Craft May 9 Victory Day for children. Ideas for holiday souvenirs from the Land of Masters. Kanzashi with round petals

Made by hand.

Beautiful paper carnations, original postcards, St. George ribbons and other crafts are also given to veterans, beloved grandparents and some evengreat-grandparents.

Here are some interesting crafts that can be easily done by both adults and children by May 9:

DIY craft for May 9: carnation

You will need:


Chenille wire

Corrugated paper (or colored napkins).

1. Cut the corrugated paper into 15x30 cm pieces. You will need 6 sheets for one carnation.

2. Fold all the segments into a pile and bend them with an accordion.

3. Attach a wire to the middle of the paper accordion.

4. Now take the scissors and cut the ends of the accordion as shown in the image.

5. Flatten the layers of paper up.

6. If desired, you can decorate the ends of the paper with a felt-tip pen if your carnations white color.

Do-it-yourself master class for May 9: panels

You will need:

Plain cardboard

colored cardboard

simple pencil



PVA glue

Quilling paper (colored paper can be cut into strips 0.5 cm wide)

Hot glue (with glue gun)

corrugated paper

1. For one carnation, you will need 6 red arrow-shaped blanks.

First, glue 3 blanks, then 3 more, and then glue both halves of the flower into one voluminous carnation.

To learn more about the quilling technique, you can visit our article for beginners, which is called Quilling for beginners.

2. For the manufacture of leaves, you will need to create blanks in the form of eyes. Prepare green paper and make 10 leaves out of it.

3. Create a sepal. To make it? glue 2 green strips into one long one, then fold this long strip roll and secure with glue.

4. Prepare two green strips and glue them, but not completely (see image). This will be the stem of your flower.

5. Glue the stem to the sepal.

6. Glue a paper carnation bud to the sepal.

7. Cook thick cardboard and cut out a rectangle. You can wrap cardboard if you like. corrugated paper.

8. Glue (preferably with hot glue) all the details (leaves and flowers) to the cardboard and add a ribbon.

9. Take yellow or gold colored cardboard and make a five-pointed star. To find out how you can make a star, go to our article How to make a star with your own hands you will find many different options there.

DIY paper craft for May 9

You will need:

simple pencil


Ballpoint pen refill

corrugated paper

Candy box.

1. Prepare white cardboard and draw squares on it (side size 1.5 cm). There will be tiles here.

2. From colored paper or cardboard in silver or gold, cut out squares with a side of 1 cm. Glue these squares onto white cardboard.

3. We make flower beds.

Take red and green paper. Cut out wide strips of the same width from them and cut the fringe.

Glue the strips into one long strip and wind it (starting with the red side) around a pen rod or other similarly shaped tool. Fix with glue.

Here is an example of how such a flower is made:

4. Insert paper with tiles inside the candy box.

5. Now you need to make a small five-pointed asterisk and glue it to the center of the composition.

6. If you wish, you can cut out the shape of fire from red paper and stick it to the star - you get an "eternal flame".

7. Also, if desired, you can make a monument out of paper cubes.

Here's how to make such a cube:

Do-it-yourself gift for May 9: original postcard

You will need:

White cardboard

colored paper

Yellow beads

Green threads

PVA glue

Red marker


1. Fold a sheet of cardboard in half and turn the card stock horizontally.

2. Take red paper (preferably dyed on both sides) and cut off a long strip 2 cm wide from it. We will further make the number "9" from it.

3. Roll the strip as shown in the image (bend the bottom end slightly and leave the long part of the strip unglued) and glue to the base of the card at an angle.

Bend the long non-glued part into a circle and glue its end so that you get the number "9" (see image). If necessary, you can cut off the excess parts of the strip.

4. We make flowers.

Flowers can simply be drawn on cardboard or made from colored paper. IN this example many small flowers (20 pieces) were cut out of colored paper.

5. We make stems for flowers.

The easiest way to draw them with a felt-tip pen. Well, if you're not looking simple ways, then you can cut three pieces of green thread and glue them to the cardboard with PVA glue. When the glue dries, the stains from it will disappear.

6. Glue the flowers to the stems.

7. We make leaves.

They can also be drawn or cut out of green paper and glued to the stems.

8. Take the beads and glue one piece to the center of each flower.

9. Use red felt-tip pen to write "Victory Day" or "Congratulations."

DIY crafts for May 9

You will need:

colored paper


Double sided tape.

1. The main background of this postcard is yellow or orange, so prepare yellow cardboard and fold it in half. On the side, glue 3 black strips, pre-cut from black paper or colored cardboard.

2. Draw a star on an orange sheet and cut it out.

3. Glue the star to the center of the card using double-sided tape.

4. Under the star, write "May 9" with a red (or other) felt-tip pen (another congratulatory inscription is also possible).

5. If you want to add a white bird to your postcard, you can make a crane using the origami technique - this white paper bird will play the role of a dove (symbol of peace).

How to make crafts for May 9th kindergarten? Crafts by May 9 in kindergarten should be selected taking into account the capabilities and level of preparation of the children of the group.

Manufacturing of various themed crafts in kindergarten - an obligatory part of many educational programs. The theme of Victory Day is not bypassed here either: in the process of working on crafts with the children, its important aspects are discussed, various knowledge is consolidated.

So, senior group and the preparatory group already have all the necessary skills, and can cope with the task of almost any degree of complexity, while the nursery and junior groups in kindergarten, most of the work is done with the help of a teacher.

Craft for May 9 in kindergarten from plasticine

A good option for crafts for Victory Day in kindergarten would be a miniature panel on an old CD. Such work can be offered to children who are well versed in the skills of working with plasticine.

First of all, we will need to take red plasticine and form a flat rounded cake out of it. Now on this cake, at the same distance from each other, you need to make five notches with a stack. Between each two adjacent notches, you need to remove the plasticine located in the central part, cutting it out in the form of a triangle.

The end result of this stage of work should be a five-pointed plasticine star. We attach it to the CD - in its very center.

Now, from orange and black plasticine, you need to form two thin long sticks. We attach one edge of the orange stick to the asterisk, and, bending it, bring it to the edge. Next, we fix the black and remaining orange stripes, alternating colors with each other. In the same way, we make out the second side of the star.

We lay out the "St. George's ribbon" on the opposite side

From red plasticine we fashion the letters "M", "A", "I" and the number "9". We compose an inscription, fixing the symbols above our star. We take green plasticine, roll a stick out of it and sculpt a few leaves in the form of droplets. We fix the stick at the bottom of the disk, slightly lifting its ends up. At one of its tip and on both sides we attach plasticine leaves.

Craft for May 9 "Plasticine tank"

Many people will like the idea of ​​​​making a plasticine tank in kindergarten on May 9th. We sculpt a tank hull with a turret from black and green plasticine.

We make a cannon from green plasticine rolled out with sausage.

Roll into small black balls. We turn them into cakes. Roll out a gray thin sausage. We flatten it and make notches with a stack - these are blanks for the tank caterpillar.

We collect together all the blanks for crafts. We supplement with several elements, as shown in the photo. Craft in kindergarten on May 9 plasticine tank - ready!

Very a beautiful craft for May 9, you can make from an unnecessary CD, colored cardboard and paper.

Cut out a star from red cardboard. Glue the disk on top of the star.

Cut out the number 9 from red cardboard and glue it on the disk.

Glue the number "9"

We complement our festive composition with paper flowers and a St. George ribbon. Craft for May 9 from paper and disk - ready!

Medal for May 9 from paper and St. George ribbon

Cut out a circle from red cardboard. From golden cardboard we cut out a figure resembling the sun in shape. Glue the red circle on top of the sun.

We take the St. George ribbon, fold it in half and glue our cardboard blank onto it.

Cut out from corrugated cardboard the number "9", and a sprig with leaves made of golden cardboard. We glue a branch and a nine on our blank. We should get a craft that resembles a medal.

Watch the video on how to make a wonderful craft " Golden Star hero":

Application for May 9 from paper "helmet"

The application "helmet" is dedicated to the Soviet soldiers who fell during the Second World War. We cut out a helmet from green cardboard or paper and glue it on dense base. Cut out and glue the star.

From the floss threads we lay out a tree branch and a belt on a helmet. We decorate a twig delicate flowers. Cut out and glue the number "9". Application for May 9 "helmet" - ready!

Application for May 9 in the kindergarten "Kremlin"

The application for May 9 “Kremlin” looks very impressive. To make it, we need plain and corrugated cardboard, an image of a St. George ribbon made of paper and a few sequins for salute.

We cut out the Kremlin with towers from corrugated cardboard. We glue the blanks to the base.

We glue the Spassky tower of the Kremlin. We decorate it with a red star.

Cut out and glue the number "9". Glue the patches.

Number "9" and sequins

We complement the sequins with red stripes - we will get a flash of festive fireworks. We glue the St. George ribbon to the walls of the Kremlin. It can be cut out of a newspaper or a holiday card. Application for May 9 "Kremlin" - ready!

If you wish, you can make a voluminous Spassky Tower of the Kremlin out of paper. See how to make it in the video:

Many will like the application for May 9, made on the newspaper. For crafts, we need to print a newspaper clipping, dedicated to the day Victory.

Cut out a circle from colored cardboard. We make a spiral incision. We give the outer edge of the spiral the shape of the petals. We twist the workpiece into a tight bud.

We need some colored buds.

We place buds with greenery and other details of the application on the newspaper - a star and festive inscription. Festive applique Kindergarten Ready!

Souvenir for May 9 from a cardboard roll

From cardboard roll you can make a wonderful memorial monument by May 9th. We glue the roll with golden paper or cardboard. We bend the protruding edges of the cardboard inward or cut it off.

We glue a red fire made of corrugated paper onto the front of the workpiece.

We decorate the craft with the number "9" and a cut-out image of the St. George ribbon. Commemorative monument from a roll and paper by May 9 - ready! Let the eternal flame burn in memory of the fallen heroes!

Dove of peace in honor of May 9 on a cardboard roll

The theme of war and the theme of peace are closely related. We want to show you how to make a dove of peace craft from paper on a cardboard roll.

Cut out the silhouette of a dove from paper.

We make an accordion out of paper. In the central part of the accordion we make an incision.

We put an accordion on the body of the dove in the place of the cut. We glue the accordion to the body of the dove, gluing the folds of the accordion together. We should get a tail.

We wrap the cardboard roll with white paper. You can just paint it with white paint.

We make cuts on two opposite sides of the roll. We insert a dove into these cuts. We glue a feather-wing to the dove, give a laurel branch of paper into the beak and draw an eye. The stand itself from a cardboard roll can be decorated with any holiday paraphernalia: the number "9", carnations or the image of the St. George ribbon. The dove of peace on May 9 is ready!

Watch the video on how to make a dove of peace paper craft:

Quilling on the disk in honor of the holiday of May 9

Children of the eldest and preparatory groups the kindergarten will be able to make a quilling craft by May 9th. We take an unnecessary CD-disk as the basis for the craft. Quilling is the twisting of thin paper strips in round curls - rolls. These rolls are attached by hand desired shape. So, to make a pedestal with fire, we crush the red roll, and make the gray one a little flattened. Glue both rolls to the disk.

We make three red rolls. We crush them according to the model in the photo. We should get figures that are somewhat reminiscent of tulip buds.

Glue the buds on the disk. We supplement them with paper stems.

We lay out the number "9" from a paper strip. With orange and black paper strips we lay out the St. George ribbon in one of the sides of the disk. Craft for May 9 using quilling technique - ready!

Paper craft on May 9

Another design option for crafts on the disk "Craft for May 9 with flowers and a star." Attached to disk white paper and three green stripes.

Fold a strip of red paper in half. We make cuts at the place of the fold. We twist the strip with cuts into a tube, fixing it with glue. We will get a flower. We wrap lower part flower green paper. We need three of these flowers.

We glue the flowers on the base, complementing with green stems. In the center we glue the St. George ribbon and a paper star. We supplement the craft with a congratulatory inscription.

Postcard-tunnel for May 9 Victory Day

A very beautiful postcard-stand is obtained using the tunnel technique. To make such a postcard, print paper blanks (at the end of the article) and frames.

Circle paper templates on colored thick paper or cardboard and cut out the blanks.

With the help of a clerical knife, you can cut out the inner parts of the blanks.

Fold two paper accordions.

Glue the accordions on the base with a blue background.

Glue a red background with Kremlin teeth onto the next step of accordions. Glue the white silhouette of a soldier directly onto the red background.

Glue the eternal flame on the next step. The next one is a tank.

Decorate the front side of the card with a golden frame. On top of the frame, glue the St. George ribbon, fireworks and the inscription "May 9". Ready!

Victory monument with eternal flame made of paper and cardboard

A very beautiful postcard is obtained from cardboard and colored paper. To make a victory monument, we cut out two rectangular parts from cardboard (as in the photo). On one of them we make cuts and folds - we will fold the box out of it.

We glue the box and cover it with green paper. We glue the second rectangular part with blue paper and glue it on the back. We fold another smaller box and paste over it with silver paper. Glue it to the base.

Cut out a star from cardboard and fold it. Cut out red flames from red paper.

Glue the star with the flame on the pedestal. We supplement the craft anniversaries, flowers, clouds and grass. Monument-eternal flame made of paper - ready!

Look at the video on how to make a very effective commemorative paper memorial for May 9:

Such children's crafts for kindergarten help develop modeling skills and the ability to profitably distribute the components of the composition, correctly filling the free space.

Children's drawings for May 9 Victory Day

The main image in children's drawings in honor of the ninth of May is the image of St. George's ribbon and flowers.

Sometimes the drawing is supplemented with a medal.

Sometimes, instead of an eternal flame, they depict the grave of a soldier with a cap. This drawing very organically combines the motives of sadness and joy of this victory holiday.

Sometimes artists depict a joyful celebration: the Kremlin, fireworks, flowers and balloons.

Paper cut template for May 9 Victory Day

Victory Day is coming soon, so it's time to prepare original congratulations and gifts for dear veterans. DIY crafts for May 9 - The best way to express gratitude to the victorious heroes, and also to explain the value of their feat to the younger generation, to tell about the history and significance of this holiday.

Gifts for veterans, which children will make on their own and together with adults - parents or educators, will help the younger generation to better assimilate information about the Second World War, develop interest in history home country. Technique and materials that are used to make holiday crafts with their own hands, a lot, so adults can choose exactly those that best match the age and skills of the child.

Children's paper crafts for May 9

This is a versatile material paper crafts by May 9, children of any age can create at home, in kindergarten or primary school. More complex techniques such as origami or quilling, it is better to master together with adults, using ready-made templates, schemes, master classes.

From paper you can do:

When making volumetric compositions, it is better to use ready-made templates that are printed out in advance, and the kids have to cut out the figure, fold, glue, and color.

It is best to use colored paper, double-sided, corrugated, designer cardboard, ordinary napkins. Even old matchboxes and toilet paper rolls come in handy to make tanks or airplanes.

Paper crafts are bright, stored for a long time, do not require high costs and special skills.

This way of working with paper is suitable not only for making holiday panels or voluminous postcards. You can make absolutely any figures, for example, an airplane or a tank. To make the last one, you need:

Children's crafts by May 9 have the right to be simple, unpretentious, but the soul is invested in them, and this is already worth a lot. To make figures of a soldier with a nurse, you will need the remaining cardboard sleeves from toilet paper. These figures can be supplemented holiday compositions used to design a group in kindergarten.

Children older than 3 years old will cope with the work. The process itself is very simple:

Application "Fireworks"

Volumetric application will be mastered by children of almost any age. The finished picture with salute can be placed in a cardboard frame and presented to veterans along with congratulations.

For manufacturing you need:

  • Colored corrugated paper.
  • Colored paper and cardboard.
  • PVA glue.
  • Scissors, pencil, ruler, stapler.

The process itself will not cause difficulties:

The more colors of corrugated paper used, the brighter the fireworks. The size of the circles can also be changed, giving the composition volume and perspective.

salute from salt

  1. Firework lights can be made not from paper, but by drawing outlines with a glue stick.
  2. Immediately sprinkle the picture with ordinary salt, wait for the glue to dry and shake off the residue.
  3. With paints diluted in water, drip onto the salt (using a brush), giving it various shades.

paper carnations

Artificial flowers will keep the memory of the holiday for a long time, they can be used to decorate postcards, compositions, bouquets. The symbol of May 9 is a red carnation. To make it is quite simple, you will need:

  • Red and green crepe paper.
  • Floral wire (green).
  • Scissors and PVA glue.

The process itself is as follows:

  1. Cut red paper into identical rectangles - 6 per flower. Fold the blanks for each stack.
  2. Collect a stack of paper with an accordion (short side), wrapping them in the middle with wire, without overtightening.
  3. On each side of the paper accordion, cut off the corners to get pointed edges.
  4. Alternately lift up each layer of petals, giving them volume. Fluff all the flowers in this way.
  5. Cut out leaves from green paper, glue them to the wire stem.

Not only red, but also pink carnations look impressive, as well as white flowers, the edges of the petals of which are painted with a blue, pink or yellow felt-tip pen. In the latter case, carnation petals can be made from plain napkin. If there is no floristic wire, then it can be replaced with a regular one, pasting over the latter with green paper.

The dove is a symbol of peace

Volumetric paper doves are a symbol of peace.

Crafts for May 9 from salt dough

Such dough is an amazing material, plastic, obedient, durable. Unlike plasticine, crafts from it can be painted, they are stored for a long time. Children love to work with him. Finished goods salt dough can be baked or simply dried, but this will take time.

It is best to make orders or medals from such material, Eternal flame, some small figures, flowers, etc.

Salt dough recipe for crafts - video

Red Star

One of the main symbols of victory is the red star. Soviet army. Compositions with it are very easy to make from salt dough, even kids 2-3 years old will cope with this task. All you need:

  • Flour and fine salt (2:1).
  • Vegetable oil (optional)
  • Paints (gouache or acrylic).
  • Tassel.
  • Rolling pin.

The process itself is extremely simple:

Eternal flame

  1. Cut out 2-3 stars of different sizes from the rolled out dough, put them on top of each other, making a recess in the last one.
  2. Roll up several thin sausages, bend them slightly and fix them in the recess.
  3. Dry the craft in the oven, then paint. It is desirable to cover the base with silver or golden paint, and the flames with yellow, orange, red.

Dough medals

If you dry such a blank in the air, and not in the oven, then before gluing the sausage to a round base, you can lay a cut-out paper circle with a pre-printed congratulation or a thematic image between them.

Hello my dear readers. Coming soon significant holiday for all Russians - Victory Day. It's time to do crafts dedicated to May 9 with the kids.

Today I will show and tell you what crafts you can make, and also share interesting ideas for the holiday, which I found on the Internet. And I can tell you a lot of ideas.

We will walk with you different techniques children's creativity. I'll show you some tutorials. Well, photos and videos, as without them. Surely, schools and kindergartens are already giving assignments and are starting to hold craft contests for Victory Day.

And we, adults, definitely need to help our kids or already schoolchildren in their creative process. And provide material for creativity.

Let's look at what crafts we can offer to make our children. You can use my tips as a basis, or I can simply guide you to my ideas. In any case, if my advice is useful to you, I will be infinitely glad.

And we will start with the simplest and favorite ornamental material - this colored paper and cardboard. What is not made of paper. The main thing is to have colored paper or cardboard itself, scissors, glue, a ruler and a simple pencil at hand. Other materials may be needed as well.

From corrugated cardboard and colored paper, you can make such voluminous applications.

Tulips are easy to make. Cut a square out of colored paper and fold it in half. And then two bottom corner bend it to the top and here's a tulip that you can stick on our picture.

You can make a cool three-dimensional appliqué with flowers. Help your child make patterns and have them cut or cut with them. And with the help of glue you can stick such a beauty.

AND beautiful postcards. Carnation flowers, namely, traditional bouquets for this holiday are made from it, are made from crepe paper. And, of course, George Ribbon, which is also easy to make from colored orange paper and stick black stripes, and then cut out the corners.

And you will have to write the inscription yourself, since in preschool age Many children, although they already know how to read, still find it difficult to write. Although maybe it is your child who is the smartest and already knows everything.

Fantasize with your child and you will get your own beautiful and original application.

Volumetric crafts of the Eternal Flame

What is Eternal Flame? This is a symbol of the people's memory of the fallen heroes. Such a memorial is present in many cities not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world.

On Victory Day, people come to him to lay flowers, saying that no one has forgotten anything. And we will try to make it out of cardboard and paper.

This memorial is made from cardboard boxes, crepe paper and colored cardboard. How it can be done, I will show below. True, on the example of another similar craft.

Video on how to make a paper star

First you need to make a star. There are a lot of twists and turns, so to make it easier for you to understand, I found detailed video tutorial. Let's first learn how to make such a star, and then proceed further to our craft.

Now we know how to make a star and can start working on a memorial, about which I wrote in detail for you below.

How to make an Eternal Flame from improvised materials - step by step instructions

Take colored paper or even cardboard and make a star as shown in the video. However, you can do it a little differently, draw your template along the ruler, cut it out and gently bend along the contours.

Poke a hole in the middle with an awl in order to insert a fire. Later, when we make it, we will insert it into this hole.

Now out plain paper, you can even take a leaf from a notebook or notepad, make a small bag. Fix it with glue.

Then take crepe paper or just use paper napkins red and yellow color. Cut them into strips about 2-3 cm wide.

Coat the bag with glue and start gluing strips, alternating colors. Paste the bag in a circle in two or three rows so that the fire is more voluminous. And from above, tear off the ends of the strips or make a fringe with scissors.

Insert the fire blank into the hole we made in the star. If the hole is small, the hole will need to be enlarged further. And the craft will be ready.

The result is such a memorial of the Eternal Flame. But the truth is, when you know how to do it, it turns out quite easily.

Paper application in the form of the Eternal Flame

You can make this craft out of colored paper. First, cut out a circle, stick a star on it and bend it along the floors. And then with front side glue the cut-out blanks of fire and leaflets.

Here's another one you can make an application from colored plain and corrugated cardboard.

If your child is still very small, then draw and cut out the blanks yourself, and let him stick them on.

Crafts for Victory Day for a competition at school

This craft can be done using colored paper, crepe paper (it is also called ornamental paper or corrugated paper). And also in this craft, ordinary corrugated cardboard boxes, a plastic bottle and pictures and numbers printed on a color printer are used. And, of course, brushes, glue, paints.

1. Can be cut from a regular box different sizes 6 rectangles, more precisely two pieces for each size. Bend them around the edges, fold and glue the same parts together to make three plates. And then glue them with silver-colored crepe paper.

2. Not big from the usual plastic bottle can be cut off upper part, trim with scissors and paint with gouache.

3. Make a star (if you forgot, watch the video above), cut a hole in it in the middle and insert the bottle blank there.

4. Print the St. George ribbon, order and bay leaf on the printer, cut it out and stick it on cardboard. Print the numbers too, cut them out and stick them on thick cardboard. And then stick these blanks on cardboard from the box, for volume. Paint the numbers with mother-of-pearl yellow gouache, and then orange.

And stick all the blanks on the middle plate.

5. Cut blanks for the flame from yellow and red crepe paper, collect them into a bouquet, glue and insert into the center of the star.

6. And now put the whole composition together, glue it where necessary, and our craft is ready.

You can really add a composition of red carnations made from the same crepe paper. It will be even more beautiful.

Here is such a craft may well win first place in the competition. It looks good. Or here is another option, made according to the same principle.

You can also use, for example, a box of pizza or shoes. In general, what are at hand, take those and wrap them with colored paper. Wow, how beautiful it is.

Master class on making a tank for a competition in kindergarten

A tank and other military equipment are also an attribute of the holiday, because on May 9, military parades are held everywhere showing military equipment. Therefore, such a craft would also be appropriate to do. Can be made from various materials for creativity or take improvised means.

Here is just this craft from improvised means that were at hand: matchboxes, matches, cardboard cut out of the box, colored paper, holiday card, scissors and glue.

1. Take the cut out cardboard from the box, make a 12x12 cm square, divide it into 9 squares and glue one square first. Then we will carefully put matches on it, tightly pressed against each other. Place each match head in different sides. When you glue one square, put the matches on the next one in a different way.

2. For the tank, cut out two rectangles from green colored paper - 11x13.5 cm and 6x7 cm. We will glue the matchboxes with this paper, like blanks for the tank. Wrap and cover with green paper first one box, and then the other two boxes glued together. This will be the top and bottom of the tank.

3. In a small piece, make a hole with an awl for the muzzle. And the muzzle itself can be made and matches and painted with a felt-tip pen in green color. Glue the top piece to the bottom piece. Then grease the hole with glue and insert a match.

4. Next, you need to make a caterpillar. Take the cut piece from the box and peel off the top layer, then cut two strips about one cm wide. Then coat with glue and glue to the tank on both sides. Leave the tank to dry.

5. And from the postcard, you can cut and paste several elements for decoration.

This is the exposition we got from simple improvised means.

I had to tinker a little, especially with a panel of matches, but on the other hand, such a craft can also be safely carried to a competition in a kindergarten or school.

We make a tank from improvised means

Very simple craft from such improvised materials as toilet paper sleeves, matchboxes, craft paper and corrugated cardboard.

1. Take three bushings, glue them together and glue around toilet paper so that the bushings do not move apart, paint the edges with black paint on both sides.

2. Wrap them with craft (packing) paper. Make caterpillars from silver corrugated paper or even cardboard. Matchbox also paste over the craft paper and make a barrel out of it. Make a hole in the box for the muzzle.

3. You can stick a star for decoration or decorate it somehow, as you see fit.

And it turned out to be such a simple craft. Even a preschooler can do it.

Ideas on how to make a tank from various materials

See how else you can make a dancer. For example, from corrugated ornamental cardboard. Cut the cardboard into strips of the same width and twist all the details. And, of course, use glue.

And they also come out of plasticine great crafts. Plasticine is also a common and favorite material for children's creativity. For little kids, it will probably be more convenient way, they always like to twist something in their hands.

You can also make an application on paper from plasticine. Pinch off some plasticine and smear it, helping yourself with a stack. You can draw a template in advance for convenience. Or make plasticine balls and attach to paper.

And the tank can also be made from ordinary household sponges for washing dishes. Wow, he's so cute. For gluing, you can use double tape.

Oh, I got carried away with tanks, but it's so interesting to write about it 🙂 . I imagine how interesting it will be to make such crafts. Personally, I have already caught fire to make at least one craft with my little nephew.

Beautiful brooch for May 9 veterans from satin ribbons

I want to show you another master class on how to make a brooch with St. George's ribbon. This is not a shame to give a war veteran. For small child It will be difficult, but the student will do a great job. Watch the video and everything will become clear to you.

I really want to write more different ideas and show how to make such crafts. But it's time to end this interesting topic like children's art.

I will definitely come back to this, because there are still so many ideas disappearing that need to be brought to life. In the next article, we will make postcards, brooches, and paper flowers.

I really hope that all the ideas proposed in this article were useful to you. Write about it in the comments. I wish you all the best and look forward to visiting again.

The article will focus on working with different materials, you will see what can be made from improvised materials - paper, ribbons and even pasta.

In addition to having a good time with your child, you will contribute to the development of his creative skills, encourage a flight of fancy. In addition, thematic skill is great occasion tell your child about great holiday- Victory Day.

Crafts for May 9 from napkins

Cloves from napkins - option 1

To make one carnation, prepare 5-7 napkins, a stick from balloon, green corrugated paper and thin wire.

In the absence of a stick, you can prepare a thick wire pasted over with corrugated paper, and a thin wire can be replaced with threads.

  • Lay the napkins unfolded on top of each other and fold in half
  • Cut the edges of the stack so that you get cloves
  • Bend the stack with an accordion and tie in the middle with wire. You should get a bow
  • Cut out a circle from green crepe paper, make cloves around the edges. Thread the end of the wire from the bow into the center of this circle.

  • Attach the flower to the stick with wire
  • Spread napkins in one layer

You can make crafts from such a flower. Pass the end of the wire from the bow into the prepared St. George ribbon. You can use this craft as part of voluminous applications or as a brooch.

Cloves from napkins - option 2

You will need 6-7 napkins, a marker or paint, a stapler, scissors.

  • Stack the napkins
  • Cut out a circle
  • Paint over the edges with paint (in this case, you will need to wait until the paint dries) or with a marker
  • Staple the center
  • Make slits around the edges about 1cm wide.
  • Spread the flower one layer at a time

Facing technique

Suitable for any crafts, from postcards to all sorts of collages.

  • Cut napkins into small squares
  • Roll the squares into balls
  • Glue lumps to the surface along the prepared contour

You will need: cardboard, dove body template, napkins, glue, scissors.

  • Cut out the body of a pigeon from cardboard

  • Fold 3 napkins together and make wavy edges with scissors - this is a tail blank
  • Glue the tail folded in half to the body
  • Use a felt-tip pen to draw eyes and a beak.

Such a dove can be placed by making a base, or hung by attaching a thread to the body.

Crafts for May 9 from beads

An excellent gift for May 9 will be a beaded craft. Beads can be used in weaving or in the design of a picture or collage.

St. George Ribbon

You will need black beads and orange color, thin wire for beading.

  • Bend the wire in half and string 5 beads, alternating orange and black
  • String the same row on one end of the wire and thread the second end of the wire through it, tighten
  • Align the 2 rads so that they lie flat against each other

  • Continue weaving in the same pattern
  • When finished weaving, thread the ends of the wire through the previous rows to secure

bead rocket

For crafts, prepare blue, red and yellow beads, thin wire for weaving.

  • Bend the wire in half and string one yellow bead
  • String 2 blue beads on one end of the wire and thread the other end of the wire through them.
  • Tighten the row and trim it
  • Continue weaving according to the scheme

  • Run the ends of the rocket at one end of the wire, then thread it through the previous row, returning to the fire of the rocket and finish the product with two ends

You can make a ring out of wire. In this case, the rocket will turn into a great keychain.

Bead painting

Prepare an image as a base or make a freehand sketch. You will need beads of the flowers of the pattern, glass beads (long thin beads), sequins and glue.

  • Start work from the center of the picture
  • On small areas apply glue and lay out the beads along the contour
  • Let the work dry

Crafts for May 9 from the test

When working with dough, the same rules apply as when modeling from plasticine. You will need dough, paints. The easiest way to make dough is to mix flour and salt in a 2:1 ratio (2 cups flour to a cup of salt) and add warm water. Knead until the dough becomes soft and pliable.

It is better not to use large iodized salt, grains will interfere with work. For greater plasticity, when preparing the dough, it is recommended to add a little vegetable oil.

  • Hands must be clean and dry while sculpting.
  • Decorate a salt dough product with paints after drying, or add paint or food coloring when mixing. When mixing pieces of different colors, you can get new colors

  • Lubricate the joints of the parts with a brush dipped in warm water
  • To dry the product room temperature, it will take several days. You can speed up the process by drying the craft in the oven at low temperatures.
  • If you are painting the craft after finishing work, add some PVA glue to the paint. In this case, the product will not get your hands dirty

The choice of crafts from salt dough is quite extensive. It is suitable for creating panels, postcards, figurines, compositions by May 9th.

Crafts for May 9 from plasticine

Plasticine is a versatile material for creating crafts. You can make a tank or an airplane out of it (read more), applications or entire compositions.

Eternal flame

To create an eternal flame, prepare thick cardboard and plasticine in red, orange and yellow.

  • Cut out an obelisk from cardboard
  • Roll plasticine into small balls
  • Take the ball, press it against the cardboard and spread it over the cardboard with your finger up. Do this for the first row.
  • On top of the first row, start applying the second in the same way.
  • Cover the cardboard with red plasticine to the widest part of the fire, then orange, leaving the flames intact. Finish the craft with yellow plasticine

Eternal flame from plasticine

Prepare a printed image pasted on cardboard or draw a postcard on colored cardboard. Roll the plasticine into small balls and attach along the contours of the pattern.


To create a complex composition, you will need 2 disks, plasticine, a knife or stacks for modeling, toothpicks.

  • Prepare the bottom stand. Cover one of the disks with brown plasticine
  • The second disc will serve as the background. Apply blue plasticine to it.
  • Roll out several thin sausages from orange and black plasticine and lay out the St. George ribbon with them
  • From white plasticine, make a cloud by rolling it into small balls
  • Blind parts for a soldier, connect small parts, string large parts on a toothpick to give stability
  • Place the soldier on the stand

Paper craft templates

I suggest you make a craft in the form of a soldier. Fold the circle in half and cover with corrugated paper or paint. Make the details of the soldier in 2 copies: one from colored paper, the second from cardboard.

If you glue the silhouette of a soldier only to the waist, and instead of cardboard, take it as a base plastic plate, then the figure will be able to stand if the base is slightly moved apart at the bottom.

Templates volumetric star and a paper dove of peace you can find in

In order for the inscription to greeting card or the application was even, use the templates:

May 9 postcard template

Crafts for May 9 from pasta

Print or draw on the image. Cover with glue and lay out the pasta different shapes. So you get original postcard or application. You can decorate the pasta in different colors pre-decorate already finished craft Or use colorful pasta.

Interesting crafts obtained by gluing pasta of different shapes together.

You can use pasta as part of crafts made from other materials.

Crafts from ribbons by May 9

Kanzashi brooch

Brooches from the St. George ribbon in the kanzashi technique look very beautiful. Kanzashi are decorations made of satin ribbons or silk, in our case we will make flowers and twigs.

You will need: satin ribbons orange and black colors, St. George Ribbon, scissors, glue (it is better to take hot, but ordinary super glue is also suitable), beads, rhinestones or sequins to form the middle, a candle.

The technique is difficult for young children, so make the petals yourself or let the child help you, for example, cut or measure the ribbons, and then you will combine the details together into a single picture.

Kanzashi with round petals

  • cut the orange ribbon into squares
  • Bend the square diagonally and bend the ends of the triangle to the top
  • Fix the result with glue or solder over the candle
  • Fold the corners back and cut them off

  • Do the same for the rest of the squares. For one flower you need 7 petals
  • Secure the petals with hot glue, you can either sew them together or use a hot glue gun. Attach decoration to the center
  • Glue the flower to the St. George ribbon

If you use ribbons of 2 colors at the same time, then you will get a flower with double petals:

kanzashi branch

  • Cut the tape into squares
  • Fold the square diagonally 2 times
  • Connect the corners and cut the corner at the back
  • Fix with glue or solder over fire

Craft from ribbons for Victory Day
  • Do required amount petals
  • Fold them into a spikelet and fasten
  • Glue the twig to the St. George ribbon
  • If you use tapes at the same time different colors, you can get a lot of interesting options

You can embroider a pattern with ribbons by making holes in the cardboard or taking it for the base dense fabric. To embroider an image, you will need tapestry needles. If you are embroidering on cardboard, you can solder a piece of tape and thread it through the pre-made holes.

Kanzashi brooch for May 9, video

Cardboard crafts by May 9

Best made from cardboard military equipment(tank, plane) or use it as a basis for crafts and compositions. Read how to make crafts for Victory Day.

Crafts postcards for May 9

The key symbol in the craft by May 9 is the St. George ribbon. You can take white stripe paper and color them accordingly. However, colored paper tape looks much more natural. For crafts, cut out a wide strip of black paper and stick thin orange stripes on it.

To create a postcard, any materials are suitable. Everything is limited only by your imagination. You can use cereal, paper, thread, plasticine, buttons, and even feathers. You can read more about what you can make postcards from and how to arrange them in

Postcard for May 9, video