Children's counting rhymes for 3 4 years are short. One counting rhyme, two counting rhymes, there will be a child prodigy

Nowadays, a counting rhyme is not just a short poem with the help of which a driver is chosen or roles are assigned in a game. With skillful use by adults, counting rhymes become an excellent means of developing coherent speech and articulation of children, encourage word creation and fantasy, and expand children's horizons.

Rhymes for children of the fifth year of life

In order to use counting rhymes in working with preschoolers correctly, it is necessary to know well the psychophysiological features and capabilities of each age group. It is better for babies of the fifth year of life to give short rhymes from Russian folklore with a simple plot and a clear rhythm. Then the children will be able to remember and pronounce them on their own (“Aty-bats, the soldiers were walking”, “Eniki-Beniks”, “We were sitting on the golden porch”).

Readings like “A month came out of the fog, took a knife out of his pocket” are undesirable at this age, since not all four-year-olds are able to distinguish truth from fiction, treat the described events with humor.

The best counters for this age are:

  • The ram walked along the steep mountains,
    Pulled out the grass, put it on the bench.
    Whoever takes it will go out.
  • Jump-jump, jump-jump!
    Bunny jumped on a stump.
    He beats the drum loudly
    Calls to play leapfrog.

    If it occurs in the counting rhyme unfamiliar to children word (for example, "leapfrog"), you need to explain its meaning: what is this old game and how is it played

  • The wind flew across the sea
    The wind of songbirds counted.
    Counted all to one!
    And then he took the day off.
    It's our turn to count!
    One two three four five!
  • Behind glass doors
    There is a Bear with pies,
    Bear, Mishenka-friend,
    How much does a pie cost?
    A pie costs three
    And you will squint!
  • The cat sat on the window.
    She yawned: “It doesn’t matter,
    Even though I'm not on the roof
    Everyone who is around, I am higher.
    And no one argues with me!
    The one to whom I tell, he leads!

    Cats are one of the most popular characters in children's counting rhymes.

  • The bees flew into the field
    They buzzed, they buzzed.
    The bees sat on the flowers.
    We play - you drive!
  • One two three four!
    Mice lived in the apartment
    They drank tea, broke cups,
    Three money paid!
    Who doesn't want to pay
    That's why you drive!

  • The gnome was looking for gold
    And he lost his cap!
    Sat down, wept: “How can it be ?!”
    Come out! You lead!
  • Yana came out
    early in the morning
    Water the flowers.
    One flower, two flowers!
    Everyone and everyone a sip!
    And you will be the one to drive!
  • We're here to play
    Well, who should start?
    One two Three,
    You start.

Video: counting for kids (count up to 5)

Counting for children of the senior group

Children senior group are already able to memorize large texts, assimilate complex information about the world around them. Therefore, both folk and author's counting rhymes are available to them, in which there is an intricate plot, a variety of heroes, situations. To consolidate counting skills, texts with the mention of numbers are used:

  • We gathered in the yard
    It was in September.
    One two three four five,
    We decided to play.
    How much is two plus three?
    If you know, then drive!
  • Three funny little ones
    They went to the market in a crowd
    And bought three watermelons -
    Dark, light and pockmarked.
    Who brought the pockmarked watermelon,
    He leads! All by the nose.

    A counting about watermelon can be told to children during the summer harvest

  • Two caring old women
    They baked buns for the grandchildren.
    Everyone sat around the table
    They drank tea, ate.
    They wanted to play.
    You catch! I have to run away!
  • One, two - there were ducklings.
    Three, four - went home.
    Behind them trailed the fifth,
    The sixth ran ahead
    And the seventh lagged behind everyone,
    Frightened, he squealed:
    - Where are you, where are you?
    - No food
    We're here, look around.

    A counting about ducklings will help children assign roles before playing hide and seek

  • Without any fuss
    The carousels spin
    Count on them children
    Of course, we didn't make it.
    Is it ten or five?
    We need to count them!
    When we get to ten
    So lead the tenth!

    The word "carousel" may also not be known to all children, therefore, when familiarizing yourself with the counting rhyme, you should show the children a drawing or plot picture

  • One two three four.
    Let's count the holes in the cheese.
    If there are many holes in the cheese,
    So the cheese is delicious.
    If it has one hole
    So yesterday was delicious!

    I threw my ball easily.
    But my ball fell from heaven
    Rolled into a dark forest.
    One two three four five,
    I'm going to look for him.

Animals and fairy-tale characters often appear in children's counting rhymes:

Preschoolers of the older group also like "abstruse" counting rhymes, in which there are many non-existent words, similar to fairy-tale spells:

  • Annie, beni, ricky, still,
    Urba, urba, senterbraks,
    Eus, deus, cosmodeus-bang!
  • Prank, friend,
    Troshka, volshka,
    Tyadun, ladun,
    Tokan, rohan,
    Dikin, throw it out.

A five-year-old child is very receptive to learning. Sometimes it is enough to read the rhyme two or three times so that he remembers it and reproduces it.

Video: two boys tell counting rhymes

Counting for children of the preparatory group

In working with children of the seventh year of life, foreign folklore works can be used, which will arouse the interest of preschoolers preparatory group to culture different peoples peace, increase cognitive activity and broaden your horizons. Examples of counting rhymes from foreign folklore:

For older preschoolers, counting rhymes are of great interest, in which the characters of their favorite cartoons appear:

Video: counting from 1 to 20

Children of all ages are open to new things and talented. Correctly selected various counting rhymes will help to reveal and stimulate their talent.

Counting for children: history of counting rhymes, types of counting rhymes, counting rhymes - draws, abstruse counting rhymes, counting rhymes - numbers, counting rhymes - substitutions. Collection of counting rhymes for children.

Children's counting

Children have always played. And in games it was often necessary to choose a driver, split into two teams. How to do this so that no one is offended? Reading rhymes have always come to the aid of children.

Children already at 5-6 years old know how to distinguish a rhyme from other genres of folklore, they can answer the question: “What did I read to you - a lullaby or a rhyme? A riddle or a rhyme? Fairy tale or counting? Why do you say that? Prove it's..." Learn counting rhymes with children (it is enough for a child to know 5 different counting rhymes that your baby will like) and use them in your usual family life so that no one is offended when distributing work or choosing the first driver in the game or when choosing who will make the first move in the game. Children always have great respect for peers who know how to play, know a lot of games and counting rhymes.

Types of counters

The first type of counters. Rhymes - draws

Rhymes - draws - these are counting rhymes for dividing the game into pairs or teams.

The couple steps aside and agrees with each other. For example, like this: "I will be an oak, and you will be a birch." Among all the guys, two "wombs" are selected. One mother will be the leader of one team, and the other mother of the other. This role is performed by the oldest or most authoritative guys.

Players who have agreed on the sidelines with each other in pairs go to all the guys and approach two queens: “Mother, mother, what should I give you: an oak or a birch?” Depending on what the mother has chosen in the game, the players from the pair diverge into teams. The next pair already offers other objects or phenomena to choose from, for example: “Mother, mother, what can I give you? Break the chains or break the bell?

Rhyming rhymes - draws: 14 more options:

- “A black horse or a clockwork drum?

- A barrel of bacon or a Cossack with a dagger?

- To hew a ball or dance on water?

- Roll the ball or pour water?

- Feed the horses or heat the stoves?

- From the sky of an archer or from the earth of a young man?

- To be at home or to sail on the sea?

Solvia or sparrow?

- Hats or caps?

— Poured apple or golden apple?

— A chest of money or a golden shore?

- Grass - ants or golden pins?

— A fox in flowers or a bear in pants?

“Golden cup or silver saucer?”

When reading the rhymes - draws, you probably noticed that most of the draws are pronounced in rhyme. This is no accident. Composing such draws is a very fun thing to do on the banks of the river or on the road in the train or bus. Take a piece of paper with you and write down counting rhymes, rhyming different words. You can specifically compose abracadabra, phrases with humor. Then you are always happy to use your own rhymes - draws, when you need to choose someone :). Such an activity as composing a rhyme - drawing lots, develops a sense of rhythm and rhyme, a child's poetic ear.

The ability of a child to come up with his own interesting and beautiful counting rhyme - the drawing of lots indicates the level of his intellectual and aesthetic development. After all, the baby's abilities are manifested not in memorizing and repeating the information he has memorized after an adult (as is often offered in modern manuals on the “development” of a child), but in the fact that the child creates something new from the known. Create it yourself, and taking into account the patterns and rules, identifying them yourself (in this case the child needs to pick up a word to rhyme, come up with combinations with humor or a logical comparison of two objects from the same row in one draw).

The second type of counters. Smart counters.

In abstruse counting rhymes meaningless sounds are repeated. When I read and listen to these lyrics, I always smile. Do you know what? Some people say that babies are not able to consciously learn complex text and in general they are not interested in speech!!! But such an abstruse text is taught !!! And easy, because it happens effortlessly! Yes, and they themselves come up with such texts with great pleasure! And no one forces. And this means that if a child has no interest in the language, then the reason is not in the baby, but in the fact that adults could not cultivate such interest in the baby, did not understand in time how he needs games with words.

Here is one of the examples of abstruse counting rhymes - children's games with words:

"Ena deu riki fakie,
Torba, orba, onba, relishes,
Deu-deu, kosmeteu,
Savory bucks!"

Well, how did you like it? Very often I now hear on the street in response to such a muttering of a child: “Stop talking nonsense!”. But for a kid, this is not nonsense, but a great linguistic work, which is very necessary for him. intellectual development! And after all, the children themselves compose such counting rhymes and pass them on to each other, no one forces them. Why? Because in childhood, any child has a period of linguistic talent, he calmly and joyfully, like a great linguist, plays with sounds, syllables and words. Plays without rules and without our adult restrictions, with rapture and free imagination! And in such games he develops his linguistic abilities, which are necessary for mastering both native and foreign languages. Try to feel like children too and compose such an abstruse rhyme yourself or together with the kids (the kids will do even better than you - I know from my own experience, and I am always very happy for the kids). If you compose - share in the comments, I will be very glad to read your work.

8 abstruse counting rhymes for children.

"Eny dony trynka neli,
Thought oil kumpa tel,
Kumpa a
kumpa bae
Misli oil
Kumpa Tee!"

"Egede pegede
Tsugede me.
aban fabin
Ike pike
Don zones,
Bunny out!"

"Eniki - beniks,
Ate dumplings,
Eniki, Beniki,

"Lynzy, dvinza,
Trinza, lanza,
Heel, latu,
Pykhtum, bykhtum,
Nine, bayonet.

"Yanza, Dwanza,
three calanzas,
Heel, honeycomb,
You are beauty
Stem, oak tree,
Poppy Cross.

"Ene-bene-riki, after all,
Tulle - bul-bul - kaliks - shvaks,

"Ene-bene - cut,
Finter-finter jess,
Eni-beni - a slave,
Finter-finter toad!"

I remembered this counting rhyme, we used it in childhood in games in the yard.

"Azi, twozi,
Trizi, risi,
Heel, lata,
Shubi, ruby,
Duby, cross.

The history of abstruse rhymes

Consider the last abstruse rhyme in more detail - it is fraught with a riddle - a secret. What - now find out.

Despite the fact that it seems to us that there is no meaning in these counting rhymes, the meaning in them is very, very ancient.

Where did abstruse rhymes come from? In the book "From the epic to the rhyme" Vladimir Bakhtin suggests that these very ancient rhymes reflect the beliefs of ancient people. Previously, it was believed that you can’t count - you can’t count guests, prey, objects. Why can't you count out loud? So that the spirits of the forest, the lakes are not angry with the hunter. There was a direct ban on the recalculation of production. And I had to count. So they considered such encrypted words: “Azi” or “Odintsy” is one, “Dvazi” is two. And so on until ten. Ten in an abstruse counting rhyme is a "cross". The cross is not accidental. In ancient times, when counting after each ten, a notch was made on a special board. You've probably heard the expression "kill yourself on the nose," and that's where it came from. Therefore, abstruse rhymes are an ancient cipher, which, thanks to children's games, has come down to us.

That's how many interesting things were told to us at first glance by incomprehensible counting rhymes!

The third type of counting rhymes: counting rhymes - numbers

The third type of counters - counting rhymes - numbers, or counting rhymes with numbers . Number counters exist in children in different countries peace. Let me give you a few examples of these.

"One, two - the head,
Three, four - they sewed a dress,
Five, six - bread - there is salt,
Seven, eight - we mow hay,
Nine, ten - weigh flour.

"One two three four five,
We're here to play.
Forty flew to us
And I told you to drive."

"One two three four five,
The bunny went out for a walk.
Suddenly the hunter runs out,
Shoots directly at the rabbit.
Pif! Puff! Missed!
The gray bunny galloped away!

An interesting history of this rhyme: the story of a rhyme about a bunny. The history of this rhyme is very unusual. Its author is F. Miller, a teacher and poet of the 19th century. The famous lines “One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk” were written by him in the caption for the picture. But these lines have taken root so well that children are still considered that way. Only the continuation of the counting rhymes is very different! In some versions, the bunny survived, in some “they took him to the hospital”, everything depended on the words that the children had thought up at the beginning of the rhyme. Whatever variants of the counting rhyme the children came up with: “They took him to the hospital - he stole a mitten there”, “They brought him to the hospital - he refused to be treated” and many others.

"One two three four five,
The mice went out for a walk.
One two three four,
The mice pulled the weights.
Suddenly there was a terrible sound.
The mice ran away

And that's not really a math either. This is a translation of S. Marshak to one of the English songs. But the words of the poems were so fond of the children that now these lines exist among children as a counting rhyme or as words for an outdoor game.

"One two three four,
Five, six, seven
Eight nine ten.
Comes up white moon.
Who reaches the month
He will go into hiding."

One, two, head.
Three, four - hitched.
Five, six - carry hay,
Seven, eight - we mow hay.
Nine, ten - weigh money.
Eleven twelve -
They quarrel on the street, they quarrel in the hut.

The fourth type of counting rhymes - counting rhymes - substitutions.

In counting rhymes - substitutions, the last line is the player's exit from the circle ("Shishel - left, get out!"). These are the most common counting rhymes known to all of us.

"Glass, lemon-
Get out!"

"Under the mountain by the river
Gnomes lived - old people.
They have a bell
Gilded rings:
Get out soon!”

“Aty-bats, the soldiers were walking.
Aty-baty, to the market.
Aty-baty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty, samovar.
Aty-baty, how much does it cost?
Aty - baht, three rubles.
Aty-baty, who's coming out?
Aty - baty, it's me.

"The zealous horse
With a long mane
Jumping, jumping through the fields,
Here and there,
Here and there.
Where will he jump
Get out of the circle!”

“The apple rolled around the garden.
Whoever caught him became a governor.
Heard, got out, got out.”

"Turtle tail tucked
And she ran after the rabbit.
Got ahead -
If you don't believe, come out."

“The car was walking through a dark forest
For some interest.
Come out on the letter S.
The letter C did not fit -
Come out to the letter A.
The letter A went to the cinema,
Get off the letter O.
The letter O ends
The games are starting."

Often in counting rhymes it is proposed to choose a word or number from the proposed text. And then the rhyme is said to the chosen word. For example, a rhyme from my childhood:

"On the golden porch sat
King, prince, king, prince,
Shoemaker, tailor.
Who will you be?
Speak quickly
Don't detain good and honest people."

The player chooses who he is (For example: "Tailor"), and then the rhyme is said until his word.

Very historical - from childhood: “There are cars in the garage - Volga, Lada, Zhiguli. From which one do you take the keys? 🙂

"A man was driving along the road,
Broke a wheel on the doorstep
How many nails do you need?
Don't hesitate, speak quickly"

Another rhyme, and also from my childhood:

“The seagull warmed up the kettle,
Invited eight seagulls:
Come all for tea!
How many seagulls, answer.

The player quickly calls a number up to 10, for example, 8. Then we all count together from 1 to this number. For each score - we show with a hand on 1 player. Who will get this number - number 8 - he leaves the circle.

And at the end of the article - a well-known modern song - a counting rhyme "We shared an orange." Enjoy watching!


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Many parents know that the basis of speech is largely determined by how often we communicate with our baby and what kind of communication this has. Counting - universal remedy to develop in the child not only competent speech, but also a sense of rhythm. The game form and unobtrusiveness of the process provide interest in teaching children different characters and temperaments. The rhyme as a genre is little rhyme, a form of pairing that determines who drives in a game. In organizing a counting rhyme, rhythm is very important. In the article, we will consider counting rhymes for both the smallest listeners - babies up to a year old, and for grown-up children 2–3 years old, in whose texts an account is used.

A selection of counting rhymes for babies up to a year

For babies up to a year old, the texts of counting rhymes are as simple and rhythmic as possible. At the same time, it is good to perform any actions next to the child: at first, clap your hands, later - “count” the baby’s favorite toys. This will be an excellent training not only for memory, but also for the rhythm of the baby.

For children up to a year, counting rhymes are combined with clapping

Examples of counters:

Various counters and short poems well develop the memory of the baby.

Rhymes for children 1–2 years old

From the age of one, babies should gradually be introduced to the count, starting with 3–4 digits, gradually increasing to 10. Also, 1–2 years is the period when the child begins to repeat the counting rhymes after the adults: first the end of the phrases, and then completely rhymes. It is recommended to take counting rhymes for children of this age not too long, it is especially important to pause before reading while reading. last word in every line. So in game form the child will gradually memorize the text.

One-year-olds with the help of counting rhymes master their first numbers

Examples of counters using the account:

Finger counting and games develop fine motor skills and speech of the child in their unity and interconnection.

Rhymes help children acquire knowledge about the world around them. A child will easily perceive a story about animals if it is framed in a "counting" rhyme:

The plant world is also “amenable” to study through counting rhymes:

Not only objects of nature can be studied with the help of counters, they are perfect for memorizing colors:

Video: counting song (count up to 5)

Video: a girl tells a counting rhyme about fingers Video can't be loaded: Children's rhyme through the mouth of a child. (

A selection of counting rhymes for children 3 years old

Children three years they themselves can already pronounce simple counting rhymes - mainly those that they learned at 2 years old. But parental participation is still important, now adults can tell the child more complex texts. Gradually, the baby will remember them. During this period, an adult can simply say or hum the text, and the child himself makes counting movements with his hand and, if possible, “helps” in those episodes where the count is going on.

Three-year-old children "help" parents tell counting rhymes

Examples of counting rhymes for three-year-olds:

Three-year-olds perfectly copy the intonations and gestures of adults when reading rhymes and poems

If the child is already familiar or in given period gets acquainted with complex numbers - two-digit and three-digit, counting rhymes will help him consolidate new knowledge in a playful way:

A little apart are the counting rhymes, consisting of "abracadabra" - words that do not exist in nature. But they should also be studied and told to the child, because such counting rhymes develop memory (it is more difficult to remember a word without being tied to an image), and also, thanks to a specific set of sounds, they actively train the baby's diction.

Children love to communicate with their peers, find new friends, share knowledge, play collective games. In a group game, it is important to choose a specific role for each participant; for this, the guys use counting rhymes. On whom the counting rhyme stops, the cherished role will fall out. On this page you will find great rhymes for students, and on other pages of the site you will find interesting counting rhymes on other topics, riddles, proverbs, poems for children, songs, ditties, jokes, tongue twisters.
The people composed many folklore genres intended for the development of the child. Rhythms occupy a special place in this list. Short rhymes with a cheerful meaning were very fond of the children. Toddlers easily memorize rhyming lines, so that later they can be used in the process of choosing a role for participants collective games. Here are some fun rhymes for students:

One two three four-
I was taught to read:
Don't count, don't write
Just jump across the field.
I jumped, I jumped
She broke her leg
The leg began to hurt,
Mom began to feel sorry
Regretted, scolded
And she sent for the doctor.
Doctor rides a bull
With a balalaika in hand.

One, two, dash, four,
Five, six, seven
Eight nine ten.
Comes up
White month!
Who reaches the month
He's going to hide!

One two three four,
Midges lived in the apartment.
A friend himself got into a habit with them,
The cross is a big spider.
Five, six, seven, eight
Spider we ask
You glutton, don't go!
Come on, Mishenka, drive.

Our kittens were born
One two three four five,
Come join us guys
View and count.
Once a kitten is the whitest
Two kitten - the most daring
Three kitten - the smartest
And four is the noisiest
Five is like three and two
Same tail and head
Also a speck on the back
He also sleeps all day in a basket.
We have good kittens
One two three four five
Come join us guys
View and count!

Counting for schoolchildren is a fair and just choice. It doesn’t matter if you are the oldest in the team or the youngest, no external factors do not affect the choice only fair lot. The guys love to learn counting rhymes to brag to their friends about the knowledge of a new rhyme and to announce it before the start of the game, because this role is also important. Little children memorize simple counting rhymes from a couple of easy-to-pronounce words. The child grows up, goes to the senior classes of the school, over time he knows more and more of these works, they become more complicated and longer. Each child has his favorite counting rhymes, on occasion he gladly uses them, as if he assigns roles in the game. At the end of the article you will find the most popular counting rhymes for schoolchildren, which can often be heard at school breaks among senior and lower grades. Some options are perfect for designing the title page of a student's portfolio in grade 1.

As soon as the baby has learned to speak, he begins to memorize counting suggested by parents and often says them out loud. It is very helpful for him. working memory and creative thinking, the child gets acquainted with letters and numbers. There is a training of diction, the speech apparatus develops, the child Everyday life begins to speak more clearly and expressively, the phonetics of various words is assimilated. He has a sense of rhythm, which will be very useful in the future.

Children expand their horizons and learn a lot of new, curious information. Babies love to listen learn counting rhymes, since they are easy to understand, there is no hidden meaning, everything is extremely simple and accessible. Plus, telling a rhyme is quite fun, which is a determining factor in working with a child.

What could be better for a child than comprehensive development in a playful way. In this section of our site there are a lot of counting rhymes, you will find poems from your childhood and modern works. Give the kid new material for reflection. IN early age children remember everything much better than us, accumulating knowledge for adult life don't miss this moment.

The best modern counting rhymes for elementary and high school students.
Next article:

One two three four five,

We will play hide and seek.

Sky, stars, meadow, flowers -

You go, lead!


A cart rode through a dark forest

For some interest.

Knocks, ringing,

Get out!


One two three four five,

Six seven eight nine ten,

The white moon is rising!

Who reaches the month

He's going to hide!

(Then he will drive!)


Bullseye is rolling

From a steep mountain

Who will raise

That one come out!


The sack rolled

From the great hump.

In this bag:

Bread, salt, wheat,

Choose quickly

Do not delay the good and wise people.


The chicken came out from under the cage,

She sat down on the ledge

And she screamed: “Where-where!

Come drive here!"


One two three four five,

We're here to play.

Forty flew to us

And I told you to drive.


Zealous horse

With a long mane

Rides. Rides through the fields.

Here and there! Here and there!

Here he rushes -

Get out of the circle!


A bird flew through the garden

Dropped grapes.

Who will lift it

He will get out of the horse!


gray hare,

Where did you run?

Into the green forest.

What did he do there?

Lyki fought.

Where did you put it?

Under deck.

Who stole?


Get out

From the window



One two three four five,

The bunny went out for a walk.

Suddenly the hunter runs out,

Shoots directly at the rabbit.

Pif! Puff! Missed.

The gray bunny jumped off.


Ace rode on a barrel.

Selling flowers

Blue, red, blue -

Choose any one!


One two three four,

Five, six, seven and eight

A woman walks with long nose,

And behind her grandfather

How old is grandfather?

Speak quickly

Don't hold people up.


Already like a dawn

Russ wove kerchiefs.

Who will unravel those braids,

The first con to drive is coming!



The hole is painfully deep.

The mice are there

Everyone looks at the sun

And they count: one, two, three -

This is where you get out!


Sitting a rooster on a stick

I counted my pins:

One two Three,

This is where you get out!


Sat on the golden porch

king, prince,

king, queen,

Shoemaker, tailor,

Who are you?

Speak quickly

Do not detain good and honest people.


A month came out of the fog

He took out a donut from his pocket:

I will feed the children

And you, my friend, drive!


Turtle tucked its tail

And ran after the rabbit

Got ahead

Who does not believe - come out!


There was a ram

Over steep mountains.

Pulled out the grass

He put it on the bench.

Who will take the weed

He will drive!


One two three four,

The cat was taught to read and write:

And jump after mice!


Three kopecks - a copper penny,

Choose who you want!

Three kopecks for the ruble!

Choose who you love!


fox by walked in the forest,

The fox was tearing the little ones,

Fox bast shoes weaved -

Kumu two, myself three,

And the kids on the bast shoes!

Who will find lapti

He will drive!


The cuckoo walked past the garden,

I pecked all the seedlings.

And shouted: cuckoo, poppy -

Push one fist!


One two three four five -

Buka decided to scare;

Three, four, five and six -

You do not believe that he is;

Beeches, brothers, not at all!


Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end

The mouse lives there

Your tail will bite off.

I'm not a mother's son

I'm not daddy's son.

I didn't grow up on a tree

The wind took me away

I fell on a stump -

Became a curly boy!


Ivanushka has a firebird

I ate all the wheat.

He caught her

And gave it to the princess.

No firebird, no feather,

And it's time for you to drive!


On the golden porch sat:

king, prince,

king, queen,

Shoemaker, tailor.

Who will you be?

Choose quickly

Don't delay the good

And wise people!


In the blue sea-ocean

The golden shavings are floating.

And on the island of Buyan

The white grove is growing.

Let's think and guess

No matter how you think or guess

Just chase us!


The bear climbed into the deck,

He wanted honey.

Who does not believe - look

And get out of the circle.


The duckling walked along the path,

He sees - there are boots.

He began to wear boots,

Come out, you lead.



The cat sat in a taxi.

And the kittens clung

And ride for free.


Tintsy-brintsy, bells,

daredevils called:

digi, digi, digi-dong,

get out soon!


Tsyntsy-bryntsy, balalaika.

Tsyntsy-bryntsy, play a little.

Tsyntsy-bryntsy, I do not want.

Tsyntsy-bryntsy, I'll cry.

Tsyntsy-bryntsy, give me a nickel.

Tsyntsy-bryntsy, come out like that!


Ah, ah, ah, oh
Masha was sowing peas.
He was born thick
We will rush, you wait!


One summer along the Onega
Som went on a cart.
Instead of a horse - crucian,
He drove the cart into the mud.
Gets stuck asking for help
And scolds crucian!


The cat was walking on the bench,
Handed out pins.
Walked on the bench -
Handed out pennies:
Who is ten, who is five,
Come out, look for you!


I took it and got out.


There was a funny dog
And the geese ran after her,
heads up,
And behind them - a pig,
Chicky bricks, repeat
What am I saying?


Sharaga, baraga,
By bush, by crust,
By swan, winch,
Thing, whip,
Falcon, out.


At the Liteiny Bridge
I caught a whale in the Neva
Hid behind the window.
The cat ate him
Two cats helped...
Now there is no whale!
You don't trust a friend?
Get out of the circle!


The mice came out once
See what time it is.
One two three four -
The mice pulled the weights.
Suddenly there was a terrible sound
The mice ran away.


The hedgehog carried on a name day

One and a half sacks of mountain ash

And again a basket.

And you drive again!


One two three four five,

The bunny went out for a walk.

Suddenly the hunter runs out,

Shoots directly at the rabbit.

Bang Bang! Missed -

The bunny ran into the forest!


The orange rolled

named Irinka.

Didn't learn lessons

And I got two.

rolled back -

Got exactly five.


Fedya - copper

Ate a bear

Two cows, three bulls

Ate a lame gander

Ate a chicken at the gate

Fedya went to the garden.

In the garden the month of May,

Come out and catch up!


Helicopter, helicopter

Take me flying.

And in flight it's empty

Cabbage has grown.

And a worm in the cabbage,

Vanya the fool came out.


Robot tobot and screws,

Robot - leads, hide - you!


I flew in a rocket yesterday

On a distant planet.

From that rocket, friends,

I came out first!


Tsikal-tsikal, mototsikal,

All tracks are cycling

And came to Leningrad

Choose your outfit:

Red, blue, cyan -

Choose any one.


Tanya baths,
What's below us
Under iron pillars?
Mice live there
They sew hats;
One hat fell
- The mouse - lope - ran away.
Cat Matvey
Ran after her!


There are cars in the garage
Volga, Seagull, Zhiguli,
Which one do you get the keys from?


One two three four,
Who lives in our apartment?
Dad, mom, brother, sister,
Murka cat, two kittens,
My puppy, cricket and me -
That's my whole family!


One two three four five,
I'll start counting again.


We ran down the stairs
And the steps counted:
One two three four,
Multiply by four
Divide, divide by four
It turns out four.


Wool to scratch - the hand hurts,
Writing a letter - the hand hurts,
To carry water - the hand hurts,
Cooking porridge - the hand hurts,
And the porridge is ready - the hand is healthy.


Zealous horse
With a long mane
By fields
Here and there!
Here and there!
Where will he slip
come out
From the circle


There will be rain, there will be sun
Open up the window,
You leave the house
And in the game we drive!


Soup cooked Tobiki,
Bobby helped.
The cats came running
They brought bowls
Cats began to wash bowls,
Come out, you lead.


There were birch trees
Titmouse flew
And sat down on the birches
On branches-pigtails.
Try titmouse
Find it in the leaves.
You can't find those birds


The rain is over,
I found a mushroom.
I will cook
And you to drive.


One two three four,
The gosling lived in the apartment.
Five, six, seven
Thin at all.
And now brothers, eight,
We will ask his apartments:
"You slut, go away!"
And you, Kolya, drive.


The chicken is sick
She told Teda to drive.


A black gypsy farted into the pipe.
The smoke is coming down
You to lead.

The black gypsy breathed into the pipe,
Smoke pours, you drive.


Masha, Masha
Our Masha has been gone for a long time.
In a circle to us, Mashenka, go,
Get in the middle and drive!


One and two and three and four
Mice lived in the apartment
A friend came to them,
Cross, - a large spider.
Five and six, seven and eight
We will all ask the spider:
- To us, glutton, do not go,
Come on, Lenochka (any name), drive!


An apple rolled across the plate.
You drive, but I won't.


Behind closed doors
There is an ass with pies,
Hello ass buddy
How much does a pie cost?


One two three four five:
It's very easy to count.
Count to ten
Now, my friend, drive.

Tara bar,
Time to go home:
milking cows -
You to lead.


There is a gate in the forest.
Eagle owls and owls
Barriers are guarding
In every crack
Bad wolves roam.
Who is afraid to go there -
Therefore, lead.


The white steamer rode
And on it is a mustachioed cat.
The cat wrote notes to everyone.
What are you driving, he told us.


The wheel rolled
It rolled away.
And not in rye,
And not in wheat,
Rolls to the capital.
Who will find the wheel
He leads.


Behind glass doors
Ponka sits with pies,
Hello, Ponochka, my friend,
How much does a pie cost?
With rice, with meat, with sausage -
Choose any one.


The bird flew across the sky
The bird told me to count.
One two Three,
You will drive!


The fly went to the market
And I bought a samovar.
And in this samovar
Flies bit the hole.
One two three four five,
Come out and look for you.

Let's put the dough on yeast -
Let's find a place darker.
Dough, dough, come on.
Baker, baker, lead.


Pour water
Cow drink-
You to lead.


They carried water
Cow drink -
You to lead.


They carried water
Cow drink -

You to lead.


Containers - bars - rastabars,
Tatars came to us
Now they will live with us
Come out! - you to drive.


How are we in the hayloft
Two frogs spent the night.
We got up in the morning and ate cabbage soup.
And they told you to drive.


Even-odd, even-odd,
The sun is burning hot.
Let's start hide-and-seek
Flashed heels!
Who is in the ditch, who is in the bushes,
And you will be in the sun.


Even-odd, even-odd,
Even-odd cuts firewood,
Even-odd bakes pancakes,
Even-odd millet crushes.
All things aside

Altered even-odd:
A chetikha is not a couple

Even-odd - not a couple.
She sleeps night and day
She's too lazy to breathe.
And to the one who leads
He goes to wake her up!

Literature and Internet resources:

"Counting Counts" For preschool and younger school age. Makhaon, 2004

"Calendar songs and counting rhymes" Literary and artistic edition. Minsk. Harvest. 2004.

“Goy, you are good fellows” Russian folk poetic creativity. Moscow. "Young guard". 1979

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