Haircut calendar for the month of May. When is the best time to cut your hair in May?

Many girls understand how important it is to have regular haircuts to maintain their attractiveness and emphasize the impeccability of the created hairstyle. Moon calendar sometimes makes adjustments to plans. Only in favorable days For hair cutting in May 2018, it is best to contact a hairdresser for the planned procedure.

Many representatives of the fair sex are interested in the favorable time for a haircut. The right day guarantees a flawless haircut and improved hair condition. In addition, even an ordinary haircut sometimes allows you to attract the necessary positive energy into your life for further life changes. Favorable days for cutting hair in May 2018 for women - this is information that allows you to choose the right day for the important procedure.

So, why do you need to plan your haircut according to the lunar calendar and what can you focus on?

  1. Position of the Moon in various zodiac signs. For example, haircuts are usually recommended on days when the Moon is in signs such as Capricorn, Taurus, Leo and Virgo. At the same time, when the Moon is in Aquarius or Aries, it is advisable to temporarily postpone the haircut.
  2. Lunar days can have a positive or negative effect on hair growth and health.
  3. The phases of the moon also have a serious impact on the structure of the haircut and further hair growth. The experience of many people shows that when cutting a haircut on the waxing moon, you can count on active growth, and when decreasing - to slow.

Taking into account all of the above aspects allows you to understand how you can plan haircuts. However, the components sometimes contradict each other, so it is advisable to take into account the most favorable and unfavorable periods, planning an upcoming trip to the hairdresser.

When is the best time to cut your hair in May 2018?

Astrologers note that in May 2018, it is best to plan a haircut on the following dates:

  • 2 – success in all areas of life;
  • 6 – improving the life situation and strengthening the immune system;
  • 7 and 12 – mutual understanding with people around you;
  • 14 – improvement of emotional state and financial situation;
  • 16 – luck and joy;
  • 19 – financial success and improvement of other areas of life;
  • 22, 23, 26 – the possibility of transforming one’s appearance and lengthening one’s life path;
  • 28 – improved relationships not only with loved ones, but also with colleagues.

May 29 is a neutral day for haircuts, so it is advisable to focus on your own wishes. As you can understand, each girl independently decides when to cut her hair to ensure a guaranteed transformation of her appearance and highlight her beauty.

When is the best time to stop getting a haircut in May 2018?

Note! In the last month of spring there will also be unfavorable days for carrying out any hair procedures. Otherwise life situation may get worse and your hair will be less healthy.

IN next days It is not advisable to have a haircut:

  • 1, 3, 4, 15 and 31 – weakened immunity and worsening life situation;
  • 5 – manifestation of emotional instability;
  • 8, 19, 20, 27 – fatigue after the procedure;
  • 9, 10, 11, 18 – loss of strength and energy;
  • 13 – shortening of life path;
  • 21 – aggravation of conflicts;
  • 24 and 25 – decreased immunity and various diseases;
  • 30 – headache and increased risk of injury.

On the above days, any haircuts, curls and dyeing are undesirable, since otherwise the result will not be at all what we would like.

Haircut calendar for May 2018 according to the Moon

The lunar calendar for May 2018 allows you to understand when it is best to contact a hairdresser to carry out the desired procedure and change your image.

  1. On May 1, it is advisable to stop cutting and coloring your hair.
  2. On May 2, a haircut can improve your life in the desired direction. In addition, the chances of achieving your goals increase. However, haircuts are recommended only for those women who are planning active actions and achieving certain goals related to work or finances.
  3. On May 3, cutting and coloring your hair can be effective. If you wish, you can experiment with your hair. Changes in appearance are expected to improve personal life. At the same time, certain risks associated with immunity appear.
  4. On May 4, you can have a successful haircut and coloring. The result will last for a long time, since the Moon is in Capricorn. However, there may be a negative impact on health and energy.
  5. May 5 is associated with emotional instability. However, cutting your hair will make you look attractive and improve your health. It should be noted that the waning Moon will be in Capricorn, so hair will grow more slowly and the hairstyle will last for a long time. Only those girls who are confident in their decision to change their haircut should contact a hairdresser.
  6. May 6 haircut will improve appearance and hair condition.
  7. May 7th is one of the best days to work with hair. You can choose classic hairstyles and simple curls, natural shades for coloring.
  8. On May 8, it is best to refuse a haircut, as there is a serious risk of conflicts and loss of strength. However, coloring is recommended by a trusted professional.
  9. May 9 is an unfavorable day for haircuts. You can dye your curls with natural dyes or tint them. Bleaching and highlighting are also undesirable.
  10. May 10 is an unfavorable day for a haircut, as otherwise your health will deteriorate and your strength will disappear. Changing the color of the curl is also undesirable.
  11. May 11 is an unfavorable day for visiting a hairdresser. Otherwise, there are serious risks associated with the emotional state. Radical painting is also contraindicated. The only exception is the opportunity to dye your hair in a natural shade or perm in large curls.
  12. On May 12, you can cut your hair, but you need to be careful. There is a risk of poor health, but at the same time, relationships with people around you will be better and more sincere.
  13. May 13th can be done classic hairstyle and slightly refresh your hair color. Any haircuts are undesirable.
  14. May 14 is one of the best days in May 2018 to visit the hairdresser. The haircut will be completed successfully, and the hair will become stronger and begin to grow better. Even split ends will not bother you.
  15. On May 15, a haircut can be done successfully, which will increase self-confidence. At the same time, the new moon can play negatively, as a result of which the life situation will worsen. If possible, it is best to wait a day to see a hairdresser.
  16. May 16th is the ideal day for a haircut, and you can even decide to experiment.
  17. May 17 is the day when a haircut will make your hair silky and more manageable. In addition, it will be possible to discard past problems.
  18. On May 18, it is advisable to postpone going to the hairdresser, since the weather is unstable emotional condition may negatively affect the outcome of the procedure.
  19. Haircuts are not recommended on May 19th. Otherwise, the condition of the hair will worsen. Only hair coloring is allowed.
  20. On May 20, the Oracle allows you to plan a trip to the hairdresser. However, you need to understand that the procedure will require more time and effort than usual.
  21. A haircut done on the 21st of the last spring month will improve the condition of your hair and preserve its beauty for a long time. However, there are increased risks conflict with many surrounding people, because the Moon is in Leo and has very powerful energy.
  22. On May 22, you can contact a hairdresser only if you are confident in his experience.
  23. May 23rd is the perfect day to visit the hairdresser. It is on this day that you can safely change your image and count on a decent result.
  24. A haircut on the 24th will have a negative impact on the condition of your hair, as it will become less voluminous and manageable. In addition, vulnerable girls will note a weakened immune system. Astrologers note that even dyeing your hair is undesirable on May 24th.
  25. On May 25, it is not advisable for those who are satisfied with their life to get a haircut. In addition, the Moon will bring changes that may turn out to be sad.
  26. On May 26, a woman may like her hairstyle, but a change in image will not always be received positively by everyone.
  27. On May 27, you can safely go to the hairdresser. An impeccably executed haircut will definitely delight the fair sex and help you receive compliments from others.
  28. May 28th can be done new haircut which will allow you to believe in your beauty.
  29. On the 29th, you will be able to improve your mood if you get a haircut. At the same time, the day will be neutral for coloring, but natural paint will please you with its quality. A haircut will improve the condition of your hair.
  30. On May 30, it is advisable to abandon any actions related to changing the image. Even a haircut is highly undesirable.
  31. On the 31st, it is best to give up cutting or coloring. An unsuccessful image change will lead to depression.

Since ancient times, people have noticed that cutting hair is not just a hair care procedure.

To improve your energy after haircuts, as well as increase hair growth and thickness, you need to follow some hair cutting rules, and also pay attention to the lunar hair cutting calendar.

Hair cutting calendar

With the help of a haircut, you can improve a person’s well-being, free him from negative energy, or vice versa, provoke illness. The ritual of cutting hair has been carried out for several centuries both in church rituals and in witchcraft.

If you believe church traditions, before the fall of man, a spherical halo shone above his head, which connected the human biofield with the cosmos, and instead of hair there was only soft fluff, like that of babies. After a person became a sinner, the energy rays on the head were replaced by hair. Now our hair is the connecting thread between man and the cosmos, with the help of which we receive vital energy.

Perhaps not many of us believe in legends, but real life Surely everyone has noticed that after cutting the hair of your favorite hairdresser, your mood immediately changes, lightness appears, as if a stone had been lifted from your shoulders. And sometimes it happens the other way around: after a haircut, the hair begins to get tangled, fall out, the mood drops, and fatigue appears. The whole secret is that when cutting your hair, your biofield changes.

According to the advice of the ancient sages, if you are feeling unwell, try trimming your hair a little. Along with the ends of your hair you will cut off from yourself negative energy illness and your body will recover faster.

1. How to choose the right hairdresser. The hairdresser influences your biofield when cutting your hair. If you get to a hairdresser who is always friendly and in high spirits, then your business will go uphill after your haircut. If the hairdresser is nervous and complains about the terrible condition of your hair, after cutting your hair will become dull and lifeless.

The age and life experience of the hairdresser can also influence your fate. To avoid feeling interrupted when making important decisions, choose a hairdresser younger than you or one of the same age.

If you consider yourself a chronic loser, getting a haircut from an old, experienced, well-known hairdresser can put your life on a winning streak. Most positive influence Your hairdresser will assist you on favorable days for cutting your hair.

The next secret to a successful haircut is to choose a hairdresser of the same gender as you. Remember that when manipulating your hair, you are easily influenced by your master. And if a hairdresser of the opposite sex develops a liking for you, you may have troubles in your personal life. Remember the story from the Bible when Samson was killed by a woman who cut off his hair.

2. Don't cut your own hair. The meaning of this sign lies in the fact that a person cannot correct his biofield himself, that is, it is impossible to heal himself. If your biofield is disturbed and you have problems in some area of ​​your life, then you will only make the situation worse.

Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar

Haircut on the waxing moon. Cut your hair during the waxing moon if you want to speed up its growth.

Haircut on the waning moon. During the waning moon, it is useful to get a haircut for those who want to keep their hairstyle longer, as the hair will grow more slowly. Also, the waning moon will help change the properties of the hair to prevent tangling, smooth out the wavy structure, reduce hair loss, and strengthen the roots.

Dangerous days for cutting hair. Days 9, 15, 23, 29 according to the lunar calendar are popularly considered satanic. TO unwanted days hair cutting, you can add days of sunny and lunar eclipse. After a visit to the hairdresser on such days, you risk getting sick or disrupting the flow of positive cosmic energy to your body. Also, you should not touch your hair on days when the Moon is in the constellation Cancer and Pisces.

Favorable lunar days for hair cutting

The most successful lunar days for haircuts are: 5th, 6th, 8th, 11th, 13-14th, 19th, 21-23rd, 27-28th lunar days.

A haircut will also be successful on the days when the Moon passes through the signs of Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Capricorn.

Successful days for cutting hair by day of the week

Monday – a favorable day for any hair manipulation. You can safely change your haircut or hair color. Thanks to such changes, you can throw off all the negativity, leaving unresolved problems behind.

Haircut in Tuesday will give you fresh strength in making important decisions and relieve monotony in life.

Change your hairstyle in Wednesday, if you want to experience something new and interesting in life, make new friends or remember old ones, go on a trip.

IN Thursday You can get a haircut if you want to become a popular person, change your relationships with friends and acquaintances, and also increase your chance of luck and prosperity.

Friday– neutral day for haircuts. To obtain positive result From a visit to the hairdresser, you need to look at the lunar calendar.

Saturday- a great day for cutting hair. According to ancient legends, on this day, along with cutting your hair, you cleanse yourself of negative influence some sins, your biofield is restored, your hair becomes stronger and healthier.

Sunday – not the best day for cutting hair. Along with your hair, you can cut off your luck and prosperity. For Christian believers, cutting hair on Sunday is considered a sin.


With the onset of fine May days, there is often a desire to “try on” a new hairstyle or get a manicure - in summer style. So, on the eve of the holiday season, many decide to radical change image in the form of a short haircut or dyeing your hair in a fashionable, interesting color.

However, even such a “harmless” procedure as shortening strands and nails is best carried out on suitable days. So, when should you cut your hair and nails in May 2018?

Before going to the hairdresser, be sure to look at the Lunar Haircut Calendar for May 2018 to choose the most favorable days according to the Oracle for shortening your hair and nails, as well as coloring your curls. By following the tips and tables of the Lunar calendar for haircuts, you will get an excellent result, good mood and financial well-being.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for May 2018 – the most favorable days

The moon influences the functioning of all living organisms – and hair is no exception. Many have noticed that in some cases hair grows back quickly, and sometimes you have to wait weeks for your next visit to the hairdresser. The fact is that the result of cutting or coloring your curls depends on the phase of the moon on a certain day. Yes, the most favorable days for shortening and coloring, the period of the waxing moon is considered - all procedures with hair at this time will give good effect, reports the Therussiantimes website. To descending celestial body It’s best to give up the idea of ​​getting a haircut, but your hair will “receive” therapeutic strengthening masks with pleasure. Therefore, the Lunar Haircut Calendar for May 2018 will become a reliable assistant in choosing the most favorable days for shortening and coloring your hair.

List of favorable days for haircuts in May - 2018 according to the Lunar calendar

The beginning of the hot season is a great opportunity to experiment with the length and shape of your hair by trying out a new haircut. The most favorable days of May - 2018 The Lunar calendar for haircuts includes the following numbers: 2, 3, 5 - 8, 14, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 26, 29 - 31. By choosing any day of the Lunar calendar from this list, you can be sure that the haircut will be irresistible!

On which days of the lunar calendar is it better to dye your hair in May 2018?

It is known that all women are prone to change - in work, personal life, appearance. Yes, most in a simple way make changes to familiar image is hair coloring. When planning a visit to the hairdresser, it is important not only to decide on the color of your curls, but also to choose a favorable day for this important event. What days in May 2018 are best to dye your hair? The lunar calendar for May 2018 recommends the following favorable days: 1, 2, 7, 8, 13 – 17, 20 – 23, 27, 28, 30.

When to cut and dye your hair in May - 2018 according to the Oracle - Lunar calendar (table)

Planning a haircut taking into account Lunar day helps the hairstyle retain its shape longer, and the curls are healthy and shiny. In addition, with the help of the right day for shortening your curls, you can attract good luck and prosperity into your life. So, when to cut and dye your hair in May 2018 according to the Oracle? The lunar haircut calendar in the table will always tell you the most favorable day last month spring.

Lunar calendar table for hair cutting and coloring for May 2018

When to cut your nails in May - 2018 according to the Oracle - Lunar calendar

Beautiful nails are the main decoration female hands and an indicator of the health of its “mistress”. Like hair, nails require careful attitude, and proper care. When can you cut your nails in May 2018? According to the Lunar calendar for May - 2018, favorable days for manicure and pedicure are the following numbers: 1, 4 - 7, 20 - 23, 27, 28.

So, when is the best time to cut your hair and nails in May 2018 according to the Oracle? On our website you will find the Lunar calendar of haircuts for May - 2018 - indicating favorable days for shortening hair and nails, as well as coloring curls. Follow the May Lunar Calendar table and you will look simply flawless!

Before you go to the salon to change your hairstyle or hair color, take a look at the lunar haircut calendar for May 2018: perhaps the day you chose is due to bad location planets are completely unsuitable.

So, we study favorable days for a haircut in May 2018:

It’s better to cancel today’s visit to the beauty salon, warns the lunar hair cutting calendar for May. Even minor hair correction can lead to weakness and headache. In coloring, it is also worth postponing experiments until a more favorable moment.

Approach changes in your image with caution: a haircut can lead to unexpected changes, both personal and personal. When choosing a shade for hair coloring, choose a proven color scheme.

Today you can safely devote to self-care. Both the haircut and coloring will be more than successful, becoming an ideal charge for the whole day.

You shouldn’t get too carried away and decide on radical experiments with your image. Correction will go well today short haircuts, if your plans do not have a goal, how can you do it? Light toning can also be successful.

A haircut today will greatly affect your mood: it can improve or ruin it for the whole day. Trust a trusted professional, don’t take risks with shapes and shades - and you will definitely be satisfied with the result.

The 21st lunar day is a great time to change your look. The lunar haircut calendar guarantees that all endeavors on this day are doomed to success. The same goes for a new hairstyle - feel free to experiment!

After today's haircut hair will slow down its growth, but at the same time its quality will improve significantly. When coloring, you can try any hair lightening techniques: from shatush and balayage to ultra-fashionable.

A trip to the beauty salon on this day can turn into a real disaster. A spoiled mood and, as a result, conflicts with other people will ultimately cause dissatisfaction with oneself.

A haircut today is a guarantee of vivacity and a charge of the right energy for the whole day. Don’t be afraid to part with the extra centimeters - all your worries and internal fears will go away along with them.

If you have long dreamed of positive changes in your life, there is no better moment for this. You just need to go to a beauty salon for a new look. Incredible, but true: an updated haircut combined with a new shade and styling will be the key to your success in the coming days.

It’s better not to experiment with hair length today: there is a risk of worsening your health. Painting a new shade, on the contrary, can promise pleasant changes in life.

A new haircut on this day can boost your self-confidence. Moreover, the more radical the changes, the more pleasant surprises fate will bring you. In accordance with the lunar haircut calendar 2018, it is better to plan coloring for another day.

The new moon is the most ambiguous moment for changes in image. It would be better to wait with all undertakings until a more favorable moment. Do easy styling or limit yourself to salon care.

Today is a good start for the most bold ideas and plans. Have you long dreamed of changes in your life? Start with your hair: take the risk of cutting it off short bob or dye your hair strawberry blonde - all changes will be beneficial.

Since ancient times, humanity has noticed the influence of different phases of the moon on the growth and health of human hair. It was noticed that if you cut your hair on a certain day of the month, it could grow faster or, conversely, more slowly. And even nowadays, astrologers pay more attention to this.

That is why the compiled lunar calendar of haircuts - indispensable assistant, which will help you figure out which days are the best to get your hair cut and plan a trip to your hairdresser.

If you fashionable girl and constantly change your image, then most likely you would like more rapid growth hair, in order to try on new and creative images as often as possible, then you should know the phases of the waxing Moon. If, on the contrary, you are not a fan of going to the hairdresser, then you should know the phases of the waning moon.

Moon phases

  • Third quarter – May 8, 2019
  • New Moon – May 15, 2019
  • First quarter – May 22, 2019
  • Full Moon – May 29, 2019

When to cut your hair in May 2019

  • Lunar calendar of haircuts for the whole year.

Just below you will see our lunar calendar of haircuts for May 2019, with the help of which you will determine favorable days for visiting a beauty salon, read carefully and choose the most better days month.

Attention! Favorable days are highlighted in green, unfavorable days in red, and the rest are neutral. Favorability is assessed by three factors: lunar day, zodiac sign and waxing/waning moon. If there are more pluses, the day is favorable, otherwise it is unfavorable, equally - neutral.

May 2019 Lunar calendar - unfavorable and favorable days for haircuts in May 2019
1st of May

16, 17 lunar day

Moon in Scorpio

Waning moon

May 2

17, 18 lunar day
Beautiful time to visit a beauty salon.

Moon in Sagittarius

Waning moon

May 3

18, 19 lunar day

Moon in Sagittarius

Waning moon

May 4th

19th lunar day
Unfavorable day for a haircut.

Moon in Capricorn
New hairstyle will make you charming, and your hair will be smooth and gain volume.

Waning moon
On this day, those who want their hair to grow slower should cut their hair. If, on the contrary, you want to grow long curls, then cut your hair during the waxing moon.

5 May

19, 20 lunar day
Neutral day for cutting curls.

Moon in Capricorn
The haircut will make you charming, and your curls will be voluminous and silky.

Waning moon
Cut hair will grow back slowly.

the 6th of May

20, 21 lunar days
A great day to go to the hairdresser.

Moon in Capricorn
The hairstyle will turn out beautiful and will suit you.

Waning moon
During this period, cut curls grow back slowly.

May 7

21, 22 lunar day

Moon in Aquarius
On this day, you can radically change the haircut and color of your curls. But you will quickly stop liking your usual hairstyle.

Waning moon

May 8

22, 23 lunar day
Unfavorable day for cutting hair.

Moon in Aquarius
A new hairstyle will suit you. At this time, you can experiment with hair color. You shouldn’t do your usual haircut, as it will quickly get boring.

Third quarter
Cut hair will grow back slowly.

9th May

23, 24 lunar day

Moon in Pisces

Waning moon
Hair grows back slowly, but becomes stronger.

May 10

24, 25 lunar days
Neutral time for cutting hair.

Moon in Pisces
The new hairstyle will look nice, but the condition of the hair may worsen.

Waning moon
At this time, hair growth slows down and the roots become stronger.

May 11

25, 26 lunar day

Moon in Pisces
The haircut will be beautiful, but after it the condition of the hair may worsen, and dandruff may even appear.

Waning moon
Hair grows back slowly, but becomes stronger.

12 May

26, 27 lunar days
Great time to cut your curls.

Moon in Aries
Unfavorable time for cutting hair. After this procedure, the curls will lose their appearance.

Waning moon
Hair grows back slowly, but becomes stronger.

may 13

27, 28 lunar day

Moon in Aries
It's not a good time to cut your hair. After it, the condition of the hair may worsen: split ends will appear, hair roots will weaken, and dandruff may appear.

Waning moon
At this time, hair growth slows down and the roots become stronger.

May 14

28, 29 lunar day
Unfavorable time to visit a beauty salon.

Moon in Taurus
A new hairstyle will suit you. After cutting, the hair will look healthier, and the hair roots will become stronger.

Waning moon
Hair grows back slowly, but becomes stronger.

May 15

29, 30, 1 lunar day
Neutral time for cutting hair.

Moon in Taurus
The hairstyle will turn out beautiful, and the hair will become strong and healthy.

New moon
The cut curls will grow back slowly, but will become stronger.

16th of May

1st, 2nd lunar days
Favorable day for cutting hair.

Moon in Gemini
Great time to visit a beauty salon. After cutting, the hair will become fluffy and voluminous. A new hairstyle will make you look younger, but it can quickly become unpopular.

Waxing Crescent

May 17

2, 3 lunar day
Unfavorable day for cutting curls.

Moon in Gemini
On this day you can dye and cut your hair. After cutting, the hair will gain volume. With a new hairstyle, you will look several years younger.

Waxing Crescent
Cut hair will grow back quickly.

May 18

3, 4 lunar day

Moon in Cancer
Haircut on this day is controversial. On the one hand, the hair will be strong and healthy, but on the other, the hairstyle will quickly lose its shape. It may be worth considering when cutting your hair in May 2017 will be a more favorable activity.

Waxing Crescent
Hair cut at this time will grow back faster than during the waning moon.

May 19

4, 5 lunar days
Unfavorable time for cutting curls.

Moon in Cancer
A haircut done on this day may quickly lose its shape, but the hair will become stronger after it.

Waxing Crescent

May 20

5, 6 lunar day
Favorable day for cutting hair.

Moon in Leo
After changing your hairstyle, your hair will become smooth and silky. Astrologers recommend getting a haircut for those whose business is not going well. Perhaps after cutting your hair everything will change better side.

Waxing Crescent
Hair cut at this time will grow back faster than during the waning moon.

May 21st

6, 7 lunar day
Favorable time for cutting hair.

Moon in Leo
If your business is not going well and you want to change it for the better, then be sure to get a haircut. After cutting, the hair will become smooth and silky.

Waxing Crescent
At this time, curls grow faster than during the waning moon.

22nd of May

7, 8 lunar day
Neutral time for cutting curls.

Moon in Virgo
All cosmetic procedures done on this day will be beneficial.

First quarter
good time for cutting curls.

May, 23rd

8, 9 lunar days
Neutral time for cutting curls.

Moon in Virgo
On this day you can do anything cosmetic procedure aimed at improving beauty.

Waxing Crescent

May 24

9, 10 lunar day
Unfavorable time for cutting curls.

Moon in Libra

Waxing Crescent

May 25

10, 11 lunar day
Favorable time to visit a beauty salon.

Moon in Libra
Hair cut on this day will become lush, voluminous, and the hairstyle itself will turn out very beautiful.

Waxing Crescent

26 of May

11, 12 lunar day
Great day to change your hairstyle.

Moon in Libra
The hairstyle will turn out lush, voluminous and will suit you.

Waxing Crescent
When the moon is waxing, cut hair grows back quickly.

May 27

12, 13 lunar day
Unfavorable time for cutting hair.

Moon in Scorpio
A haircut at this time will make your hair strong and beautiful. After manipulating your hair, your personal life may improve or, on the contrary, become worse.

Waxing Crescent
Curls cut during this period of time grow faster than during the waning moon.

May 28

13, 14 lunar day
Favorable time for cutting curls.

Moon in Scorpio
Curls cut on this day can contribute to both the improvement and deterioration of your personal life. If you want to change something, you can take a risk.

Waxing Crescent
Cut curls will grow back quickly.

May 29

14, 15 lunar days
A favorable day to change your hairstyle.

Moon in Sagittarius
Changing your hairstyle will help improve relationships with your bosses and employees, and career growth is possible.

Full moon
It is better to refuse a haircut on this day.

May 30

15, 16 lunar day
It is better to postpone cutting your hair for another day.

Moon in Sagittarius
Changing your hairstyle will help improve relationships with your bosses and employees, and career growth is possible.

Waning moon
Hair growth slows down, and the roots, on the contrary, become stronger.

May 31

16, 17 lunar day
Great time to cut your hair.

Moon in Sagittarius
After a haircut, relationships with employees and superiors may improve. A promotion at work is quite possible.

Waning moon
Cut hair will grow back slowly.

  • See the haircut calendar for June 2019 at this link.

So, we found out when to cut your hair in May 2019 according to the lunar calendar, favorable days are the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 15th, 16th, 22nd and 31st of the month, we choose the most successful and favorable days for ourselves according to our work schedule.

Prices for beauty salon services

Below are prices for hairdressing services in various salons and beauty studios in large cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar and others.

Beauty saloon Short hair Medium hair Long hair
Moscow, prices in rubles *
Veronika Herba (m. Timiryazevskaya) from 2900 from 2900 from 2900
Through the Looking Glass (metro Tulskaya, metro Kantemirovkaya) from 1400 from 1700 from 1900
Mayak (m. Mayakovskaya) 1800 2300 2300
ZigZag (metro station Rechnoy Vokzal, metro station Vodny Stadion) 1250 1500 1750-2200
Saint Petersburg, prices in rubles
Lipstick (metro Vladimirskaya, metro Dostoevskaya) 900 1000 1200-1500
Matryoshka (metro Prospekt Prosveshcheniya, metro Ozerki) 650 1000 1300
Apriori (metro Leninsky Prospekt, metro Petrogradskaya) 1050 1400 1400
Prima (Sulimova St., 42) 600 700 800
MariAnna (Aviatsionnaya St., 48a) 1100 1200 1500
Katrin (Khomyakova St., 6) 500 600 800
Nizhny Novgorod
Imperial (Korolenko St., 32) 1500 2000
Queen (Engelsa St., 26) 850 950 1050
Almond (TC Cube, Poltavskaya str., 30, 3rd floor) 550 600 700
Linda (25 Let Oktyabrya str., 9, 2nd floor) 400 500 600
Beauty salon "Marlene" (Krasny Prospekt, 86a, office 11-15, 62-66, 4th floor; Karl Marx Square, 3, shopping center "Versailles", 3rd floor, office 304) 500 600 700
Clover (Tyulenina St., 20) 600-900 700-1100 800-1300
Beauty center "La Sante" (Stavropolskaya str., 119) from 400 from 450 from 500
Beauty salon "Jolie" (Vostochno-Kruglikovskaya str., 48, building 1) 700 800 1000
Beauty salon "Fox" (Chapaeva St., 68) 700 800 1000

* Prices are current as of August 2018