DIY patchwork quilt. How to sew a patchwork quilt with your own hands: diagrams, different techniques, step by step instructions. Square patchwork quilt

Nowadays, there are a huge number of techniques for needlework. Recently, the patchwork technique has been increasingly used. Products made using the patchwork method look very extraordinary, but at the same time elegant. A patchwork blanket is perfect for decorating a boy's or girl's nursery. You can make such a product yourself. All you need is a pattern of a certain fabric and a little patience.

Before starting work, you must decide on the choice of fabric. The choice of material will depend on the style of the room. It is desirable that the color of the pattern and furniture be the same.

Experts advise giving preference to cotton. This material does not shrink after washing, and retains its color for a long time.

Do-it-yourself patchwork quilt for a newborn: step by step instructions

You can sew a patchwork quilt for a newborn at home. To sew in the patchwork style, you will need #45 threads, a square pattern made of cardboard or plastic, pins, needles, chalk, a measuring tape, and scissors.

Pay special attention to the choice of fabric. If you are sewing a blanket for newborn babies, use cotton materials. Suitable chintz, linen or coarse calico.

In addition, before you start sewing, decide on the material for the insulation. Experts recommend giving preference to batting or synthetic winterizer. These materials cannot harm the health of the child.

A blanket for children should be sewn in the following order:

  • First, cut the fabric into individual patches using a template. It is desirable to number all pieces of fabric.
  • Sew all the square blanks into strips, and then connect them together. Before sewing the flaps, iron them.
  • Pin two pieces of fabric together with pins and stitch them together.
  • Lay the lining face down on the surface. The dimensions of this blank must be at least 5 cm larger than the shreds.
  • Place a layer of batting or synthetic winterizer on the lining. Place the front material (shreds) on top.
  • Secure the blanket with pins.
  • Stitch the quilt with the darning foot.
  • The final step in making a blanket for children is edging. For this operation, you will need 4 strips. The length and width of the strips should be a couple of centimeters larger than the dimensions of the blanket.
  • Stitch the stripes to the edges of the quilt.
  • Finish by hand-stitching with strong thread.

Patchwork quilt for a newborn (video)

Patchwork Quilts for Toddlers: Sewing Techniques

The most common patterns for sewing patchwork quilts are “Honeycomb”, “Arable land”, “American Square” and “Chess”. Usually a baby blanket is sewn using the Honeycomb technique. The product made using this technology looks very attractive and harmoniously fits into the interior of the children's room. This technique involves the manufacture of one decorative element of 7 hexagons, which have different colors.

The "Arable" technique is the simplest, and is perfect for beginners. To make a blanket using this technique, you will need pieces of fabric that will be cut into separate strips.

The sewing scheme of the "Arable land" type is as follows:

  1. The section of the blanket is divided into 3 identical sections, the boundaries of each should be at right angles to each other.
  2. Then each section is divided into parallel strips.
  3. All lanes are numbered.
  4. Stripes with the same number must be the same color.

The American Square pattern is a sewing technique in which all colored stripes are sewn in a spiral around a small square. Typically, this technology is used in the manufacture of contrasting products. "Chess" is also a common technique. It involves sewing strips of fabric from squares of various colors.

Caring for a patchwork quilt

In order to maintain a good appearance of a patchwork product, you need to adhere to some rules. First of all, a patchwork style blanket needs to be washed properly. Experts advise against washing too often. It is recommended to wash such products by hand in soapy water.

In order to avoid damaging the fabric, it is important to iron the duvet correctly. If you used a synthetic winterizer as a filler, then ironing is prohibited. Otherwise, the blanket will lose its texture.

  • If it becomes necessary to hide the blanket for a while, do not bend it. It is better to roll the product into a roll.
  • If you decide to wash the blanket in the machine, set the most gentle mode. The optimum water temperature for washing a patchwork quilt is 35-40 degrees. The push must be turned off.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use bleach for washing a patchwork quilt.

Patchwork blanket for babies (video)

Making a patchwork quilt for a child is quite simple. To do this, you do not need to go to any master class. Just stick to the basic patchwork rules. It is very important when working to maintain the symmetry of the squares. Otherwise, the blanket will turn out to be ugly, and the baby is unlikely to like it. When choosing fabrics, pay attention to the fabric. Give preference to natural cotton fabrics, because they are non-toxic, and not ways to harm the health of the child.

Baby blanket patchwork (photo)

A patchwork quilt is considered a symbol of home comfort and motherly care in many countries. The tradition of sewing bright beautiful canvases arose at a time when there was a real need for this: whole fabric was in short supply. Now the tradition has returned with renewed vigor: patchwork quilts and things made using the patchwork technique have been at the peak of popularity for several years now.

If you seriously decide to do patchwork, it is recommended to prepare all the necessary materials in advance. Judging by the set of funds, patchwork is an unpretentious business that is accessible to everyone.

Mastering patchwork is not at all difficult. More about the patchwork technique for beginners in the material:

To start patchwork, you will need:

  • Textile. Of course, you can traditionally use old textile scraps from your grandmother's chest, but you will have to tinker with them before using them in practice. The best option, promising guaranteed success, is to choose special fabrics for patchwork. These are sold in almost any fabric store.
  • Sewing machine. There are no special requirements for a patchwork machine. An amateur home sewing machine is quite suitable for this business. It is desirable that the working surface to the right of the needle be as large as possible. This will make it easier to sew large items, such as a blanket.
  • Ripper. This item is indispensable for highlighting clear squares. The best alternative to scissors in patchwork.
  • Iron.
  • Pins and needles. These little patchwork helpers will need a lot. Choose thin quality pins and needles: they will last you longer, will not break or bend.
  • Sewing scissors. 2 pairs are useful: for large applications and for small details and threads.
  • Threads. You should buy threads of different colors.

With such a set, you can safely begin work without fear of losing sight of any significant details. Visit a specialized store and you will find all these gizmos there.

It is useful when doing patchwork to have a magnet or a magnetic needle bed with you. So your pins and needles can be easily found and neutralize the work site.

How to sew a patchwork quilt using the patchwork technique

You will be happy with your decision if you get serious about making a patchwork quilt. This bright spot in the interior will complement the atmosphere of home warmth and comfort.

In general, a patchwork quilt consists of 4 parts:

  1. the outer side, sewn from pieces of fabric;
  2. wrong side, consisting of a single canvas;
  3. a border around the perimeter of the product;
  4. filler (for example, synthetic winterizer).

If you want to make a very warm blanket, then you can use holofiber as a filler. But remember that working with such a thick material can give you a lot of extra trouble! Quilting a thick product can be difficult for both a novice craftswoman and a modest sewing machine.

How to combine colors and textures for a patchwork quilt.

To make the blanket look perfect, you need to choose the right materials for the front side of the product. It is important to follow the rules for combining color and pattern, as well as the compatibility of textures.

In general, a patchwork quilt suggests a slight frivolity and carelessness, but some recommendations are necessary to comply with:

  • The thickness of the shreds must be strictly the same, otherwise the product will look ridiculous. Together, the pieces sewn together should resemble a single colorful canvas, and not several dozen multi-colored scraps.
  • There should be some logic in the pattern of your blanket. To do this, it is convenient to sew the shreds into identical blocks or strips, and then sew them in turn, forming the front side of the blanket.
  • You should also consider in advance the style in which the canvas will be made. The classic gaudy patchwork is somewhat different from the modern style, where there is more emphasis on geometrically clear and solid blocks. You can also make a decorative element using this technique for outrageous areas of art deco, modern, kitsch.
  • When choosing colors, pay attention to the color wheel and the order of the shades. Side by side, either contrasting colors (for example, blue and yellow) or nuanced combinations (for example, different shades of green for one block) look best. Do not forget about the general color scheme of the room in which your blanket will "live".
  • Don't go overboard with patterned segments. Too many different patterns on one blanket can break the unity of the composition.

If you decide to use recycled fabric for work, then it must be prepared. Wash, starch and iron the material.

The combination of colors and textures when sewing a patchwork quilt (video)

How to sew the most patchwork quilt: a master class for beginners

So, if you have completed all the necessary preparations, have patience, creative energy and the power of inspiration, then you can!

Below is a step-by-step instruction with which you can sew a blanket with a size of 1 square. m. in patchwork technique:

  1. For such a blanket, 25 squares measuring 20 by 20 cm should be made. In order for the parts to be even and the same, it is recommended to cut them according to the pattern. Draw a square of the specified size on the cardboard, and then outline it with a larger square, departing from the first line 1.5 cm. This will be the seam allowance. Cut out the resulting frame.
  2. Draw the fabric according to the pattern: the outer square will serve for cutting out the part, and the inner square for the seam. For the first blanket, take 4-5 types of colors. Cut out 5-6 squares of each type.
  3. Now arrange the squares as they should be on the product.
  4. Now let's start sewing! To do this, fasten the 2 first parts with pins and sew along the line for the seam. Iron the seam and move on to the next piece. So you should connect the pieces of 5 pieces in a line, and then we sew these lines together into a single canvas.
  5. When the assembly of the bright part is over, we take up the hemming of the insulation and the back of the blanket. Take a thin layer of synthetic winterizer or fleece, which will be larger than the finished front part by 3-5 cm on each side, as well as a plain canvas of the same size.
  6. Sew them together along the inner square (about 97 by 97 cm). Then take to the connection of the resulting part to the front side.
  7. Pin the back with a few pins; the bigger, the better. Make sure that the materials fit snugly against each other so that the product is even.
  8. Now you need to properly quilt the blanket: go through all the seams and around the perimeter. It is important that the new seam slightly deviates from the first: about half a centimeter.
  9. Now carefully cut off the excess pieces of fabric and insulation. It is important that the sides match.
  10. To close the edges of the blanket, you need to make side stripes. Cut out 4 identical pieces of plain fabric (in contrast to the back) measuring 110 by 10 cm.
  11. Now you need to draw the stripes: leave 2 cm for the folds for the seam on both sides and 6 in the middle for the visible border of the blanket.
  12. Fasten the border with pins. Tuck in 2 cm on each side, and wrap the edge with the rest. You should get 3 cm of fabric framing the blanket on both sides.
  13. Gently sew 4 sides, fold over excess fabric at the corners.
  14. Your blanket is ready!

Of particular importance in patchwork is attaching parts to pins and ironing the edges. If something was done inaccurately, then the whole composition can “float” to the side.

How to sew a patchwork quilt (video)

There are different schemes for creating original patchwork patterns. Having mastered the technique, you will be able to sew blankets and bedspreads from different fabrics. Like jeans or jersey. Assembly and tailoring will seem like a creative and interesting activity. Love manual work, and the fair of home craftsmanship will open before you in all its glory!

Do-it-yourself patchwork quilt: schemes (photo)

Previously, in almost every house you could find a blanket or a bedspread sewn from multi-colored shreds of fabric. Now, these products are becoming popular again. Patchwork bedspreads adorn modern interiors decorated in country style, Provence, minimalism. Ready-made samples of such artistic textiles are quite expensive. You can make a patchwork quilt with your own hands. The result is a fashionable, stylish, exclusive thing made using the patchwork technique, which will cost several times cheaper than bought in a store.

A beautiful blanket made of multi-colored stripes looks beautiful and unbanal

The future product will consist of three layers:

  1. front side;
  2. insulation;
  3. bottom lining.

First you need to choose fabrics for the front side. It can be pieces of satin, chintz, silk, linen, drape, satin, calico, knitwear.

Square pieces of fabric for the front of the quilt

Denim fragments are also suitable, which are well combined with chintz or cotton. Scraps can be made from unnecessary things or you can buy blanks for patchwork in specialized stores. Synthetic winterizer, batting, holofiber are used as synthetic insulation.

A synthetic winterizer filler in a roll is perfect for making a blanket

Wool or cotton will serve as a natural filler.

Cotton filler for summer quilts

If you want to make a patchwork bedspread with your own hands, and not a blanket, then you will not need a heater. For the back lining, any dense fabric will do.

Cotton fabric is suitable for lining a light blanket

The amount of material depends on the size of the product.

You will also need:

  • threads No. 45 or No. 50;
  • ordinary threads;
  • cardboard or plastic templates;
  • sewing machine;
  • iron;
  • needles, pins;
  • scissors, chalk, centimeter.

Tools you may need for patchwork

The color of the threads is selected in contrast or in tone to the product. Regular threads will be used for basting. Templates are made based on the shape of each individual piece of fabric.

Scheme of a square template for patchwork with a seam allowance

It can be a square, rhombus, triangle, circle, hexagon, rectangle. For each element, it is necessary to provide an indent for the seam of 0.5 - 1 cm.

Patterns for patchwork from square elements

How to sew a patchwork quilt with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

First of all, the appearance of the product, color combinations of elements are thought out. It is desirable to choose colors so that the composition is in harmony with the overall interior design. The idea should be moved to the sketch. For this, a regular checkered notebook sheet is suitable, on which the future patchwork composition can be marked with colored pencils. The simplest front side scheme consists of squares of the same size connected to each other. You can come up with more complex schemes on your own, pick them up on the Internet or purchase them in a specialized store, along with a needlework kit.

Lay out the squares so that you like the combination of prints and patterns

Next, individual elements are made, which will subsequently be interconnected. Fabrics must be pre-washed and ironed well. Using templates, the required number of parts is cut out. Each flap should be carefully ironed.

We cut the squares into one line, equal to the width of the bedspread

The easiest way to patchwork is to connect the parts into strips, which are then sewn together.

Sew horizontal rows together

It is the stripe sewing method that is the simplest, popular with beginners and professional craftsmen. The result is a solid front side.

Carefully align all seams for a perfect front side

We iron the resulting blanket

After that, the lining is cut out, which will be the same size as the top layer of the product.

We cut the seal to size, lay it out on a flat surface, put the blanket on top face up

Next, on a flat solid base, spread the lining fabric with the wrong side up. The material does not interfere with fixing on the table or floor with tape. The insulation is laid and leveled from above. It is important that the size of the filler is 5 cm smaller at the edges than the rest of the product. The patchwork surface of the blanket is laid on top. After that, all three layers are connected with pins.

Cut a piece for the back of the quilt and lay the fabric face down on top of the pile, sew 3 layers around the perimeter

Turn inside out through a small hole, iron, sew by hand

Bonded layers should be properly quilted. If you will be doing this work with a sewing machine, you need to install a special foot for embroidery. Then you should start from the center of the canvas diagonally to the edges. Instead of the usual line, a figured contour is often used.

Add decorative stitching along the seams

If the stitch is done by hand, you need to start by processing the edges of the blanket. The edges are framed with a border of fabric, ribbon. For edging, material 8 cm - 10 cm wide is used, the length should be slightly more than the edge of the product. The fabric or ribbon is folded lengthwise, ironed. Next, the border is sewn along the edges of the wrong side and front side of the patchwork quilt.

Ready-made patchwork blanket, made by hand

How to sew a patchwork quilt for a newborn with your own hands

Even a novice seamstress can make a patchwork quilt for a baby

For a baby, you can create an interesting, cute thing with your own hands. To do this, it is better to choose square patches with thematic or plot patterns, alternating them with plain details. If it is not possible to choose fabrics with such images, then you can create a blanket with cute appliqués or embroidery. For example, by combining multi-colored squares into one canvas, and on some of the patches sew children's applications in the form of a house, a pyramid, a sun, a heart, or other options. The blanket can be additionally decorated with embroidery. For a baby blanket, it is better to use natural filling instead of synthetic.

A handmade patchwork blanket will be a great decoration for a child's room or an original gift.

How to sew a triangle patchwork blanket

We lay out the desired pattern from multi-colored triangles cut out according to the template

For beginners, it will be easiest to form shreds in the form of regular equilateral triangles of the same size. From such details, the front side of the product is easy to decorate with interesting geometric compositions and ornaments. From triangles, you can form stars, flowers, waves, many different patterns. Triangular patches will be perfectly combined with square, diamond-shaped. When creating a template for future details, it is important not to forget to provide indents along the edges for seams 0.5 cm - 1 cm wide. You can look at the scheme of the future patchwork composition in magazines, on the Internet, or come up with it yourself.

Large triangle patchwork quilt

Do-it-yourself patchwork quilt using the “ladder” technique

Interesting geometric pattern of two contrasting colors "Jacob's Ladder"

In conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the interesting technique of patchwork for beginners “Jacob's Ladder”. It is not difficult to master it, and the finished product will look beautiful, stylish and interesting. The essence of the technique is to form the same square blocks, which are called "Jacob's Ladder", consisting of a certain set of parts. Further, all the finished blocks should be connected in a certain order.

For one block you will need 5 parts 2: 2. They look like four identical squares of two colors connected in a checkerboard pattern. You also need to make 4 squares, consisting of two triangles. For the manufacture of parts, it is necessary to take two plain fabrics, for example, red and white.

We make from stripes and squares of two colors

Next, we proceed to the manufacture of parts 2: 2. To do this, you will need two strips of fabric, white and red, 7 cm wide. They should be folded face to face, well aligned along the edges. On the one hand, the edges of the segments are sewn together, the seam is made at a distance of 6 mm from the edge. After that, you need to unfold the stitched segments and smooth the seam. You will get a two-color wide ribbon of two stripes, you need 2 of these ribbons. They need to be folded face to face so that the red strip lies on the white, align the edges. Next, the folded tapes are cut across into strips 7 cm wide. As a result, a pair of strips is obtained, which, without unfolding, must be sewn together along the longitudinal edge. For the seam, retreat by 6 mm. After that, unfold the stitched elements, smooth the seams. As a result, we get finished parts that look like four squares arranged in a checkerboard pattern.

To make squares from two triangles, you will need a white and red square of fabric with sides measuring 13.5 cm. On the white square on the wrong side, draw a diagonal from one corner to the other. Then put the white square on the red one face to face and secure with pins. Along the drawn diagonal, seams must be made on both sides, stepping back from the drawn line by 6 mm. After stitching the square, you need to cut it along the drawn line. We unfold the resulting part and iron it at the seams.

Now you can assemble the Jacob's Ladder square block using a simple template scheme. Five parts 2:2 are laid out as follows: one in the very center, two in the upper and lower corners of the square block. Between them we place the remaining 4 parts, consisting of two triangles. All elements are interconnected in rows, you get three strips that remain to be sewn together. Finally, iron the seams and the first block is ready. The number of such blocks is determined based on the size of the future blanket using the “Ladder” technique. By combining individual elements into one drawing, you will get a stunningly beautiful design item.

Patchwork bedspread “Jacob's ladder”

Video: How to sew a patchwork quilt with your own hands. Master Class

Photo gallery of beautiful handmade patchwork quilts:

If you decide to sew a bedspread from pieces of fabric, acting as a designer, cutter and seamstress, we will support you in this endeavor with valuable advice. We will tell you in detail how to sew a patchwork quilt, offer options for patchwork patterns, show a master class with step-by-step instructions and photos.

Patchwork is a special type of needlework, which, unfortunately, is forgotten in our country, and once in every family, a bed was covered with a bright bedspread made of small pieces of fabric. Abroad, blankets made of handmade shreds of fabric are in demand, they are bought with pleasure.

Patchwork has many names - patchwork technique, textile mosaic and patchwork ( in translation - patch and mosaic work).

Patchwork bedspreads and blankets are made from three layers:

  • the front side is made in the technique of patchwork
  • middle - a layer of batting, cotton wool, synthetic winterizer, interlining
  • the back side is made of scraps of fabric or a whole piece of matter.

If three layers of a blanket are stitched through, such work is called quilting, A quilted products. The older generation remembers how their mothers and grandmothers sewed beautiful quilts with a bright cheerful pattern from scraps of fabric.

Today, an elegant patchwork quilt is back in fashion, which can become a design solution for a country-style room, minimalism, Provence or hi-tech.

How to start sewing a patchwork quilt?

To sew a patchwork quilt, you need to have on hand:

  • needles, pins, thread
  • scissors or a special roller knife
  • iron to smooth seams
  • sewing machine, knitting needles or hook, if we knit shreds from the remnants of thread
  • pieces of fabric for a patchwork quilt or special kits for making blocks

For a patchwork quilt, you can use old things if you open them and wash them. The material should not be dilapidated and most importantly, it should not shed.

Best for patchwork:

  • cotton
  • chintz
  • satin
  1. The fabric for the bedspread can be plain or patterned.
  2. We select a fabric for patchwork that is close in color, for example, delicate pastel colors in the Provence style, or bright with a pattern or ornament in the country style.
  3. Black and white material looks good when finished.
  4. Almost all drawings are made from pieces of a geometric shape, cut out according to patterns or special patterns.
  5. We make the back side of the blanket using the patchwork technique or take a whole piece of fabric that matches the face of the product.
  6. Threads are selected to match the fabric or contrasting colors.

Sew a patchwork quilt with your own hands: step by step instructions

We invite you to sew a blanket with a New Year's mood, made of alternately arranged bright decorative patterns (blocks) on a white background. The first block is made in the original and very expressive Ohio Star technique, the second is a simple cut of small squares. The size of the patchwork blocks is the same, the number depends on what size we are going to sew a blanket.

  • The back side of the blanket is a piece of fabric matched to the front side


  • We select 13 pieces of fabric and divide into squares and stripes

  • Stripes of four, six and eight squares with a side of 5 cm
  • Squares with a side of 10 cm, assembled from 4 small squares with a side of 5 cm

Execute the first block:

We will need:

  • 5 squares of different colors, with a side of 10 cm
  • 8 squares with a side of 10 cm from white fabric
  • strips of 8 and 4 squares with a side of 5 cm

Completing of the work:

  • Divide the square into 2 triangles
  • We take a triangle, apply it to a white square

  • Sew the triangle to the white square, stepping back from the corner by 2 cm

  • Bend the triangle and smooth

  • Cut off a piece of white square under the triangle

  • We take a triangle from the next square of a contrasting color, apply it to the white square

  • We sew the second triangle, it partially closes the first, smooth

  • Cut off a piece of white fabric and a corner of the first triangle

  • We get an uneven square, cut off the excess so that all sides become 10 cm again

  • Let's make 4 blanks from four types of fabric

  • We decomposed all the elements of the block into a single composition, using the four remaining white squares

  • We connect all the details, we get a star on a white background

  • We take pre-prepared strips of squares, each with a side of 5 cm
  • Stripes of four squares are arranged vertically
  • Stripes of 8 squares horizontally

  • Sew on the vertical stripes first, then the horizontal ones.

Execute the second block

To work, you need to take:

  • strips of white fabric 3 cm and 4 cm long, 5 cm wide
  • strips of 4 and 6 squares, with a side of 5 cm
  • central square with a side of 10 cm

We do the work:

  • We take a ready-made square, consisting of four smaller squares
  • Apply white stripes to it
  • Vertical - 5 cm wide, 10 cm long
  • Horizontal - 5 cm wide, 20 cm long

  • Sew strips, starting with vertical

  • We apply strips of squares to the resulting square
  • Horizontal of 6, vertical of 4 squares, each 5 cm wide

  • We sew in the same sequence - first vertical stripes, then horizontal

  • Sew white stripes to the resulting square with a side width of 3 cm
  • Vertical stripes 3 cm long are sewn on first
  • Sew horizontal stripes 4 cm long after vertical

  • Let's lay out the square blocks on the floor, they must fit exactly, you determine the quantity yourself

  • Take a synthetic winterizer the same size with a patchwork top
  • The back side is cut from the fabric 5 cm more in width and length than the top of the blanket
  • With the help of pins we connect three layers and sew on a typewriter
  • Quilting a blanket
  • We sew the edging strip, apply it with the front side to the front side of the blanket
  • Bend to the wrong side and sew with a hidden seam

If you look at the finished blanket, it seems that it is very difficult to make, but it is not. Be patient, the blanket consists of many small pieces, but the result is worth your effort.

Instructions on how to sew a patchwork baby quilt

A great option for beginners is to make a simple square quilt for a kid's room to take on a picnic.

For a blanket 130 cm x 150 cm we need:

  • 4 pieces of natural cotton fabric in different colors 60 cm x 120 cm
  • fabric on the back side with a margin of 130 cm x 170 cm
  • bright fabric for edging edge 7 m with a width of 8 cm
  • applique 6 pieces
  • filler according to the size of the bedspread
  • white fabric for the circles to which we glue the appliqué

If we use a blanket for walking, it is best to take a nylon or waterproof fabric for the back so that we can spread it on the ground.

We do the work:

  • Cut out squares from each type of fabric, size 15 x 15 cm
  • We lay out in piles in each of 30 pieces
  • There are 120 square pieces in total.

  • The pattern is performed according to this scheme horizontally 13 squares, vertically 9

  • Sew the squares, folding, right side to each other
  • We iron the seam in the center, 1 cm from each square was left for the allowance

  • We sew two strips together, laying the front side on top of each other

  • We sew the squares collected in ribbons
  • In the second row, the last will take the place of the first, etc.

  • We look carefully so that the squares match in size

  • We smooth the seams, on the reverse side the canvas looks like this

  • Cut out 6 circles from white fabric, onto which we transfer the application

  • Through gauze or paper, using a hot iron, transfer the pattern to the fabric

  • We sew the circles with a “narrow zigzag” stitch, we get a fun addition to the children's bedspread

  • We lay out the bedspread on the floor or a wide table, alternating layers: patchwork on top, then filler, third layer face down

  • We get a "layer cake" - the future blanket

  • With fixing needles, we grab three layers of material along the edge around the entire perimeter

  • We manually sew the edging to the front edge of the bedspread, fold it in half, connecting all the layers, stitch it with a beautiful seam

  • We put on the machine a foot special for patchwork with a side guide
  • We sew together three layers for reliability, making a line in the perimeter of the red squares, stepping back from the edge of 1 cm

  • As a result, we get a beautiful and even line.

Everyone can make a bright and comfortable patchwork quilt for walking. It is possible to experiment with the color and pattern of the fabric, choose a different layout of the squares and the size of the product, it all depends on your imagination. The bedspread does not take much time to work on, it can be made from the remnants of fabric and old unnecessary things.

How to sew a patchwork quilt with the seam out?

The original function of patchwork needlework is the disposal of old things or pieces of fabric left after sewing clothes and linen. One variation of patchwork quilts is seam-out denim.

There is a lot of denim in the wardrobe. Instead of sending things that were once loved, but already worn or out of fashion, to a landfill, skilled housewives turn them into necessary, beautiful and original bedspreads.

The manufacturing process of a patchwork fabric with an outer seam differs from the traditional method:

  1. We sew squares, triangles, stripes, applying to each other not with the front, but with the wrong side. We also sew ribbons.
  2. We make cuts along the edges of the seams with scissors and comb with a metal brush (for denim), choosing threads so that the edge resembles a pile.
  3. We shake out the blanket well so that the remnants of the thread fly around and wash it in the machine.
  4. The back side can be closed with cloth, and the middle can be insulated with a sentipon.
  5. Along the edge, we sew an edging strip of fabric or sew on lace or a frill. Denim goes well with cotton and linen.

  • It is good to use such a blanket for outdoor recreation, for the reverse side we choose nylon fabric

  • A patchwork quilt with a seam outward can be sewn from any fabric, the main task is to cut the edge and remove the transverse threads

The outer seam makes the blanket fluffy and soft, such a product is suitable for a children's room and walks with a child in nature.

How to sew a patchwork quilt for a newborn?

Patchwork quilt made in the technique of "biscuit" ("ottoman", "bombon")

  • Blanket size: 130 x 130 cm
  • Drawing from squares 9.5 x 9.5 cm (5 mm allowance)
  • Fabric, American cotton

You will need 5 pieces of fabric, cut into squares, in various shades of pink, with a pattern:

  • hot pink squares with hearts 141 pieces
  • with cartoon pattern 205 squares
  • pale pink 63 squares
  • flowered 66 squares
  • polka dot 28 square
  • with ladybugs 70 squares
  • interlining bag

Baby blanket - back side:

We do the work:

  • It is better to start drawing from pads from the middle, in which case there is less chance of making a mistake, it will be well viewed

  • Sew the pads by hand, starting from the middle, with a blind seam
  • We choose threads that are strong so that they do not break.

  • A gentle light and warm blanket is ready, it can be washed, it will not stray into separate lumps

  • A blanket made in the same way, we sew a frill along the edge, and the size of the sides of the squares was made 8 cm

  • Light-colored blanket in floral fabric with a ruffle for a newborn, can be completed with an elastic band with a bow

If you don’t know how to sew a voluminous patchwork quilt, then the option of separate pillows should please not only beginners, but also experienced needlewomen.

Patchwork technique

To make a pattern out of pieces of fabric, they need to be assembled into patchwork blocks of triangles, squares and hexagons and other geometric shapes. To perform a particular pattern, there are many techniques.

How to sew a patchwork quilt from squares?

If you are a beginner, it is better to start with a square blanket.

For this you need to know:

  1. If the side of the square exceeds 5 cm, it is necessary to cut the fabric along the share.
  2. Squares are sewn into long stripes according to the intended pattern or randomly.
  3. We sew the rectangles to each other along the short side.
  4. We sew the first square with the second, folding them with the front sides, to each other, we sew along the allowance line.
  5. We iron on the edge, and then iron in the direction of a darker square.
  6. We sew the third square, fold it with the face of the second and repeat the same as in the first case.
  7. We sew strips of squares together, sew along the allowance line, iron on one of the sides.

The simplest, basic basics of patchwork needlework is a square-based technique.

Technique "Quick squares»

Laying out a mosaic of squares is simple, the main thing is to choose the right fabric. Scraps are cut out of pieces of fabric in the form of geometric shapes. To form blocks, we sort by color, pattern, texture.

Such a coverlet is made quickly, especially if it is not necessary to follow the sequence of flaps. We sew the squares into ribbons, and we connect the ribbons together.

Technique "Chess"

We alternate two colors, like on a chessboard, and we get a beautiful pattern. It is good to use fabric with the same pattern, but different colors. Combinations of squares with a pattern of stripes look original, some are placed horizontally, others vertically.

The pattern is simple, it can be done by a novice needlewoman. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice of material and carefully connect the squares into a single chess plot.

Technique "Watercolor"

The bedspread consists of squares arranged in a certain sequence, resulting in a floral pattern. If you choose the right color and pattern, a patchwork bedspread will complement the interior in the Provence, Rustic, Empire, Baroque styles.

Skillful hands of masters create from squares blankets-pictures in the form of flowers, sea and natural landscapes.

Technique "Diamond»

The intricate square-in-square pattern is called "Diamond", often used as an element in the ancient "Russian Square" or "Pineapple" technique. The pattern is simple and easy to do.

  1. We take two pieces of fabric and cut out squares - two from one fabric, and one from a fabric of a different color
  2. Two identical squares are cut diagonally in half
  3. We apply an isosceles triangle with the large side to the square and sew
  4. Seam allowance 0.5 - 0.75 mm.

There is no clear line between the technique using the square, triangle and stripes in the pattern, there are products made by all three figures.

How to sew a patchwork quilt from stripes?

Strips of fabric, from which craftsmen sew a patchwork fabric, is an ancient technique. A great option for those who are taking their first steps in needlework.

  1. We cut strips of various sizes - these can be tiny pieces of fabric 5 cm wide, this technique is called "Branded"
  2. You can use strips of solid pieces of fabric, wide and long, matched by color and texture.
  3. Stripes are sewn into large blocks along the edge of a smaller size

Stripes are a popular quilting technique for quilts and bedspreads.

Technique "Hut"

If you meet in the literature on patchwork the names "American Square", "Firewood", "Well", "Hut" - the same technique.

We do the work:

  • In the center of the block we place a piece of fabric, symbolizing the hearth, made of orange, red or yellow material.
  • Around we sew strips in a spiral - the logs of the hut, often use light-colored fabric.
  • The block is necessarily divided into a darker and lighter side.

The smaller the size of the stripes and the greater their number, the more interesting the “Hut” pattern.

How to sew a patchwork quilt from triangles

Triangles are present in almost all patchwork patterns. The technique using triangles is popular with Russian needlewomen working with patchwork.

We make two or more triangles from squares or cut them out of pieces of fabric according to a template.

  1. The direction of the grain line of the fabric should coincide with the smaller side of the triangle.
  2. Sew the triangles along the long side.
  3. If you need a lot of triangles of two colors, cut out squares with a seam allowance:
  • fold two different squares right side up
  • we make two lines, stepping back from the diagonal line by 5 mm
  • cut in the middle
  • we get two squares with triangles of different colors

Card Trick Technique

The focus of the pattern is that we see squares, in fact the pattern consists of triangles of different sizes.

  1. We take 4 pieces of different fabric (excluding the background pattern)
  2. We divide diagonally 2 times, we get 4 triangles from each square
  3. From the resulting triangles we sew the squares according to the pattern

The focus is open - there is nothing complicated in the pattern!

"Russian square"

Traditional Russian northern pattern. The basis is small squares and triangles that our ancestors had when cutting a straight suit. Initially, pieces of material were distributed randomly, and then began to be collected in blocks with a small pattern. All elements were sewn by hand.

  1. The center of the pattern is a square, to which we sew isosceles triangles
  2. We take dark fabric for triangles, light and bright fabric for squares and stripes.
  3. The size of the pattern depends on the central square
  4. For work, it is necessary to make a pattern pattern in full size, otherwise the pattern will turn out to be uneven.

For beginner needlewomen, this pattern is complex, requiring patchwork skills.

Technique "Star Ohio"

Despite the apparent complexity, even a novice needlewoman can perform this pattern if she is patient, accurate and attentive.

You will find a step-by-step description of how to assemble the Ohio Star patchwork block at the beginning of the article in a step-by-step instruction for a DIY blanket.

Technique "Crazy»

Free theme for your creativity. What geometric pieces of fabric fell under your hands, such will find a place in the fantastic extravaganza of patchwork.

  1. We select the fabric of the same texture
  2. In the center we place the brightest piece, most often triangular in shape - the “pupil”
  3. Around we sew triangles, regular and irregular shapes
  4. Quadrilaterals can complement the composition on a free patchwork theme

Agree in this mess, there is a beauty:

Patchwork needlework is a pleasure for a creative person, an opportunity to show their imagination and realize ideas. The patchwork quilt is a vintage element in a modern interior, it creates a special atmosphere and coziness in your bedroom and children's room. The main thing is that for work you do not need anything other than threads, needles, a sewing machine and pieces of fabric that will always be found in your home.

Video: "How to sew a patchwork quilt with a padding polyester and a voluminous rim"

A patchwork bedspread made of squares can be sewn even by a beginner. A patchwork bedspread is a beautiful, colorful and artistically competent home textile. It is not sewn so quickly, and for beginners it may take much more time, but such sewing can be the first truly high-quality thing in the house that you made with your own hands.

DIY patchwork bedspread

Review more than one master class to decide not only how your product will look (you can also peep it in the photo gallery), but whether you can handle all this technology as a beginner. A detailed master class, of course, simplifies the work, but do not immediately take on a difficult task. The first tailoring should be a pleasure, and making your way through the wilds of unfamiliar technology - this can discourage you and continue to try yourself in patchwork.

Any high-quality needlework not only decorates the room, but also brings an atmosphere of comfort, warmth and natural brightness into the interior.

Where does tailoring begin? Follow the instructions:

  • Determine the size of the bedspread;
  • Choose the color scheme that will be in the style of the interior of the room where the product is intended;
  • Prepare the fabric: stripes, cuts, shreds, squares;
  • Prepare the fabric that will become the wrong side of the product;
  • Of the tools you will need: scissors, needles / pins, thread, a sewing machine, a pencil and a square ruler (but a square template is also possible).

Suppose you are making a product from squares. Why from squares? It will definitely be easier for a beginner to do this - for beginners, cutting different shapes with their own hands and then patterning them together is a real test.

You can choose any pattern for the bedspread that is within your power.

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Of course, if there is a photo or video master class, view it in detail. But even if you only have schemes in front of you, you can start sewing with them.

An important point: before proceeding with the preparation of squares, the fabric should be prepared for work. Just soak it for ten minutes in hot water, and then just rinse it in clean warm water.

To be completely consistent, it would be nice to show real class and starch the fabric. This is worth doing - it will be easier to work with the material. And, of course, iron the fabric well.

Do-it-yourself patchwork denim bedspread (video)

How to sew a patchwork blanket

A small master class on getting quick squares from fabric.

Just four steps:

  • Take two different scraps of fabric and cut two equal strips out of them;
  • Fold them on the wrong side and sew, sewing secure by carefully smoothing the seam;
  • Now measure the width of the resulting product, and cut out the same strip (of the same width) from the third piece of fabric;
  • You need to fold it with the received part already on the front side, and make seams on both sides.

As a result, you should get a kind of double-sided sleeve. Put this canvas on the table and cut out squares from it according to a template or a special ruler.

In order to cut the squares correctly, it is important to use a template or a ruler.

It’s difficult to come up with such a scheme, any beginner will repeat this master class. This will be followed by the stage of connecting the squares. From the details you can get whatever patterns you want - both simple geometric, and fantasy, and snakes, and mosaics. For the first time, you can lay out a simple ornament to make it easier to handle, and you are not confused about what you are going to sew.

When the pattern is decided, the squares can be sewn together. First comes the sewing of the longitudinal stripes, after which you must iron the seams. Then we sew the resulting stripes into one canvas. And again, the next stage is a thorough ironing. After that, you will see that the finished front side has turned out.

How to assemble a block of flaps (video)

Sew a patchwork bedspread: the final part

The front side is not the whole product. Next, with your own hands, you must sew the front part to the wrong side. Chintz is an excellent backing fabric. Batiste can also be done inside out.

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  • Lay a piece of fabric for the wrong side face down on the table;
  • Place a synthetic winterizer on top of the wrong fabric if your bedspread has a blanket function (otherwise, a synthetic winterizer is not needed);
  • The next layer is the front side, the same patchwork of squares;
  • Either sweep with your own hands, or you just need to pin the whole product with pins and quilt it on a sewing machine.

In order for the cover to have a shape, it is necessary to use a sealing material in the form of a synthetic winterizer

How to quilt a thing? The easiest way to do this is along the borders of the squares, but if you assume some kind of pattern, you can also quilt along the pattern. True, for beginners this is a rather difficult task (a separate stitch master class will help you in this case).

The last step is edging. This is easy to do: take a strip of fabric, about 8 cm wide, and the length should be slightly more than one side of the product. The fabric must be folded in half, attached to the front side of the thing and sewn. Turn the excess edges of the edging to the wrong side of the thing, wrap the edging on the wrong side of the product and stitch it from the front side. The line will run across the fabric. Other sides of the thing are edged in the same way.

Having comprehended the basic basics of this skill, you can move on to more complex ornaments.

This is the simplest master class, in such a product, diagrams are not particularly needed. The main thing is not to overdo it with the patchwork pattern.

Such a bedspread can decorate a bed, a sofa, and sometimes it is used as a tablecloth. Well, if you decide to make a patchwork product for a baby bed? Maybe taking the first step in patchwork is just from this?

Patchwork: do-it-yourself baby blanket

To decorate a baby's bed in patchwork technology, you need to prepare almost the same as for the previous work.

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Fabulous colorfulness is the main distinguishing feature of children's interior items.

You will need:

  • Fabric (4 types);
  • fleece;
  • Sewing machine;
  • needles;
  • Threads;
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler or templates.

You can sew a baby bedspread from 48 squares. The side of one square is 8 cm. Do not complicate your debut work, a patchwork quilt of 48 squares is easy to sew, and most importantly, everything will be clear, it will be difficult to stray.

A colorful patchwork bedspread can be a bright piece of furniture for a child's room.

  • The resulting squares should be slowly, carefully sewn and ironed very well;
  • Put the patchwork on the fleece, it will be the wrong side of the product;
  • Cut off all excess, and round the corners;
  • Stitch both canvases along the edges, the indent is 1 cm.

That's all, a cute do-it-yourself patchwork bedspread is ready! It will decorate the children's bed, and will look great as a cape while walking in a stroller. You can sew it literally in a week, just do not rush sewing - all the squares should be even. Patchwork sewing is not rushed.

Free stitch for beginners (video master class)

With your own hands, you can also sew a blanket for a child, and capes for an armchair in a children's room. The patchwork master knows how difficult it is to stop when the first product turned out to be successful, and one has only to “take overclocking”, as we already sew a lot, and in a more complex technique. Do not be too lazy to post a photo of your debut product on the Internet, and inspire beginners to their first feats.