the bottom side, we open and turn out the side corners.
5. We bend the resulting blind corner, as shown in the figure. On the second side, we lower the upper parts and bend.
6. Next, we bend a blind corner. And at the front corners of the front axle of the wheels, it is necessary to bend the corners and make zippers for beauty. We bend the rear wheels on both sides of ourselves and fill them inward.
7. The next step, we bend the corners on the rear wheels, as well as in front in place of the headlights.
8. Our last step will be the formation of the headlights.

How to make a paper boat.

All of us in childhood loved to play with such boats in the yard, letting them into the puddles left after the rain. But time has passed, and we have already forgotten how to make them. Let's remember.

For that, to make a paper boat, you will need one landscape sheet. We fold it in half. Next, fold in half again and unfold to the previous state. We do this in order to determine the center of the sheet. Our next step is to fold the corners of the sheet. We do this in exactly the same way as in Figure 3. After that, we bend the lower parts up in front and behind. Next, we bend the formed corners in opposite directions and connect the right and left sides so that a square comes out. We bend the outer corners, and raise the back and front upwards so that a triangle comes out. Then we again connect the right and left sides into a square. The last step remains. We take both hands at the upper corners and stretch them to the sides. This must be done carefully. That's all, our boat is ready.

How to make an airplane out of paper.

This craft is probably one of the easiest and not many that I can still do without mistakes, but for those who don’t know, I’ll tell you. And so, instructions on how how to make an airplane out of paper!

We take a sheet of paper and lay it out on the table. To the middle we bend the left and right corners of the leaf.
Next, we bend our future plane to the middle of the sheet.
The right and upper edges, we fold to the middle of the sheet. We do everything exactly as in the pictures.
Next, the corner that we have turned out, we bend to the edge of the sheet.
Then fold the paper blank in half.
Our plane is almost ready. It is only necessary to finish the wings, for this, bend the upper corners down.

I want to note that if you want the resulting airplane to fly far and smoothly, you need to bend the sheet very evenly and carefully, especially the issue concerns the wings of the aircraft.

How to make a clapperboard out of paper.

The clapperboard is one of the most favorite crafts for kids, they can play with it for hours. So now I'll tell you how to make a clapperboard out of paper.

First you need to take a sheet of paper thicker, for example, A4 paper. We bend it in half and bend the corners to the middle on both sides.
After that, it is necessary to bend our workpiece in half and unbend it back. We do as shown in the photo.
Again bend the sheet in half and immediately unfold. We do this in order to see the fold line.
Next, we bend the edges to the fold line we have obtained, in order to get oblique fold lines on the sides.
We bend our workpiece along the fold line so that we get a cracker.

Done, now you can run at recess at school or on the street and compete who can clap louder. But indoors it turns out more spectacular :)!

Origami is the fascinating art of folding different shapes out of paper. And in this master class, we will tell you how to make paper cars using the origami technique, and also show how to fold a three-dimensional 3D model of a car according to the scheme. This activity is sure to appeal to children, and adults will bring a lot of fun. Therefore, stock up on sheets of colored paper and cardboard and create with your kids a whole fleet of paper cars with your own hands.

Origami paper cars

Required Tools

In order to fold the cars you will need:

  • a square sheet of colored paper;
  • scissors.

Instruction - Option 1

Let's take a closer look at how to make a typewriter out of paper:

  1. Fold a square sheet of paper into four parts, outlining the auxiliary lines, and unfold back.
  2. Bend the bottom of the sheet in half again. Then bend the corners down, creating the wheels of the future machine.
  3. Bend the top of the sheet along the middle line towards you.
  4. Now bend the workpiece as shown in the figure.
  5. Bend diagonally one of the corners of the upper part of the sheet, connecting the red dots indicated in the figure.
  6. Turn the piece over. A simple car model is ready! (photo_6)
  7. Instruction - Option 2
  8. Now let's look at how to make a three-dimensional paper machine using the origami technique.
  9. To get started, choose a sheet of paper in your favorite color, fold it in half and unfold it back.
  10. Now we visually divide each of the formed halves of the sheet into three equal parts and bend one third from the top and one third from the bottom to the inside of the workpiece.
  11. Bend the corners on four sides, as shown in the figure.
  12. Fold in the small corners of the tops of the triangles to give a more rounded shape to the wheels of our paper car craft.
  13. Bend the workpiece in half and lay it in front of you, placing the wheels down.
  14. Bend one of the corners of the workpiece inward, along the dotted line shown in the figure.
  15. Slightly cut the second corner and also bend inward. Thus, we got the windshield and hood of our car model.
  16. The paper machine is ready! It remains only to draw glass, doors, headlights and other details on it as desired.

3D paper car

Necessary materials

In order to make a voluminous typewriter out of paper, you will need:

  • Printer;
  • a sheet of office paper;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • colored pencils, markers or paints.


Consider step by step how to fold a typewriter out of paper:

Schemes of paper cars are also colored. In this case, you do not need to color anything. And to get a realistic miniature car model, you just need to print the scheme in good resolution on a color printer and fold it according to the instructions. But if the scheme of your typewriter is black and white or there is no color printer at hand, then the model can be painted with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints. Here you can let your imagination run wild and add an interesting pattern or make a car in an unusual color.