First aid for frostbite in a child. What to do with mild frostbite in a child's face

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Winter time is not only the joy of playing outdoors, as well as impatiently waiting for the New Year holidays, but also the danger of frostbite for your child, who spends a long period of time on the street.

What are the ways to prevent this problem? How to identify and treat it? When do you need to urgently see a doctor? You will read about this and much more in our article.

Symptoms and degrees of frostbite

Often a child, being outside in the winter, may not notice the first warning signs of frostbite. The symptomatology of the pathology, unfortunately, is far from always obvious and visible to the naked eye, and also strongly depends on the degree of cold damage - the higher it is, the more obvious manifestations the mother can see.

Modern domestic clinical medicine distinguishes 4 main stages of frostbite, with their own characteristic features and characteristics.

You can learn more about first aid for frostbite.

First aid for children with frostbite

Under any circumstances, a frostbitten child should be given first aid, after which, depending on the degree of cold injury, it is necessary to call a doctor at home, an ambulance team, or promptly deliver a small patient to the hospital.

The main actions include the following activities:

  1. Immediate escort of the child home to a warm, dry room. The longer the child will be in the cold, the higher the potential degree of frostbite;
  2. Dressing up. The victim must be dressed in dry and warm clothes, including underwear;
  3. Warming up. Allowed for mild frostbite. For children, it is better to spend it in the bathroom - prepare water with a temperature of about 25 degrees, place the cold-affected parts of the child's body there and slowly raise the temperature to 40 degrees for half an hour;
  4. Food and drink. In parallel with warming, give the child warm drinks and food if he does not have problems with the swallowing reflex, and he does not lose consciousness;
  5. Bed rest. A frostbitten child is placed under a warm thick blanket, and a doctor is called to the house for additional consultations.

In the case of 2 or 3 degrees of damage, artificial warming is prohibited, it is also not recommended to give food and drink, because often the child feels very bad, he is sleepy, short-term disturbances of consciousness are possible.

Instead, apply a heat-insulating bandage of layers of gauze and cotton wool to the affected areas, after which an ambulance team is called.

With 4 degrees of damage, the child should be immediately taken from the street to the hospital closest to the scene for intensive or resuscitation therapy for health reasons.

Features of assistance with frostbite of the face and limbs

First aid, depending on the location of the cold injury in a child, has its own characteristics.

  • Frostbite on the face, most often in the cheeks. It is quite common in children, because even if the child is warmly dressed and fully equipped, this part of the head still remains open. First of all, the nose, lips and cheeks of a small patient suffer. The process of warming with mild forms of frostbite cannot be carried out in the bathroom - instead, a light warming massage of the affected areas is recommended; localization. In more severe forms of cold injury, a heat-insulating bandage should be applied to the face by wrapping (while leaving holes for the eyes and mouth);
  • . Fingers and hands are the first to suffer from frostbite. Do not allow the child to actively rub the palms or other parts of the hands together (this can damage the skin and cause a secondary bacterial infection) - it is better to use the classic method of heating in the bathroom;
  • . Most often occurs due to too light, as well as tight and uncomfortable shoes. The first aid procedure is classic. In case of receiving 3 or 4 degrees of frostbite, the child must be transported in a horizontal position and immobilized so that he does not step on his lower limbs.

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What not to do with frostbite in a child

Below is a list of prohibited actions for frostbite in children.

  • Warm parts of the body quickly and inappropriately. In case of frostbite of any degree, it is prohibited to rub the affected parts of the body over an open fire, in hot water, actively rub them with snow, and also use oil, alcohol or fat-based ointments;
  • Self-prescribe medications. The therapeutic regimen for frostbite should be prescribed only by the attending physician! The only drugs that can be used are non-narcotic analgesics such as paracetamol and ibuprofen to relieve moderate pain;
  • Do not consult a doctor. Children and the elderly are a special category of the population with an increased risk of complications. In case of frostbite of the 1st degree after first aid, it is advisable to call a pediatrician at home for examination and additional consultations. With degrees 2 and 3 of the lesion, you should not wait for the arrival of a doctor, but it is better to immediately call an ambulance.

In the case of 4 degrees of frostbite, the child should be immediately taken to the hospital by any available means, since there is a real threat to his life.

Treating the effects of frostbite

After providing first aid, it is necessary to consult a doctor to undergo a full treatment and neutralize possible complications of frostbite, on an outpatient basis or in a hospital setting. A specific therapeutic regimen should be prescribed only by a specialized specialist, do not self-medicate a child!

Standard measures, depending on the degree of damage and the current condition of the small patient, may include:

  • conservative drug therapy. Most often, in a hospital, analgesics are prescribed (relieving pain), antispasmodics (reducing the tone of smooth muscles), antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants (preventing thrombosis and diluting blood flow), vasodilators (improving blood circulation), anti-inflammatory drugs (reducing focal inflammation), antibiotics (fighting with secondary infections), angioprotectors (restoration of vessels affected by cold), detoxification solutions (elimination of decay products of necrotic tissues), antihistamines (counteracting "cold allergies"), vitamins, etc.;
  • Hardware physiotherapy. A full range of life-saving treatments, from hyperbaric oxygen therapy, biogalvanization, perineural sympathetic blockade and vacuum drainage to ultrasound, UHF, electrophoresis and infrared irradiation;
  • Surgical intervention. It is carried out in cases of 3 or 4 degrees of frostbite when it is impossible to restore segments of the zones affected by cold, the development of renal or hepatic insufficiency, toxemia, sepsis, the formation of gangrenous foci.

Prevention of frostbite in children

A set of preventive measures will significantly reduce the risk of potential frostbite in a child.

  • Proper clothing and footwear. In cold weather, the child should be dressed according to the weather in natural warm clothes consisting of several layers (they create air gaps that improve thermal insulation). It is obligatory to use tight hats that cover the ears, as well as gloves - warm, but not restricting the movements of the fingers inside. Shoes - winter, with natural fur, comfortable and not tight (it is better to take a size larger, but at the same time put on a warm thick sock);
  • Timely treatment of any diseases and strengthening of immunity. A child walking in the cold must be healthy, and his immunity prepared for the cold;
  • Complete nutrition. The rational scheme of nutrition of children allows saturating the growing body with everything necessary, including "fuel" in the form of carbohydrates, which helps to regulate the body's heat balance;
  • Regular supervision by parents. Do not forget the child on the street for a long time in the winter, periodically monitor his condition and the degree of cooling. If the first signs of frostbite appear, take them home immediately.

Playing in the frosty winter air, when there is snow everywhere and a magical festive mood reigns, is one of the most favorite children's entertainments. Sledges, skis, skates, snowman making and snowball throwing - there are many fun outdoor activities in the winter, but sometimes such fun can do harm.

The most dangerous factor is the cold, because of it the baby can not only get cold, but also get quite serious frostbite. Moreover, frost for such consequences does not have to be very strong - delicate children's skin can be seriously damaged already at a temperature of -10 degrees. If the thermometer has dropped to this mark, then it is better to cancel the walk with the baby, and if the child is older, then the stay on the street should be short.

Any caring parent, before going outside with their child in the cold, will make sure that the clothes are as warm as possible, and the body is completely covered. Particular attention, of course, is paid to shoes, gloves, a hat and a scarf, but it is not always possible to protect certain parts of the body from the effects of frost. So, for example, children's cheeks most often suffer from frostbite, because it is quite difficult to close them. How to determine frostbite of the cheeks and what to do if your baby got it?

What is frostbite and how to identify it

Due to prolonged exposure to low temperature on a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, frostbite is recorded. As with burns, the severity of the injury is determined by the degree of:

  • frostbite of the first degree is characterized by some reddening of the damaged area, followed by the onset of edema;
  • the second degree - the formation of blisters on the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • in the next stage, the skin acquires an unpleasant bluish color, and the vesicles are filled with bloody fluid;
  • and, finally, the last stage is the death of tissues, skin areas and damaged limbs.

Toddlers are not able to independently determine the onset of frostbite, because the first symptoms are not too bright and children simply do not pay attention to them - tingling and tingling go unnoticed. That is why the responsibility for the course of a street walk falls entirely on the shoulders of the parents - the very first signs of frostbite should make you stop the winter fun and go home.

In the cold, a person’s cheeks turn red at any age - having noticed this in your baby, you should not panic, because this does not mean frostbite at all.

Redness is a normal reaction of the body trying to warm the open area on its own, namely, an increase in blood flow. But in the event that the child's cheeks have changed their color and become covered with pale spots, it is worth completing the walk. So, in addition to blanching of the cheeks, the following symptoms of frostbite can be distinguished:

  • chills may occur;
  • the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is covered with small goosebumps;
  • the frostbitten area loses normal sensitivity;
  • sometimes frostbite can be accompanied by a change in blood pressure, which often leads to a headache;
  • the child feels weak, drowsiness appears.

At the first symptoms, you immediately need to move the baby to a warm place, otherwise the consequences can be very serious.

First aid for frostbite cheeks

The sooner the parents react to the problem, the better. The first step is to take (or even carry) to a warm place where it is worth starting the warming procedure. First you need to try to restore normal blood circulation by light stroking massage with fingertips.

It will not be superfluous to place the child in a warm bath - the temperature of the water should be within the normal body temperature of a person. It is not worth leaving the baby in the water for a long time - a third of an hour will be enough.

If, with a light massage, the baby begins to complain about the pain that occurs, then this is a good sign - it means that blood circulation begins to recover. The process of warming the body should take place gradually, it does not hurt to treat the child with warm milk or tea.

If warming was successful, then a bandage with a thick layer of cotton wool should be applied to the damaged area (you can gently lubricate the cheeks with a fat baby cream). In the event that frostbite has become more serious and bubbles have begun to appear on the skin, it is urgent to go to the hospital.

What can not be done with frostbite?

In order not to harm the baby even more, with frostbite on the cheeks, one should not resort to such actions:

  • rubbing the cheek with a woolen cloth can damage injured skin;
  • the common advice that during frostbite it is necessary to rub your cheek with snow will not bring any benefit, and even vice versa, because this is not only an unnecessary low-temperature effect, but also the likelihood of injuring the skin with ice crystals;
  • warming with breath is also not recommended - excess moisture can harm;
  • if bubbles appear on the skin, then piercing or trying to get rid of them in some other way is strictly prohibited! At this stage of frostbite, going to the hospital is simply necessary.

Gallery "What can not be done if the child has frostbite!"

In case of frostbite, rubbing with a woolen cloth is the cause of injury
In case of frostbite, do not rub the skin with snow Breathing to warm frostbite is not recommended.

Video: Live great! Frostbite in children

Not every mother, before a walk on a frosty day, remembers frostbite cream, because -10 ° C may seem quite harmless. Meanwhile, this temperature is quite enough so that the delicate children's skin is not just weathered, but frostbitten. In this article, we will look at exactly how to determine frostbite in a baby's skin, methods of treatment and prevention.

Frostbite symptoms

The first and most important thing is to learn how to identify the signs of hypothermia in the baby's skin in time. Symptoms of frostbite include:

  • most often, the cheeks suffer from the cold, they become pale and covered with small goosebumps;
  • the baby begins to shiver, some children even tremble;
  • the skin is slightly thickened and seems to harden, when tingling you will notice a decrease in sensitivity;
  • if you measure the temperature, it will not be elevated, as with a cold or SARS, but rather reduced;
  • frostbite of the cheeks in a child is often accompanied by pressure surges, the baby complains of a headache.

If during the walk you notice even the slightest hint of such "malfunctions", immediately run home. The fact is that the consequences of frostbite can become a very serious danger to the health of the crumbs.

For example, sometimes the loss of sensitivity lasts up to two weeks, and the skin becomes yellowish or even bluish instead of a healthy pink shade. But this is not the worst, because severe frostbite can even lead to gangrene.

What should be done in case of frostbite?

Many people remember that before, the first thing they recommended was rubbing frostbitten areas with snow or cold. Under no circumstances should this be done. You should return to a warm room as soon as possible and immediately warm the baby. Of course, you don't need to apply heat. To begin with, with a light, gentle massage, we stroke the cheeks and try to restore blood circulation.

After that, generously lubricate the skin with a rich nourishing cream. If, after such first aid, a frostbitten child complains of tingling, you did everything right. This tingling indicates the normalization of blood circulation.

If the degree of skin damage is higher, absorbable ointments will have to be used. Bruises from exposure to cold are treated with drugs such as Venitana. If there are no bubbles on the skin, you can apply a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

In any case, with frostbite of the skin, there is always a high probability of getting the flu or catching a virus. After all, chapping is often accompanied by hypothermia, which can be an excellent soil for the further development of a cold.

Frostbite of the face - treatment and prevention

With what exactly needs to be done with frostbite, we figured out, now we will consider the methods of prevention and treatment. If the degree of frostbite is not high, the doctor may treat the skin area with an alcohol solution with an anesthetic. There is no need to be afraid of this, since alcohol will prevent further infection.

If the matter is complicated by blisters on the skin, one has to resort to novocaine blockades and suction of fluid from these blisters. Next, a bandage with a familiar anesthetic solution is applied and the child is sent home. If the degree of frostbite is higher than the second, the baby is hospitalized and all medical procedures are already carried out in the hospital.

As for the prevention of frostbite on the cheeks of a child, here all the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the mother. Before going outside, it is important to carry out all preventive measures in advance.

  1. First of all, train yourself to take a spare scarf and mittens. With an active game, they often get wet and then, in the wind or frost, this moisture contributes to the rapid chapping of the skin.
  2. Always apply a thick frostbite cream to your face about half an hour before your walk. During this time, it will be absorbed and not freeze on the face.
  3. Always feel the skin when you get home and try to refrain from walking in severe frost or windy weather.

Winter time for most children can turn into a real fairy tale. Anticipation of various holidays, as well as school holidays and even snowflakes that swirl beautifully in the air. Snowball fights, sledding, building castles - that's where the expanse is! However, already in late autumn, sub-zero temperatures, wind, and snow may appear. The air in the cold is quite useful. It contains a huge amount of oxygen. Wrapped up babies on the street are so nice to sleep. But parents should not relax either. Winter is a dangerous time, because sometimes frostbite occurs at this time.

Frostbite, or simply frostbite, is generally referred to as severe tissue damage that occurs when exposed to low temperatures.

How frostbite develops

Pre-reactive or so-called latent period. It starts on the street, and under the influence of a fairly low temperature. At the site of the lesion, as a rule, the skin may become slightly pale. During this period, it will not work at all by any method to determine the degree of damage. The danger of such a period also lies in the fact that the longer it is, the more the tissues will freeze.

The so-called reactive period. It begins exclusively from the moment the tissues begin to warm up. The baby is usually in severe pain. The skin becomes red or even turns blue, swelling appears, the sensitivity is noticeably reduced.

Frostbite degrees

First degree. In this case, hyperemia appears, that is, redness, noticeable cyanosis, and swelling. After a while, frostbite goes away completely on its own.

Second degree. Here, blisters filled with transparent contents may already appear, and the tissue itself becomes edematous.

Third degree. This degree can be characterized by the appearance of necrosis already at the cell level. The necrosis is not so deep. Bubbles acquire the so-called hemorrhagic character.

fourth degree. This degree is mainly characterized by necrosis, even down to the bones.

Than a few weeks after frostbite, a noticeable border between frostbite and healthy tissue may well appear - this is the so-called demarcation line.

Help with frostbite

If frostbite appears, it is worth as quickly as possible to remove the influence of cold on the baby's body, just take him home with frostbitten areas. At home, carefully and slowly take off his clothes. It is advisable to make a warm bath, the temperature in it should be the same as body temperature.

If frostbite occurs on the ears or nose, gently rub them with your fingers, but not with a mitten or scarf. It should be remembered that from the moment warming begins, slight pain may appear, for this reason, calm the child, explain to him what is happening. Try to be affectionate, because the baby is already so bad. Then apply cotton wool and a bandage to the frostbitten area. From above it is necessary to fix everything.

If a limb is frostbitten, perform its so-called immobilization, simply ensure complete immobility. You need to make sure that your child does not move if you do not know how to put splints. You provided first aid. Then immediately call an ambulance. The specialist is able to correctly determine the degree of frostbite and adjust the treatment. If the baby has a second degree or higher, he will have to be sent to the hospital.

Do not rub your skin with snow. It will only cause damage to the skin capillaries, and this can then only aggravate the recovery processes. Do not warm the limbs too quickly. No heating pads! You should also not bring a child to a fireplace or fire. Grease, oil and even alcohol are prohibited! These procedures can only exacerbate the situation.

Frostbite treatment

At the first degree, the specialist will treat the skin area with an antiseptic or an alcohol solution to disinfect and prevent the development of infection. After that, an aseptic bandage is applied. In some cases, an anesthetic injection is given. First-degree treatment is done at home. The child should have more water and not walk at all, since hypothermia can only aggravate the situation.

If the baby has a second degree, he must be taken to the hospital. There, the child will be given a blockade, as well as a puncture of the blisters to remove the contents from them. Next, simply apply a bandage soaked in an antiseptic. Later, the baby will simply be released home or left for a couple of days in the hospital to see how he recovers.

In the third degree, it is also important to make a blockade and remove the blisters completely. If there is necrosis, special enzymes are prescribed, they are able to liquefy all the pus. Necrosis can be removed with a surgical method.

If the fourth degree is observed, tissue removal is performed.


This problem happens to every person, but it is advisable to follow certain simple rules to prevent frostbite.

Before you go out, you need to be sure to feed the baby. If he has hunger, it will lead to a lack of energy in his body. The child should be dressed on the street according to the principle of the so-called "cabbage". It should be several layers of clothes. A small air gap is formed between them, which will contribute to the preservation of heat in general.

Be sure to wear a scarf for the child, as well as a hat and mittens. They must certainly be waterproof and with warm fur. Children love to play. And these mittens will be the perfect option. The hat must have ears. Shoes choose not too tight, always with insoles. Under the boots you can wear socks with wool. Your feet will be completely dry.

If the weather is windy, you should reduce the time for walking with your child. The wind can only quickly cool the baby. Use a good baby cream (). During all walks, it is important to monitor not only the face, but also the hands, as well as the ears. If there is hypothermia, the skin turns pale, immediately try to go home. When you get home, be sure to check your baby's skin. It is possible that there are already frostbitten areas. If frostbite is started, even gangrene may appear. At rather low temperatures, it is better not to leave the house at all.

Traumatologists also meet with such cases when children freeze their tongue. Most kids are quite curious, they always want to taste everything. A child can lick iron objects on the street and stick. Do not try to tear it off the metal with force, otherwise there will be a serious injury. You can save the child if you pour warm water on the tongue. To do this, you should always carry a thermal bottle with you in winter.

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Playing in the frosty winter air, when there is snow everywhere and a magical festive mood reigns, is one of the most favorite children's entertainments. Sledges, skis, skates, snowman making and snowball throwing - there are many fun outdoor activities in the winter, but sometimes such fun can do harm.

The most dangerous factor is the cold, because of it the baby can not only get cold, but also get quite serious frostbite. Moreover, frost for such consequences does not have to be very strong - delicate children's skin can be seriously damaged already at a temperature of -10 degrees. If the thermometer has dropped to this mark, then it is better to cancel the walk with the baby, and if the child is older, then the stay on the street should be short.

Any caring parent, before going outside with their child in the cold, will make sure that the clothes are as warm as possible, and the body is completely covered. Particular attention, of course, is paid to shoes, gloves, a hat and a scarf, but it is not always possible to protect certain parts of the body from the effects of frost. So, for example, children's cheeks most often suffer from frostbite, because it is quite difficult to close them. How to determine frostbite of the cheeks and what to do if your baby got it?

What is frostbite and how to identify it

Due to prolonged exposure to low temperature on a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, frostbite is recorded. As with burns, the severity of the injury is determined by the degree of:

  • frostbite of the first degree is characterized by some reddening of the damaged area, followed by the onset of edema;
  • the second degree - the formation of blisters on the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • in the next stage, the skin acquires an unpleasant bluish color, and the vesicles are filled with bloody fluid;
  • and, finally, the last stage is the death of tissues, skin areas and damaged limbs.

Toddlers are not able to independently determine the onset of frostbite, because the first symptoms are not too bright and children simply do not pay attention to them - tingling and tingling go unnoticed. That is why the responsibility for the course of a street walk falls entirely on the shoulders of the parents - the very first signs of frostbite should make you stop the winter fun and go home.

In the cold, a person’s cheeks turn red at any age - having noticed this in your baby, you should not panic, because this does not mean frostbite at all.

Redness is a normal reaction of the body trying to warm the open area on its own, namely, an increase in blood flow. But in the event that the child's cheeks have changed their color and become covered with pale spots, it is worth completing the walk. So, in addition to blanching of the cheeks, the following symptoms of frostbite can be distinguished:

  • chills may occur;
  • the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is covered with small goosebumps;
  • the frostbitten area loses normal sensitivity;
  • sometimes frostbite can be accompanied by a change in blood pressure, which often leads to a headache;
  • the child feels weak, drowsiness appears.

At the first symptoms, you immediately need to move the baby to a warm place, otherwise the consequences can be very serious.

First aid for frostbite cheeks

The sooner the parents react to the problem, the better. The first step is to take (or even carry) to a warm place where it is worth starting the warming procedure. First you need to try to restore normal blood circulation by light stroking massage with fingertips.

It will not be superfluous to place the child in a warm bath - the temperature of the water should be within the normal body temperature of a person. It is not worth leaving the baby in the water for a long time - a third of an hour will be enough.

If, with a light massage, the baby begins to complain about the pain that occurs, then this is a good sign - it means that blood circulation begins to recover. The process of warming the body should take place gradually, it does not hurt to treat the child with warm milk or tea.

If warming was successful, then a bandage with a thick layer of cotton wool should be applied to the damaged area (you can gently lubricate the cheeks with a fat baby cream). In the event that frostbite has become more serious and bubbles have begun to appear on the skin, it is urgent to go to the hospital.

What can not be done with frostbite?

In order not to harm the baby even more, with frostbite on the cheeks, one should not resort to such actions:

  • rubbing the cheek with a woolen cloth can damage injured skin;
  • the common advice that during frostbite it is necessary to rub your cheek with snow will not bring any benefit, and even vice versa, because this is not only an unnecessary low-temperature effect, but also the likelihood of injuring the skin with ice crystals;
  • warming with breath is also not recommended - excess moisture can harm;
  • if bubbles appear on the skin, then piercing or trying to get rid of them in some other way is strictly prohibited! At this stage of frostbite, going to the hospital is simply necessary.

Gallery "What can not be done if the child has frostbite!"

In case of frostbite, rubbing with a woolen cloth is the cause of injury
In case of frostbite, do not rub the skin with snow Breathing to warm frostbite is not recommended.

Video: Live great! Frostbite in children