How to keep your facial skin youthful? Effective methods of facial rejuvenation. How to maintain youthful facial skin: effective methods and recommendations

Youth is a perishable phenomenon. No one believes this until one day the turning point comes when the mirror turns from a flattering ally into a cruel accuser. In the merciless morning light, it pokes us with the first wrinkles under the eyes or (oh my God!) hints of age spots.

But if you pull yourself together and challenge the reflection, it turns out that everything is still fixable. You can prolong your youth. And for quite a long time.

And it’s not about expensive braces or Botox. It's enough to settle down a little, clean up your daily routine, reconsider your habits and learn to respect your skin by caring for it correctly.

Until recently, I believed in the myth " Chocolate tan“It’s sexy.” The tanned girl really looks attractive in photographs. But in real life skin exhausted by ultraviolet radiation becomes rough, loses healthy pigmentation and ages very quickly.

I'm not advocating giving up tanning altogether. I just advise you to take precautions:

1. Avoid direct rays.

The tan “sticks” perfectly even in the shade, for example, if you lie under a canopy. When walking down the street in the summer, try to hide your face. It’s a pity that the elegant lace umbrellas that ladies wore in the century before last are no longer in fashion.

Today there are many very interesting modern hats, which can both protect your facial skin and highlight your style. Just don't count on straw hats: they allow ultraviolet light to pass through.

2. Do not splash your skin into the sun.

Many people like to sunbathe “wet”. So, they say, the tan will stick faster. But the sun, focusing in a drop, can cause an even greater burn on the skin than on a dry surface. And then you cannot avoid age spots.

It's another matter if you sunbathe in the shade. Then moisturizing your skin is a nice thing to do.

3. Protective cream

Special sunscreen cosmetics are like “Our Father.” In summer, you can’t even take out the trash without cream on your face!

The SPF factor prevents the skin from being exposed to ultraviolet radiation and prevents dehydration. When choosing a protection product, take into account the time of year and skin type:

  • In spring, a regular day cream with an SPF factor of 15 to 30 is sufficient, in summer – from 30.
  • If the skin on your face is thin and sensitive or you have recently had peeling, choose a cream with SPF 45-50 (for example, Clinique SPF 50, Chicco Milk 50 SPF, etc.).
  • There are special creams that take into account the skin’s tendency to pigmentation (cream barrier “Full block”) or formation capillary mesh(“Photoderm” from Biotherm).

It is best to buy a product from a manufacturer that you are already accustomed to using regular care products or cosmetics.

Healthy lifestyle

As embarrassing as it is to admit, another myth for me was the statement “Smoking is cool.” I proudly copied my personal idol from the series “Sex in big city"(though only until the third season, where she almost lost cool guy because of cigarettes).

Thank God I noticed in time that bad habits– this is not only a negative image in fact, but also an unhealthy complexion. There is nothing romantic about a face as gray and wrinkled as slippers.

Having made an effort and quit smoking (I am still proud of this fact), I became interested in conquering new heights of youth.

Proper nutrition

I had to give up fatty and sweet foods both to maintain my figure and for healthy skin. It turns out that everything we eat and drink is reflected on our face in the literal sense of the word:

  • sweets “take revenge” on acne;
  • spices - black dots;
  • tea and coffee - an ugly complexion.

Conversely, if you take care of the normal amount of vitamins, fiber and minerals, the skin becomes smooth and glowing from the inside. The diet must include:

  • fruits and vegetables (preferably raw);
  • low-fat fermented milk products (kefir is best);
  • nuts and dried fruits (they can easily replace candy);
  • Fish and seafood.

If vegetarianism is not for you (for example, I still can’t give up meat completely), then it is advisable to eat only poultry and lean veal.

It is very important to drink a lot clean water(up to 2 liters per day) to restore normal skin balance. But I advise you to increase the volume of liquid gradually to avoid swelling on the legs and under the eyes.

Sports and fitness

Healthy young skin is impossible without physical education. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, be sure to devote time to sports. Movement warms up the blood, which provides tissue better nutrition. In addition, trained muscles keep the skin toned and prevent it from sagging.

You need to train not only your body, but also your face. There are even special gymnastics, allowing you to preserve youthful skin for a long time:

  • exercises with protrusion of the lips and lower jaw;
  • tongue sticking out;
  • maximum rounding of surprised eyes.

It all looks incredibly funny, but it brings great benefits to the face. The main thing is, do not do such gymnastics in public place. I once got carried away, conscientiously repeating facial exercises on the subway... I will never forget the looks that the whole carriage gave me afterwards!

If you want to learn more about gymnastics (and have some fun at the same time), watch the video “Exercises for Facial Rejuvenation.”

But let's get back to sports. Fitness, aerobics and yoga are the best way to preserve youth. In principle, it doesn’t matter what exactly you choose. As long as the activity brings pleasure. Because a smile is also good exercise for face.

Sleeping mode

Lack of sleep is one of the most terrible enemies of beauty. The skin is restored only with regular, proper rest. Therefore, it is important that the time allocated for sleep is not wasted (by that I mean, it is not wasted on insomnia or nightmares).

The following tricks will help you fall asleep quickly and soundly:

  1. Go to bed at the same time every day. The body will get used to the regime and will work like a clock.
  2. Don't watch TV at night or read newspapers. Especially crime news.
  3. Drink Mint tea with honey. It's soothing nervous system and improves complexion.
  4. Ventilate your bedroom and don't sleep in hot pajamas.

In general, sleep mode is very important not only for the skin, but also for your condition and the whole body as a whole. Several Yet useful tips You can find out how to quickly fall asleep and get a good night's sleep in this article.

It is advisable to follow a regime not only in relation to sleep, but also for eating and training.

Cosmetics and face masks

The skin needs nutrition from the inside and outside. That is, in addition to providing the body with vitamins and balanced nutrition, we also take care of the outer shell.

Cosmetical tools

It is possible to slow down skin aging using modern cosmetics:

  • anti-wrinkle cream;
  • anti-aging gel;
  • moisturizing and nourishing masks.

Cream and gel are selected according to skin type and age. The effectiveness of the product is increased due to elastin and collagen included in the composition. In addition, a high-quality cream that serves to preserve a youthful face must contain antioxidant substances.

Nourishing masks

These facial care products can be purchased at pharmacies and beauty salons, or you can use folk wisdom.

I like universal recipe using an egg. Separately, beat the egg whites with lemon juice. And the yolk is ground with honey. The first mask is applied after deep cleaning face and perfectly tightens pores. And the second - restores the epidermis and nourishes the skin.

What types of face masks are there? Which masks are best for what skin types? What are the best recipes? You can read more about this in this.

Herbal decoctions

It is very useful to rinse your face after washing with herbal decoctions:

  • chamomile;
  • celandine;
  • calendula.

The recipe for all decoctions is the same: two tablespoons of dry herbs are poured with half a liter of boiling water and steamed for ten minutes over low heat. When the broth has cooled, it needs to be strained.

For each wash you need a fresh decoction. I am a somewhat lazy girl, so I like the second option: once a week I steam the herbs (mix all three components) and make ice cubes from the broth. In the morning, after I wash my face, I wipe my face with a couple of cubes. This method perfectly tones the skin.

Why is thermal water needed?

Another enemy of the skin is dry air. If you are in a hot or air-conditioned room for a long time, you definitely need to freshen your face. "But how? - you ask, “Shouldn’t we run to the ladies’ room to wash and put on makeup again?”

One day, while spraying the office ficus, I was terribly envious of it. He doesn't have makeup that can turn into unsightly stains.

And imagine my surprise when I once heard from my colleagues about special means for spraying your face!

Turns out, thermal water in the form of a spray not only does not spoil makeup, but even strengthens it. Just spray it in front of your face at a distance of about 30-40 cm and wait half a minute until the moisture dries (you can gently blot the excess with a napkin).

Later I learned a lot of interesting things about this wonderful remedy:

  1. They use thermal water not only at work, but also at home: before applying cream, after peeling or cleansing the face.
  2. The composition of the water is enriched with minerals, vitamins, herbal extracts and even oils.
  3. Some manufacturers select components to specifically combat skin problems: increased sensitivity, predisposition to frequent acne, etc.

For example, there is thermal water that is slightly mineralized. It relieves inflammation and is good for dry skin thin skin. Or containing selenium, which protects against early aging and is simply irreplaceable in the summer heat.

All women think about the question: “How to stay young and beautiful longer?”, and “How to keep your facial skin young?”.

The sooner we start thinking and not only thinking, but also taking proper care of our skin, the longer we can stay younger and more attractive.

Why do women need especially careful skin care?

Women are less fortunate with their skin. In men, due to its dominant hormone, the skin is dense and the collagen level is much higher.

Girls' skin retains moisture less well and reacts less well to external irritants. Women's skin more vulnerable and reacts differently to changes in temperature.

Testosterone promotes slow skin aging. Men's skin remains in optimal condition longer, but if wrinkles begin to appear, it is more noticeable and immediately noticeable.

Hide wrinkles stronger sex not so simple, even if they took on special corrections. After 40, the process of testosterone production decreases, which of course is reflected on the skin.

It becomes thinner, drier and changes its color. The reason for the more significant vulnerability of the skin is the increased acid-base balance in women.

Men often shave their facial hair, and this is known stressful situation for their skin. Due to such exposure, the level of skin protection is reduced even without special aids, aimed at moisturizing, men's skin will have, to put it mildly, a rotten appearance.

And just think, in the course of sociological surveys it was found that men spend on average, throughout their lives, a total of more than 150 days to shave their faces.

I wonder how much time on average do girls spend shaving?

What men are lucky about is that they have virtually no signs of cellulite. But one way or another, men and women, in order to look good, go through a lot of experiments.

But you should know the characteristics of their skin, since not all methods of skin rejuvenation are suitable for the first and second ones. But let's start looking at it in order.

What questions concern women who have crossed the 30-year mark:

  • what contributes to skin aging
  • how to maintain youthful facial skin after 30
  • how to care for facial skin

WITH age-related changes, which occur in all women, this process occurs in different time for many reasons (genetics, skin care, lifestyle and nutrition).

Some people begin to notice the first signs at the age of 25, while others do not see serious changes until the age of 40. Over the years, our skin changes and of course not in better side, but still this process is simply inevitable.

At this age, the recovery process in cells noticeably decreases, the skin loses moisture and elasticity, and also slows down. metabolic processes, the production of collagen and elastin is significantly reduced and all this leads to the fact that the facial skin looks tired, the complexion deteriorates, and facial wrinkles begin to appear.

Even if you don’t notice any special changes yet, the biological clock has started working and is no longer in your favor. And more and more we are concerned about the question “How to maintain youthful facial skin after 30?”

In women after 30 years, nasolabial folds already become noticeable (that triangle that many women hate from the nose to the mouth), also the concentration wrinkle between the eyebrows becomes more and more noticeable, when you start laughing, you can notice more wrinkles around the eyes.

All this happens because the tone of the facial muscles decreases. Changes are also influenced by hormonal processes in the body, which are very active at this age.

Unfortunately, all this cannot be stopped, but you can significantly slow down the aging process of facial skin.

Banal reasons that we don’t even always know about also play a big role in skin aging:

  • not (lack of fiber, vitamins, but more carbohydrates and sugar consumed, as well as snacks on the run), also not balanced diet(so down with diets, they are the enemies of youthful facial skin)
  • not the correct daily routine, namely lack of sleep, not correct posture while sleeping (lying on your stomach with your face buried in the pillow)
  • bad habits, namely alcohol and smoking, leave their mark on your face
  • lack of skin protection from external factors(sun, frost)
  • Not correct use decorative cosmetics (more quantity, poor quality)

All this leads to the fact that the skin of the face loses its youth. These changes take us mostly by surprise and spoil our mood. But we can delay this time if we devote Special attention facial skin and your lifestyle.

You need to take care of your facial skin at this age in a completely different way, not like in older at a young age. Now, in addition to hydration, the skin needs protection and restoration.

Not only expensive salon treatments, but also homemade recipes proven over the years, as well as a proper balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle will help keep your facial skin young. All this can help in the fight against skin aging.

Care must be an ongoing, balanced and very thorough daily process. You must definitely devote time to yourself in the morning and evening, 10-15 minutes is enough, but there will be a noticeable result that will not take long to arrive.

The variety can be divided into salon and home care. All this, especially in tandem, gives excellent results.

After 30 years, there is no shame in seeking the help of professionals who will help you choose the right complex of facial skin care and also prescribe procedures that are right for you.

Regular salon care helps a woman look much younger.

What can be done in the salon to maintain youthful facial skin after 30?

  • facial cleansing (manual or machine) has a tightening effect
  • masotherapy (injection of a small amount of active substances under the skin using a needle)
  • facial peeling (necessary to get rid of dead cells)
  • face massage

These are the most basic salon skin care trends that will help your skin look younger after 30 years.

Also, don’t forget home care, which also works wonders, if you are not lazy and choose the right procedures, as well as caring cosmetics, then the result will be on your face, or rather on your face.

Care includes:

  • proper nutrition rich in vitamins
  • Be sure to wash off all makeup from your face at the end of the day
  • high-quality decorative cosmetics
  • face massage
  • wipe your face with ice cubes (it is better to use decoctions of medicinal herbs)
  • homemade soft peeling (you can use oatmeal, honey)
  • homemade face masks (there are a large number of)

Proper nutrition is the key to health, so you shouldn’t clutter your body with fatty, sugary foods. Your skin won't thank you for this.

You also need to consume large amounts of pure drinking water daily. Water is a drink of beauty and you shouldn’t forget about it.

At this age it is better to wash off makeup cosmetic milk or tonic, which, in addition to removing impurities, also nourish and moisturize the skin. It is imperative to wash off your makeup!

As for cosmetics, you need to choose very carefully; in this case, you should not save.

To maintain youthful facial skin after 30, you need to choose the right caring cosmetics, namely creams, tonics, serums. Women over 30 years old should pay attention to creams that contain moisturizing and nourishing ingredients and essential oils.

In summer it is better to use lighter moisturizers, but be sure to daily cream must contain a sun protection filter. And in winter, give preference to fattier and nourishing creams, which will fill the facial skin with all useful substances and protect from bad weather.

Anti-aging home treatments, namely rubbing the skin with ice cubes, also play a big role in maintaining youthful facial skin after 30. This ice is very easy to make at home.

This morning refreshing massage instead of washing will give your skin a pleasant feeling and slow down the aging process. Ice cubes with medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, mint) are considered more effective.

You need to wipe your face very carefully, without pressing on the skin of your face, so as not to injure it. The procedure should last no more than 2 minutes, otherwise you can harm yourself. It is advisable to do this daily.

An excellent helper with aging facial skin is watermelon juice, especially frozen. Also, skin care after 30 years will not be complete without peeling and scrub cleansing. Just don’t abuse these procedures.

Women with dry skin should do this procedure no more than once a week, and representatives of the fair sex with oily and normal skin You can do it twice a week, but not more often.

The simplest and most effective recipe The scrub can be prepared at home without difficulty. Take a handful of dry oatmeal, namely flakes, moisten them in warm water or milk and massage your face with this paste for about 3 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Masks are also mandatory procedure if you want to maintain youthful skin. They need to be done regularly at least 2 times a week, and not occasionally.

Before applying a mask to your face, you must first prepare the skin for this, namely, take a steam bath with herbs in order to open the pores and get rid of rough cells.

Afterwards, you can make a light scrub, but only very gentle, so as not to injure the steamed skin. Great with oatmeal. In addition to the skin of the face, one must not forget the neck, it also ages quickly and reveals a woman’s age.

Therefore, you need to take care of this area no less than your face. Face mask recipes big choice, everyone will find for themselves those that you will like and suit your skin type:

Egg mask

Beat the yolk of one egg with cream, add a little flour for thickness. Apply for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask perfectly rejuvenates the skin.

Banana mask

Grind the banana pulp with 1 teaspoon of cream and ½ spoon of starch. Apply to face, rinse after 15-20 minutes.

Carrot anti-wrinkle mask

Chop small fresh carrots and mix with 1 tsp. potato starch and 1 protein chicken egg. Apply the mixture to your face. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Parsley mask

Finely chop the parsley, add 1 tsp. oatmeal or potato starch, apply to facial skin for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water

Mask with cottage cheese and sour cream

Mix a teaspoon of cottage cheese with two teaspoons of sour cream and add a pinch of salt. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply cream. The mask perfectly moisturizes and evens out skin color.

Potato mask

Apply warm mashed potatoes to your face (you can add a little olive oil) and leave for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water. This mask will not only help get rid of fine wrinkles, but also smooth out dry facial skin.

Apple mask

Make applesauce and add sour cream to it. Apply the mask for 15-29 minutes. Perfectly refreshes the face and improves complexion.

Cucumber-potato mask

Grate raw potatoes And fresh cucumber, mix everything in equal quantities. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. An excellent anti-aging mask.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to note that in order to keep your facial skin young, you must first of all love yourself and take care of yourself. In order to be young and beautiful for a long time, you need to make a lot of effort.

All this is a lot of daily work. At this age you can still cheat time, although not by much, but it is possible. You just need to give up bad habits, Not proper nutrition, daily routine.

And also make it a rule to take care of your facial skin, protect it from external harmful factors, visit a cosmetologist at least once every 2 months, drink a lot of clean drinking water, and not use low-quality cosmetics.

At this age, a woman is beautiful and young, so help yourself to be the same for some more time. Everything is in our hands, namely yours!

In the article “10 ways to preserve youth and beauty,” we will tell you how you can preserve the beauty and youth of your skin. If you use these methods, secrets and tips, then after 2 or 3 months you can notice serious changes in your appearance. We often ask questions: “How to restore elasticity to the skin? How to get rid of wrinkles? and are trying to find answers to similar questions on the Internet. We buy expensive ones cosmetical tools, but they only give a temporary effect or simply do not help us. In this article you will learn about effective, but more available means. Or rather, let's talk about a set of self-care measures that will tone up the whole body, improve complexion, get rid of wrinkles, and help restore lost skin freshness.

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1 way. Remove makeup correctly
You should not abuse the fashion fad, washing your face with cosmetic milk at night, this will only harm your skin. But the whole point is that after this procedure, the pores become clogged, the skin stops breathing, and as a result, swelling and inflammation appear.
It is best to use neutral ones: gels, cosmetic soaps (they will be indicated on the packaging), foams. When removing makeup, the water should be at room temperature. If it is too hot or cold, the skin will experience severe stress and dryness will appear. spider veins. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use ice cubes.

Method 2. Follow the regime
All this means that after 20.00 you will need to abandon serious skin care procedures. Only light creams and washing. And people like chemical masks, cleaning, intensive manipulations should be postponed to another time. This indicates that the body biological clock, starting from 20.00, goes into a state of rest. And at such a time, a shake-up for the epidermis is an unnecessary burden and stress. After which, in the morning, skin that has not rested will “delight” us with such an unpleasant phenomenon as “bags under the eyes,” enlarged pores and swelling. These problems will arise if we apply the night cream later than two hours before bedtime.

3 way. Don't overdo it with masks
The mask at home should be kept on the face for no more than 5 or 7 minutes. If you overexpose it, the skin will begin to “suffocate” and stop breathing, and then swelling and swelling will appear. Masks should be washed off with plain water. None should be present mineral waters, because they contain mineral salts that will cause dry skin and an allergic reaction.

4 way. Don't rush time
If you're 30 and don't need to grab serums, it's too early for you. Use suspenders active masks necessary according to skin condition and age. If there are no serious skin problems, then you can take your face seriously from the age of 25, it will just be enough to protect your face from bad weather, cleanse and moisturize it. Consult with professionals and read the instructions carefully.

5 way. Food and drink - reduce speed
You need to adhere to the 20.00 rule, watch your diet. Especially if you have crossed the 35-year mark, you need to reduce your fluid and food intake, because from this age your metabolism slows down. And if you really want to eat, then eat fruits, but not sour ones, they provoke appetite and eat dairy products. Tea and coffee should be limited.

6 way. Beware of the appearance of a double chin
The neck shows age. And already with young age you need to train her muscles properly. You don’t need to do special charging for this, follow some rules:
- when sitting or walking, you need to make sure that your chin is parallel to the table or floor,
- sleep without a pillow or on a small pillow,
- no need to lie on your stomach.

7 way. Need to sleep properly
Bags under the eyes and pale color faces often appear when the skin lacks oxygen and fresh air. Many people suffer from lack of sleep, or vice versa. You should listen to your body and answer how much rest you need? If you sleep 12 hours a day, this will not mean that you got enough sleep. Besides, important point there will be an air temperature in the bedroom, the normal temperature will be from 15 to 25 degrees. To allow your skin to breathe, you need to ventilate the room before going to bed.

8 way. Be careful with cream
Youth is a sign of health. If a woman is not healthy, then no matter what cream she applies, it will not make her any younger. I would like to squeeze half a tube of cream onto myself and then go to bed and then wake up Beautiful Elena. But all this is not true, with creams the opposite is true; the more cream, the more severe swelling can appear under the eyes. You need to take a small drop of cream on your ring fingers and apply to a clean, damp face. Why wet? Because first it is better to wipe your face with a piece of ice or wash your face with melt water from the refrigerator.

9 way. Water is life
Where can I get water? Prepare it yourself; if the water “from the tap” is not considered pure enough, then it is better to filter the water or buy it in a store. If the water is good, let it settle from chlorine for 24 hours. Then pour into plastic bottles and put it in the freezer. After a day, take out the water, defrost it, strain it from the sediment (to do this, you can carefully pour it into another container).

Now the “living water” is ready. It is alive that it becomes simply miraculous and changes its structure. It is not only miraculous for the skin. Cook soup, wash your hair, wash your face, drink, and so on. There is no need to stock up on this water for the year ahead. It would be better to use thawed water that has recently thawed rather than water that has already been standing for a week.

10th way. Green tea is the first assistant in rejuvenating the body
Do not forget green tea with mint, mint is considered a “feminine herb” and is not recommended for men. You can drink it instead of harmful sodas, cold, instead of coffee. Mint is very healthy and it improves taste. Green tea is incompatible with milk and sugar. It's better to drink it with honey. It contains antioxidants, these are substances that remove harmful “garbage” from the body. Green tea accelerates the decomposition of fats and cholesterol in the blood and, when consumed regularly, prevents fatty liver, maintains the elasticity of blood vessels, and prevents aging of the body.

A few rules for every day
Start your morning with a glass of hot water, it will start everything up digestive system, will clean gastrointestinal tract. For this we use " living water" In just two months you will forget about gastritis and other problems.

Change the usual morning rinsing with water in the shower for a body massage using a washcloth, which needs to be soaked in hot water. There is no need to rub “to the holes”, but a slight redness of the body will be the correct indicator of what we are doing. Thus, massage stimulates additional removal of toxins and frees the skin from dead cells.

Then we take a contrast shower. Need to change several times warm water when cold, the shower lasts about five minutes in total. You should finish with a cool shower. With massage it will be fifteen minutes a day. It won’t be much for beauty and youth, and it’s completely free. After a shower, apply a little oil or cream to your still damp body. As a result of such procedures, your skin will clear up in a month or two. This is simply a necessary procedure after 35 years to maintain youthful skin for the next two or three decades.

Pay special attention to your hands
The skin of the hands experiences great “overloads”. She often gives away a woman’s age, and also “attributes” her to five years old. To wrinkle floors, dishes, laundry, and so on, you need to use gloves; at first it will be inconvenient to work with them, and then it will become a habit.

To do everything with maximum benefit, you need to scrub your wet skin thoroughly with a scrub. clean hands. Rinse off, then apply any moisturizing mask for 5 or 10 minutes. You can apply vegetable oil, wipe with a napkin, apply a little hand cream and “ ordinary miracle", see for yourself.

Now you need to put on gloves, you can use “disposable” cellophane ones, you can also use cotton gloves, which are nice and soft. Put on rubber gloves and get to work. Meanwhile, the skin of the hands instead harmful effects detergents and powders, the skin will undergo home treatments.

And of course, sports and physical education, you can’t live without them. Even if you are lazy, you really need to do at least daily exercises.

How can you stay young at any age?
To make and extend our life on earth and make it enjoyable, an international group of nutritionists, psychologists, and doctors have developed 10 simple rules:

1. Don't overeat! Instead of the 2500 calories we are entitled to, try to be content with 1500. This way, you can maintain the activity of your cells and give them relief. Cells will renew themselves faster, and the body will not be so susceptible to diseases. There is no need to go to extremes and eat too little.

2. The menu should be appropriate for your age. Women over 30 will develop wrinkles later if they regularly eat nuts and liver. If a woman over 40 years old will benefit from beta-carotene, after 50 years old - calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the heart and helps keep bones in shape. Eating fish will protect blood vessels and heart.

3. Find a suitable job for yourself. According to the French, work promotes youthfulness. Anyone who doesn't work looks five years older. According to sociologists, professions such as conductor, philosopher, artist and priest help to preserve youth well.

4. Find yourself a match. Tenderness and love are the best remedy anti-aging. And if a person has sex twice a week, then he looks fifteen years younger. After all, during sexual intercourse, endorphin is formed in the body, otherwise it is called the hormone of happiness. It strengthens the immune system.

5. You need to have your own point of view on everything. The person who consciously lives on earth rarely becomes depressed than the one who passively floats with the flow of life.

6. Move more. Even if you exercise for ten minutes, it will prolong your life. In the process of movement, growth hormones are formed, which prevent aging, because the production of growth hormones after 30 years is significantly reduced.

7. You should sleep in a cool room. It has already been proven that if someone sleeps at a temperature of 17 to 18 degrees Celsius, they remain young longer. The whole reason is that manifestation age characteristics and metabolism in the body depend on the ambient temperature.

8. Pamper yourself. Allow yourself from time to time have a nice shopping or a tasty morsel.

10. You need to train your brain. Learn foreign languages, play Mind games that require mental activity, solve crossword puzzles. Try to count in your head, not on a calculator. You should force your brain to work, so you activate the circulatory system and heart, activate metabolism and slow down the process of age-related degradation of mental abilities.

Now we know 10 ways to maintain youth and beauty. Follow these methods and rules, and you will be able to preserve your beauty and youth for a long time. And most importantly, you need to smile. And first of all for yourself. Do this when you sit relaxing with a cup of good tea, when you do exercises, look at yourself in the mirror. We should not forget about a smile; at first it will come out artificially, then it will come from the heart. Good luck!

Today I celebrate my 35th. You can congratulate me.

Have you seen a picture where a sad cat sits in a hat over a cake? I have about the same expression on my face now.

“We need to have fun. It’s a birthday!” - you say.

Sad sigh.

I love birthdays. It’s just the slowly creeping old age and, conversely, the receding youth that scares me. And don't be fooled that you didn't have such thoughts. I look in the mirror - my facial skin is no longer the same. My hair is not as shiny as it was when I was 20. And I gained a little on the same birthday cakes.

My husband has been nagging me all morning to think positively. But what kind of positive are we talking about when I discovered another wrinkle?

Having drunk a glass of red wine right in the morning (what, you can do it on your birthday!), I was inspired. There is no such thing as early old age! How to keep your facial skin youthful?

I'm diving into Google. Below I’ll share some tips with you, let’s “save” together!

Yes, yes. The first item on my “rejuvenating” list is sleep. No matter how hard I tried to find a miraculous face cream that would give an effect equivalent to a good rest, alas.

I remember my student years: Lyubka, Vovchik, and I could dance until the morning. Then drink a huge amount of coffee and immediately run to the exam. Pass it with flying colors, by the way. Save the scholarship. And, of course, go celebrate until the next morning.

My cheeks were pink then, my face and eyes were shining, and the night dancing only improved my figure.

Now, every hour of lack of sleep takes its toll on me. face light blue under the eyes. And it's not that I don't goes blue, Certainly….

Write down the basic rules of healthy sleep on a sheet of paper and put the glue in a visible place:

    Forget about the phrase “You’ll sleep through life.”

    For youthful skin you need to sleep at least 8, or even 9 hours. And no, not from 2 am to 10 am. It's time to remember that the whole body recovers better if you fall asleep before 10 p.m.

    I have a friend who even at -25 opens the window. Her skin, by the way, glows with youth and health at 40. But here we focus on our body. Perhaps all you need to do is open the door to allow air to circulate.

    Comfortable pillow, suitable mattress.

    The mattress should be neither hard nor soft. The pillow is not high and not too flat. And by the way, the psychologist’s recommendation to sleep with my husband under different blankets. At the same time, the quality of sleep has improved, and maintaining relationships at the same excellent level is not a problem.

    Bed sheets.

    Yeah, and that's important. Buy beautiful bedding that you will be happy to lie down on in the evening. And by the way, have you noticed that falling asleep on a clean bed sheet is much more pleasant?

    Conclusion: we change the bedding regularly once a week, and more often in the summer. Don't use conditioners. Allergies, a swollen face in the morning and watery eyes are a pain.

    And the last thing: when falling asleep, give up the TV droning in your ear.

    Do you like someone mumbling? Ask your husband to tell you a story or stroke you until you fall asleep. I'll try it today, I swear!

The second tip is also simple. But why is it so difficult to stick to?

I started drinking water the same way I went on a diet. From every Monday. But then a foggy can of cola would treacherously appear in my hand.

Finding out that you're not drinking enough water for your body is as easy as shelling pears: relatively dark urine color (sorry, I'm a lady) and infrequent urination.

Save life hacks that will help you start drinking more water. It’s like I’m tearing it from my heart, but long youth requires drastic measures:

  • Place water bottles throughout the house.
    Near the computer, on the work surface in the kitchen, on the dressing table. You don't have to drink it all at once. Take a couple of moderate sips and get on with your business.
  • Cocktail n-n-nada?
    If you add a bunch of mint and a slice of lemon (orange/apple) to the water, you will get a very tasty drink. This water is also healthy and easily digestible. NO, sugar is not allowed.
  • Always with you.
    There should be a bottle of water in your bag. Always. On a walk, on the way to work, at a party. “And if you feel the urge to be in the wrong place, what should you do?” - you ask. If you take 1 small sip at a time, you definitely won’t feel like reaching your destination. But if you drink the whole bottle in one gulp, expect trouble.

Tip No. 3. Do you want to stay young? Learn to toughen up.

Did you know that a contrast shower tightens the skin, maintains youth and elasticity, eliminates cellulite and improves blood circulation? Your immune system becomes stronger, your sleep becomes stronger, and headaches go away.

Of course, winter swimming is ideal for maintaining youthful skin. But no price can force me to dip my toe into the hole. Maybe your enthusiasm for preserving your youth will be stronger? Then you can share it with me.

And, of course, a couple of secrets for taking a shower that will give your skin elasticity and freshness:

  • For youthful skin, take a shower under warm water (not hot!) At the end, turn on cold water. You should start pouring from the feet and gradually rise higher.

    Breathe deeply. Exhalation helps the body cope with such mini-stress. Alternate dousing: 1 minute cold water, 2 minutes – warm.

    Finish cold if it's morning or you're not using moisturizer. Finish warm if you plan to pamper your skin with oil or nourishing cream.

  • If you shower 2/3 times a day, I advise you not to use skin gels every time. Household chemicals It dries the skin very much, which leads to early aging.

    Especially do not wash your face with soap (or any other product) more than once a day. It’s great to wipe your skin with an ice cube (chamomile, for example) in the morning.

  • Use different towels for your hands, body and face.
    You will thank yourself later for such a small thing.

But I don’t remember eating such a beauty.

Minimize (and ideally completely eliminate): rolls, cakes, sweets and chocolate. And from everything that makes your facial skin break out in pimples, rashes or turn red. After all, our integuments are so closely connected with what and how we eat.

The basis of your diet should be vegetables and fruits, lean meat and fish, dairy products(also not fatty) and quite a bit of cereal. For sweet tooth lovers - honey, dried fruits and nuts. Remember that nuts are quite high in calories, and dried fruits are often soaked in sugar syrups.

Youth and beauty of the skin largely depend on nutrition. Your face and body will thank you.

You need to hydrate not only from the inside, but also from the outside. It is necessary. I had a friend who did not use body creams, believing that “there is no point in stuffing your skin with all sorts of nasty things.” Is it true?

If we're talking about about purchased inexpensive lotions for the body, then it is possible. But I prefer oils. They are truly a treasure trove of benefits for the skin of the face and body, prolonging youth.

  • Apply the oil to damp facial skin with light tapping movements. This way it will be absorbed better, and massage for the skin is a useful thing.
  • We also apply body oil to damp skin. Ideally, walk around naked for a few minutes after this until everything is thoroughly absorbed. Well, you’ll tease your husband at the same time.
  • Choose “your” oil that suits your skin type. A universal option is coconut.
Essential oilsProblems to be solved

Tea tree oil

Acne and inflammation on the skin, excessive fat content scalp and hair, dandruff. Has a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Ylang-ylang oil

Wrinkles, various skin imperfections. Has rejuvenating and smoothing properties.

Broccoli oil

Split ends, dullness and brittle hair. Wrinkles and signs of aging on the skin of the face.

Lemon oil

Wrinkles, oily facial skin, age spots.

Lavender oil

Oily facial skin, inflammation and acne, oily scalp, dandruff.

Sandalwood oil

Brittle, dull hair, dry facial skin, facial inflammation, signs of aging.

Peppermint oil

Aging skin, wrinkles, inflammation and acne, oily scalp and face.

Chamomile oil

Pigmentation, allergic reactions skin, acne. Brittle hair, irritated scalp.

Carrot seed oil

Stale complexion, pigmentation, wrinkles. Split ends of hair, brittle and weak hair no shine.

Rosemary oil

Aging skin, wrinkles, inflammation and acne, scars.

Tip No. 6. Switch to the “positive and youthful” mode.

If you are also used to thinking in a standard and gray way, we have something to work on together. We urgently need to reconfigure!

You can start your journey into the world of positivity and lightness from the base: Louise Hay, Joe Vitale, Peel Norman (look for books by them).

Do you believe that ours physical state and the state of the soul are closely interconnected? Can your skin be tight and your face radiate youth if one thought in your head is sadder than another? Are your shoulders slumped and your speech full of safe words and negative messages? I doubt.

Write down the following affirmations on a piece of paper and stick them to the mirror:

  • I radiate youth, health and beauty.
  • I am the love.
  • I love myself and accept myself completely. With all its shortcomings.
  • My body is strong, my back is strong and straight, my shoulders are straight, my legs are healthy and beautiful, my skin is elastic, and my face is young and smiling.
  • The whole Universe helps me stay healthy and happy, maintain energy and be filled with love.

Have you noticed how smooth and beautiful colour your faces after a run? What? Last time you ran for groceries and back? Hm…

As sad as it may be, maintaining youthful skin, and especially facial skin, will not be possible without physical activity. And now I’m not talking about the hardware in the hall. Yoga, dancing, light jogging, fitness, stretching - any activity that makes you happy.

Sport improves blood circulation and trains cardiovascular system, allows you to keep muscles and tendons in good shape, strengthens joints. The skin becomes more elastic, its color noticeably improves, and the cheeks acquire a natural blush.

And, of course, the main thing is regularity! Today you run, tomorrow you dance, the day after tomorrow you do yoga, and the next day - good sex(better than training, huh?)

How I love the bathhouse and sauna! Perhaps this is the coolest tip that will help maintain youthful and elastic skin. A trip to the steam room perfectly helps the skin get rid of waste and toxins. Pores open up and natural deep cleansing occurs.

Of course, there is no question of alcohol in the bathhouse. And, of course, if you have contraindications, sit in the cold, and preserve the youth of the skin of your face and body using other methods.

All kinds of scrubs and peelings in the sauna are what will help keep your skin youthful! I’ll tell you a couple of simple but cool scrubs that will not leave any lady indifferent.

1) Coffee scrub (for the body, rough skin of the hands and feet).

  • Half a glass of coffee grounds.
  • 2 tablespoons coarse sea ​​salt.
  • 2 tablespoons oil (coconut, olive).
  • 4-5 drops of vitamin A and E.
  • 4-5 drops of essential oil (whatever you like).

The scrub is quite abrasive. Be careful with it if your skin is prone to dryness or there are inflammations on your body. Do not use on your face!

2) Oatmeal skin scrub.

  • 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • 2-3 teaspoons of honey.
  • 2-3 tablespoons of fat sour cream (kefir).

Massage the face and décolleté area.

3) Clay scrub.

  • 1-2 tablespoons of clay.
  • 1 tablespoon of water.
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil.
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt (fine or medium).

Suitable for the whole body.

4 recipes for miracle face masks that will help maintain youthful skin

While drinking some water, I wrote out in detail my plan for the coming week. I’ll start running and eat right (I’ll just finish the birthday cake).

And, of course, I will make face masks. To keep your facial skin healthy and young, you need to pamper it sometimes.

I immediately discarded store-bought masks. How do I know what they stuffed in there? As my grandmother says: “Don’t put something on your face that you won’t eat.”

No. 1. Mask with spirulina.

This algae is very popular now. It contains vitamins A, B, C and E, which our skin needs so much. It smells terrible, though. But what lengths will you go to for youthful skin, huh?

  • Crush a couple of spirulina tablets into crumbs.
  • 1-2 teaspoons of water.
  • 1 teaspoon of your favorite face oil (I have olive oil in stock).
  • 1-2 drops lemon juice(not worth it if you have hypersensitive skin).

Mix everything, apply to damp clean face for 20-25 minutes. Rinse off. rejoice tightened skin faces.

No. 2. Mask with aloe for youthful skin.

  • Half an aloe ampoule (sold in any pharmacy; the price is a penny).
  • 1 teaspoon of your favorite oil.
  • 1-2 drops of vitamin A or E.

Apply to face for 30 minutes. Turn on relaxing music. We meditate, closing the household on the other side of the door. The skin will thank you for this by smoothing out wrinkles.

No. 3. Honey mask for skin.

Honey – universal remedy. It helps improve immunity, improve health and maintain youthful facial skin! And many even consider honey to be a conductor of energy...

  • 2 tablespoons of honey (liquid, always warm).
  • 2 teaspoons of your favorite face oil.

All. Apply the mask to a cleansed face for 30 minutes. We breathe in the incredible aroma of honey. Remembering grandma, summer warm days, milk with a fragrant crust of bread. We love ourselves.

After this mask, your facial skin will become velvety and silky.

No. 4. Egg mask to protect youth.

beauty and youth of the skin

Old as time, but so effective egg mask. Helps maintain youthful facial skin. Moreover, it is suitable for both dry skin (we use yolk in the composition) and oily skin (we replace the yolk with white).

I have dry skin, so I take:

  • Egg yolk – 1 pc.
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil.
  • 0.5 teaspoon of honey.
  • A couple of drops of vitamin A or E.

Actually, my short summary on the topic “ How to keep your skin youthful"I declare it closed. WITH today I will definitely start taking care of everyone's skin possible ways! When, if not on your birthday?

In the meantime, I'll eat a tiny piece birthday cake

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According to the elegant Coco Chanel, a woman’s face at 20 is the result of nature, and at 40 it is her own. Of course, someone manages to maintain youthful facial skin without special care, but still, if a woman takes care of herself, it is noticeable. And when we invest time and care in ourselves, we feel more satisfaction and self-confidence.

We offer 5 accessible directions for taking care of your face, following which will certainly bring results. They are, of course, known to everyone, but are rarely used in combination.

Ice wash

How are you used to washing your face in the morning? Warm water? To maintain the youthfulness of your facial skin, you need to wash your face cold and only cold water. This is a tonic procedure that improves blood circulation and is wonderfully invigorating and refreshing in the morning.

Even more effective wipe your face with a piece of ice. Variations are possible here - freeze green tea, infusion of chamomile, calendula, sage. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the water before freezing. This is especially useful for oily skin with large pores.

In addition to the cosmetic effect, regular washing with ice hardens and reduces the likelihood of developing a runny nose and sinusitis, provided that you are initially healthy.

Contrasting washing with hot and cold water gives a good result, but it is better to use it in the evening, as the blood rushes to the skin and the pores expand.

Scrubbing and Cleaning

Modern cosmetology offers us many different scrubs that smell pleasant and contain a lot of useful ingredients. Of course, they should not be neglected, but in order not to overload the skin and not become addictive, it is better to alternate with ordinary well-known products. Subject your skin to this procedure more than 2 times a week.

Cleansing with baking soda

A few drops of water per teaspoon. Apply to face, avoiding the eye area, after 1-2 minutes, lightly rub over massage lines. Leave on for another 3-4 minutes and then rinse off.

Baking soda, with its small crystals, exfoliates the top layer of the epidermis without injuring it. Plus it has whitening and disinfecting properties. But soda is not suitable for dry skin; here it is better to use oatmeal.

Oatmeal cleanse

Pour 1 tablespoon of oatmeal with cold water and let stand for 10-15 minutes. Then mash with a fork and apply the thickener to your face. After 3-4 minutes, rub the skin along the massage lines and rinse after 5-6 minutes.

Oatmeal also nourishes the epidermis, so it can be left on the face longer.

Acid cleansing

No, we are not talking about sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, we are talking about acids contained in fruits, berries and fermented milk products.

The pulp of strawberries, raspberries, currants, oranges, peach, cherries acts as light chemical peeling, applied to the face for 15 minutes and washed off. The skin is fresh and smooth. Kefir and classic yogurt have the same effect. It is not advisable to add scrubs, they can hurt, and the acid will penetrate into the wound.

From time to time, it is useful to treat yourself to a professional cleansing from a cosmetologist, especially if your pores are clogged. Professional care will give a new impetus to youth.

Regular training

Cleansing and nutrition are important and necessary procedures, designed to preserve youthful facial skin, but without gymnastics they are only superficial. To prevent your skin from sagging and to remain smooth and glowing, you need to train your muscles, simply do gymnastics for your face and neck. Least in Everyday life These are the muscles that work for us. Facial gymnastics takes less than 10 minutes, but you need to do it every day.

The most simple exercises to preserve the oval:

For cheeks and lips useful to puff out your cheeks and roll balloon from right to left and back, pressing your lips tightly together. 1 minute, pause, 2-3 more times.

For eyelids: close your eyes, press down upper eyelids fingers, try to open your eyes. Count to 15, repeat 2-3 times.

Neck muscles work well with normal abdominal pumping.

Exercises are good for tightening facial muscles foreign languages, because unusual articulation uses muscles that usually do not work. Both beauty and development!

Take a few hazelnuts or smooth pebbles or balls into your mouth and read the tongue twisters. After a while, your speech will become clearer and your face will tighten up.

Useful to inflate Balloons, this is also a good workout, including for breathing.

Nutrition and protection

Now we need to support the skin with vitamins and microelements. You can use nourishing and moisturizing creams, especially for daytime nutrition, because homemade mixtures can clump and are not suitable for leaving the house. Besides modern creams have protective properties, creating the thinnest film on the face.

For the skin of the eyelids, 1-2 drops of olive oil or peach oil are useful at night, grape seed, obricot, liquid vitamin E or aevit on oil based. Apply after moisturizing and no more than 2 times a week.

Useful nourishing masks from yogurt with oatmeal; eggs and honey with the addition of vegetable oil; crushed rose petals and fragrant herbs with butter and beeswax.

Face protection is provided by tinting creams with a photo effect. But if you do not use tint, then in the summer you need to use sunscreen.


But still, the face does not live separately from the body, and the most effective way to maintain youthful facial skin is health and physical activity at all.

Regular physical exercise stimulates the lymphatic system to remove toxins, enhances skin drainage, making it glow with health. Walking in the fresh air nourishes you with oxygen. And strong and healthy sleep a necessary component of youth.

You should include red and green vegetables, citrus fruits, berries, herbs, garlic, eggs and fish in your diet. These products promote collagen production and epidermal renewal.

Visit a sauna or bathhouse; steaming cleanses the pores well, and the skin seems to breathe. If you smear honey before the steam room, it is partially absorbed and leaves sweet smell for a long time.