Patriotic education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the moral and patriotic education of preschool children

Raising patriotism in children is one of the most urgent problems today. Preschool educational institutions are the very first link in the education system. They form in children a basic idea of ​​the world around them, of a person’s attitude to nature, to a small Motherland, to his Fatherland, to the formation of a stable connection between generations, which leads to the development of a morally healthy, viable population. The formation of these values ​​occurs as a result of daily purposeful, systematic work with the child.

One of the components of educational areas "Social and communicative development" GEF DO is the patriotic education of preschoolers, the positive socialization of preschool children, familiarizing children with sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state.

Patriotism is a manifestation of love not only for a beautiful and strong, powerful country, but also for a country that finds itself in a difficult situation: misunderstanding, poverty, discord, or military conflicts. The education of patriotism, citizenship, responsibility for the fate of one's country is becoming one of the most important tasks of education today.

K.D. Ushinsky wrote that "A child has nothing to deny, he needs positive food, only a person who does not understand the needs of childhood can feed him with hatred, despair and contempt."

The patriotic feeling is multifaceted in its content. This is love for one's family, native places, pride in the people, a sense of one's connection with the outside world, the desire to preserve and increase the wealth of the country. Understanding the importance of this issue, one of the most important areas in the preschool educational institution is the work on civil-patriotic education.

The purpose of the work of our preschool educational institution is to instill love for the Fatherland, pride in its culture.


  • to educate little patriots of Russia, citizens of a legal, democratic state, respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual, showing national and religious tolerance, respect for the languages, traditions and cultures of other peoples
  • education in a child of love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city
  • manifestation of benevolent attention to others, the desire to help, support another person
  • careful attitude to the environment, the results of the work of other people, strangers and their own things.
  • formation of elementary knowledge about human rights
  • introducing children to the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem)
  • developing a sense of responsibility and pride in the achievements of the country.

This serious work is significant today, because it is in the last few years that significant changes have taken place in the political, economic and cultural life of the country. Tolerance is brought up through the development of good manners, habits, culture of interpersonal communication in a world of dissimilar people.

The solution of these problems occurs in all types of activities of children in the preschool educational institution: in games, in work, in education, in everyday life, in the joint activities of children and educators.

Work is carried out in the following areas:

  1. Accompanying methodological support resources;
  2. Work with children;
  3. Working with parents.

All these areas are interconnected and include:

  • Acquaintance with your city, its history;
  • Acquaintance with Russia and native land;
  • Acquaintance with the historical events of their people and country;
  • Acquaintance with the heroes of epics and their exploits;
  • Acquaintance with the symbols of the state, republic, city.

Methodological support

Formation of a subject-developing environment of a patriotic orientation:

  • In the hall of the kindergarten stands are equipped: "My country", "My city";
  • The groups have a set of didactic games: "Military equipment", "Find the flag of Russia", "Defenders of Russia", etc.;
  • A selection of fiction and methodological literature has been made, through which children can receive information about the exploits during the Second World War, about Russia and its army, etc.;

Thematic planning contributes to the systematic assimilation of knowledge by preschoolers about the country, region, area where they live. Topics are repeated in each group. Only the volume of cognitive material changes, the content and complexity, the duration of the study, depending on the age of the children in the group.

Working on the topic of patriotic education in the preschool educational institution, we must also remember the events that are taking place. For example, the Sochi 2014 Olympics went down in history - children should be proud of our athletes and their country.

Work with personnel.

The purpose of methodical work with personnel is to improve the work of preschool educational institutions on the problem of patriotic education. Personal example, teacher's worldview, judgments, life position are the most effective factors of education. The knowledge of the educator will not be effective if he himself does not love his country, people, city. In education, everything comes down to the personality of the educator.

Work with children.

Civil-patriotic education is one of the main and difficult tasks of a preschool institution. The task is difficult in its solution due to the age characteristics of children. Indeed, at preschool age, not a single moral quality is finally formed, but only arises. Raising a patriotic feeling among preschoolers is a complex and lengthy process that requires significant personal conviction from teachers. This work should be carried out in all age groups, types of activity and in all areas.

The task of the teacher:

  • Instilling in children the concepts of "duty to the Motherland", "hatred of the enemy", "love for the Fatherland", "front-line and labor feat";
  • Acquaintance with other cities, the capital, symbols of the state;
  • Showing the big through the small, how the activity of one person is connected with the life of all people.

Communication between the educator and other specialists of the preschool educational institution:

  • Speech therapist - learns sentences, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, folk comic rhymes with pupils, shows the beauty and richness of the native language;
  • The physical education instructor organizes and conducts outdoor games of different peoples of the country.
  • The musical director learns Russian folk songs with pupils, introduces folk music, holds patriotic and folklore holidays;
  • Educators on Monday conduct mandatory conversations "How was the weekend?" - this is how love and affection for the family are brought up. During the week, talks are held "Who needs help and how to get it?", "What new poems or stories of Russian writers have you heard?".

The purpose of this work is to create conditions for children to reflect the acquired knowledge and ideas in various types of children's activities.

In our preschool institution every year there are festive events:

  • Folk and folklore holidays: Maslenitsa, Defender of the Fatherland Day, New Year, Victory Day, Cosmonautics Day, Knowledge Day, City Day.
  • International holidays - Children's Day, Mother's Day, International Women's Day.
  • Orthodox holidays - Easter, Christmas.
  • Household and family holidays - graduation to school, birthdays.

Holidays are accompanied by good music, colorful decoration of the hall, walking verandas, groups, story games, various surprises.

Orthodox holidays and rituals are a source of knowledge of the people's soul, wisdom, traditions and way of life of our people.

In introducing a child to folk culture, a special role is played by folk holidays as an expression of the national character, a bright form of recreation for children and adults united by joint actions.

There is a tradition in our kindergarten: on the eve of the Victory Day, with the children of senior and preparatory groups, we go to the eternal fire to bow to the fallen soldiers and lay flowers in gratitude. After such events, children are inspired by new drawings, games, stories.

Civil-patriotic education occurs in the process of activity, during which collective relations are formed between people. In teaching and work, the spiritual and physical strengths of a person develop, a sense of duty and responsibility for the assigned work, for their successes and the successes of the team is formed, character is formed, the will is strengthened.

The game simulates situations similar to life, which require a certain line of behavior, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, companionship from athletes.

Working with parents

The relationship with the family of a preschooler is an important condition for the introduction of patriotic education in preschool educational institutions. Today, this work is relevant and complex, it requires patience and tact, since in modern families the issue of patriotism education is not always considered important and is puzzling. So that work with parents does not remain within the framework of pedagogical education, we involve them in the process of patriotic education through interaction: the inclusion of children and parents in a common cause (participation in projects, games, competitions). In our kindergarten, it has already become a tradition to hold competitions for the best winter and summer playgrounds, when parents work together to create snow buildings, slides for their children, and help to plant trees and shrubs in the territory. Looking at them, children try to become active participants in the common cause, take on a feasible part, strive to do something for others.

Of great importance are family excursions around the city, microdistrict, visits to individual enterprises and premises, organization of photo exhibitions and drawings and other projects "Children-parents". Family study of their ancestry allows children to understand that the family is the unit of society.

So, patriotic education in a preschool institution is a long process of forming a conscious person who loves his homeland, the land where he was born and grew up, who is proud of the historical achievements of his people, his culture.


  1. Alexandrova E.Yu. The system of patriotic education in the preschool educational institution: Planning, pedagogical projects, development of thematic classes / E.Yu. Alexandrova, E.P. Gordeeva, M.P. Postnikova, G.P. Popov. - Volgograd: "Teacher" . - 2007. - 203 p.
  2. Bondarenko T.M. Diagnostics of the pedagogical process in the preschool educational institution: a practical guide / T.M. Bondarenko. - Voronezh: IP Lakotsenin. - 2010. - 176 p.
  3. Doronova T.N. Rainbow: A program for the upbringing, education and development of children from 2 to 7 years old in a kindergarten / T.N. Doronova, S.G. Yakobson, E.V. Solovieva T.I. Grizik, V. V. Gerbova. - M.: Enlightenment, 2011. - 111 p.
  4. Sazhina S.D. Drawing up working curricula for preschool educational institutions [Text]: guidelines / S.D. Sazhin. - M.: TC. "Sphere" , 2010. - 112p.

The content of the Federal State Educational Standard notes the urgent need to intensify the process of educating patriotism in preschoolers. Children at this age are very inquisitive, responsive, receptive. They easily respond to all initiatives, they know how to sincerely sympathize and empathize. For the educator, this is a time of fertile ground. After all, at this age there are great opportunities for the systematic and consistent moral education of children. There is a formation of the spiritual basis of the child, emotions, feelings, thinking, processes of social adaptation in society, the process of self-awareness in the world around begins. It is this segment of a person’s life that is most favorable for the emotional and psychological impact on the child, since his images are very bright and strong, and therefore they remain in memory for a long time, and sometimes for life, which is very important in the education of patriotism.

Recently, due to the ongoing crisis in the socio-economic, political, cultural and other spheres of public life, there has been a sharp decline in the upbringing of the younger generation. Of great concern is one of the key areas of this activity related to the creation of conditions for the education and development of the personality of a citizen and patriot of Russia and capable of defending its interests. In this regard, the problem of patriotic education of children and youth is becoming one of the most urgent. At the same time, it acquires new characteristics and, accordingly, new approaches to its solution as an integral part of the holistic process of social adaptation, life self-determination and personality development.

Patriotic education of a child is the basis for the formation of a future citizen.

Pedagogical principles are known: love for the Motherland begins with the attitude towards the closest people - father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, with love for one's home, the street on which the child lives, kindergarten, school, city.

Patriotism and patriotism


Patriotism is love for the Motherland, devotion to the Fatherland, the desire to serve its interests and readiness,

up to self-sacrifice, to his protection.

Patriotic education is a systematic and purposeful activity of state authorities and public organizations to form citizens of a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional obligations to protect the interests of the Motherland.

Patriotic concept

education of citizens of the Russian Federation.

The main tasks of patriotic education of preschoolers

Formation of love for the native land (involvement in the native home, family, kindergarten, city);

Formation of spiritual and moral relations;

Formation of love for the cultural heritage of their people;

Raising a love of respect for their national characteristics;

Self-esteem as a representative of one's people;

Tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities, peers, parents, neighbors, other people.

The system of work on patriotic education of children

Acquaintance with objects of the immediate environment.

Raising respect for working people and objects of folk art, art crafts;

Raising respect for working people and objects produced by them. To acquaint with people who glorified Russia;

Raising a sense of friendship towards people of other nationalities;

Acquaintance with the phenomena of social life.

Raising a sense of belonging with the life of the country (patriotic dates and holidays);

Careful attitude to what is made by people;

Education of love for the native land, for the Motherland (the idea of ​​the country, cities, capital, symbols of the state;

Acquaintance with the sights of the city, architectural monuments, with the names of streets bearing the names of famous people;

Acquaintance with the events that took place in the country, expanding ideas about the country, the capital, the symbols of the state;

Acquaintance with nature.

Education of love for the nature of the native land;

Education of respect for the native nature;

Raising a sense of the need for labor participation in the protection of native nature.

Forms of work on patriotic education

Creation of a developing environment for civil and patriotic education;

Thematic classes;

Conversations about the Motherland, about the native city, about the nature of the native land, about good people, reading children's books on patriotic topics, an appropriate selection of songs and poems for learning, watching movies, television programs for children, purposeful games;

Interaction with parents;

Interaction with society (excursions around the city, district, museum, exhibition hall).

Model of patriotic education in preschool age.

Family Kindergarten Hometown Home country Our Army

Vivid impressions about the native nature, about the history of the native land, about the Motherland, received in childhood, often remain in the memory of a person for life and form in the child such character traits that will help him become a patriot and citizen of his country.

Education of moral and patriotic feelings in preschool children in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education

The state, at present, is trying to restore the sense of patriotism and citizenship lost in the citizens of the country, including in children. State program "Patriotic education of citizens for 2011-2015. "approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 5, 2010 No. 795 determined the main ways of patriotic education, goals and objectives that are aimed at "maintaining social and economic stability, strengthening the unity and friendship of peoples." Everyone knows the fact that the formation of a person's personality occurs in preschool age. This fact also applies to the timely formation of a sense of patriotism among preschoolers. The question arises - how to ensure the correct educational work in the preschool educational institution in order to instill in preschoolers value orientations, citizenship, patriotism and love for their Small and Large Motherland? For more fruitful work on the patriotic education of preschool children, a PRS was created in our kindergarten, the purpose of which is, first of all, the education of moral and patriotic feelings. This is the territory of Russian and Buryat culture, an ecological zone with a living corner, work is underway on the local history project "Barguzinovedenie", the project "Room of Military Glory", and promising forms of work with parents are also considered, which involve their involvement in active participation in the pedagogical life of the kindergarten for patriotic education.

Relevance of the issue:

It is very important that children understand as early as possible that the great Motherland is Russia, the Russian Federation, it is one for everyone who was born in its expanses, fell in love with it, who makes efforts to make it even more beautiful, richer, would become a mighty power. And each of us should be able to be useful to her. And for this you need to know and be able to do a lot; from childhood, to do such things that would be for the benefit of their home, kindergarten, village, and in the future - for the benefit of the whole country. Acquaintance with the great Motherland - Russia - is the third main step in the moral and patriotic education of children. If a person cares about the Motherland, it means that he is her son, then Russia for him is the Motherland.

Goal: Formation of a spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to the home, family, kindergarten.

Cultivate love for home, family, kindergarten.

Encourage children to perform socially significant tasks, to do good deeds for the family, home, kindergarten.

Exercise children in showing compassion, caring, attentiveness to relatives and friends, friends and peers, to those who care about them.

Facilitating the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in a family and kindergarten.

It is necessary to start work on patriotic education by creating a warm, cozy atmosphere for children.

In our work we use various technologies:





developmental learning,




In the work on moral and patriotic education, we give a special place to works of children's fiction, folk games, oral folk art, folk arts and crafts.

The system and sequence of work is built as follows-

Thematic blocks:

Block - "Seven I", "Me and My Family", "Me and My Friends", "Me and Adults".

An equally important condition is a close relationship with parents. The love of a small preschool child for the Motherland begins with an attitude towards the closest people - father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, love for one's home, one's peers. In order to instill in children love and respect for mothers, fathers, the elderly, the ability to understand and analyze, classes were held on the topics “7I”, “Elderly people”, “My mother is the best”, “Children and parents”, etc. d.

Block- "Culture and Traditions"

We introduce children to the traditions and life of Russia. We introduce the history of the emergence of folk toys, with types of oral folk art. In our work with children, we use the accumulated experience in local history and familiarization with folk art. For this purpose, they held entertainment classes "Christmas - witchcraft", "Shrovetide", "White month holiday", "Autumn season", the action "Dress up a living Christmas tree".

Blok - "I and the Motherland".

Acquaintance of preschoolers with their native village, republic and native country is a long and complicated process. One of the main tasks that we set ourselves in preparing each lesson is the selection of visual material: reproductions of paintings, various schemes, drawings, photographs from past years and modern sights. By educating children to love their city, we bring them to the understanding that Barguzin is a particle of the Motherland, since in all places, large and small, there is much in common. Work to familiarize children with the Motherland is carried out in stages.

Blok - "The glory will not cease these days."

We invite to classes, matinees, festive concerts of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and Military Glory, soldiers of the Russian Army. Children, together with their parents, prepare gifts and holiday cards for veterans, soldiers of the Russian army.

Block - "I see a wonderful expanse ..."

It has become traditional in winter to take care of the birds of our village (site). During winter walks, children with adults hang feeders, watch winter trees.

Block - "Pedagogical support of the family."

Touching the history of one's family evokes strong emotions in the child, makes him empathize, be attentive to the memory of the past, to his historical roots. Interaction with parents on this issue contributes to a careful attitude to traditions, the preservation of vertical family ties.

We work with parents in a variety of ways:

seminars - workshops,




Our parents take an active part in the life of the preschool educational institution.

An indicator of the high level of knowledge of children on issues of patriotic education are the victories of our pupils in various competitions:

Diploma of the 3rd degree in the competition of New Year's performances "Christmas tree live" of the regional environmental campaign "Dress up a living Christmas tree - 2014";

All-Russian creative marathon "Seasons" in the nomination "Drawing" - Roma Mekhanikov 1st place;

All-Russian creative marathon "Seasons" in the nomination "Drawing" - Bikmulin Dima 3rd place;

All-Russian creative competition "Family Portrait" - Konevina Arina 1st place;

All-Russian creative competition "Family portrait" - Tolstikhin Stas 1st place;


The formation of patriotic feelings is more effective if the kindergarten establishes a close relationship with the family. The need to involve the family in the process of familiarizing preschoolers with the social environment is explained by the special pedagogical opportunities that the family has and which cannot be replaced by a preschool institution: love and affection for children, emotional and moral richness of relationships, their social, and not selfish orientation, etc. All this creates favorable conditions for the education of higher moral feelings.

Patriotic education of children in a preschool educational institution in accordance with GEF DO

One of the priorities of the educational system of modern educational organizations is the patriotic education of children.

The “Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation” states that the educational potential of Russian culture, art and education as the most important factors in the formation of patriotism has sharply decreased, therefore “patriotism is called upon to give a new impetus to the spiritual improvement of the people, the formation of a unified civil society in Russia.” Consequently, the spiritual recovery of the whole people is connected, first of all, with the patriotic education of the younger generations.

On September 1, 2013, a new law “On Education in the Russian Federation” came into force, in which for the first time pre-school education is enshrined as a level of general education. On January 1, 2014, the federal state educational standard (FSES) was put into effect.

The main goal of the educational area "Social and communicative development" is the positive socialization of preschool children, introducing children to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state.

One of the main areas of implementation of the educational area "Social and communicative development" is the patriotic education of preschool children.

Preschool childhood is the most important period in a person's life, when the foundations of his personal culture are laid, the moral and moral values ​​of society are mastered. It is during this period of life that a child develops ideas about himself, about people, about the phenomena of social life, about human culture, which creates the prerequisites for the education of civic qualities and the appropriation of moral values ​​of society.

For many years we have been working on the patriotic education of children. We have achieved certain results in this direction.

Participants in educational relations developed a program for the patriotic education of children "Young Patriot".

A feature of the program is that it is designed to solve the problems of patriotic education of children based on the national and regional traditions of their native land. The study of the specifics of the natural and cultural heritage of the native land, its uniqueness is an important condition for the education of patriotic feelings as the most important quality of the personality of a future citizen.

The purpose of the program is to create conditions for educating preschool children the principles of patriotism and citizenship in accordance with their age capabilities.

Program objectives:

1. Raising in children love and affection for their family, home, kindergarten, hometown.

2. Formation of respect for nature and all living things.

3. Development of interest in the traditions, crafts, arts and crafts of the peoples of Russia.

4. Expanding ideas about the country, fostering respect and pride in one's country - Russia, the capital of our Motherland - Moscow.

5. Raising respect for the defenders of the Motherland, their exploits in the name of Russia.

6. Formation of respect for the culture of other peoples, tolerance, tolerance, benevolent attitude towards them.

7. Showing to children the relationship between the activities of one person and the lives of all people.

The system and sequence of work on patriotic education is presented as follows: family, kindergarten, native street, hometown, country, rights and obligations.

Work on patriotic education with children is carried out in several directions:

Spiritual and educational (thematic classes, conversations, reading fiction, looking at illustrations, models, classes in the museum);

Educational (entertainment, folk holidays, gaming activities);

Cultural and educational (excursions, visits to puppet shows, meetings with interesting people);

Moral and labor (productive activity, organization of feasible work of children).

Active work is underway to interact with the social institutions of the city. Twice a year we invite pupils of the military-patriotic club "Rosich" to participate in joint events dedicated to the "Defender of the Fatherland Day" and the celebration of "Victory Day". We also invite home front workers and directly participants in the Second World War who fought at a young age to celebrate Victory Day. Events are held in a warm, friendly atmosphere.

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Patriotism - love for the Motherland, devotion to it, responsibility and pride for it, the desire to work for its benefit, protect and increase its wealth - begins to form already at preschool age. It is impossible to cultivate self-esteem, self-confidence, and, consequently, a full-fledged personality, without respect for the history and culture of one's Fatherland, for its state symbols. ("The concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation"). One of the main tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is: "combining training and education into an integral educational process based on spiritual, moral and socio-cultural values ​​and rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of a person, family, society." Therefore, moral and patriotic education is one of the most important links in the system of educational work in preschool educational institutions. The main tasks of patriotic education in kindergarten:

Formation of a spiritual and moral attitude, a sense of belonging and love for the family, the village, the country, for the nature of the native land, for the cultural heritage of their people;

Raising self-esteem in a child as a representative of his people;

Education of a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities.

A feature of the system of work on the patriotic education of older preschoolers is the integration of various types of children's activities: speech, visual, cognitive, constructive, play. This is due to the need to create a holistic picture of the world around the child, where nature, society and man are in unity.

As part of the work on patriotic education in 2013-2014, the following activities were carried out:

with teachers:

Thematic pedagogical council:

"Organization of moral and patriotic education in a pre-school educational institution in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Establishment"

Consultations: “Moral and patriotic education of preschool children”; "Patriotic education of preschool children at the present stage"; "Formation in children of moral and patriotic feelings for their homeland"; "Development of moral qualities through the game"

Seminar - theoretical:

"Features of the organization of moral and patriotic education in a preschool educational institution in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education."

Pedagogical hours:

"Acquaintance of children with the Kuban folk culture, customs, traditions, folklore, songwriting in music classes"; "Mini-museum in preschool"

Registration of parental corners, folders-movers, production of memos, booklets.

Participation in the month of defense-mass and military-patriotic work.

with students:

Thematic directly educational activities, conversations: “Glory to the Native Army”, “My homeland is Russia, my homeland is the Kuban”, “The Day of the Great Victory”; “The feat of a soldier is immortal”, “Heroes of the Russian land”, “Olympics, forward!”, “Olympic games. Sochi-2014”, “Our cosmonauts”, “My family tree”, “Family together and soul in place”, “What children of war dreamed about”, “Family hero”, “Kuban remembers them, our village remembers them”, etc.

Exhibitions of children's drawings:

"My Motherland Kuban"; "Russia is our Motherland"; "Blossom, my village!"

"Victory Day", "My home is my fortress"

Photo exhibitions:

"My grandparents" (for the Day of the elderly)

Literary exhibitions: "Works of Kuban writers and poets", "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten"

Drawing competition:


Patriotic education of preschool children. Presentation of the work experience of the educator Zadumkina I.A.

Direction of work: civil-patriotic education of children 4-7 years old.

The presentation is addressed to educators of preschool institutions and offers a system of work with children 4-7 years old in civil and patriotic education. It is designed to help educators effectively and excitingly conduct work on this topic.

Relevance of development

Currently, Russia is undergoing a number of complex changes, not only in foreign policy, but also directly within its state. Life is changing rapidly, and we are changing with it.

Today, thanks to numerous media, people receive information in a larger amount than before and much more believably than in the old days. Unfortunately, some of the measures that politicians take are not always popular.

Therefore, the patriotic education of preschoolers today is one of the priority areas in the field of education. The feeling of love for the motherland should be brought up not only based on the past of our country, but also proudly talk about the present and future of Russia.

Purpose of the presentation: to cultivate humane feelings, to inculcate spiritual and moral values, to form a civil and patriotic position worthy of future citizens of Russia, patriots of their Fatherland.


To form a sense of attachment to your home, your loved ones, to introduce you to the relatives of mom and dad;

To form a concept - family traditions;

To form in the imagination of children the image of a small motherland, an understanding of the expression "small motherland", to cultivate a sense of love for their homeland;

To form in children an idea of ​​​​the world, different countries of the world, Russia, themselves, as full-fledged citizens of Russia;

To consolidate knowledge of the state symbols of the Russian Federation. Raise civil and patriotic feelings. Explain the concept of "citizenship" and "citizen"

To consolidate and generalize children's knowledge about the climatic zones of the Russian Federation. To cultivate a sense of pride in the vast expanses of our Motherland. Encourage children to admire the beauty of their native nature;

To form the concept of folk traditions;

Project "Patriotic education of younger preschoolers" Portal 2009 Competitions for teachers, preschool educators, teachers ...

Competitions for teachers, preschool educators, teachers ...

Project "Patriotic education of younger preschoolers"

Relevance of the problem

At present, one of the most important problems of society is the state of spiritual and moral health of a person. The concept of preschool education defines the tasks of forming a physically healthy, spiritually, richly moral, creative, thinking person.

The basis of the new concept of education is the federal state educational standard for preschool education (FSES). It defines the basic principles of preschool education, among them “introducing children to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state; taking into account the ethno-cultural situation of children's development”. Everyone knows that preschool age is the foundation of the overall development of the child, the starting period of all high human principles. Indeed, with the upbringing of a sense of attachment to one's home, kindergarten, native street, native family, the formation of the foundation begins on which a more complex education will grow - a feeling of love for one's Fatherland.

Homeland, Fatherland, Fatherland, Fatherland. So we call the land on which we were born. And there is nothing more precious than a person. The homeland, the beauty of which was revealed to him once, like a miracle.

And before us, teachers, the task is to open this miracle to children.

The feeling of the motherland ... It begins in a child with an attitude to the family, to the closest people - to mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. These are the roots that connect him with his home and immediate environment.

The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the baby sees in front of him, what he is amazed at and what causes a response in his soul ... And although many impressions are not yet deeply realized by him, but, passed through the child's perception, they play a huge role in the formation of the personality of a patriot.

Now our national memory is gradually returning to us, and we are starting to treat ancient holidays, traditions, folklore, crafts, arts and crafts in a new way, in which the people left us the most valuable of their cultural achievements, sifted through the sieve of centuries.

Target: Formation of a spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to the native city, father's house, in introducing children to folk traditions and customs.


1. To instill love for the Motherland, hometown, kindergarten, family, native people.

2. Introduce children to folk traditions and customs.

3. Encourage children to perform socially significant tasks, to do good deeds for the family, home, kindergarten.

4. To form in children a manifestation of compassion, caring, attentiveness to relatives and friends, friends and peers, to those who care about them.

5. Promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in a family and kindergarten.

Stages of project implementation:

Definition of goals and objectives.

Selection of literature, development of methodological material on the topic.

Creation of a subject-spatial environment, selection of material, toys, attributes for role-playing games "Family", "Barbershop", "Shop", "Hospital", "Kindergarten".

Definition of directions - "My family", "My city", "Customs and traditions of the Russian people"

Creation of an electronic manual for children "Streets of my city".

Pick up illustrations, fiction on the topic, poems, riddles, materials for productive activities.

Stage 2 - Basic (practical)

Conversations about the family, about the duties of family members, about professions.

Activities with parents:

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Patriotic education of preschoolers according to GEF: lesson topics

Patriotism is a social feeling that is characterized by attachment to one's native land, people, and its traditions.

Moral and patriotic education is a system of measures aimed at shaping citizens' sense of duty towards their native country, national identity, and readiness to defend their homeland.

The relevance of patriotic education

The patriotic education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard is quite relevant in modern conditions. This is due to the establishment of the priority of material values ​​over spiritual ones in our society. However, the upbringing of the younger generation within the framework of respect and love for the Motherland forms a morally healthy, viable population.

Preschool children are especially emotional, inquisitive, ready for empathy, they are in the process of forming personal guidelines, so it is possible to carry out educational work most fruitfully. This is also facilitated by the special susceptibility of preschoolers to the influence of adults.

Goals and objectives

Patriotic education in the preschool educational institution is carried out with the aim of cultivating love for the fatherland, a responsible attitude towards the environment and people, and establishing a stable connection between generations. The formation of these values ​​occurs as a result of purposeful, systematic work with the child.

Patriotic education of preschoolers according to GEF implies the following tasks:

  • the formation of moral and spiritual characteristics of the individual;
  • the formation of a sense of pride in their nation;
  • formation of a respectful attitude to the national and cultural traditions of their people;
  • formation of a liberal position in relation to peers, adults, people of other nationalities.

Forms and methods of organizing work

The program of patriotic education in preschool institutions implies, first of all, the organization of internal methodological work in this direction. Since if the teacher himself does not feel a sense of love for the fatherland, then he will not be able to convey it to the children, the teacher also needs to know how to most effectively convey the ideas of patriotism to preschoolers.

Methodological work on patriotic education in the preschool educational institution is aimed at improving the qualification level of educators, their pedagogical literacy. For this, thematic teachers' councils, consultations, mutual visits to classes are held.

The second part of the methodological work is interaction with parents, the child's family, since they have a significant impact on the formation of the personality of a preschooler, and it is important to suggest to them the main directions for the successful development of moral and spiritual values ​​in children. Thematic meetings, conversations are held with parents, they are involved in the organization and participation in the activities of the preschool educational institution.

Patriotic education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard determines the methods of working with preschoolers:

  • arrangement of patriotic corners in the preschool educational institution;
  • organization of excursions to the sights of the native land, visits to museums, exhibitions;
  • organization of thematic events (holidays, matinees, competitions, competitions);
  • conducting thematic discussions on the theme of love for the Motherland, reading relevant works, memorizing poems, watching films, programs.

Every year, the preschool educational institution draws up a plan for patriotic education, which covers all forms and methods of methodological and educational work. An approximate list of events and topics of classes provided for by the plan includes: events dedicated to state and folk holidays, sports competitions, thematic classes on the study of nature, features, traditions of the native land, state symbols.

Celebrations dedicated to public holidays

Activities for patriotic education in preschool educational institutions are usually timed to coincide with the celebration of relevant public holidays, such as Victory Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day.

In preparation for the event, children learn the history of the holiday, understand to whom it is dedicated and why it is celebrated.

For example, when preparing for the celebration of Victory Day, you can hold the Dove of Peace campaign by making white paper doves together with the children as symbols of peaceful life. For the event itself, learn military songs (“Katyusha”, “Victory Day”, etc.), poems on the relevant topics. You can organize a meeting with veterans or children of the war within the framework of the project “Such a different childhood: war and peace”.

In preparation for the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, the boys form the concept that they are future men, strong and strong, the support of their family, the Motherland, its defenders. On the holiday itself, several different events can be held depending on the age of the children, for example, a holiday congratulating fathers with military-themed poems, songs and dances, sports and competitive competitions, a conversation session “We need peace”, dedicated to the army that defends our country.

International Women's Day is dedicated to the formation of family values ​​and the image of a mother, a woman as the guardian of the family, among preschoolers. Traditionally, events on this day are dedicated to congratulating mothers and grandmothers. On the eve, children make gifts for them with their own hands, developing their creative abilities.

Folk holidays

In order for children to perceive themselves as part of their people, they must be imbued with its foundations, understand its identity. To do this, the preschool organizes conversations-classes to get acquainted with the folk life, but children learn the best information during the game. You can celebrate folk holidays with songs, dances, a good mood to join the traditions.

Celebrations begin with Christmas and the old New Year. Children learn carols, then go to visit in groups, sing, receiving sweets as a reward.

The celebration of Maslenitsa can be organized during a walk, all the children of the preschool educational institution can participate in it at the same time. Winter, Spring, buffoons take part in the performance. Preschoolers get acquainted with the history of the holiday, its essence and symbols.

The main symbol of Maslenitsa is pancakes, you can involve your parents in making them, arrange a kind of fair.

Easter also has its own symbols. Easter egg painting class. There are a lot of methods and techniques that give the child the opportunity to develop their artistic abilities.

Sport games

Patriotic education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard implies the education of a physically healthy person. Therefore, physical development is an integral part of the educational process. Sports games and competitions not only develop children, but also form a sense of team, unity of interests, strengthen family ties and traditions.

It is possible to hold competitions between same-age groups on relevant topics, for example, dedicated to Russian heroes. During the holiday, children get acquainted with Russian epics about heroes, with their feats of arms. Competitions such as:

  • "Sharpshooter" - throwing balls at the target.
  • Rope pulling.
  • "Fast Rider" - a relay race competition for racing on rubber horses or large balls.
  • "The strongest" - pushing opponents out of the mat with the shoulder.
  • "Heroic help" - dismantle the entrance to the cave by cubes and save the beautiful girl.

A special role is played by joint competitions of children and parents. The celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day for students of the senior and preparatory groups can be organized by the military game "Zarnichka", in which fathers and sons participate in relay races, and mothers and daughters participate in competitions for fans. Such a game brings up a sense of collectivism, patriotism, forms an interest in doing physical exercises, develops basic physical qualities, and introduces to the traditions of big sport.

Classes for the study of state symbols

Patriotic education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard implies knowledge of the state symbols of the country. For their study, appropriate classes-conversations are held, for example, “Love your Motherland”, “Symbols of Russia”.

The purpose of this lesson is to instill in children pride in their country, to consolidate and expand knowledge of state symbols, to introduce the meaning of the colors of the flag and coat of arms, to form the simplest geographical knowledge about their region, to cultivate a sense of respect for the flag, coat of arms, anthem, and also to instill a cognitive interest in history of their homeland.

Classes can be conducted with the help of information and communication technologies. To do this, you need to prepare a presentation on a given topic, stock up on an audio recording of the anthem.

The sequence of the lesson can be as follows:

  1. An introductory part in which children get acquainted with the geographical location and size of the country.
  2. Acquaintance with the flag of Russia, the symbolism of its colors. You can play the game "Fold the flag."
  3. Getting to know the coat of arms The teacher explains to the children the very concept of a coat of arms, conducts the game "Think up and draw the coat of arms of your family."
  4. Listening to the national anthem.
  5. The final part, which checks how preschoolers have learned the material.

Disclosure of the theme of a small homeland

Any corner of our Motherland is unique and original in its own way. It is important to introduce the child to the beauty of the nature of the native land, to its traditions and way of life.

One of the ways is to organize a local history mini-museum in the preschool educational institution. In it you can collect a collection of old things that characterize life, samples of folk art products (embroideries, napkins, tablecloths, amulets, dishes, toys).

Another way to get to know the native land is to conduct excursions and visit sights.

Educational lessons are also held. Appropriate topics on patriotic education are selected for classes. Children learn about their famous fellow countrymen, about the history of the emergence and development of their native settlement, about the natural features of the region, and study folklore.

The systematic work carried out at the preschool educational institution makes it possible to instill in preschoolers primary knowledge of the history, geography of their native land, its features of development and formation.

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I, Karamysheva Natalya Vladimirovna, a teacher of the first qualification category, I have a higher education, I graduated from the National State Pedagogical University with a degree in social pedagogue, having a specialty “primary school teacher”, I underwent retraining in the specialty “educator of preschool children”. I study novelties of preschool education, through self-education.

I take part in the municipal innovation site on the problem of "Introducing preschoolers to the cultural and historical values ​​​​of their region", in the work of the creative group of the preschool educational institution on the work of the regional pilot site for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the preschool educational institution. I am an active participant in the competitive movement of various levels, I have publications.

The moral and patriotic education of a preschooler is implemented in the main general educational program of a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, in the educational area "Social and communicative development", in integration with other educational areas: Speech development, Cognitive, Artistic - aesthetic, Physical development.

The concept of moral and patriotic education of the personality of a citizen of Russia is the methodological basis for the development and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the First Stage of General Education.

The concept is a value-normative basis for the interaction of a general educational institution with other subjects of society - the family, cultural and educational organizations, institutions of additional education. The purpose of this interaction is to jointly provide conditions for the spiritual and moral development of pupils.

Research in the field of preschool pedagogy and psychology has shown that it is at preschool age that the basic foundations of the personality are laid, the person “forms”. The preschool educational institution faces a problem - to develop cognitive interest, love for the Motherland, its historical and cultural heritage. The formation of a person as a citizen should begin with his small homeland - his native village.

It is impossible to grow a true patriot without knowing history. Love for the big must be instilled from the small: love for the native village, the region, and finally, for the big Motherland. Thus, having laid the foundation from preschool childhood, we can hope that we have brought up a real patriot who loves his Motherland.

In the process of communicating with children in various activities, I identified a problem in the social and communicative development of children. I set a goal and defined specific tasks to achieve it.

I solve problems through the content of basic and additional education.

The novelty of the program lies in the fact that it integrates various educational lines: cultural, environmental - into a single educational content. The difference between the program of the circle "Kuzbass region, forever beloved!" from the state program, lies in the diversity of topics that reveal the relationship of moral and cultural values, the formation of which is based on the traditions and customs of our region, in a single educational space of the kindergarten and family with social institutions (district museum of local lore, district library, MDYuTS, district poet club "Lira")

The duration of the program is three years.

Preschool childhood is an important stage in the development of a child's personality.

In this block, children get acquainted with the kindergarten as a second home, where they can fulfill their needs, live safely and interestingly.

Kindergarten is dear to every child. The people who work there take care of their physical and mental health. Each child respects the employees of the kindergarten: he calls by name, patronymic, smiles at a meeting and does not forget to congratulate them on the holidays.

The next block gives an idea of ​​the composition of the family, where everyone loves, respects, takes care of each other, misses in separation, supports in grief and joy.

Every family has things that remind of important events. There are holidays that are called family holidays, family traditions, relics, favorite hobbies. The older generation introduces children to their family tree.

Everyone in the family is important and necessary.

Each village has its own history, like a person, the village has its own name, which means something, there is a day of foundation and there are many other dates by which its history is determined. In our village there is a local history museum, the exhibits of which tell about its history and modernity.

The main enterprise of the village is the Krupozavod.

The range of objects of the village is the village as a whole, its sights, historical sites and monuments.

Children learn to see the beauty and diversity of the flora and fauna of the village and its environs. The ecological upbringing of a preschooler is expressed in a humane-valuable attitude towards nature.

This block introduces children to their native land, forms in children a system of knowledge about their homeland. Our land, region, village, are unique in their nature, people, and their work, wonderful folk art. The selection of the relevant material allows preschoolers to form an idea of ​​what the native land is famous for.

The family and the preschool institution are the two main institutions for the socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but for the comprehensive development of the child's personality, their interaction is necessary. To improve pedagogical literacy in the issue of social and communicative development of the child for parents, I organize collective and individual consultations, group and general parent meetings, conferences, exhibitions, lectures; I spend evenings of questions and answers, meetings at a round table, a meeting of the club "At the Samovar", where, over a cup of tea, in a close circle, we discuss issues of interest to parents and educators.

The upbringing and educational process for moral and patriotic education is effective, due to the interaction with social institutions in a single educational space - the regional museum of local lore, the regional library, the Moscow Children's Youth Center, the regional poetic club "Lira". This helps to prepare children for easier adaptation in a new social environment, develops communicative qualities, and increases their creative potentials.

By the end of the program, pedagogical diagnostics will be carried out according to the level of formation of integrative qualities in children in order to plan work with children for the future.

I would like to finish with the words of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev: “Raising love for the native land, for the native culture, for the native city, for the native speech is a task of paramount importance, and there is no need to prove it. But how to cultivate this love?

It starts small - with love for your family, for your home. Constantly expanding, this love for one's native country turns into love for one's state, for its history, its past and present, and then for all of humanity...”.

Children are the future of our Motherland, they should protect and protect its expanses, its beauty, its wealth.

Material from the site

Natalia Glazkova
in accordance with GEF

The problem of moral and patriotic education of the individual has always been one of the most urgent, and in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, it acquires special significance. This is due to the predominance of material values ​​over moral values ​​in our society, boys have a distorted idea of ​​the role of a man in the family, and girls understand little about motherhood. The need for moral and patriotic education is clearly evident today.

Patriotism is a moral feeling. It is formed gradually in the process of accumulation of knowledge and ideas about the environment, grows out of love for relatives, native land. A patriotic feeling, a feeling of the Motherland ... It begins with the attitude towards the closest people - mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister. The child discovers the Motherland in the family. This is his closest environment, where he draws such concepts as "work", "duty", "Motherland". The development of love and attachment to home is the first step in the moral and patriotic education of preschool children.

Goals and objectives

Patriotic education in the preschool educational institution is carried out with the aim of cultivating love for the fatherland, a responsible attitude towards the environment and people, and establishing a stable connection between generations. The formation of these values ​​occurs as a result of purposeful, systematic work with the child.

Therefore, to achieve this goal, the following tasks were defined:

To promote the development of communication skills, kindness and mutual understanding in the family;

Give a general idea of ​​the kindergarten (functions, what a kindergarten is for);

Develop basic understanding of friendships

Awaken interest and love for national culture, folk art, customs, traditions of their people

Develop a desire to learn more about your native land, about the Motherland

To form feelings of respect and sympathy for other people, peoples, their culture and traditions

It is necessary to educate patriotism from early childhood. Currently, many ways and means are offered, but we must not forget that patriotism is formed in each child individually. It is connected with the spiritual world of a person, his personal experiences. And the task of teachers is to make these experiences bright and unforgettable.

Patriotic education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard determines the methods of working with preschoolers:

Arrangement of patriotic corners in the preschool educational institution;

Organization of excursions to the sights of the native land, visits to museums, exhibitions;

Organization of thematic events (holidays, matinees, competitions, competitions);

Conducting thematic classes on the theme of love for the Motherland, reading relevant works, memorizing poems, watching films, programs.

In my work, I use a variety of methods and forms of work, taking into account the age perception of the world of children;

Excursions and targeted walks;

Stories and conversations about the native land, the country, its history;

Observation of changes in the appearance of the native village, the work of adults;

Listening to audio recordings (anthem of the country, patriotic songs about the Motherland);

The use of folklore works (proverbs, sayings, Russian folk games, fairy tales, songs, nursery rhymes, incantations);

Acquaintance with Russian folk arts and crafts (painting, toys, embroidery);

Organization of exhibitions and competitions;

Participation in public and folk calendar holidays;

Participation of children in feasible socially useful work.

Celebrations dedicated to public holidays

I usually time events for patriotic education to coincide with the celebration of relevant public holidays, such as Victory Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day.

In preparation for the event, children learn the history of the holiday, understand to whom it is dedicated and why it is celebrated.

For example, in preparation for the celebration of Victory Day, you can hold the “Gift to a Veteran” campaign, learn songs and poems on the relevant topics with children.

In preparation for the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, the boys form the concept that they are future men, strong and strong, the support of their family, the Motherland, its defenders.

International Women's Day is dedicated to the formation of family values ​​and the image of a mother, a woman as the guardian of the family, among preschoolers. Traditionally, events on this day are dedicated to congratulating mothers and grandmothers. On the eve, children make gifts for them with their own hands, developing their creative abilities.

Folk holidays

In order for children to perceive themselves as part of their people, they must be imbued with its foundations, understand its identity. To do this, I organize conversations in the group to get acquainted with folk life, holidays, and consider illustrations. We celebrate folk holidays with songs, round dances, games, good mood.

We always organize the celebration of Maslenitsa during a walk, all the children of the preschool educational institution participate in them at the same time. Preschoolers get acquainted with the history of the holiday, its essence and symbols. The main symbol of Maslenitsa is pancakes, we involve parents in their production.

The Bright Day of the Resurrection of Christ has not lost its significance for many years, and is celebrated every year with great triumph and joy. We all remember and wait for the unique atmosphere of this holiday, with its indispensable Easter cakes and colored eggs. Easter also has its own symbol. Children paint Easter eggs with interest, participate in games with eggs with pleasure.

One of the most significant and revered holidays in Rus' is the Trinity. On Trinity, earth, water and forest are birthdays. Since ancient times, people have glorified and protected the forest, and most of all people loved the birch - a symbol of kindness, love and purity. It is the Russian beauty - the birch is a symbol of the Trinity.

Through folk holidays, we introduce children to the customs of their celebration, thereby cultivating love for Russian folk culture, its traditions, respect for each other, care for nature.

Sport games

Patriotic education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard implies the education of a physically healthy person. Therefore, physical development is an integral part of the educational process. Sports games and competitions not only develop children, but also form a sense of team, unity of interests, strengthen family ties and traditions.

Classes for the study of state symbols

Patriotic education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard implies knowledge of the state symbols of the country. For their study, appropriate classes-conversations are held.

The purpose of this lesson is to instill in children pride in their country, to consolidate and expand knowledge of state symbols, to introduce the meaning of the colors of the flag and coat of arms, to form the simplest geographical knowledge about their region, to cultivate a sense of respect for the flag, coat of arms, anthem, and also to instill a cognitive interest in history of their homeland.

Disclosure of the theme of a small homeland

Any corner of our Motherland is unique and original in its own way. It is important to introduce the child to the beauty of the nature of the native land, to its traditions and way of life.

One way is to visit the local history mini-museum. Another way to get to know the native land is to conduct excursions and visit sights.

The systematic work carried out at the preschool educational institution makes it possible to instill in preschoolers primary knowledge of the history, geography of their native land, its features of development and formation.

Patriotic education I try to work closely with parents:

Questioning; consultations (information) for parents;

parent meetings;

Joint activities with parents;

Visual information in the locker room;

Exhibitions of joint creativity;

Participation in landscaping and landscaping of the kindergarten site.

The work on familiarizing kids with Russian folk culture has not yet been completed, but today, watching the children, it can be argued that the results of the work being done are positive.

Related publications:

Moral and patriotic education of preschool children Moral and patriotic education is one of the priorities of our kindergarten. Musical director in his work is inevitable.

Consultation for teachers "Moral and patriotic education of preschool children" Consultation for teachers: "Moral and patriotic education of preschool children" In recent years, there has been a rethinking of the essence.

Consultation "Moral and patriotic education of preschool children" The moral and patriotic education of children is one of the main tasks of a preschool institution. Moral patriotic education.

Moral and patriotic education of preschool children Moral and patriotic education of preschool children Motherland...Fatherland...Fatherland... We pronounce these words with pride and write them.

Implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the moral and patriotic education of preschool children.

The problem of patriotic education of the younger generation has always occupied a central place in the social order of society. The deep socio-economic transformations taking place in modern society make us once again think about the future of Russia, about its youth. Therefore, moral and patriotic education is one of the most important links in the system of educational work in a preschool institution in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The patriotic education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard is quite relevant in modern conditions. This is due to the establishment of the priority of material values ​​over spiritual ones in our society. However, the upbringing of the younger generation within the framework of respect and love for the Motherland forms a morally healthy, viable population. Preschool children are especially emotional, inquisitive, ready for empathy, they are in the process of forming personal guidelines, so it is possible to carry out educational work most fruitfully.

The GEF DO sets goals for patriotic education:

creation of conditions for the formation of the foundations of patriotic consciousness

children, opportunities for positive socialization of the child, his

comprehensive personal, moral and moral and

cognitive development, development of initiative and creative

abilities based on appropriate preschool

the age of the activities.

Patriotic education according to GEF implies the following


Formation of moral and spiritual characteristics of the individual;

Formation of feelings of pride in one's nation;

Formation of a respectful attitude towards national and

cultural traditions of their people.

Moral and patriotic education of preschoolers is implemented in the main general educational program of a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, in the educational area "Social and communicative development", in integration with other educational areas: "Speech development", "Cognitive", "Artistic and aesthetic" , "Physical development".

The need for patriotic education is stated in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", where one of the priority tasks of the education system is: "education of citizenship and patriotism, love for one's Motherland - Russia, respect for state symbols, honoring folk traditions, intolerance for any unconstitutional and antisocial manifestations.

IN different time The problem of patriotic education of preschoolers was addressed by teachers and scientists: G.N. Volkov, Ya.A. Komensky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. In our time, a significant contribution to the study of this problem was made by: E.Yu. Aleksandrov, L.G. Karimova, E.P. Kostina, L.A. Kondrykinskaya, L.L. Semenov and others.

In the works of T.N. Doronova clearly traces the idea of ​​patriotic education, but the concept of "education of patriotism" is not used, S.N. Nikolaeva considers patriotic education in line with environmental education. T.N. Babaeva, O.L. Knyazeva, T.E. Komarova, V.I. Loginova, T, A, Rotanova and others focus on introducing children to the cultural heritage of the people. Modern researchers (O.I. Kovaleva, I.V. Konueva, etc.) in the patriotic education of preschoolers focus on the education of love for their home, nature, culture - a small Motherland.

An analysis of studies related to the education of patriotism in preschool children showed that the studies focused on certain aspects of the education of patriotism. Purposeful upbringing is considered mainly from the standpoint of the development of the child's cognitive processes, speech, less often - personal qualities, very rarely attention is paid to the development of his emotions, a sense of belonging to a small homeland.

Therefore, it is very important to look for new, innovative forms of work with children that can qualitatively improve the results of work in this matter. The most effective form of work on patriotic education is project activity, since the foundations of patriotic education of preschool children can be formed only if targeted and systematic work is based on the principle of cooperation between children and adults.

The project method is a unique tool that makes it possible to implement the principle of the optimal balance between the development of children under the influence of an adult and development due to the child's own activity.

Starting work on the project, it is necessary to set goals that form specific ideas in children about moral and patriotic education.

When implementing the project at the information stage, it is possible to hold thematic conversations with children of a cognitive nature, visit museums of military glory, memorable places of their native city, in a group - reading fiction, looking at illustrations, listening and learning songs, watching videos and cartoons.

When implementing a project at the creative stage, it is possible to offer, together with parents, to make attributes for board and role-playing games.

As a result of all the work, it is possible to conduct a role-playing game of military subjects together with parents and pupils of the military-patriotic club.

The period of childhood is a special stage of age development, when the main values ​​are laid down, which will be expanded, rethought and supplemented throughout life. Based on research data systematically implemented over the past few years, it was possible to reveal that more than 65% of children aged 6-7 years old cannot tell anything about their city, its cultural values, are not aware of the world-famous Russians, coat of arms and flag. As a result, there is a need to improve performance patriotic education in kindergarten through:

  • implementation of targeted programs that should be balanced and interesting for children of different age groups;
  • conducting joint classes with pupils as a teacher, musical and physical director, kindergarten administration and parents;
  • formation of subject-figurative perception of patriotic symbols - later they will be supplemented with an emotional component.

Patriotic education in kindergarten: conceptual features

Recently, significant changes have been observed in the system of domestic preschool education, provoked by recurring crises in the socio-economic and cultural spheres of life. Today patriotic education in kindergarten has become of great importance, since the instability environment, which has become a familiar reality, in order to avoid the loss of the national identity of the Russian people, requires a return to eternal concepts like “clan”, “Motherland”, “native land”. The course towards the inclusion of a moral and patriotic component in the daily pedagogical process in the preschool educational institution has already been fixed at the state level: the study of material that allows the younger generation to join the centuries-old roots is already being carried out as part of the main classes, and not electives, as it was before, and there is every reason to believe that this trend will expand further through the popularization of regional characteristics. In this regard, the task of identifying the methodological foundations that determine the content, order and features of the implementation of the patriotic component in the system of modern preschool education becomes especially relevant.


The magazine "Handbook of the senior educator of a preschool institution" presents the best ideas for educational projects of a moral and patriotic orientation for preschool educational institutions:
- "Heroes of the Great Patriotic War in my family." Project on moral and patriotic education (based on the study of photo archives)

- Project to create a mini-museum "Doll in military uniform" (with recommendations for the selection of materials)

In the presence of the main guidelines for pedagogical work in the direction, it should be noted that in the domestic methodological science there is still no complete system of moral and patriotic education, although four main concepts are clearly presented (orientation towards social, collective education, as well as a personality-oriented model and a similar one). model with an element of self-organization). The emergence of various concepts is due to public awareness of the importance of the spiritual culture of the individual, which in turn predetermines the need to highlight the main methodological conditions for the implementation of the complex moral and patriotic education in kindergarten taking into account the developed concepts.

Based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the traditions of Russian pedagogy and the peculiarities of the new time, it is advisable for educators to strive to build a model of the spiritual development of children that meets the following requirements:

  1. The process of moral and patriotic education should be oriented towards the full development of the personality of a preschooler. This can be achieved through the implementation of ethnopedagogical ideas, which, through familiarization with Russian folk traditions, contribute to the formation of spiritually rich citizens who are distinguished by their desire to live in the interests of their people, respectful and fair attitude towards the older generation, concern for the world around them, an adequate share of self-demanding.
  2. Educational work on the formation of patriotism should be comprehensive, covering all types of activities of a preschooler. It is important to make it clear to children that patriotism is not just an abstract concept, but a daily manifestation of love for one's country, activities for its good. The teacher should build the activity of kids in such a way that it meets the principles of regionalization of education and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard - through the expansion of the methodological materials used, the development of new forms of work with children, the organization of project, research, creative joint activities.
  3. The inclusion of a spiritual, patriotic and moral component in the practice of preschool education is carried out through the transition from images and concepts close to preschool children to more abstract ones. So, in order to realize the significance and greatness of tribal traditions and cultural achievements, the formation of which became available thanks to the contribution of compatriots, it is important for kids to accept the value of their family, the wisdom of the advice of their ancestors, the sanctity of folk traditions.
  4. Activities Implemented to Achieve Key Objectives moral and patriotic education of preschoolers according to GEF, should be interesting for kids and emotionally rich. Reliance on the sensory sphere of the child allows you to update attention on the object of study, your own actions and actions, develop a sense of empathy and readiness for active participation.
  5. The development of patriotic feelings is impossible without collective activity, which allows each individual to be aware of the norms of behavior, the features of civil and social relationships. Involving children in the celebration of anniversaries, participation in events of a moral and patriotic orientation helps to develop forms of behavior that advise the image of a future conscious citizen, a worthy successor to the glorious traditions of the Russian people.

Thus, the pedagogical conditions for organizing activities for moral and pedagogical education include following the principle “from simple to complex”, the emotional richness of the material offered to preschoolers, the complexity of the nature of the impact, which should be aimed at the comprehensive formation of personality in collective and individual activities.

Principles of moral and patriotic education of preschoolers according to GEF

Patriotism is an abstract, difficult to perceive concept that largely determines the value environment of a person to the world, awareness of oneself as a citizen and building an appropriate line of behavior. At the same time, like all other feelings, patriotism, along with spiritual morality, is acquired independently, through individual experiences and understanding of reality, taking into account the personal component. Therefore, the basis is precisely the emotional component, which makes it possible to achieve a deep understanding of concepts.

A child of preschool age is aware of the Motherland and his place in it, based on the individual perception of the family, his environment, the place where the days of carefree childhood pass. Many domestic teachers agree that getting to know one's home, street, family history is the first stage in the education of civic-patriotic feelings. The duties of the educator in the preschool educational institution is to assimilate the child with general facts about parents, grandparents, other relatives and their value in the life of the child. Thus, patriotic education in kindergarten includes the following components:

  1. Creation of conditions for the child to feel like a full-fledged person, a small citizen of our vast country.
  2. Actualization of children's attention to their families as the main carriers of the traditions of their native culture.
  3. Acquaintance with the houses in which preschoolers live (from architecture to cultural and personal characteristics), then - with their native street and native city (village, town) and its main attractions, cultural and historical places.
  4. Acquaintance with the originality of the native land, state symbols.

A great influence on the formation of interest in social life among preschool children is the practice of familiarizing with Russian traditions, holidays - parental day, city day, Defenders of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, Constitution Day. Consistently adopting the model of adult behavior, kids learn to honor the deeds and memory of past generations, respectfully treat not only their family members, but also other children from the group, educators, and people around them.

An integral part moral and patriotic education in kindergarten is love for the nature of the native land, the images of which are sung in many works of folk art, moreover, it is through individual images (elements, animals, vegetation) that the experiences of the valiant defenders of our Fatherland are sometimes revealed. To develop in kids the desire to preserve and increase the riches of Russian nature, which remains an invariable symbol of their native land, is another important task of the teacher, which should be implemented, starting from the younger group, during walks and national holidays, as well as in the complex of patriotic education.

Patriotic education in kindergarten should be divided into different types of activities, which include both targeted and basic training of the student. The planogram of work may differ in each preschool educational institution, while it is compiled based on the place of residence of the child, the characteristics of the city, region, geographical location and other things. All the knowledge gained in the learning process will be backed up by more serious facts already in adolescence and adulthood.

The quality of the classes and the involvement of the pupil in the process of learning about his fatherland directly depend on the amount of knowledge gained by the child and his perception of his homeland as a whole. The teacher must understand that every child is an individual, a patriot and a citizen who still knows practically nothing about his country. The routine of conducting classes of a moral and patriotic orientation should change radically, and it can be changed only by establishing contact with children.

Who is responsible for the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard?

Patriotism in kindergarten is not a problem of one teacher. Actual ones provide for the need for active involvement of representatives of families and all kindergarten specialists in this type of pedagogical activity. Any teacher should and is obliged to produce moral and patriotic education of preschool children, unless otherwise indicated in the lesson plans. The organization of patriotic holidays, conversations, thematic games create the general social mood of the society and the child must be taught this from childhood.

Three categories of people can involve a child in a civil-patriotic upbringing program:

  1. Teachers in kindergarten. This includes not only the group educator, but also psychologists, music directors and a physical education teacher.
  2. The administration of the educational institution, representatives of the administrative part of the district, city or country.
  3. Parents of the child, after preparation, lectures or parent meetings in preschool.

An important point is targeted conversations with the parents of the child. Since many programs (especially long-term ones) are designed for the comprehensive upbringing of a child by different groups of people, it is necessary to prepare moms and dads for the upcoming classes. In cases where parents refuse to participate in such events, do not want to come to open lessons, accompany the child on excursions to museums and significant places in the city, you should try to convince them not to show an anti-patriotic attitude to their child. This can be done during a personal conversation, which may be accompanied by a demonstration presentations about the importance moral and patriotic education of preschoolers according to GEF through the involvement of parents in joint activities. At the same time, it will not be possible to fully protect the child from the influence of the people around him, therefore, it is necessary to plan lessons and excursions as loyally as possible, providing the child with only general information about the topics that are to be considered and studied.

In the issue of identifying those responsible for the moral and patriotic education of the younger generation, special attention should be paid to the personal influence of teachers on preschoolers. Agitation of a minor to any political party, manipulation of parents through children is prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation. Despite the fact that all methodological manuals for preschool teachers have been drawn up taking into account this fact, the initiative of the educator may distort some facts, which is an offense.

The theme of politics in patriotic education should be thoroughly studied by teachers of preschool education, because there is a very thin line between these two concepts, and in no case should it be crossed. Patriotic education of preschool children involves the study of such facts:

  1. Information about the political system of the country. Acquaintance with the political system is not necessary for study, but it is the duty of the teacher to tell that we live in a democratic society.
  2. Symbols of the region, region, city and country. The main symbols of the country, spelled out in the constitution: the flag, coat of arms and anthem should be known to every child who graduates from preschool. This knowledge is tested for certification of preschoolers and allows you to determine the level of his social preparation.
  3. current government. Every child should know the name of the President and the Prime Minister, be able to distinguish them in the photographs.

It is these factors that should be considered and studied by children with extreme caution so that any topic does not affect the subject of political influence on a minor. It is worth understanding what exactly needs to be told and shown to children so that the information received does not cause indignation of parents and the administration of the kindergarten. To avoid conflict situations in teachers' councils for the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard leaders, responsible methodologists should systematically address the aesthetic aspect of pedagogical activity in the direction, in case of detection of offenses that threaten to influence the personality of the child in violation of the constitutional right of choice, conduct explanatory conversations with educators.

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Forms of moral and patriotic education in the preschool educational institution

Parameters of the implementation of the selected programs of moral and patriotic education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard mainly depend on the type of educational institution, work plan, place of residence and age group of the wards. The form of learning does not always have to be playful. Quite often, various events, fairs or trips to museums remain more relevant, but only if such thematic celebrations are associated with specific days, events, and so on.

Modern ways of presenting information to a child can be varied - from playing in cities to considering the national-regional system in the form of a theatrical performance. It is important here that the emphasis be placed on love for the native land, domestic heroes, nature, culture of the small Motherland and the country. Speaking about the specific forms of lessons on the patriotic education of preschool children, the following types of classes can be distinguished:

  1. Classic. The educator tells stories, the audience happens and asks questions.
  2. Competitive. This is where children's quizzes and storytelling tournaments can be key.
  3. Public performance. Seminars or conferences, discussions or interviews that are held in the form of a question and answer between children or parents.
  4. Imitation of activity. Business games, academic advice, and so on, where children imitate professions or activities in the form of presentation of planned information.
  5. Activity. Performances, matinees, holidays with the involvement of children in the main roles, as well as the organization of exhibitions and presentations.
  6. Fantasy lesson. Fairy tales or fantasies of the teacher and students, making up stories with specific characters, narration on behalf of fairy tale or cartoon characters.
  7. Non-traditional and complex forms of study - the creation of parent-child clubs, the organization of a thematic art workshop.

The Federal State Educational Standard does not regulate the specific form of submission of information, it is the responsibility of the teacher himself to determine it, and only after studying the interests of students and their parents, through advice or questioning of all participants in the upcoming lessons. At the same time, the introduction of innovative elements, for example, through the implementation of a design-research or search method, is invariably relevant for improving the efficiency of the pedagogical process. So, project on the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard, developed taking into account the age factor, may provide for the creation of a special developmental space in the group territory, on the basis of which it is possible to organize individual and collective classes, game activities and other activities aimed at consistently familiarizing children with the peculiarities of national culture and traditions. To create such an unusual developmental space, which has a special potential, you can involve parents or preschoolers themselves, who can try themselves as decorators. No less original solutions can be the construction of an impromptu ship (it can travel to different places or eras), a folk hut or other similar objects with interactive elements that open up new opportunities for the implementation of program content for moral and patriotic education.

Preparation of lessons on patriotic education in kindergarten

Daily pedagogical practice proves that the effectiveness of moral and patriotic education in kindergarten depends on the form of presentation of the material, the chosen method of study, as well as the fact that the proposed topic is interesting and close to the kids. The main goal of the lesson is the assimilation of general information about parents, kindergarten, hometown and the country as a whole. Children can correctly and fully assimilate the information provided only with systematically conducted classes, in which the best possible way of presenting will be chosen.

As an example, consider the short-term project "Educate Patriots", which is based on the work of the authors Paramonov and Alyoshin. The task is the concept of the holiday "Victory Day", awareness of the concept of heroism and hardships, the history of ancestors, and so on.

Undoubtedly, the advantage of presenting information is that children belong to the older group, they already perfectly understand many topics and are familiar with it in absentia through their parents and educators. This is what will play here. important role, because a child of 6–7 years old can independently understand many terms, therefore, the learning process will be significantly accelerated. For example, a similar amount of information for the middle and younger groups will not be able to be studied in such a short time, and the plan for its implementation may drag on for a month or more.

Other important topics are also included in the work plan for studying the patriotic basis. Consideration of safety topics is directly related to the life safety, which is also a key lesson for the younger generation. So, by timing the holiday, thematic speeches and lectures, the teacher will be able to close several important formats, go through topics that are important for studying and achieve maximum results. An additional convenience here can be a parallel division of work between the following groups of people:

  1. Educators group consisting of several teachers.
  2. Music director for impromptu or real-life celebrations with performances, patriotic songs and more.
  3. Physical education instructor - for conducting the competitive part, improvisation of drill training and other things.
  4. Nurse. In the "Safety" part with a lecture on first aid and a visual aid on the work of health workers.
  5. Parents or representatives of the parent committee - for a trip to historical monuments, congratulations to veterans, excursions to the city.

A comprehensive form of studying a patriotic event will not only achieve the desired result, but also create optimal conditions for their assimilation. In addition, the teacher will be able to close other important events that are indirectly related to celebrations, social, civil and patriotic holidays.