An interesting scenario for a teacher's day at school. Script for congratulations on Teacher's Day Script for mini congratulations to teachers on Teacher's Day


(The hall is festively decorated: balloons and posters, congratulations to the teachers.)

Background music “Exit of the presenters.”

The presenters come out.

1st -On an autumn day, when at the threshold
The cold has already begun to breathe,
The school celebrates teacher's day
A holiday of wisdom, knowledge, goodness!

2nd - Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart
In these sounds that are dear to us.
Everything related to youth, childhood,
We owe it to the teachers.

1st – Good afternoon, dear teachers! Today is the professional holiday of all teachers in Russia!

2nd – Let us, on behalf of all students, congratulate you, our dear mentors, and sincerely wish you success in your hard work, happiness, health, and good luck.

1st – Today we want to tell you a lot of kind, sincere words of love and respect. Our holiday concert is dedicated to YOU, dear teachers!

The presenters leave.

Song _______________________________________________

1st- We know a lot of professions. Still, the Teacher is the most important of all.

2nd – Teacher's Day is a special holiday. Today every person celebrates, because no matter who he is - a president, a doctor, a musician - first of all, he is someone’s former student.

1st - Mentor, before your name we bow our heads and knees. All his life the teacher burns with a bright flame, wanting to light the way for generations!..

Song ______________________________________________

1st - Teacher, the days of your life are like one,

You dedicate it to the school family.

You are everyone who came to you to study,

You call them your children.

But children grow up, from school

Walking the roads of life

And your lessons are remembered,

And they keep you in their hearts.

2nd - Favorite teacher, dear person,

Be the happiest in the world

Even though sometimes it’s hard for you

Your naughty children.

You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge.

Accept our gratitude!

We remember how you brought us into the public eye

From timid, funny first-graders.


Little ones come out.

1st reader.

Today at our school

Big and important holiday!

Vanya and Kolya became quiet

And Mishenka the prankster.

2nd reader.

Smart - serious

Everyone in our class became.

For various questions

We answered together!

3rd reader.

Didn't jump on desks

Didn't run around the classroom

They read clearly and distinctly.

Still would! It's a holiday at school!

4th reader.

What day is it, tell me

So mysterious?!

1st reader.

Not just anyone, but a TEACHER -

Hero at the party!

2nd reader.

For knowledge about the world,

For the school bright world, For kindness " Thank you "We're talking today!

4th reader.

Stay like that

Health and happiness to you!

And smile more often

To family, friends and us!– together (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th).

Song - __________________________________________

The presenters come out.


Our dear teachers!
On this holiday - Teachers' Day -
Forget all your worries
And look at the world more cheerfully.
You are always a source of light for us,
And the guys all, as if by agreement,
They bring you beautiful bouquets.
And for them the shine of your eyes -
The best reward for your efforts,
Better than any of the praise.
And they have one desire:
Just to bring you joy.


For the sake of your sincere smile
And the student and every student
He will instantly correct all his mistakes.
And it will not repeat them in the future.
1st - We present to your attentionScene "Exam".

Music background ________________________________

1st- Preparing for the concert, we tried to approve several nominations and determine their winners among the teachers of our school . "The most patient teacher" - that’s what the first nomination should have been called. She is perhaps the most important thing for a teacher. It’s not for nothing that the proverb says: “Patience and work will grind everything down.”

2nd- Next nomination - "The funniest teacher" the winners of which should be teachers who never lose optimism.

1st- Of course, we could not help but approve the nomination "The kindest teacher" and identify those of you in whose eyes kindness and tenderness towards your students do not disappear under any circumstances.

2nd- But the further we put forward nominations and candidacies for their possession, the more we became convinced that any of the possible nominations could rightfully be awarded to each, who once decided and was not afraid to take on this huge responsibility. And this once again confirms: concept"teacher" - infinitely multifaceted.
1st - To you, the most patient, the kindest, the most cheerful... the director of our school addresses you, the very best Nadezhda Pavlovna Eliseeva . The director gives a congratulatory speech.

Song - _____________________________________


Today at our holiday there are dearveterans pedagogical work:


_________________________________________________________________________ .

Dear teachers, you have worked at our school for a long time, each of you is a bright, unique personality who has been protecting and preserving this educational institution with the light of your love for decades.

These lines are dedicated to you, dear veterans of teaching work:

Background music "Rybnikov".


Darling, rest a little.

You are tired, I suppose: thirty years at the board.

How many people have you accompanied on the road from here!

Wasn't it because of those separations that your temples turned white?

In our class, it’s as if nothing changes -

Both in winter and in spring there are foliage outside the window,

Silence awaits you in the morning too,

The same childish looks and the same words.


And thirty years have passed. According to spring blossoms

The years passed on the autumn winds, on the snow...

But even now youth greets you as before,

As if time stands still. Just what is it to you?


You are close to the future...

The lesson started in the past continues,

And again you give the guys homework,

Like your youth, the severity of Blok’s lines.

Do you want - as with us - to understand and look closely

Into the souls of these guys, without forgetting anyone.

You do not bypass any of them with your heart.

But there is only one heart... I wish I could feel sorry for him...


Regret? No, you couldn't do it any other way.

This is all for people, so what is it all about?

They will have no luck without your heart.

That's why you don't want to protect your heart.


Teacher's Heart...
Well, what can you compare it to?
With the cosmic Galaxy,
Which has no boundaries?
Or maybe with the bright Sun, that
Gives people light?
With the depths of the sea, which
Dormant for hundreds of years?

No, we won't compare!
And we will say: “Knock!”

Teacher's Heart,
Hope! Believe! Love!!!

2nd - For you, dear veterans, there is a song performed by the vocal ensemble “Chance”.

Song ________________________________________ .

Four kids come out.

1st An autumn leaf is spinning outside the window.
October. Golden autumn rules the roost.
With an umbrella, but with a white festive bow
We rush to the classroom to congratulate the teacher.

2nd He teaches us to divide and multiply,
Read, write and construct sentences,
To comprehend the universal laws
And make serious decisions.

3rd The teacher gives us warmth and light,
We are inspired by our own example.
And, if necessary, the wise will give advice,
And everyone in the class understands this.

4th The teacher is our reliable, faithful friend.
He knows our secrets and secrets.
He is a doctor of our little sciences.
together : We thank him for this! Dance " Cartoons" .


1st This is the kind of fiery dance that the students of the exemplary pop dance studio gave you...

2nd - And now we again invite you to mentally transport yourself to our school life and smile a little. So, lessonMUSIC . Scene “PIANINO” ». ( 6 guys and 1 girl )

Funny music.

Leading: Our teachers are selfless people. I have the impression that they are constantly at school. You come to school in the morning, the teachers are already there, you leave school, they are still there...

Funny music.

Presenter (with magazine and pointer under arm)"calls" by phone. (teacher )

Sketch "Education by telephone" (clean up the background )

Teacher: Hello, son, it's me, mom. I'm calling from school. I'll be a little late, we have a teachers' meeting. So you and dad are somehow on your own, without me...

Yes, have you learned your lessons? What did they ask? Sticks? Well done. And more ovals? Well, draw some good ovals, oval ones... Kisses, bye!(Leaves)

Teacher: Hello, it's me, son. I'll be a little late at school; today the tenth graders have a disco. Have you eaten? How is there nothing? What about pasta? Are you out? Well, then eat some porridge... Did you eat it yesterday? Then tell dad to take the crackers on the shelf. It will soak with boiling water... I kiss you.(Leaves)

Teacher: Hello, son! So, how are you? Have you learned your lessons? Why don't they ask? Don't they ask at all? How come? What? Session on the nose? So are you already in college? Which one is your son wearing?

Son, how are you doing? Not son? Who? Oh, grandson? Oh, grandson, I’m really busy at school, today I’ll be a little late - I have a parent-teacher meeting: there’s so much to do, so much to do, and time flies... Have you done your homework? What did you ask? Sticks? OK then! And the oval ones? Well, try to draw good ovals, ovals...

Fun transition music. The presenters come out.

1st The teacher came to class,

She herself is a little older than us,

And taught such a lesson,

That we forgot about the call.

She told us

How the BAM is being built in Transbaikalia,

How virgin soil was raised

And about flights to the moon.

And we wanted to know more

And become adults faster,

And choose the right path in life,

And look into the future.


Perhaps someone at the factory

He will come to the lathe,

And someone will build a house,

And someone will paint in it.

Perhaps one of us

It will go into a school classroom just like that.

And he will teach such a lesson,

That everyone will forget about the call.

Song ___________________________

Presenters :

1st The teacher knows everything, he can do everything,

At least he doesn’t expect affection from life.

Stops children running

He will enter the thundering hall,

When the disco is on.

2nd He writes poetry, draws,

Cooks and knits and sews,

Plays on stage, dances

And even, imagine, he sings.

1st As long as the earth turns,

Dear fragile planet,

There are teachers in the world

Which means there will be more light!

Song __ The final ________________________________________



Thank you, teachers,

For your good deeds!

Thank you all, dears,

For your young souls!


We congratulate you on your holiday!

Never grieve about anything

And we wish you never to get sick,

Happy life

Good luck in everything!

1st Patience is holy

And sincere laughter

Perseverance, joy

And faith in success.

Live with dignity

Giving us strength,

Always tense

Which means it’s not in vain!!!

Music "Kinopanorama"

Coming out All participants .

1st Our holiday concert has come to an end.

2nd Thank you, teachers! May you have every dayholiday ! THANK YOU!

Good luck to you! - __________________.

Hello! - ___________________

Energy! - ___________________

Enthusiasm! - ___________________

Have a good mood! – ________________.

Capable students! – __________________.

Responsible parents! – _______________.

Optimism! - _____________________ HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!!! - all together. – ( brighter music).

(everyone bows and leaves). Applause.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Department of Education

Municipal Administration

Usolye - Sibirsky

Municipal educational institution

“Secondary school No. 8, named after. A. A. Razgulyaeva"

Designed by: music teacher 1st quarter categories Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 8 Usolye - Siberian Utratina O. G.

Teacher's Day

Leading:- I walk on fallen gold, on gold,

And under the feet of the puddles there is fragile glass.

Summer gives way, gives way to cold,

And everything in my soul is as bright as spring.

Today is a quiet day and exceptionally bright,

And in the waltz the leaves fall onto the asphalt.

Today is a holiday - Russian Teacher's Day,

Warm greetings will relieve your stress,

Smoothes out your fine wrinkles

And with an equally happy expression

The stars of your sweet, stern eyes are shining.

For honorable and sometimes painful work

The entire Russian land is grateful to you.

The smartest rulers of the rebellious souls of the boys,

Sorry if we offended you in any way...

God bless you, God bless you, teachers!

1 . – Hello, our dear Teachers! Today we have a festive episode of the program “School and We”. The whole country celebrates a great holiday - Teacher's Day. Today all our reports are dedicated to this date.

What is autumn? No. 1336 (+2)

1.What's going on at school today?

We will answer your question directly:

This is a holiday here with us, here we have it

And the teachers should be congratulated.


Happy to see you all now

At this most exciting hour.

Happiness, smiles, light, kindness

We wish you children.

2.A teacher working at a school

The best teacher in the world,

Because he has his big heart

He gives it to all the children without any reserve.


2. – And we have political news. Yesterday a delegation of teachers visited the principal's office. Issues of external and internal policy of our school, attendance and academic performance were discussed. Our special correspondent reports.

A reporter comes out with a microphone.

Correspondent: - Hello! I am reporting from the director's reception room. As you understand, the meeting is taking place behind closed doors, but we will try to hear something (puts his ear to the door). You won't believe it, but what am I hearing? Again complaints about students.

Song to the tune of “I’m standing at a stop” No. 1287 (+2)

1. I’m standing at recess 6th grade.

Pressed right against the wall,

And kids run past.

And children, as usual,

They make peace, they quarrel,

They fight and scurry back and forth. – 2 rub.

2. And in a reading lesson, 5th grade.

Asking for a poem

I suddenly didn’t hear anything.

In Russian she gave a rule,

And repeat everything correctly

Again, no one could do it for me. – 2 r.

3. And at the music lesson, everyone is together

They said: “Why are you loading us?

We don't need classics anymore.

Jasmine, Alsou and Katya Lel -

We sing with them all day long,

We’ll eat pop until the morning.” – 2 r.

2. - Never-ending repairs. This summer, renovation work on an unprecedented scale took place in the vast expanses of our school. To monitor the progress and quality of work, the school management installed hidden cameras. We present to you a recording made one summer morning.

Scene “Sleepy Painter”

The painter comes out with a bucket and roller. He stretches and falls asleep. A fly flies out and circles around the painter. He waves it away, but the fly continues to bother him with its buzzing. Finally the Painter can't stand it anymore and throws his brush at her.

1. – Now you understand what enormous efforts were made by the school management to ensure that the repairs were done efficiently and on time.

2. – Crime chronicle. Yesterday evening, on the territory of our school, there was a criminal showdown between smokers, high school students and smokers, junior students. The result of the dismantling was the division of the school territory. Now Don Cigarka's clan smokes behind the right corner of the school, and Don Cigarski's clan smokes behind the left. Middle school students can smoke at the interface. We inform you that, to the delight of law enforcement agencies, there was no bloodshed.

1. – Medical news. An authoritative source from the medical office reports that from October 1, a number of paid services will be introduced for truants and test evaders. Thus, issuing a certificate of exemption from lessons with a diagnosis of “inflammation of the cunning” will cost you 500 rubles. Calling an ambulance during a test at the request of an imaginary patient costs 1,000 rubles. All proceeds will go to pay for additional sanatorium vouchers for teachers.

2. – Activists of the school council and school medical workers have compiled a list of the main complaints of students. Based on them, a song was written with the symbolic title “It hurts me, it hurts.”

Song to the tune of “It hurts me, it hurts.” No. 390

Doctor and three sick students (dramatization)

1. I didn’t prepare the lesson,

And there was a reason for that:

The younger brother played with cars,

And I got hit by a car.

I scratched my little finger -

They put a bandage on me

Gave me liberation

And they let me out of class.


It hurts me, it hurts!

This evil pain cannot be relieved!

It hurts me, it hurts!

Let me go home!

2. I have a test now -

Headache, no urine.

I watched the film on VCR,

She went to bed at twelve at night.

I can't remember the formula

And I won’t solve the problem -

Give me release

And I'll go home soon.


How should I write a summary?

At home yesterday I ate something -

It turned out to be indigestion!

I just “made Dew”

“snickered”, I didn’t slow down,

“I ate two bags of Cheetos chips,

I washed everything down with Pepsi-Cola.


2. – Yes, by the way, what did you say about sanatorium vouchers for teachers?

1. - What, you don’t know yet? Our school travel agency offers exclusive tours for subject teachers.

Dramatization by 6th grade students.

3. – So, where should we send philology teachers?

4. – Of course, to the literary places of Russia: Boldino, Karabika... Travel to your health!

5. – Where will the school administration spend their summer vacation?

6. – Vacation packages to a desert island have long been prepared for them. So that no one disturbs or distracts from your rest.

7. – What do we offer to mathematics teachers?

8. – And we invite mathematicians to take a trip to the homeland of Pythagoras.

9. – Where can history teachers relax?

10. – Oh, exclusive for them! A solo journey through the labyrinths of the pyramids in Giza.

11. – Where should we send a geography teacher?

12. – It’s high time for her to see the white spots of the Earth.

13. – Where would a biology teacher be interested?

14. – On an expedition in the footsteps of Professor Paganel. We are waiting for new exotic herbariums.

15. – Where will we send a foreign language teacher?

16. – On a tour of Western Europe.

17. – What will we offer the chemistry teacher?

18. – I’m thinking of taking a trip to Mendeleev’s estate.

19. – We send art teachers on a three-day journey through the halls of the Hermitage.

20. – And the music teachers go to Strauss’s homeland.

21. – Where will we send elementary school teachers to travel?

22. – I propose to send the group to the happy island of Chunga-Changa.

23. – Physical education teacher, a tour to the homeland of the Olympic Games is for you!

24. – And the life safety teacher, together with the team from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, will visit the hot spots of the planet.

All: – Happy holidays!

1. – And we have news from the staff room, where “harmless” advice is given to teachers.

“Harmless” advice from 5th graders.

1. If in your lesson

You will hear snoring

Still, there is no need to be indignant

Suddenly in a dream, like Mendeleev,

The student will reveal the law,

And science will advance

For decades to come.

2. If your painting is accurate

The student reproduces

Puts it in diaries, in tests,

On tests, on report cards,

Don't shame, don't scold,

So as not to fade away by accident

In this young talent

Restorer talent.

3. If your class has a bunch of

Very bad kids

They all scream and fight

Don't swear, it's useless.

You better take a pen

With red and fatty pasta

Put “five” on the sheet.

Explain that this assessment

Only you deserve it.

4. If there are children in your class

They love to correspond,

And notes across desks,

They fly like flocks of birds,

There's no need to stop this

A very important job

After all, speech is developing

In constant correspondence,

And perhaps they will

Pushkin or Tolstoy.

2. - That's it. And now news from the State Duma. On the eve of the next elections to the Legislative Assembly, deputies are showing interest in education issues. They visited several schools in our city, where they carried out a control weighing of school bags.

1. – There was no limit to the indignation of the elected representatives. The weight of the portfolios was 2-3 times higher than the norm allowed by the Ministry of Health. We bring to your attention a report from school No. 8.

Scene "Deputies".

The deputies take briefcases from the pile, weigh them, write down the results in a notebook, indignantly show each other the notes, and wave their arms indignantly.

A student appears, bent under the weight of his briefcase. Heading to the deputies.

1 deposit - Comrades, is it really possible for children to carry such heavy weights every day?!

2 dep. - This mess! We will immediately send a request to Moscow, the State Duma, and the Ministry of Health! You can't overload children like that!

3 dep. - Come to us, boy! Show me what textbooks and notebooks you carry in your briefcase?

The student approaches the deputies, opens his briefcase and takes out a bottle of Pepsi-Cola, comic magazines, CDs, chips, a player, etc.

Dep. (in chorus) - Where are the textbooks? Where are the notebooks?

Student. - Yes, that’s it! (takes out a small notebook).

1 deposit - Well done! Now we see that you are ready for classes!

2. – The work of a teacher has always been difficult, because not all students are ready to show zeal in lessons and fulfill the requirements of teachers. But if they cannot always show prudence outwardly, then in their souls each of them repents of their mistakes and vows to improve next time.

Song to the tune of “Road” No. 242 (-5)

1. We sing a song about you, teachers.

Although you were sometimes very strict,

But we know they will be useful to us in life

all your lessons.

When you stand next to your desk,

Look at us with such a stern look,

And you're waiting for a hint, you don't know the answer -

What a shame!

You put a two in your diary -

The student is not ready for the lesson!


Lessons, lessons, lessons, lessons!

Either joy from them, or sadness.

Sometimes your children don't learn their lessons,

They don’t teach – and you’re very sorry!

2. And if we solved all the problems,

And we didn’t miss any letters in the word,

You smile, give a high five -

We deserve this.

And that means you didn’t work in vain,

And we learned something from you.

May you never get angry.

I'm going home light -

I have an A in my diary.


3. Perhaps you are tired in this race,

After all, life passes, and you have become older,

It’s getting more and more difficult to move forward every day,

And there were enough problems.

Then look into the eyes of the children

And read love and respect in them.

We know: school is both joy and pain.

Forgive us for the prank:

It is difficult to go to knowledge.

You are our support on the way.


1. – So the festive episode of the program “School and We” has come to an end. We hope that you were able to smile and look at your students differently.

2. – We all love you very much and are grateful to you for choosing this wonderful profession

All:- Teacher!


    Newspaper "Pedagogical Council"

    Newspaper "Last Call"

    Magazine “How to Entertain Guests”



Goals and objectives:

Fostering in all participants in teaching and educational activities a respectful attitude towards the work of a teacher;

Improving the quality of mutual understanding and communication between the teacher and students;

Development of creative abilities of schoolchildren through their participation in the holiday program.

Progress of the event.



Where does school start?
From the duty officers, what's at the door?
Which require a change -
Are the kids allowed in only with her?

Or maybe it's starting
From lessons - and there is no end to them?
From such a cheerful bell,
Which one are the kids waiting for?

Where does school start?
From fives in our diary,
From reliable and faithful comrades,
That will immediately help in trouble.

Or maybe it's starting
From the bouquet that you tenderly carried,
And a gentle, quiet “Thank you”
The teacher told you.

Yes, school is starting here
With smiles on the faces of the guys,
With beautiful and smart answers,
What do they sound like in class here?

It's still starting
From the teacher that in the morning
With love, hope and faith
He is in a hurry to meet us.

Presenters: 3 people



Good afternoon, dear teachers!

What an amazing house - school! Everything is mixed up here: childhood and youth, science and art, dreams and real life. In this house there is joy and tears, meetings and partings.


Yes, school for each of us remains a bright, joyful island of childhood, where adults will never return.


Only teachers on this island have permanent registration. After all, the school is their home, and all the students are their children.


What a huge heart you need to have in order to generously give it out in pieces day after day, year after year!


People who once came to school at the call of their hearts will never leave it. Dear teachers! On behalf of all the children, students of our school, we congratulate you on your professional holiday, Happy Teacher's Day!


Let me wish you health, happiness, peace of mind and the fulfillment of all your creative dreams.

1)And our festive concert opens with the song____________________


Dear teachers, students from grade 3a came to congratulate you.

Girl 1. (shows a Russian language textbook):

I am happy to learn Russian,

I want to be very literate.

I know all the rules by heart.

If they give me a difficult dictation, so be it!

I will write any dictation with a “ten”.

But I don’t like solving problems.

I don't like the examples either.

I don't like numbers at all -

I don't see any use for mathematics.

They would have left the Russian lesson,

And the rest were excluded forever -

Then I would study without problems!

Boy 1 . (takes the textbook from the girl and quickly leafs through it with displeasure):

You, _______, surprised me very much!

Were you happy to learn all the rules?

I don't know a more terrible punishment,

How to complete tasks in Russian.

And why are dictations difficult to write,

It's much better to solve math!

It is necessary to solve examples and problems -

You won't learn to think differently.

After all, mathematics develops our brain!

Boy 2 . (holding dumbbells in his hands)

You will draw figures on the board,

Yes, you won't have muscles.

I would exercise every day

(lifts dumbbells up)

I'm never too lazy to run or jump.

Let math and Russian be removed

And they’ll leave physical education to us here!

Girl 2 . (clears throat, tests his voice):

I would like, without a doubt,

Leave only singing lessons

And we have drawing.

I would love to run to class in the morning!

And physical education, mathematics and Russian

They add extra burden to us.

Why, who needs them? We must sing and draw!

Boy 3 .

I understand you, of course.

I myself enjoy playing chess,

And I, too, probably, if I could,

I left only one lesson at school -

A lesson in your favorite chess game.

But I must tell you an important secret:

I don't like dictations, but, friends,

I understand that it is impossible without them.

And I don’t like to learn the rules,

But it’s hard for an illiterate to live!

And we all cannot avoid mathematics,

In addition, it develops the mind,

Moreover, we need it.

And physical education develops the body

Everyone knows how important this is.

And drawing and music instill in us a taste,

We can’t do without them, I’m afraid.

Boy 1 . It turns out that we all need a lesson.

Boy 2. It turns out that everyone has a use.

Girl 1. It turns out that we go to school for a reason.

ALL. Thank you, teachers!

What do you think, __Yulia__, who is the answer to the eternal children’s question:

"And why?" teaches us to look for the answer on our own

Who can act as a public figure, psychologist, artist, educator and astronaut in one working day? (naturally the role is about overloads)?

And who comes up with 4-5 hour homework for us, distracting us from the harmful influence of the street, TV and computer?

- Who cannot live even a day without our parents, informing them of our various achievements?


Teachers! We congratulate you
Thank you for what you taught us!
Without you we would not have knowledge
And I can’t imagine how we would live then!

2) Number________________________________________________________________


There is not a single person today who would not remember their favorite mentors and educators!

1.Everyone has only one time in their life

There is your first, your memorable class.

2.And the first teacher meets us first,

And he will plot our course on the map of discoveries.

3. Our first teacher! We all miss you,

There is anxiety and sadness in my eyes now without you.

4. After all, the bell does not invite us to your lesson.

Take us again, take us to first class.

5. We look you in the eyes and raise your hands,

Ask at least 100 times - we won’t get “2”!

6. They taught us not in vain, we understand this,

And we are always grateful to you for this!


Our teachers are selfless people. I have the impression that they are constantly at school. You come to school in the morning - they are already there, when you leave school - they more there. But each of them has a family, their own children, finally. And how do they manage to educate them?

Leading. What a huge heart you need to have to spend it so generously on us day after day, year after year! After all, a teacher is not just a profession, like a mechanic or a salesman, a teacher is a calling and a call of the soul.


And how kind, patient and ageless a soul should be!!!

3) Dear teachers, for you _____________________________________________________

Among our teachers there are very young teachers who are just starting their working careers.

We invite you to the stage:

Anastasia Olegovna And Sergey Sergeevich

We have a tradition of always interviewing new teachers.
The presenters take turns asking questions:

A.1. Why did you want to become a teacher?
R.2. Who and what influenced your choice?
Yu.3. What was unexpected for you on your first day at work?
A.4. Do you feel like crying when you give a bad mark?
R. 5. What methods of cheating do you know?
A.6.Have you copied yourself, and if so, in what way?
Yu.8 Your wishes to your colleagues.


In order for you to remain within the walls of this school for a long time, you need to take an oath:

- We swear to sow reasonable...

- We swear!

- Do everything thinking...

- We swear!

- Protect the honor of the school

- We swear! We swear! We swear!


We hope that disappointment will not haunt you, and you will be happy to go to work.


There are many teachers in our school, but among them I would like to highlight those who are on well-deserved rest and come to us only to visit.

1. Makhova Lyudmila Stepanovna

2. Kulueva Antonina Ivanovna

3. Ryazanova Galina Mikhailovna

Our dear teachers! Let me thank you very much for your dedicated work, for your generosity, for the warmth of your heart.

A teacher is never a former teacher
A teacher is forever.
And the light from the knowledge given by you,
We'll carry it through the years.
What you laid down
It will bear fruit for us.

“Thank you” to your teachers
We speak for their efforts! 4) And this song will sound for you______________________________


Well, answer me, Yulia_, who is our watchman, foreman, administrator, manager, teacher and supply manager! Who, without sparing himself, persistently drags a cart of school luggage?


I, in my opinion, guess who has a lot of work and worries in the morning, who draws up the educational plan and checks it, at the same time managing to scold the kids, organize meals for a company of schoolchildren, entrust the eleventh grade to the most experienced teachers and many other things.

Together.This is our director...


The floor is given to the director of the school, Elena Vasilievna Prosvetova.


And now the students of grade 7a will tell us what it is

“good” and what is “bad”

What is good and what is bad"

I came to school with a friend and asked: “Alekha, what is “good” and what is “bad”?

I will explain to you, brother, honestly without any catch, what is “good” at school, what is “bad” at school. For example, you came with a rat in your briefcase. - This is very good: everyone will have fun.

If the teacher did not chicken out, he did not interrupt the lesson. This means the lesson was wasted, this is very bad!

There is a lot of noise in class, everyone is chatting around.

This is very good - everyone already knows everything.

But the teacher did not leave, but said with a sigh: “Quickly put the diaries on the table!” - this is very bad.

I came with cheat sheets for a difficult exam.

This is very good, just be careful

If they kicked me out of class with a bang, I’ll get a belt at home - that’s very bad

During the break there is a big buzz, everyone is running to eat. This is very good, there is nothing better.

I came to the following conclusion, my friend, Alekha, changes are good, but lessons are bad.”



The old chemist is an old man, with tousled bangs, huge glasses, a medical gown, and shaggy eyebrows;
Grandmother - A hunched old woman, wearing a scarf on her head, with several painted teeth, and a cane;
A former model (aged) - a lively old woman, wearing massive heels, hung with jewelry, with bright makeup, a huge butt made of a pillow;
The biker is a huge old man, with a beard, an earring in his ear, in leather clothes, and with a lollipop.
The crazy man is an elderly, playful grandfather, in pajamas, with a badge (ward No. 13), constantly crosses his eyes and laughs hysterically and contagiously.

(walk in to the music)

1 hero:

Let's introduce ourselves who we are:
Grandmothers and grandfathers are not simple.
We oldies are mischievous
The ringleaders are humorous.

2nd hero:

We want to congratulate you,
Let's turn your day into a fairy tale.
Congratulations on Teacher's Day,
And now let's introduce ourselves

3 hero:

To be honest, we are graduates
Lying, of course, is not appropriate.

4th hero:

Now the moment has come,
Look who became who!

Old chemist:

Hello, I'm an old chemist,
And I want to tell you
How I sometimes sat with a guitar,
But I wanted to know more.

The teachers took me into account,
They forced me to cram everything,
So as not to know later the anxiety,
Learn the subject with ease.


I once studied here
And sometimes I was a little naughty,
And now I'm a little old
I'm just talking rubbish.

I bring my youngest grandson here,
Despite sclerosis,
He must know all the sciences,
To grow smart quickly.


I'm a biker, a killer dude,
I went to school every other day,
Even if the lesson was fun,
I was too lazy to teach him.

Well, why? Waste!
I chose the motorcycle
Even if the salary was small,
I was able to feed myself.

Former model:

I came out with my face, figure,
But she was a complete fool.
Spun up and went out,
Is life really in vain?

I needed to study
To work and work.
Photos don't last forever
Time is very fleeting.

In my life I would not be a phantom,
Former model with a diploma!
We are dolls, but life is a game,
It's like it was all yesterday!


Check out my outfit
How cool he sits.
I look like an encore!
Should I show you a striptease?

Just a joke, just a joke, don't be impudent!
You have pity on the patient!
I'm a complete disgrace to everyone
I still remember the teachers.

I always boasted about my diary,
And there was only “two” in it!
My head is a mess
Well, guys, I'm a fool!

3 hero:

We introduced ourselves, opened up,
We were in a hurry to see you for the holiday!

4th hero:

Teacher's Day is not just like that!
Now it will be the most delicious!!


Together we wish you...

Former model:

Look beyond your years

Old chemist:

Shine with your mind for decades,


Live long and without troubles!

1 hero:
We wish you all the best,
May you pursue success!

Let bad weather pass you by,
There will always be a lot of happiness!

5) Number__________________________________________________________



For your wisdom and patience

We want to thank you.

I wish I could collect all the flowers in the world

And give it to you today!


Let in this hall at this hour

The lights are burning brighter!

And again we congratulate you,

Your teachers!


Your day, teachers! Thank you, dear teachers, for being you, for being who you are, and we love you all very much!

We once again congratulate you on your holiday!

Script of congratulations for Teacher's Day.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon dear friends! Hello, dear teachers! We all know that today is a professional holiday for all teachers in Russia - Teacher's Day!

Presenter 2: Teacher's Day is a special holiday because the whole country celebrates it, every person, no matter who he is - a miner, doctor, musician, economist, pilot, programmer or president of the country. And, not surprisingly, after all, first of all, he is someone’s student.

Presenter 1: Today, on your professional holiday, please accept my most sincere congratulations, kindest wishes and gratitude for your difficult but noble work.

Waltz:performed by training schools.

Presenter 2:

The word for congratulations is given to the school director:___________________________________________________________________

Presenter 1: On an autumn day, when at the threshold
The cold has already begun to breathe,
The school celebrates teacher's day -
A holiday of wisdom and knowledge of labor.

Presenter 2: Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart
In these sounds that are dear to us
Everything related to youth, childhood,
We owe it to the teachers!

Presenter 1: Congratulations from 1st grade students

Presenter 2: May the sun shine on you more generously!
And from everyone who is near and far away,
We send you greetings - from all pets
And bow from heaven to earth!

Presenter 1: For affection, kindness, care,
We want to thank everyone.
I wish I could collect all the flowers in the world
And give it to you today!

Presentation of flowers to teachers.

Presenter 2 : The song "Travelers" performed by 6th grade

Presenter 1: Good health to you! Down with the disease!
Live a century without knowing tears,
And if it suddenly becomes difficult,
We ask you not to hang your nose!

Presenter 2: Let in this room, at this hour
The lights burn brighter
And again we congratulate you,
Your teachers!

Presenter 1: Dance from 10th grade students. "Autumn Jazz"

Presenter 2: What an amazing house - school! Everything is mixed up here: childhood and youth, science and art, dreams and real life. In this house there is joy and tears, meetings and partings.

Presenter 1: Yes, school for each of us remains a bright, joyful island of childhood, where adults will never return.

Presenter 2: Only teachers on this island have permanent registration. After all, the school is their home, and all the students are their children.

Presenter 1: What a huge heart you need to have in order to generously give it out in pieces day after day, year after year!

Presenter 2: People who once came here at the call of their hearts will never leave it. Let me wholeheartedly congratulate you, dear teachers, on your professional holiday.

Presenter 1: I wish you health, happiness, peace of mind and the fulfillment of all creative ideas.

Presenter 2: Sketch “Hat of Wishes” performs 11th grade.

Presenter 1: What does the word "teacher" mean?
Mentor, sage, man?
Which value is more important?
Argue for a century
I think it's just a profession

It’s not enough to name the teacher:
Choose your calling
Fate showed him.

Presenter 2: There is no such thing among us
Who could live without a teacher!
The hands of a doctor and a tailor,
Scientist and driver
They know the priceless power
Given to them by their teacher.

Presenter 1: Congratulations from 2nd grade students

Presenter 2: What should a teacher be like?
The teacher they're waiting for?
This is not an easy question, please note:
You won't answer in five minutes.

Presenter 1: He knows how to be human,
Don't lie, don't cheat. He will help the child become
Not by someone - but by yourself!
He wants in this world
Goodness and peace reigned
And the soul shone with the sun
In each of you and me!

Presenter 2: A word of congratulations is given to 3rd grade students

Presenter 1: Of course, it’s difficult for a teacher:
The soul is constantly at work:
In an effort to give away my knowledge,
Taking care of children is not easy
The teacher's reward is
The light of children's enthusiastic eyes,
Ability to think and listen
Nurtured in each of us!

Presenter 2: 7th grade students perform the song “We love you, your dear faces”

Presenter 2 : Now, we will probably answer,
What does the word "teacher" mean?
This is Fate and Calling,
Creativity, Faith, Luck!

Presenter 1: Dramatization “One day in the life of a teacher”_11th grade

Presenter2: Here are our teachers sitting in this hall - smart and beautiful, kind and strict, talented and hardworking. The pride of our school! Among you are teachers whose experience has spanned many years, and those who have just recently come to our school. You all bear the high title of Teacher!

Presenter 1: We will study, we will work,

We will repay you more than once for your kindness!

For your love and your worries

Please accept a big thank you from us!

Presenter 2: Congratulations from dance group "Vesnushki"

Presenter 1. On holidays we always remember something kind, cheerful and funny. There is a funny school rhyme about 11 verbs - exceptions.

Presenter 2. I would like to wish all of you, dear teachers, that there will be more such joyful exceptions in your daily life!

Presenter 1. We wish you:

Ved 2. Drive away from sad thoughts, bad mood and boredom;

Ved 1.Breathe in the new academic year with full breasts;

Ved 2. Hold control yourself even in the most extreme situations;

Ved 1. Depend only from one’s own principles, and not from the opinions of others;

Ved 2. See everything is only in its true light;

Ved 1.Hear only approval from superiors and gratitude from students;

Ved 2. Don't offend by word or deed of people close to you, and also

Ved 1. Tolerate adversity if it befalls you;

Ved 2. twirl fate in the direction you need;

Ved 1. Hate laziness, ignorance and hypocrisy not only in others, but also in oneself and

Ved 2. Look in the mirror with pleasure.

Presenter 1: Speech by 8th grade students

Leading2 : This is your holiday! This is your time!

And we sincerely congratulate you all!

Presenter 1: Let the lights in this hall, at this hour, burn brighter!
And again we congratulate you, our teachers!

Presenter 2: Congratulations from 4th grade students

Presenter 1: What's a holiday without ditties? Our students have prepared interesting couplets for you.

Presenter 2: Ditties 6th grade

Presenter 1: To a wonderful life, to a journey of discovery
A kind and strict teacher prepares us.
The teacher is not only our patron,
He is also a tamer.
We can be stubborn, impudent, playful,
We don’t learn lessons - it happens sometimes.
Thank you, thank you for being so patient
Thank you for loving us!

Presenter 2: The song “Who is the kindest in the world”_ performed by 5th grade students_

Presenter 1: We always remember them, our teachers, but on this holiday we would like to say especially warm words of love and gratitude. Today to them, our dear ones, our loved ones, all the words, all the best wishes!

Let the sun shine brightly on an autumn day,
Let the foliage glow like bouquets,
A bright beam will enter the classroom through the window -
He congratulates you today too!

Presenter 2: Dance from 6th grade students

Presenter 1: In aviation they strictly believe
How many hours did the pilot fly?
Few people know about the teacher.
How long did he stand at the board!

Presenter 2: How many notebooks did I check at night?
How many plans have I written in my life?
How many times have you believed a person?
And I punished myself for it...

Presenter 1 : Performance by 9th grade students with the skit “Day of the Tormentor”

Presenter 2: Poem: “To our teachers” read by 10th graders.

Leading 1: Instruction for the rest of his life to the teacher:

Presenter 2: The student is always right.

Leading1: If the student is wrong, see the first law.

Presenter 2: If a student sees candy on your table, it is no longer your candy.

Leading 1: You come, and the class is empty. There's no need to whip up a fever,

Announcing to the whole school that your lesson was disrupted. Treasureauthority.

Go home early yourself. Besides your subject, there are more important things to do.

Ved 2:On your professional holiday - Teacher's Day - I would like to wish that all your students - current and former - understand how important your role is in their success and career. So that your schoolchildren do not just obediently complete their homework, but do it because they really want to know your subject. So that you feel proud of your students. And at home you would relax from the heart, and you would want to go to school again.

Ved1:We also wish you neat notebooks, well-groomed classrooms, fun lessons, understanding colleagues, fewer checks, more smiles and flowers.
Let work not bring you fatigue. Be wise and fair, and may your teaching talent be fully realized. Good, kind, creative students to you! Happy holiday to you!!

Presenter 2: For wisdom and knowledge, for restless patience.

Presenter 1: For charm and beauty, for stunning optimism.

Presenter 2: For integrity and exactingness, for dignity, for faith...

Together : Thank you very much!

Presenter 1: Dear teachers! Let me thank you for your attention and once again wish you health, success, and great personal happiness! May Teacher's Day last for you all year, and may the school be a great haven of friendship between teachers and students!

The song “We wish you happiness” performed by all classes.....

I want to congratulate all teachers on their professional holiday. I endlessly appreciate your service to the country, your concern and responsibility. With all my heart I wish you health, a lot of strength and a lot of creative energy. And I really hope that the state will treat its real heroes more reverently every year.

Each school has its own traditions, so my ideas can be added to your annual gala meetings with awards for the best, skit parties with remade songs, children's concerts and final tea parties.

1. Costume greetings from students on Teacher’s Day

This is the idea. From each class (more precisely, from each parallel) you need to select 2-3 students who will congratulate the teachers at the very beginning of the holiday. One congratulation from first-graders, one from second-graders, etc. Let all classes with the letter “A” try their best this year. Next year - "B". The class teacher and parents participate in the preparation of the short number.

Each speech should last no more than two minutes, then 11 congratulations will take half an hour, taking into account hitches.

We select images for speakers taking into account the literature program. I don’t remember very well in which class they read what, I’ll sketch out a rough list. You need to choose costumes for children. This is an important point, since costumes will save the day, even if the text is not entirely successful.

1 class— Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka
2nd grade— Three girls (who are under the window) from Pushkin’s fairy tale
3rd grade- heroes of Krylov's Fables (you can have the Dragonfly and the Ant or the Crow and the Fox)
4th grade- Three heroes
5th grade- handsome hussar (Borodino)
6th grade— Tom Sawyer, Gogol’s characters from “Evenings on the Farm...”, Young Peasant Lady
7th grade— Inspector
8th grade— Vasily Terkin
9th grade— Onegin and Tatyana
Grade 10— Oblomov
Grade 11— Pierre Bezukhov and Natasha Rostova

Children should say beautiful congratulatory words in the images of their heroes. It’s good if it turns out artistic, with a twist, using phrases from works, rhymes, where appropriate.

It’s convenient that one teacher only needs to prepare one congratulation, and he won’t even know about the rest. I remind you that you need to keep it to 2 minutes, otherwise 11 performances will result in a “Chinese concert”. A costume greeting looks very impressive, don’t forget to take pictures.

In this case, the gift itself is the congratulation, but just in case.

2. Video “In a nutshell”

This technique is often used on TV. You need to edit the video so that the maximum number of students read one beautiful congratulation. It can be prose, it can be poetry. Gather the brightest representatives of each class and ask them to read 2-3 words from the board (it’s better not to tear up phrases).

For example:

1st student: Dear teachers!
2nd student: Today is your holiday!
3rd student: I would like to wish you
4th student: peace, goodness, happiness!
5th student: May every day bring joy!
6th student: We want to surprise you with our successes,
7th student: we dream that in many years you can be proud of us... etc.

It turns out a beautiful congratulatory video from students from grades 1 to 11.

3. Mannequin challenge

This works great even when shooting on a mobile phone. Children and teachers should freeze while acting out funny school scenes. Naturally, you need to think through the scenario and clearly define the operator’s path. There is no need for editing here - the whole point is in the continuous filming of motionless schoolchildren and teachers. Don't forget the cafeteria, security guards, and the director's office!

At the end, the cameraman turns sharply to a joyful crowd of children who “come to life” and shout “Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!”

4. Congratulations from students in the recording (“View from below”)

These are small funny videos, pre-recorded dialogues with children of different ages (Urgant does this masterfully). Come up with one question that the children need to answer quickly. It is the thoughtless answers that are always the funniest. You can shoot with a smartphone in good lighting, then edit everything into one congratulatory clip.

For example, ask which teacher is the most important at school. How many years of study do you need to become a teacher? Why are there many women and few men working at school? What will teachers be like in 100 years?

You need to watch the video in the hall on the big screen.

I found something similar here:

5. Photo competition - the best selfie during recess

This is also one big greeting card that teachers watch on the screen. We ask each teacher to take a funny selfie with the children. Here you really need to show your imagination so that the photographs turn out to be different in character. Students can dress up or be asked to portray the same emotions. Give someone letter cards that will form the word “Congratulations”, give them balloons, flowers, come up with a funny background.

We combine all the frames into one presentation. Let a beautiful energetic melody sound in the background.

Examples from the Internet:

6. Small entertaining tournament “Question and answer”

Option 1. Team tournament (10-15 minutes).
I already have an entertaining selection of questions for a little intellectual game. Let there be 2 teams of 6 people and spectators. A bell on each table, the sound of which symbolizes the team's readiness to respond. .

Option 2. Individual championship
Read the questions out loud and print the answers on pieces of paper. Has it been a while since teachers took the tests themselves? And here's a festive joke test for them! We summarize the results like this: we collect pieces of paper, read out the correct answers, and name the most successful one and reward you at the end of the holiday, when you sum up the results.

You can also open identical tests on tablets and invite teams to figure out where is fiction and where is the truth (this series of tests is called “True or False”). It’s convenient that the results are summed up instantly, and the test itself is filled out online:

Or offer to guess the object from the pictures (a fragment of macro photography - a strong magnification of familiar objects). Here are also ready-made selections:

7. Reading aloud a work of art in different images

The number is humorous, but the passage needs to be taken seriously. Let there be Pushkin's prose, for example. For this number, it is better to take an artistic teacher who is ready to show emotions clearly and amuse his colleagues. It’s also fun to read plays this way, try it!

The text can be displayed on a large screen or given in a regular book. In the first case, an inscription with a new condition will appear on the screen; in the second, we show the volunteer a sign. Every 2-3 sentences are read with a different intonation: “that’s how a first-grader reads,” “go to rap,” “you’re chewing a big hamburger while reading,” “you’re running away from a maniac while reading,” “you’re a robot,” “you’re falling asleep.” , “you are trying to captivate the class with your expressive reading”, “after each word you need to clear your throat”, “every line of the work makes you laugh”, “with this passage you are entering a theater studio, add emotions”, etc.

It’s funnier if the audience also sees these signs and waits to see how their colleague will get out. You shouldn't repeat it more than once, then it won't be as fun.

8. Game “Crocodile” (school words)

Everything here is standard, but fun - one presenter tries to convey to his colleagues the meaning of a hidden school word with gestures. We prepare signs in advance with the words: Unified State Examination, electronic journal, interactive whiteboard, lesson plan, test work, open lesson, parent meeting, teacher council, bell for class, last call, graduation, vacation, etc.

9. Master classes

We conduct master classes for office employees and always admire how the bustle gradually recedes, and everything that happens turns into meditation. A beautiful creative holiday that teachers also really need.

Among the presenters of such master classes there are always many former teachers, so I have no doubt that in any team there will be craftswomen who will teach their colleagues how to effectively tie a scarf, how to do... Surely there are specialists in modern makeup or those who can teach you how to make jewelry from natural ornamental stones.

Turn on beautiful music, share funny stories, congratulate each other. Master classes are a wonderful break from the difficult teaching routine.

Any ideas?

"Holiday Again" is a collection of holiday ideas in which I collect all the simple and fun things for different events. I'm always happy to hear additions in the comments. Share positivity with your colleagues!

Are there any interesting traditions for Teacher’s Day at your school?