The ratio of men and women in Russia. Differences in the ratio of the number of men and the number of women in Russia (statistical review)

The problem of sex ratio in the world or in a particular country has been of interest to human society for many centuries. Currently, a huge amount of material has been accumulated on this topic about sex ratios in society, both at the birth of children and separately for each age group. These materials are quite contradictory and contain many inexplicable facts.

Who are born more - boys or girls?

What do scientists say to this? Based on statistical data, they answer that in the world always and in all countries, regardless of race, on average 104-107 boys are born per 100 girls. Stress, natural disasters, wars - all these factors, confirmed by statistics, increase the percentage of boys born. It has also been established that males begin to predominate in the population when its numbers decrease. This applies to flora and to populations of marine organisms.

When asked who they want more in the family - boys or girls, in India, China, Vietnam, Serbia, Georgia and many others, they will answer you that, of course, boys. For this reason, about 160 million embryos with female sexual characteristics die every year in the world. Women in these countries decide to have an abortion when they find out that they are having a girl. It has gotten to the point where, for example, in China, 120 boys are born for every 100 girls. Among developed countries where the male population predominates, we note such as Australia and the USA.

The latest population census for 2010 gives us the answer to the question - who is more numerous, men or women in Russia. Here is some sample data:

  • population of the Russian Federation - 142,856,536 people;
  • the female population is (in general) - 53.8%;
  • among infants under 1 year - 48.7%;
  • girls under 20 years old - 49.2%;
  • women 21 - 30 years old - 50.1%;
  • women 31 - 40 years old - 51%;
  • women 41 - 50 years old - 54.3%;
  • women 51 - 60 years old - 57.6%;
  • women 61 - 70 years old - 64.9%;
  • women 71 - 80 years old - 72.4%;
  • women 81 - 90 years old - 82%;
  • women 91 - 99 years old - 84.5%.

Comparing age groups, it becomes clear who is becoming more numerous in Russia, men or women. It is quite clearly visible here that after the 50-year mark, the predominance of the female population over the male population in our country becomes not just dominant, but staggeringly overwhelming.

Now let's try to answer the question - why there are more women than men. The main reason is their longer life expectancy compared to men.

Scientists note 7 main reasons that have a positive effect on the duration of female existence:

  1. Genetic (biological) reasons.
  2. Different effects of female and male sex hormones.
  3. A woman cares more about her own health.
  4. Caution in women is several orders of magnitude higher than in men.
  5. Women are more emotional.
  6. Women try to shift decision-making to their men.
  7. Women have fewer bad habits.

Having analyzed all of the above, we can conclude that for the existence of such a biological species as man, we see that Mother Nature herself sacrifices male individuals. A shorter male lifespan allows for a faster turnover of males for the benefit of the entire species. It is appropriate here to recall the already boring slogan of Urlanis, a famous demographer: “Take care of men!”

Back in 1661, it became known that 6% more boys are born in the world than girls (obviously, due to the fact that Y-spermatozoa predominate in the composition of sperm, which ensures the development of the embryo according to the male type of development during fertilization of the egg; on average 150-170 Y sperm per 100 X sperm). However, this huge preponderance of male gonads does not lead to the same preponderance of boys born over girls, since a large death toll of males begins already during pregnancy. It is known that the total number of early miscarriages is up to 25-30% of all conceptions. It turns out that for every 100 miscarriages of female fetuses that occur in the first three months of pregnancy, there are 160-170 miscarriages of male fetuses (S. A. Novoselsky, 1958). Often the death of an unborn boy occurs before a woman finds out about her pregnancy. As a result, only slightly more boys are born than girls. On average for all races this ratio is 105.5:100, and in the USSR in 1970 it was 104:100. True, it should be borne in mind that in Eastern countries the number of girls born is artificially reduced (through abortion), which is caused by both religious prejudices (girls in many families are considered undesirable) and demographic conditions (overpopulation). Therefore, for example, in South Korea, 14% more boys are born than girls, and in China - even 18% more as a result of the killing of 76 million fetuses and female newborns (Kristof, 1993; Klasen, 1994).
In this regard, three types of sex ratio are distinguished: primary (the ratio of male and female zygotes or germ cells), secondary (the sex ratio of newborns) and tertiary (the ratio of male and female representatives in a mature population among the population capable of reproducing).

B. Ts. Urlanis (1969) provided data according to which in the USSR in 1967, 2,098,000 boys and 1,995,000 girls were born. Of these, 29 per 1000 boys and 23 per 1000 girls did not live to reach 1 year of age. The author sees the reason for the higher mortality of boys in the greater biological vitality of the female body, developed over hundreds of millennia. Indeed, the life expectancy of males of the most diverse species, classes and even types of animals (mammals, birds, amphibians, fish, insects) is less than that of females. It is believed that heterogametic individuals (XY) have a slightly reduced viability compared to homogametic individuals (XX).
Injuries are higher in males than females at any age. Already during childbirth, largely due to their larger body size compared to girls, boys suffer more damage (M. Zaslow, C. Hayes, 1986). The behavior of boys, due to their greater propensity for risk, competition, craving for technology, explosive objects, and physical aggression (fighting), is more dangerous. Among children 7-15 years old, injuries in boys occur almost 2 times more often than in girls. And in subsequent years, the service of men in the army, their work related to technology and in traumatic conditions, and participation in combat sports and games lead to greater injuries among representatives of the “stronger” sex. On average, twice as many men die from accidents each year than women.
At the age of 15-19 years, the mortality rate for boys is 2 times higher than for girls. In addition to illnesses and injuries, suicides should be noted: among girls, according to international statistics, there are significantly fewer of them than among boys (Fig. 1.12).

Rice. 1.12. The number of suicides among 15-19 year olds depending on gender (according to G. Craig, 2000)
The percentage of suicides among men, according to American data, increases evenly with age, reaching a maximum after 80 years (K. Manton et al., 1987; M. Riley, J. Waring, 1976). There are more suicides among lonely old people than among women of the same age (J. Witkin). In general, women commit suicide 3-4 times less often than men.
By about 20-24 years, the number of men and women equalizes, and at a more mature age, a “female preponderance” sets in, increasingly increasing over the years. For 25-29 year old men, the mortality rate is already 2.5 times higher than for women. But the peak mortality rate of the male population occurs at the age of 40-50 years. On average, women in our country live 10 years longer than men.
Only in 6 of the 75 countries for which in the 1960s. There was information that the average life expectancy of men was higher than that of women. These are five Asian countries: India, Pakistan, Cambodia, Ceylon, China and one African country - Upper Volta. Thus, in China there were 21 million more men than women, in India - by 18 million, in Pakistan - by almost 5 million. In other countries, women's life expectancy exceeds that of men (Table 1.7).
Table 1.7. Difference in life expectancy between men and women in different countries Women on average live longer than men Number of countries Up to 1 year 1 From 1 year to 2 years 3 From 2 to 3 years 9 From 3 to 4 years 12 From 4 to 5 years 16 From 5 to 6 years 17 From 6 to 7 years 10 Over 7 years 2
This difference is most pronounced in developed countries, where in 1975 there were 74 men for every 100 women aged 60 to 70 years. The gap was even greater in the group over 80 years of age, where there were only 48 men per 100 women. Five times more women than men live to age 100 (McLoughlin et al., 1988).
Opinions differ about the reasons for this phenomenon. Most foreign scientists believe that mainly genetic factors are important. Others (mostly domestic scientists) believe that the reason for men's shorter longevity is no longer biology, but social factors, such as war. This can be seen in the example of demographic data for 1959 in the USSR (Table 1.8).
Table 1.8. Number of women per 1000 men in the USSR in 1959 (B. Ts. Urlanis, 1964) Age in years Number of women per thousand men 0-9 964 10-19 980 20-29 1031 30-39 1328 40-49 1605 50-59 1768 70 and more 2137
It is noteworthy that among those born before and after the Great Patriotic War there are more males, since they did not have time to fight. A significant predominance of women formed at those ages that were conscription for men. The great losses of fathers and sons during the war led to such a colossal gap.
But it's not just wars that matter. It should be taken into account that society pays less attention to the health of men compared to women. And men themselves take less care of it: among them there are more smokers and drinkers. The nervous overload that accompanies leadership work (and the majority of managers are men) and the increased incidence of injuries among men are also important (it is interesting that S. Craske (1968) discovered a connection between accidents and extraversion in men; an explanation for this can be seen in that extroverts attach less importance to following the rules prescribed by society, in particular when driving; no such connection was found among women).
However, higher mortality among males does not harm the population size, since the latter is limited primarily by the number of females and their reproductive ability.
At the same time, the shortage of men has a detrimental effect on many aspects of social life and, above all, on the normal composition of families. After the death of her husband, a widow, even without a child, has little chance of remarrying. It is common knowledge that there are many widows and few widowers (by the age of 65 and older, there are only 1.9 million widowers for 8.5 million widows). Thus, the increased mortality of men leads to the formation of a large number of “fragmented” families.
The mortality rate for older men after the loss of a wife increases by 48%, which is much higher than the number of deaths among married men of the same age and higher than among women who bury their husbands (J. Witkin, 1996). But if a widower remarried, his chances of a long life increase.
An interesting fact is that during and after wars the number of boys born increases sharply (Fig. 1.13), so that the secondary ratio between males increases during these years, and as a result, the normal ratio lost during the war is restored again.

Rice. 1.13. Dynamics of secondary sex ratio (Germany 1908-1928)
For example, in Moscow in 1911-1916. the ratio was 104.7:100, in 1917 - 106.9:100, and in 1922-1924, when the First World War and the Civil War ended, the ratio increased to 107.4:100 (S. A. Novoselsky , 1958).
The mechanisms of this natural self-regulation of sex ratio are not clear. V. A. Geodakyan (1965) put forward the intensity of sexual activity as a regulating factor, which increases the more, the fewer men remain after various kinds of cataclysms (for example, wars) (with a relative increase in the number of young and weak health people who are not taken to war ). He reinforces his point of view by the fact that in animals, sexual exhaustion or physical weakness of the producer (male) leads to a predominance of males in the offspring. Thus, in extreme conditions, more males die, but more males are born. D.V. Kolesov and N.V. Selverova (1978) do not agree with this explanation, who believe that the sexual activity of males is far from determined by their relative numbers. Activity may indeed have nothing to do with it, but the state of health of both those who did not fight and those who fought most likely plays a role.

More on topic 1.9. Are there more men or women, or some demographic data:

  1. The third conversation continues the topic that interests us: about the need for eternal flirting and incessant games between partners. About the reason for cheating. About what to say to a married man looking for young women on the side. About how a woman can find the man destined for her, and what he should be like. About how every woman can tie any man to her like a baby. About who should choose whom: a man over a woman, or vice versa. About how a man can get anyone, even the most beautiful
  2. Chapter 2. Gender stereotypes, or Men and women in the eyes of society.
  3. Chapter 3. Gender identification, or How men and women become.
  5. The second conversation, in which we receive unexpectedly difficult answers to very simple questions. About the maximum pleasure available in our world, and where the extreme awkwardness of this question comes from. About why devastation and disappointment come after sex. Why does a man want a woman to belong only to him, to be his thing, or about one very ancient curse. What is the only feeling a woman needs to get from a man in order to forgive him everything. Why does a woman, in principle, not see

According to UN estimates, in 2015 there were 101.8 men for every 100 women in the world. The gap is insignificant, but only at first glance - the number of men has been constantly growing since 1960. In addition, the ratio of men to women in the world is extremely uneven. In Arab countries there are much more men than women, while in the countries of the former Soviet Union, on the contrary, there is a shortage of male population. We found out in which countries the fair sex predominates.


    84.8 per 100

    There is a clear shortage of men in the Baltics - Latvian women cannot find a partner in their homeland, so they often go to other EU countries in search of men.


    Ratio of men to women: 85.3 per 100

    Latvians' closest neighbors, Lithuanians, also rank first in terms of the number of women in the country. The situation with childbirth here is also sad - fewer and fewer couples are finding each other and fewer and fewer children are being born, and this is despite a rather high mortality rate.


    : 84.5 per 100

    A small island in the Caribbean Sea can easily be called an archipelago of women - there is one of the strongest imbalances in demographics in favor of women.


    Ratio of men to women: 85.6 per 100

    Another Caribbean state in which demographic matriarchy reigns - men can be brought here by the whole shipload.


    Ratio of men to women: 86 to 100

    The former French colony, like others like it, suffers greatly from a lack of harmony between local men and women, due to which the population of the archipelago is constantly declining.


    Male to female ratio: 86.3 per 100

    Slavic women are very beautiful, and in Ukraine there are many more of them than men. That is why Ukraine is consistently a proven supplier of “wives for export.”


    Male to female ratio: 86.8 per 100

    Another Slavic country from the former USSR has absolutely identical indicators. In Belarus there is a real hunt for quality men, who are clearly in short supply here.


    Ratio of men to women: 86.5 per 100

    Armenian women are beautiful and passionate, which cannot be said about Armenian men. That is why more girls are born in the country, from whom they may well grow into world-class stars like Kim Kardashian.


    Male to female ratio: 86.8 per 100

    In Russia, as in other Slavic countries, in recent decades there has been a steady increase in the number of women, while men are becoming fewer and fewer. The reason for this is the lifestyle of Russian men, due to which their average life span is almost ten years less than that of women.


    Ratio of men to women: 88 to 100

    Estonians are considered the closest relatives of Finns. The local beauties are naturally fair-haired and blue-eyed, but there is no one to appreciate this - there is a clear shortage of men in the country.


    Ratio of men to women: 88.4 per 100

    Since the early 1990s, the Central American state of El Salvador has been in economic crisis. During this time, the number of able-bodied men of reproductive age has fallen significantly; the trend towards an increase in the number of women is very acute here.


    Male to female ratio: 90.8 per 100

    In the 1990s, Hungary acquired the unofficial status of the main country supplying beautiful actresses for adult films. This trend is not surprising - there are not enough men here, and those that exist are so spoiled by female attention that they lose their hunting skills.

In Russia there are 10 million fewer men than women, according to Rosstat. Thus, for every one thousand men there are 1,158 women.

The ratio of male and female population in our country has looked disproportionate for the last 100 years. According to the 1926 census, there were 47% men and 53% women. In the first decade after World War II, this ratio was even more critical: 45% to 55%.

The number of representatives of the stronger but smaller sex increased slightly by 1989, but the indicators only returned to the post-revolutionary ones (47% to 53%). In 2004, there were another 1% fewer men. This figure remained until 2014. The number of men in Russia is slowly but surely decreasing. There are several main reasons for this.

Armed conflicts

In the first place among the reasons for the small male population are all kinds of revolutions, wars and other armed conflicts. It is mainly boys who perform conscript and extra-conscript service. They also serve in the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, security services and other law enforcement agencies. When any conflict occurs, men are sent to resolve it.

More than 7 million military personnel died during the Great Patriotic War alone. And this does not count those who died from wounds, diseases, who were captured and shot by the Nazis. The vast majority are male fighters. Women who survived the war were acutely aware of the shortage of male population.

The post-war era was also not without reasons for the death of young, able-bodied men. Afghanistan, Chechnya, terrorist attacks in Russia itself - these armed conflicts claimed many thousands of lives of the strongest and healthiest men. It is worth noting that war is the main reason that throughout the world there are 8% fewer men than women.


Stalin's repressions also contributed greatly to the reduction in the size of the country's male population. There were, of course, women dissidents and wives who were shot for complicity in the “crimes” of their husbands. But there were still much more of the latter.

The reason for such total death lies in the psychology and even physiology of men. Males take on the role of pioneers, fighters, and protectors. They pick up new trends and readily rush into battle. Interestingly, an average of 50 more boys are born each year than girls. Already by adulthood (30-35 years), the sex ratio levels out, and in older age the number of men steadily decreases.

Ladies are naturally more careful due to their maternal role: they have to think, first and foremost, about their offspring. They are less willing to risk their lives.

Risk is the fate of men. Boys more often die in childhood and young age due to their carelessness, tendency to adventure and courage.

Drunkenness and inattention to one's health

An ancient tradition and the main problem of Russia - drunkenness - greatly contributes to the extinction of the country's male population. Even in peacetime, its numbers are decreasing. Men drink more and more often and, in general, take very little care of their health. By the age of 40, it is already seriously undermined by the regular use of “strong drinks” and other excesses.

Because of their lack of attention to health issues, men are more likely to experience heart attacks, strokes and other serious illnesses. This stereotype of behavior also has a bad effect on survival: a real man should not complain and run to doctors, but must endure the pain. It ends badly. So it turns out that many smart, educated and beautiful Russian women have no one to marry.

The population of the Earth is a quantity that is in constant dynamics. The number of people is constantly changing: someone is born, and someone dies. Despite this, the ratio of men and women is practically unchanged, due to the constancy of the species.

It is very interesting to imagine the entire population of the planet as a single group and see the proportion of women in this group. It is known that almost everywhere more boys are born than girls. It is also no secret that boys more often do not live to adulthood. Does this situation affect the sex ratio?

What is the situation with conception?

Studies by demographers over different periods have shown that girls are less likely to be blessed with the birth of young parents. The sex ratio at the time of birth was lost to the female sex with a score of 51:49. And although the difference is not great, on a global scale it constitutes a significant advantage.

Despite the fact that it was previously believed that female embryos die more often during intrauterine development, embryologists have proven that this is not true. That is, during conception, it is sperm with the Y chromosome that more often penetrate the egg. Why this happens, at the moment there is no clear answer.

The fact is that from the point of view of evolution, it is female organisms that are important for procreation, since they have a limited reproductive reserve. Humanity could get by just fine with even a thousand times fewer men. Where and why sperm with Y chromosomes are in such a hurry is not yet known exactly.

Slow and fast sperm

The speed of movement to the egg is very different for “female” and “male” sperm. X sperm move at a low speed because they are larger, but their vitality is much higher than that of the other group. They can move through the fallopian tubes for a very long time, and if necessary, they can patiently wait about 3 days for ovulation.

Y chromosomes have a completely different character: they run quickly, but because of this, energy reserves are very quickly depleted, so they are only capable of a single jerk, after which they quickly die.

There is another interesting pattern that has been repeatedly confirmed: more calories are needed for the development of boys, since their intrauterine growth in the early stages of pregnancy is much faster. Therefore, women who eat more calories before conception have a greater chance that their pregnancy with a boy will not be terminated in the first days. Most often, spontaneous abortions occur at a time when the potential mother is not even aware that fertilization has occurred.

It has been noticed that during periods of great hunger, an overwhelming number of babies are born. For example, such a situation occurred during the famine in China (1951-1960s), which was noted by demographers.

After birth

In infancy, for unknown reasons, nature does not spare girls: in the first months of life, a third more of them die from any disease than boys. Even diarrhea ends in death for them 2 times more often.

In the same way, sudden death syndrome (apnea), which fears all parents on the planet, affects females much more often in infancy.

But from the moment life begins to depend at least a little on behavior and personal conscious choice, the picture changes radically. From the age of two, boys are more likely to suffer from rash actions, often act recklessly and persist in trying to prove to the world that they are fearless. It is for these reasons that before the end of adolescence, the sex ratio levels out.

Girls behave more carefully, they pay much more attention to safety issues. In addition, in no culture is it considered shameful if a baby is scared, which cannot be said about small men. Therefore, social pressure also indirectly affects behavioral gender stereotypes.

Exact data

The latest official population data was obtained in 2017. At that time, the planet's population was 7.3 billion people. Since then, technical calculations have been carried out, judging by which 47.6% (3.62 billion) women and 50.4% (3.68 billion) men currently live on Earth.

This is explained by the fact that in Asian countries there is a large artificial bias: there are much fewer women there.

Where can a Chinese man get a wife?

The practice of selective abortion has been widespread in China and India for decades. After it is discovered in the early stages that the fetus is female, the pregnancy is terminated. This is due to cultural characteristics, since in these countries the birth of the first male child is considered a great success and pride of the family, which cannot be said about the birth of babies.

This phenomenon – “gendercide” – has long acquired terrifying proportions and has distorted the demographic picture to the point of absurdity. The current situation has created the preconditions for the fact that in 2020-2030, every fifth resident of Asian countries will not be able to have a wife and children due to the shortage of women. It’s scary to even imagine how many problems this situation brings. Experts are sure of one thing: the stability and economy of the country is at great risk due to the lack of female sex.


As you know, women's life expectancy is much higher, which also affects the sex ratio. The peak of female mortality begins at 50 years, while for men this age is 2 times less - 25 years.

These indicators are due to the fact that women are less likely to be exposed to excessive consumption of alcohol, drugs, smoking cigarettes and other bad habits. They take better care of themselves and their health. In addition, the body of every woman of childbearing age gets rid of a large amount of toxins every month during menstruation, while the male sex is deprived of this opportunity.

Women's life expectancy is often influenced by society's policies. At the moment, it is almost impossible to find a country on the map where men are treated with such disdain as women are treated in a huge number of places. In most Arab and African countries, livestock is valued much more than a wife; her murder is considered commonplace, and no one will even think of prosecuting anyone for it.

However, among the old people of the planet, the overwhelming majority belong to the fair sex, which is why old age on Earth has a female face.

Even at the age of 40, women make up approximately half, but by the age of 60 their number becomes predominant and reaches 54%. Among centenarians who have crossed the 100-year mark, females account for more than 81%.

Most older women tend to live alone, while men most often while away their days in the company of their wives.

How many women and men are there on earth?

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