Summaries of classes on cognitive development. Synopsis of an open lesson on cognitive development "Unusual Journey to Yourself" in the senior group. Consolidation of knowledge and learning new material

Abstract of a lesson on cognitive development (familiarization with nature) in the senior group of the kindergarten "Secrets of the bird world" using elements of museum pedagogy, design technology, TRIZ

Program tasks:

To form in children a generalized idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbirds as living creatures living on land, on water, who can fly in the air, and have a typical structure;
Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships of a different nature; construct evidence based judgments; cultivate interest in nature; the desire to know its secrets more deeply;
Activate the dictionary on the topic: ornithology, symbol; develop speech activity; develop logical thinking, attention and memory;
Raise a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help them.


Museum of Birds. The museum presents models of natural objects with representatives of their habitat: a cliff with a nest of gulls, guillemots and loons; a duck's nest by the pond; on a tree - a crossbill nest; a house under whose roof the swallow made her dwelling. Collection of feathers and eggs of different birds. Illustration depicting birds with different beaks. Model of the structure of an egg. Diagram of the life cycle of birds. Structure of a bird. Hairpins, brooches, boas, bedding. Audio recording "Voices of birds", slide presentation "Who sings how", encyclopedias. A container of water, a clothespin, tongs for linen, a sheet of paper, a piece of fat. Reproduction of the picture "Rooks Have Arrived" by Alexei Savrasov, gallery of children's works on the theme "Exotic Birds". Cards with the image of birds, nests, natural objects.


Sheets of paper, glasses of water, pipettes, pieces of fat, napkins for each child.

Lesson progress:

1. Introduction


Guys, today we will go on a trip with you (guests). And where to? Try to guess. (An audio recording of "voices of birds" sounds).
That's right, we'll go to the world of birds!

2. Consolidation of knowledge about bird species


You already know a lot about them. In nature, there is a very large variety of birds. Let's remember what two large groups they can be divided into?


Migratory and wintering.


Why do birds fly south?


The most terrible thing for birds is not the cold, because by winter they grow down under their wings; the worst thing is hunger. When food is scarce, hard times come for birds.


What representatives of migratory birds do you know?


Migratory - ducks, cranes, swallows.


How does a person take care of feathered friends in winter?


It is necessary to hang bird canteens - feeders. They can be hung on trees, under awnings, on verandas, on balconies. And the birds, as a token of gratitude, will sing joyful songs to us.


Here is a poem on the subject:

Feed the birds in winter

Feed the birds in winter.
Let from all over
They will flock to you, like home,
Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich.
Need a handful of grain
One handful -
And not scary
They will have winter.

How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there is
And the birds are warm.

Is it possible to forget:
Could fly away
And stayed for the winter
Along with people.

Train the birds in the cold
To your window
So that without songs it was not necessary
We welcome spring.

(A. Yashin)


What representatives of wintering birds do you know?


Wintering - woodpecker, titmouse, sparrow.


How does a person take care of birds when spring comes?


Builds and hangs birdhouses.


Let's take a look at the birdhouse. Look, this small hole is the entrance to the birdhouse, a bird can easily get inside, but, for example, a cat cannot. Before entering, you can make a perch. What material is it made from?


From a tree.


Right. Starlings always return to their original place in their birdhouse. He will settle only in that house, whose entrance is directed to the east, where the sun rises.

Let's remember what other groups of birds can be distinguished?


Marine - live by the sea, legs like waterfowl with membranes: seagull, penguin;
Waterfowl - live near reservoirs, legs with membranes: duck, swan;
Domestic - live next to a person, benefit him, a person takes care of them: chickens, geese, turkeys;
Nocturnal - sleep during the day, and hunt at night: owl, owl;
Singers - distinguished by beautiful singing: canary, nightingale, goldfinch;
Predatory - eat the meat of other animals: an eagle, an owl;
Exotic - live in other countries, are distinguished by beautiful plumage: hummingbirds, peacocks, flamingos, toucan.


Well done, you are well versed in the whole variety of birds! In our museum there is an interesting game for you called “The Fourth Extra”, the cards show birds, you need to determine on what basis they are combined, and who is superfluous and why.

3. The game "The fourth extra"

Swallow, peacock, sparrow, crane.
(Peacock is an inhabitant of hot countries).

Nightingale, canary, goldfinch, wagtail.
(The wagtail is not a songbird.)

Stork, flamingo, ostrich, albatross.
(Albatross is a bird with short legs).

Rook starling, swallow, turkey.
(Turkey is a poultry).

Jay, pheasant, goose, owl.
(Goose is a waterfowl).

Owl, duck, dove, jay.
(Owl is a night bird).

4. Comparison of birds on different grounds

Indeed, all birds are very different. They are different from each other. What for example?


Birds have different legs in length, depending on the habitat. The heron has long legs - lives in the swamp; the swan has short legs with membranes - lives on the water, swims. Titmouse has short legs with tenacious claws - they live on trees.


I suggest you complete a small task. On the table are images of birds and different places where they could live. You should resettle them depending on where they live (near the water, in the forest or other places).


What else do birds have? Remember, we read with you the work of V. Bianchi “Whose nose is better?”


Birds have different beak shapes because they eat different kinds of food. The swallow has a small beak, it eats midges. The heron has a long one - it eats fish. The pelican has a beak-bag - it swallows the whole fish. At the crossbill - strong bent - easily splits the seeds.


Surely a pelican would be able to get bugs and larvae from under the bark of trees? Did a swallow fish out of the water, or a heron to catch midges?



What else do birds have? Look at the wonderful collection in our museum.


Birds have different plumage. Feathers differ in color, length.


But do you know how waterfowl protect their feathers from getting wet, because they have to stay in the water for a long time? (Lubricated with grease, which is located in the stuffing box in the tail section).

Experience: fat repels water

Let's check? Take a piece of paper, fold it in half. Grease one part, leave the other as is. Drop water on the surface of the leaf. What did you discover?


We saw that the water rolled down on the surface of the greased sheet, and the non-greased part of the sheet absorbed the water and the paper got wet.


It’s true, it’s not for nothing that people say “like water off a duck’s back”. Let's look at the collection of our museum, what else distinguishes birds from each other?


Various eggs. Big and small. Different color.


What are the names of the children of birds? (Chicks). Let's look at the egg model in our museum, what does it consist of? (Shell, yolk, protein, air chamber) How does the chick develop?


The chick develops from the yolk, it receives nutrition from protein, air from the air chamber, which enters from small holes on the surface of the shell.


That's right, we observed these holes with you through a magnifying glass.

5. The game "Who has who?"

And now, I suggest you play the game "Who has who?"

Thrush - thrushes,
cuckoo cuckoo,

6. View slide presentation

7. Game-reincarnation


Let's turn into birds now! I will name and you will portray them.


Guys, what time of year is it? (Spring.) Birds build their houses. What is the name of the bird house? (nest) Are all nests the same? Let's look at the layout in our museum. Whose nests do you see there?


Ducks, swallows, gulls, crossbill.

8. The game "Whose house?"

In our museum there is another interesting game for you - "Whose house?" Let's help our birds settle into their nests. Explain your choice.

9. Generalization of signs, derivation of the typical structure of birds


You did a good job. All birds are different, but the name is the same - birds. How do we distinguish birds from other animals?


(Based on the model). The legs of the birds are different, but there are two of them. The wings are different, but they all have two wings. Beaks are different, but all birds have a beak. Feathers of different colors, but all birds have a body covered with feathers.

10. Considering the types of feathers


Right. Why do birds need feathers? How are feathers different from each other? Look at the collection in our museum.


There are fly feathers that help the bird fly, located on the wings and tail. There are downy feathers that serve to maintain body temperature.

11. The game "Guess the description"


Well done. Now let's play a game with you. Give a description of the bird, but don't name it. The guys have to guess what bird you are talking about.


How does a person use birds in his life?


Uses meat and eggs for food, feathers for jewelry, down for making featherbeds, pillows, blankets, outerwear. Listens to birds singing.


What are the benefits of birds in nature?


Destroy harmful insects, rodents. Spread the seeds of plants.


And what harm?


They peck crops in the fields, berries in berry fields and orchards.


Who can be called the enemies of birds?


Wild animals, birds of prey.



We read a lot of fairy tales and stories about birds. Let's do a little quiz.

At Alyonushka, the sisters carried away the brother of the bird. Name them. (Swan geese).
The bird that helped Thumbelina get to the land of the elves? (Martin).
A magical bird with golden plumage? (Firebird).
Who was the wife of Prince Gvidon in the tale of Tsar Saltan? (Swan Princess).
The bird that made grandparents cry over an egg? (Hen Ryaba).
Who was the fox visiting, and, offended, presented a treat on a plate? (Crane).
What birds lived with grandma? (Two cheerful geese).


Of course, many stories, fairy tales and poems and songs have been written about birds. The man decorated with images of birds and clothes and utensils.
Guys, what professions do you know related to birds?


Poultryman - works on a poultry farm, raises birds. Ornithologist - studies birds, their species, where they live, what they eat.

Summary of the lesson:


Guys, tell us what new, interesting things did you learn while collecting the bird museum?


We learned how different birds are, that they live in different places and build different nests. We learned about some of the features of their behavior. The experiment carried out helped us to find out that fat repels water.


You have learned a lot about the world of birds, so you can safely call yourself a young ornithologist. I wish you new interesting discoveries in the world of wildlife around you.

Direct educational activities
for children of the senior group on cognitive research activities.

Subject: What is air?
Purpose: to develop in children ideas about the properties of air, through experimentation;
1. To develop cognitive activity, curiosity, attention, visual-figurative thinking;
2.Enrich children's vocabulary: straw, invisible, elastic, light;
3. Teach children to listen, answer questions, form friendly relationships, the ability to interact.
Integration areas: knowledge, health, socialization, work, communication.
Methodological techniques: game element, conversation, dialogue, observation, experiments, experiments, game, physical education, riddle, surprise moments.

Material: Water.
Equipment: Plastic bags, water container, jar, disposable cups with water and peas, straws for a cocktail, balloons.
Organizing time:
The children are given a research task - the teacher offers to prove with the help of various objects that we are surrounded by air.

Progress of joint activities:

Children stand in a semicircle.
Educator: Guys, guess the riddle.

It passes through the nose to the chest and the reverse keeps the path.
He is invisible, and yet we cannot live without him.

Children: air
Educator: Do you think it is possible to feel good without air? Do we need air and why do we need it?
Children: to breathe and live.
Educator: That's right, we need air for life, as well as plants and animals. Today we will learn a lot about air.

Experience No. 1. “You can’t live without air”
Pinch your nose and mouth.
- How do we feel? (We feel bad)
So what is air for? (to breathe)
- Why do we ventilate the group, the locker room, the music hall? (so that we can breathe fresh air).
Where do you think air lives?
- Yes, he is everywhere, he is around people and inside us, he is invisible, light.
How do we know if there is air around us? (we need to feel it)
Experience number 2. "Feel the air"
Let's blow on the palm, what do we feel? (cold)
Now take a piece of paper and blow on it. What is happening to him? (wiggles, wiggles). As if from the wind.
- So, in order to feel the air, you need to set it in motion.
- So what happens then in nature when air moves? (wind)

Experience number 3. "The air is inside us"
The teacher suggests that the children go to the tables. Each child has a glass of water and cocktail sticks on the tables.
What do you see in the cups? – water
-Take the tubes and blow into it. What's happening? (bubbles come out)
- You see! So we have air inside. We blow into the tube and it comes out. But to blow more, we first inhale new air, and then exhale through a tube and get bubbles. Look.

Experience number 4. "There is air in any objects"
Now put the pea in the glass. What's happening? Bubbles come from them. This means that there is air in the peas.
Now can you revive the peas? Suggest me how to revive the peas. What can help us? That's right, air. What do we need to do for this? (Blow into tubes). What's happening? Bubbles appeared - this is air. We saw him again. And what do our peas do? They are moving. What helped us to revive the peas? Yes, of course, air. We not only found him, but also saw how he made the peas move. Well done

I got up this morning (stretch)
I took a balloon from the shelf. (upward grasping movements)
I started to blow and watch - (make hands into a tube and blow)
My ball suddenly began to get fat. (Spread your arms to the side, as if the ball is growing)
I keep blowing - the ball is getting thicker,
I blow - thicker, I blow - thicker.
Suddenly I heard a clap - (spread your arms to the sides and depict a clap)
The balloon burst, my friend.

Experience number 5. "Catch the air."
Take plastic bags.
What are they? (empty, crumpled). Calmly draw air through your nose and exhale slowly into the bag, and then wrap it up so that it does not deflate. What was the package like? (fat, puffy). Why did he become like this? What made up the package? Yes, of course you are right. You and I filled our bags with air and saw that it can fill containers.

Experience number 6. "See the air"
The teacher invites the children to go to the table. On the table is a container of water and an empty jar. Do you think there is air in the jar? (Eat). Can it be proven? To do this, we need to lower the jar into the water, neck down and see what happens. If you keep it straight, water will not get into it. What keeps water out of the jar? Now slightly tilt the jar and take it out of the water a little. What has appeared? (Bubbles). Why do you think they appeared? The water forced the air out of the jar, took its place, and the air came out in the form of bubbles.

Reflection: What did we talk about today? (about air)
What interesting things have we learned about air?
- What is he? (invisible, transparent, light, necessary for life)
- What did you like the most?
- I know that you will show these tricks to your friends. And I have prepared a surprise for you - balloons. Inflate them. And play.



1. Give children an idea about water, its properties (transparency, fluidity), its three states (liquid, steam, ice).

2. Improve children's knowledge about the importance of water in human life.

3.Teach children the skills of conducting laboratory experiments:

Strengthen the ability to work with dishes, observe the necessary safety measures.


1. Develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, take into account the opinion of a partner, defend one's own opinion, prove one's case, instill a careful attitude to water.


1. To develop phonemic hearing in children.

2. Activate and enrich the vocabulary of children with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson.

3. Learn to guess riddles.

4. Develop creative imagination, logical thinking.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversations about water, its role in human life.

2. Carrying out experiments with water.

3. Consideration of illustrations on the theme "Water".

4. Use of games about water: “What is water like?”, “Four elements”, “Cut pictures”.

5. Reading fiction on the topic "Water".

6. Observation of water on a walk.

Integration of educational areas: communication, cognition, reading fiction.


For children: wooden rulers, mosaics, jars, cups, water glasses, saucers.

For the educator: Thermos with hot water, mirror, ice mold, flat plate, 12 drops made of cardboard, gouache.

Course progress.

caregiver: Guys, today I received a letter, and in it is a riddle from Kapitoshka. Do you know who is Kapitoshka? (Answers of children). That's right, this is a small drop of water that lives in the fabulous country of Vodilandia. And here is her riddle, listen carefully. What can't you hold in your hands, can't you carry away in a sieve?

Children: Water.

caregiver: That's right, you guessed it. Kapitoshka really wants you to get acquainted with the properties of water and learn a lot about water. So, what is water and what properties does it have? We will try to find out all this in our laboratory, but before we go to the laboratory, it is necessary to remember the rules of behavior in the laboratory:

  1. it's not to make noise - with this you interfere with others
  2. handle utensils carefully. Remember that dishes can break and it is easy to injure yourself.
  3. Listen carefully and follow the results of the experiment.
  4. At the end of the observation draw a conclusion.

Now we can go to the laboratory, go to the tables and start our research.

(Children come to the tables on which there are basins, various jars, glasses of water.)

caregiver: They say that water can flow and spread. Let's check it out. Take a glass of water and pour some water on a saucer. But you need to pour slowly to see how the water spreads.

Have you made sure that the water flows and spreads? (children's answers)

caregiver: There are wooden rulers on the table. These are solid items. They have a form and keep it. Does water have a form? Let's check.

We will pour water into a cup, saucer, jar. What did you notice? What form does water take?

Children conclude: Water takes the form of an object into which it is poured.

caregiver Q: What color is pure water? Look, I put a blank sheet of paper next to it. Is water in a glass different from a white sheet? So what is the color of water? Does water have color?

Children: the water is clean. She is colorless.

caregiver: This is another property of water

caregiver: and now we will carry out the following experiment. You have mosaics on your tables. Dip the mosaic into a glass of water. Can you see the mosaic in the glass? And if you put a glass of water on the picture. Is it visible through the glass?

Children: It is seen.

caregiver: So what kind of water?

Children: The water is clear.

caregiver: And what is the water in the puddles?

Children: Dirty

caregiver Q: Is all water clear? If I add black gouache to the water, what will the water look like? (children's answers)

Children: Dirty water is never clear.

caregiver: Yesterday I poured water into a mold with you and put it in the freezer. Let's see what happened to her.

(Children come to the teacher's table and observe).

Children: The water turned to ice.

caregiver: Take the ice in your hand. What is happening to her?

Children: The ice melted from the heat of our palm. There was water.

caregiver: This is another property of water: water can freeze, turn into ice.

caregiver Q: What happens if you put water on fire?

Children: When the water boils, steam appears above the kettle.

caregiver: Let's open a thermos of hot water and observe. Let's bring the mirror to the thermos, what happened?

Children: The mirror is fogged up. (Touching the mirror with fingers)

We've done a good job, let's get some rest.


Finger game "Rain"

The rain dripped on the palm - with the right hand we touch the left

On flowers - circular movements with the right hand

And on the track - both hands in front of you

It's pouring, it's pouring - oh-oh-oh! - shaking head

We ran home - running in place.

caregiver: guys, let's remember once again all the properties of water that we talked about today. (Children list: water can spread, have no shape, transparent, turn into ice and steam)

You guys know that water is of great importance in the life of all living things. I want to invite you to watch the slides about water. (slide show).

Summary of the lesson:

caregiver: so, guys, you understand that a person cannot live a day without water. Water is a good friend and helper of man.

And Kapitoshka gives you a magic drop as a memory of herself, which will give you life-giving force, but you should not forget about the benefits of water and respect for it. (I hang a drop for each child).

1. Abstract of a lesson on cognitive development in the senior group.

Who and how counts and measures time.

Purpose: To arouse interest in the concept of time through some interesting facts and information about different methods and means of measuring, fixing time.

Material: Toy Cheburashka; wattle, cockerel. Model of a sundial, water clock, alarm clock, screen. Record player.

Educator (B): - Quietly, do not make noise, just prick up your ears. What are you hearing now?

Who doesn't sleep during the day?
And the night does not sleep?
And everything knocks, knocks, knocks?
And they all knock to the beat, yes to the beat
Tick ​​tock, tick tock?

(Alarm clock rings)

- Guys, what can it ring? Who has an alarm clock at home? And why is he needed?

V. - It seems to me that someone is hiding here. Who is this?

Cheburashka (Cheb) - Oh, oh, oh! They rang out, made a noise, do not let them sleep.

Q. – What are you hiding behind?

Cheb. - I came to you to relax, otherwise the crocodile Gena makes me do everything by the clock. You need to wake up on time, then eat, then practice.

And you, probably, do what you want and when you want?

Q. - Guys, do you agree with Cheburashka?

And what subject helps us to do everything on time?

No watch, no hands. A watch is a device for measuring time.

And the clock that woke up is called an alarm clock.

Cheb. - Oh, it would be nice if all the alarms disappeared. Once and no.

Q. - Children, what will happen if all alarm clocks disappear? Chaos will start. And besides, there are other watches. They do not call, but they also show the time. Look, where is the clock in our group? They hang on the wall, so they are called wall clocks. And here I have a wristwatch on my hand. A watch that is carried in a pocket is called a pocket watch. And there are also watches for games, what are they? Toy.

Cheb. – Yes, but surely there was a time when there were no clocks?

Q. Guys, what do you think, have there always been watches? How was time measured when there were no clocks? To find out, you need to look into the past, 500 years ago. I have a magic clock, if you move their hands back, you can go into the past and find out how people measured time.

- Get ready, do not be naughty and sit quietly. I start to conjure.

One two three four five!

Look at the village! Where is the clock here? Who woke people up in the morning?

Yes, the clock is sitting on the fence. How many of you remember the poem about the cockerel? (Cockerel-golden comb).

- How will the cockerel of people? Ku-ka-re-ku! Wake up good people, it's time to go to work.

Is it possible to determine the exact time by the cockerel?

And what happens if a cockerel falls off the perch at night and screams at the top of its lungs?

- And if the fox is carried away by the cockerel, who will wake people up? And people decided to come up with other watches. They could show time both day and night. They say about such hours:<<В них время течет>>.

Look, Cheburashka, how they are arranged. (Showing a layout) (A vessel with a hole at the bottom. Lines are made on the wall that show the time. Water flows out of the vessel, time was running out). Such watches worked from water, which means they were called what?

Cheb. - Hooray! I like these watches, you don't need to start them, the water runs and runs.

Q. - Will there always be water running in such a watch? As soon as all the water runs out, you need to pour a new one, i.e. start a water clock.

Cheb. - Start them as soon as possible, I'll go for a walk with them.

V. - In winter, your clock will stop outside. Why do you think?

Cheb. - That's impossible, that's impossible. Bored with you!

V. - And if you want not to be bored, we will teach you how to play.

Physical pause:

Clocks measure time for us. (Children stand)

They stand still but move on. (walking in place)

The clock is ticking all the time.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. (Head tilts)

And the arrows are moving forward. (Circular movements of the hands)

Hour after hour, year after year.

Cheb. How else can you tell the time without a clock?

V. - By the sun. Such watches worked from the sun, which means they were called what?

And they came up with such a clock in ancient Rome.

The sun rose - everyone woke up, set to work. Overhead, it turned out - it's time for dinner. And hid behind the blue sea, behind the high mountains, it's time to go to rest.

And then one day a man noticed that the shadow of a tree falls in the morning in one direction, and in the evening in the other. He dug a pillar into the ground, drew a circle around it, divided it into parts. The sun rose, and the shadow of the pillar moved in a circle.

What was the name of this watch?

What do you think, is it always possible to determine the time by such a clock?

Could a person always use them? In the summer we will make such a clock on the site, but why not make such a clock in the winter? Who guessed?

Can time be stopped?

You can stop the clock, but time has always been and always will be.

Morning comes day, evening, night and morning again. Winter will be followed by spring, summer, autumn and winter again. You were small, you have become big.

Time goes on. (music plays<<Бьют часы на старой башне>>)

It's time to end our journey through time. If you want, then tomorrow we will go to the clock museum and we will definitely take Cheburashka.

And now it's time to do other things.

2. Summary of the lesson on cognitive development

The world around us

Fundamentals of environmental education.

Purpose: To lay the foundations for environmental education. To provide knowledge in the field of nature conservation. Activate cognitive activity in the process of communication with nature. Enrich the emotional and sensory sphere of the child. To form elementary ideas about the integrity of wildlife and man.

Materials for the lesson: toy Old man-forester, paper ants, flowers, butterfly, illustrations of trees. Image of birch trees without leaves (one leaf for 4 people.)

Illustrations for the story: an elderly man, a boy, a flower, an excavator, a motorcycle house, a caterpillar, a flower bed.

Educator (B) Guys, I suggest going to the forest. I will enchant our group and it will turn into a forest clearing. You are ready? One, two, three, four, five, I begin to conjure.

Look, what kind of formidable old man does not let you over the threshold?

Lesovichok (Forest) I am an old man-forester. I'm used to order. I walk through the forest for trees, I help animals. I won't let you into the forest.

You are still small and do not know my orders.

V. And you, Lesovik, do not shout at us, but tell us about your orders.

Forest. Okay, just guess my forest riddles first.

Angry touchy
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
Too many needles
And not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

Whose house of needles
On the ground near the old Christmas trees? (Anthill)

We recognize the animal with you
According to two such signs:
He is in a fur coat in a gray winter
And in a red fur coat in the summer? (Squirrel)

Sleeps in winter, stirs hives in summer? (Bear)

If you meet these animals in the forest, do not frighten them, do not throw stones and sticks at them. Few of them are left in the forest.

V. What are you, Old Man-forester. Our children will not offend animals.

Forest. Well, okay, go, but look under your feet!

Q. Why look under your feet?

Forest. And so as not to crush an ant or some flower.

Q. Guys, I didn’t understand Lesovichka. What are the benefits of ants?

Forest. So big and you don't know! Ants are caterpillars and eat aphids. And there will be no ants, caterpillars can eat the forest.

V. Well, what about the flowers, what a pity for them, there are so many of them!

Forest. And you ask the guys, maybe they know? Remember! There will be no flowers, There will be no place for the bees to collect nectar for honey. Butterflies will have nothing to rest on. Beauty will be gone. And without beauty, a person's heart will become evil.

V. Let's go, guys for Lesovichok.

Dark forest, green meadow
We walk one after another.
To not scare the ants
And we can't crush the flowers
You have to lift your legs.

(Children, together with the teacher, walk on the carpet, stepping over flowers and ants)

Look how beautiful the lawn is, how many trees there are. What are the benefits of trees? ( Children look at illustrations of various trees)

Forest. How, what? Do you know where the table came from?

Q. Table? From the shop!

Forest. But no, the table came from the forest. And all things made of wood. If you cut down all the trees, then the wooden things will disappear. Look how many things made of wood are around. Can you name them?

Q. Guys, I only see a wooden table. And what other items do we have made of wood? Oh, Lesovik, what happened to these birch trees?

(The teacher shows the children a picture of a birch tree without leaves.)

Forest. Oh, trouble, trouble! I overlooked the old one. The stupid boys of the birds scared away the caterpillars and ate the leaves.

V. Well, don't cry, Lesovik, our children will now help the birch trees come to life.

(Children come to the tables and draw leaves by sticking, on prepared sheets of paper with the image of a tree without leaves.)

V. Guys, look, flowers!

(Paper flowers are laid out on the floor, children examine them and say the names of these flowers: poppy, dandelion, chamomile, cornflower)

On the lawn by the river
Flowers gathered in a circle
Yellow, blue, white, beautiful.

V. Lesovik, and we know how flowers grow. Now we will show you.

A tall flower grew in a clearing. (Arms upright, palms facing each other)

Opened the petals on a spring morning. (Spread fingers, round them)

Beauty and nourishment to all petals (Moving fingers together-separately)

Together they give underground roots. (Palms down with the back pressed against each other, fingers apart)

(finger game)

Lesovik, I want to pick these flowers.

Forest. Stop! Stop! Did you like walking in my forest, watching the beauty?

V. Liked it!

Forest. Well, tomorrow others will come here, and the clearing will be empty. You better listen

I will tell you a story about how one flower brought joy back to a sick person.

(The story is accompanied by illustrations)

In the city in the middle of the courtyard, next to the street and large houses, a beautiful flower grew.

When he first sprouted from the earth, he did not know what dangers awaited him. Either the motorcycle will rush by, wrapping it in dust, then the children will sprinkle it with sand, then the cars will sneeze with bitter smoke.

- Ugh, what a mess!

Just came to his senses, shook off the dust. New danger. The excavator began to dig the earth.

- Oh, I'll fall! Oh, I'm lost!

He waved the flower with green leaves, but he held on, did not break. And then suddenly a caterpillar climbed onto the stalk.

- Save! Help!

But no one noticed or heard him. But one day a boy was walking, saw a flower, leaned over and drove away the caterpillar.

- I will pick this beautiful flower and give it to the old man who lives in this house. He is sick and cannot walk. He sits by the window, but holds on to his aching heart.

- No need! Have pity on me, the flower rustled.

- Water me, sprinkle the earth, and I will bestow you.

The boy felt sorry for the flower. He helped the flower. The flower got stronger and gave a lot of seeds.

The kid planted the seeds in the ground, watered them.

One day the old man woke up, went to the window and smiled, the pain left his heart. The whole yard was in flowers.

And the kid understood the main rule of life:

Catch a butterfly and it dies in the palm of your hand.

Pick a flower and it will wither.

Beauty must be seen with the heart.

Q. Thank you! We memorized with the guys how to behave in the forest. Do not frighten animals, do not break trees, do not tear flowers.

Forest. Well, then it's time for you to return to kindergarten, and me to the forest!

Name: Abstract of a lesson on cognitive development (ecology) in the senior group "Living and inanimate nature"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, ecology, senior group

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MDOBU kindergarten No. 29 "Silver Hoof"
Location: Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Abstract of a lesson on cognitive development (ecology)
in the senior group
"Living and inanimate nature"

Target: improving children's knowledge of living and inanimate nature



  • Introduce the concept of "The water cycle in nature"
  • Practice naming and classifying objects of animate and inanimate nature
  • Exercise in distinguishing between the concepts of "nature" and "non-nature"


  • Contribute to the development of cognitive interests
  • Develop curiosity, memory, the ability to draw conclusions


  • Continue to cultivate love for nature and respect for it
  • Teach ways of self-knowledge
  • Cultivate communication skills

The teacher brings artificial flowers.

- Children, I would like to plant these flowers in our group.

- Do you think they will grow if I plant them in the ground? Why?


- No, they are not alive, they will not give roots, they will not grow.


- Yes. Flowers are made by man. All objects made by human hands do not belong to nature.

Do you know what nature is? (children's answers).


“Nature is the world around us, or rather, that part of it that is not created by human hands. These are the sun, water, air, sky, animals, insects, plants and man, as part of nature.


- Guys, today, I suggest you play young ecologists. And who is this young ecologist?


- This is a child who loves nature, always and everywhere takes care of it.


- Right. What do you think - how can you become a young ecologist?


“We need to do good deeds towards each other and towards nature.


— Young ecologists should know a lot about nature. And now we will play the game "Three words". I name concepts, and you have to name three names that refer to this concept.

Game "Three words"

  1. indoor flowers (violet, geranium, ficus)
  2. garden flowers (chamomile, rose, petunia)
  3. wintering birds (sparrow, dove, owl)
  4. Migratory birds (cranes, swallow, cuckoo)
  5. waterfowl (goose, duck, swan)
  6. Pets (cow, horse, dog)
  7. Wild animals (wolf, fox, hare)
  8. Animals of the Far North (polar bear, seal, fur seal)
  9. Animals of the tropics (lion, lynx, gorilla)
  10. Marine life (fish, whale, dolphin)
  11. Insects (mosquito, fly, butterfly)


- Well done, you named everything correctly. Guys, all nature can be divided into two huge worlds: the world of animate and inanimate nature. What do you think, everything that we have just named refers to which world of nature? Why?


- To the world of wildlife. All living organisms cannot live without air, water, sun, food.


- Right. Living nature is everything that grows, breathes, eats, develops, reproduces. And now, I propose to find out what applies to inanimate nature. Come to the table. On the table are cards with signs of living and inanimate nature. You must choose from the proposed cards those that correspond to the concept of "inanimate" nature. (Children complete the task, then check the correctness of the choice)


- Guys, look at the rest of the cards. What do they stand for?


- It's wildlife.


- Right. Pay attention to the cards (toys, balls, doll). These objects can be called nature? Why? (children's answers)


- No. It is made by human hands. They don't need to be fed, they don't breathe, they don't reproduce, and they don't grow.


- Right. For example, a car - it is made by human hands: but a horse, a camel, on which a person rides, is already nature. Man only tamed them, made them domestic, they existed in nature without him.

- So, what we will conclude - what is nature and what is "non-nature"?


“Nature is what exists without the help of man, and “not nature” is everything that is made by human hands.


- Tell me, can wildlife exist without inanimate nature? Why?


- All living things need water, air, solar heat for growth and development.


- Well done boys. We have found out what relates to nature and “not nature”.

“Now go to the chairs.” We will play the game "The Fourth Extra". I name a group of words, and you must identify the extra word and justify your choice.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

  • mushroom, carrot, cloud, ball
  • Rook, moon, flower, goat
  • Fly, bear, wind, birch
  • doll, snow, cloud, stone
  • car, bucket, house, water


— Well done, my young ecologists. Ecologists should also be aware of such a phenomenon as the water cycle in nature. Today I will introduce you to this phenomenon. Listen.

Many, many droplets play and frolic in the water. The sun is shining brightly, it's hot. And droplets-girlfriends, one by one, begin to separate and rise into the air. That is, evaporation occurs. High above the ground, the air gets colder. And the droplets come together again. This is how clouds are made. The wind drives them to the ground. The clouds become dark and heavy. It's raining from them. Rain is small droplets of water. Under the ground, small droplets are collected in underground streams. Streams flow into reservoirs. The supply of water on Earth is constantly replenished. From earth to heaven, from heaven to earth. This process is calledwater cycle in nature , from the word "circle", that is, water moves in a circle.(speaking in chorus)

- Well done. We have learned a lot about nature today. Tell me, please, what do you think ecologists do? (children's answers)

- Now I suggest that you team up in pairs and choose two cards linked by one rule of nature conservation. You must look at the pictures and formulate a rule for the protection of this object.

  1. Water protection
  2. Forest protection
  3. Insect protection
  4. Tree protection
  5. bird protection



- Well done boys. You coped with all the tasks and learned a lot of new things. I think you will be excellent ecologists, you will always take care and protect nature, and teach your friends and relatives this.

- What new did you learn today? What knowledge can you share with your friends and loved ones? (children's answers)