Logic tasks-jokes for children. Fascinating mathematics: tasks and exercises for preschoolers

Comic math problems for preschoolers

* The room has 4 corners. A cat sat in each corner, opposite each cat - 3 cats. How many cats were in the room? (4 cats)
* How to bring water in a sieve? (Water can be frozen, put a bag at the bottom ...)
* There were 7 brothers, each brother had one sister. How many people walked? (8 people)
* What dishes can not be eaten? (From empty)
* The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs in front, 2 in the back. How many legs does he have?
* How many nuts are in the empty glass? (Not at all)
* A bricklayer worked at the construction site. On the first day he built 2 twenty-story houses, on the second - 1 ten-story house. How many houses did he build in two days? (Not at all)
* 9 sharks were swimming in the sea. They saw a school of fish and dived into the depths. How many sharks swam? (9 sharks, only they dived)
* There were 3 tulips and 7 daffodils in the vase. How many tulips were in the vase? (There were 3 tulips in the vase)
* 7 boys cleared 1 path in the garden. How many lanes did the boys clear? (7 tracks)
* What bird hatches from an egg, but does not lay eggs itself? (Rooster)
* There were 4 apples on the table. One of them was cut in half and placed on the table. How many apples are on the table? (4 apples)
* How can one bag of wheat fill 2 empty bags, the same as the bag containing the wheat? (It is necessary to insert another into one bag)
* Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does the grandmother have?
*Think of a number up to 5. Add 2 to it, and I will guess what number you have in mind. How much did you get?
* There is a tub near the wall, and there is a frog in the tub. If there were 7 tubs, how many frogs would there be? (Perhaps none.)
* How to cut a square so that 2 new squares can be added from the resulting parts? (For 4 triangles diagonally)
* There are 3 pencils on the table different lengths. How to remove the most from the middle long pencil without touching it? (Shift one of those that is shorter)
* The first Ivan went to the market, the second Ivan - from the market. Which Ivan bought the goods, which went without the goods?
* The miller came to the mill. In each corner he saw 3 bags, on each bag there were 3 cats, each cat had 3 kittens. How many legs were on the mill? (Two legs, cats have paws.)
* Birds flew over the river: a dove, a pike, 2 tits, 2 swifts and 5 eels. How many birds? Answer soon. (5 birds)
* Burned 7 candles. 2 candles extinguished. How many candles are left? (2.)
* A flock of geese flew by. One goose in front, two behind. One goose between two and three geese side by side. How many geese are in a flock? (3)
* Sister older brother for 5 years. How many years older will she be than her brother in 7 years? (for 5)
* Two went - 3 nails were found. Four will follow - how many nails will they find? (Probably won't find anything.)
* A woman was walking in and met three men. Each of them carried a sack, in each sack a cat. How many creatures were sent to Moscow? (Only a woman.)
* Why would a barber in Geneva cut two Frenchmen rather than one German? (Because it will earn twice as much.)
* Why are street manhole covers made not square, but round?
* Imagine that you have a box of one match in your pocket. You entered a dark room at night, where there is a candle, a kerosene lamp and a gas stove. What will you light first? (match)
* How many ends does a stick have? Two sticks? Two and a half? (6)
* A chicken standing on one leg weighs 2 kg. How much does a chicken stand on two legs weigh? (2 kg)
* One egg is boiled for 4 minutes. How many minutes does it take to boil 6 eggs? (4 min)
* How many months in a year have 30 days? (All months except February)
* A pair of horses ran 40 km. How many kilometers did each horse run? (40)
* Can it rain 2 days in a row? (It can't. Days are separated by night.)
* Two sons and two fathers went hunting. They killed three birds with one stone. Returning, each carried a hare. Could this happen? (Grandfather, father and son were walking)
* One and a half fish cost one and a half rubles. How much are 5 fish worth? (5 rubles.)
* A brick weighs 1 kg and another half a brick. How much do 5 bricks weigh? (10 kg.)
* The chariot has 10 spokes. How many spaces between the spokes? (Draw)
* The bookworm has gnawed through from the first page of the first volume to the last page of the second volume, to the right of the first. Each volume has 600 pages. How many pages did he gnaw through? (Binding only.)
* The doctor prescribed the patient 3 injections, one every half an hour. How long will it take for all injections to be given? (In 2 hours)
* Stands in the oak field. There are three branches on an oak tree, each branch has three apples. How many apples are there? (Apples don't grow on oak)
* Where can a small ball hide in an empty room without being crushed by a big ball? (In the corner)
* Is there the first of May in Australia? (Eat)
* You are the pilot of a plane flying from Paris to Moscow with a stopover in Kyiv. Flight time is 2 hours. How old is the pilot?
* The lighthouse then goes out then goes out. How long has the lighthouse been burning? (He didn't burn)
* When the goat is 6 years old, what will happen? (She will be in her seventh year)
* What color is the stopcock on the train and on the plane? (There is no stop valve on the plane)
* At two o'clock in the afternoon it was raining in Novgorod. Could there be sunny weather in Novgorod in ten hours? (No, it will be night)
* Chickens and dogs walk in the yard, all have 10 legs. How many chickens and how many dogs are in the yard? (1 dog and 3 chickens, 2 dogs and 1 chicken)
* There were 10 chairs in the room, on which 10 boys were sitting. 10 girls came in and they all found a chair. How could this happen? (Boys stand up)
* Along the path, 10 trees grow one after another, between which there are benches. How many benches are there? (9)
* Four legs and four paws are visible from under the fence. How many living beings are behind the fence? (Maybe 2 people and 1 dog, 1 horse and 1 cat, come up with another answer)
* A father with two children rode bicycles. There were 3 bicycles and 7 wheels. How could this be? (One bike was with 3 wheels)
* Six legs, two heads, one tail. Who is this? (Rider on a horse)
* How many ears do three mice have?
* 5 ducks swam on the lake, the hunter shot and killed one. How many ducks are left? (0)
* If you eat one plum, what will be left? (Bone.)
Serious tasks

* Kolya sculpted 4 soldiers, and Slava - 1. How many soldiers did the guys sculpt in total?
* There were 6 porcini mushrooms and 3 boletus in the basket. How many mushrooms were there?
* There were 6 mushrooms in the basket, 1 mushroom turned out to be inedible and was thrown away. How many mushrooms are left?
* 5 roses bloomed on the bush. Mom cut 3 pieces, how many are left?
* There were 3 roses in the vase. Mom cut 2 more. How many roses are in the vase?
* There were 5 red cups and 1 blue cup on the shelf. How many cups were there?
* 8 tomatoes ripened on the bush. Picked four tomatoes. How much is left?

Math problems on “More/less"
* Tanya found 3 acorns, and Marina found 1 more than Tanya. How many acorns did Marina find?
* Kostya drew 4 planes, and his brother drew 2 more. How many did your brother draw?
* The boys decided to build a house. Dima brought 5 cubes, and Sasha brought 2 less. How much did Sasha bring?
* The gardener cut the bushes. On the first day, he cut 6 bushes, and on the second day - 1 bush less. How many haircuts on the second day?
* Brother is 9 years old and sister is 3 years younger. How old is she?
* There are 4 cups of cranberries in a jar, and 2 cups more in a plate. How much is in a bowl?
* Sasha's strip is 9 cm long, Petya's is 3 cm shorter. How long is Petya's stripe?
* The student made 7 flags, of which several are green and 4 are red. How many green flags did he make?

Game "Stringing".

Target: develop fine motor skills.

pasta of various shapes, painted by children, fishing line, berries, buttons, paper rings.

Description: the teacher invites the child to participate in the fair. To do this, you need to make beads, bracelets, photo frames using game material.

Game "Color it right".

Goals: develop fine motor skills; learn to hatch objects with an inclination to the right, left, straight, lines parallel to each other.

: pencils, contour drawings various items.

Description: children are invited to participate in the competition for the best hatcher. The teacher distributes contour images of objects, explaining the principle of shading (lines parallel to each other, tilted to the right (left, straight).

Paper craft game.

Goals: develop fine motor skills, form the ability to fold a sheet in various directions.

game material And visual aids: paper.

Description: suggest the game "Shop paper toys". Then show samples of paper figures that children can make (cap, jackdaw, boat, dove).

Shadow theater game.

Target: develop fine motor skills.

Game material and visual aids: screen (light wall), desk lamp, flashlight.

Description: before the game, it is necessary to darken the room, the light source should illuminate the screen at a distance of 4-5 m. Hand movements are made between the screen and the light source, from which a shadow falls on the illuminated screen. The placement of the hands between the wall and the light source depends on the strength of the latter, on average it is 1-2 m from the screen. Children are invited to use their hands to create shadow figures (bird, dog, lion, eagle, fish, snake, goose, hare, cat). The "actors" of the shadow theater can accompany their actions with short dialogues, acting out scenes.

The game "Why not Cinderella?".

Target: develop fine motor skills.

Game material and visual aids: cereals (rice, buckwheat).

Description: the teacher complains to the child that a little trouble has happened to him, two types of cereals (rice and buckwheat) have mixed up, and there is not enough time to sort it out. Therefore, his help is needed: to decompose the cereal into different banks.

The game "The letter grows."

Target: develop fine motor skills.

Game material and visual aids: sheet of paper, pencil.

Description: the child receives a piece of paper, at the opposite ends of which letters are drawn - one very small, the other very large. Invite the child to depict the process of increasing or decreasing letters, that is, next to the small one, draw a larger letter, the next one even larger, etc. Draw the child’s attention to the fact that the letter should grow little by little, thus bringing the letter to the size indicated on the opposite end of the sheet .

Games aimed at developing fine motor skills in preschoolers of the older group

Game "Journey through the city."

Target: develop attention, observation.

Game material and visual aids: pictures with images of city residents (mothers with children, schoolchildren, grandmother with a basket, students), people of different professions (drivers, postmen, builders, painters), modes of transport (bus, trolleybus, tram, bicycle), buildings, decorations of the city ( post office, shop (dishes, books), fountain, square, sculpture).

Description: pictures are laid out in different places rooms. With the help of a counter, children are divided into 4 groups of 2-3 people. They are "travelers". Each group is given a task: one - to see who lives in the city, to collect pictures of people; the other - what people drive, collect pictures of vehicles; the third - pictures on which the various labor of people is reproduced; fourth - to consider and select pictures with drawings of beautiful buildings of the city, its decorations. At the signal of the driver, the “travelers” walk around the room and select the pictures they need, the rest are waiting for their return, watching them. Returning to their places, the "travelers" put pictures on stands. Participants of each group tell why they took these pictures. The winner is the group whose players did not make a mistake and put their pictures correctly.

Game "What has changed?".

Target: develop attention.

Game material and visual aids: from 3 to 7 toys.

Description: the teacher puts toys in front of the children, gives a signal to close their eyes, and removes one toy. Opening their eyes, the children must guess which toy is hidden.

The game "Be careful!".

Target: develop active attention.

Description: children walk in a circle. Then the facilitator pronounces a word, and the children should begin to perform certain action: on the word "bunny" - jump, on the word "horses" - hit the "hoof" (foot) on the floor, "crayfish" - back away, "birds" - run with arms outstretched to the sides, "stork" - stand on one leg .

The game "Listen to the clap!"

Target: develop active attention.

Description: children walk in a circle. For one clap of their hands, they should stop and take the “stork” pose (stand on one leg, the second is tucked in, arms to the sides), for two claps - the “frog” pose (squat down), for three claps - resume walking.

The game "Four Elements".

Target: develop attention associated with the coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.

Description: Players sit in a circle. If the host says the word "earth", everyone should put their hands down, if the word "water" - stretch their hands forward, the word "air" - raise their hands up, the word "fire" - rotate their hands in the wrist and radial joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.

Game "Draw a figure".

Target: develop memory.

Game material and visual aids: paper, colored pencils, 5-6 geometric shapes.

Description: children are shown 5-6 geometric shapes, then they are asked to draw on paper those that they remember. More difficult option- ask to draw figures, taking into account their size and color. The winner is the one who reproduces all the figures faster and more accurately.

Game "Forest, sea".

Target: develop attention.

Game material and visual aids: ball.

Description: throw the ball to the child, naming any animal habitat (forest, desert, sea, etc.). Returning the ball, the child must name the animal of the area.

Game "Color it right".

Target: develop attention.

Game material and visual aids: paper, red, blue and green pencils.

Description: write letters and numbers in large print, alternating them with each other. Invite the child to circle all the letters in red pencil, and all the numbers in blue. Complicating the task, offer to circle all vowels in red pencil, all consonants in blue, numbers in green.

The game "I'll show, and you guess."

Target: develop attention.

Game material and visual aids: toys.

Description: invite the child to alternately depict any actions by which one of these toys can be recognized. For example, they thought of a teddy bear. You need to walk around the room, imitating the clumsy gait of a bear, show how the beast sleeps and “sucks” its paw.

Games aimed at developing logic in preschoolers of the older group

Game "Find options".

Target: develop logical thinking, ingenuity.

Game material and visual aids: cards with the image of 6 circles.

Description: give the child a card with the image of 6 circles, offer to paint them in such a way that the filled and unfilled figures are equally divided. Then view and calculate all the options for painting. You can also hold a competition: who will find the largest number solutions.

Game Wizards.

Target: develop thinking, imagination. Game material and visual aids: sheets depicting geometric shapes.

Description: children are given sheets with the image of geometric shapes. Based on them, you need to create a more complex drawing. For example: rectangle - window, aquarium, house; circle - ball, snowman, wheel, apple. The game can be played in the form of a competition: who will come up with and draw more pictures using one geometric figure. The winner is awarded a symbolic prize.

Game "Collect a flower".

Target: to develop thinking, the ability to analyze, synthesize.

Game material and visual aids: cards with the image of objects related to the same concept (clothes, animals, insects, etc.).

Description: each child is given a round card - the middle of the future flower (one - a dress, the second - an elephant, the third - a bee, etc.). Then the game is played in the same way as in the lotto: the host distributes cards with the image of various objects. Each participant must collect a flower from cards, on the petals of which objects related to one concept are depicted (clothing, insect, etc.).

Game "Logic endings".

Target: develop logical thinking, imagination, ability to analyze.

Description: children are invited to complete the sentences:

Lemon is sour, and sugar ... (sweet).

You walk with your feet, but you throw ... (with your hands).

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair ... (below the table).

If two is greater than one, then one... (less than two).

If Sasha left the house before Serezha, then Serezha ... (left later Sasha).

If the river is deeper than the brook, then the brook ... (smaller than the river).

If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother ... (younger than the sister).

If right hand right, then left ... (left).

Boys grow up and become men, and girls ... (women).

Ornament game.

Target: develop logical thinking, the ability to analyze.

Game material and visual aids: 4-5 groups of geometric shapes (triangles, squares, rectangles, etc.) cut out of colored cardboard (the figures of one group are divided into subgroups that differ in color and size).

Description: invite the child to consider how on the playing field (sheet of cardboard) you can create ornaments from geometric shapes. Then lay out the ornament (according to the model, according to one’s own plan, under dictation), using such concepts as “right”, “left”, “above”, “below”.

The game "Useful - harmful."

Target: develop thinking, imagination, ability to analyze.

Description: to consider any object or phenomenon, noting its positive and negative sides, for example: if it rains, it's good, because plants drink water and grow better, but if It is raining too long is bad, because the roots of plants can rot from an excess of moisture.

The game "What did I think?".

Target: develop thinking.

Game material and visual aids: 10 laps different color and size.

Description: lay out 10 circles of different colors and sizes in front of the child, invite the child to show the circle that the teacher thought of. Explain the rules of the game: guessing, you can ask questions, only with words more or less. For example:

Is this circle bigger than red? (Yes.)

Is it more blue? (Yes.)

More yellow? (No.)

Is it a green circle? (Yes.)

Game "Plant flowers"

Target: develop thinking.

Game material and visual aids: 40 cards with pictures of flowers with different shapes of petals, size, color of the core.

Description: invite the child to “plant flowers in flower beds”: on a round flower bed, all flowers with round petals, on a square - flowers with a yellow core, on a rectangular - all large flowers.

Questions: what flowers were left without a flower bed? What can grow in two or three flower beds?

The game "Group by features."

Target: to consolidate the ability to use generalizing concepts, expressing them in words.

Game material and visual aids: cards with the image of objects (orange, carrot, tomato, apple, chicken, sun).

Description: lay out cards with the image in front of the child different items, which can be combined into several groups on any basis. For example: orange, carrot, tomato, apple - food; orange, apple - fruits; carrots, tomatoes - vegetables; orange, tomato, apple, ball, sun - round; orange, carrot - orange; sun, chicken - yellow.

The game "Remember quickly."


Description: invite the child to quickly remember and name three items round shape, three wooden items, four pets, etc.

Game "Everything that flies".

Target: develop logical thinking.

Game material and visual aids: several pictures with various objects.

Description: Invite the child to select the proposed pictures according to the named feature. For example: everything is round or everything is warm, or everything is animate that can fly, etc.

The game "What is made of."

Goals: develop logical thinking; to consolidate the ability to determine what material an object is made of.

Description: the teacher names some material, and the child must list everything that can be made from it. For example: tree. (You can make paper, boards, furniture, toys, dishes, pencils from it.)

The game "What happens ...".

Target: develop logical thinking.

Description: Invite the child to take turns asking each other the following questions:

What gets big? (House, car, joy, fear, etc.)

What is narrow? (Trail, mite, face, street, etc.)

What happens low (high)?

What is red (white, yellow)?

What is long (short)?

Games aimed at the development of speech in preschoolers of the older group

Game "Finish the sentence."

Target: develop the ability to use complex sentences in speech.

Description: Ask the children to complete the sentences:

Mom put the bread... where? (To the breadbasket.)

Brother poured sugar ... where? (To the sugar bowl.)

Grandma made a delicious salad and put it... where? (To the salad bowl.)

Dad brought sweets and put them... where? (To the candy bar.)

Marina didn't go to school today because... (she got sick).

We turned on the heaters because... (it got cold).

I don't want to sleep because... (it's still early).

We will go to the forest tomorrow if... (weather is good).

Mom went to the market to ... (buy groceries).

The cat climbed a tree to ... (to escape from the dog).

Game "Mode of the day".

Goals: activate the speech of children; enrich vocabulary.

Game material and visual aids: 8-10 plot (schematic) pictures depicting regime moments.

Description: offer to consider the pictures, and then arrange them in a certain sequence and explain.

The game "Who treats?".

Target: to develop the ability to use difficult forms of nouns in speech.

Game material and visual aids: pictures of bear, birds, horse, fox, lynx, giraffe, elephant.

Description: the teacher says that there are gifts for animals in the basket, but he is afraid to confuse who what. Asks for help. Offer pictures depicting a bear, birds (geese, chickens, swans), horses, wolves, foxes, lynxes, monkeys, kangaroos, giraffes, elephants.

Questions: Who needs honey? Who is the grain for? Who needs meat? Who wants fruit?

Game "Name three words."

Target: Activate the dictionary.

Description: the children line up. Each participant is asked a question in turn. It is necessary, taking three steps forward, to give three words-answers with each step, without slowing down the pace of walking.

What can be bought? (Dress, suit, trousers.)

The game "Who wants to be who?".

Target: to develop the ability to use difficult forms of the verb in speech.

Game material and visual aids: plot pictures with the image labor actions.

Description: children are offered plot pictures depicting labor actions. What are the boys doing? (The boys want to make a mock-up of an airplane.) What do they want to be? (They want to become pilots.) Children are invited to come up with a sentence with the word “want” or “want”.

Zoo game.

Target: develop coherent speech.

Game material and visual aids: pictures with animals, game clock.

Description: children sit in a circle, receiving a picture without showing them to each other. Everyone should describe their animal, without naming it, according to this plan:

1. Appearance.

2. What does it eat.

The "game clock" is used for the game. Turn the arrow first. Whom she points to, he begins the story. Then, by rotating the arrows, it is determined who should guess the described animal.

Match items game.

Goals: develop observation; expand the dictionary by the names of parts and parts of objects, their qualities.

Game material and visual aids: things (toys) that are identical in name but differ in some features or details, for example: two buckets, two aprons, two shirts, two spoons, etc.

Description: the teacher reports that in kindergarten They brought a parcel: “What is this?” He takes out things: “Now we will carefully consider them. I will talk about one thing, and one of you - about another. Let's take turns talking."

For example:

I have a smart apron.

I have a work apron.

He white color in red polka dots.

Mine is dark blue.

Mine is adorned with lace frills.

Mine is red ribbon.

This apron has two side pockets.

And this one has a big one on his chest.

On these pockets there is a pattern of flowers.

And this is where the tools are.

In this apron they set the table.

And this one is worn for work in the workshop.

The game "Who was who or what was what."

Goals: activate dictionary; expand knowledge about the environment.

Description: Who or what was the chicken before? (Egg.) A horse (foal), frog (tadpole), butterfly (caterpillar), shoes (leather), shirt (cloth), fish (egg), wardrobe (board), bread (flour), bicycle (iron), sweater (wool), etc.?

The game "Name as many objects as possible."

Goals: activate dictionary; develop attention.

Description: children stand in a row, they are invited to take turns naming the objects that surround them. The name of the word takes a step forward. The winner is the one who correctly and clearly pronounces the words and named more objects without repeating themselves.

Game "Choose a rhyme".

Target: develop phonemic awareness.

Description: the teacher explains that all the words sound different, but there are among them that sound similar. Offers help to find a word.

There was a bug on the way,

He sang a song in the grass ... (cricket).

You can use any verses or individual rhymes.

Game "Name the parts of the object."

Goals: enrich vocabulary; develop the ability to correlate the object and its parts.

Game material and visual aids: pictures of a house, a truck, a tree, a bird.

Description: the teacher shows the pictures:

Option 1: Children take turns calling parts of objects.

2nd option: each child receives a drawing and names all the parts himself.

Games for teaching literacy to preschoolers of the senior group

The game "Find out who makes what sounds?"

Target: develop auditory perception.

Game material and visual aids: a set of subject pictures (beetle, snake, saw, pump, wind, mosquito, dog, locomotive).

Description: the teacher shows the picture, the children name the object depicted on it. To the question “How does a saw ring, a beetle buzzes, etc.” the child answers, and all the children reproduce this sound.

Target: develop auditory perception.

Description: the driver becomes his back to the children, and they all read a poem in chorus, the last line of which is uttered by one of the children at the direction of the teacher. If the driver guesses it, specified child becomes a leader.

Sample material:

We'll play a little, as you listen, we'll find out.

Try to guess who called you, find out. (Name of the driver.)

A cuckoo flew into our garden and sings.

And you, (name of the driver), do not yawn, who is cuckooing, guess!

The rooster sat on the fence, shouted to the whole yard.

Listen, (name of the driver), do not yawn, who is our rooster, find out!


Game "Guess the Sound"

Target: practice clarity of articulation.

Description: the leader pronounces the sound to himself, clearly articulating. Children guess the sound by the movement of the leader's lips and pronounce it aloud. The one who guesses first becomes the leader.

The game "Who has a good ear?".

Target: develop phonemic hearing, the ability to hear the sound in a word.

Game material and visual aids: a set of subject pictures.

Description: the teacher shows the picture, calls it. Children clap their hands if they hear the sound being studied in the name. At later stages, the teacher can silently show the picture, and the child pronounces the name of the picture to himself and reacts in the same way. The teacher notes those who correctly identified the sound and those who could not find it and complete the task.

The game "Who lives in the house?".

Target: to develop the ability to determine the presence of a sound in a word.

Game material and visual aids: a house with windows and a pocket for posting pictures, a set of subject pictures.

Description: the teacher explains that only animals (birds, domestic animals) live in the house, in the names of which there is, for example, the sound [l]. We need to put these animals in the house. Children name all the animals depicted in the pictures and choose among them those whose names contain the sound [l] or [l "]. Each correctly chosen picture is evaluated by a game chip.

Sample material: hedgehog, wolf, bear, fox, hare, elk, elephant, rhinoceros, zebra, camel, lynx.

The game "Who is more?".

Target: develop the ability to hear the sound in the word and correlate it with the letter.

Game material and visual aids: a set of letters already known to children, subject pictures.

Description: Each child is given a card with one of the letters known to the children. The teacher shows a picture, the children name the pictured object. Chips are received by the one who hears the sound corresponding to his letter. The one with the most chips wins.

Vertolina game.

Target: develop the ability to select words that begin with a given sound.

Game material and visual aids: two plywood disks superimposed on each other (the lower disk is fixed, letters are written on it; the upper disk rotates, a narrow, letter-wide sector is cut out in it); chips.

Description: The children take turns spinning the disk. The child must name the word with the letter on which the sector-slot stops. The one who completes the task correctly receives a token. At the end of the game, the number of chips is counted and the winner is determined.

Logo game.

Target: develop the ability to highlight the first sound in a syllable, correlate it with a letter.

Game material and visual aids: a large lotto card, divided into four squares (three of them have images of objects, one square is empty) and tire cards with learned letters for each child; for the leader, a set of separate small cards with images of the same items.

Description: The facilitator takes the top picture from the set and asks who has this item. A child who has a given picture on a loto card names the object and the first sound in the word, after which he closes the picture with a card of the corresponding letter. The winner is the one who first closed all the pictures on the loto card.

Sample material: stork, duck, donkey, tail, catfish. rose, lamp, etc.

Chain game.

Target: develop the ability to distinguish the first and last sound in a word.

Description: one of the children calls the word, the one sitting next to it picks up a new word, where the initial sound will be the last sound of the previous word. Continues next child series, etc. The task of the series: not to break the chain. The game can be played like a competition. The winner will be the row that “pulled” the chain the longest.

The game "Where is the sound hidden?".

Target: to develop the ability to establish the place of sound in a word.

Game material and visual aids: the teacher has a set of subject pictures; each child has a card divided into three squares and a colored chip (red with a vowel, blue with a consonant).

Description: the teacher shows a picture, names the object depicted on it. Children repeat the word and indicate the place of the sound being studied in the word, covering one of the three squares on the card with a chip, depending on where the sound is: at the beginning, middle or end of the word. Those who correctly position the chip on the card win.

Game "Where is our home?".

Target: develop the ability to determine the number of sounds in a word.

Game material and visual aids: a set of subject pictures, three houses with pockets and a number on each (3, 4, or 5).

Description: Children are divided into two teams. The child takes a picture, names the object depicted on it, counts the number of sounds in the spoken word and inserts the picture into the pocket with a number corresponding to the number of sounds in the word. Representatives of each team come out in turn. If they are wrong, they are corrected by the children of the other team. A point is scored for each correct answer, and the row whose players score the most points is considered the winner. The same game can be played individually.

Sample material: lump, ball, catfish, duck, fly, crane, doll, mouse, bag.

The game "Wonderful bag".


Game material and visual aids: a pouch made of colorful fabric with various objects, in the names of which there are two or three syllables.

Description: children in order come to the table, take out an object from the bag, name it. The word is repeated syllable by syllable. The child names the number of syllables in the word.

Telegraph game.

Target: to develop the ability to divide words into syllables.

Description: the teacher says: “Guys, now we will play telegraph. I will name the words, and you will telegraph them one by one to another city. The teacher pronounces the first word in syllables and accompanies each syllable with claps. Then he calls the word, and the called child independently pronounces it in syllables, accompanied by clapping. If the child did the task incorrectly, the telegraph breaks: all the children begin to slowly clap their hands, the damaged telegraph can be repaired, that is, pronounce the word correctly in syllables and clap.

Math games for older children

Game "Be Careful"

Target: to consolidate the ability to distinguish objects by color.

Game material and visual aids: flat images of objects of different colors: red tomato, orange carrot, green Christmas tree, blue balloon, purple dress.

Description: children stand in a semicircle in front of a board on which flat objects are placed. The teacher, naming the object and its color, raises his hands up. Children do the same. If the color is named incorrectly by the teacher, the children should not raise their hands up. The one who raised his hands loses the phantom. When playing forfeits, children can be offered tasks: name a few red objects, say what color the objects are on the top shelf of the cabinet, etc.

Game "Compare and fill".

Goals: develop the ability to carry out visual-cogitative analysis; reinforce ideas about geometric shapes.

Game material and visual aids: a set of geometric shapes.

Description: two play. Each of the players must carefully examine their plate with images of geometric shapes, find a pattern in their location, and then fill in the empty cells with a question mark, putting in them desired shape. The winner is the one who correctly and quickly completes the task. The game can be repeated by arranging the figures and question marks in a different way.

The game "Fill the empty cells."

Goals: to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgeometric shapes; develop the ability to compare and compare two groups of figures, to find distinctive features.

Game material and visual aids: geometric shapes (circles, squares, triangles) in three colors.

Description: two play. Each player must study the arrangement of the figures in the table, paying attention not only to their shape, but also to the color, find a pattern in their arrangement and fill in the empty cells with question marks. The winner is the one who correctly and quickly completes the task. Players can then exchange signs. You can repeat the game by placing figures and question marks in a different way in the table.

The game "Wonderful glass".

Target: learn to determine the place of a given object in a number series.

Game material and visual aids: 10 cups of yogurt, small toy placed in a glass.

Description: stick a number on each cup, choose a driver, he should turn away. During this time, hide a toy under one of the cups. The driver turns and guesses under which cup the toy is hidden. He asks: “Under the first glass? Under six? And so on, until he guesses. You can answer with prompts: “No, more”, “No, less”.

Game "Holiday at the Zoo"

Target: learn to compare the number and quantity of objects.

Game material and visual aids: Stuffed Toys, counting sticks (buttons).

Description: put animal toys in front of the child. Offer to feed them. The teacher calls the number, and the child puts it in front of each toy right amount sticks (buttons).

The game "Length".

Target: to fix the concepts of "length", "width", "height".

Game material and visual aids: strips of paper.

Description: the teacher thinks of some object (for example, a closet) and makes a narrow paper strip equal to its width. To find a clue, the child will need to compare the width of various objects in the room with the length of the strip. Then you can guess another object by measuring its height, and the next one by measuring its length.

The game "Go through the gate."

Game material and visual aids: cards, "gate" with the image of numbers.

Description: Children are given cards with a different number of circles. In order to get through the "gate", everyone needs to find a pair, that is, a child whose number of circles, in total with the circles on his own card, will give the number shown on the "gate".

The game "Conversation of numbers".

Target: fix forward and backward counting.

Game material and visual aids: cards with numbers.

Description: children-"numbers" receive cards and stand one after another in order. "Number 4" says to "number 5": "I am one less than you." What did “number 5” answer to “number 4”? And what did "number 6" say?

The game "Do not yawn!".

Goals: to consolidate knowledge of counting from 1 to 10, the ability to read and write numbers.

Game material and visual aids: number cards, forfeits.

Description: children are given cards with numbers from 0 to 10. The teacher tells a fairy tale in which they meet different numbers. At the mention of a number that corresponds to the number on the card, the child must pick it up. Who did not have time to quickly perform this action, he loses (he must give a phantom). At the end of the game, a “ransom” of forfeits is carried out (to solve a problem, a joke problem, guess a riddle, etc.).

Hello my dear readers!

We all know that mental development child preschool age This is important for his preparation for school. Thinking is a cognitive process.

Children don't think like adults. We already have a lot of ready-made knowledge. And the child learns everything for the first time. In this unfamiliar world, he still does not understand everything, he asks a lot, he studies something himself, draws conclusions for himself. The child is entertaining and interesting. and development logical thinking The child plays an important role in preparing him for school.

Logical thinking is thinking by reasoning. This is the connection between different knowledge in order to finally answer the question. All types of logical thinking are closely related to speech.

Development of logical thinking through riddles and tasks.

In education and training great importance belongs entertaining games and tasks. They are interesting for children, capture them, and in order to find the right answer, you need to think.

Logic tasks These are exercises that develop thinking, the ability to think, to catch the connection between concepts. Such tasks teach children to connect cause and effect, teach them to guess the result.

Today I want to offer you logic tasks-jokes for children. Many of us have known each other since childhood. And now let's try to answer these puzzles with the children. They are more suitable for older preschool children. After all, they already know how to reason and think well.

Tasks-riddles for ingenuity.

* Five apples grew on a pear, and only two on a Christmas tree.

How many apples have grown? (Answer: none. Apples do not grow on these trees.)

* What will happen to a white handkerchief if it is lowered into the Black Sea? (It will get wet.)

* How many nuts are in the empty glass? (Not at all. The glass is empty.)

* In February, three daisies and two roses bloomed in our yard.

How many flowers are in the yard? (Not at all. Flowers do not grow in February.)

* There are three daisies and two tulips in a vase.

How many daisies are in the vase? (Three daisies).

* From what dishes it is impossible to eat anything? (From empty.)

* Andrei poured three piles of sand together, and then poured another one into it.

How many piles of sand are there? (One big pile.)

* Grandmother knitted scarves and mittens for her grandchildren for the winter. In total, she knitted three scarves and six mittens. How many grandchildren does grandmother have?

(Three grandchildren)

* The children made a snowman. After that, six mittens dried on the battery. How many children made a snowman? (three)

* Seven ducks swam in the pond. Three of them dived. How many ducks are left in the pond? (seven. Four are swimming, and three are underwater.)

* Eight dog paws are visible from under the gate. How many dogs are outside the gate?

Two dogs.)

* What is heavier - a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of stones?

The weight is the same.)

Mom cut the chocolate bar into three pieces.

How many incisions did she make? (Two cuts.)

* How to bring water in a sieve? (Freezing her.)

* The long-awaited January has come. First, one apple tree blossomed, and then three more plum trees.

How many trees have blossomed? (trees do not bloom in winter)

* 9 ships sailed in the sea. Two steamboats docked at the pier.

How many ships are on the sea? (nine steamers)

* The animal has two right legs and two left legs, two front and two back.

How many legs does an animal have? (Four)

* Why did the hedgehogs laugh?

The groove has two boogers

They sell pins to hedgehogs.

And let's laugh!

Everyone can't stop...

(..Eh, you stupid boogers,

We don't need pins

We are stuck with pins ourselves.)

Like these ones interesting tasks to logical thinking. When you ask the children, let them think carefully, do not rush them. And if they answer, let them say why they answered that way, and not otherwise.

And do not forget to praise the child, because he still tried very hard and thought.

Did you like the puzzles?

Write in the comments. And don't forget to click on the social buttons. networks.

Best regards, Olga.

Entertaining tasks.

How many ears do three mice have?
How many paws do two cubs have?
- Seven brothers have one sister. How many sisters are there?
- Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does a grandmother have?
- Birds flew over the river: a dove, a pike, 2 tits, 2 swifts and 5 eels. How many birds? Answer soon!

Burned 7 candles. 2 candles extinguished. How many candles are left? (2 candles left (those that went out), the rest burned out)
- There are three apples in the basket. How to divide them among three children so that one apple remains in the basket?
(give one apple along with the basket).
- There are three thick branches on a birch, on each thick branch there are three thin branches. On each thin branch, one apple. How many apples are there? (Not at all - apples do not grow on a birch.)

Tasks in verses.

Apples fell from the branch to the ground. teaching children counting, math
Crying, crying, tears shed
Tanya collected them in a basket.
Brought as a gift to my friends
Two Seryozhka, three Antoshka,
Katerina and Marina
Olya, Sveta and Oksana,
The biggest one is for mom.
Speak quickly
How many Tanya's friends?

A star fell from the sky
I ran to visit the children. Teaching children counting, mathematics
Two shout after her:
"Don't forget your friends!"
How many bright stars gone,
Has it fallen from the starry sky?

Holiday is coming soon. New Year,
Let's get up in a friendly round dance.
Let's sing a song loudly
We congratulate everyone on this day.
Prepare gifts for everyone
This holiday is very colorful.
Katya, Masha and Alenka
We will give Burenka,
And Andryusha and Vityusha -
By car and by pear.
Sasha will be happy Petrushka
And a big colored cracker.
Well, Tanechka - Tanyusha -
Brown bear in a gray plush.
You, friends, count the guests
Call their names.

The old woman decided to bake cheesecakes. Teaching children counting, mathematics
I put the dough in and fired up the oven.
The old woman decided to bake cheesecakes,
And how many they need - I completely forgot.
Two things - for the granddaughter,
Two things - for grandfather,
Two things - for Tanya,
Neighbor's daughters...
I thought, I thought, but I lost my way,
And the oven is completely fired up!
Help the old lady count the cheesecakes.

In the fish kingdom to the sturgeon
Sailing in the morning
Three young pike
To clean his cheeks
And four chebak
They wash their belly and sides. Teaching children counting, mathematics
Count it, baby
How many servants does a sturgeon have?
(V. Kudryavtseva)

Lived once
at the vest
Three loops
and two cuffs.
If you count them together
Three yes two, of course, five!
You only know
what's the secret?
The vest has no cuffs!
(G. Novitskaya)

Six nuts mama pig
For children carried in a basket.
Hedgehog met a pig
And gave me four more.
How many nuts pig
Did you bring the kids in a basket?

Three hares, five hedgehogs
They go to kindergarten together.
We ask you to count
How many kids are in the garden?

There were five pies in the bowl.
Lariska took two pies,
Another one got snatched by the pussy. teaching children counting, math
How much is left in the bowl?

Our cat has five kittens,
They sit side by side in a basket.
And the neighbor's cat has three!
So cute, look!
Help me count
What is three and five?

The seven geese set off.
The two decide to take a break.
How many are under the clouds?
Count yourself, children.

The apples are ripe in the garden
We got to taste them
Five ruddy, bulk,
Two with sourness.
How many?

A rooster flew over the fence
I met two more there.
How many roosters were there?

Three chickens are standing
They look at the shells.
Two eggs in a nest
Have a hen lie.
Count back
Answer quickly:
How many chickens will
At my hen?

Six funny bear cubs
They rush to the forest for raspberries
But one of them is tired
Now find the answer:
How many bears are ahead?

Arranged by Andryushka
Two rows of toys.
Next to the monkey -
Teddy bear.
Together with the fox
Bunny oblique.
Following them -
Hedgehog and frog.
How many toys
Arranged Andryushka?

Granny fox gives
Three grandchildren mittens:
"This is for you for the winter, grandchildren,
two mittens.
Take care, don't lose
How many, count!"

The seagull warmed up the kettle,
Invited nine gulls
"Come all for tea!"
How many seagulls, answer! teaching children counting, mathematics

The squirrel dried the mushrooms on the Christmas tree,
She sang a song and said:
“I don’t know troubles in winter,
Because there is a fungus:
White, ginger, two oilers,
Three funny little ones.
The boletus is big
This is what he is famous for.
And there are exactly six chanterelles.
You try to count them all!”

Mom and I were at the zoo
The animals were fed by hand all day.
Camel, zebra, kangaroo
And a long-tailed fox.
big gray elephant
I could hardly see.
Tell me soon, friends
What animals did I see?
And if you could count them,
You are just a miracle! Well done!

Rain, pour more fun!
Don't feel sorry for the warm drops!
Five Seryozhka, three Antoshka,
Two Valyusha and Katyusha.
And for mom and dad
Forty won't be enough.
Well, you are friends,
How many drops answer!

Path along the bushes
There were eleven tails.
I could also count
That walked thirty feet.
It's going somewhere together
Roosters and piglets.
And now the question is:
How many roosters were there?
And I would love to know
How many pigs were there?
Did you manage to find the answer?
Goodbye, hello everyone!

Along the gully
There was a cap,
two scarves,
three baskets,
And followed them stubbornly
White Panama.
How many children were in total?
Answer quickly!

One evening to the bear
The neighbors came to the pie:
Hedgehog, badger, raccoon, "oblique",
A wolf with a rogue fox.
But the bear couldn't
Share the pie.
The bear sweated from labor -
He couldn't count!
Help him quickly
Count all the animals.
(B. Zakhoder) teaching children counting, mathematics

Seven funny pigs
They stand in a row at the trough.
Two went to bed to go to bed,
How many pigs have a trough?

Four goslings and two ducklings
They swim in the lake, scream loudly.
Well, count quickly -
How many babies are in the water?

Good hedgehog in the market
Bought some boots for the family.
Boots on the leg - yourself,
A little less for my wife.
With buckles - son
With fasteners - daughter.
And put everything in a bag.
How many legs does a hedgehog have in a family?
And how many boots did you buy?

Natasha has five flowers,
And Sasha gave her two more.
Who here can count
What is two and five?

Brought goose - mother
Six children walk on the meadow.
All goslings are like balls,
Three sons, how many daughters?

Four ripe pears
Swinging on a branch
Pavlusha took off two pears,
How many pears are left?

Grandson Shura good grandfather
Gave seven pieces of candy yesterday.
Grandson ate one candy.
How many pieces are left?

Mom embroidered the carpet.
Look at the pattern.
two large cells
Each has three branches.
Masha sat on the bed,
Wants to count the branches.
Yes, it can't
Who will help her?

Once to the bunny for lunchTeaching children counting, math
A neighbor friend jumped up.
Bunnies sat on a stump
And they ate five carrots.
Who's counting guys slick?
How many carrots have you eaten?

Under the bushes by the river
May beetles lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother.
Who can count them?

Seryozhka fell into the snow,
And behind him is Alyosha.
And behind him Irinka,
And behind her is Marina.
And then Ignat fell.
How many were all the guys?

gave the ducklings a hedgehog
Eight leather boots.
Who will answer from the guys
How many ducklings were there?

How to stand in a circle under the tree
Bunny, squirrel and badger,
A hedgehog and a raccoon got up,
Elk, boar, fox and cat.
And the bear was the last
How many animals are there? Answer!

Teaching mathematics in game form develops and shapes cognitive interest child. It is best to form an interest in this science even before teaching it at school.

This will help interesting and exciting tasks and exercises in mathematics for preschoolers.

Developing tasks can bring up a number of useful qualities in a child: perseverance, the ability to set goals and plan, follow the rules, the ability to analyze, weigh the result, and argue.

The search for ways to solve non-standard problems helps to stimulate creative and research activity.

Working with developing mathematical tasks is not at all difficult, parents are quite capable of coping with this. But in order for the child to get the maximum benefit from classes, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of their organization:

Smart tasks help children understand that every potential task can contain trickery or double entenders. To find the correct answer, you need to focus and look at the puzzle from different perspectives.

Before starting the task, it is necessary to give recommendations for its implementation:

  • Consider the level of development and age features child.
  • For example, the concentration of attention of preschoolers is lower than that of younger students. They can hold their attention by engaging in an activity of interest for 30-50 minutes. If suddenly the attention of the baby has faded, you do not need to force him to continue.
  • Proceed from the best interests of the child.
  • Don't overuse hints.
  • If the child cannot find a solution to the problem, you do not need to say the correct answers every time, you need to encourage him to search and show patience. To keep the child’s interest, an adult can offer a partial hint. As a rule, a preschooler cannot complete all tasks the first time, but it has positive aspects- if the child is forced to do something several times, the development of the volitional sphere occurs.
  • Do not limit yourself to exercises of one type, but use a variety of material.
  • This will help to diversify. When organizing classes, it is necessary to pay attention to the training of spatial and temporal relations, counting skills, imagination, logical thinking, etc.
  • Apply different forms organization of classes: individual work, games in pairs or team competitions.
  • Proceed from the gradual complication of tasks.
  • Use visual aids that will attract the attention of the child: bright pictures or photographs, images of your favorite fairy tale characters.
  • Do not skimp on praise if the baby deserves it.
  • Encourage independence.

Take care of your child comprehensively. Together in development mathematical ability develop reading skills. Find out from our article.

If your child is a fidget, let him run around orthopedic mat. Read about its benefits in ours.

Types of tasks in mathematics

Entertaining mathematical tasks include games, riddles, comic tasks, puzzles, exercises with geometric shapes. All of them are aimed at developing speed of reaction, logical and non-standard thinking, resourcefulness, and imagination.

Since preschool age is divided into younger and older, tasks should be selected taking into account the degree of complexity. The younger preschool age covers age period 3-4 years old, and the older one is 5-7 years old. Of course, the breakdown of tasks by age is conditional, since everything depends on the pace of development of the offspring, and it is on them that one should be guided.

Math Games

TO math games belong tasks that are based on the analysis of logical relationships and patterns.

To find the answer, you need to analyze the conditions of the problem, familiarize yourself with its content and understand what needs to be done.

The search for a solution lies in the application of mental operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization.

A game "Make a sequence of numbers". The child is given shuffled cards with numbers from 1 to 5 or 10, and he must arrange them in the correct sequence.

Exercise . The child receives a form with pictures next to which there are numbers. You need to count the objects in the picture and circle the corresponding number.

Exercise . It is necessary to draw the indicated number of points on the body of the insect.

Games for older preschoolers

A game "Compare the number". An adult invites the child to name a number, taking into account the conditions: it must be more than 5, less than 8. For each correct answer, you can give a sun or a flag.

Exercise . On a special form, a series of pictures are located on the left, and examples are on the right. It is necessary to choose a suitable example for the picture.

Math problems for ingenuity

Puzzles are recommended for older preschool children. The most common are geometric problems with counting sticks. They are called geometric, because the basis of the task is the compilation, transformation of various figures. To complete the task, it is necessary to prepare counting sticks and diagram tables with images of figures.

You need to try to choose tasks with different conditions and ways of solutions to stimulate the search activity of the baby.

Tasks for preschoolers

A picture with the image of some object is placed in front of the child. It can be a house, a bench,. The child must, focusing on the sample, fold a similar object from the sticks. Subsequently, you can complicate the task by asking the child to fold the picture shown without having an example in front of their eyes, that is, from memory.

"Shape Transformation". The task is carried out in 2 stages. First, the adult shows the child a figure and asks to make the same one out of sticks. Instruction of the second stage: it is necessary to determine which and how many sticks should be removed to get another figure.

The child needs to analyze the presented geometric shapes, imagining what the final result will look like and choose the answer.

The child is given an image of a complex geometric figure, consisting of many details, he must count how many triangles, rectangles, squares are in the figure.

Games for recreating figurative images from geometric shapes

Games with geometric shapes to compose various objects, animals are very useful for the development of analytical thinking, sensory skills. To conduct classes, you need to stock up on a set of shapes: a circle, a triangle, a rectangle or a square.

Games for younger preschoolers

"Make a picture." The child is given standard set figures and simple pictures depicting various objects. Focusing on the sample, the child must add the pictures.

Games for older preschoolers:

“Make a silhouette of an animal or insect”. For the game, a circle is taken, which is divided by lines into smaller and heterogeneous parts, and cut. Then, from the received parts of the circle, the children try to make a picture, and they are not given specific instructions - they must act according to their own plan.

"Objects from cubes". Looking at the image of an object, a preschooler builds the same from cubes.

Riddles, comic tasks, entertaining questions

Riddles, comic tasks and entertaining questions are met by children with extraordinary enthusiasm. They are able to activate the mental activity of the child, develop the skills to notice the main and essential properties, separating them from the secondary ones.

Tasks belonging to this category are great for use at the beginning of a lesson to prepare a child for intellectual work, to do mental gymnastics.

Joking tasks can create a favorable emotional background, cheer up. As a rest and switch attention tasks can be used in the middle of the lesson.

Mathematical riddles are intricate questions or descriptions of some object, phenomenon that the child must guess. Since the riddles are mathematical, they will definitely contain numbers, it will be necessary to perform computational actions.

The tricky tasks are game tasks with mathematical meaning, for the solution of which it is necessary to use ingenuity and resourcefulness, and in some cases to have a sense of humor. According to them, it is recommended to engage from senior preschool age. The content of the tasks is unusual, since, along with the main features, they include secondary ones. It turns out that the search for an answer is, as it were, masked by other conditions.

Examples of joke tasks

  • 2 cars traveled 5 km. How many miles did each car drive?
  • If a stork stands on one leg, then it weighs 4 kg. How much will a stork weigh when it stands on 2 legs?
  • What is heavier: 1 kg of concrete or 1 kg of cotton wool?

Interesting questions

They are short questions with an urge to count something.

  • How many ears do three mice have?
  • You, yes I, yes we are with you. How many of us?

Games, mathematical entertainment

Games and math fun - great way diversify the way you work. If you choose a game with two participants, then the child's interest will increase due to the spirit of competition.

Games for younger preschoolers

"Finish the drawing." The child is given a sheet of paper with geometric figures depicted on it. The task is to draw a small drawing based on the desired geometric figure. For example, from a circle you can draw a snowman or a clock, from a square - a TV, a briefcase.

An example of a game for older preschoolers

"Houses". For this game you will need 20 images of houses with 10 windows. By the presence of curtains on the windows, one can judge the apartments. The essence of the game is to compare the houses with each other: how many residents need to move in so that all the apartments are completely occupied, how many residents need to be removed from the house so that the same number of apartments are occupied in it as in the fifth house.

Universal Games

How older child, topics more numbers May be.

Books on mathematics for preschoolers

  1. A. Boloshistaya "Mathematics around you." Workbook includes tasks for the formation of mathematical thinking. Designed for children 4-5 years old.
  2. K.V. Shevelev "Mathematics for preschoolers". The workbook consists of developmental tasks addressed to children 6-7 years old. Classes are designed to prepare for school.
  3. L.G. Peterson "One is a step, two is a step". A series of manuals is designed to form a mathematical way of thinking, imagination, and the ability to analyze.
  4. M. Druzhinina " Big Book leisure." The book includes puzzles, riddles, puzzles. Tasks are designed to develop analytical thinking, broaden horizons, and activate the imagination.
  5. O. Zhukova "Mathematics for preschoolers." Collected in a coloring book game exercises, which will teach the child to count up to 10, will help develop perception and logic.