Christmas games and competitions for children. Christmas game program for children “Christmas Nursery Rhymes”

Christmas competitions

Game - competition “Pass the orange”

All the guys line up in one line. The essence of the game is to pass an orange (small ball) in a chain, provided that it cannot be touched with your hands (that is, you can pass it using your shoulder, chin, etc.). If the orange (ball) falls to the floor, the game starts again (or the player is eliminated from the game, the 2 remaining players win).

Competition "Hold the Snowflake" (The game develops dexterity and endurance)

The presenter gives each child a small ball of cotton wool, which he labels a “snowflake.” Next, the children loosen their lumps, and at the leader’s command, they throw them up and begin to blow, so as to keep their “snowflakes” in the air for as long as possible. The winner is the player who was the last to keep his “snowflake” in the air.

Game “Guess and come up with a rhyme”(children and parents play)

The presenter reads the riddles, the children guess, and the parents come up with a rhyme for the guessing word. The one who says the last word wins.

She covered the ground with a duvet,

Shackled the river strong ice,

I drew patterns on the window

Sparkling white silver. (Winter)

Got caught on the ledge
The head hangs down.
The acrobat is tiny,
Winter lollipop – ... (icicle)

He is made of snow alone,
His nose is made of carrots.
A little warm, she'll cry instantly
And it will melt... (snowman)

Whose drawings are on the window,
What's the pattern on the crystal?
Pinches everyone's nose
Winter grandfather... (frost))

The star spun

There's a little in the air

Sat down and melted

On my palm. (Snowflake)

The snow swirls along the streets,
Like the feathers of white hens.
Winter-winter friend,
Northern guest...(blizzard)

I lay there all winter
And in the spring he ran away. (Snow, snow)

Competition “Show without words” (children and parents play)

For the competition you need to prepare notes with winter phenomena or things. For example, wind, sleds, skis, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus. The essence of the competition comes down to the fact that the participants of the competition must draw out a note and, through dance and movements, depict what is written on it. The most original dancer is given a gift. (Parents show, children guess.)

Competition "Snowballs"

Make “snowballs” from cotton wool (paper) and distribute them to two teams. The guys' task is to get into the bucket from a short distance. Whichever team has the fewest mistakes wins!

Game - warm-up before the competition "Dress up the Christmas tree"

The boys and I will play interesting game: I’ll tell the kids what we decorate the Christmas tree with.

Listen carefully and be sure to answer.

If we tell you correctly, say “Yes” in response. Well, if suddenly it’s wrong, boldly say “No!”

Multi-colored firecrackers?

Blankets and pillows?

Cots and cribs?

Marmalades, chocolates?

Glass balls?

Are the chairs wooden?

Teddy bears?

Primers and books?

Are the beads multi-colored?

Are the garlands light?

Snow made from white cotton wool?

Satchels and briefcases?

Shoes and boots?

Cups, forks, spoons?

Are the candies shiny?

Are tigers real?

Are the cones golden?

Are the stars radiant?

Well done, you did a great job. And now the “Dress up the Christmas tree” competition.

Competition “Dress up the Christmas tree”

Children decorate the Christmas tree with toys and tinsel (the parents play the role of the Christmas tree). 2 pairs decorate the Christmas tree, 2 other pairs, on the contrary, unload it.

A game of attentiveness.

- We answer “yes” or “no”.

Everyone knows Santa Claus, right?

He arrives at seven sharp, right?

Santa Claus is a good old man, right?

Wears a hat and galoshes, right?

Santa Claus will come soon, right?

He will bring gifts, right?

The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right?

It was cut down with a double-barreled shotgun, right?

What grows on the Christmas tree? Bumps, right?

Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?

Well, our Christmas tree is beautiful, right?

There are red needles everywhere, right?

Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right?

He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?

Well, the answers have been given to the questions. You all know about Santa Claus. And this means the time has come, which all the children are waiting for. Let's call Santa Claus!...

Additional competitions

Competition "Who is the most dexterous?"

The presenter lays it out on the floor New Year's toys. All children walk in a circle behind the leader to the music and, at his command or a scroll, try to pick up a toy from the floor (table). The one who does not get the toy is eliminated from the game. Then the game continues again. The winners will receive toys as a gift.

Game "Choose Your Gift"

Option 1: There is a clothesline stretched across the entire room with gifts hanging on it. Each participant, blindfolded, cuts a gift for himself. The presenter comments on each gift. If gifts are delivered to the wrong address, they can be exchanged with the consent of the participants.

Option 2: Place gifts in identical boxes, 2-3 boxes leave empty. Whoever chooses which box will receive such a gift.

Competition "Twins"

Two people approach each other and hug with one hand (one takes the partner’s waist right hand, the other - with the left) It turns out that each of them has one free hand. Then they are given a task that they must complete as if it were two hands of one person. For example, cut out a shape. The 1st participant holds a sheet of paper with his left hand and guides it correctly, with the second right hand he cuts it with scissors. I like the following version of the task better: lace up the shoe, put it in a box, pour flour from the bag into a jar, close it with a lid, put it back in the box, close the box and tie it with a ribbon. For successful completion of the task you are given 2 candies....

Competition "Catch a Snowball"

The game involves two teams. One child from each team has an empty bag in his hands, which he holds wide open. Each team has several paper snowballs. At the signal, everyone begins to throw snowballs into the bag, and partners also help, trying to catch them. The team with the most snowballs in the bag wins....

Proverb competition. (For parents)

Invite guests to say the usual, familiar text of the proverb instead of the one that sounds:

1. They don’t discuss the gift, they accept what they give...

(They do not look at a given horse's teeth.)

2. You need to learn throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is endless.

(Live and learn!)

3. If you take on something, bring it to the end, even if it is difficult!

(Took hold of the tug, don’t say it’s not hefty!)

4. Trouble and disaster usually happen where something is unreliable and fragile.

(Where it’s thin, that’s where it breaks.)

5. How you treat others is how you will be treated.

(As it comes back, so will it respond.)

6. Don't take on unfamiliar tasks.

(If you don’t know the ford, don’t stick your nose into the water.)

Competition "Our Little Brothers". (For parents)

Every insect, every animal has its own motto. Invite guests to guess which one they have:

1. “Repetition is the mother of learning!”(Parrot)

2. "Hold your pocket wider!"(Kangaroo)

3. "Tears of sorrow will not help!"(Crocodile)

4. "There is safety in numbers!"(Locust)

5. “Keep in step!”(Caterpillar).

Christmas - what do you know about it?

At its core, this competition is a big Christmas-themed quiz.
1. In what city was the Virgin Mary born? (A small town in the northern part of Israel is Nazareth.)
2. What was the name of the archangel who brought the good news to Mary about the birth of a son named Jesus? (Archangel Gabriel.)
3. Why did Joseph and Mary have to go to Bethlehem? (At the direction of the Roman Caesar Augustus, a population census was carried out, under the terms of which all residents were supposed to be in the city of their ancestors. Mary and Joseph were the heirs of the family and house of King David. Bethlehem was David’s hometown.)
4. Where exactly was Jesus Christ born? (All the hotels in Bethlehem were occupied due to the census, so they were forced to stay in a cave where shepherds brought their cattle. Mary gave birth to a baby in this cave and laid him in a manger.)
5. Who was the first to know about the great event, the birth of the Savior? (The angel appeared to the shepherds from Bethlehem, so they were the first to know about it.)
6. Why did the shepherds rush to Bethlehem? (The shepherds knew that the Savior had come and wanted to worship him.)
7. What exactly were the gifts that the wise men offered Jesus? (The first offerings to the Son of God were: myrrh (since he was mortal, and anyone who died at that time was rubbed with incense), frankincense (for he is God) and gold (for he is the king of all people)).
8. Why is there always a star on top of the Christmas tree? (This is the memory of the guiding star of Bethlehem.)
9. What do the gifts under the tree symbolize for children? (They repeat the gifts of the Magi to the infant Christ.)
10. What are these lanterns that Christoslavs carry? (They also remind us of the Star of Bethlehem.)
11. Who knows what a manger is, where the Virgin Mary put the baby? (represent a feeding trough where animal food is placed.)
12. Why was Christmas called “the mother of all existing holidays”? (The birth of Jesus on earth marked new era. That is why modern chronology completely sounds like such and such a year from the Nativity of Christ.)
13. Who knows what the word “den” means? (A nativity scene is a small box that carolers or, in the old days, carolers carried with them. Also, a nativity scene is a theater where carolers showed scenes from the Bible. Each such performance took place to the accompaniment of Christmas songs and carols.).


How to organize Christmas for children so that it brings joy and is remembered for a long time? In this article we will look at interesting scenarios holiday.

Every parent wants to organize Christmas holidays for their children in such a way that it brings joy and is remembered for a long time. Let's look at two average children's parties held on their own at home.

Option one. About a week before the wonderful event, mom begins to create a menu, buy balloons and call guests. A rich table is set with chops, salads, cake and wine. Before 2-3 toasts, they still remember what they gathered for and admire happy holiday and also clean, cheerful children. After this, the little guests are usually left to their own devices (as a rule, these are children of different ages of invited relatives and friends, sometimes even unfamiliar with each other).

Option two. Having firmly decided to arrange a holiday more for children than for adults, mother serves them a separate festive table and throughout the entire event tries to somehow direct the right direction destructive energy of youth.

Have you had a similar experience? Then let's try to organize a holiday according to the third option.

Scenario for the Nativity of Christ

From Christmas morning to welcoming guests

New Year, Christmas and Birthday are the most fabulous holidays childhood. Remember how impatiently you went to bed, waiting for the onset of a little fairy tale in the morning.

Preparing for Christmas begins long before the holiday itself: children are told about, with older children you can teach it (“Christ is born, praise!”). We'll arrange it in a few days. At night or in the morning - in the temple.

On the day of the holiday, let's surprise the child as soon as he opens his sleepy eyes.

Balls are banal, I don’t argue. But how amazing it is to wake up and see above you multi-colored garland! And sitting down in your crib, be surprised by the blanket covered in confetti and streamers? Make a surprise - create the mood of a fairy tale.

It often happens that some of the guests invited to the celebrations have already arrived, while others have not yet arrived. The children who came are awkwardly bored, not knowing what to do with themselves. I suggest this way to pass the time: instead of a beautiful starched tablecloth, we put a disposable light paper tablecloth on the table and give the children felt-tip pens - let them draw a funny drawing themselves. Or we'll give it away album sheets with a request to write (or draw, if the children are still small) a funny Christmas card. Or maybe ask the children to tell what kind of holiday it is today.

Can be applied to blank sheets with a marker, various squiggles and bizarre, incomprehensible figures and invite the children to show their imagination and add something to them so that these squiggles turn into understandable drawings: turn something into a mysterious animal, something into a fairy-tale creature, an exotic plant.

I would recommend that for children from 4 years old (and 10-year-olds enjoy this kind of entertainment) cut out each Christmas Star from white cardboard, cut small stars, diamonds, flowers from colored foil, cut pieces of tinsel, sprinkle confetti and invite everyone to decorate the cardboard blank . If you can give older children - from 6 years old - glue in a cup and brushes, then for kids it is better to prepare the base in advance by applying double-sided tape to the star.

Treats for

You won’t surprise your child’s guests with a snow-white tablecloth and crystal. Anything that is a shame to get dirty and broken is out of sight. Let's look at our children with common eyes: will they be happy with meat and salads? Rarely will parents answer in the affirmative. What about fruits and sweets? Well, what a stupid question, you might say. Let's pamper our guests with different delicacies. There should be a lot of juices on the table - at least a liter per child, preferably more - something, and children, excited about the holiday, drink a lot. Fruits should be divided into convenient parts: grapes (without seeds, if you don’t want to collect them all over the house) cut into branches of 3-4 berries, citrus fruits are peeled and disassembled into slices, apples... well, almost nothing ever eats them, like and bananas, traces of which leave stains on clothes. In general, avoid fruit that gets dirty; one persimmon is tantamount to a small nuclear explosion.

Can be arranged little surprise: Place a piece of paper with Christmas wishes under the plates!

If you really want to feed your children substantial food, make sandwiches, canapes with meat, sausage, fish, cheese, decorate them more interestingly, serve a cocktail (you can beat milk, banana and a little sugar in a blender) - a very satisfying and nutritious meal. But should you stick to the standard cake? I recommend doing this original dessert: buy waffle cakes, ice cream, a can of cream, different fruits. 10 minutes before serving, place a 3 cm thick layer of ice cream on a waffle sheet, cake layer, more ice cream, cake layer, ice cream, now a mixture of chopped fruits, pour in whipped cream and stick in candles - the cake is ready! Let's call it, for example: "Christmas delicacy."

...By the way, as one of the entertaining entertainments, you can invite guests to prepare and eat canapés themselves (using plates with chopped products) and decorate their cocktails with chocolate chips, colored sugar dragees and straws.

Sequence of events

The room is decorated, the table is set, the food is ready. What should follow what so that it is not boring, but also not oversaturated? Guests began to arrive. While we are waiting for a full turnout - the children need to be occupied with quiet play - this is exactly what painting a festive tablecloth is very suitable for. Everyone is assembled - we sit down at the table. We congratulate the children and eat sandwiches with drinks and fruit. There’s no point in staying too long over the treat – as soon as the noise starts, you’ve had your fill, it’s time to play.

Games can only be organized by an adult leader, otherwise the uncontrolled little one will simply walk on his head, causing a real end of the world. Are all the planned entertainments over? Back to the table! And then - quiet games (the children were tired and overexcited). At parting, each guest should be given a small gift - this will be a very pleasant souvenir.

What about the parents of the invited children, you ask? Who will take care of them? When will I celebrate? Who will serve and clean the cutlets and Olivier? Our holiday is for children. If you can bring your child and leave – wonderful! If this is not possible, warn in advance that you will have to participate as your assistant. And while the children are eating, you will have time to eat a cake and drink a glass of wine.

Let's entertain and keep busy: competitions for Christmas

On the Internet you can find many various competitions, so ready-made scripts holiday. Be careful! Fast, energetic activities (relay races, tag and other running and jumping entertainment) must be alternated with calm games (drawing games, riddles and other sedentary tasks). Some active games It is permissible to arrange a row at the very beginning of the holiday, but at the end of it it is better to combine a couple of quiet ones so that the children calm down. If noisy competitions follow one after another, the children will quickly get tired, overexcited, and the rest of the evening will no longer be a joy. And on the contrary: too many sedentary activities will make active children bored and they will begin to look for exciting games on their own. It is advisable that in your holiday scenario the type of game should not be repeated: if a relay race - then only once, if a dance game - then also only once, a dexterity competition should also not be held twice.

Be sure to divide the guests into two teams; the competitive aspect adds spice to the competition. Let each team choose its own name and come up with a slogan. For every competition she wins, she will receive a point in the form of something significant. It could be a little Christmas star. There should be more of them than the number of competitions, in case of a tie.

What else can you do for little guests?

Relay races and blind man's buff are all great, of course, but it would be nice to surprise the children with entertainment that is unusual for such a holiday.

Children are completely delighted when they are offered to make something interesting themselves from... real yeast dough. You can buy it frozen at the store or make it yourself. I emphasize - the dough must be yeast! Their works comically swell and increase when finished goods they begin to come, which simply amazes the little guests! Each child is given a piece parchment paper, the size of a notebook leaf, and you need to make your pie on it. This is necessary so that the figurine of a man or animal made from dough is transferred to the baking sheet without deformation, and from the baking sheet in baked form back to the plate. For decoration, you can offer saucers with kernels of nuts and seeds, raisins. These baked souvenirs are given to the guests at the end of the holiday, and she happily takes them home. You can suggest making the Christmas star again, this time not from cardboard, but from dough.

I remind you that calm games must alternate with active games. If two quiet classes go in a row - more active children They will lose concentration and become distracted and noisy. If two energetic and noisy competitions are held without a break, the children will quickly become overtired and begin to be capricious.

I’ll tell you a relay race game that we came up with and tested first at a children’s party and then at an adult party, it turned out to be so fun and win-win funny. Blanks: two sheets of Whatman paper pinned to the wall, two markers, two containers with the same set of notes indicating body parts. Since our task was to depict a “Russian beauty,” we wrote: crown, braid, eyes, nose, mouth... boots. The main thing is not to miss a single part so that the drawing is as complete as possible. All notes are mixed and placed in a box, which is placed under each Whatman paper. With the START command, the first player runs with a marker to the wall, pulls out a piece of paper, reads what to draw, draws it on the sheet, runs away and passes the relay marker to the next participant, and he himself stands at the end of the line. The player who received the marker also runs to the wall, reads, draws and returns. IT IS VERY FUNNY! Our cameraman could not film the competition - his hands were shaking with laughter, and I, as the presenter, was unable to comment on the resulting “Beauties” - disproportionate body parts, distorted facial features... Tears flowed in a stream from laughter. We held the same competition among adults: they drew Miss Beauty - it was even more cool than at children's party. The team whose drawing is the cutest wins.

The end of the Christmas holiday for children

Such a wonderful day has come to an end. I would like to end it in such a way that you are not sad that it is over, but feel good at heart. If you filmed the holiday on camera, you can play the video on the TV screen at the moment when the guests are eating the cake. The children are already tired, they don’t really want to talk and have fun, but this kind of viewing will amuse them. If the children are already schoolchildren and know how to write, after clearing the table, bring a huge postcard and markers purchased in advance, let everyone leave a review of the holiday and congratulations and wishes to everyone present. It would be nice to make a simple letter on the computer and hand it to each guest at parting: the most dexterous, the most cheerful, the most resourceful - they will proudly show it to their parents, remembering the past fun.

...And how nice it is, saying goodbye to your child’s friends, to hear: “Thank you! Thank you very much for the holiday! We've never had so much fun before!!! ...Will you invite us next time?!”

“During my student days, I very cleverly performed one trick with everyone who wanted to know the name of their betrothed, which I, in turn, learned in the company of the same curious girls - my friends older sister. And the whole trick is actually very simple, like everything ingenious. For the success of this event, you need a bathroom or just a sink with a small piece of soap, preferably completely flat, although Any will do for lack of anything else. Well, the rest, that is, a flock of people thirsting for the truth, I think, will be found just like a box of matches, because candles need to be lit, so buy them in advance. And when all this is ready, everyone has gathered, everyone has already exhausted their knowledge in the field of Christmas fortune-telling, you, as if by the way, can ask: “Can I tell you what the husband’s name will be for any of you.” In response, you can hear anything: surprise, disbelief, etc. But someone will definitely be interested in it. This is where it all begins. Even before you say your intriguing phrase, you can write on inside your forearm (from hand to elbow) with any prepared soap male name. This should be done with a ridge of slightly wet soap so that your hand remains dry. If you did not have time to do this in advance, then after you have interested everyone, do something so that you need to go out (get matches, comb your hair, finally go to the toilet), just don’t say that you need to get ready for fortune telling, this can alert the most suspicious, and there are such people always and everywhere. When you leave, you need to write any man's name or the name of the prospective groom of the one who volunteered first. When you return to everyone, you must, with a serious look, invite everyone to concentrate and under no circumstances laugh, in general, let in a fog. Then invite the girl for whom the fortune-telling will be done to burn 5-20 matches (as many as your heart desires, but not less than 5) and place the completely burnt matches on your prepared forearm. When a girl burns matches, she should completely focus on her future as she sees it (or come up with something interesting yourself again for the same fog). Then, with no less concentration, you need to rub the burnt matches directly on your hand (cruelly, but you can’t do it for a laugh), and with every movement of it, the name that you previously wrote will appear on your hand. You can believe that even the most skeptical people here will believe and want to do it themselves, and maybe more than once. For the second and subsequent times, you will no longer need to look for an excuse to go to the treasured water and soap to write the treasured name for next girl. It is advisable that no one except you knows this joke, but this is not so important if that person is your ally. It is also important to be absolutely serious and even, perhaps, indifferent, and not to laugh under any circumstances. When everyone is satisfied, you can tell about everything, unless you want to hold a monopoly on next year. In my case, there were a majority of skeptics from the very beginning, and it all started out of curiosity. And in the end, even the most ardent skeptics became so excited and seriously believed in everything. They still had doubts even after I told them everything honestly. But on the whole, everyone was satisfied, and, what’s most interesting, even after my confession, they told everyone that their betrothed’s name would be exactly as I predicted for them. I wish you all good luck in carrying out this fortune telling! "...

“Christmas Nursery Rhymes” – game program

14-00 hours.

1. Fanfare
2. Exit of Klyukovka and Solka
3. Game “If this holiday...”
4. Making fireworks
5. Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
6. Angel's Exit
7. Game “Snowflakes Are Falling Quietly”
8. Game “We are good”
9. Questions about Christmas customs
10. Learning a carol
11. dance "Macarena"
12. Game "Golden Gate"
13. Riddles
14. Dance of the Ducklings
15. Playing ball
16. Game "Wicket"
17. Game “We’ll go right first”
18. Remembering magical objects
19. Gifts from an Angel
20. Farewell to the artists!

Music, Klyukovka the Doll and Solka the Clown appear.

Good afternoon, happy hour!
Glad to see you again!
Congratulations to everyone on the occasion -
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas!
Happy days have come
The lights are burning on the Christmas tree,
Loud laughter is heard everywhere -
It's time for some fun!
For jokes and fun,
Cool mood
For funny carols,
This is the Christmas order!
What is Christmas?
This is a miracle, magic!
Merry carols!
Interesting riddles!

A game.

Cl:. If this holiday is bad, then you will kick the TOP! (Stomp)
S-ka.: And if the holiday is good, let everyone clap their hands! (Claps)
Cl.: What is Christmas? One disappointment! (Stomp)
S-ka: You are wrong, Klyukovka! These are songs and poems! (Claps hands)
Cl: This miracle is coming to us! (Claps)
S-ka: People are sitting at home! (Stomp)
Cl: Everyone will find happiness! (Claps)
S-ka: All roads will be covered! (Stomp)
Cl: This holiday will be bright! (Claps)
S-ka: It's a prankish frost outside! (Stomp)
Cl: This is a fast sled run! (Claps)
S-ka: Every person is happy! (Stomp)
Cl: This Angel is coming to us! (Claps)
S-ka: He brings good news! (Claps)
It's time to start the fun
And the Christmas Angel has not yet appeared at the holiday,
Probably got lost on the way!

So that he can find the way
In this bright New Year's hall,
You need to prepare
And meet him friendly!

I suggest you greet him with fireworks! Do you agree? Then let's rehearse.
The left side of the hall is red fireworks, you will clap your hands. Middle part of the hall - fireworks yellow color, you will stomp your feet loudly. A Right side hall - fireworks of blue color, you will shout “Hurray!” Get ready! Red! Blue! Yellow! And now all together!
Again! The game is played with spectators.
We have prepared for the meeting of the Angel, all that remains is to call him. Who knows how to call an Angel? (children suggest)
Happy song!
Let's all sing together: Let's imagine how the animals would sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
The bear was fast asleep in the den,
His feet were cold.
He woke up, roared,
Sang in a loud voice...
Children, imitating a bear, roughly and dully sing the first verse of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”
A mouse came out of a hole
In your little gray pants,
She squealed, whistled,
She sang very subtly...
The children sing the second verse high and thin. (The snowstorm sang a song to her)
There's a fish in the aquarium
Sings to everyone with a smile -
Very quiet, barely audible.
Well, we will sing silently...
The children sing the next verse in a whisper. (Cowardly little gray bunny)
This horse is very clever
He hits loudly with his horseshoe.
She jumped, danced,
She laughed very merrily...
The children sing the next verse abruptly. (The horse is carrying wood..)
All the bears, fish, bears,
All the girls and boys
The song was immediately supported
They screamed very loudly...
The children sing the last verse loudly and cheerfully. (Now she's smart...)
In the whole world there is a celebration -
It's Christmas!
You can live, live,
Gain good fame!
And greet the Angel with fireworks!

Red! Blue! Yellow!…

An Angel enters to the music.

A lot of guys have gathered here.
It took me a long time to get to you,
From a distant country,
Along the road, along the wide one,
Through snowy fields
I'm in a hurry, guys.
Happy New Year
I wish you happiness, joy,
Smiles and goodness to everyone
It's Christmas Eve!

Good Angel, while we were waiting for you, we played a little with the guys. Did you like our fireworks?

Well done mischief makers,
There are lights shining in the eyes.
May the year be a success,
Let's remember winter fun!
(speaks and shows movements and asks children to repeat)
Snowflakes are falling quietly (Children clap their hands quietly)
Santa Claus freezes pieces of ice (Clap loudly)
There was a big snowdrift.
Jump and jump into it! (Jumping)
The skates are ready
We were able to make a “swallow”... (Show)
Now let's get on our skis.
We can rush to Paris. (Move to the tree and back)
Let's continue to have fun
You need to ride down the hill. (They stood up like a train and ran)
Whose feet are frozen?
Stretch them a little! (Jumping in place)

It's immediately obvious that guys
In the morning they do exercises.
I know, study for glory,
Take care of your dad and mom.
You are always obedient in everything,
Cheerful and good-natured.
That's right, I say, guys.
Or was I once mistaken?

And now I want to know how good and handsome you are. I will say a sentence, those on my right will shout in unison, “We are good,” and those on my left, “We are nice.”
One side shouts “We are Good”, the other answers “We are Nice”
Kingisepp kids
They never spoil books... (Guys scream)
They don't sit idle.
They will boldly tell us about themselves... (Guys scream)
Don't forget about friends
And in times of need they are helped... (Guys scream)
Brush teeth thoroughly
And they are diligent in everything... (Guys scream)
Don't draw on the fence
They don't break desks at school... (Guys scream)
Not lazy, not boring,
They wash the dishes after themselves... (Guys scream)
It's nice to look at the diaries.
So what are you guys like?.. (Guys scream)

Here he comes to us New Year
Noisy and cheerful
He will bring good luck
To cities and villages.

Christmas star light
Gives a holiday again,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Merry Christmas!
Guys, how many of you know what folk customs related to Christmas?
(if no one in the room has an answer, we call customs)
In the old days, they caroled at Christmas - mummers went from house to house, sang carol songs, and asked for treats. It was a whole performance. Usually the mummers portrayed animals. Here you have a bear, a goat, a wolf and even a devil.

I'm caroling, I'm caroling
I will go into any hut.
I'll ask the hostess
Let's have some sweets.
And cookies and sweets,
And sherbet with nuts,
And halva and chocolate,
Pastille and marmalade,
Delicious cake,
Sweet ice cream.
We will treat each other
And the owners kind words remember!

The sparrow flies
Twirls his tail,
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests
Happy Christmas!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Give me some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck,
Take it out quickly
Don't freeze the children.
Won't you give me cheesecakes?
You'll get it on top of your head!
Won't you give me the pie?
I'll lead the cow by the horns.

And on Christmas night they played snowballs, sledded down the hill, sang funny songs and danced.

Well then, let's dance my favorite dance?

Well guys, let's respect our Angel and dance his favorite dance? Do you know what his favorite dance is? This is a fun Macarena dance! Let's all become (and adults) in a round dance. Let me remind you the dance movements for those who have forgotten:
“One” – extend your right hand forward.
"Two" - left hand pull forward.
“Three” – right hand on the left shoulder.
“Four” – left hand on the right shoulder.
“Five” – right hand behind the head.
“Six” – left hand behind the head.
“Seven” – right hand on the right thigh.
“Eight” – left hand on the left thigh. And they wiggled their butts.


Now let's complicate the task. We divide into pairs, turn our backs to each other and dance again.

And I know one good old game. It's called "Golden Gate". Let's play with the guys!

Come on, come on, tell me
Show me how to play!

In the Golden Gate game, two players stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their arms up. The result is “collars”. The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person walking in front or simply join hands. The resulting chain should pass under the gate.
"Vorotiki" pronounce:
Golden Gate
They don't always miss!
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second time is prohibited
And for the third time
We won't miss you!
After these words, the “collars” sharply lower their hands, and those children who were caught also become “collars.” Gradually the number of “gates” increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all children become "gates".
(play "Golden Gate")
Klyukovka, Solka, who do you think is smarter - girls or boys?

Solka: Of course, boys!

And I think both.

Let's give them a competition of wits - we'll hold a riddle competition.

I was hit with a shovel
They made me hunchbacked
They beat me, they beat me!
Ice water poured over
And then they all rolled off
From my hump in droves.

Guys, I have
Two silver horses
I drive both at once.
What kind of horses do I have?

Running along the path
Boards and legs.

I'm flying downhill,
I'm dragging myself uphill.

What a ridiculous man
Made your way into the twenty-first century?
Carrot - nose, broom in hand,
Afraid of sun and heat.

The snowflakes just fell
I ran along the path
And they are running after me,
They give out my entire itinerary. (Footprints in the snow)

The carrot is white
It grew all winter.
The sun has warmed up -
I ate all the carrots. (Icicle).

I am such a fashionista that everyone is surprised!
I love beads, sparkles - any decorations.
But believe me, it’s my great misfortune
I only wear an outfit once a year.
(Christmas tree)

The wind blew and frost
Brought snow to us from the north.
Only since then
On my glass... (pattern)

But guess my New Year's riddle.
There is one funny dance,
It's for those who go to school
And for those who go to the garden,
And adults are happy to dance too.
That dance is called -
Dance of little ducks.

(dance to the music “Dance of the Little Ducklings”)

Had a lot of fun!
And now I want to know
Who can play ball?

We divide into two teams. The first players in each line hold a ball in their hands. At the command “Attention, march!” players begin to pass the ball over their heads (under their feet) from the beginning to the end of the line. The players at the back of the formation, having received the ball, run and become the first in their ranks, after which the players again begin to pass the ball from one to another to the end of the formation. When the player who started the game (ball race) is the last, then, having received the ball, he must run forward along his line, become the first in it and raise the ball above his head.
The team that manages to finish the ball race the fastest wins.

And the losing team will have bunnies and dance a squat dance for us.

They play, the losers dance the lady.

We sang, danced,
What, guys, aren't you tired?
Well then I suggest
We're going to play "Pleten" now!

Wattle fence. The game involves two teams. Children stand in ranks opposite each other and learn to weave a fence. To do this, cross your arms in front of you and connect your right hand with the left hand of the neighbor on the left, and the left hand with the right hand of the neighbor on the right. Both ranks, with their hands down, walk towards each other with the words:

One, two. three four,
The order must be carried out.
No, of course not, in the whole world
Friendship is better than ours!

The ranks converge in the center and bow to each other.
Then fast music plays and all the children start dancing. As soon as the music stops, all participants must return to their places in their ranks. The line that lines up first wins.

Don't rush to leave
Let's continue to have fun.
It's called fun -
“We’ll go right first...”
Let's stand together in a round dance,
Repeat after me, people!

Everyone stands in a round dance and repeats the movements following the words.
First we will go to the right. One two Three!
And then let's go left. One two Three!
Let's all gather in a circle. One two Three!
And then we'll go our separate ways. One two Three!
Let's all sit down quietly. One two Three!
And let's lie down for a while. One two Three!
Let's all clap our hands. One two Three!
Dance our feet. One two Three!

(Here sounds any funny music and everyone is dancing.)

Christmas is coming
Magic comes to the house.
You just need to make a guess -
Fairy tales will come to life.

Now we'll see who can remember the most magical objects from fairy tales. Whoever remembers, go to the center and call it loudly.
(hints: self-assembled tablecloth, walking boots, flying carpet, treasure sword, Baba Yaga's stupa, hut on chicken legs, invisible hat, magic wand, Magic wand, magic pipe, rejuvenating apples, comb, magic ball, etc.) Children are given gifts from the Angel!

There's nothing more interesting
How wonderful is it on such a day,
Winter holiday season
Meet the kids.
Happy New Year to them,
Celebrate Christmas everywhere!

I wish you, friends, happiness,
Warm, radiant!
An angel will take away the bad weather
Let your wings be clean!
To make it cornflower blue
The sky is not cloudy,
This Christmas is merry
Well, life is wonderful!

The children were singing at the decorated Christmas tree,
But the time has come for us to say goodbye to you.
Goodbye children, have fun!
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

Additional sketch (optional).

I wish you new strength, good luck,
Happy New Year and Christmas!
May they always expect you in life
Only joy, happiness and goodness!
Let there be many friends and acquaintances,
On your life's journey!
And may the road always be successful,
And may success only lie ahead!

Merry Christmas to you
And of course we wish:
Let the blizzard last for a whole year,
He will give you health,
The wind will blow away all the ailments
To the cold courtyard.
Let the snow swirl with sparks,
So that your faces brighten,
And the wicked moon
On the night of love, it will deprive you of sleep.
May one of the brightest stars
Will give your talents growth,
Your thought will rise up!
Let friends brighten your life!

It's Christmas again -
Celebration of the heavenly forces:
On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil.
Glory to Him eternal,
Conqueror of darkness.
Congratulations with all our hearts
With this great joy!

I sincerely congratulate you
Merry Christmas to all of you!
I sincerely wish you happiness
In this bright hour!
Let the light illuminate you
From the stars
And your wishes will come true
Plans and dreams.
Let unexpected luck
It will excite the blood.
And of course they mean a lot
Friendship and love!

Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales! And now, in order for us to move on to the next game, we will have to cross an impassable fairy-tale swamp. You need to jump from bump to bump. Newspapers are laid out on the floor - these are bumps. Jump on one bump, say the word SNOW loudly. Jumped onto another - loudly say a word derived from the word SNOW. For example, a snowflake. If you didn’t come up with a word, you lost, get out of the swamp. You don't play in the next game.
(game of “Hummocks”. Words SNOW, ICE, WATER, FIRE)– the floor is slippery!

Clown Solka:
Those guys who crossed the swamp, we will play “Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells” with you. We blindfold this participant. We stand around him. We pronounce:
Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells.
The daredevils called:
Guess where the ringing comes from!”
After these words, the “blind man’s buff” must guess by the sound of the bell and catch the participant with the bell who is dodging him. When a participant with a bell is caught, he becomes a "blind man's buff", and the previous "blind man's buff" turns into a regular player.

When the snow covers the ground,
And Christmas will come again
Raise a glass to happiness,
For peace, for friendship, for love!
And so that without grief and doubt
May you live many bright days!
Preserve comfort and family peace
And respect from friends!

Deeper in the sky is blue,
The star flashed brighter...
Kolyada came
On the eve of Christmas.
Through snowdrifts
She walked along laughing and having fun,
To both friends and strangers
Knocking under the windows.
And behind the old Kolyada
The carolers have come
They stood up in a noisy crowd,
The song was sung loudly:
“Kolyada was born
On the eve of Christmas..."
A bright star is shining,
Deeper in the sky is blue...

Night. Freezing. The stars are sparkling
From the heights of heaven.
All covered in snow, like ermines,
The quiet forest sleeps.
Silence all around. Glade
Sleeping in the arms of sleep,
Swims out from behind the forest
The moon is on watch.
The stars are going out. They're pouring from the sky
Pale rays
Frosty snow sparkled
Silver brocade.
Branches spread wide
In a snow coat,
There is a Christmas tree in the middle of the clearing.
It went up like an arrow.
To the beauty of the forest
The moonlight has fallen
And the lights of ice crystals
Played in the branches.
Diamond threads
Entwined in pine needles,
Emeralds and rubies
They lit up in the snow.
A clear star near the Christmas tree
The head is glowing...
The great day is coming
Christmas holiday!

Snowflakes in a white waltz descend from the sky,
And the sleepy forest was covered with a blanket of snow.
Today magic flows from everywhere,
And this always happens at Christmas.
The earth is shrouded in a mysterious fairy tale,
Rivers and fields sleep under a blanket of snow.
Today you quietly make a wish,
Keep it close to your heart and repeat it often.
Indeed, on this wonderful evening of crisp beauty
All your wildest dreams come true!!!

How does the locomotive sound? How noisy are the trailers?
We all get on the train and take our seats in the carriages. Has everyone taken their seats? Too-too! Wave to your parents! Go! (to music)
Stop! The first station "Poprygushkino". Who will jump higher!
By carriages! The train is leaving here! (to music)
Stop! Station "Prisedushkino". They sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up, sat down and stood up.
By carriages! Take your seats! Too-too! (to music)
Stop! And this station is called “Pinch yourself by the nose.” They pinched themselves on the nose... And now they patted themselves on the head and said in unison: “Oh yes, we are, well done!”
Quickly, quickly, by train! Let's go, here we go!
Stop! The train has arrived at the final station!

Clown Solka:
Do you guys know about such an old Russian game “The goat walked along the road”?
Let's play. I'll sing you a song:
The goat was walking along the road,
On the wide road,
I found a hornless goat
Hornless goat.
Come on, goat, let's jump,
Let's jump, let's jump,
We unlock the melancholy and sadness,
Let's unlock the sadness.
One player comes out. Jumps and runs to the song. With the words “I found a hornless goat,” he chooses a mate. One player runs skipping along to the song. Holding hands, the two of them skip and jump to the words of the song: “Let’s jump with you..., let’s unlock the sadness.” They start singing again, the couple separates and each chooses another player for himself. There are already two couples running to the song. The children separate again and each of them invites new children for a couples “walk”. The number of playing pairs grows and gradually everyone present becomes involved in the game.

The game was sent to Kopilochka by Corinna Chebotareva: “We made this game at our New Year's Eve. The purpose of the game is to test participants' knowledge of biblical history (in in this case Rozhdestvenskaya story) and also amuse everyone present. When choosing people to interview, you need to take into account their intelligence and courage to answer unexpected questions. questions asked. It is advisable to select people for interviews in advance."

It is advisable to film the game and then show the video. Good memory about Christmas party!

Leading: Good evening Dear TV viewers! Welcome to (name of presenter) with the Concord youth news program. Today with us in live Bethlehem events, during which we will sum up the results of the past year. I present to you our special correspondent, who will interview eyewitnesses of the events that took place. They say that some time before the birth of Christ, the priest Zechariah lost his speech during his service in the temple.

To Elizabeth: Did you immediately believe Zechariah’s words that there would soon be a child in your family?

Host: During all the events taking place, the Magi from the east noticed strange manifestations in the sky.

To the Magus 1: What were the meanings of the gifts that you brought for the Son of God?
To the Magus 2: How did you know that it was this particular star? (what was your trust in the star you followed based on?)
To the Magus 3: Who did you turn to to find the king?

Correspondent: To make it a little clearer, let's disturb the king.
To Herod: Why were you looking for the Child about whom people from the East told you? Did you manage to kill Him?

Correspondent: The executors of the law are also here.
To the Warrior: The Bible says: “Thou shalt not kill...”. Why did you obey King Herod's orders to kill children?
In the future, history tells us about amazing discovery during excavations of the burial places of the bodies of murdered infants. Scientists, while excavating, discovered two colors of bones. Some bones were black, others were white. Surprised by this discovery, archaeologists could not determine which bones were girls and which were boys. Which bones do you think belong to which gender? (This provocative question, since only infant boys were killed)

Presenter: (reads from the Bible Luke 2.25) “Then there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon.” Oh, He was also an eyewitness, let’s ask Him too?

To Simeon: Simeon, what inspired you to come to the temple? Did you expect the coming of the Mission? How did you recognize the Child in the temple?

Host: There are rumors among the people that the most beautiful singing in the world was heard by shepherds.

Correspondent: Shepherds, where are you?
To the Shepherds: What night was it? Tell us about how the Angel announced to you the news of the birth of Christ? Did you believe the words of the Angel that Christ should lie in a manger?

Host: Let's see what was happening in the city at that time.

Correspondent: Here we see the owner of the hotel. It is quite interesting to learn from the innkeeper why they were overcrowded.
To the Innkeeper: Did you know and expect the coming of the Messiah? How did you feel when you found out that you had refused a favor to the King of Kings?

Host: Now let's turn our attention to an unusual young couple

To Joseph: Why did you not want to take Mary as your wife at first? Why did you like Maria? What qualities did Mary have?


To Mary: Tell me how the Angel appeared to you? Why do you think God chose you to be the mother of the Son of God?

Correspondent: Bethlehem News. A special correspondent (name) was with you. Thank you for attention.