St. John's wort oil for hair. Mask for thin, weak and dry hair. Dandruff Mask

If you are a woman, then worries and worries about the condition of your hair are not alien to you. Since ancient times, all the most effective recipes beauty was carefully preserved and passed on by beauties from generation to generation. In the struggle for the beauty and strength of hair, herbs most often come into play. One of the most useful plants St. John's wort is considered for hair.

The benefits of St. John's wort for hair

This herb can be found in any garden. Many summer residents admire the beauty of St. John's wort flowers, but do not suspect what strength this weed is fraught with.

  • The antibacterial substances of St. John's wort ideally fight against problematic skin heads, eliminate fat and greasiness skin. St. John's wort masks also help soothe itching.
  • A decoction and masks from this herb perfectly dry and nourish the scalp. Eliminate peeling and dandruff.
  • St. John's wort is able to retain moisture in the hair structure.
  • Strengthens the hair follicle, restores its protective barrier.
  • With the help of St. John's wort, you can treat hair loss and make curls thicker and healthier.
  • After rinsing with a decoction of St. John's wort, hair acquires shine, radiance, elasticity and elasticity.
  • When adding additional components a mask with St. John's wort will allow you to maintain the volume and shape of your hair for a long time.

To prepare the right and real cosmetics from St. John's wort, you need to know a few proven recipes.

St. John's wort oil


  • St. John's wort - 3 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

  • St. John's wort can be bought at a pharmacy, but for a greater effect, it is recommended to take the grass in its green form, so to speak, just picked.
  • For cooking cosmetic oil you need to take a small bottle of opaque glass.
  • Put the grass in the container.
  • Fill the bottle with oil and refrigerate for a couple of weeks.
  • Shake the oil periodically.
  • After the specified time, the oil can be filtered and it is ready for use.

The oil is great for inflamed scalp. For the treatment of various sores, inflammation, allergic redness and peeling, oil is used as a rub. The easiest way to do this is with a cotton swab. It is very important to treat the entire scalp, rub it thoroughly into the hair roots. This is an excellent remedy for hair loss. If you regularly rub St.

Rinses for oily hair


  • St. John's wort - 3 tablespoons;
  • chamomile - 2 tablespoons;
  • lemon.

Cooking method:

  • To prepare a rich herbal decoction, you need to pour dried or fresh herbs liter of boiling water.
  • Put the container in a water bath and simmer for at least 15 minutes.
  • Then the broth is removed from the fire and covered with a lid.
  • When the product has cooled, it must be filtered and add the juice from one lemon to it.

The resulting product is used as a rinsing solution. Wash your hair in the usual way for you, and then rinse your head with the prepared product. It is not necessary to rinse the broth with water, it is enough to let it dry without a hair dryer. This is an excellent tool for dealing with oily and greasy scalp. To completely cure this problem, you need to constantly rinse your hair with such a decoction. It normalizes sebaceous glands, does not blind the hair roots, makes them more airy and structural. After just a few treatments, you will notice that your hair stays clean and voluminous longer.

St. John's wort against dandruff


  • St. John's wort oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • ryazhenka - 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • Castor oil- 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare St. John's wort oil as directed in the first recipe.
  • Mix St. John's wort oil with honey and castor oil. Lightly heat in a water bath so that useful enzymes begin to be released from the oils.
  • Mix the mass with ryazhenka.

The mask can be applied to both clean and dirty hair. In order for the mask to fit better on the curls, they should be slightly damp. Keep the mask for 30 minutes, after which you need to wash it off warm water. If you wash off greasy and oily masks, then you will certainly need shampoo, but it should not be aggressive. To maintain the effect of the mask, use a shampoo without silicone and additives or regular baby shampoo.

This cosmetic product can eliminate dandruff, peeling and even fungal disease scalp - seborrhea. To cope with such a problem, you need to regularly, at least 2 times a week, carry out such procedures.

Mask against thin, weak and dry hair


  • St. John's wort oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • yolk;
  • kefir - 4 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

  • To prepare a mask for dry hair, the fat content of kefir must be high. It can even be cream or curdled milk - any fermented milk product.
  • Mix St. John's wort oil with whipped yolk and kefir. Stir everything until smooth.

The resulting product is applied to wet hair and leave for 40 minutes. During this time active ingredients masks are absorbed into the scalp and hair roots, saturate them with vitamins. After applying the mask, do not forget to cover your head with a bag and wrap it with a towel. The mask is recommended for sick, dull and lifeless hair. She perfectly restores curls after winter, unsuccessful stains and sunburn. This is an excellent remedy for saving hair from cutting.

St. John's wort mask for hair loss


  • St. John's wort - 3 tablespoons;
  • medium sized onion;
  • milk - half a glass.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare a decoction of St. John's wort. To do this, pour the grass with a glass of boiling water, sweat in a water bath, cool and strain.
  • Grate the onion and squeeze the juice out of it.
  • Mix milk with onion juice and herbal decoction.

The resulting liquid must be carefully rubbed into the scalp. Then leave the mask for 60 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. This cosmetic product can give discomfort but in most cases they are quite tolerable. Before applying the mask, make sure that there are no sores, wounds and cuts on the head, otherwise the burning sensation will be very strong. Onions and St. John's wort are excellent activators of life processes. Their composition improves blood circulation in hair follicles and gives milk extra food and slightly removes the aggressive properties of the onion.

St. John's wort - is considered a real helper in the cosmetic field. It not only heals, but also gives shine and shine to the hair, leaving behind an elusive plume of fragrant flowering.

St. John's wort can be used for hair for various purposes. Its decoction can be used as a remedy for regular care, rinsing their head every time after washing. And the masks, which include the oil of this medicinal plant, do not cease to receive rave reviews from those who are struggling with oily hair, dandruff and baldness. If the cosmetic benefits of St. John's wort are so obvious, why not try it for yourself home cosmetics with him?

Properties and uses of the herb

According to folk healers, homeopaths and ordinary people, St. John's wort is incredibly good for health, it can be used to cure many diseases. It is not for nothing that this herb used to be called ailment.

perennial herbaceous plant common in the Northern Hemisphere. It reaches a height of about 80 cm and has small leaves. oval shape, dotted with small holes. The grass blooms in late summer - early autumn. It is its flowers and young shoots that are used for medicinal purposes.

The composition of St. John's wort is unique due to the whole complex of biologically active substances included in it and the fact that it is in this combination that they affect the human body most favorably. So, they heal and give beauty:

  • vitamins (A, C, E, P and PP);
  • beta carotene;
  • essential oil;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • phytoncides;
  • catechins;
  • resins.

St. John's wort preparations in folk and traditional medicine used internally and externally. The infusion of the plant is an antiseptic with proven effectiveness, it is also used to heal wounds and burns, and accelerate tissue regeneration. Decoction of St. John's wort is used orally to strengthen immunity, treat diseases. oral cavity, respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract.

The effect of the plant on the condition of the hair and scalp is as follows.

  • Vitamins, which are part of St. John's wort, quickly penetrate into cells, nourish them, and accelerate cellular metabolism. Hair grows faster and at the same time gains healthy shine and impressive volume. Their texture is soft, silky, pleasant to the touch. Styling your hair becomes easy.
  • Tannins and essential oils, which have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, have a beneficial effect on the scalp. St. John's wort oil as the main component of the mask helps to get rid of dandruff.
  • All the same vitamins, as well as beta-carotene, stimulate blood flow in the capillaries, thereby strengthening the hair follicle. Hair falls out less, grows strong and elastic.
  • A decoction and an oil mask with St. John's wort are excellent remedies home cooking, with which you can restore hair after traumatic procedures such as dyeing or perm.

Home care products

Reviews professional cosmetologists and supporters of natural care products say that St. John's wort for hair is best used in the form of masks, which include plant oil, decoctions, tinctures and lotions.

  • To strengthen hair
    For this purpose, you can periodically use St. John's wort oil in pure or diluted form. Two hours before shampooing it is not a large number of applied to the scalp along the partings and rubbed with intense massage movements. Next, to speed up the implementation useful substances into epithelial cells, a polyethylene cap and a turban from a terry towel are put on the head. You can also make a mask for 40 minutes from St. John's wort and wheat germ oils (in equal proportions - 10 ml each) and rosemary (2-3 drops).
  • For the treatment of dandruff
    To normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, you can mix St. John's wort oil in the amount of 3 tablespoons and sesame oil (1 tablespoon). The oil mixture can be enriched with 5-6 drops of esters tea tree and eucalyptus. Oil mask with ryazhenka and honey - another recipe, reviews of which are only positive. Two tablespoons of St. John's wort oil are heated, the same amount of fermented baked milk and 1 tablespoon of liquid are added to it. fresh honey. Wash your hair 15 minutes after applying the mixture.
  • For shine and volume of hair
    St. John's wort rinsing - the right way nutrition and revitalization of hair. Grass can be bought at a pharmacy in the form of a medicinal collection or harvested in season. A decoction is prepared from 1-2 tablespoons of dry St. John's wort. They are poured with 1000 ml of boiling water and infused for 30-40 minutes. The rinsing effect with it is much stronger than when using a store conditioner.

Despite the real effectiveness of hair preparations with St. John's wort, pregnant women and allergy sufferers should not use them.

St. John's wort has healing power. The healing properties of the plant are used in the treatment of many diseases. St. John's wort is effective for hair. It is used in the form of oils, decoctions, tinctures or lotions. All of these products can be prepared at home. high efficiency has a hair rinse.

Therapeutic effect

Medicinal plant benefits:

  • helps to strengthen the follicle;
  • treats dandruff, prevents baldness;
  • reduces oily hair, normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • tones and improves the condition of weakened hair;
  • universal remedy does not depend on the type of skin;
  • gives strands silkiness and splendor;
  • eliminates itching;
  • has a bactericidal and astringent effect.

Homemade cosmetics with St. John's wort are effective and natural. They contain more bioactive substances (BAS) and vitamins. Their absorption is more efficient.

Healing properties

The ingredients of the medicinal plant have the following healing qualities:

  1. Rutin - makes the appearance of the strands healthy, gives volume.
  2. Beta-carotenes (Vitamin A) - ensure the smoothness of the hairline, make it stronger.
  3. Ascorbic acid - tones the metabolism, provides shine and freshness to the hair.
  4. Tannins - render antibacterial effect have astringent properties.
  5. Essential oils - relieve inflammation, destroy bacteria, help cure dandruff.
  6. Saponins - contribute to the healing of the skin.

All of these ingredients make St. John's wort indispensable for hair. It provides careful care regardless of skin type. In summer, it is not recommended to use products with St. John's wort due to the strong ultraviolet radiation. It can increase the sensitivity of the skin. At correct application medicinal plant is excellent tool prevention.


St. John's wort oil for hair can be compared with almond oil in its healing characteristics. The tool is obtained in 2 ways:

  1. Maceration. The color of the plant is infused with base oil. Cold-pressed olive oil is best. This oil has high healing properties, but is demanding on storage conditions. Therefore, its healing qualities are unstable.
  2. Extraction. The method involves the use of carbon dioxide. The product has an extended shelf life, can be stored in the light.

Reviews of cosmetologists recommend using undiluted oil to strengthen the hairline on the head. It needs to be rubbed into the roots, a plastic cap is put on top, the head is wrapped with a terry towel for 2 hours. Then rinse with warm water and softening shampoo.

The procedure accelerates the regenerative processes of follicle cells, eliminates dandruff and increases the elasticity of the hairline. The hydrolipid cover returns to normal, moisturized, hair growth accelerates.

If you add honey and fermented baked milk to the oil extract, you get effective remedy from dandruff. 2 tbsp. l. St. John's wort oil mixed with 1 tbsp. l. castor oil and 1 tbsp. l. honey. Warm up a little steam bath. Add 2 tbsp. l. ryazhenka. Moisturize the curls a little for better application masks. Keep for half an hour and rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure twice a week.

A similar effect is achieved when combined with lemon juice. For this, 3 tbsp. l. oil extract must be mixed with juice squeezed from half a lemon. For dry hair type, you can do nourishing mask. Mix the yolk in a bowl chicken egg, St. John's wort oil extract and milk cream with high fat content.

cooking oil

To make butter you will need:

  • 3 art. l. main raw materials;
  • 5 st. l. sunflower oils.


    1. You can buy a medicinal plant in a pharmacy, but best effect has fresh herb.
    2. Grass should be put in a small volume glass container with opaque walls.
    3. Fill a container with oil and store in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.
    4. Shake the container periodically.

When the remedy is ready, they can begin to rub the skin for the treatment of allergic rashes, inflammation, peeling. It is best to use a cotton swab for the procedure. All skin on the head must be treated. The tool is rubbed directly into the roots of the hairs. With regular use, the composition allows you to cope with the problem of hair loss. In a few months, new hairs will appear on the bald patch.


Decoction of St. John's wort for hair, thanks to its healing properties(elimination of dandruff, itching, inflammation), is popular. It is easy to prepare. Pharmacy St. John's wort in the amount of 1 tsp. you need to pour 500 ml of boiling water. After an hour, you can start rinsing your hair.

For fatty type St. John's wort decoction for hair is prepared differently. 3 art. l. raw materials pour 3 liters of hot water. Strain. After 30 minutes, you can start rinsing your hair. For sensitive skin, a decoction of chamomile and St. John's wort in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Another recipe for the fatty type:

  • 3 art. l. main raw materials;
  • 2 tbsp. l. pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • 1 lemon.

Herbs need to pour 1 liter of boiling water and put on steam bath for a quarter of an hour. Remove from heat and cover the container with a lid. Let cool and strain. Squeeze the juice from 1 lemon and add to the remedy. Wash your hair with shampoo, and then rinse your hair with herbal decoction. It is not necessary to wash it off with water, just let the strands dry. To cure greasy skin, it is recommended to constantly use this tool. A decoction of St. John's wort for hair normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, makes the hairline airy. After a couple of procedures, the hair appears volume.

Mask Recipes

Mask for thin and weakened hair:


  • 3 art. l. St. John's wort oil;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 4 tbsp. l. kefir.
    1. Kefir must be fat. You can use buttermilk or cream.
    2. Beat the yolk and mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Strands must be damp for best application. Leave the product on the hairs for 40 minutes. This time is enough for vitamins and useful components absorbed into the skin. Then it is recommended to put a plastic cap on your head and wrap it with a towel. The tool restores curls after burnout and staining, the winter period.

Hair loss mask ingredients:

  • onion;
  • 0.5 cups of milk;
  • 3 art. l. Hypericum.

  1. Prepare a decoction. Pour the main raw materials with a glass of boiling water and put on a steam bath. When the broth has cooled, it must be filtered.
  2. Grate the onion and squeeze out the juice.
  3. Onion juice is mixed with milk and broth.

Decoction of St. John's wort with massaging movements is carried out rubbing. Keep the mask on your head for an hour, then rinse with warm water. During the application of the mask, discomfort may occur. But it can be sustained. Before applying, it is important to make sure that there are no wounds, sores or cuts on the skin. The mask helps to improve the blood supply to the hair follicles, nourishes the curls.

Every woman wants to be beautiful and well-groomed. Smooth skin, neat makeup, flawless hairstyle - all this adds up to a single picture and gives an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba person. Moreover, if the make-up is easy enough to change, then if the hair has lost its appearance, then in an instant things cannot be fixed. However, there is always a way out. If your hair has become dull and started to fall out, do not rush to despair and run to the store for expensive shampoos, masks and other care products. Try using St. John's wort. sometimes they are more useful than the products of famous brands. Herbalists say that the mentioned plant is exactly the miraculous remedy that will help in the fight for a beautiful hairstyle.

Traditional medicine or ready-made masks and conditioners?

In stores today, there is such an abundance of hair care products that the hand involuntarily reaches for them. Given the lack of time, making homemade masks and rinses seems sacrilegious. However, the experience of many women shows that cosmetic products handmade are sometimes more effective than professional tools for care. And the most useful is St. John's wort for hair. Why?

How to explain this fact

This is quite logical considering that professional cosmetics based on extracts of various plants and contains preservatives, and here your skin receives perfect nutrition from nature itself. St. John's wort for hair is the best herbal remedy. Since natural decoctions and herbal lotions are perfectly absorbed, it is not surprising that a seemingly ordinary plant, in terms of its properties and healing effect, turns out to be head and shoulders above the most expensive cosmetics. Therefore, do not be lazy to prepare products for the care of your hair at home, they are distinguished by maximum benefits and a large amount of vitamins.

St. John's wort for hair - a universal assistant

It's no secret that each of us has a different hair type. Oily and dry, thin and dull, brittle and split ends - they require individual approach. We must not forget about the scalp. Sensitive, prone to dandruff, it causes a lot of problems, and the lack of proper care instantly affects appearance hairstyles. St. John's wort for hair is universal remedy suitable for hair and scalp of any type. However, there are some subtleties here, which must be taken into account.

Hair Benefits

You can find this herb in the meadow or even in your garden. This weed grows quickly and blooms beautifully, so it can be grown even for ornamental purposes. Our grandmothers also knew about the power of grass. They actively collected and used St. John's wort for hair. Reviews of modern beauties confirm that it is very difficult to find a safe and effective care product in the store. Meanwhile, it often grows under your feet, you just need to cook it correctly.

What are the properties of St. John's wort

  • The plant contains a large amount of antibacterial substances that actively fight scalp problems. They eliminate oiliness and greasiness of the cover, help eliminate itching.
  • A decoction of this herb is also very useful in that it nourishes the scalp. It is due to this that peeling and dandruff are eliminated.
  • Despite the fact that St. John's wort is primarily recommended for caring for oily skin, its decoction helps to retain moisture in the hair structure, which means it contributes to effective hydration.
  • The problem of hair loss is familiar to most women. St. John's wort strengthens the hair follicle and restores its protective barrier. With a simple decoction, you can even stop strong fallout and make curls thicker and healthier.
  • If you use a decoction of herbs as a rinse, then you will notice that the hair acquires shine, radiance, elasticity and elasticity. And when adding various components (oil, yolk, honey), the mask will help maintain the volume and shape of the hairstyle.

We prepare raw materials

You can buy dry St. John's wort at a pharmacy or collect raw materials yourself, in summer period. You need to dry it in the shade, waiting for complete dehydration. After that, you can transfer the grass to a linen bag and brew as needed. To prepare for hair, you need to take a tablespoon of St. John's wort and pour a glass of boiling water. After 15 minutes, the resulting infusion must be filtered. Now you can use it by adding it to the water when rinsing. Based on the reviews, this ideal remedy in order to close the scales and smooth the surface of the hair, make the curls smooth and well-groomed.

Decoction of St. John's wort

It's even easier to prepare. To do this, take a tablespoon of dry grass and pour a liter of boiling water. Put the resulting mixture on fire and bring to a boil. Cool the broth and strain, now it can be used for its intended purpose. The product is used to soften water, reduce harmful effect detergents on the hair structure and saturate them with vitamins along the entire length. Regular use of the decoction reduces the loss of strands and effectively fights dandruff.

How to keep the properties of a fresh plant for the whole year

Of course, in order to collect and dry grass, you need to have some knowledge, as well as free time. for hair is more interesting option. It is in this form that the healing composition retains all vitamins and trace elements. Oil can be bought at a pharmacy at any time of the year, which allows you to do without searching for raw materials. However, you can cook it yourself. Below we will tell you in detail how to do this.

Using such a product is much easier than fresh broth. It stands in the refrigerator for about a year, retaining all the original properties of the plant. You can add a little oil to your shampoo or nourishing hair mask at any time.

Cooking process

To do this, you will definitely need fresh raw materials. Don't try to make oil from dry grass - it won't work. You will need blooming flowers and leaves. It is necessary to collect the raw materials, put them in a jar and fill them with any vegetable oil so that it covers the grass completely.

The jar must be closed with a lid and placed in the sun. The longer the workpiece stays in the hot sun, the better the final product will turn out. Be sure to stir the composition every day. After about a month, you need to squeeze the grass and pour the oil into a dark glass bottle. You need to store it in the refrigerator. The base can be sunflower or linseed, olive or any other oil. Base cedar, apricot, peach, or jojoba will also work well for these purposes, but its cost is much higher.


The resulting oil is an excellent soothing agent that promotes skin regeneration. Moreover, it is one of the most powerful antioxidants available today. St. John's wort in the composition of the oil helps prevent skin aging. It absorbs very quickly and leaves no greasy residue.

If you have excessive sensitive skin heads, then ideal option to care for her will be St. John's wort oil. The properties and application of this precious composition is described in all manuals for the care of oily hair. It is an excellent moisturizer that prevents moisture loss and skin infections. That is why it is recommended to use a mask with St.

Application of precious oil

Depending on the type of hair, the method of applying the composition may vary slightly. For owners oily hair a duo of almond oil and St. John's wort is ideal, with the addition of a few drops. If you are worried about seborrhea and dandruff, then mix one part of sesame oil and three parts of St. John's wort. Add a couple of drops of tea tree oil. These masks can be applied to dirty hair, rubbing into the scalp. After 30 minutes, the healing composition should be washed off with water and the usual shampoo. For dry hair, you can use oil along with yolk and milk cream.

However, these are not the only correct recipes, you can use St. John's wort oil in other ways. We have described the properties and application of this product very briefly. healing oil additionally used to restore color, accelerate hair growth. Curls with this treatment quickly acquire a healthy shine and strength.

St. John's wort for hair is a medicinal plant with great healing power. With its help, you can not only cure existing deficiencies on the scalp and curls, but also prevent the emergence of new, sometimes serious diseases.

Perennial herbaceous plant - St. John's wort - in cosmetic purposes applied as widely as in medical purposes. Other names of the plant: kravnik, red grass, healthy grass, twig, youth blood.

This plant strengthens the hair well, preventing their heavy loss. This happens due to the action on the hair follicle, which becomes more flexible and strong. Thanks to the many useful substances in the composition of St. John's wort (phytoncides, various resins, essential oils, complexes of such vitamins as PP, E, C, etc.), the condition of the scalp improves. Partially or completely disappears dandruff, irritation and peeling disappears, because with correct use infusions and oils from St. John's wort, the skin receives a sufficient amount of the nutrients it needs.

What is useful St. John's wort for hair?

This herb can be found in any garden. Many summer residents admire the beauty of St. John's wort flowers, but do not suspect what strength this weed is fraught with.

  • St. John's wort antibacterial substances ideally fight problematic scalp, eliminate oiliness and greasiness of the skin. St. John's wort masks also help soothe itching.
  • A decoction and masks from this herb perfectly dry and nourish the scalp. Eliminate peeling and dandruff.
  • St. John's wort is able to retain moisture in the hair structure.
  • Strengthens the hair follicle, restores its protective barrier.
  • With the help of St. John's wort, you can treat hair loss and make curls thicker and healthier.
  • After rinsing with a decoction of St. John's wort, hair acquires shine, radiance, elasticity and elasticity.
  • When adding additional components, a mask with St. John's wort will allow you to maintain the volume and shape of your hair for a long time.

To prepare the right and real cosmetics from St. John's wort, you need to know a few proven recipes.

It is always good to use herbs to strengthen roots and hair growth. From vegetable fees infusions are made for rinsing, gruel from herbal raw materials is applied instead of lotions to relieve the inflammatory process of the scalp and increase the activity of hair follicles, decoctions are drunk to saturate the body with vitamins that are responsible for the quality of hair.

Already by the name it is clear in which medical field this plant, ubiquitous in the temperate and warm climate of Eurasia, is most popular. Masks and rinses from St. John's wort increase blood circulation in the root zone, hair follicles are strengthened, more useful substances are supplied to them, hair becomes thicker and grows faster. The action of St. John's wort also has a beneficial effect on the scalp - its tone increases, itching and irritation are eliminated. The perennial herb - St. John's wort - is used for cosmetic purposes as widely as for medical purposes. Other names of the plant: kravnik, red grass, healthy grass, twig, youth blood.

Useful properties of St. John's wort for hair growth

For the growth and strengthening of hair, herbs are used that have anti-inflammatory, regenerative and stimulating properties, which have a rich chemical composition- St. John's wort is such a plant. It contains: phytoncides, saponins, alkaloids, coumarins, tannins, resins, choline and essential oils, the latter are so numerous that oil is often made from vegetable raw materials, which has healing action on the condition of the hair.

Useful substances found in the plant - vitamins A, C, PP, E - penetrating into hair follicles enrich them. At regular use St. John's wort masks strands become more obedient and shiny.

Contraindications to the use of St. John's wort

  • Frequent stay in an area with constant radioactive radiation (work).
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  • Hypertension.
  • Reception oral contraceptives, AIDS drugs.
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • The recovery period after an organ transplant.
  • Taking antibiotics and antidepressants.
  • Work at high temperatures.

In any case, before using the oil, consult your doctor. Be sure to pay attention to the advice and recommendations of the manufacturer before using purchased St. John's wort oil.

The use of St. John's wort for the care of curls

Most often, an infusion is made from plant materials. To do this, 1 tablespoon of dried raw materials or 2.5 fresh ones is turned into tea leaves and diluted to a liter volume. If selection sebum increased, the saturation of the solution is doubled.

If the scalp and dandruff are irritated, as a mask, steam out as much green mass as needed to cover the entire problem area. Such a compress stops the activity of the fungal flora that causes dandruff and eliminates itching in the hair growth zone. The skin is cleansed and the access of oxygen is restored, the greenhouse effect disappears.

In some cases, to eliminate inflammatory processes it is recommended to add alcohol infusions based on this plant to care products. In a bottle of vodka - 0.5 l - pour 5-6 scoops of St. John's wort from dark glass. The mixture is left in a dark place at room temperature for 7-9 days, shaking occasionally.

The resulting medicine is further treated with inflamed areas, trying not to get the composition on the strands - it has a pronounced drying effect. If acne in the root zone occupies large areas, then it is better to dilute the infusion with water.

To make hair masks, St. John's wort oil is obtained at home by a method known in the industry as maceration. The quality of the product is similar to almond oil, its structure is quite light, and the smell is pleasant.

St. John's wort oil production method

  • 3 scoops of dry vegetable raw materials or five fresh ones are placed in a dark glass bottle, pouring 100 ml of vegetable oil.
  • The container is tightly closed and put in the refrigerator; periodically vigorously shaking, insist 10-14 days.
  • As soon as the mixture is infused, it is filtered, and used for its intended purpose - to care for the scalp.

In most cases, refined olive or sunflower oil is used for filling, but some prefer vaseline oil - it has no smell and the final product is more aromatic.

St. John's wort hair care options

Dandruff Mask

For the preparation of this mask, it is better to use St. John's wort oil.

  • 2 scoops of this oil are mixed with fermented baked milk or curdled milk - dairy products are taken in the same volume. Add castor oil and honey to the mixture - 1 tablespoon each.
  • Before rubbing into the scalp, the product is heated in a water bath so that it becomes slightly warmer than body temperature.
  • Before the procedure, it is better to wash your head, slightly blot your hair with a towel - you should not dry it.

Another recipe for fighting dandruff. St. John's wort and almond oil are mixed in equal amounts - 1.5 scoops are enough, add 2 scoops of lemon juice.

Strengthening the structure of keratin rods

  1. An effective mask for hair loss In 4 scoops of high-fat kefir - you can use unsweetened yogurt or yogurt - pour in St. John's wort oil - 3 scoops, drive the yolk into the mixture.
  2. An infusion is made from a mixture of plant materials - chamomile and St. John's wort - 4 scoops each. When the liquid becomes an intense color, it is drained - it will come in handy for rinsing. Add 2 scoops of burdock oil to the unsqueezed herbal gruel.
  3. A decoction is made from St. John's wort and chamomile or sage. 100 ml of water is poured over a tablespoon of herbal raw materials and boiled for 5-10 minutes so that the liquid becomes slightly viscous. Cool a little, filter. St. John's wort oil is added to the mixture - 1 scoop.
  • Make in the usual way an infusion of 3 scoops of St. John's wort.
  • Mixed with onion juice - squeeze a medium-sized onion.
  • Add 1/3 cup milk.

All masks are rubbed into the scalp, left under a warming cap for 40-50 minutes. Wash off with a light shampoo - it is advisable to purchase a baby detergent, which contains no flavored or enhancing additives and a minimum of preservatives. If the mask with onion juice causes severe burning, it should be washed off earlier.

St. John's wort treatment will be more effective if, after a strengthening procedure, rinse your hair with a special infusion - 3-5 scoops of fresh or dried St. John's wort, infused in a liter of water.

When treated in summer time within 2 days after medical procedure you should avoid being in the sun with your head uncovered. Vegetable raw materials increase sensitivity to ultraviolet light.

Useful mask recipes

To prepare the compositions, inexpensive, accessible components are needed. St. John's wort elixir, use a pharmacy or prepared with your own hands.

Oil mask for strengthening hair

This mask with regular use strengthens the hair, accelerates their growth and moisturizes the scalp well.


  • St. John's wort oil - 1 tablespoon.
  • Sweet almond oil - 1 tablespoon.
  • Optional patchouli, lemon, or cinnamon essential oil.


  1. Mix in a small bowl of almond oil and St. John's wort.
  2. Heat the mixture in a water bath (or just put the bowl in a very hot water) up to 30-35 degrees. You can check the temperature by dropping oil on inside wrist. You should feel a pleasant warmth.
  3. You can add a few drops to the mixture if you like. essential oil. For fatty hair fit lemon, orange or grapefruit (4-5 drops). To enhance hair growth - cinnamon oil (only no more than 3 drops, and be sure to test on your wrist before applying the mask). And if you don’t have any special problems with the scalp, then you can use universal oil patchouli - 4-5 drops.


Apply the mask on dry scalp (if the oil is warm, the effect will intensify). Get a light massage in a circular motion fingers. Spread the rest of the mixture over the entire length of the hair. roll your head plastic bag and wrap with a warm towel. Wash your hair after 30 minutes. To enhance the effect, rinse with a decoction of St. John's wort, the recipe of which I will give below. Use the mask 1-2 times a week.

St. John's wort for hair


  • Dry herb St. John's wort 2 tablespoons.
  • Boiling water 0.5 liters.


Dry herb St. John's wort fall asleep in a thermos. Pour boiling water over and leave to infuse for 1 hour. Strain the decoction. If you have very long hair, then another 0.5 liters of water can be added to the resulting broth.


You can rinse your hair with this decoction after each shampooing. It will add volume and lightness to the hair, increase shine and soothe the scalp.

St. John's wort mask for hair loss


  • St. John's wort - 3 tablespoons;
  • medium sized onion;
  • milk - half a glass.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare a decoction of St. John's wort. To do this, pour the grass with a glass of boiling water, sweat in a water bath, cool and strain.
  2. Grate the onion and squeeze the juice out of it.
  3. Mix milk with onion juice and herbal decoction.


The resulting liquid must be carefully rubbed into the scalp. Then leave the mask for 60 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. This cosmetic product can give discomfort, but in most cases they are quite tolerable. Before applying the mask, make sure that there are no sores, wounds and cuts on the head, otherwise the burning sensation will be very strong. Onions and St. John's wort are excellent activators of life processes. Their composition improves blood circulation in the hair follicles, and milk provides additional nutrition and slightly removes the aggressive properties of onions.

Composition against dandruff


  • sesame oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • St. John's wort oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • thin honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • fatty kefir (ryazhenka) - 2 tbsp. l.


cook oil mixture, warm up a little, add the rest of the ingredients; rub the nutritional composition into the skin, distribute with a rare comb along the entire length, insulate the hair; the duration of a useful session is a quarter of an hour; rinse clean strands with a decoction of equal parts of St. John's wort and chamomile (500 ml of liquid, 1 tablespoon of each of the herbs).

Hair Growth Oil Blend


  • oily liquid extracted from St. John's wort - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • burdock oil - 2 tsp;
  • rosemary ether - 3 drops.


Add active ester to the heated base, treat the root zone, massage for 4-5 minutes; cover your head with a plastic bag (put on a shower cap), tie terry towel; after forty minutes, remove the oily mixture with warm water and sulfate-free shampoo; a decoction of nettle, hop cones or burdock root will help strengthen the growth of curls. Rinse clean curls.

Nourishing to repair damaged strands


  • chamomile decoction - 500 ml (for rinsing);
  • St. John's wort oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken yolk - 2 pcs.;
  • heavy cream - 2 dess. l.


If the strands are very dry, use cream with a high percentage of fat content (high-quality sour cream); add the pounded yolk, cream or sour cream to the heated oily liquid, mix the ingredients thoroughly; treat the roots, massage the epidermis, lubricate the strands to the very tips; wrap your hair as usual, wait 30-40 minutes, rinse the curls; use hypoallergenic shampoo, warm water; moisten clean strands with a decoction of chamomile flowers, do not rinse.

Refreshing treatment mask

The mask is suitable for the treatment of oily hair, dandruff, dry and oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp.


  • juice from half a lemon;
  • homemade St. John's wort oil - 3 tbsp. l.


Mix the ingredients, heat the St. John's wort elixir a little; apply an oily liquid to the epidermis, massage for 3-4 minutes, warm your head; session duration - a quarter of an hour; The final stage- a decoction of chamomile with sage, St. John's wort or calendula (proportions of herbs 1: 1).

Important! Composition fights dandruff, refreshes strands, adds shine, delicate fragrance. After treatment, the hair is easy to comb, less greasy. On the Internet, many girls leave reviews about St. John's wort oil for hair.

Useful product with reasonable price and positive influence on the hair - this is the opinion of the majority of the fair sex, who appreciated the effect of a natural elixir.

Many advise preparing a natural balm on their own, if it is possible to prepare a plant with bright yellow medium-sized flowers. Grass grows in different regions, it is not difficult to find grass. Dry raw materials in a convenient box can be bought at the pharmacy chain.

The composition and useful properties of St. John's wort oil

St. nervous system, strengthening it, removing overloads and stressful conditions, accelerates the healing of wounds, abrasions and other skin lesions, helps in the treatment of gout and rheumatism, has healing effect at allergic reactions and neurodermatitis. And it can simply improve mood and get rid of depression, effectively eliminates bruises, bruises, abrasions, bruises, helps to alleviate the condition with osteochondrosis, having a restorative effect on the vertebral cartilage, it can be called the first remedy for ulcers, burns, abscesses and abscesses, stomatitis, colds, animal bites.

Indications for taking St. John's wort oil:

  • periodontitis,
  • peptic ulcer,
  • stomatitis,
  • diseases of the bile ducts,
  • laryngitis,
  • kidney disease,
  • the presence of worms.

St. John's wort - is considered a real helper in the cosmetic field. It not only heals, but also gives shine and shine to the hair, leaving behind an elusive plume of fragrant flowering. If you are a woman, then worries and worries about the condition of your hair are not alien to you. Since ancient times, all the most effective beauty recipes have been carefully preserved and passed on by beauties from generation to generation. In the struggle for the beauty and strength of hair, herbs most often come into play. St. John's wort is considered one of the most useful plants for hair.

Video: St. John's wort for hair benefits and applications