Christmas tree made of plasticine - it's easy! Modeling from plasticine "Christmas tree green

It is not necessary to have any special artistic skills to make a plasticine Christmas tree. The craft is very easy to do. Today I will show you in great detail how to mold a plasticine Christmas tree, which you can make with your child. It will be interesting for children to make New Year's crafts, especially if mom or dad is nearby. Such creative pursuits will brighten up the expectation of the holiday, and the resulting plasticine toys will become the main talisman in New Year.

A do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of plasticine does not have to be prickly. Needles can simply be shown by drawing a suitable pattern on a soft mass. But without the green Christmas decorations not enough. Everyone loves to decorate a Christmas tree. I suggest you make balls and tinsel from multi-colored beads. They stick perfectly to plasticine, just make sure that the child does not swallow small parts. Guided by my recommendations, you can fantasize and have fun. Now more about what is needed for the job, how to do it.

How to mold a Christmas tree from plasticine (step by step)

To sculpt a Christmas tree decorated with beads, you will need:

  • green and brown plasticine - you can take several shades of green, most likely that one bar will not be enough for you, and replace brown with any other color, even mixed (the mass will be hidden under the crown);
  • a lid as a leg of a tree - you can take waste material any color, a ketchup cap was used here;
  • a skewer - you can also take a toothpick, this part will serve as an axis, make the craft stable and make it easier to work with plasticine;
  • small beads and a needle and thread for tinsel;
  • large beads to imitate Christmas balls different colors;
  • stack for drawing needles.

Manufacturing process:

Take absolutely any (cheapest) plasticine for work. If it is too tight, then ready product will keep its shape longer.

Stuff the lid with brown or spoiled plasticine. Press the mass on top with your finger so that it sticks to the plastic. Insert a skewer into the center. This will be a stable base for crafts with an axis.

Knead the entire brown bar in your hands.

Pull into a cone. This is the shape the Christmas tree should be. The surface of the cone can be smoothed or left rough.

Pierce the brown plasticine with the tip of the skewer and pull through. If the skewer is too long, then simply break off the excess.

Divide the green pieces into roughly equal-sized slices. Knead each of them separately in your hands.

Make flat, tear-shaped cakes from each green piece.

With a stack, set the texture of the needles; for this, often apply strips with the sharp end of the tool.

Start fastening the parts in a circle, starting from the bottom. Fasten end-to-end, leaving no gaps.

Fill the entire cone with green branches. As you move up, you will decide if you have enough details. Initially completed blanks may not be enough for you, they can be completed in the process. Sharpen the top.

String beads on the thread. Wrap the resulting beads around the crown of the Christmas tree as tinsel. The ends of the thread can simply be inserted into the plasticine by pressing with a stack.

Add balls-beads and on top of the bead in the form of an asterisk. If there is no finished asterisk, then blind it from orange plasticine. Toys can be chosen the same color or different, alternating shades.

elegant christmas tree from plasticine, made by hand, ready.

Now you can fully expect the approach of the New Year. Such simple crafts are performed very easily, so you definitely need to do them with children, because they are the most important lovers of New Year's butter-making.

All children are looking forward to the new year. But you can create a magical mood in advance - with the help of making New Year's crafts. The simplest are plasticine crafts, even a child can master them. You can mold anything from plasticine, including new Year decoration. And the modeling process itself will bring great pleasure to both the child and the adult.

Today I will show you step by step how to mold a Christmas tree from plasticine. In the process of modeling, scissors are used, so the child must be under the supervision of an adult. It is best to instruct the child to roll out plasticine, and entrust mom or dad to work with scissors. Plasticine any will do you can take the cheapest one.

What is necessary:

  • Green plasticine - 1 bar
  • Red plasticine - a small piece
  • small scissors

How to mold a Christmas tree from plasticine - step by step with a photo for children:

1. Warm up a bar of green plasticine and knead it with your hands so that it becomes softer and easier to sculpt from it. As a rule, cheap plasticine itself is quite hard and has to be kneaded for a long time before sculpting. You can simplify the work and buy a special soft plasticine, but it costs almost 2 times more, and the bars themselves are smaller in size.

Roll a cone out of green plasticine. Do not worry if the cone turned out with irregularities, they will not be visible in the future anyway.

2. Using small scissors, make small cuts, starting at the top of the Christmas tree. We make cuts in a circle, going down. It is best to do this part of the work for an adult so that the child does not get hurt with scissors.

3. We will fashion a star from red plasticine and decorate our Christmas tree with it. You can also roll up small balls and stick them to the branches, they will decorate the Christmas tree.

Like this beautiful tree we got it from plasticine. Everything is very simple and fast. In addition, in the process of sculpting you will get the sea positive emotions, and the child will be delighted with the resulting Christmas tree.

On the windows, the first snow falls on our heads, and not far off and the New Year holidays, so loved by kids of all ages! On the eve of these holidays come to mind carnival costumes, outfits, various decorations and crafts for our housing, made by hand - this way it is more interesting, and the children will have something to do on long winter evenings (after all, the guys have started their holidays).

Christmas tree made of plasticine

There are many options for "winter" DIY crafts. The Internet is full of ideas for handmade decor, Christmas tree decorations and home decorations. One of them is a Christmas tree made of plasticine (or polymer clay). This desktop, compact decor is a souvenir that is quite easy to make, inexpensive, but sincere! Here we will show you how to do it with your child!

What you need

In order to make a Christmas tree, we will need, of course, plasticine. It is advisable to take green or different so our Christmas tree will look more natural. But you can take gray (brown) polymer clay- as an option! Depending on the future size of the tree, we take one hundred to two hundred grams, maybe three hundred. A pencil, scissors, napkins (wet) for wiping hands, face, scissors can come in handy. It is also important to introduce a child to our creativity, so do everything together!

How to make a plasticine Christmas tree

Take a piece of plasticine and roll it out like dough (this can be done with a kitchen rolling pin moistened with water). Now we fold our “pancake” and give the workpiece a conical shape, expanding towards the bottom. The value, as already mentioned, depends on the amount of plasticine, as well as on the size of your scissors. Ready for a cone? Insert a pencil into the center of the figure, which will serve as a trunk for our Christmas tree! Thus, the resulting Christmas tree in the center rests on a pencil, and along the edges - on the base of the cone. The basis for the Christmas tree is ready, now we will make the branches. To do this, starting from the crown, we make even cuts with scissors - these will be the branches of the tree. We bend the edges of the branches up, so our beauty will gain liveliness and original form. If something went wrong as you planned, it doesn’t matter - plasticine allows you to quickly fix everything you need, it’s a wonderful soft material!

We decorate the Christmas tree

Now that the base plasticine tree is ready, let's start decorating it. Here you can already connect your baby to the process with might and main! This lesson will fill the whole house with joy, because doing crafts with their own hands, children will experience genuine delight. A plasticine Christmas tree can be dressed up in small beads and larger beads of different colors and sizes - these will be our toys! You can also use multi-colored pieces of plasticine prepared in advance as a decor. Also, do not forget to attach a Christmas star to the top of the tree - this can be done with an ordinary match. We take a match, break off the sulfur head, stick it vertically into the top of the Christmas tree cone so that the piece sticks out. On a piece sticking out from above, we string a star pre-molded from plasticine (to make the asterisk different from the general background, blind it from red, golden or silver plasticine). Alternatively, you can use a white cardboard snowflake to decorate the top of our beauty, but it takes longer to cut the snowflake!

It remains to add that our Christmas tree is “afraid” of heat, that is, it is not recommended to leave it near the stove or radiator - it can “leak”. In order for it to acquire hardness, it must be put in the freezer for a short time or varnished. To do this, use building varnish in a can, but ordinary hairspray can also work!

Now you know how to mold a plasticine Christmas tree and make your child happy with it!

What New Year's crafts are made of - beads, felt, fabric, paper. But children often prefer plasticine, it is available to everyone and it is easy for children to work with it.

Most main holiday, which the children are waiting for, the new year and with the approach of these days, you can cheer yourself up. Decorate your home with tinsel, toys, and window stickers. But children also want to feel the holiday in advance and decorate their room, for example, with a plasticine Christmas tree. For children, it is better to buy soft plasticine, which is easy to sculpt.

A plasticine Christmas tree can be made in two ways - volumetric or on cardboard.

How to make a Christmas tree from plasticine with your own hands

Necessary materials:

  • plasticine: green, orange, red, brown, yellow
  • plasticine stack

Make a triangle-shaped layer from green plasticine.

Using a knife, cut out the shape of the Christmas tree

We make a Christmas tree trunk from brown plasticine

Cut out an asterisk from orange plasticine

Make some balls of yellow and red plasticine. Flatten them and attach them to the Christmas tree.

Any child can handle such a simple Christmas tree. Another option for crafting a plasticine Christmas tree is to make it on cardboard.

Christmas tree made of plasticine on cardboard: step by step instructions

Necessary materials:

  • plasticine: green, brown, blue, yellow, red, white
  • cardboard
  • crusher for garlic
  • plasticine tool
  • board
  • napkins

Make 2 strips of brown plasticine on cardboard, this will be the trunk

Use a garlic press to make thin strips from green plasticine.

Form loops from green stripes

In the bottom row, make 3 loops of 3 strips each.

Then two more rows of 4 strips, and another row of three loops.

To make a plasticine star, form a red ball and flatten it. Cut out the star with a knife.

Also do various decorations on a plasticine tree.

How to mold a voluminous Christmas tree from plasticine

Necessary materials:

  • plasticine: green, brown
  • pencil
  • scissors with curved ends
  • board
  • towel

If you are making such a Christmas tree with a child, then you should follow the work with scissors.

Roll out the plasticine to make a cone

Insert a pencil into the base of the Christmas tree

Make staggered cuts with scissors

Vera Shuvaeva

Dear Colleagues! I would like to bring to your attention a photo report of the lesson on molding from plasticine. Our children love to sculpt from plasticine. Here in one of our classes we sculpted herringbone. First, we talked about what Christmas trees grow in the forest? What do you have Christmas trees? Then we got to work. Took brown plasticine(can be black) rolled up a ball, then made a sausage out of it (rolled between the palms on one tip of the sausage by pressing harder) got a stem. Then they took green plasticine they rolled a ball out of it and made a long sausage and with the help of a stack they divided it into small, medium and long sausages, we got twigs. These twigs are stuck to the trunk along different sides starting from the crown, from the beginning small, then medium and longest branches. All Christmas trees turned out wonderful. See if it's useful to someone.

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