Game program for September 1 at school. Scenario of the game program for first-graders "first-class first of September with a rose barboskin". September. Entertainment

Hello school! Game program for elementary school students

Material Description: The proposed scenario of the game program can be used by elementary school teachers, GPA teachers at the beginning of the school year.
Preparatory work: the hall is decorated with bouquets of autumn leaves; wall newspapers with pictures and poems on a school theme.
- pencils, sheet of paper
-drawings and questions to teams on separate sheets

Holding an event
1. Music sounds.
2. Leading
Summer is over and gently calls
Kids at the desks of all the school.
And with books a new, magical flight
Knowledge Day will give you again.

And on the first day of autumn, the day of September
School friendship meets you.
And childhood, a silver,
The light of good radiates on you.

Good morning, dear guests, dear parents! Good - not only because of the clear weather, but above all because of the good that it brings us. Indeed, today is the day of the beginning of studies, new meetings with a huge world of knowledge that teachers are ready to open to you. Good mood to you - and those who came here for the first time, and those who have lived so many interesting and useful years in our school. Good luck to all guests and participants of our holiday!
Are you happy to meet your classmates? With your favorite teacher?
You will have to very accurately repeat the intonation with which I will pronounce this phrase.
(The phrase "School! Hello! It's me!" is pronounced by the host several times with the most incredible intonations: sadly, joyfully, in a whisper, playfully, drawing out the words very strongly, "in a foreign way", with an accent, etc., - so to make the kids laugh ).

So, children, if I name an item to take to school, you clap your hands. If this subject is not needed at school, you stomp your feet.
textbooks and books,
toy mouse,
clockwork steam locomotive,
Colored plasticine,
brushes and paints,
christmas masks,
Eraser and bookmarks,
stapler and notebooks,
Schedule, diary.
Collected to school student!
Today I propose to attend unusual lessons.
Do you hear the call? This is the beginning of the lesson mathematics:
Exercise 1
Grandma planted in the oven
Pies with cabbage in the oven
For Natasha, Masha, Tanya,
Kolya, Olya, Gali, Vani
The pies are ready.
Here's another pie
The cat dragged under the bench.
Yes, there are four pieces in the oven
The pies are counted by the grandchildren.
Help if you can
Count them pies. (12)

Task 2
Jackdaws flew in and began to sit on sticks. If a jackdaw sits on each stick, one stick will not be enough, and if two jackdaws sit on a stick, then one stick will remain superfluous. How many sticks and how many jackdaws?
(4 jackdaws, 3 sticks)

Solve problems, but be careful:
1. There are three thick branches on a birch, on each thick branch there are three thin branches. On each thin branch, one apple. How many apples are there?
2. There were 3 glasses of cherries on the table. Kostya ate one glass of cherries, placing the empty glass on the table. How many glasses are left?
3. There are three apples in the basket. How to divide them among three children so that one apple remains in the basket? (give one apple along with the basket j).

I need to pack a briefcase
Do not forget about ... (notebook)
I'll be perfectly honest
Threes, twos in it are not ... (place)
I'll try not to be lazy
Mom will become me ... (proud)
The call is pouring
Begins ... (lesson)
Do you want to achieve a lot?
Strive well ... (learn)

And now the bell is ringing for class drawing.
try to draw a portrait of your teacher.

Game "Tell me a word".
A thick-skinned one takes hay with a trunk ... (elephant)
Who likes to run on branches? Of course, redhead ... (squirrel)
In more often, he lifts his head, howls with hunger ... (wolf)
Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot, brown ... (bear)
On the fence in the morning he likes to crow ... (rooster)

funny lesson grammar.
Now I will read you quatrains, in each of them there is a word where instead of one letter there is another
1. They say one fisherman caught a shoe in the river,
But then he got hooked on the house ( catfish)
2. Beetle booth (bun) not finished eating, not hunting, tired
3. The boiler gored me ( goat) I am very angry with him.
4. The doctor should remind Mitya: Do not forget one thing,
10 herons ( drops) before bedtime!
5. A lion drops on the yellowed grass ( forest) its foliage.
6. Having dropped the doll from her hands, Masha rushes to her mother:
- There creeps green onions ( bug) with a long mustache.

Task 2
The squirrel has a squirrel; the mouse has a mouse; the cuckoo has a cuckoo; the cat has a kitten.
- Let's continue this game. But be careful!
At the crow ....... (crow)
At the horse ........ (foal)
At the fox ......... (fox cub)
At the jackdaw ........ (daw)
At the pig ....... (pig)
At the cow ........ (calf)
At the goat ........... (kid)
The dog ......... (puppy)
At the frog ....... (frog)

Task 3
Which of the fairy-tale characters could give such telegrams:
- I bought the seeds, come pull. (Grandfather from the fairy tale "Turnip")
- The tail was found, he stopped crying. (Donkey IA)
- Remember, everything will disappear after 12 at night. (Fairy from the fairy tale "Cinderella")
- Left the hare, the wolf and the bear. (Kolobo To)
- Bought a samovar. I invite you to tea. (Fly Tsokotukha)
- Got the key. I will soon. (Pinocchio)
And now a lesson that all students really like. This?
Of course it is physical training.

Fun relay races:
- On the opposite side of the site are a briefcase and school supplies, as well as any toys. The first player brings a briefcase, the rest choose and bring only school supplies, putting them in a briefcase.

On the opposite side of the site are colorful pictures.
Each player takes one element of the cut picture, brings it to the team and collects it. One team gets the word "HELLO", the other - SCHOOL!

All players read aloud "HELLO SCHOOL!"

Prepared students read verses:
What is autumn? - This time
We walk to our favorite school.
And meet good friends here
Without which the summer was so missed ...

To school, to school - the morning is calling,
To school, to school - the wind sings.
The lesson will be interesting
Be happy all year

Good luck guys!
In eternal search
Truth, goodness and beauty,
To become a reality in our lives
The highest dreams!

Bouquet of flowers in your hand
And a new satchel behind,
In the eyes of excitement and delight,
You squeeze your mother's hand tightly.
Today is your main holiday
You are walking to school for the first time
You are a first grader, you are big!
Now everything will be different.

Presentation of souvenirs to first graders.

First Class Day

(competitive game program for first graders)

Presenter. Hello, adults!

Hello children!

An unusual day today in the world -

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school opened its doors to everyone.

And do not be sad, girls, boys,

By games, undertakings and fairy-tale books,

It all starts with school life

We are going to the Land of Knowledge!

Music sounds. The Sun appears with a briefcase, walks around.

Sunshine. Hello guys! Well, like always, again I came to school first. Where is the Quack? Oh no no no! Late again! (Looks at his watch) Well, that's it, I'm going to look for her!

Music sounds. Out of breath, Quakushka runs in and runs in a circle.

Wah. Kwa-kva, sun, hello!

Sun. Wah, what are you doing?

Wah. I'm running!

Sun. Where?

Wah. I'm chasing summer!

Sun. For what?

Wah. What stupid questions? Summer is just what I need! I love summer so much!

Sun. And I love him too! I!

Wah. No, me! And let's ask the guys, which of us loves summer more?

Sun. Wah, you should say hello first! Over the summer I forgot all the courtesy!

Wah. Hello beautiful ones!

Sun. The funniest!

Together. First graders!

Wah. The friendliest!

Sun. The funniest!

Together. Guys, hello!

(greeting guys)

Wah. Come on, Sunny, let's play with the guys in summer and winter words!

Sun. How is it?

Wah. Like this! If we call summer words, then the guys will clap their hands! So loud, as if it were trees rustling in the wind! Come on guys, show me how you can applaud! Louder! Even louder! Oh how loud! A real summer forest!

Sun. Understood! Understood! And if we call winter words - the guys will be loud, very loud ...

Wah. Shouting “UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuAsuuuuuuuuuuuuusuuuuuuuuuusuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus---like a winter blizzard howls!”

Sun. Well, let's try! Woo! Stronger! Even stronger! Here is a blizzard! I seem to be completely cold! Gotta play to keep warm!

Wah. Begin!

Sun. Sun! Heat!

Wah. Snowflakes!

The sun. The sea! Blizzard!

Wah. Bathing! Diving! Fur coat!

Sun. Father Frost! Watermelon!

Wah. Bike! Skis!

Sun. First graders!

Wah. But first-graders - it's not summer or winter!

Sun. It's autumn! Because the kids go to school in the fall!

Wah. And first-graders - is it clap-clap or woo?

Sun. Let's ask the guys! Who thinks that going to school for the first time is wonderful, clap! Who thinks it's fun? Whoever thinks that first-graders are funny, let them stomp! Well, how do you know how to stomp?

Wah. You can immediately hear: they ran in the summer, the heels and knees hardened!

Sun. Wow! Well done! Looks like we're all set for the holidays! First-graders here are funny, wonderful, obedient!

Wah. What are you saying, qualega?

Sun. I say that everything is ready for the First Class Lessons Day to open!

Wah. (takes briefcase) I'm late!

Sun. Where!

Wah. On these, how are they? Where can you see, learn, try, learn, repeat, write down and answer this ... Well, how is it?

Sunshine. Lesson?

Wah. Yes!

Sun. So you already ran. You will see the lessons here and now, and at the same time you will meet the guys who came to the first grade this year!

Wah. But we do not have the most important thing - a call!

Sun. Now our parents will help us! You, dear ones, will be our school bell, loud and clear! As soon as I or Kvakusha say “Call!”, please, “jink”. Yes, louder, because all the little rascals, girls and boys, after the call will shout “Hurrah!” from happiness. Shall we rehearse? Call!


Children. Hooray!

Wah. It remains to be seen whether the guys are ready to swim, to storm knowledge in a storm of information? Let's start the lesson! Call!

The bell rang - we begin the lesson! And the first lesson we have is the lesson of respect.

Sun. Each student needs to pay respect to his beloved teacher, and parents, and the school, and the class. How? I ask everyone to stand up! And first graders respectfully come forward. Open your eyes and wide! Inflate your belly and make it bigger! Clash your teeth and louder! Smile and say your name one by one! I ask everyone to respectfully sit down! For the first lesson - all "excellent"! Let's start the change! Call!

Wah. Let's start with the most pleasant - change! Apchi!

Sun. Wah, sneezed! And I can even louder than you.

Wah. We'll see. Now we will see who sneezes louder, and the guys will help us with this. We divide into teams. This team helps me, but this one helps the Sun. For each clap we say "Apchi". If I clap, then my team sneezes, if Sunshine, then the other team. Let's see who sneeze whom! (First 1 clap, then 2, 3.4, - speeding up the pace, and then all together) Guys, well done! Everyone sneezed for glory! Let's start the third lesson...

Sun. Vizgcultures. Where is our school bell?

(sports music playing)

Line up for the second lesson of vizgculture!

Wah. Who had a fun and carefree summer?


Sun. Who is the loudest rejoicing that goes to the first class? Who will play a fun, interesting sports game?

Wah. And who will support the guys with shouts of "Hurrah!"?

Sun. Where are our teams? Harvest game. Task: each team member needs to transport one piece of fruit to the basket by car.

Sun. I’m exhibiting “Fives” to everyone, I’m announcing a change!

Wah. Change is fun, jokes, laughter. At recess, you have to have fun, play, blow air bubbles.

Air bubble game. Children are invited to find a balloon fixed under their seats and blow it up. Whoever does it faster will be the fastest bubble blower.

Sun. Let's start the third lesson! Call!

Wah. The third lesson is counting lesson! Now we will check how you can count! Do you know how to clap your hands?

Sun. Let's check! When you hear the number "one", clap your hands once. When you hear the number "two", so clap your hands 2 times and so on. Shall we try? One! Three! Five! Million!

Wah. And now for you guys, math puzzles. Can you guess?

Stumps have 5 mushrooms

And under the tree - 3. How many mushrooms will there be?

Well, look! (8)

Sun. In the meadow, by the stump,

He found another one.

Who has the answer

How many mushrooms did the hedgehog find? (3)

Frog. One birch grew,

It has 8 branches.

Each one has an orange.

How many oranges were on the birch? (0)

Sun. Well done! I’m exhibiting the “Five” to everyone, I’m announcing a change!

Wah. At recess, you first-graders can turn into anyone. Do each other's hair, come up with different costumes and just have fun. (Thoughtfully) I need to try this, but how?

Sun. Now let's arrange everything. I invite two guys from different teams. Now the guys will look even more elegant and funny.

Wah. Let's play the game "Hurrah!" First-graders depict a frozen sculpture. Each of the team members takes one piece of jewelry and hangs it on the birthday sculpture and comes back. Does everyone understand? As soon as all the decorations are put on, the sculpture, along with its team, must shout "Hurrah!" We start the game.

Sun. Well done boys! Let's start our fourth lesson - the lesson of risk! Call!

Wah. Do not confuse the risk lesson with drawing. I know, I know, you know how to draw, but what about taking risks? Which of you are the most risky guys, raise your hands. All? Well done! You, dear friends, need to submit your homework, take a chance and dance a fun dance. You are ready? Started!

Sun. Yes, you are the most risky guys! Is the teacher happy? Are the parents happy? Well done, guys, you can immediately see that you will not have “twos”. And everyone will be successful in elementary school. In the meantime, we announce a call to the solemn line! Call!

Presenter. Dear guys! You have come to school. Until recently, you were called children, kids, and now they say about you "These are students, students, schoolchildren and schoolgirls."

The school will become your second home, you will find many new friends. In this room, which is called the classroom, you will receive special gifts every day. But these are not toys or candy. This is knowledge. Who will help you with this?

(children's answers)

That's right, your teacher is Napalkova Svetlana Ivanovna. Let's give her the floor to wish.

(The word of Napalkova S.I.)

Presenter. Our dear first graders! Here are the first tests. Did you enjoy a day of first-class lessons? And the sun with the wah? Let's say "Thank you" to them for a fun holiday!

Now you can safely be called first graders and the important moment of presenting the first school document - the certificate of a first grader - is coming.

(Serving documents)

From today you are first graders! I congratulate you! I ask you to take the oath of the first grader. Repeat after my words in chorus: "I swear!"

First grader's oath

I swear to everyone to try to be healthy,

Going to our favorite school!

And in a knapsack to wear "good" and "excellent."

I swear that I will try hard

No more fighting with my friends!

I swear to be a child brought up

Do not run around the school, but walk in steps.

And if I break my oath,

Then I give my milk tooth,

Then I promise to wash the dishes forever,

And I will not play on the computer!

I will always be perfect as a child

Sunshine. Happy school year!

Wah. Don't sleep in class!

Sunshine. Don't flap your ears!

Wah. Do not be lazy to do your homework!

Sunshine. Go to school with pleasure!

Together. Happy road to the Land of Knowledge!

Leading. And now it's time to wish the parents of first graders.

It's hard to raise your children

There is a lot to know for this.

We would like to wish parents:

Always help children in everything,

To collect the child to school in the morning,

Good parting words to give in time,

Don't forget to take a walk on the weekend

To avoid all diseases,

We need to toughen up more children,

Meetings also all attend,

Help the school as much as you can.

And most importantly - without a doubt -

We wish you all patience!

Dear parents! It's your turn to take the oath of parents of first graders!

Oath of parents of first graders

I swear (whether I'm a mother or whether I'm a father)

Always say "well done" to your child!

I swear in the study of the child not to "build",

I swear to learn a foreign language with him.

For deuces I swear I will not scold him

And do lessons to help him.

And if I break my oath,

Then I give my last tooth,

Then my promise baby

Feed daily boiled condensed milk!

Then I'll be the perfect parent

And I will never forget my vow!

Don't forget your vows, parents!

Sunny. And now, together with the children, let's leave our wishes as a memory of our first-class lessons.

(Children circle their palms in a ray of sunshine and write their name, and parents write wishes to their children on the back)

Sounds like the song "Sunshine"

And finally, we will all dance an incendiary dance together and go to drink tea! Let's get in a circle! (joint dance)

Disturbing music sounds, Byaka and Buka come out.

Buka: (grunts) Well, where are you taking me? In general, how far can you go?

Byaka: Don't be afraid! Just a little bit more and we'll be there.

Buka: (displeased, mocking) A little more - a little ... In my opinion, we are walking around. (points to viewer) This is the fourth time I've seen this boy.

Byaka: (indignantly) Stop grumbling, and how I will knock! (swings)

Buka: Think scared. (frowning) I won’t take another step, stomp on myself! (sits down)

Byaka: (indignantly) No, look at her! She won't budge. And who will do the work, huh? Me again?

Buka: Well….

Byaka: Well, of course! All me, yes me. To steal apples - Byaka, to shoot sparrows from a slingshot - Byaka, to put blots in a notebook for excellent students - also Byaka. But Buka just sits and blinks his eyes.

Buka: Yes I….

Byaka: Shut up. Such a grandiose thing was conceived, and you ...

Buka: (loud) It’s also grandiosity for me - even a five-year-old can pull off a portfolio.

Byaka: Ts - s - s! (looks around) What are you, Buka? Do you want to close the case?

Buka: (bewildered) Where to fill up?

Byaka: (disappointed) Yes - ah, you can’t cook porridge with you.

Buka: (with curiosity) Kashi!? And I thought you and I came for a briefcase.

Byaka clamps Bouquet's mouth.

Byaka: Buka, you know, you'd better sit, rest, count the birds, and I'll somehow do it myself. (Tiptoes to the corner of the stage, takes the briefcase.) Super! (Presses him and runs back to Buka.) Well, why are we sitting? The job is done, run.

Buka: (rises and grumbles) Because of you, I will soon become a sprinter.

Buka and Byaka run away to the music.

Fervent music sounds, Nastya doll comes out.

Doll Nastya: The sun is shining, the leaves are spinning,

Autumn has come golden

Any first grader is happy about this,

Joyfully walks to school.

Refers to children.

Hello guys! (Children answer)

Hello, friends!

On an autumn day

I congratulate everyone!

But first, for the sake of order,

Everyone needs to get to know.

Game "Introduction" Let the boys stand together, call their name. (They stand up and say their names.) And the girls will smile and say their own. (Girls say their names)

Doll Nastya: Nice to meet you! I am Nastya doll. My mistress has become a schoolgirl today, and I hasten to congratulate her. The guys have a dedication to first graders today and I have to bring them a briefcase with an oath. (looks around looking for briefcase) I don't understand, where is he? My landlady left it here so I could pick it up. Guys, have you seen the briefcase? (answers)

Doll Nastya: What to do? Children without an oath will not be able to become first graders. (Crying, then abruptly stops crying) No! I will complete the assigned task. I will do everything in my power. Will you help me? (answers)

Doll Nastya:(thoughtfully) That's just where to look for Byaku and Buku? Are there Byaki and Buka among you? (answers) This is very good. Guys, I think I know how we can find them. Let's scream.

Shout "Hey!"

Well, let's shout "Hey" together! (Children scream)

And now even friendlier! (Children scream)

And now three times together! (Children scream)

The holiday will be more fun! (Children scream)

The girls covered their ears

The boys will all shout together! (Children scream)

Glorious boys scream

Listen now girls! (Children scream)

We are almost deaf now.

But confess from the bottom of my heart

What girls, what boys,

Were very good!

Byaka and Buka run out to the music.

Byaka: Here they give! Did not expect! Such a small fry and so yells. Super!

Buka: (notices the doll, surprised) Ooo……

Doll Nastya: So so so! This means we have Byaka, and this is Buka.

Byaka: Where did you come from, friend?

Doll Nastya: (menacingly) I've come to pick up your briefcase!

Byaka: (pretend) Oh, just don't shout like that. I'm already shaking with fear.

Buka: Wow, now I'm in tears.

Doll Nastya: I'm sorry, I didn't think I'd scare you...

Byaka: Oh, I'm tired! Buka, look, what a fifa. Yes, in order to frighten us, we must first pump up the muscles. So, get started.

Doll Nastya: For what?

Byaka: Biceps swing. As you pump up, you will call. And we'll go for a walk.


Doll Nastya:(confused) What to do? What do i do? Guys, what should I do? (thoughtfully) Apparently, I will have to train, do physical education. (invites those interested to the stage)

"Musical Charge"

Count in order

The lesson starts.

For a fun workout

The bell has already rung.

One, two - a wider step,

Three, four - cheerfully so.

Five, six - everyone sit down,

Seven, eight - please jump.

Nine - let's shout together.

Ten - repeat again.

Doll Nastya: Well done, don't let us down! They danced, they shouted!

Byaka and Buka come out with a briefcase.

Byaka: Buka, you saw how they make noise and yell. Just like me. And also there ... schoolchildren, excellent students, set an example for everyone.

Buka: Yeah, a briefcase is required.

Byaka: And here's the briefcase. (shows briefcase)

Doll Nastya: Brought, how wonderful! (trying to pick up the briefcase, Byaka hides the briefcase behind his back)

Byaka: Well, stop, to whom I say, do not move. Where did you get the idea that I'll give you a briefcase?

Doll Nastya: But we just need it.

Byaka: He will be useful to us, right, Buka?

Buka: Maybe… (Byaka pushes Buku in the side) A very, very necessary item.

Doll Nastya: I wonder what for? You don’t go to school, you don’t carry books, notebooks, and pens. And that's what a portfolio is for.

Buka: Think!

Byaka: How smart you are, we'll see.

Doll Nastya: Please check, I'm sure of the guys, they won't let you down.

Byaka: We'll see. Now I’ll ask you more elaborate questions about what you can’t do without at school, and you try to answer them.

"School friends"

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,

Write on me manage - ka.

You can also draw.

What is me? (Notebook)

Buka: I live in a difficult book

Cunning brothers.

Ten of them, but these brothers

They count everything in the world. (Numbers)

Byaka: Footsteps in the hallway

Who calls everyone to the class ... (Call)

Buka: Who will color our album?

Well, of course ... (Pencil)

Byaka: I carry a new house in my hand,

The door of the house is locked.

Here the tenants are paper,

All are terribly important. (Briefcase)

Doll Nastya: Well done boys! Do you know your school friends?

Buka: So what. They just guessed.

Byaka: What else can they do?

Doll Nastya: Our children still know how to draw.

Buka: Guys, do you really know how to draw? (answers) And please draw me.

Byaka: No, I'll be the first to pose.

Buka: No, just look...

Doll Nastya: Do not swear, wait. Our guys will draw you two.

Relay "Portrait"

We need two teams of 6 people. Team members take turns running up and drawing one detail of the portrait. The task of the participants is to ensure that each team has a portrait.

Byaka: Yes guys, we did great. You are really good at drawing.

Doll Nastya: And in the summer, our guys participated in a drawing competition on the Rules of the Road. And now it's time to reward our participants. (referring to Buka and Byaka) Will you help me with this?

Buka and Byaka:(together) Of course we will help.

Drawing competition award.

Doll Nastya: You see what wonderful guys we have.

Buka: Yes, good guys!

Byaka: What else are they doing?

Doll Nastya: This is what we will tell you and show you.

Game "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends"

I will ask you questions, if you agree, then all answer in unison - this is me, this is me, these are all my friends. If you don't agree, then clap and stomp. All clear?

Who is a gang of cheerful

Walking to school every day?

Who is not afraid of frost

Does he fly like a bird on skates?

Which of you comes to class

An hour late?

Which of you keeps in order

Books, pens and notebooks?

Which of you does not walk gloomy,

Do you love sports and exercise?

Who, I want to know

Likes to sing and dance?

Byaka: You know, Nastya, I also want to go to school.

Buka: And that I had many friends.

Buka and Byaka: (together) And everyone was happy with us.

Doll Nastya: To do this, you need to try very hard and study at school and at home, help adults and not offend anyone, and be able to make friends.

Byaka: We will try very, very hard.

Buka: Accept us as students, please.

Doll Nastya:(cunningly) Will you give me a briefcase?

Buka and Byaka: (together) Of course, of course, take it.

Doll Nastya: But before you are accepted into our ranks, you must pass a test. And our guys will help you.

Game "Steam Train"

We need two teams of 6 people. Participants must move like a train, bypassing the cubes and completing various tasks. (For example: move with your back, crouching, jumping). The locomotive must not lose a single wagon.

Doll Nastya: Well done! You have passed the test with dignity. Now you must take an oath. (Takes out an oath from the briefcase and reads, Byaka and Buka after each line say “I swear!”)

Byak and Buka: (together) And we are afraid.

Doll Nastya: Don't be afraid, the guys will help you. Guys, can you help? (answers)


Do you swear to love Russia?

Do you swear to be kind, honest?

Do you swear to respect your elders?

And don't hurt kids?

Study only for four and five?

Do you swear to live in friendship with everyone?

Do you swear to study?

Do you swear to work?

And never, never be lazy?

Doll Nastya: Well done! Now you have taken an oath and there is no going back. And I have to go, I still have things to do.

Byaka: And we're going to do good deeds.

Buka: Oh, I feel like we're going to have to try really hard.

Doll Nastya: And on the eve of parting, we tell you ...

Together: Goodbye!!!


Target: To create a positive emotional mood at the beginning of classes, to promote the creative inclusion of children in the educational process.

The game program is supposed to be a logical continuation of the Knowledge holiday on September 1 and is designed for students of primary and secondary school age.

Preliminary preparation:

  • preparation of leaders (they can be high school students or teachers);
  • hall decoration; phonogram recording for competitions;
  • preparation of tokens with numbers (according to the number of participants);
  • if the school has such an opportunity, preparation of small prizes (pens, pencils, and other stationery);
  • preparation of props for competitions (see script); preparation of assistants (explain the task to the children).

Upon entering the hall, each participant receives a token with a number. Uplifting music plays.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon boys and girls!

Host 2: Good afternoon, dear teachers and parents!

Presenter 1: We are happy to greet everyone who has gathered in this hall now, everyone who has again come to the familiar threshold to say joyfully or anxiously, embarrassedly or excitedly: "School! Hello! It's me!"

Host 2: Look how different you all are: fair-haired and dark-haired, gloomy and smiling, thin and thin.

Presenter 1: But regardless of height, weight, hair color and other distinguishing features, you all received a token with a number at the entrance. By the way, show them.

Host 2: And this means that you get a unique chance to participate in fun drawings and contests.

Presenter 1: All of you, probably, know and love the popular TV game "Star Hour".

Host 2: So, our game is completely different from it. But we took from it one rule that we liked the most.

Presenter 1: The winner of each competition receives the honorable right to say the phrase "School! Hello! It's me!" in his own way! and address all those present with congratulations or wishes.

Host 2: Let's first try to do it all together, in unison. You will have to very accurately repeat the intonation with which I will pronounce this phrase. (The phrase "School! Hello! It's me!" is pronounced by the host several times with the most incredible intonations: sadly, joyfully, in a whisper, playfully, drawing out the words very strongly, "in a foreign way", with an accent, etc., - so to make the kids laugh).

Presenter 1: And so that you do not forget that today is September 1, we are starting our funny contests - lessons.

Host 2: And before the bell rings for the first lesson, we have a few minutes to get ready. Happy owners of tokens No. 3, 71, 39, 94, 45, 10 are invited to the stage.

Competitors are given chewing gum. At the leader's signal, they should unfold it and start chewing. The winner is the one who inflates the balloon the fastest. The winner says the phrase "School! Hello! It's me!" and addresses the audience with a greeting.

Presenter 1: The children are ready for lessons. Now is the time to check how our teachers and parents prepared for the start of the school year. We invite the three most courageous teachers of our school and the three most determined parents. Introduce youreself. During the whole academic year you have to talk a lot, explain, convince, ask. Therefore, we suggest you check the strength of your lungs. Your task is to inflate the balloon as quickly and as much as possible. The winner is the one whose ball bursts from the effort first.

The conditions for the winner are the same. The bell rings.

Host 2: And so our first lesson begins. The Russian language lesson is taught by his teacher today ---

Teacher: Hello guys. Do not be surprised that in our lessons-competitions, instead of the words "to the blackboard" you will hear "to the stage." It will mean the same. Participants are invited to the stage, whose numbers are 6, 12, 24, 48, 52. I offer you two tongue twisters:

Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch;

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

Whoever pronounces them faster and more correctly will win. And your guys applause for each participant will be the marks. (Competition of tongue twisters).

The bell rings.

Presenter 1: And again a cheerful school bell calls us to the lesson. To conduct a lesson in mathematics, we invite a teacher of mathematics to the stage.

Teacher: I invite guys to the stage, whose numbers are 5,20,40,80,35,40. Stand in a semicircle facing the audience. Helpers, contribute the prize of this contest. You need to carefully listen to the condition of the task and complete it along the way.

(Whoever grabs the prize correctly wins.)

The winner gets the prize that he managed to take and is given the right to address those present, say "School! Hello! It's me!".

Host 2: Before the recess bell rings, we'll give you some sort of homework. In the meantime, answer the question: "What is the most common way in the classroom for students to communicate in conditions when it is necessary to maintain silence?

Presenter 1: Of course, notes. They are written by boys and girls. They are business, love and just about anything.

Host 2: Therefore, during our impromptu lessons, we invite all those sitting in the hall to practice the art of giving useless advice by completing this octet... (the octet is written on the poster):

If the teacher called you
Answer to the blackboard lesson
And not knowing you forgot
As Pushkin wrote about this...

Presenter 1: And send your continuation on the notes, indicating the author, to us.

Host 2: But first, for example, let's turn to the work of the author of wonderful books of useless advice for children and adults, the writer Grigory Oster.

Several of Auster's advice are read, for example,

The bell rings.

Presenter 1: The next lesson in our comic schedule is drawing. To spend, we invite him to the stage ...

Teacher: To the lesson of avant-garde painting, I invite numbers 4, 45, 71, 83, 93 to the stage. Your task, guys, is to draw a composition from blots. Take seats at tables that have everything you need.

Presenter 1: While the guys are preparing their works, we invite a physical education teacher to the stage ....

Teacher: One of the important functional qualities of the body is speed, so numbers 7,14,21,28,35 are invited to the stage. Your task is to collect as many autographs as possible in the hall in one minute. On your marks! Attention! March!

The bell rings after 1 minute.

So, please, sprinters, show who, how many signed autographs. The winner was .... he is given the right to address the audience.

Presenter 1: During our impromptu sports break, we hope that the young avant-garde artists have finished their work.

Teacher: Yes, the artists did their job. Show guys your work. And we will ask the hall to determine the winner with our applause. ___ is the winner. Please, you, word!

The bell rings.

Host 2: Before starting the next lesson, we want to remind you about the contest of notes with useless advice. We are waiting for your notes. And now everyone is going to a zoology lesson, which will be held by ...

Teacher: I invite guys to the stage, whose numbers are 9,10,42; 15,26,61; 29,34,73. These are three expeditions whose return from Mars brought the discovery of three new animal species. And after a short symposium, they will need to be shown: carambo aphids on the hunt; sisibolta on the nest; bibizyama on grazing.

Presenter 1: In the meantime, while the zoologists are conferring, we invite the school psychologist to conduct a session of student psycho-sound and laughter therapy.

(Calm meditative music sounds. If the hall has lighting equipment, then the lights go out, and the presenter is illuminated by a spotlight. All text goes against the background of music).

Psychologist: Imagine that you are sitting on a high hill, the sun is shining, the birds are singing ... After these words, you whistle softly.

Imagine that you are sitting on a high hill, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. But then a strong wind blew. Lightning flashed. After these words, all the girls say di-lin-di-lin-di-lin three times.

Imagine that you are sitting on a high hill, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. (Whistling). But then a strong wind blew. Lightning flashed. Thunder struck. After these words, all the boys say in unison: bim-bom.

Imagine that you are sitting on a high hill, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. But then a strong wind blew. Lightning flashed. Thunder struck. There were cool boys and girls of our school. After these words, some of you will clap, some will scream, some will hoot, some will stamp their feet.

Imagine that you are sitting on a high hill, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. But then a strong wind blew. Lightning flashed. Thunder struck. There were cool boys and girls of our school. They began to choose a captain. (After these words, a captain is chosen very quickly in the hall, for example, Sasha) "And who will be the captain?" (After these words, the whole room shows and says - Sasha). Sasha rises and asks "What am I going to do?"

Imagine that you are sitting on a high hill, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. (Hall whistle). But then a strong wind blew. Lightning flashed (girls). Thunder struck (boys; "bim-bom"). There were cool boys and girls of our school. (The whole hall - who is in what much). They began to choose a captain. (Hall - "Sasha"). Sasha gets up: “What am I going to do?” Sit down, Sasha, and watch the end of our holiday together with everyone.

Teacher: During the session of psycho-sound-laughter therapy, zoologists are ready to answer. Please, carambo aphids in the hunt, ceasbolt in the nest and beebees in the grazing. Please, audience, rate our participants with your applause. The winners are... You have the right to address the audience.

The bell rings.

Presenter 1: Lessons are coming to an end in our cheerful school.

Host 2: It remains only to determine the winner of the contest of useless advice. The winner was .... He has the floor.

Presenter 1: All lessons in our fun school are over. Tomorrow you will meet your teachers already at school desks and together with them you will go further along the paths of knowledge and discoveries. May that good mood always accompany you on the way, which we hope you all received today. All the best!

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Sections of the competition: teaching history, classroom management, extracurricular activities.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Learn to care about others, help your comrades, respect their opinion;
  • To teach children to live according to the laws of goodness and justice, to correlate their interests with the interests of their comrades;
  • To educate, develop and increase the best qualities of a person: patriotism, citizenship, pride in one's Motherland, striving for peace.

Motto: “Peace under a clear sky, a bright sun and a constellation of goodness!”

Class time course:

1. Organizational moment.

Congratulations to the children on the new school year.

2. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

Today is our first lesson in the seventh grade and we will talk about very serious and important things. You decide the topic of our lesson after I read the poem.

“Dedicated to the children of Beslan...” - Shmyreva N.G.

On the first fine day in September
The children of Beslan went to school,
After holidays and summer worries
Meet friends and see you again.
Many children came for the first time
School to learn to read and write
They were accompanied by relatives and friends,
Everyone was happy, everything was sincere.
Everything started well and beautifully -
Everywhere flowers and bursting laughter,
Children are dressed in uniform, everything is cute ...
Joy and happiness in the eyes of everyone ...
But, like a black, gloomy cloud,
Covered everything, closed the whole world -
Gang of terrible evil terrorists
Suddenly interrupted children's joyful laughter.
The earth sobbed from impotence and grief
And the blood of children was filled with everything.
The bandits were hiding behind the kids,
They put them on the windows like barriers.
Terrible were the hours and minutes,
Horror in the eyes of children, mothers...
Stop! Are you not people?
You've taken CHILDREN hostage!
How dare you, vile creatures,
Raise your hand to the holy country!
No, terrorists are the devil's children.
You are hated by all the people of the Earth!
We will not forget those who are not with us,
Those who died at the hands of the executioner.
Let's strive to live only in the world,
And we will not allow violence and evil!

What is the topic of our class hour? What is this poem about?

- Yes, guys, the topic of our lesson is “Peace to the world!” and it will be held under the motto “A world without violence, without worries and tears”

3. A moment of silence.

- And now, guys, let's remember all those who died 7 years ago (09/01/2004) in Beslan and honor their memory with a moment of silence.

It was a clear September morning. Children in dress uniforms with flowers and their relatives gathered for traditional assembly dedicated to the beginning of the new school year. At this time, an armed gang of 32 people drove into the territory of school No. 1 in Beslan in North Ossetia in three cars. Taking more than 1,300 adults and children hostage, they sat them on the floor in the gymnasium and mined the school. From 1 to 3 September, people received neither water nor food. They received constant threats. They understood that this was a terrorist act, but they firmly believed that they would be saved, that they would all remain alive.

Any attempts to negotiate with the terrorists in a constructive way, and to resolve the issue of the release of the hostages without forceful intervention, were unsuccessful. The only person whom the militants the next day - September 2 – agreed to let the school building, was the ex-president of the Republic of Ingushetia Ruslan Aushev. The latter managed to convince the invaders to release only 25 women and small children with him.

The Titanic disaster became legendary and was one of the largest shipwrecks in history. Several feature films have been shot on its plot. Dozens of books, hundreds of articles and essays have been written about the infamous steamboat. September 1 1985 25 years ago, the wreckage of the Titanic was discovered in the Atlantic Ocean.

74 years after one of the largest maritime disasters, a joint American-French expedition discovered the Titanic's location 325 miles west of the Canadian island of Newfoundland, in the North Atlantic Ocean at a depth of 3750 meters. Since then, about 5 thousand artifacts found among the wreckage of the Titanic have been raised. A lot of submarines visited the remains of the ship, submarines delivered tourists there.

In Russia, the New Year was still celebrated on March 1, associating it with the beginning of field work, until the end of the 15th century. Only in 1492, the Russian Orthodox Church decided to postpone the new year from March 1 to September 1

Children's television program "Good night, kids!" first aired September 1, 1964 . The initiative to create the program belonged to the editor-in-chief of the editorial board of programs for children and youth, Valentina Fedorova. The very name of the program was discussed for a long time, there were many options: "Evening Tale", "Good Night", "Bedtime Tale", "Visiting the Magic Man Tick-Tock". But the final version appeared on the eve of the first broadcast: "Good night, kids!".

In the late 1960s, dolls familiar to everyone began to appear in the program: Phil (1968), Stepashka (1970), Khryusha (1971) and Karkusha (1982). Sometimes the cat Tsap-Tsarapych took part in the program. And in 2002, a well-coordinated team was replenished with a new hero Mishutka.

To the friendly company of small animals June 1, 2009 the boy Bibigon joined - a symbol of the children's channel of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Transfer "Good night, kids!" three times became the winner of the TEFI television award (in 1997, 2002 and 2003) in the category "Best Children's Program".

– City birthday snowy

Snowy (ukr. Lower, pronounced [snizhne?] (until 1864 - Vasilievka), a city in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. The population is 58 thousand people. Local residents - snezhnya?nets, snezhnya?nka. In order for visitors to correctly emphasize the name of the city, on some images of the coat of arms the letter “O” was made capital.

According to legend, the city got its name from Catherine II , who, passing through these parts, exclaimed: “What a snowy place!”.

The city was founded in 1784 by the Cossack foreman Ivan Vasiliev as an inn on the site of the Pogorelaya beam near the “Snow Place”. In 1864, the village received its present name. Since 1900, coal has been mined in the area. In 1908, the Snezhnyansky anthracite mine was built, and later the Shvartsevo Mining Administration appeared. Working settlements grew up near the mines.

In Soviet times, the center of a modern city began to form on the site of the working settlement of mine No. 9. In 1938, the settlements of Snezhnoye and Novy Donbass received the status of cities.
Near the city there is a memorial complex “ Saur-Tomb”- the height for which in August 1943 they fought fierce battles with the Nazi troops of the 5th shock army of the Southern Front. In 1967-1975, a memorial complex was built on Saur-Mogila in memory of the feat of Soviet soldiers who died during the assault on the height and the breakthrough of the German defensive line on the Mius River.

There is a forest reserve in Snezhnoye - The tract Leontievo-Bayrakskoye. Plants that are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine grow in the reserve. Leontievsky Forest, which is part of the reserve, according to legend, was planted in memory of the deceased Cossack Leontiy, brother of Klim Saur, after whom, according to legend, the nearby Saur-Mogila is named.

Day of the city the snezhnyan people timed it to the day of the liberation of the city from the fascist troops in 1943 - September 1 .

D) - Many more events happened on this day, but for us, September 1 is, first of all, the Day of Knowledge.

Knowledge Day is the first calls and excitement, a sea of ​​flowers and white bows.
September 1 is the holiday of the beginning of the new academic year, primarily for pupils, pupils, students, teachers and lecturers.

I congratulate you on this wonderful day and wish you to remember the most important thing: wisdom in life. May there always be a place for knowledge and wisdom in the life of you and your children, which help to cope with everyday troubles.

8. Summing up the class hour:

Dear Guys! For 6 years that you have studied at school, you have become one family, one small country. Let's try all together to do everything possible so that in our team there are more successes and joys than sorrows. We must take care of others, help our comrades, respect their opinion. Live according to the laws of goodness and justice, correlate your interests with the interests of your comrades. Much depends on our friendship. Even, to some extent, peace on our planet.