Sensorimotor and intellectual development of the infant. Intellectual development of a child up to a year

intellectual development the child begins already in the period intrauterine life. Therefore, classes should begin even before the birth of the baby. When the baby is born, the environment in which he will grow up will have a huge impact on the formation of his intellectual abilities.

family education plays important role in the development of all the abilities of the baby. From this article it will become clear how to develop the brain of the crumbs so that in the future it will become smart and successful.

Intellectual development of the child

Intellectual development is closely connected with human thinking, and yet it is not limited to thought processes alone. Human intelligence covers a variety of functional areas. It combines:

  • mental capacity;
  • emotional worldview;
  • physical culture.

An intellectually developed person is, first of all, a harmonious personality that easily adapts to any life situations and can:

  • be successful in learning, quickly and easily acquire new knowledge;
  • apply acquired knowledge in practice;
  • on the basis of acquired knowledge to be able to create something new.

Intellectual development includes several areas, each of which plays a significant role. Allocate the following types intelligence:

  • verbal - teaches you to communicate with people around you, conduct a dialogue, find contact with peers;
  • logical - is closely related to thinking, helps to reason, solve tasks and problems;
  • physical - teaches you to coordinate movements, and also has a positive effect on motor skills;
  • emotional - connected with the feelings and impressions of a person, helps to analyze one's feelings and draw specific conclusions;
  • social - helps to establish contact with society and find one's place in it;
  • spiritual - enriches inner world person;
  • creative - makes it possible to create something new, to translate your ideas into reality.

So that a person grows fully developed personality, attention should be paid to all areas of his intellect, as well as to organize physical activity. Don't forget that cognitive development has a child close connection with motor function.

What affects the intellectual development of a child

The development of intelligence in children depends on:

  • heredity received by children at the genetic level;
  • the nature of the course of pregnancy: drugs, alcohol, smoking, illness, emotional condition during the bearing of a child - all this affects the formation of future intelligence;
  • lifestyle of the child, his motor and cognitive activity;
  • social level families;
  • temperament and character;
  • school influences;
  • development of intelligence of adults;
  • personal characteristics of parents.

Some of the causes that affect a child's intelligence are difficult to change. But they can be corrected.

When do you start developing intelligence?

Education should be engaged from the very first days of the baby's birth. Some mothers begin this process even when the baby is in the womb. During this period, you can take the first steps in the formation of the intellectual sphere. In our time, many techniques have been developed that help lay the initial foundation of intelligence. The development of the future baby is affected by:

  • color therapy;
  • listening to music;
  • communication with the future baby
  • tactile impact;
  • physical activity of the expectant mother;
  • spiritual enrichment of a woman during the period of bearing a child.

After the birth of the baby, training must be continued. And yet, the intensive intellectual development of a child falls on the period from two to eight years. At this age, thinking and emotional sphere are in the development stage.

You need to deal with the baby: play logic games, read books to him, broaden his horizons and lexicon. It should not be forgotten that cognitive development in childhood happens through the game.

Stages of intelligence formation

have a huge impact on intelligence thought processes, and thinking, in turn, is closely related to movement. While the child is small, he needs to move a lot: crawl, run, exercise, climb stairs, jump. All this contributes to the development of the brain.

You should not limit the mobility of the crumbs, he must learn the world in motion. Prohibitions inhibit brain activity.

The kid is two years old - it's time to pay attention to the formation of logic. For the crumbs, you should choose exercises for the development of logical thinking.

The main thing is that the classes are conducted in an accessible form. During this period, they begin to actively enrich vocabulary, speech, they read a lot to the baby, talk to him.

The first stage of development is 2-3 years, during this period the baby's worldview is based on the data provided by the senses. Cognitive development in early childhood should be organized with this factor in mind. The learning process is built as follows:

  • the baby is given objects of various textures, feeling which, the baby will come to the conclusion that all objects have an unequal surface;
  • influence the formation of thinking can be influenced by a variety of aromas and tastes;
  • the improvement of intellectual abilities occurs through the impact on the sphere of the psyche, in this case, fairy tales are a proven assistant.

The second stage falls on three or four years. At this age, the baby begins to feel like a person, he has his own plans, the baby tries to do everything on his own. It is not necessary to interfere with him, it is necessary to create such an environment in which the child could, being active, explore the world. At the second stage, parents should pay attention to the following factors:

  • encourage the initiative of the baby;
  • to give feasible orders;
  • treats the achievements of the baby with all seriousness;
  • encourage creative thinking;
  • to cultivate love for all living things, to teach to take care of nature.

The third stage is preschool. Cognitive development in preschool age should take place in game form. At this age, the child's leading activity is the game: board, computer, outdoor games will help to acquire new knowledge and skills in an unobtrusive environment. For example

The cognitive development of a preschooler must certainly include the improvement of speech. And also the development of curiosity.

Thus, children begin to gradually join the learning activities.

At this age, it is necessary to focus on communication with people. Communication skills will help you make friends and engage in collective activity. The development of the intellectual abilities of preschool children is the basis for learning at school.

With admission to school, a first-grader begins to get acquainted with scientific knowledge, in addition, his social skills are actively developing. The student learns to build relationships with classmates and teachers. affects both his school performance and the development of his social skills.

IN adolescence cognitive interest starts to drop. During this period, parents need to stimulate the mental activity and cognitive development of a teenager, prepare him for the upcoming exams not only mentally, but also emotionally.

Ways to develop intelligence

The formation and development of intelligence in preschoolers can be carried out different ways. To the most effective means refer the game. It can also be mobile collective games, and quiet games for a small number of children: checkers, chess, all kinds Board games. There are many other ways:

  1. Children are fascinated by creative tasks. Useful occupation for kids there will be modeling, designing, drawing.
  2. Mathematics develops logical thinking.
  3. Reading helps to replenish vocabulary and develop the emotional sphere.
  4. Computer games develop logical thinking. Great option -
  5. A preschooler is taught to ask and answer questions, this develops the ability to reason.

Classes are carried out regularly, only in this case a positive result will be achieved.

Psychologists advise parents to consider the following factors during classes with children:

  • classes with kids are organized in a playful way;
  • toys for lessons are desirable to do together;
  • it is not recommended to overload the baby, all exercises should be available to him;
  • it is necessary to notice what the baby has a soul for, to identify his talents and abilities;
  • in cases of difficulty, you should come to the rescue, you can not leave the baby alone with the problem;
  • cognitive development in preschool age is built in an active game form;
  • achievements of the child should be noted, upon receipt positive result the child should be praised;
  • it is necessary to study the intellectual abilities of preschoolers and develop them;
  • preschoolers and primary schoolchildren need to be taught to experience the joy of learning.

Students and teenagers need additional source omega-3 fatty acids, which are part of the structure of the brain and are responsible for memory, attention, thinking and intelligence. In order to improve mental functions, the child can be given Omega Intelligence for Schoolchildren.

By getting the nutrients the brain needs, the student will be better able to cope with the curriculum and mental stress. Omega intelligence for schoolchildren will be useful for both elementary schoolchildren and high school students.

Games for the development of intelligence

There are several exercises that contribute to the development of thinking. They can be offered to children of any age. Games must be played in a friendly atmosphere.

  • Treasure hunt game

Together with the baby, they create a plan of the apartment on paper. The child is explained that the plan is a view of the room from above, a kind of map of the dwelling. After that, a mark is made on the map, marking with a cross the place where the treasures will be hidden. In the role of treasure can be a toy or sweets. The child's task is to find the treasure. During the game, the baby will learn to navigate in space.

  • "Trees and Fruits"

To play the game, you will need to prepare an image of trees and fruits from them, you can also make leaves. The task of the kid is to pick up the leaves and fruits to the right tree. The goal of the game is to develop logical thinking.

Games for the development of social intelligence

Such games are necessary so that the baby can establish contact with other people, they will help to master the norms of behavior in society. The game is organized in the children's team.

One participant is blindfolded, his task is to get to a certain place, accompanied by a peer. The "guide" guides and tells where to go, helps to overcome the obstacles that have arisen on the way.

The game teaches trust and mutual assistance.

  • "Colorful Bouquet"

The game helps the children to establish friendly contacts, to get the joy of communication. This is achieved through the compliments that children make to each other.

Adults offer to create multi-colored flowers together, each petal will be dedicated to the person present and accompanied by a compliment addressed to him. Multi-colored petals and a clearing are being prepared for the game, the attributes are made of paper.

Development of the child's emotional intelligence

Emotional games help to get different feelings and analyze what is pleasant and what is not.

  • "Joy"

Children are asked to focus on their own feelings and describe how they experience joy or others. emotional sensations. Each participant in the game begins his phrase like this: Joy is ...

This game helps children to focus on positive moments and experience pleasant sensations.

  • "Behind the glass"

Toddlers learn to communicate with each other and convey to others own feelings. The presenter tries to express an emotion or state with the help of facial expressions, the rest guess what the person standing in front of them is experiencing. The person who guessed the emotion becomes the leader. In the game, children learn to be attentive to each other and understand each other's desires.

The intellectual development of children is carried out in a friendly atmosphere. Parents help kids cope with difficulties. Lessons are organized daily. When choosing exercises for the cognitive development of a younger student, one should take into account the age, abilities and interests of the child. Caring parents need to know how to develop a child's brain so that he becomes smart and successful.

The development of a child's intelligence begins at birth. The child is already able to hear, see, experience gustatory, olfactory sensations. Thus, the baby receives information up to two months, and later learns to feel and distinguish between integral objects, mainly people. The baby perks up at the sight of a mother or a familiar person, hearing a familiar voice.

Development of the child's intelligence from birth to three months

Baby development 4 weeks:

The child calms down if he is picked up and rocked;
perks up at the sound of the mother's voice or another loved one(or vice versa freezes);
communicates his needs by crying. When you are hungry or want to sleep;
if you communicate with the child close enough, he carefully examines the person’s face;
immediately draws attention to the object placed in front of him. He looks at him carefully.

Child development at 2 months:

During breastfeeding, she may stop briefly to look at her mother's faces, look into her eyes;
smiles in response to a smile;
when they talk to him, he makes sounds, hums;
shakes a rattle placed in his hand;
follows the movement with the eyes;
opens mouth when feeling close to mother's breast and at sight of bottle.

Baby development at 3 months:

Recognizes the faces of familiar people;
when they talk to a child, he becomes animated and laughs in response;
looks at toys, his hands and fingers.

How to develop the intelligence of a child from birth

fine motor skills

At this time, auditory attention, skin sensitivity develop - the ability to recognize objects of different textures.
Babies love to be petted soft toy, it is better if this toy makes different sounds. Stroke the baby with a toy and hide it, the child will start looking for a toy, worry, continue the game.

Walk on baby's tummy index finger and saying with the little finger:

There is a horned goat
There is a butted goat.
Who did not eat porridge
Didn't drink milk
Togo gore, gore.

You will see what a storm of delight this famous goat will cause in a child.

The very first object close attention babies are theirs own handles. Being in the crib, the kids carefully study them, examine their fingers, taste them. This is a very important activity that helps you feel your hands better, which contributes to the formation fine motor skills which is important for the development of the area of ​​the cerebral cortex responsible for the development of speech.

Play with your baby more often finger games, Knead each finger, stroke the palms, rub the baby's palms against each other, blow on them. At the same time, speak sweet words or little rhymes, For example:

Clap clap,
You are a hand!
Clap clap,
My little one!

Develop your baby's powers of observation

For the development of observation, it is necessary to regularly replenish the objective world of the baby with unfamiliar objects. Because up to three months the baby spends all his time mainly in the crib, be sure to arrange for him traditional entertainment- hanging toys

It is not necessary to buy a mobile with toys above the crib, ordinary toys on a cord, balls and ribbons are even preferable, you can change toys daily. Toys should be located so that the child could not reach them, but only examined them.

Most of all, the child loves to watch moving objects, now it is not difficult to find such a mobile, but you can connect the child’s handle or leg with toys with a ribbon, as the moving object is ready!

Prepare your child for speech

All of us from childhood are familiar with works in which children, brought up in the forest by animals, subsequently adapt in society. It must be said that these works do not have a shred of reality under them. Children left without human communication will not be able to master human speech in the future and, as a result, conceptual thinking, in their mental development they will remain at the level of the animal.

It is necessary to prepare the baby for mastering the stream from the first days of life. Constantly talk, communicate with the child - when you walk, bathe, dress the child. Talk to him, explain your actions, designate the objects that you use.

Encourage the baby to imitate you, make sounds, for starters, the sing-song vowels "a", "o", "y" and the repeated syllables "ma-ma", "la-la-la", "yes-yes-yes". Or do the opposite, as soon as the child starts to walk, repeat the same sounds after him. In this case, it is desirable that the child sees your face, the movements of your lips.

It has been noticed that children begin to speak earlier than others, some parents immediately reacted to the crying of the baby, came immediately to the child to eliminate the source of crying and simply calm them down.

The most important qualities are activity and enterprise

Genuine intellectuals are inquisitive people, able to perfectly absorb the experience of others, as well as generate new ideas. Therefore, one should always encourage the development of the intellect, cognitive activity baby.
The baby is interested in everything. And first of all, of course, the people who surround him, their faces and voices. Play with the baby, make faces, funny faces. He may smile back or try to imitate your grimace.
In order for the baby to learn to focus on sounds, you can hang a few bells over the crib or the wind music talisman, popular in Feng Shui.
To develop sensibility skin offer the baby pieces different materials– various fabrics, sponge, rubber, leather, wool. They can stroke the arms or body of the baby.
Already in infancy, you can begin to deal with the baby according to the method of Nikolai Zaitsev, built on the principle of "all at once." Initially, you can hang tables, sing warehouses, demonstrating them to your baby.

The development of the intellect of a child from 6 months to 1 year is rapid. From 6 months to 1 year, children gain some independence and relative freedom.

The child learns to sit, stand, then walk, and the isolated world of the crib or playpen becomes small for him. The child's relationship with his parents evolves into joint activities, in which the child is ready to do part of the work himself (for example, bring a spoonful of food to his mouth).

During this period, speech is intensively formed - first the first warehouses, then the first words. A child of one year already speaks to us in his own peculiar language. So a kitten can become “ki”, a candy can be called “kanka”, some water can be called “ika”. Usually the mother is the translator from such a language.

Baby development at 7 months:

  • changes posture, taking a comfortable position;
  • he chooses a toy that is interesting to him, holds it in his hand for a long time;
  • shifts an object from hand to other hand, holds two objects at the same time;
  • if the second toy is on the side of the free hand, the baby takes it in his hand;
  • responds to its name, seeks to attract attention with various sounds. Refusing to eat, he purses his lips.

Baby development at 8 months:

  • he sits down, rolls over from his back to his stomach and back;
  • distinguishes between people, familiar and unfamiliar, observes two toys at the same time, looks from one to another;
  • takes out objects from behind the barrier, takes the second toy from the side of the occupied hand;
  • aware of some inhibitions, grabs or pushes mother's hand to prevent wiping nose or mouth;
  • pronounces combinations like “give-give”, “yes-yes-yes”, “tata-ta”.

Baby development at 9 months:

  • gets up and stands on his feet holding on to a support;
  • plays hide and seek with adults;
  • if he does not want to wash, he hides his hands;
  • pronounces sounds reflecting the attitude to what is happening “ah”, “boo”, “yes”, etc.

Baby development at 10 months:

  • sits confidently;
  • finds toys hidden in front of his eyes;
  • beret small items, rolls the ball, removes the rings from the pyramid;
  • waves the pen “goodbye”, demanding attention, pulls an adult by the clothes, gives the toy away for a short time;
  • tries to express his desire with the help of sounds.

Baby development at 11 months:

  • stepping over holding on to a support
  • gets things interesting to him from a drawer or bag, from pockets;
  • collects toys in a box;
  • throws objects for an adult to pick up and give him again.

Baby development at 12 months:

  • walks independently
  • carefully examines the pictures;
  • responds to his own name;
  • leafing through books, scratching pictures;
  • constantly throws objects on the floor;
  • points to an object, shakes his head in case of disagreement;
  • begins to pronounce words understandable only to mother.

Development of the child's intelligence

The kid learned to walk and the boundaries of the world were revealed to him. It is during this period that a full understanding of space begins. Everything that can be studied and examined can contribute to the development of the baby. But now the child may face many dangers. Therefore, as soon as your child learns to crawl, conduct a rigorous inspection of your apartment. Go around all the rooms, carefully examine and try to imagine what might interest your tireless researcher. The family must be accepted the strictest rules and child safety measures. However, parents need to remember that an overabundance of prohibitions suppresses the personality, slows down its formation. Therefore, for every “no” there should be three “yes”.

Safety regulations:

  • remove all breakable objects from the reach;
  • remove all small objects that the baby can swallow or put in the nose;
  • the baby has no idea about the dangers of boiling water, knives, needles, irons and electric current (close sockets with plugs and in no case leave chargers in them);
  • pay special attention to the kitchen, discard tablecloths so that the child does not pull everything off the table;
  • hide cleaning products and medicines so that the child never has access to them;
  • never open windows wide open, in the case of a mosquito net, children think that they can lean on it just like on glass.

Development of the child's intellect using the technique of N. Zaitsev

Bring the baby to the cubes put on the shelf, read the warehouses and point to them. Put an object familiar to the baby on the shelf, and collect its name from the cubes. Better to do it before bed best time for memorization. Ask the question where to find the right warehouse and answer yourself, show the child. The time will come, and he himself will point you to the appropriate cube. Build paths from cubes by drinking the warehouses written on them. It's good if you connect your favorite to this plush toy, which will sing and show warehouses to the baby.

There are newspapers in the pram next to the child.
- Oh, what amazing baby! - the passer-by old woman admires. Does he read newspapers already?
- What do you! He's not a child prodigy, - the child's mother objects. He's only doing crossword puzzles so far.

From family stories

There is an opinion that if a child has a low intelligence quotient (IQ - initial letters phrase intelligence quotient, which literally translates as "intelligence quotient"), then he is mediocre and limited. But is it? Let's try to figure it out.

For the first time, the IQ coefficient, the ratio of "mental" and actual age, was applied in 1916. It is believed that IQ is normal developing child- 100. If IQ reaches 120-135, the child is considered gifted. If the coefficient exceeds 160, then this is already a child prodigy.

In the twenties, American scientists began an experiment. They identified nearly 1,500 highly gifted (according to IQ tests) children. Watched them all their lives, until old age. It turned out that over the years, geeks stood out less and less among their peers. The conclusion from this was the following: the reliability of such tests is very doubtful, on their basis it is impossible to build long-term forecasts and draw a final conclusion about the giftedness of the child.

Psychologist-consultant Marina Yuryevna Medvedeva notes: “... IQ tests do not objectively show either the degree of giftedness or the possibilities of intellectual development of a person. This is a set of average tasks for a certain age. But the selection of them largely depends on the personality of the compiler of the test, and the result is associated with all the previous life experience of the child, his social environment, with the family in which he grew up and with whom he communicated to this day. Such tests are criticized precisely because children from "ordinary" families, as a rule, have a lower coefficient - but not because of a lack of intellectual potential, but because the level of awareness in their families is obviously lower.

Test tasks, as a rule, reveal the child's ability for verbal-logical, abstract thinking, but some children have better developed practical intelligence. Do not take into account IQ tests and what is extraordinary thinking child may give an answer that, from a traditional point of view, would be considered incorrect. Finally, the emotional stress, which during testing different children experience differently.

Therefore, putting some kind of “black mark” on the basis of such testing is simply unproductive. Its disadvantage is that the test takes only a few minutes. But the subsequent in-depth analysis of why the child did not answer this or that question does not occur. From the point of view of psychologists, it is generally wrong to give such tests in ordinary schools in the middle of the year. It is more correct to do this in lyceums, gymnasiums at entrance interviews, since there the goal is deliberately set by testing to select children of approximately the same social level and awareness.

However, many experts also have doubts about the justification for testing when children enter school. Thus, Professor Mariana Bezrukikh, Director of the Institute age physiology Russian Academy education, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, author of dozens of books on education and upbringing, treats them negatively, believing that: Reliable tests A little. The most commonly used methods peer review, and one specialist is almost always subjective. To be honest, such testing is a way to select "comfortable" students. And the school should teach everyone.”

But back to the topic of gifted children. In my opinion, non-gifted children simply do not exist in nature, and how gifted a child is revealed depends primarily on upbringing.

Being a child prodigy is not at all as pleasant as some people think. Ahead of the "average" children in many ways, the "gifted" develop very unevenly. Often mental development(especially verbal) far exceeds the emotional and personal.

Behind unique abilities children have to pay dearly. The glory of many geeks was very short-lived, they disappeared from sight, most often without justifying the high hopes placed on them. There are frequent cases when impatient parents, hoping to capitalize on the talents of their children, mercilessly overloaded them, leaving no time for the simple joys of childhood, which naturally led to both bodily and mental ailments.

Doctor of Psychology, Professor Diana Bogoyavlenskaya believes: “Working with talented children today reminds me sport competitions: whose pupil will finish school the earliest, will receive a prestigious award, who will give out such pupils “to the mountain” the most ... Some parents do not lag behind teachers. Other ambitious mothers and fathers bring their child to nervous breakdown, sincerely believing that exhausting many hours of work will help him and further develop his gift.

Forcing a child to live in a constant regime of increased loads and demands, exploiting only one side of his abilities, they often, without suspecting it, act as great inquisitors not only for the development of the child's personality, but also for his talent. There is an opinion that each person is given a certain resource of opportunities. Often geeks squander their God-given talent in childhood, becoming ordinary people by the age of twenty. The disappearance of the usual halo of genius in " former child prodigy often leads to severe mental trauma.

Parents need to think - it is worth depriving a child happy childhood for the sake of a speculative prospect of future achievements. Maybe it's better to love him for who he is, and enjoy any, even the smallest, achievements?

The test below, compiled by psychologists for children 7-13 years old, will help determine the degree of talent of your child.

Do not be disappointed if the test result does not meet expectations, because the baby is changing, everything is still ahead of him. And even more so, you should not seriously consider it somehow special if the results are excellent.

The compilers of the test warn: this test is half a game, half a joke.

Test "Who tells you dreams?"

Answer "yes" or "no" to next questions, then count the points. Each “yes” answer is worth 1 point.
1. Does the child happen to find an unusual use for an object?
2. Does he change his inclinations?
3. Does he like to draw abstract pictures?
4. Does he like to draw imaginary objects?
5. Does he like fantasy stories?
6. Does he write stories or poetry?
7. Does he like to cut intricate shapes?
8. Have you ever done something you didn't know, or something that doesn't exist?
9. Does he have desires to remake something to his taste?
10. Is he afraid of the dark?
11. Have you ever invented a new word?
12. Did you consider this word understandable without explanation?
13. Have you tried to rearrange the furniture according to your own understanding?
14. Was this plan successful?
15. Have you ever used a thing for other than its intended purpose?
16. Could your child, being very young, guess the purpose of different objects?
17. Is he independent in choosing clothes, hairstyles?
18. Does he have his own inner world, inaccessible to others?
19. Does he seek explanations for what he does not yet understand?
20. Does he often ask to explain the phenomena around him?
21. Does he like to read books without illustrations?
22. Does he invent own games or entertainment?
23. Does he remember and tell his dreams or experiences?


20 to 23 points: the child is very smart, able to have his own point of view on the environment.

From 15 to 19: the child does not always show his abilities. He is resourceful and quick-witted only when he is interested in something.

9 to 14: great ingenuity, sufficient for many areas of knowledge, where one's own view of things is not necessary. However, for practice creative activity a lot is missing.

4 to 8: your child is showing creative thinking only when he achieves an important goal for him, he is more inclined to practical activities.

Less than 4 points: the child lacks ingenuity, but he can succeed as a good performer even in difficult professions.

Mazurkevich S.A.

Encyclopedia of delusions. Children. - M.: Publishing house EKSMO - Press, 2002

Often when it comes to early development child, the word "intelligence" is often mentioned. But does a newborn have intelligence? Or does it show up later? If so, at what age? Is it possible to develop it and when should one start doing it?

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Photo gallery: The development of the child's intelligence in early age

Often, intelligence is defined as the sum of knowledge, but this is not entirely true. Rather, intelligence is associated with the child's ability to learn new things. And since he has been studying the world since birth, then the actions of his parents should be appropriate. You may be surprised, but, for example, what teachers call "innate literacy" directly depends on how often parents read books to their child in infancy. And not only that... The development of the child's intellect at an early age is the subject of the publication.

First emotions

A whole gamut of sensations immediately falls upon a barely born child: he feels his mother's warmth, tastes the taste of milk, he is met by the light of day, he sees bright spots of toys, hears a huge number of unfamiliar sounds, smells. To the question about the presence of intelligence in newborns, scientists still give ambiguous answers, mainly pointing to the reflex nature of infantile reactions. How to meet the world little man? The main organ of knowledge is the whole body of the baby, especially the mouth. The richer the child's sensations, the higher his intellect will be. In the meantime, he cognizes the world around him with his whole tiny body and devotes all his time to this, free from processes vital for survival - sleep and eating. He may have a tummy ache, and as soon as he was born, he already knows what pain is. He may experience something similar to panic when his mother leaves the room, and as soon as he is born, he already knows what fear is. Being tightly swaddled, he wants freedom, and, barely born, he already knows what anger is. The baby learns the world emotionally, focusing on his inner feelings. All he needs now is a sense of comfort and security.

First discoveries

The baby is growing, and the first thing you will notice is that at about two months old he has learned to grasp and hold the toy. Everything that is captured by the infant's palm is immediately studied by the mouth. The kid carefully watches the moving toy, and on occasion he can invent his own ways to “get” it. For example, unable to reach the subject of interest to him, he makes a great discovery: if you pull on the sheet on which the toy lies, it can be in your hands. Such actions of a young inventor are regarded by scientists as the process of the birth of intelligence. Another plus of development is that the child not only recognizes his mother, he affectionately addresses her in his own way: “gurgles”, expresses his joy, smiling and moving his arms and legs animatedly.

Actions of parents

Give your child the opportunity to feel, listen, look, smell, touch and taste with their mouth and fingers. various items. Let him smell the food being cooked, the spring breeze, the burnt match, the blooming rose, the boiled potato, the rain. Naturally, take care of safety.

Do not be alarmed if the child puts in his mouth rubber toy, pacifier, own finger, rattle. In this way, he calms himself in the absence of his mother, making these items "her temporary substitute." Experts even came up with a name for them - "transitional objects". It happens that an old, greasy bunny is nicer for a child than expensive new toys.

Be there, it's good if you can carry the baby in a kangaroo or sling. At this stage, bodily contact with the parent is still very important - after all, the child feels the world with his whole body! If he is warm and comfortable, and his mother is nearby, this is the prevention of anxiety.

Remember that the child literally “absorbs” the world that surrounds him. Listen together to the music that you love, let your father's bass and mother's gentle soprano sound, let the baby feel the warmth of his grandmother's cheek, feel the fluffy fabric of his mother's dressing gown and cling to the round wooden twigs of the crib. Everything that becomes familiar to the child constructs his world, stable and safe.

The World of the Little Scientist

The baby is six months old, and the leap in his development is visible to the naked eye. The main achievement of the child - he learned to sit. Sitting, you can get a lot, reach a lot. Meanwhile, the baby is interested in an increasing number of items, and just a rattle is of little interest. It is necessary that it sound, blink, play melodies. It is important that you can put toys into each other, string rings on sticks, stack cubes, compare their sizes and colors. He is occupied with the subject itself, which he carefully studies by everyone. possible ways: tastes, pulls in different sides, brings it to the eyes, puts it on the head, knocks on the wall, throws it, watching the toy with interest and listening to the sounds. At the same time - pay attention - he receives extraordinary pleasure from his activities. According to psychologists, now a child is a “scientist in his laboratory”, scrupulously, attentively and truly creatively (!) Studying an unfamiliar subject. In addition, the child makes sounds quite consciously, sometimes creating his own language. This occupation is so interesting that he often pronounces the sounds solely for the pleasure of hearing them again and again.

Actions of parents

Give your child to explore as much as possible interesting stuff. Buy toys different colors, shapes, sizes. Desirable - sounding. Consider buying pyramids, cubes, molds, nesting dolls, Seguin boards, various options the biggest Lego. Now the development of thinking will go in terms of spatial imagination, design, study of form. If the toy that the child is studying is very complex, you can play together: show how, for example, you can turn the wheels. But if the child guessed it himself - this is a big step in his development. Now that he is interested in the toy, he can be left to himself for a while.

During classes, do not interfere with the baby, do not distract him, let his game fully develop - these are the beginnings creativity child. When the toy is fully studied and even somewhat fed up, pay attention to the “social aspect” of the subject being studied: “How does the doll eat porridge?”.

Talk to your child more often, read poetry to him. Focus not so much on children's literature as on good literature - with a certain degree of probability, all this will form the basis of speech, writing, and what much later one of the teachers will call "innate literacy."

Young speaker

The next step in a child's development is language. This happens after nine months. At first, this speech is more like babble, but it is much more meaningful. It is still difficult for the baby to pronounce the whole word - and he is limited to the part of the word, which, as a rule, falls under stress. Machine - "mash"; spoon - “lo”, grandmother - “ba” or “woman”, give - “yes”, etc. In addition, each word invented by a child can have several meanings, meanings: for example, “lo” - a spoon, a puddle, loto, soap. This kind of language is well understood by the mother caring for the child. And while she works as a “translator”, everyone is well aware of what exactly the child needs. Another great achievement of the first year of a child’s life is walking - by 12 months, the child begins to move within the space allotted to him, first with the help of a parent, and then independently. This mode of transportation opens up enormous possibilities, expanding the outer world of a cramped room to the incomprehensible infinity of a child's fantasy.

Actions of parents

Follow the child. Does the child love water? Buy floating toys, a ball, cubes - everything in the bath. Good to give to a child Finger paint for the bath - bathing will be a great joy for the baby.

The child loves to assemble and disassemble toys - connect everything possible options: bake a pie - let there be a dough constructor, cut an apple into several parts - in front of you is an “apple” constructor.

Have you noticed that the child is actively crawling, likes to move around? Create different playgrounds”, the ability to move in a variety of ways: crawling on the carpet in the room, on an inflated mattress, pulling up slightly, reaching for the ball or soap bubbles, climb over the "mountains" of rollers from the sofa, jump in the "jumper".

If a child listens to music, sounds - pay attention to " musical accompaniment» child: sing to him, read poetry, offer to listen to the sound of various musical instruments, Birdsong. When putting your baby to sleep, do not forget to sing a song, tell a fairy tale, put on a CD with good music. Perhaps now the baby does not fully understand the meaning of the fairy tale, but he already knows it, as he "knows" the sounds of music.

Do not forget: the worst thing for any person, and especially for a small one, is indifference. Perhaps now your baby has made his personal unique discovery, and your joy, your pride in him and the joy of communicating with him is the main, essential need for his development.