How to assemble an inexpensive women's summer wardrobe. How to dress in summer: summer wardrobe for a woman - summer style ideas. Wardrobe transformation is natural

It is a big mistake to think that once having fully assembled your basic wardrobe We will get rid of this problem once and for all. The Internet is replete with advice on investment items, having bought them once in your life, you will wear them until the end of your days, and then pass them on to your grandchildren.

Unfortunately, this applies to very, very few things, in our age of consumerism, when manufacturers are trying to force us to consume more and more, fashion changes at the speed of light, and in order to look modern, even such a stable unit as a basic wardrobe, need to be updated and reviewed periodically.

It would seem that it is clear to everyone that a good “classic” suit must be included in the basic wardrobe. But what does "classic" mean? After all, the concept of "classic" is rather vague. It just implies a stable, proven package for years. This is when we complete a skirt with pumps, and not with sneakers, trousers with a shirt, and not with a T-shirt, etc. But if you wear the same pencil skirt with a hoodie and sneakers, then it is unlikely that anyone will dare to call such a set classic.

So the word “classic” is rather appropriate in relation to the configuration, but not to the clothing model itself (with the very rare exception of “timeless” styles such as Chanel’s cropped jacket, and even then it has its own modifications).

Here, for example, below is a frame from the well-known film "Sex and the City".

It would seem that trouser suits, blouses with a bow and turtlenecks are in fashion now, but these two heroines look old-fashioned! And it hasn't been that long since the show.

So, let's talk today not just about the basic wardrobe, but about modern basic wardrobe for summer. That is, let's pay attention not only to the presence of certain things, but also to their cut and the possibility of a complete set.

The secret to a good basic wardrobe

If you are wondering what it is, then.

The trick is that the basic things don't just have to:

  • be neutral in color ) that suits you
  • universal in cut (something too extravagant can hardly be called basic),
  • match your style
  • it's great to sit on your figure,
  • but they still need to be up to date..
If you have just boring gray trousers that are about 10 years old, which, of course, go with most of the things in your wardrobe, but you have no desire to wear them, then they cannot be called good basic trousers.

Basics should be your favorites, so that you want to wear them again and again. They should be so good that they will look great on their own, and not just as a background for more interesting accent things.
For example, below are sets made up entirely of summer basic clothing. They look interesting and in themselves, of course, animated with the help of accessories.

Therefore, relying on basic wardrobe list below, it makes sense to customize it for yourself, for your own lifestyle, tastes, style and preferences.

List of things for a basic wardrobe and their equipment

Once again, this list will be very general: you may not need something from it at all, and for someone it will be insufficient, but it can still be used as a guide if you feel that your wardrobe lacks a binder. link, some objects that allow you to assemble it together.

I included 15 things in the list: 5 tops, 5 top layers and 5 bottoms. Needless to say, it is best to choose such objects in a neutral color, but even here you can deviate from the general practice. For example, if in your wardrobe some accent color (which would seem completely non-neutral to many) is quite actively represented, then for you it may well be considered neutral, because you can easily combine it with all the objects in your wardrobe.
Also, try to choose neutral colors for your color scheme:.
Diversify your wardrobe: do not go in cycles only in black, gray and white. There are many other shades that will look no less advantageous.

Since we are talking about summer, such a top is a must.
Dance according to your own needs and preferences. Knitted T-shirt (first photo above) is suitable for everyday wardrobe. You can also consider a top with straps.
If the basis of your wardrobe is things for working in the office, for example, then such a T-shirt can be replaced with a top made of cotton, linen or silk (second photo).

Such a top should not be tight, this is the most important thing (unless you are going to wear it exclusively as an underlayer). Better if it is fairly free.
This does not apply to women with large breasts - in your case, it is better to prefer tighter silhouettes. .

If you're a fashion lover, you can go even further and complete your basic wardrobe with a lingerie style top in satin, silk or chiffon.

These examples of equipment (photo above) do not need to be limited: such a top would look appropriate even in the office (if it is not equipped with lace), worn under a jacket.
In everyday life, such a top can be worn over a simple T-shirt, you get an interesting multi-layer set for bold fashionistas.

An indispensable item for everyday summer wardrobe in casual style. But just like with the top, if you are putting together a basic wardrobe for the office, a similar t-shirt can be replaced with a plain neutral short-sleeve top.

By the way, about color. This also applies to the first point (sleeveless top): in my opinion, the most versatile option is white or its shades that suit you (cream, ivory, oat, ecru, etc.).
If you are a low-lightness contrast (), then it makes sense to purchase a T-shirt of some darker color, dark blue, for example.

As for the cut, just like with a top, it is better to choose a T-shirt that is rather loose so that it does not fit tightly on the body and does not evoke the beginning of the 2000s. Make sure that the sleeve does not fit the arm, but hangs freely from the shoulder.

I recently came across a video of some girl on youtube calling herself a fashion blogger. She tried on her wardrobe there. Wearing a similar T-shirt, she called it an oversized T-shirt. Apparently, a tight-fitting T-shirt is normal, not oversized for her. So this is a good landing, as in the examples above. This is exactly what you should look for so that your basic wardrobe looks relevant.

And this is what a real oversized T-shirt looks like (photo below). By the way, it can also be included in the basic wardrobe if you like this silhouette.

You can wear a T-shirt / top with absolutely anything. A pencil skirt and tailored trousers will give it a more relaxed casual look, and complementing it with a pantsuit, you will turn an office set into a smart casual style, which will instantly rejuvenate it and make the image more relaxed.
It can also be worn as a bottom layer under a jacket, sleeveless jacket, cardigan, bomber jacket and any jacket, as well as under a slip dress.

Don't be surprised, a graphic tee can be considered basic if it's in a neutral color. The fact is that such a print is combined with absolutely any other pattern, such a T-shirt is no less versatile than a plain version, but it looks more interesting. On the one hand, this is a basic thing, and on the other hand, its print will bring an interesting accent to your image. Therefore, even combining such a T-shirt with other basic things, you do not risk putting together a boring banal set. With such a T-shirt, he will already be with a twist!

As for the requirements for the cut and configuration, they are exactly the same as for a plain T-shirt. For now, put off too-tight options until better times.

I noticed that we don’t really like this object, but in vain. I never get tired of including it in the list of basic things, as it is really unique.

The vest looks fresh, ironic, interesting, always very young and stylish. I especially recommend that mature women pay attention to this object - nothing rejuvenates a set (without the risk of trivializing it) like a vest.

The stripe goes fantastically with any other print, be it a graphic print (plaid, polka dot), flowers or abstract. .

By the way, do not be afraid that the transverse strip can fill you up. If you choose the right stripe, on the contrary, it can even visually make you slimmer. A wide, very contrasting strip fills you up, but rather narrow stripes located at a distance equal to their width from each other will produce the opposite effect.

As for the cut, here I will repeat: it is better to choose a rather loose vest. Although, unlike a top or a T-shirt, it is not forbidden to wear a tight-fitting vest, but then you need to do it with taste, carefully considering the set. A looser-fitting vest does not carry any risks, so I still recommend stopping at this option.

Completing this object is incredibly simple: you can wear it with almost any bottom and top layer. Looks especially interesting. For example, in the first photo above you can see a combination of stripes and a checkered jacket.

It is in white or blue that the shirt is most versatile, but if you have other color preferences and, for example, a pastel pink shirt or something else will fit into your wardrobe, then why not.
It is very important to choose the right shade of white or blue.. Make sure it matches the temperature of your paints: pure whites and cool blues are cool, while creams, ivory, and warm blues are warm.

If you don't wear shirts at all (and you do), then this item can be replaced with a minimalist cut blouse so that it is not inferior in versatility to a shirt.

Why is the shirt great? Firstly, it always looks appropriate, it can be used not only in everyday sets (with jeans, chinos and even joggers) and in sets for working with strict skirts, trousers and dresses (sheath dress), but also create wonderful images on way out, complementing her with an elegant skirt (with sequins, for example) or chic palazzo trousers.

Secondly, there is no such type of figure that she would not fit (as, by the way, and all the other participants in this list of summer basic wardrobe).
Thirdly, it looks good on any type of appearance, if you combine it with things that suit you.
Fourthly, if a T-shirt or vest instantly turns any set into a more casual, casual one, then a shirt, on the contrary, exalts it to a higher level. Jeans worn with a shirt, complemented by appropriate accessories (for example, metallic pumps, beautiful large earrings or a necklace, an elegant clutch), can be worn for some kind of celebration, but you can’t do this with a T-shirt.

Like any other basic thing, the shirt complements interesting accent objects well.

The modern shirt is rather loose as well, straight cut. Beware of fitted shirts: they are more suitable for creating office looks, so they lose in versatility to a straight cut.

As strange as it may seem, a lightweight pullover is also a must-have summer staple for those who live in less-than-tropical climates. The weather can also be cool, especially in the evenings, this must also be foreseen.

A similar pullover can be purchased in cotton jersey, but a linen and silk blend works well too. If it is quite thin, then it can be worn not only outside, but also tucked into trousers or a skirt if you have a slender silhouette.

Main, beware of thin cheap jersey. He not only looks ugly on his own, quickly loses his appearance (if he had one at all), but also emphasizes all the flaws of the figure, and sometimes creates them where they do not exist!

It is also better to choose such a pullover rather loose.

Those who live in central Russia, as well as in places with a changeable climate, can also consider a cotton sweater.

In general, you can wear with anything not only a plain neutral pullover, but also a monochrome stripe. You already know that this is the most versatile print. Then such a pullover, despite being basic, will look interesting even with other basic things (first photo below).
A small digression: such a stripe, when wider stripes are interspersed with thinner ones, really visually expands the silhouette. Therefore, this version of the strip will suit the owners of the silhouette in the form of A (pear) or very slender H (I).

If you choose a solid neutral color option, then wear it either with accent objects or with other basic things, but in this case, liven up the set with interesting accessories (for example, shoes like in the second photo below work well in this regard).

Another alternative top layer for cool summer days.
With denim, it's not that easy. Often people buy a denim jacket but don't wear it because they don't like it, or they don't think it fits their wardrobe.
With the right denim, this should not be the case.

First, pay attention to the cut. The current model is also somewhat loose, wide in the shoulders, it should not tightly fit your chest, maybe even oversized, but in no case should it be tight-fitting. It is this cut that will look modern.

Secondly, it is easier with jeans, since they are located on the part of the body that is farthest from the face. But denim is very close. Therefore, when choosing this jacket, pay attention to its color. Evenly dyed denim will suit anyone who has a clean appearance, that is, those who suit fairly bright colors. But denim with scuffs is better for people with muted colors.

Accordingly, it also depends on whether it will be combined with your clothes or not. If your wardrobe is dominated by muted shades, then shabby denim, as if faded, will be just right.
On the contrary, if the colors of your clothes are mostly clean, bright, then a uniform denim of a fairly saturated or bright color will be combined with it.

With jeans, she will make a very casual, rather banal set, if you do not revive it with unusual accessories, but with various skirts, dresses, culottes, wide trousers, a denim jacket can look very interesting. By the way, if you wear an elegant dress or skirt with it, they will instantly turn into everyday ones, and they can be worn even during the day. The same applies to dressy tops, metallic, lace or with sequins, for example.

A biker jacket is more likely to be attributed to early autumn or spring, but sometimes it may be needed in summer. What to do, what a summer, such a summer wardrobe.

Just like a denim jacket, a leather jacket can be combined with completely different stylistic directions: it is not necessary to create only a biker look, it will look great not only with jeans, but also with dresses, both minimalist with sports shoes or boots in a masculine style, and with airy lungs, quite summery.

You can wear it with a strict pencil skirt, and with joggers: there are many options!

If you buy a leather model, then try to choose some neutral color (black, cognac, camel, beige, burgundy), as bright colors can quickly get bored, and the purchase is not cheap, and you will wear it for a really long time.
A good quality biker jacket is one of the few things I would truly call an "investment".

If we are talking about an actual cardigan for a basic wardrobe, then it is best to pay attention to an elongated model. But she has other advantages besides relevance: such a cardigan will suit almost any type of figure, and it is also good for correcting the silhouette, as it creates two long vertical lines on the sides.

Also, as with a pullover, make sure that the knitwear is of high quality and does not look cheap, so that it does not ugly fit your arms above the elbow. Corpulent beauties can recommend models of denser knitwear.

There are two points here at once, since a trouser suit consists of a jacket and trousers. Of course, you can choose both trousers and jacket separately, but this is a more versatile option, since, logically, such trousers and jacket together make up a suit. And you can always wear them separately.

The suit may be of some bright color, but this one risks getting bored quickly, so neutral colors are still more reliable in this sense. If pastel shades suit you, then they can also be considered as an option.
Also, the suit can be pinstriped, you already know that this is a very versatile print.

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Jacket try to choose a modern cut. The style depends on your body type, but the fit of the basic jacket should be flawless. You can even customize the dressmaker's jacket you like, if necessary.
Pants can be either short (narrow or wide - you decide) or long. Consider what kind of shoes you wear most often.

You can complete such a suit not only with the usual shoes, but also with men's-style shoes or with sneakers or sneakers. For a smart casual look, pair your suit with a T-shirt instead of a shirt or blouse. Looks great with a suit and top in linen style.

Basic jeans can be those that you can wear with most of your tops. From here proceed, choosing a style for them. And, of course, they should fit perfectly on your figure, and even adjust it if necessary.

Summer trousers made of lightweight fabric will be able to take their rightful place in your basic wardrobe. Pay attention to light cotton fabric or blended. Linen wrinkles a lot, so it is better to save it for the top (jacket, top, shirt) or dress, if you like it.

It is better to choose a shortened model of any modern style that suits you.

Here you need to pay attention to where the culottes end. Ideally, if the culottes are just below the calf, they should not break off at its widest point.

As for the cut of the pencil skirt, the optimal length for the basic version is just below the knee or covering the calf. Try both and choose the one that suits you best.
By the way, you can consider not only the usual classic version of such a skirt, but also its very relevant modifications: a pencil skirt with a slit, with a wrap or asymmetrical bottom.

When creating a capsule wardrobe, do not forget about your colors:

For example, similar summer basic wardrobe suitable for people with cold and muted colors, which, by the way, are very numerous among the population of our country:

All that's left is to add a few accent pieces to the base, and the complete summer wardrobe is ready!
Dear readers, how to create a summer capsule wardrobe, read the following articles, leave your feedback and wishes, ask questions, I will be happy to answer them, write what else you would like to read about and subscribe to the news.

Even though the weather has not yet decided, and pleases us with either rain or the scorching sun, we know that summer 2018 will come into its own very soon. The brightest, warmest and most long-awaited ... Surely hundreds of thoughts and ideas immediately rush through my head. We advise, first of all, to start with your wardrobe, and then with a light soul you can meet summer in all its glory.

Let's look at the basic wardrobe for a woman for the summer of 2019 - what must-have items should be included in it. A lot of photos are offered, which show the most successful bows and:

What is included in the basic wardrobe for the summer of 2018?

Surely all fashionistas have long been aware that the wardrobe of every girl should consist of several basic things: a black dress, a pencil skirt, jeans, trousers, etc. So, a similar basic wardrobe should also be available for every season, so it will be easier for you to make combinations and look bright and unique every time. You may not have to update it this summer, which, you see, can significantly save money, for example, on travel. But for this you need to find out what is included in the basic wardrobe for the summer for a girl and a woman in years.

Summer 2019 is a time of delicate and romantic shades, so we advise you to pay special attention to pastel colors. A couple of basic items, such as a dress or a pencil skirt, or a sun skirt will be a great option for the office, a romantic date or an easy walk with friends. Pair a soft pink floral dress with brighter shoes and a clutch for a fresh and vibrant look for any occasion. And when combined with other colors, as well as things in a different style (for example, with a leather jacket), you get an interesting and unique look for cooler days.

Jeans are a must have for any summer wardrobe. Nowadays, not a single fashionista can do without them, and some purchase 2 or 3 pairs at a time: different cuts, styles, etc. details. In the summer, boyfriend jeans already known to you will be very popular, just do not forget to bend the bottom of them - it looks very stylish and fresh, especially when combined with bright summer ones.

At this time of the year, we can't do without shorts. Be sure to get one pair in denim and one in any other material. The stylists leave us the right to choose a model, though they still prefer a large floral print and delicate pastel shades. And the best combination for them is light and loose T-shirts with bright prints (flowers, numbers, inscriptions, etc.), drawings and different color combinations.

Summer wardrobe of a woman and a young girl with examples in the photo

For the summer, you should choose your wardrobe especially carefully, because at this time we most often actively move, sweat a lot and are often in the sun. Therefore, it is so important that a woman's summer wardrobe consists mostly of natural materials that will allow the body to breathe and will not hinder movement. And for a young girl, the wardrobe for the summer of 2018 should be more democratic and convenient for an active lifestyle.

For work, we advise women to choose light linen trapezoidal skirts, and to add a special charm, you can choose a model with an openwork top, which you can do yourself if you wish. Let's get acquainted with the main trends with examples in the photo.

It is impossible to imagine the summer wardrobe of a woman, and even more so of a young girl, without a swimsuit and a pareo, we certainly cannot do without them. It does not have to be made according to the latest fashion, but it must be 100 percent suitable for you and your body type. So you will feel stylish and confident on any beach. Pareo, matched to the tone, will hide the flaws of the figure and emphasize all your advantages, so we do not recommend abandoning this fashion trend. We recommend replacing the previously popular flip flops with more comfortable (and useful) sandals with two leather straps, which are now quite common both in the collections of world designers and on the shelves of our stores.

If you want to save money, but do not want to walk in the same dress every day, it's time to buy a transforming dress. This is a stylish and unusual solution to your problem. Now there is no problem: “what to wear today?”. Now you can appear in a new outfit almost every day, and let your girlfriends envy and admire. Some modern models have up to 20 variations, so you definitely won't lose here.

Look at the examples of the basic summer wardrobe for 2019 for a girl and a woman in the photo, which show different looks and bows:

Making a capsule wardrobe for the summer without frills

Thinking through the capsule wardrobe for the summer, do not forget about the top - after all, summer does not indulge us with heat every day, the weather is often changeable. For the office, a plain jacket or its complete opposite is perfect - bright, combining the maximum number of colors (just do not forget in this case to choose the rest of the clothes in muted colors, and preferably one shade). In the photo below you can see interesting and unusual combinations for the summer for any occasion. Usually we make up a capsule wardrobe for the summer without chic frills and many accessories. In 2019, this trend should be slightly receded.

And of course, in no case should you forget about shoes. Models must be present both with high heels and not with average ones, as well as sneakers (or more modern slip-ons). Ballet shoes are better to choose two or three pairs - one pair of classic black or white, and the other two according to your taste, well, according to the main palette of your wardrobe. More couples are not forbidden at all.

But we advise you to choose bright sneakers. They look especially stylish with classic deep blue jeans and a simple snow-white T-shirt. Such a standard combination will forever remain a classic of everyday style, and at the same time it will never stop looking stylish and fresh.

The word "capsule" implies that all the things in your wardrobe are something like a single and indivisible system. Thanks to this, you can compose bright and diverse images from several basic things, so that no one will even guess. True, a little experience here still does not hurt, so at first we advise you to pay attention to the opinions of experts and view photos, and over time you yourself will not notice how you will become a pro in the field of compiling a basic wardrobe, not only for the summer, but also for other situations. By the way, experienced fashionistas select things in such a way that in the future they could become the basis not only for one season, but also for the next ones.

And the last thing you should definitely remember - you need to choose exactly those things that have not lost their relevance for many years, the so-called "eternal classics".

Summer is the time for fashion experiments. That is why the questions of how to dress in the summer, and what summer wardrobe to choose, become the most relevant for women of different age categories.

Today, it is not difficult to create a beautiful summer wardrobe, because designers offer women unique opportunities for the implementation of both business and everyday looks, as well as evening and cocktail looks.

In search of fashionable ideas on how to dress in the summer of 2019-2020, you should not forget that summer sets can be both made very successful by combining 5-9 wardrobe items, and it is easy to spoil a summer look by going too far with a lot of details and elements.

To prevent this from happening to you, we offer a short information excursion about what your summer wardrobe can include, and how to dress stylishly and originally in summer.

Especially for our readers, we have selected a collection of images on the topic of how to dress in summer.

You will also be able to see what summer wardrobes are offered by famous designers, demonstrating their creations at the fashion shows of the spring-summer season.

Beautiful summer wardrobe 2019-2020: how to dress in summer - trends, ideas, fashion trends

Your summer wardrobe should definitely include must-have items that will become the basic elements for creating many original looks.

In the process of selecting new clothes that will make up your summer wardrobe, the first thing you should be puzzled by is the color scheme and style of your sets.

If we talk about actual summer shades, they are fresh and beautiful, like summer itself.

Delicate images can be created by choosing light lemon, yellow, sky blue, pink, pastel, coffee, lilac shades.

Green, red, azure, peach, crimson, coral, orange, blue tones will help to add a bright zest, and contrasting combinations of colors and shades in a variety of variations will help to give the image perfection.

If you do not know how to dress in summer, feel free to choose clothes with floral and striped prints.

Animalistics, a cage, peas and ethnic motifs will also be relevant. Also, you can not do without things in monochrome, which are the most important component of the basic summer wardrobe for all occasions.

Remember, fashion is fashion, and your summer wardrobe in terms of colors should, first of all, suit you.

Pink Yarrow is recognized as the most popular color of this summer, so feel free to choose clothes in pink shades. Make no mistake!

Femininity and minimalism are in fashion, so your summer wardrobe should include light dresses, stylish skirts, airy blouses and classic shirts, sets in a romantic, business and retro style.

However, you can express your spontaneity, deciding how to dress in summer, not only with elegant and concise outfits. The casual style and street style in summer interpretation always remain relevant, you will feel easy and at ease in a sporty style. Bold beauties will choose a lingerie style of clothing.

Your summer wardrobe is a manifestation of your "I", so do not be afraid to show your extraordinary nature by showing your bright personality through clothes. And now let's go over the actual components that form the summer wardrobe, which should definitely decorate your silhouette this summer.

How to dress in summer 2019-2020: summer dresses

In the summer without a dress anywhere. Moreover, your summer wardrobe should include not one, but several summer dresses and sundresses of different styles, textures and colors.

Answering the question of how to dress in summer, we offer for consideration summer shirt dresses, light and casual T-shirt dresses, bell and sun flared dresses, as well as irreplaceable sheath dresses.

Casual dresses made of denim and chiffon, knitwear and other light and breathable materials will be comfortable and practical.

As for the length, in the past, fashion designers left mini lengths, preferring midi and maxi lengths.

How to dress in summer 2019-2020: add skirts to your summer wardrobe

It is much easier to pick up a few airy dresses, and the question of how to dress in summer is removed by itself.

Nevertheless, impeccable and unique images can be created with the help of a skirt.

Combinations of skirt and blouse, skirt and shirt, skirt and crop top are perfect for summer. The original combination of puffy skirt, crop top and leather jackets, skirt and bomber jackets, etc.

Add to your summer wardrobe a midi-length pencil skirt, for example, made of lace - for business sets, a bell skirt, a fluffy tulle skirt - for unique bows in a romantic and retro style.

Skirts are always appropriate for walking, studying, relaxing, creating original office options.

To keep your skirt sets from being boring, always add bright accents to your look by refreshing it with accessories and jewelry.

How to dress in summer 2019-2020: shorts and trousers

Summer wardrobe will not do without shorts and trousers of different styles, because comfortable and practical things are simply indispensable when you need to look stylish, but at the same time feel as comfortable as possible.

Among the trousers, culottes, cropped, narrowed to the bottom and straight trousers with turns, chinos, wide trousers, classic and flared ones will become actual styles.

Your summer wardrobe will be much more interesting and versatile if the color scheme of your trousers embraces both rich and calmer shades. It is clear that it all depends on the purpose of creating this or that set, and what you plan to combine trousers and shorts with.

How to dress in summer 2019-2020: summer wardrobe - blouses, shirts, crop tops

Complementing fashionable skirts, it is worth adding light blouses and chiffon shirts with buttons and fasteners to your summer wardrobe.

A strict shirt collar, a yoke collar, a collar with a bow, or a V-neckline is always relevant, simple and tasteful.

Fashionable blouses with open shoulders, bare back and ties, ruffles and flounces will be relevant this season.

A laconic shirt or blouse can be easily refreshed by adding neat jewelry in the form of chains, pendants, necklaces.

Both classic-style shirts and airy blouses of various styles are indispensable for the formation of business and office bows.

Cropped tops with lace look unusually gentle and feminine, which will be an appropriate addition to high-waisted skirts, bell skirts, and pencil skirts.

How to dress in summer 2019-2020: jeans

Jeans are an integral part of the wardrobe of a modern girl and woman. Summer wardrobe is no exception, so beautiful white and multi-colored jeans, as well as denim jeans in traditional blue shades, will adorn the figures of fashionistas this season as well.

Ripped jeans, boyfriend jeans, skinny, flared, classic, cropped, straight with and without turns, and skinny jeans will become relevant for the spring-summer season.

The highlight of the summer wardrobe will be jeans with bright embroidery that will transform any beauty.

How to dress in summer 2019-2020: trendy jumpsuits

One of the brightest trends of the season is summer jumpsuits, which form both everyday looks and chic evening looks.

Comfortable will be denim overalls, overalls with trousers and shorts, overalls of a free silhouette or narrowed at the bottom.

There are many ideas for overalls, the main thing is to choose the right option for your body type.

How to dress in summer 2019-2020: summer wardrobe ideas

In summer, it is better to choose things of a free silhouette that do not hinder your movements and make you feel great.

As for materials, natural and light fabrics that are pleasant to the body have become favorites.

Fashionistas will undoubtedly appreciate the weightlessness of chiffon, organza, the elegance of lace, silk, satin, the practicality of cotton, linen and knitwear.

Having figured out how to dress in the summer, and what things should form a summer wardrobe, we can say with confidence that this summer there is no limit to perfection.

Transparent inserts and three-dimensional elements, decor in the form of embroidery, appliqués and perforations, unusual combinations of incongruous - all this can be included in your summer wardrobe, refreshing and modernizing your summer outfits.

And now photo examples of how to dress in summer, options abound.

We can't afford to mindlessly spend our hard-earned money, if you look closely, we don't need much in order not to exclaim every day at the closet "I have nothing to wear again". All you need is a reasonable approach to your wardrobe and a clear understanding of what is really needed and what is clearly superfluous.

If you have enough funds to fulfill your every whim, then you can not read the article further and switch your attention, for example, to a fashion review. Everyone else, stock up on willpower, take a pencil, a notebook and draw up list of things tobasic wardrobe.

Pants or chinos. Summer pants should be made of cotton or linen and pair perfectly with T-shirts and shirts.

Sports suit or sports pants are needed for sports and not only.

Breeches or shorts. If funds are limited, choose mid-length denim shorts, not too voluminous, but not too tight.


Flat shoes are more formal. Any shoes without high heels, these can be ballet flats, loafers, brogues, etc. These shoes are perfect for pants and jeans.

Flat shoes are more sporty. These can be moccasins, tennis shoes, sneakers, etc. A model for every day that will save you from blisters, scuffs.

Sandals or espadrilles, suitable for a sundress and shorts, for quick movements around the city.

Sandals. It is advisable to choose models with a stable heel in beige shades with a small platform, such a model will not only lift you off the ground, but also allow you to stand firmly on them. And you can wear such sandals in the city, and on vacation, and with a dress, and with shorts practically without taking off. These sandals are the basis of your summer wardrobe. You can also choose sandals on a comfortable wedge.


Office bag- medium size, rectangular shape or close to it, universal colors (brown, blue, olive), a minimum of decor. that can fit your laptop. The format of such a bag can be very diverse, for example, a briefcase bag, a trapeze bag, a bag, etc.

Belt. There should be at least 3 in the wardrobe: narrow and elegant, medium-sized for trousers and jeans, and wide for creating a spectacular look.

Umbrella, topurse, swimsuit, etc.

Questions before every purchase

When buying each item, we mentally ask ourselves if this item fits the criterion basic. You must answer 4 questions for yourself:

  1. What will I wear it with? The basic thing should go well with everything else in the basic wardrobe. It should be universal in this regard.
  2. Does it fit me perfectly? Answer as honestly as possible, omitting all excuses in terms of “I will lose weight”, “I will grow up”, “almost perfect”. If the item does not fit perfectly now, take it off and leave the fitting room.
  3. Where and when will I wear it? Basic things can be worn without removing the whole season, if a thing requires conditions to put it on or you may look out of place in it, it is not basic.
  4. This thing looks fashionable this season, but Will it still be fashionable in 3 years? If a thing appeared in all fashion magazines and became trendy, then at the end of the season, it will become just as anti-fashion. Therefore, choose things with an unobtrusive and concise cut, color, print and decor.

It is better to buy "cheerful", bright, fashionable, original and not quite necessary things. After that how the basic wardrobe is composed. Following these tips, you will not have to sigh that you again have nothing to wear. Share in the comments your search for the perfect base.

Everyone knows about the basic wardrobe, but few people deliberately think about its compilation, but in vain. To wear neon dresses and plastic tops and skirts, you need to get a few simple things that go with absolutely everything. Wonderzine lists 10 simple summer must-haves.

liza kologreeva

Plain T-shirt

Finding a T-shirt that is simple and good is like solving a complex puzzle: one has a too wide neck, the other has short or long sleeves. To find the perfect one, you will have to rummage not only in the piles of women's knitwear, but also look into the men's departments of the mass market. Pay attention to the composition of the T-shirt: it is obvious that cotton is better than synthetic materials. The right base top for you is better to buy in different shades or in a couple of copies. You definitely won't regret this. In the summer, you can wear a T-shirt for a run or an open-air music festival.

Jil Sander

Skater skirt

If you do not like anglicisms, call this skirt model like this - “mini-sun skirt”. It is inspired by women's figure skating uniforms, not skater girls as the name might suggest. Dozens of brands produce such a skirt made of materials from jersey to neoprene, and for good reason: you can go to dances at Strelka from the beach in it, and no one will suspect anything.

Kenzo, Lanvin, Baum and Pferdgarten

Voluminous shorts

With bulky shorts in a neutral color, the story is the same as with the skater skirt: they are appropriate almost always and everywhere. Keep an eye on the length: shorts should not show too much if you are not just another Furfur girl, and even then on the set. Shorts on a belt look more advantageous, and their brothers on an elastic band can resemble men's boxer briefs.

Missoni, Monki, Chalayan

T-shirt dress

The most unpretentious dress for the summer. It can have different lengths: mini, like the American Apparel brand, or floor-length, like in the Oh, my and T by Alexander Wang collections. Such a dress is both in a feast and in the world: you can wear it to a party with sandals with heels, and wear it with slippers or loafers during the day.

Base Range Topshop

Hooded parka

The use of technological materials is one of the main trends in the development of fashion. First of all, outerwear is sewn from them, including for summer. A nylon parka of American or Japanese design is almost perfect, it will be comfortable in it both at +15 and at +30. As a substitute, you can use a less resistant rain cover in difficult weather conditions.

Carven, Woolrich


No matter how obvious it may sound, in the summer you can not do without a swimsuit. Unless you dare to imitate Scarlett Johansson in Promise Is Not Marry. In other cases, a closed swimsuit with a picturesque photo print or a graphic bikini will come to the rescue.

Topshop, We Are Handsome, Orlebar Brown


Where else can you put a laptop, a water bottle and a book at the same time and still not complain of shoulder pain after half an hour? When choosing a backpack, attention should be paid to the capacity and number of external and internal pockets. Be careful with the color scheme: brilliant,
as in the new collection of Lesya Paramonova, or with inscriptions and patterns,
like Kokon To Zai, far from everything, but white or beige
will come at the right time.

Marc by Marc Jacobs, American Apparel, Eastpak

Visor or scarf

A Swag cap is not the smartest way to protect your head from the sun. She and some straw fedora can be replaced or. Now they're not replicated like hip hop snapbacks
but whether there will be.

Fendi, Lanvin, Balenciaga