How to get rid of the capillary network on the face. Disadvantages of folk methods. Treatment of dilated vessels on the face

The vascular network on the face is not caused by a serious inflammatory process, so many regard it as a simple cosmetic defect. However, this is not the case, such symptoms are called rosacea, it can be caused by a serious illness. Therefore, before removing the red mesh with cosmetology, you need to find out real reason her appearance.


The mesh on the face is easily translucent through the skin and visible to the naked eye. This manifestation of blood vessels is due to several factors, among them:

  • superficial placement of vessels;
  • violation of the tone of their walls;
  • thin skin.

important role in the emergence vascular network on the face assigned to heredity. If the parents have the disease, the likelihood of its manifestation in children is high, despite the presence or absence of causative factors. But most often, pathology makes itself felt when temporary or chronic problems appear in human health, due to the following reasons:

Unstable hormonal levels affect the condition of the vascular walls.

  • Weak walls. Blood pressure leads to the expansion of blood vessels, they become less elastic, this causes a violation of blood circulation. Venous deformity leaves blue streaks, and small vessels make themselves known by the red grid.
  • Hormonal disorders. An imbalance of hormones can disrupt the functionality of the blood organs, leading to their expansion.
  • Diseases:
    • cardiovascular;
    • liver;
    • kidneys.
  • Dermatological problems. The presence of demodicosis or rosacea can leave a pronounced capillary pattern on the skin.
  • Lifestyle. People who abuse bad habits are always at risk of developing rosacea.
  • Cosmetic procedures. In pursuit of beauty, women often abuse trips to the beautician. It injures the skin and blood vessels on the face, they become thinner and more vulnerable.

Is pathology dangerous?

Couperosis itself is not dangerous, the risk comes from the cause that provoked the development of pathology.

Due to this pathology, the skin constantly receives less oxygen and begins to age prematurely.

The presence of a capillary network on the face does not pose a danger to human life. But outward manifestation dilated vessels can provoke psychological difficulties, since every person wants to look beautiful and have a healthy, smooth skin. The main threat lies in rapid aging and withering of the dermis, this leads to an insufficient supply of oxygen.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

In order to permanently remove the dilated vessels on the face, it is important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and find out the main reason that caused its development. When the first stars appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, whose reception takes place according to the following scheme:

  • initial inspection;
  • skin condition analysis;
  • collection of anamnesis;
  • laboratory tests of urine and blood;
  • measurement of blood pressure;
  • definition characteristic features drawing;
  • vascular check (if necessary).

How to get rid of the vascular network on the face?

All means and procedures for the improvement of the patient should be selected by a doctor.

It is impossible to ignore the disease, it is necessary to treat the venous or capillary network. There are various therapeutic methods, including ethnoscience, which help to get rid of the signs of the disease. It is not recommended to engage in self-selection medical procedures. Choice suitable method This is a serious decision that only a doctor should make.

Medication treatment

Is not dangerous, conservative method therapy at home is the treatment of the vascular network on the face with drugs. Medicines effectively cope with the problem, but you have to be patient, quick results will not work. The following medicines help to cure:

  • "Troxevasin" (ointment and tablets). The rutin and ascorbic acid included in the composition increase the tone and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • "Ascorutin". Systematic use vitamin complex improves the condition of capillaries and veins.
  • Adrenalin. It helps not only to eliminate the mesh from the face, but also improves its color.
  • Isoflavones. They remove toxic substances from the body, which are formed as a result of circulatory disorders.


Among the acceptable cosmetic procedures for such a problem, you can choose mesotherapy.

Removal of the vascular network on the face can be done in beauty salon. Having received a doctor's consultation on the spot, you can immediately decide on the type of procedure that will help to quickly and painlessly eliminate the signs of the disease. Beauticians in the treatment of rosacea use effective hardware procedures, such as laser correction is used at different stages of the disease. Acting selectively on the affected area, the laser beam completely “dissolves” small stars, and reduces large ones in size. But this method has disadvantages:

  • the appearance of scars, scars;
  • recurrence of signs of rosacea.


Discharge electric current, which with the help of a microneedle is fed to the walls of blood vessels, removes the visual consequences of the disease. Capillaries cease to function, blood does not pass through them, they become less noticeable. And after a while they completely disappear. This procedure is only effective for big size asterisks, up to 3 mm.

The main reason for the formation of rosacea on human skin is a local expansion of the corresponding vessels or a pronounced thinning of the epidermis, which leads to their translucence. There are many pathological and physiological conditions that can cause such changes.

Factors provoking the appearance of a capillary network:

  • Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Excessive dryness of the skin against the background of atrophy of its upper layer.
  • . Mesh patterns often appear with the corresponding pathology of the lower extremities. They can be considered harbingers.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Pregnancy.
  • genetic predisposition.

The causes of the appearance of a capillary network on the face, legs and other parts of the body can be intertwined. It is not always possible to accurately establish the main pathology-provoking factor.

Additional situations that increase the chance of the corresponding symptom occurring are:

All these factors affect the general well-being of a person and indirectly take part in circulatory disorders, a decrease in the elasticity of the vascular wall.


Capillaries permeate the entire human body. It affects localization pathological process. A capillary network can appear on the skin of any part of the body. Much depends on the lifestyle of a person, the characteristics of his body, genetic predisposition.

For example, sedentary work or prolonged standing in one place will lead to the appearance of a capillary network on the legs. Excessive exposure to the sun will cause the formation of a visual defect on the face.

The most common grid localizations are:

  • On the chest.
  • On the stomach.
  • On foot.
  • On the face (cheeks, wings of the nose, area under the eyes).
  • On the back.

Local dilation of capillaries on the body may be a symptom of more serious illnesses internal organs. The appeared mesh on the skin sometimes indicates a violation of the protein-synthetic function of the liver.

A visual defect can be localized in the abdomen and migrate to the lower back. If a mesh appears on the chest, it is worth additionally undergoing an examination by a rheumatologist. Some vasculitis and systemic connective tissue diseases may also be accompanied by a corresponding change in vascular elasticity.


Couperosis on the body is one of the varieties of telangiectasias. A more familiar name for people this phenomenon remains "spider veins". Depending on the initial type of the affected blood pathways, they are:

  • Arterial.
  • Capillary.
  • Venous.

The capillary mesh on the legs is more often of the third type. The defect on the body is usually mixed. The formation of a network on the face is mainly due to the expansion of capillaries.

Depending on the visual features, they distinguish the following types telangiectasias:

  • Arachnids.
  • Tree-like.
  • Point.
  • Linear.

Varieties of the corresponding pathology mainly do not affect the process of their treatment. You can get rid of the problem in a conservative or minimally invasive surgical way. It all depends on the characteristics of each clinical case.


The appearance of a vascular network on the body can be completely invisible to the patient. key role V clinical picture plays the root cause of a particular visual defect.

Capillary mesh on the legs caused by varicose veins will be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Edema.
  • Heaviness in the legs.
  • Color change of the spider vein from red to purple.

The mesh that develops against the background of liver failure may be accompanied by other manifestations of dysfunction of the corresponding organ:

  • General weakness.
  • Yellowing of the skin.
  • Weight loss.
  • Disturbance of consciousness and others.

In most cases, capillary nets do not cause much discomfort. They create a visual defect that lends itself well to correction. The main thing is to consult a doctor and choose best method treatment.


How to remove the capillary mesh on the legs, face and other parts of the body? modern medicine proposes to remove the corresponding visual defect in different ways. The choice of a specific method is carried out in individually, depending on the specifics of the particular case.

Gels and ointments

Ointment is one of the simplest and available funds to combat capillary networks. However, it is worth remembering that not every gel or cream can completely solve the problem. It all depends on its root cause.

Popular in the treatment of rosacea are:

  • Troxevasin. This healing gel with pronounced angioprotective properties. It protects superficial vessels, prevents damage to their walls. The drug reduces the permeability of the endothelium, making it more elastic.
  • Heparin ointment. It's not used that often. This effective ointment from the capillary network on the legs with varicose veins veins. Promotes the resorption of blood clots or prevents their formation, reduces the activity of local inflammatory process, reduces pain.
  • Cream Active against capillary network. It is an external application. Helps to reduce the permeability of superficial vessels, reduces the activity of the inflammatory process. Also good for acne.

Treatment with ointments is symptomatic and does not always guarantee good result. If it is not possible to remove the capillary grid, then you need to use other methods.

Ozone therapy

The essence of the method is the use of an ozone-oxygen mixture, which is injected directly into defective vessels. They are growing. This is one of the popular non-traditional methods treatment of capillary mesh on the legs, face and other parts of the body.


The method is similar to the previous one. A special solution or substance is injected into the lumen of the vessel, which provokes the adhesion of its walls. Getting rid of capillary nets by the method is carried out without scars and incisions.


How to get rid of the capillary network on the legs and other parts of the body? One of effective methods remains photocoagulation. Its essence lies in. Its radiation absorbs hemoglobin, which is accompanied by further gluing of the vessel lumen.

It is possible to remove spider veins on the face, legs or any other part of the body in 1 session. You must first consult with your doctor.

Folk methods

Treatment with folk remedies of the capillary network is purely auxiliary. Alternative medicine suggests topical application of jojoba oil, crushed currants or grapes.

Such treatment contributes to a partial improvement in microcirculation, but does not guarantee a full effect.

Capillary mesh in children

Capillary mesh can occur on the face of a child. Why should she be afraid? It is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis with hemangioma - a benign tumor that develops from blood vessels.

Most often in children, meshes appear on the face. The progression of the corresponding symptom in a child from the first days of his life should alert parents. Methods for treating pathology in children in this case depend on the etiology of the process. The main thing is to consult a doctor in time to verify the main cause of the visual defect.


If a person has spider veins or meshes on his chest, back, legs and other parts of the body, you do not need to immediately panic. In most cases, a visual defect does not pose a threat to health. It is only necessary to identify its root cause and carry out appropriate treatment.

Modern correction of the condition with the help of a laser, ozone therapy and other progressive methods allows painlessly and without a trace to eliminate unpleasant capillary nets.

The prognosis for patients after such treatment is very favorable. In rare cases, minor scars and scars may remain. They are formed when large sizes defect and the presence of aggravating factors (liver failure, diabetes).


There is no specific prophylaxis against capillary networks. To prevent their occurrence, it is necessary to influence the main pathogenetic mechanism of development - a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels with their expansion.

The fight against such a process is based on several aspects:

  • Balanced and complete nutrition. The diet should include vegetables and fruits. They contain vitamins and minerals that help strengthen the vascular wall.
  • Dosed physical activity. Regular exercises ensure the normalization of microcirculation. Vessels contract better, which increases their elasticity.
  • The use of angioprotectors. There is on the market a large number of drugs that help strengthen the walls of capillaries. The choice of a specific medication should always be agreed with the doctor.

The capillary mesh is not too much of a problem. However, it cannot be ignored. When rosacea occurs, you need to find out its cause and choose the best method of treatment.

Useful video about vascular networks on the legs and their treatment

« Couperose tortured! What to do, how to stop its development? (From comments)

Couperose can bring a lot of negative emotions to its owners, because a bright red-blue vascular network can ruin even the most sweet face, which means .

However, a cosmetic defect is the flowers of rosacea. Berries - early wrinkles, rosacea and other dangerous diseases.

Knowing the cause of rosacea on the face and body, nutrition and skin care, you can stop the development of the disease and the aging process, ozone therapy will help eliminate a cosmetic defect quickly and safely.

Couperose. How does it manifest

Essential oils of eucalyptus, cloves, anise, cinnamon and dill are not suitable for rosacea.

Helps reduce the appearance and stop the development of rosacea neck massage with rosewood oil. More about concentration oil mixture and massage techniques.

Beneficial facial massage(soft, stroking) with a mixture of jojoba oil (50 ml) and essential oils of rose and blue chamomile (5 drops each). The natural elasticity of blood vessels is restored, the complexion improves.

Couperose mask: yogurt (50 ml) + essential oils of neroli and juniper (5 caps each) + rosemary (2 caps). Wash off after 15 minutes with boiled water or herbal infusion room temperature. You can do it once a week.

Oils must have, do not forget to study and test for individual reaction.

Nutrition for rosacea

The diet should be aimed at strengthening blood vessels.

Useful: melons (and pulp), feijoa, dogwood, infusions and rosehip nectar. Greens, fruits and vegetables, fatty sea fish, green tea. Take extracts of chestnut, blueberry, mimosa, arnica, echinacea, myrtle.

Eliminate or minimize the use of chocolate, coffee, citrus fruits, alcohol (especially red wine), spicy. Don't overeat!

Vitamin therapy: rutin, potassium and ascorbic acid are needed.

Potassium reduces permeability and increases the density of vascular walls, and also protects our skin from aging, while maintaining its elasticity.

Rich in potassium: thyme, marjoram, basil, oregano, celery, parsley, clover, spinach, lettuce, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage and cauliflower, mushrooms, tomatoes, turnips, green beans, prunes, plums, strawberries, kiwi, blackberries, avocados, olive and soybean oils, rye, oats, wheat husks, green tea.

Vitamin C necessary for the formation of collagen, which reduces the fragility and permeability of capillaries. In addition, ascorbic acid constricts blood vessels.

Rose hips, garlic, cabbage, currants (black and red), red pepper, etc. are rich in vitamin C.

Rutin strengthens capillaries and prevents permeability and fragility of their walls,

Found in buckwheat, pomegranate, flower pollen, sea buckthorn, blackcurrant fruits, wild rose, bananas, chokeberry and red mountain ash, St. John's wort, walnut and etc.

You can buy a pharmacy venotonic and vasoconstrictor drug Askorutin containing rutin and ascorbic acid.

Methods of treatment of rosacea

Cosmetologists offer the elimination of rosacea by electrocoagulation, laser, photo and ozone therapy.

Ozone therapy is the most effective procedure currently, it does not leave scars, age spots, skin defects. With the help of a microneedle, a mixture of ozone and oxygen is introduced into the vessels, which leads to the complete disappearance of the rosaceous network from the skin surface.

Contraindications: myocardial infarction, thyroid disease, alcohol intoxication, diabetes mellitus.

I offer you to watch a video in which Elena Malysheva with a candidate of medical sciences, head of plastic and reconstructive surgery, David Grishkyan, demonstrate the wonders of modern medicine.

Be beautiful and successful!

I will be glad to feedback on this article and additions. Do you have similar problems? Share your experience!

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project

Vascular mesh on the face, or rosacea, is a common phenomenon, not dangerous for health, but aesthetically unattractive. Its appearance is usually tied to age, since, according to statistics, women over 30 are more likely to suffer from rosacea, but skin problems of this type are common today in young girls.

Couperose looks like a red web around the cheeks and nose, and if you have noted the appearance on your face similar signs, immediately it is necessary to deal with treatment or prevention.

Symptoms of rosacea

The most susceptible to the appearance and development of rosacea are people with dry and sensitive skin, but this does not mean that people with oily, normal or combination skin clearly excluded from the risk zone.

The development of rosacea occurs gradually, starting from the cheeks and spreading to the nose, chin, in rare cases, to the forehead. Lack of treatment is fraught with progression - the vascular networks are converted into large spots, which can cause physical discomfort in the form of irritation and itching.

Late stages of the disease may be manifested by pustular rashes.

Causes of rosacea

There are many reasons for the appearance of a vascular network. Some are quite mediocre, and some may signal serious illnesses.

genetic predisposition

Often it is the hereditary factor that plays essential role in the formation of the vascular network in humans. To determine the cause of rosacea, it is worth asking your relatives about whether any of them have similar problems. If the answer is yes, then you are at risk.

Weakness of the vascular walls

In this regard, rosacea has a similar etiology with varicose veins. These diseases occur due to the weakness of the vascular walls and circulatory disorders. If with varicose veins the walls of the vessels expand under the influence of blood pressure, pushing the veins to the surface of the skin, then with rosacea the same thing happens, only with capillaries. Rising up, the vessels on the face form a red pattern on the skin

Hormonal imbalance and dysfunction of the gonads

Vascular regulation directly depends on hormonal background. Therefore, in case of problems with it or when receiving oral contraceptives, as well as during pregnancy and childbirth, in about a third of women, a vascular network appears on the face and body.

The appearance of rosacea may also indicate a violation of the sex glands, and this problem can affect not only men, but also women.

Cardiovascular diseases

Diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension negatively affect the state of blood vessels and can lead to the appearance of a vascular network on the face and body.

Important! With hypertension, the grid may disappear after normalization of pressure, but this is not a sign of recovery. To avoid a heart attack or stroke due to the lack of adequate treatment of the underlying disease, at the first signs cardiovascular disease see a doctor.

Inflammation of the sinuses

Often the appearance of a vascular network on the face coincides in time with primary signs colds. Even if the cold has passed, but you are still worried about snoring, periodic discharge from the nose and a pulling feeling in the forehead or head area, you should consult a doctor.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Cuperosis can also accompany gastritis, dysbacteriosis, enterocolitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dermatological diseases

Damage to the skin by the demodex mite can be accompanied not only by inflamed acne, but also by the expansion of capillaries. Also, the appearance of a vascular network on the face sometimes indicates the presence of a disease called rosacea. It manifests itself first as small spots in the form of stars and cobwebs, after which they transform into acne.

Weakened immunity, bad habits, stress, malnutrition

The lack of an adequate diet that supplies the body with all the necessary nutrients, frequent stress, nervous breakdowns and weakened immune defenses can cause the appearance of a vascular network on the face and body.

“Risk products” in this case are spicy and pickled foods, too hot dishes and coffee in large quantities.

A common cause of the appearance of a vascular network on the face is a deficiency of silicon in the body.

It should also be remembered that smoking leads to vasoconstriction and disruption of proper blood circulation, and alcohol abuse leads to short-term spasms of facial vessels and their expansion, as a result.

Abuse of cosmetic procedures

Committed to perfect skin often plays cruel jokes with people, and regular cleanings faces, abrasive operations, as well as trips to the solarium lead to thinning of blood vessels and an increased risk of injury. Therefore, you should not get too carried away with such procedures.

To avoid rosacea, it is better to use natural cosmetics and do not abuse cosmetic procedures

External factors

Being in an aggressive climate zone determines the use additional methods protection of the skin, but living in a normal climate for the condition of the skin also does not eliminate the need to prevent the appearance of red blood vessels on the face.

Couperose treatment

If you suspect rosacea, you should consult a dermatologist. Do not self-medicate, as only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis and establish the cause of rosacea.

Red blood vessels on the face will not disappear on their own, it is required A complex approach, namely:

  • elimination of the main cause of rosacea, if any;
  • normalization of lifestyle;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • transition to proper nutrition;
  • special skin care, taking into account its characteristics;
  • cosmetic procedures;
  • reception medicines to strengthen blood vessels;
  • removal of blood vessels on the face (damaged).

With rosacea, the following nutritional recommendations should be followed:

  1. Exclude from the diet spicy, salty, excessively hot or cold foods, coffee, chocolate, fatty, fried, smoked meats, seasonings, canned food and alcohol;
  2. Consume foods rich in silicon, vitamin K, rutin, and vitamin C, which are found in oatmeal, legumes, buckwheat, cabbage, citrus fruits, spinach, berries, and walnuts;
  3. The recommended fruits and vegetables are to be eaten with the peel, as useful microelements are contained there.

Solar negatively affect the skin of the face, and sunburn without protective equipment for the face can cause rosacea

Also extremely important proper care behind the skin, which includes the following manipulations:

  • going outside should be accompanied by applying SPF filters to the face to protect against harmful ultraviolet exposure;
  • it is advisable to use soft towels and blot moisture from the face gently, without making aggressive rubbing movements that can damage the skin;
  • it is worth abandoning procedures that include steaming the skin;
  • aggressive cosmetic procedures are strictly prohibited, such as mechanical peeling, manual massage etc.;
  • the use of skin-irritating products, including alcohol-containing substances, scrubs and products that increase blood circulation, is prohibited;
  • you should use cosmetics with components that help strengthen blood vessels, such as olives, blueberries, green tea, cypress, etc.

Cosmetological treatments for rosacea

Currently, there are many methods offered by cosmetologists to get rid of the vascular network on the face. The most popular include coagulation, laser treatment, photocoagulation, ozone therapy, radio wave therapy and mesotherapy.

Attention! There are contraindications for the use of such procedures, namely diseases thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction and alcohol intoxication.


Coagulation does not cure rosacea, but allows you to remove its symptoms that are visible. This happens by removing problematic vessels by applying a weak discharge of electric current.

With the help of electrocoagulation, you can get rid of small dilated vessels

Periodicity and general term procedures are determined by the doctor, and usually it takes from one to two weeks. The disadvantage of electrocoagulation is that after it a crust often forms on the skin, it is visible, but it itself disappears after a few days. After the procedure, it is also worth using protective cream to avoid harmful UV exposure.

laser treatment

The mechanism of action and the effect of laser treatment of rosacea is similar to electrocoagulation, with the exception of one point: in this case, wave light is used for exposure. Compared to electrocoagulation, this method is more convenient, since a single procedure is sufficient for laser treatment.


The essence of this procedure lies in the light exposure, which is more gentle compared to electric current.

One session of phototherapy is enough to solve the problem of the vascular network on the face

Peculiarity light exposure allows you to get rid of problems also in hard-to-reach places, for example, on the lower jaw and cheekbones.

Radio wave therapy

This type of treatment for rosacea is based on the use of waves that raise the temperature of the treated area up to 42°C. During the procedure, the skin experiences a lifting effect, and the connective tissue improves its condition significantly. As a result, problematic blood vessels on the face return to the deep layers of the connective tissue. The duration of the course is 6 procedures.

Ozone therapy

The procedure is an injection of ozone, which has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect on the skin. The advantage of ozone therapy is practically complete absence consequences, minus - soreness.


Mesotherapy is a 7-10-fold series of procedures consisting in the introduction of special injections with vitamins and hyaluronic acid to a depth of up to 6 mm.

Mesotherapy is a few injections of "beauty" that will help get rid of rosacea

As a consequence of mesotherapy, the capillaries close to the skin, which are pressured by injections, return to normal state, which solves the problem of the vascular network on the face and helps to remove all symptoms. Feedback on this procedure is extremely positive.

Prevention of rosacea

To avoid the appearance of a vascular network on the face, you should carefully monitor your diet in order to avoid a lack of trace elements important for the body.

It is also worth remembering that the skin, especially problematic and genetically predisposed to rosacea, needs careful care from an early age. Therefore, if you are young or already have a child, remember: you need to start caring for your skin from adolescence.

Also, for the prevention of rosacea, you can do special exercises. They will help not only prevent the appearance of a vascular network on the face, but also remove it with an integrated approach.

  • Put your palms on your cheeks and begin to easily lift and lower the skin up and down. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Inflate both cheeks in turn. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
  • Smile as hard as you can and purse your lips. After in this position, move your lips up and down. Repeat at least 10 times for each side.

Doing these regularly simple exercises, you can protect yourself from additional risks of rosacea, and the red mesh will not appear on your face.

IN winter time years, the skin of the human face is most susceptible to different kind tests: skin are regularly exposed to extreme cold. After returning to a warm environment after a frost, everyone has a blush - this is how our body reacts to abrupt change temperature. In many women and men, in addition to a blush, a vascular network forms on the face. What is it, why does it occur and how to get rid of such a problem - you will learn all this by reading the article!

What is couperosis

The vascular network on the face appears most often in women, but in rare cases it is also formed in men. Most of the fair sex, having discovered a problem, immediately begins to mask it with cosmetics, but this approach is fundamentally wrong. If you find yourself in a capillary network in the face, then you have rosacea - a skin disease in which subcutaneous circulation is disturbed and small blood vessels expand. The disease is localized in open areas of the face: the wings of the nose, chin, cheeks and in the area under the eyes.

When rosacea appears, it is not enough just to mask it using Foundation and expect everything to work itself out. This disease requires treatment, and if you choose to ignore it, then the skin of the face will age over time, because due to problems with blood circulation, sufficient oxygen will not enter its tissue and nutrients. This will make her lose her natural color, will become gray and pale.

Why does the disease occur

The most common cause of rosacea is genetic predisposition. A characteristic red mesh is formed in girls with fair and sensitive skin. To prevent the development of the aforementioned disease, factors that provoke it should be avoided. Below we list the reasons due to which rosacea occurs in people predisposed to it:

  1. sharp drops temperatures: they negatively affect the condition sensitive skin. For this reason, you should walk less in cold or hot weather.
  2. Too spicy and hot food: if you have a genetic predisposition to rosacea, then the vascular network on your face can even arise because of it, so we recommend that you remove such food from your diet.
  3. Smoking: This bad habit in general causes a lot of damage to the circulatory system, and therefore, if you still haven't quit, then here's a reason for you.
  4. Alcoholic drinks: Alcohol is known to have a vasodilating effect, and therefore it is best to minimize its use.

Vascular asterisks may appear due to the use of spicy and hot food.

Ultraviolet rays also fall under provocative factors: they lead to fragility of blood vessels and negatively affect metabolic processes organism. For this reason, prolonged exposure to the sun for people predisposed to illness is taboo. Coffee, bitter and hot chocolate - all of the listed products tend to strongly stimulate blood circulation, so they should be used carefully. stress: any emotional experience leads to an increase in pressure, due to which the normal operation of the vessels is impossible and the walls of the capillaries begin to collapse.

How to treat the disease

As you already understood, rosacea cannot be masked, and when its symptoms appear, treatment should be started immediately. Removing the vascular network on the face is a simple process, if you approach it wisely. Below we will share effective methods, which will help get rid of unpleasant redness, but remember that you can not self-medicate, and if you decide to take any drug, be sure to consult your doctor.

So, the treatment of rosacea can be carried out:

  • With the help of medicines.
  • At home (using special oils and creams).
  • In the clinic (carrying out special procedures).


Consider several medicines that will help in the fight against the vascular network on the face.

Troxevasin is made from rutin and ascorbic acid. The drug has a positive effect on the vessels, making them strong and elastic. It reduces permeability and prevents breakage.

Askorutin - given medicine strengthens capillaries and helps the body to remove toxic substances accumulated in the vessels.

Adrenaline - the drug helps to reduce redness on the face, as it has a vasoconstrictor effect.

Therapy at home

If you are looking for ways to remove the vascular network at home, then follow these recommendations.

To fight spider veins at home, the use of creams is recommended.

Use creams. There are a number cosmetics, effective for rosacea:

  • Cream "24 Hours".
  • Cream "Aven Antiruzher Plus".
  • Cream "Couperose A+".
  • Cream Rosella Uriage.

The vascular network on the face is effectively treated with oils and masks. Oil from grape seeds prevent the appearance of rosacea, and essential oil cypress will strengthen the walls of blood vessels, eliminate irritation and redness. Vitamins A and E are antioxidants that can regenerate skin cells. If you have all the above ingredients, then take one teaspoon of grape seed oil, add 2-3 drops of cypress oil and vitamins A and E (in the form of drops) to them. You can use the resulting mixture either by smearing it on your face, or by adding it to your daily cream.

A yogurt mask will help you effectively deal with the vascular network on your face. cook natural yogurt, and then mix it with sesame seed flour in the same proportion. Apply the resulting mask for 20 minutes, and then wash it off for a start with warm, and then cold water.

The vascular network in the face area will become less noticeable and eventually disappear altogether if you chop a fresh potato (you should first remove the peel) and apply the resulting mixture to problem areas of the skin. 10 minutes of this procedure will be enough for the redness to go away.

mask from olive oil: You will need one teaspoon of olive oil, the same amount of lanolin and a little starch to thicken the mixture. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and put on clean face. Leave the mask on for exactly 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

We will not go into details of how rosacea is treated in the clinic, but will only acquaint you with common procedures that can help get rid of the disease: these are ozone therapy, laser therapy, photorejuvenation and electrocoagulation. The method of treatment is selected individually for each person.


Now you know the reasons why a vascular network appears on the face (or scientifically - rosacea), as well as how to get rid of such an unpleasant ailment. Remember that you can not self-medicate and buy drugs at random. Be sure to consult a dermatologist, and you will be prescribed proper treatment!