Lesson notes application of a person preparatory group. "Festive outfit for an owl." Summary of a lesson on application in the preparatory group

provides positive influence to develop imagination, develops Creative skills, imagination and logical thinking children. During the lesson, all kinds of patterns can be made from various geometric shapes or details in the form of plants.

Applique lesson in the preparatory group

In this case, both parts prepared in advance and those that children independently cut out from paper, fabric or other materials can be used.

And other materials are also important because in the process of work, children acquire skills that will be useful to them in various types of activities.

During applique, children learn the basic processes of creating an applique, namely cutting out parts and gluing them onto paper or another base. In addition, children become acquainted with various materials who are used for appliqué, learn to place appliqué fragments on paper in a certain sequence and paste them according to the chosen plot.

During classes, children also study basic geometric shapes, various colors and their shades, and learn to combine harmoniously with each other. different colors, teach quantities (from smallest to largest). Children also learn to create compositions and patterns on various forms (for example, on a strip of paper, a sheet of round, square or rectangular shape) and make up a whole image from individual parts of the application.

During preparatory group children master basic types of cutting. So, children cut a sheet of paper exactly along the fold line and visually; cut out round shapes by rounding the corners of a square, rectangle or triangle, or by cutting out round shapes from a sheet of paper folded several times; cut out asymmetrical shapes; cut along the drawn contour; create various shapes, tearing off pieces of paper.

The main task of appliqué in the preparatory group is to teach children to create objects that look like realistic ones.

The program for the preparatory group in kindergarten provides for a plot application, during which children learn to think through plots and details of the future composition, and also consistently stick them on the base.

The preparatory group can be on any topic, for example, fairy tales, flora and fauna, transport, holidays and much more.

As in any other group, before the start of the lesson, the teacher draws up abstract. In the preparatory group application provides the following tasks: teaching children the sequence of creating an application from cotton wool on a sheet of cardboard, as well as teaching creative approach to work when performing appliqué and independence when choosing a plot. In addition, children learn to understand and analyze poems that are heard during the application lesson.

Application in the preparatory group - winter

For this application you will need: cardboard of blue color, cotton wool, cotton pads and glue. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher gives the children sheets of cardboard, cotton wool and cotton pads, after which he offers to depict winter using these items. In order for children to understand the essence of the task, they need to be clearly demonstrated how it is done. You need to tear off small pieces from the cotton wool and stick them in in the right place onto cardboard, having previously applied thin layer glue. Using scissors from cotton pads you need to cut out Christmas trees and other trees, which are also glued to a sheet of cardboard.

The winter applique in the preparatory group can also be made from plasticine.

The finished application can become New Year's gift for parents or used to decorate the apartment on the eve of the New Year holidays.

The main objectives of plasticine applique are the development of spatial and imaginative thinking in children, training in applying various surfaces plasticine, as well as the ability to create entire objects from individual parts.

To make such an applique you need: a sheet of cardboard, a set of multi-colored plasticine, a glass of water, a brush and white gouache.

First of all, you need to prepare blue background for future application. To do this, apply a thin layer of blue plasticine evenly onto a sheet of cardboard. If at the bottom of the application there are snow drifts, on bottom part cardboard, you need to apply a layer of white plasticine. After this, you need to fill the background with various trees and snow. To make trees you will need brown and green plasticine. Tree trunks and branches are made from brown plasticine, and Christmas trees are made from green plasticine. Appliques are suitable for decoration beautiful snowflakes, which are made from thin flagella made of plasticine white. Stars and some snowflakes can be painted with white gouache.

For applique classes in the preparatory group, you can use not only paper and plasticine, but also other materials. For example, applications from various types fabric, dried leaves and flowers, multi-colored semolina or crushed egg shells.

Using plasticine you can create original reverse appliqués. To do this, small plasticine balls are glued onto a cardboard base to create a mosaic pattern. Such work can be simple or quite complex.

To make a mosaic application from plasticine, you first need to draw a plot on a cardboard base with a simple pencil future work, after which the cardboard is sealed with transparent tape. Plasticine balls are attached directly to transparent tape, through which the design or pattern drawn on the cardboard is clearly visible. This technique is also good because the cardboard base can be used more than once, and if something goes wrong during the work, the mistake can be easily corrected.

A similar technique is used to create applique from pieces of paper. In this case, sheets of colored paper or a paper napkin are first torn into pieces, each of which is then rolled into a ball and attached to the base. Attached paper balls using glue, which is applied to the base, and then balls of various colors are glued onto it. This way you can make beautiful voluminous applications, which can be supplemented with drawings made with felt-tip pens, colored pencils or paints.

Transport application in the preparatory group

During appliqué activities, children expand their understanding of transport different types, get acquainted with water, air and land modes of transport. They also expand their understanding of the driver’s profession and become familiar with the main types of ground transport.

During appliqué, children not only learn how to create a car out of paper or sculpt a car out of plasticine, but also learn various ways sculpting. In addition to learning different types of transport, during appliqué classes, children learn the basic rules traffic and behavior in public transport.

Children in the preparatory group will be interested in working on transport appliqué using the trimming technique.

For this you will need: a sheet of cardboard or thick paper, multi-colored corrugated (or colored) paper, pen paste, and glue. Sheets colored or corrugated paper You need to first cut it into squares with a side of one centimeter. On cardboard you need to draw a drawing of a car with a simple pencil, after which you need to apply a layer of PVA glue to the contours of the drawing. To prevent the glue from drying out, it must be applied to small area outline of the drawing. After this, you need to place the blunt end of the spare tire in the center of the paper square and press on it so that the corners of the paper square rise. In this way, colored tubes are made, which are laid out on glue, after which the spare tire is removed. The blanks need to be glued close to each other so that the cardboard base does not show through between them.

Applique ship in the preparatory group

For children in the preparatory group, a ship applique made from colored paper will be educational and interesting.

For this work you will need: colored paper, scissors and PVA glue. To make the finished product look more interesting, you can use velvet paper instead of regular colored paper.

Application in the preparatory group animals

Very interesting applications made from paper napkins. To do this, a paper napkin must be cut into equal squares, after which each square must be twisted into a ball. Finished paper blanks are attached with glue to the base - a sheet of paper on which a drawing or pattern of the future application is drawn. When the glue dries, the paper with the pattern needs to be glued onto a sheet of cardboard. An applique made in this way can be supplemented with some kind of pattern, decorated with braid, natural materials, beads or grains. Some fragments of the applique can be cut out of colored paper or fabric and then glued to the base.

In order to make a blank for the applique (balls from pieces of paper napkin), you will need some skill. This activity has a positive effect on children’s development of fine motor skills, perseverance and patience. When children have mastered the technique of making balls from a napkin, you can offer them more difficult option- making flagella from a paper napkin and forming any figures or patterns from them. Such flagella can be made not only from paper napkins, but also from corrugated and even toilet paper.

Using this technique, you can make a horse applique from paper napkins.

For this you will need: paper napkins of several colors, glue, watercolor paints or gouache, a brush and a blank horse cut out of cardboard.

You need to cut the napkins into equal squares, and then cut each square diagonally to make triangles. Then you need to wind flagella from paper triangles. It is more convenient to do this with wet hands. The finished flagella need to be twisted into spirals and their edges fixed with PVA glue. After this, multi-colored spirals are attached to the paper horse blank. When the glue dries, you can add to the applique. For example, you can add eyes, a nose, and a thick mane to the horse. The edges of the paper horse can also be decorated with paints.

Collective application in the preparatory group is carried out quite often.

For example, quite often children in the preparatory group are engaged in plot application. During such classes, they learn to maintain consistency in placing and gluing fragments to the base. Yes, for plot applications It is typical to fill out the base in a certain sequence. First of all, the background of the application is prepared, after which the background is drawn up, and then the middle and foreground. At this age, children already understand that one object can cover another, which is why only certain parts of it will be visible.

During collective application In the preparatory group, the teacher demonstrates a sample application to visually demonstrate a particular technique, after which the children perform the work based on their own ideas.

During a collective application in a preparatory group, the teacher does not have to distribute the work between the children; they are quite capable of handling it on their own.

Children can be divided into groups of several people and each group can be asked to complete a separate appliqué plot. In this case, the teacher only divides the children into groups, and they distribute further work among themselves. After each group prepares its own appliqué plot, the children jointly glue it to the base background, and they must also determine the gluing sequence independently.

During teamwork children become more independent, learn to plan their actions, communicate with each other, respect each other and listen to the opinions of others.

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Goal: create an interesting space composition and come up with a story about your journey into space.

Program content:

  • expand and clarify children's knowledge about space;
  • arouse interest in creating a space composition;
  • improve the appliqué technique: independently choose and combine silhouette (symmetrical), ribbon and cut appliqué to obtain beautiful image;
  • consolidate the skills and abilities children have mastered and give them the opportunity to creatively apply them:
  • cut space rocket along a self-drawn contour made of paper folded in half;
  • supplement the rocket with other elements (window, nozzle, wings)
  • fold the strips several times to obtain identical parts (stars, comets)
  • develop the ability to plan your work and act in accordance with the plan;
  • develop imagination and compositional solutions, harmoniously place details on a sheet of paper, the ability to transfer familiar ways of working to a new creative situation;
  • to cultivate children’s interest and imagination when composing a composition, and the ability to complete the task.

Preliminary work:

  • looking at illustrations and books about space;
  • learning poems;
  • modeling lesson “Space technology”;
  • drawing lesson “In deep space”;
  • viewing the presentation " Mysterious world space."

Vocabulary work: space, astronaut, spacesuit, rocket, porthole.

Materials, tools: scissors in a case, glue - pencil, oilcloth, napkins, simple pencils, black, dark blue or purple cardboard, colored paper, waste baskets, technological maps, safety instructions for working with scissors; magnets, magnetic board.

Equipment: laptop, screen, projector, flash card with presentation, recording of calm music, speakers

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizing time. Emotional mood

II. Introductory talk

Teacher: Hello, guys. Today we have guests, let's say hello to them.

Children greet teachers.

– Now we move on to the lesson and I want to ask you: Do you like to travel?

Children's answers.

– I realized that you love to travel and therefore I invite you to travel unusual journey using a magic screen.

Slide 1

Children look at slide 1 of the presentation and make the assumption that the journey will be in space.

– Guys, 2011 in our country has been declared the Year of Cosmonautics, because 50 years ago the first manned flight into space took place.

Slide 2

– Our Earth, together with its air envelope, is surrounded by an infinitely large space. This is space. It contains celestial bodies: Sun, stars, planets, Moon. For many centuries, people have been attracted by space with its secrets and mysteries. Humanity has asked itself many questions about space to which there were no answers. People tried to understand the secret cosmos, gradually accumulating knowledge about it. To travel to distant planets, people learned to build spaceships. Now you will see how a space rocket takes off, which will rise high - high into the sky in a matter of seconds. Today we will imagine ourselves as astronauts. You are ready?

- Attention! The rocket is ready. Everyone get ready to launch. I start the countdown: 5,4,3,2,1, start...

– Our rocket has risen to the required height, now its last stage will separate and spaceship will fly on its own. It becomes a satellite of the Earth.

Teacher: Guys, we have unique opportunity look out the window and see outer space.

– Cosmonauts, be careful, we are monitoring space objects and bodies. What do you see? children's answers– Very beautiful and unusual.

III. Sample analysis

Teacher: Guys, in honor of the Year of Cosmonautics, I invite you to capture everything that you just saw as a memory and tell your friends when you return from space travel. You are given the opportunity to each come up with outer space, which means that your work should be very diverse. The astronauts always have precise directions and instructions, so the magic screen invites you to get to know them. (Examination of samples and technological maps to them).

cut out a space rocket according to a self-drawn outline from paper folded in half;

talking about safety precautions when working with scissors:

– supplement the rocket with other elements (porthole, nozzle, wings);

– recall the technique of cut appliqué for a textured image of the surface of the planet Earth;

– fold the strips several times to obtain identical parts (stars, comets);

using the technique of cut appliqué for a textured image of fire and flame;

– sequence of laying out parts on ready-made base dark color:

Slide 20
Slide 22 Slide 23
Slide 24

repeat the rules for carefully gluing parts onto the base. Using oilcloth and napkins.

IV. Independent activity

Children sit at tables and check their workplace, begin to carry out work: select paper for rockets, stars, planets, as well as for additional decoration of the cosmic composition.

  • cut out a space rocket according to a self-drawn outline from paper folded in half;
  • complement the rocket with other elements (window, nozzle, wings)
  • fold the strips several times to obtain identical parts (stars, comets)

The entire work process takes place to the accompaniment of calm music.

V. Physical education moment.

Physical education is carried out to the accompaniment of calm music, children watch what is happening on the screen and perform the necessary exercises.

Then the instruction card appears on the screen again and the children continue to work.

During the work, the teacher pays attention to the algorithm for making the work (diagram), asks leading questions if the children find it difficult to complete:

– What shape do you think the rocket could be? stars?
– Where should the porthole be attached? nozzle?
– What can be used to make planets? ...

The teacher also pays attention to safety precautions and the children’s posture while working.

At the end of their work, the children place their compositions on a magnetic board, clean up their workspace and talk about their space impressions.

Teacher: What is space?

Children: The endless world of celestial bodies, we call it the universe or space)

Teacher: What celestial bodies are in space?

Children: There are stars, planets, comets in space)

Teacher: Why is 2011 declared the Year of Cosmonautics in our country?

Children: Because exactly 50 years ago the first manned space flight took place)

Practical use of the work:

Teacher: What kind of work did you do? ( performed the application).

– At what stage were you interested in working?

– Did you experience any difficulties during your work?

– What solutions did you choose to overcome the difficulties that arose?

Children's answers.

Teacher: What practical use can you find your job?

Children: Give it to friends, relatives, decorate your room, put it on display)

Teacher: It’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

Teacher: Guys, thank you for the wonderful space journey.

Tasks: Strengthen the ability to use the cut-off appliqué method; develop visual control, hand actions; cultivate perseverance and the desire to finish what you start.

Material and equipment: Glue, brush, colored paper, a sheet of white or tinted paper, stencil, pencils.

Preliminary work: The teacher's story about Russian army, looking at paintings depicting the military, reading literature.

Progress of activities:
The song “The Soldier's Day Off” performed by the Fidgets ensemble sounds, the children and the teacher sit down on the carpet for a conversation.
IN: Tell me what holiday do we celebrate in February? (children's answers)
—Who serves in the army and navy? (children's answers)
- Soldier, what is he like? (D. and “Which one?”)
- Yes, it’s right that we say that about soldiers, but who else can we say that about? (children's answers)
— There’s a holiday ahead, can we somehow please our dads? (children's answers)
— What else do they do for the holiday? (children's answers)
- So today you and I will make a “Soldier” card for dad, let’s go to the tables.

IN: Guys, what method can you use to make an applique? (children's answers)
We don’t have scissors for cutting, we don’t have anything loose for pouring, today we’ll make a cut-out appliqué. You already know what it is.
Let's start by transferring the stencil onto a sheet of paper and finishing the details and background of the future postcard. We will also color the soldier’s face and hands with a pencil.

Children do the task
- Let's rest a little and warm up.
Didactic exercise“Name military professions”

Let's get down to the application itself. I suggest starting from the top, i.e. from your cap so as not to get dirty and ruin the postcard. Thickly coat a small area of ​​the image with glue, then place torn small pieces of colored paper on it, which can be distributed or pressed using reverse side brushes

Children complete the task by gluing pieces of paper onto elements of a soldier’s clothing.

I suggest you take a little break and play a game
“The sea is agitated once...”

Well, now it's time to finish the job.

Children finish gluing. After which you can suggest tracing the outline of a jacket, cap, boots with a felt-tip pen...
At the request of the children, you can paste a congratulation text inside the card.

When the works are ready, the group can arrange an exhibition, followed by discussion.
Title: Summary of a lesson on appliqué in the preparatory group “Soldier”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, application, School preparatory group

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 183"
Location: Yaroslavl

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group for the application “Bullfinches”

Goals: Strengthen children's ability to cut corners of rectangles and squares, rounding them. Strengthen children's ability to use scissors. To develop children’s ability to convey the image of birds using geometric shapes, to form creative imagination. Strengthen children's ability to complete the applique by rolling a napkin. Develop fine motor skills.

Materials: Sample. Paper napkins Red. A red square with a side of 3.5 cm. Three black triangles with a base of 2.5 cm. and height 3.5 cm. A black rectangle measuring 5.5-4 cm. 2 small white circles (eyes). An equilateral triangle of red color with a side of 1 cm. Scissors. Half sheet of A4, tinted blue. Glue. Glue brush. Napkin, rags. Oilcloth napkin.

Preliminary work. Bird watching while walking. Hang bird feeders with your children. Looking at illustrations of bullfinches. Reading educational literature.

GCD move.

The teacher reads the poem “Bullfinches” to the children:

Paws get cold in the cold

At the pine and spruce.

What a miracle

On the birch

The apples are ripe.

I'll come closer to her

And I can’t believe my eyes

A flock of scarlet bullfinches

Stuck around the tree.

Children: Bullfinches.

Educator: What do you guys know about bullfinches? (children's answers)

Educator: Would you like to hear what I learned about these beautiful birds?

Teacher's story about bullfinches (accompanied by a display of illustrations)

“Nature becomes even more beautiful in winter, when snow-covered trees and

handsome creatures - bullfinches - appear in the bushes. They're called

this is because they appear in our area with the first snow.

The bullfinch is a plump red-breasted bird with a bluish-green back and a black head. The bullfinch flies easily and beautifully. How stronger frost, the more calmly the flock (7-10 birds) sits, occasionally moving to pick a berry, break off a bud, and then sit motionless again for a while. And so on all day.

What does a bullfinch eat? With its thick beak it chews berry seeds or small nuts. The bullfinch feeds on plant buds, seeds of trees and shrubs, and berries, from which it selects seeds. Having eaten a rowan, the bullfinch cleans its beak. Several rowan seeds stuck to its beak. While cleaning their beaks, they fall to the ground. They will sprout in the spring.

As darkness approaches, the entire flock flies to bushes or trees, where they spend the night, hiding in the branches. And so on throughout the winter.

Bullfinches decorate our winter nature with its bright plumage and melodious whistling."

(The teacher invites the children to make a bullfinch on a branch.)

Educator: Guys, do you want to make yourself such a beautiful bullfinch?

Physical exercise "Bullfinches".

Look at the branches, they clap their hands on their sides

Bullfinches in red T-shirts. Showing breasts

Feathers spread out, Hands slightly to the sides,

Basking in the sun. move their fingers

The head is turned, turned, the head is turned to the right, to the left.

They want to fly away. Running in circles waving their arms

Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away!

And blizzard after blizzard! They scatter around the group, waving their arms

The teacher invites the children to look at a sample of work.

Educator:“Pay attention to the details of the image, to their geometric shape. What geometric shapes is the bullfinch made of?

Children: The head is made of a circle, the body is made of an oval, the wings and tail are made of triangles.

The teacher invites the children to prepare parts for the birds - the body and chest. Educator: For rectangles and squares, smoothly cut the corners to create an oval and circle shape.

The teacher invites the children to place the applique parts on a sheet of paper based on the sample, and stick each part sequentially.

Doing work by children.

Finger game:

The teacher invites the children to decorate the chests of bullfinches.

Educator: Take a red napkin, carefully tear off small pieces from it and roll them into lumps. We will decorate the bullfinches’ breasts with these small lumps.

Children who quickly completed the task can be offered to decorate the branches with rowan berries (clumps of napkins).

Educator: Well done, what beautiful bullfinches we got. How beautiful it became in the group, from your bullfinches (examining children's works).

Exhibition of children's works "Bullfinches"

Abstract topic: “The rooks have arrived”
Application in preparatory school group


Teach children to embody artistic form your idea of ​​birds.
Improve paper-plastic techniques in depicting birds, trying to convey the features of the birds’ plumage.
Teach children to work with diagrams and operational maps.
Develop the ability to feel the specifics of the material, the ability to create a semi-volumetric composition.
Develop communication skills, regulate your actions, listen to others, provide assistance, and show restraint.
Cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and kind feelings towards others.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations, talking about the arrival of migratory birds, drawing a rook, didactic game“Birds”, psycho-gymnastics “birds”.

Activating the dictionary: rook, migratory birds, fluffy, black, gray, paper, layers, stapler, symmetry.

Vocabulary enrichment: wings, body, prero, plumage.

Materials and equipment: newspaper, black colored paper, stapler, cardboard for the base, multimedia projector, music recordings of “Bird Voices”, dance tunes.

Progress of the lesson:
The children are preparing for the lesson, the teacher attaches an illustration of a rook to the board; he has a sad expression on his face.
- Guys, class is canceled today, there was an incident in kindergarten strange story. When I was going to work I saw this bird
- What is it called? Do you think the rook feels good or bad? By what signs did you determine that he needs help? How can I help him?

Children explain how they can help (feed, build a house). The teacher, unnoticed by the children, “changes the dandelion’s facial expression.” (changes illustrations.

Q: Well done! You know very well how to help the rook so that his mood changes. Look, he's smiling.
Q: What happened to you?
Rook: - I was flying with my family and fell behind them. He sat on the fence of the kindergarten and began to feel sad. People passed by, no one noticed me until T,I took me with her and brought me to kindergarten. She said
- “Let me take you to kindergarten, the kids will help you.”
“That’s how I ended up in kindergarten.”

V.: Guys, I want to tell you a lot of interesting things about rooks. Want to listen?
Rooks in the northern part of the country are migratory birds, while in the southern part they are sedentary birds.
They nest in trees in large colonies. Common wintering bird of large populated areas. Inhabitant of open landscapes. In settlements near old roads, “rookies” are often found in trees - colonial settlements consisting of dozens of nests that have been used for many years. Omnivorous. In spring, the rook arrives very early, and there is still snow on the fields. The arrival period in different habitats falls between February and April. The nest is built from dry twigs, lined with dry grass, sometimes with scraps of wool, thin branches, and also uses various debris. The nesting colony exists for a very long time, even decades.
Rook size and appearance resembles a crow, and therefore many people confuse them. But the rook has a clear hallmark- a ring of unfeathered bare skin around the beak in adult birds; in addition, the rook is “slimmer”.
The color of the rook is pure black with a metallic sheen, body weight is 350-490 g.

Rook exercise
The rook was swinging in a hammock ( bending to the side).
Geese - in the waves on the river ( bending back and forth).
Pigeons flew past ( swinging arms)
And sat down on a branch ( squat).
The twig is swaying ( swinging arms)
It's working out well.
Guys, I suggest you do something for our feathered friends.

Manufacturing sequence:
We will make birds from newspaper and colored paper.
Take four sheets and fold each one into four.
Put them on top of each other.
Connect all the layers by punching them with a stapler.
Punch again for strength, placing the paper clips crosswise.
Cut out an oval to look like a wing.
Make cuts approximately 10mm deep at regular intervals.
Lift up the top thin layer.
Squeeze it around the center with your fingers.
Lift up the next layers and also squeeze them with your fingers.
Lift all the layers one by one. You can lift 2-3 layers at a time.
The result was a magnificent wing with beautiful plumage.
To make the bird's body, take strips black paper measuring 3.5-4 cm by 8-12 cm and fold in half. Cut off the excess to make a drop. Then unfold it and stick it on the branch. We will cut the head out of a rectangle. The head will round shape. Let's cut out the beak from newspaper.
Summary of the lesson. Exhibition of children's works.

Title: Summary of a lesson on appliqué in the preparatory group “The Rooks Have Arrived”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, application, Preparatory group

Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 32"
Location: Troitsk city, Chelyabinsk region