Birthday present for a 4 year old. Gifts for gender differences. Materials and kits for creativity of young researchers - a universal gift

The best gift for a child is a toy. Read in the article what you can give a baby from 1 to 4 years old.

A child's birthday is always a lot of joy, positive mood and fun. All relatives and many children gather in the house, no one is bored. Grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles and other relatives and friends always ask themselves the question: what to give the baby?

  • After all, a child aged from 1 to 4 years does not yet have any interests and preferences, and he needs toys not only for games, but also in order to taste them. This is especially true for one year olds.
  • I would like to give the most useful gift that will help to develop and grow.
  • In this article you will find answers to the questions: what to give a boy from 1 to 4 years old? Which toy is better to choose - interesting or creative? What will a child like at this age?

What to give a child for 1, 2, years to a boy: a list of the best gifts for a boy for his birthday

When choosing a gift for a child at 1 or 2 years old, be guided by his skills and abilities. It seems that he still does not know how, because he has just learned to walk, but this is not so. The kid is already confidently moving around the apartment, exploring everything he can reach. All items will be tasted, felt with small fingers and thoroughly examined. At this age, children already understand the speech of adults well and fulfill the simple requests of their parents.

So, what to give a child for 1, 2, years to a boy? List of the best birthday gifts for a boy:

What to give a child for 1, 2, years to a boy: a list of the best gifts for a boy for his birthday

Cubes and the simplest wooden constructors. At this age, the child puts everything in his mouth, so the details of the toys should be large, without sharp corners and made of natural materials, such as wood. Together with the cubes, the child will explore the world. You can buy such a toy made of fabric. You can crush it in your hands and even taste it. For a child of this age, cubes and a designer of 4 parts are enough, but you can also buy a toy "for growth" - from 6-8 parts.

Development sorters. They are usually made of wood, in the form of various objects: cubes, buckets, houses, animals, and so on. Designed to sort items by shape, color or size. There are musical toys of this kind that make sounds if the child has done everything correctly.

Rugs and posters with sound. A child at 1 or 2 years old already perceives sounds well and distinguishes them by ear. Therefore, you can give him an educational sound toy. Rugs and posters can name letters and numbers, imitate the sounds of animals, birds, vehicles. If the poster is hung on the wall, then the kid will approach it himself, press a specific button and repeat, memorizing the sounds.

Didactic shoes. Boots, boots with the presence of special additional details - all this will be a useful gift for the baby. Built-in mirrors, buttons, unusual fasteners, Velcro will help parents hide a surprise for their son, and the baby will be able to get it, while learning about the world and developing.

Game center. A child at this age will definitely like such a gift, because with its help you can make the most unusual sounds. Many functions, an abundance of various luminous and flashing objects, a control panel - all this will delight not only the child, but also his parents.

At three or four years old, the boy is already grown up, and he already speaks well and can even count. Accordingly, toys at this age should be suitable, allowing them to develop further, master the world around them and improve their skills. What to give a child for 3, 4 years to a boy? List of the best birthday gifts for a boy:

What to give a child for 3, 4 years to a boy: a list of the best gifts for a boy for his birthday

Railway. The dream of boys at any age. Even parents will be happy to follow the movement of the carriages and the locomotive, and the train will also “smell” and emit smoke.

Constructors. Their choice is great in any store. Buy the designer of your preference and your baby will definitely like it.

Planes, helicopters, ships on radio control. For a 3-year-old boy, you can buy an airplane without radio control, since he still does not understand the essence of such a toy and will control it himself, and a 4-year-old boy will like a toy that flies independently.

Interactive animals. Like a boy who loves cats, dogs and other pets. Such toys do everything like real animals: meow, bark, move their ears.

Tricycle. Great gift for any boy this age.

Gifts to be creative with. This includes space sand, special children's plasticine, finger and regular paints, felt-tip pens, pencils, albums and other art supplies.

What toy to give a boy for 1 - 4 years?

A small toy is a good gift for little boys. But you should not present a soft toy, as it will not arouse much interest in the baby, and a few days after the birthday, it will gather dust somewhere on the shelf.

What toy to give a boy for 1 - 4 years? Here are some ideas:

  • Different cars, tractors, tanks, ships and more. The boys love it all. Although they usually play with such toys for a short time, as they begin to disassemble them, the baby will still be happy with such a surprise.
  • Wooden puzzles with large elements.
  • Wooden constructors.
  • Dinosaur.
  • Ball.
  • Toy weapon.
  • Game figures in the form of knights, robots and so on.
  • Children's lotto with large elements.
  • Interactive toys thanks to which the baby will learn some useful skills.
  • radio control toy.

The list of children's toys is endless. If you do not know what to buy for a baby at this age, go to a toy store and ask the seller to help you choose a gift. You are sure to choose something unusual and interesting.

You can buy everything you need on Aliexpress, and there are millions of items for children's toys. If you are not yet registered on Aliexpress, then how to do it quickly and correctly. You can also register with them.

Gifts for a one-year-old and two, three-year-old boy on Aliexpress: a catalog with a price

You can see the catalog with prices with gifts for a one-year-old and two, three-year-old boy on Aliexpress at this link. You can sort products and set categories on the left side of the column. This will make it easier for you to find what you want to buy here.

New Year is a favorite holiday for all children and adults. Accordingly, the kids are always looking forward to it, as Santa Claus will definitely bring something interesting and unusual under the Christmas tree. It is not necessary to give something themed for this winter holiday, toys can be the simplest or most unusual, the main thing is that the baby likes them and he can use this gift for a whole year, until the next holiday.

What can I give a child 1 - 4 years old boy for the New Year? Here are some ideas:

What can I give a child 1 - 4 years old boy for the New Year?

Tent-house. Give your child such a toy and you will be able to arrange his leisure time for several years to come. The kid will be happy to frolic in it, take all the toys into this house and play with them there. He will show this house to other kids who will come to visit you with their parents. Now in stores there is a wide variety of such houses: in the form of a pirate ship, a palace, a large village house, and so on.

What can you give a child 1 - 4 years old to a boy for the New Year: a swing

Swings - hanging or floor. Now you can buy a stationary swing, but they take up a lot of space and are only suitable for a child under 2 years old. An excellent gift would be a hanging swing that can be stored in a closet and fastened when needed. You can hang such a swing from the horizontal bar or on special fasteners in the doorway, which you will have to do yourself. Such a swing is used until the baby is 5 years old.

What can you give a child 1 - 4 years old to a boy for the New Year: a rocking chair

Traditional rocking chairs. Rocking horses existed back in Soviet times, but such toys have not lost their relevance even now. Currently, in children's stores you can buy not only horses, but also other animals. A one-year-old baby will have to be helped, since he himself will not be able to sit on this toy, but over time, the baby will master this skill and such a rocking chair will be his favorite toy for 3 years.

What can you give a child 1 - 4 years old to a boy for the New Year: a sled

Sledge, children's bike. On New Year's Eve, you can give a baby a sled or even a tricycle. He will sled in the snow, and he will ride a bicycle first at home, and when it gets warmer and the baby grows up, he will go outside.

You can also give your baby one of the universal items:

  • Children's books
  • Clothes, shoes
  • Bed dress
  • Dishes
  • Money

Not all such universal gifts will interest the baby, but you will please your parents if you give, for example, money, and they can already buy something necessary and useful for their son at their own discretion.

Interesting, creative gifts for a child 1 - 4 years old boy: a list of the best

On a birthday, you always want to surprise the hero of the occasion and present him with an unusual and original present. You can make an interesting surprise for a kid in the form of a creative toy that will become his favorite. Children love something unusual, something that they have not seen anywhere else and no one has.

List of the best interesting and creative gifts for a child 1 - 4 years old boy:

  • Finger paint. A child at 1 or 2 years old does not yet know how to hold a brush correctly, but children at this age really like to draw. Finger paints will help to create at any age. They are hypoallergenic, easy to wash off with water and completely non-toxic.
  • Kinetic or space sand. A child at 2-3 years old already begins to show interest in the sand. You can make a mini sandbox for him at home. Painted in bright colors, such sand does not stain hands and is easily collected from the floor.
  • Interactive toys. You can now choose and buy them in any stationary or online store.
  • Children's easel or drawing board on which he can paint with finger paints.
  • A pet. But before giving such a gift, you need to ask your parents if they are against such a present, and the baby will definitely like a fluffy kitten or an eared rabbit.
  • Animator invitation. If the parents do not arrange an animated performance on the occasion of their baby's birthday, then any of the guests can invite a cheerful clown or any other cartoon character to amuse the child.

Creative gifts can be different, but consider the interests of the crumbs and the characteristics of his character.

If none of the above ideas fit you, and you want to really surprise with your gift, then pay attention to expensive toys for children of this age. Such a present will surely delight the baby, delight parents and surprise everyone present at the holiday.

Expensive gifts for a child for a boy for 1 - 4 years: a list of the best

List of the best expensive gifts for a child for a boy for 1 - 4 years:

  • Photo session of a child or together with parents.
  • Electric car, electric motorcycle This is a gift every boy will love.
  • Baby car seat. If the child spends a lot of time in the car with his parents, then such a gift will come in handy. Toddlers usually love their car seats as they are comfortable and comfortable for kids to sit in when the car is on the road.
  • Gold chain with a cross or medallion.
  • home planetarium. The kid will play with such a gift for several years.
  • Sport equipment. Swedish wall, own trampoline and more.
  • Scooter. For a child of two years, it is better to buy a three-wheeled scooter. Older children can purchase such equipment on two wheels and with various innovative additional elements.
  • LEGO DUPLO with bright and functional details. Such a designer from the original manufacturer is not cheap, but it is of better quality, beautiful and the child will definitely like it.
  • Educational robots. Such educational toys are sold at different prices, but the most interesting ones are not cheap. This robot with bright and attractive elements will teach the child about colors, develop intellectual development and sensory perception. The kid will learn to reproduce cause-and-effect relationships thanks to light elements and sound reproduction.
  • Fire engine. You can buy a different type of car, as long as it has all the details in miniature, like a real one. The fire truck has an engine, adjustable mirrors, and even a hose from which water is supplied.
  • Large inflatable pool with balls. Such a gift can be given if there is a place for it. For example, a family lives in a large apartment or country house.
  • Large play complex. It will also require a dedicated space.
  • Large game table with several games. The boy will like such a gift, he will immediately look at the painted elements and various objects.

You can also donate warm clothes or good shoes, money. This will not delight the baby, but parents will like it.

Cheap gifts for a child for a boy for 1 - 4 years: a list of the best

A cheap gift can be fun and interesting too. The cheapest gift is a handmade present. You can sew a toy pillow, soft toy, bean bag chair or knit some clothes. A man can make a constructor out of wood. But you can just buy a cheap, but cool gift for a child for a boy for 1 - 4 years. Here is a list of the best gifts for children of this age:

  • Kaleidoscope
  • Transformer
  • Plasticine
  • Mask of your favorite cartoon character
  • Cheap cars, planes, helicopters, ships
  • The simplest constructor
  • Educational games
  • Puzzles
  • Books, coloring pages, photo postcard
  • Mini kits for creativity

You can endlessly enumerate the ideas of such gifts. Go to any store for children, tell the seller the price of the goods and he will offer you dozens of children's toys, from which you can choose the best and most inexpensive gift.

Video: CHILDREN'S TOYS 2-3 YEARS Educational toys for children

A four-year-old child is an emerging little personality. He is no longer a "non-smart", but a person who is aware of his actions. Emotions during this period reach a new level of development: their duration increases, the quality of states changes. Feelings acquire an extreme degree of expression: if joy, then boundless; if resentment, then all-consuming. Game activity is replaced by cognitive activity, which will become the leading activity at school age.

Children at the age of 4 have the first conscious sympathy for others. For a four-year-old child, the support and attention of parents is important. A favorite toy acquires an important role - it becomes a child's companion, a part of life, attachment arises.

Children at the age of 4 try to reason like adults, which amuse older listeners pretty much.

When deciding what to give a child for 4 years, remember the character of the baby and tastes. Hyperactive and emotional children will not appreciate the board game, and calm and diligent kids will not understand why they were given it.

When choosing a gift for a child for 4 years, rely not only on your own preferences, because the child will use the toy. If you find it difficult to choose a gift, ask "experienced" parents who have crossed the four-year milestone of children.

So that the search for a gift for a four-year-old baby is successful, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of gifts for children for 4 years.

Useful gifts for 4 years

Given the stage of development of the child's physical and intellectual abilities, select useful and exciting gifts that make it easy and fun to explore the world.

Training kit or device

You should prepare for school in advance, so at 4 years old you can begin to master the rules of reading, counting and writing. If you want your baby to learn to read, write, count quickly and easily, then give a learning kit. Such sets include cards or cubes with letters, numbers. A modern option for teaching skills is an interactive device: a poster, a board or a children's computer.

Not suitable for children with mental retardation.

Jewelry Organizer

Traditional "girly things" include an organizer or jewelry box. By the age of 4, any baby accumulates a lot of hairpins and elastic bands, children's jewelry. So that they do not get lost, give a 4-year-old girl a personal organizer or a box where she will put jewelry. This will teach the child to order and cleanliness. A beautiful box will become a "highlight" of the interior of a children's room.


At 4 years old, it's time to teach your child to put things in one place, to carry them with him. A convenient means of carrying will be the first backpack. This will develop in the child a sense of responsibility for the safety of things. Proper wearing of a backpack will positively affect the posture of the baby. You can take a children's backpack for a walk, a trip, a visit or a kindergarten.

Not suitable for babies with serious pathologies of the development of the spine or weak back muscle tone.

Gifts for entertainment for 4 years

For the comprehensive development of a four-year-old baby, remember not only the beneficial properties of toys. In the life of a small child there should be a place for play and entertainment. You can take and please a boy or girl at 4 years old with the following gifts.

Gymnastic ball (Fitball)

A simple rubber ball is a necessary thing, but it quickly bothers children. But the fitball will not gather dust in the corner. With the help of the ball you can jump, roll, stretch. With a fitball, you can spend time at home or on the street.

Parents who do fitness at home will appreciate the added bonus. In addition to a beneficial effect on the muscles and joints of the child, fitball strengthens the vestibular apparatus.

Do not give to children with diseases that limit physical mobility.

Snow scooter

Thinking about what to give a boy for 4 years, pay attention to the snow scooter. This winter vehicle will become an alternative to boring sleds. Models for children and adults are produced, which will allow all family members to have fun and actively spend their leisure time in the winter. Snow scooters are equipped with a seat and skis made of frost-resistant plastic, have a brake and steering wheel.

The purchase of "transport" will be an excellent present for the boy, not only for winter name days. A snow scooter will be a worthwhile New Year's gift for a four-year-old driver.

Not suitable for children with a weak vestibular apparatus, pathologies of the upper and lower extremities.

1. Book
Any child in childhood is interested in flipping through beautiful books with a lot of bright pictures. And for adults, this is an extra option for a great birthday present for a boy or girl. Moreover, books can be very different, for example, a book of fairy tales, a book of developmental tasks, and so on.

2. Inflatable water objects
Almost all children love water procedures. Therefore, inflatable bathing items, such as circles, armlets, and so on, will be a nice birthday present. The modern range of such products is unusually beautiful and diverse. The child will be happy!

3. Clothing accessory
Surely, every child wants to be fashionable and stand out from the crowd. And you can do this by decorating children's clothes with some interesting accessory. For example, for a boy you can choose a great belt, and for a girl - a brooch or piece of jewelry.

4. Child hobby kit
If you know what the child is interested in, then you can please the birthday boy with a set for his hobby. For example, the most common hobby is drawing. Accordingly, you can give a set for drawing. In addition, special drawing boards with a luminescent effect are currently on sale. Very convenient and interesting!

5. A set of children's dishes
To stabilize children's appetite, it is recommended to use bright and colorful dishes. And such a gift will undoubtedly please the birthday man, parents and other family members. The main thing when choosing children's dishes is to take into account the convenience, safety and, if possible, the habits of the child.

At the age of 4, the baby goes through one of the most important stages in life - he enthusiastically explores the world, learns to show his character and consciously interact with people around him. When choosing what to give a child of 4 years old, you need to take into account these features and make sure that the gift not only evokes positive emotions and impressions, but also helps the child develop and learn something new. A review of the best gift ideas for any holiday will help you decide on the perfect gift that will bring genuine joy to the baby and take his attention for a long time.

Educational gifts for a child of 4 years

Regardless of the gender of the child, the rating of the best gifts for this age is headed by educational toys. Such things are especially valuable, because they help to develop the imagination, stimulate creative and logical thinking and show imagination in modeling life situations. With the help of educational toys, the kid in a playful way learns to develop communication skills and make the right decisions.

  • Puzzles. A universal version of the gift, which is aimed at the comprehensive development of imaginative thinking. In addition to being a very exciting activity that helps the baby train memory, logic and attentiveness, puzzles perfectly develop the child's perseverance and fine motor skills, contributing to the faster development of the cerebral hemispheres.
  • Creative kits. There are a lot of options for developing kits for creativity! These can be kits for creating and painting plaster figurines, sand painting, clay modeling or making fragrant effervescent bath bombs - the main thing is that they involve the active development of motor skills, the study of various textures and the ability to work with materials correctly. This is a good option for joint and educational leisure not only for the child, but also for his parents.
  • Constructor. It is difficult to find a more exciting gift for a 4-year-old child than a designer. Collecting various designs is not only fun, but also useful: the perception of shapes and colors, touch, combinatorics and spatial thinking develop. It is very important to give the baby the opportunity to build their own figures - encouraging independence allows the formation of personality and the development of imagination. Constructors can be completely different: block, magnetic, mosaic - this is a win-win gift that will keep a child busy for a long time!
  • Role play sets. Remember that a 4-year-old kid loves to transform and be like characters from a cartoon or his immediate environment. Therefore, feel free to choose sets for playing doctor, fireman, ship captain, etc. - give your child the opportunity to try on different professions. Imagine how happy a baby will be when he puts on a policeman costume with a baton and a whistle, or a little princess carefully treating her baby doll with the help of a full-fledged doctor's kit!
  • Play pad. An educational tablet with many gaming applications is a great gift that will help your child expand their horizons in a playful way. Here are collected riddles, fairy tales, melodies from favorite cartoons, logic puzzles, educational programs for getting to know numbers, letters and pets - everything that is so interesting for a child during his growing up.

When choosing an educational gift for a 4-year-old child, consider his temperament! You should not give a fidget a toy that requires perseverance and maximum concentration - give preference to a toy that will help throw out violent children's emotions. Try not to overdo it with usefulness: a set for an active game of twister develops creativity no worse than didactic materials.

Gifts for a 4-year-old boy

At this age, the boys are simply overflowing with mischief, energy, the desire to be the first everywhere and demonstrate their success to friends and family! Gifts that will help direct this activity in the right direction and spend time fun and useful will always come in handy!

  • Bicycle / scooter / balance bike. An excellent gift that not only trains physical strength, endurance and coordination, but also gives the time of positive emotions! 4 years - it's time to learn how to ride a bike, or master a scooter. In addition, the kid will be able to have fun in the company of his peers, competing in speed and skills. It is advisable to select models with two additional wheels so that the learning process goes easily and without injuries and take care of the helmet and knee pads in advance!
  • Radio-controlled toys. Such a gift is one of the most desired and loved by all boys. The delight of control and the ability to give commands to your favorite car, helicopter or submarine will undoubtedly please the baby! It is especially fun to play with such toys on the street: chasing pigeons or arranging races in the park, the baby actively develops not only physically, but also hones spatial thinking.
  • Railway. This is not just a toy that is interesting to watch, but also the ability to simulate situations, switch arrows, place road signs and learn the rules of the road. Today's models can boast of accurate realism of performance, the presence of noise and light effects that lead any child to an indescribable delight!
  • Interactive robot-transformer. The beauty of interactive toys lies in the fact that they not only execute commands from the radio remote control, but can also respond to certain phrases, maintaining a “live” dialogue with the baby! Such a robot can become a real friend who can shoot, dance, tell stories and even make simple riddles and puzzles! This is an excellent assistant, which can and should be used in children's story games.
  • Set of tools. Growing up, boys are very keenly interested in their male duties, they like to imitate their dad and want to be useful. Therefore, feel free to buy a set of toy tools for a young assistant, using which he can independently “repair” a broken toy, fix children's furniture, or simply tighten toy bolts and nails. Modern workshop sets are multifunctional, equipped with a variety of devices and bring genuine pleasure from classes.

Try to ask the kid in advance what he would like to receive and what characters from cartoons or games he likes! This will greatly facilitate the selection of a gift and increase the chances that the child will receive exactly what he is waiting for.

Gifts for a 4-year-old girl

The best gifts for little princesses at this age are sets and accessories that you can use to imitate your mother. It's so great to bring beauty or order to the house together with the help of your toy items, which are so similar to adults!

  • Children's cosmetics. The girl's makeup set is a real treasure trove of her favorite accessories: lipstick, blush, eye shadow, nail polish and even perfume! Most importantly, all children's cosmetics are hypoallergenic, have a neutral Ph and a minimum of fragrances. But how much fun will bring makeup that you can do with your mom!
  • Dollhouse and furniture. Most likely, a baby at this age has a whole collection of dolls of all stripes and sizes! Therefore, the best gift with which you can come up with endless plots for games will be a dollhouse, complete with furniture and tiny household appliances. Instead of a house, you can donate separate layouts of rooms: a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom.
  • Play-Doh sets. Amazing Play-Doh craft kits are just a find that can captivate a child for a long time! Thematic sets with various stencils, tools and multi-colored plasticine of bright colors are a welcome gift for any girl! Plasticine dough is very plastic, does not stick to hands and has a pleasant aroma. With their help, you can organize a real workshop of ice cream or sweets, create interesting hairstyles or make unusual plasticine jewelry!

When choosing a gift for a baby, give preference to natural and hypoallergenic materials. Ask in advance about her preferences and favorite characters - this will greatly simplify the search for that very special gift!

TOP 10 gifts for a child of 4 years

  1. Interactive toys
  2. LEGO sets
  3. Educational toys
  4. Sets for creativity and needlework
  5. Dolls and doll sets
  6. Constructor
  7. RC toys
  8. Musical instruments
  9. Cloth
  10. Books

We hope our review helped you decide what gift to give to a 4-year-old child. The final touch is a bright and colorful package that will enhance the holiday feeling and give the baby one more reason to smile happily! Remember that the genuine joy of a child is the most significant reason to work hard and pick up a really special and desired gift.

Nata Karlin

At the age of four, the child begins to grow up. Lovely constrictions on the arms and legs were so amusing only yesterday, but now it’s already mature little man. Together with the physical aspect, thinking, emotionality are actively developing, the formation of personality begins. A New Year's gift for a child of 4 years old for the New Year should be chosen based not only on the wishes of the baby himself, but also take into account the age criteria recommended by child psychologists and toy manufacturers.

How to give a gift for the New Year to children?

As a rule, deciding what to give 4-year-old children is not so difficult. However, not everyone can create a real fairy tale with Santa Claus, a Christmas tree and a New Year's miracle. Try to present everything exactly so that the baby perceives it, like good magic, then the surprise will really turn out.

You can ask your neighbors, friends to dress up in fabulous costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, or order actors to take home.

After such a presentation, the child's emotions will overflow, and his little heart will be filled with kindness and gratitude.

It is clear that on the eve of the holiday, parents have so many worries, but for the sake of the happy eyes of their baby, it is simply necessary to make such a surprise.

Can't invite actors? Make it easier - put a small present under the child's pillow, and as soon as he wakes up, tell him that at night, when he was already sleeping, Santa Claus came and leaned over his pillow, maybe there is something interesting under it? And when the child finds a small present, send it to the Christmas tree, under which the main gift will be hidden. So easy for a toddler.

How to choose a gift for a child of 4 years old for the New Year?

A gift for a child of 4 years old for the New Year should be chosen based on the following criteria:

  • Board or group game. At this age, it is very important for a child to communicate with his own kind. Therefore, he begins to listen more to his parents, to reach out to his peers. Therefore, a board or other game that involves the participation of other people will be just the perfect gift to help you establish contact with family and friends. It can be all kinds of puzzles, lotto, chess, dominoes, tactical games.
  • sports development. Check out the sporting goods section of the toy store. However, do not forget that boys are much more mobile than girls. By purchasing sports equipment, you give an impetus to the development of interest in sports and physical activities in your child. An interesting solution is a small trampoline, hoop, skates or rollers.
  • Educational materials. At the age of 4, a child has so many questions in his head that moms and dads simply do not have time to give answers to each of them. Expand your child's horizons by giving him an educational game. For example, sets of letters, numbers, the English alphabet.

  • Creativity. It's no secret that kids just love to draw, sculpt, create. Sets of felt-tip pens, plasticine, coloring books are perfect. No less exciting and interesting will be mosaics, puzzles, needlework kits.

Do you have a young animal lover growing up in your house and asking for a kitten, puppy or hamster for so long? So why not give him the most wonderful gift on this magical holiday - live furry friend?

Can't afford to keep a pet in the house? Focus on interactive toys

What to give a 4-year-old girl for the New Year?

It is not difficult to choose a New Year's gift for a girl at 4 years old. Most parents use traditional gifts - toy sets of dishes, furniture, refrigerators, sewing machines, doll carriages, carriages with horses and cute princesses. However, you can use your imagination and give the baby a really impressive gift:

  • Projector for drawing. This is a unique device that projects onto the screen those pictures that a girl draws on a piece of paper.
  • Music Box. Every girl at this age has a lot of important secrets and trinkets that must be kept in the most beautiful, but secluded place. Therefore, an elegant box with music and a dancing ballerina will delight the child. Together with their mother, they will put hairpins, beads, rings, earrings there.

  • Interactive baby doll or doll. What can you give a 4-year-old child girl to captivate her attention for a long time? Of course, a doll. And not just a doll, but a real, almost living baby who talks, opens and closes her eyes, you can feed and water her, change clothes and diapers. In this case, it is advisable to go with the child to a toy store and see which of the dolls she likes the most. Having received such a gift, the girl will be delighted!
  • Ponycycle. This is not the cheapest toy, but it will bring a lot of positive emotions. She is a small soft horse that can be ridden. The girl must sit in the saddle, and the toy begins to move slowly, resembling the movements of a live horse.
  • There is an interesting service princess fairy tale. Parents place an order in advance and by the holiday receive a real, large, colorful book that tells a fairy tale about their daughter. And even in the pictures, not some unknown fairy-tale princess, but your daughter!

What to give a boy 4 years old for the New Year?

It's no secret that little boys love cartoons with fairy-tale characters - Flash, Lightning McQueen, Paw Patrol and many others. If your child has a new hobby, you will not have to choose a gift for a boy at 4 for a long time.

It's very simple: buy a set of your favorite characters in the store for the boy!

In addition, knowing the hobbies and preferences of the child, choosing a gift for the New Year will not be difficult:

  • Rail or road with locomotives and cars. Such sets can be with mini-equipment of a mechanical type or radio-controlled.

  • Remote control machine. This is a real hit for every boy! What could be more interesting than driving your own car, tank, airplane as cleverly as dad does?
  • transformers. Any boy knows by heart the names of superhero robots from Transformers. Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and other characters evoke a real storm of emotions in the hearts of the boys. The toys themselves are interesting too. They transform from cars to armed with intergalactic weapons and vice versa.
  • Collectible cars. Many boys by this age already have real collections of small cars. Why not turn this passion into a hobby? Buy additional models for your child and help build a real collection.
  • Development kits. One of the most interesting are universal wooden and plastic construction kits. There are many options for sets, by the New Year you can buy one, and then, seeing the baby’s interest, give him others.

  • Constructor. What can be given to a 4-year-old child as an interesting and educational toy? Of course, nothing better than a designer can cope with this task. However, keep in mind that at this age, the baby needs sets with large elements.
  • Table football, hockey, air hockey. An interesting option for a gift not only to the child, but also to the whole family. Sports battles will help bring the baby and all household members closer together.

Do not discount joint trips to the puppet theater, circus, skating rink, oceanarium, water park. Every minute spent with the baby, will become for him an additional and most desired gift for the New Year.

December 24, 2017