How to sew a vest from an arctic fox with your own hands. DIY fur vest patterns with detailed instructions and video tutorial for beginning needlewomen

Recently, fur vests have become very popular, because you really want to wear cozy and stylish fur not only in winter, but also in autumn and spring. A fur vest can be thrown over a dress or turtleneck without spoiling the sophisticated look on a cool evening. This item of clothing is universal, as it goes with both trousers and jeans. Today we will tell you how to sew a fur vest with your own hands inexpensively, quickly and in an original way. Believe me, sewing such a thing is not difficult, since it does not have pockets, and most importantly, sleeves and complex fastener processing. If you follow our recommendations, a fur vest sewn by yourself will look no worse than a store-bought one and will cost several times less.

What kind of fur is suitable for sewing a vest?

Fur vests are back in fashion, which is understandable. Beautiful, comfortable, stylish products made from mink, fox, rabbit or faux fur are suitable for women of any age. The vest is very comfortable to wear in the off-season, when it is damp and cool. This versatile wardrobe item can be worn for an evening walk or on a trip out of town. Fur vests were especially appreciated by women driving. That is why, recently, the fair half of humanity is increasingly asking the question of how to sew a fur vest with your own hands from existing skins or from old fur products. However, you can even sew a faux fur vest with your own hands.

Important! Working with fur is a rather painstaking and difficult process. For beginners, it is better to start with the option of sewing a product from an old fur coat or skins available in the house.

A few nuances

If you think that you can create a unique product by cutting off the sleeves and shortening the fur coat, then you are mistaken, because such a thing will not look good.

Important! It must be remembered that wear worsens the condition of the pile on the collar and shoulders the most.

To sew a fur vest with your own hands:

  1. First you need to completely disassemble the fur coat.
  2. Then select those areas of fur that look best.
  3. A new product should be sewn from the selected pieces.

Go around the shoulder seams and armholes, as they wear out the most. Do not use the old lining and insulation of your fur coat - buy a new contrasting lining and lightweight modern insulation. They will “refresh” a fur vest.

Important! Of course, a vest made of natural fur will look best. It is soft, warm and looks respectable and elegant. But if you decide to buy fur for a sleeveless vest and have never sewn anything like this, then it is better to contact a studio so as not to spoil the expensive material.

  • Before you decide to cut existing skins or fur coats into sleeveless vest parts, check their condition. Use a furrier's stitch to connect a small section of fur and test it for tearing.

Important! If the seam breaks at the slightest effort, then despite the fact that the pile is well preserved, you should not waste time sewing a vest from such material.

  • It is necessary to check the condition of the fur, especially if you want to sew a product from an old fur coat.
  • Please ensure that the leather fabric is not loose or brittle.

Important! The most short-lived types of natural fur are rabbit and nutria. Such material sometimes breaks even at the touch of a needle, so a DIY rabbit vest may not work out. It is best to sew a fur vest with your own hands, using an old mink or fox fur coat, if its fur is well preserved.

Tools for sewing a fur vest

Working with fur requires great skill and experience, as well as many special tools, including a sewing furrier machine. But if you are determined to sew an original and unique fur item, then prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Fur skins.
  • Stationery knife or blade.
  • Measuring tape, pencil or pen.
  • Lint comb.
  • Hammer and small nails.
  • Stapler.
  • Wooden board for stretching skins.
  • A needle for fur and a spool of thread of a suitable color.
  • Tracing paper (for patterns).
  • Fabric for lining. Choose a fabric or knitted lining (the yarn should be the color of the fur).
  • Insulation (optional).
  • Padding and adhesive materials for strengthening necklines, armholes and sides.
  • Sewing accessories (buttons, hooks, lock). Select accessories at your discretion and desire.

DIY fur vest - pattern

First of all, you need to create a pattern. To “tailor” the pattern to yourself, measure the basic parameters - the circumference of the waist, hips, shoulders, neck and arms. Next, make a pattern on tracing paper and cut out the fabric parts using it. Leave seam allowances of 1-2 cm.

  • The inner part of the product is sewn according to the pattern. If you want a sleeveless vest to fit perfectly, sew the pieces together before the fur trim to fit your body.

Important! Don’t worry if the pattern is not perfect - all defects will be hidden by the voluminous fur. The most important thing is that the vest does not feel tight.

  • If you have an old jacket that matches the volume and length of the future sleeveless vest, you can use it for the pattern. To do this: unpick the sleeves, adjust the width and length by trying them on yourself, and press the product apart at the seams. This method of creating a pattern is quite primitive, but reliable. And since you will be cutting expensive natural or faux fur, you can’t go wrong.
  • When placing tracing paper on the material, keep in mind the fact that the fur should be directed exclusively downwards. In addition, if the pile is of a non-uniform shade, then carefully select adjacent skins by color so that the seams are not noticeable.

How to sew a fur vest with your own hands? Step-by-step instruction

Now let's move on directly to the process of creating a new thing. This creative work is performed in several steps.

Step 1: Stretching the Fur

Before cutting the skins, it is necessary to stretch the fur. Proceed as follows:

  1. Moisten the flesh (leather tissue of the skin) a little with water.
  2. Stretch the material on a wooden surface (plywood is possible) with slight tension.
  3. Nail the edges of the leather fabric with small nails (push pins) or a stapler.
  4. Give the material time to dry. Dry the stretched fur at normal room temperature for 24 hours.
  5. Remove the skin. It should be even and smooth, connecting seams should not be visible.

Now you can transfer the pattern of the product parts onto the material.

Step 2. Cutting the fur:

  1. Place the skins on a plastic table, fur side down.
  2. Pin the pattern to the leather fabric.
  3. Make the markings with a gel pencil or pen.
  4. Using a utility knife or blade, cut out the details of the sleeveless vest.

Important! Cut the skin with short, sharp movements, preferably while hanging, so as not to damage the pile. The hair of the skin should remain intact, so first practice on unnecessary pieces of material to learn how to carefully cut the fur with a knife.

Step 3. Sew the fur

Fur parts must be joined together using a special hand furrier's seam or using a furrier's machine. To make a furrier's seam on a machine, the skin at the seam is folded with the pile inward, the hair is carefully tucked in (with a finger or an awl) and the edges of the leather fabric are sewn over the edge. This “double piercing” technique ensures high bond strength.

Important! Do not try to sew the skins together with a sewing machine, as the structure of the fur will not withstand such impact. If not immediately, then after a while, the seams will definitely tear at the places where the needle punctures.

  • Before you start, fold the pieces and make sure they match perfectly in color and pile length. If one skin has longer fur, position it slightly upward to hide the differences.
  • When sewing parts, hairs should not get into the seam. If, when joining the skins, a hair gets into the seam, then carefully pull it out of the stitch with an awl.
  • Brush the area where the skins join together with a metal brush, and then the area where the joints are joined can only be distinguished by the shade of the areas connected to each other.

Step 4. Sew on the lining:

  1. Sew the lining using a regular machine and iron it.
  2. Lightly tap the seams on the fur with a hammer or press down with the back of the scissors.
  3. Place the fur and lining right sides together and sew, leaving a small area on the back for turning the garment inside out.
  4. Carefully turn the product inside out and sew up the hole left with hidden stitches.
  5. Using your hands, smooth out the seams under the lining on the fur part. Ideally, the joints should not be noticeable.
  6. You can add hooks, buttons or a belt to the finished product. This is a matter of taste and preference.

Important! Wear the product over cardigans, sweaters, and knee socks. The main thing is that the clothes match in color. A fur vest will look equally good with skinny jeans, leather pants and a sheath skirt. However, it should be noted that the fur itself looks quite bright, so the best choice is muted dark tones.

How to sew a fox vest with your own hands?

A fox vest will require at least 4-5 skins (not short, but long).

Important! It is very important that all the skins are the same shade and have no defects, since bald spots can ruin the whole work.

We described above how to sew a fur vest with your own hands, using patterns. Here are just a few recommendations for assembling a fox product:

  • Select fox skins carefully. The skins may look the same, but the length of the pile and shades may be different. For example, a fox's back may have a brighter shade than its belly. Look carefully at the prepared patterns and check them on the skins.
  • The wet fox skin can be slightly expanded and even lengthened a little if, for example, the armhole of the front does not fit slightly. Remember, expanding the skin is much easier than lengthening it. Please take this into account when applying product parts.
  • If you choose the right fur (the same shade and length of the pile), then the longitudinal connecting seams will not be visible at all. If you want to build up and lengthen the skin, the seam will be noticeable. Therefore, carefully select the pieces according to the color and length of the pile.
  • Since products made from fox make you look fatter, use leather or suede inserts on the sides of the sleeveless vest to reduce this effect. A DIY vest made of fur and leather will look impressive. You can sew a belt for a sleeveless vest and other finishing details from leather. For example, if a zipper is used, then leather parts can be placed along the edge of the side. For one vest you will need 60-70 cm of leather or suede.

DIY knitted fur vest

While making a fur vest requires special tools and experience working with skins, this is not necessary for a knitted sleeveless vest. The essence of this method is that a ready-made knitted vest made of jersey is taken as the basis of the product, and strips of fur are simply sewn on or threaded through loops, forming a fur fabric. You only need to cut the fur into strips, and thanks to this method, you can quickly and easily make a completely unique sleeveless vest, combining colors and materials.

How to care for fur?

To ensure that a product made from natural fur lasts as long as possible, follow these recommendations:

  • Store fur in a dark place. Sun rays and heating devices negatively affect the structure of the material.
  • The fur should hang freely and not be pressed down by other things.
  • Do not use hairspray or perfume near fur. Tobacco smoke is also harmful to the product. It is extremely difficult to remove the smell of a caustic substance from fur products.
  • Do not use a hair dryer or other heating devices to dry the product. Shake the wet fur and let it dry naturally. After this, lightly comb your hair.
  • If the fur is dirty, remove the stain with a mixture of salt and ammonia in a ratio of 3 to 1.

DIY faux fur vest

You can sew a warm, comfortable and fashionable item from faux fur. We invite you to create your own model of a product made from faux fur and a leather belt.

To make it you will need:

  • Faux long pile fur (70 cm).
  • Thick lining fabric (70 cm).
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Needle and thread in color.
  • Leather for the belt.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare a vest pattern (2 shelves and a back).
  2. Lay out the pattern pieces on the material and secure them with pins.
  3. Using sharp scissors with pointed ends, carefully cut out the details of the product. Thread only the fabric base, slowly cutting the material so that all the pile remains and is not cut off.
  4. Sew the side seams.
  5. Cut a leather belt to fit the width of the product. Fold it in half and sew.
  6. Sew the belt into the vest. You can sew pieces of fur onto the accessory, as if the belt were inserted into a vest.
  7. Place the product on the lining fabric, trace, cut out.
  8. Right sides together, place the fur garment and the lining together.
  9. Baste the lining (except the shoulder seams). Leave an unstitched area on the back for turning.
  10. Sew a strap from lining fabric and insert it into a leather belt. Make cuts and stick out the fabric strap a little.
  11. Sew the lining to the vest, leaving holes on the front walls to insert the fabric belt.
  12. Turn the vest inside out and straighten the lining.
  13. Turn the vest inside out through the bottom of the back and sew the fur together with the lining in one seam.
  14. As you can see, you can sew a vest for the autumn cold from any fur, even faux fur. The main thing is desire and patience. We hope that our tips helped you create a unique, warm, beautiful vest. And at what time of year and with what things to wear it - you decide for yourself!

Comfort, warmth and style - this is how you can describe a women's fur vest. There are doubts about the cost. The price of vests made of natural fur is quite high, and sometimes purchasing one can cost you the cost of a good car. Not everyone has that kind of money, but you always want to look beautiful.

There is an alternative method - a vest made of faux fur, the price will be 2 or even 3 times lower, and the sewing process, you see, is much more humane and simpler. Previously, such clothing was considered a sign of bad taste. It was only in the late 50s and early 60s that mass production of high-quality clothing made from faux fur began, when models first began to show such fur coats and vests on the catwalks, and celebrities began to go out in such outfits.

How to sew a fur vest from faux fur with your own hands?

How to understand the variety of modern models and styles of vests?

  1. Fur vests are made from faux fur or natural fur.
  2. In style they can be short, elongated or long.
  3. The fur can be smooth or fleecy.

There are also fitted, tight and loose models. Products are often decorated with an original collar, hood, large buttons or belt. There are a lot of options.

When choosing a women's vest, pay attention to faux fur and its structure. If you notice that lint remains on your hand, or there are traces of paint on your fingers, this is a low-quality item and it will not serve you for long.

If you have beautiful curvy shapes, opt for elongated models - mid-thigh or knee-length. For girls with a thin build, in order to visually increase the volume in the upper part, it is better to pay attention to short styles with long pile.

If the desire to have a beautiful vest is very strong, but the choice in stores is not satisfactory, or there is no suitable size, there is an option. All you need is a good imagination and some sewing skills. You can sew a faux fur vest with your own hands.

First, think carefully about how you see the future vest, spend time on it, think through the little things. Better yet, draw a sketch on a piece of paper, so you will already have a ready-made plan for how to act and where to go. For the manufacturing process you will need:

  • artificial fur;
  • lining fabric - it will become insulation;
  • sewing supplies: patterns, ruler, pencil, chalk, special scissors and decorative elements that you will sew to the finished product.

You need to start the sewing process by making a pattern of the material. At the final stage, all parts of the product are stitched and decorated with decorative elements. If you are sewing for the first time or have recently mastered this skill, you can read in detail how to sew a faux fur vest on the forums. On such resources, needlewomen share valuable tips and clearly show the entire sewing process. If you have the opportunity and desire, you can attend a sewing master class or even take a few lessons from a master.

If you have a daughter or need to give a gift, you can sew a faux fur vest for a girl. Dressing with your daughter in the same style is now fashionable. In addition, the girl will become a real fashionista in a warm outfit. If you don’t have time, the stores have a very large selection of fur vests for girls.

Take a look at the faux fur vests in the photo below:

What to wear with a faux fur vest and photos of ideal looks

“What to wear with faux fur vests?”- This is the question most often asked by girls when making a purchase. The vest itself is a self-sufficient and stylish thing. You just need to complement it a little with the right accessories. This will help create the perfect image.

If you are planning to attend an evening event, you can complement your look with a stylish belt with an interesting design and long massive earrings.

A vest is a universal garment. It can be worn to work in the office and for a regular walk. Perfect for a casual look: trousers, jeans, leggings, leather pants. Jeans are probably the most versatile outfit to go with this item. Skinny, classic, cropped, flared ones go perfectly with such a vest.

You get a great look by combining a vest and a long dress. It is best to wear turtlenecks, knee socks, and sweatshirts with a fitted silhouette underneath. Nowadays it is very fashionable to wear models in bright, flashy colors: purple, green, blue. This look is perfect for a youth party or going to a club.

How to choose shoes to match a vest?

The main skill when choosing shoes for a vest is their appropriateness. Choose your shoes depending on the weather and upcoming plans. If your goal is to look elegant, choose high-heeled shoes. Rough lace-up shoes or over-the-knee boots are perfect for walking. Always remain beautiful and stylish even in the coldest weather.

An old fur coat is an excellent basis for complementing your winter or mid-season wardrobe with a new item - a warm, hand-made fur vest

What tools and materials will be needed

  • the fur coat itself
  • a stationery knife with a retractable blade (fur cannot be cut with scissors, as the pile can be damaged)
  • threads and needles for working with fur

Sometimes, in the process of converting a fur coat into a vest, the style of the product undergoes significant adjustments. In some cases, it is necessary to completely reshape the vest, using the fur coat as a piece of fur. In this case, you will need a vest pattern

What and how to do

Please note: the sequence of correct actions when working is very important.

We cut it.

The easiest way to transform an old fur coat into a vest is to rip off the sleeves, shorten the fur coat to the desired length, and then carefully hem the lining with a hidden seam. Then you can put a fur or leather belt on the vest with belt loops, replace the collar with a hood, or vice versa.

If you are going to cut out a vest from an old fur coat from scratch, the work will be structured a little differently.

First of all, disassemble the fur coat into parts. Then distribute the fur so that there is enough of it to cover the vest. High-quality fur is good because it allows the craftswoman to cut and recut it many times. The main thing is to ensure that the pattern and direction of growth of the pile are correct.

Cutting should be done with a sharp knife on a wooden or plastic surface.

You can read about how a fur coat can be altered in our studio at. Also, our craftsmen will be able to assess the level of wear of the fur and give qualified advice on whether it is worth using this fur coat or whether it is better to abandon the idea.

We sew.

We sew the fur by hand using the “goat” and “edge” seams that are probably familiar to us. Seams with high loads should be laid with double tape or special tape. The operating time will depend on how seamless the vest elements are. If you are lucky enough to cut out a solid back and front panels, you can sew a vest from an old fur coat in just one evening.

Final touches.

The vest can be secured with hooks or matching buttons.

The lining is secured with a hidden seam. The viscose lining goes perfectly with fur fabric.

When finished, comb the fur with a natural bristle brush.

You can find out how much it costs to install new hooks on a fur product in the “Fur Restoration” section.

Please also note that the direction of fur growth on the parts being sewn must match. If you have the necessary skills, you can easily transform your fur coat into a vest yourself. If you don’t have enough skills or don’t have time, then welcome to. We have been successfully altering various fur and leather products for over 7 years!

Read also on the topic:

It’s not for nothing that they say that we create the things closest to our hearts ourselves. Indeed, any clothes you sew yourself will give you much more pleasure than buying something new in a store. In this article we will show a master class about making a fur vest; Let's touch on the process of sewing with your own hands.

Learning to make a fur vest with your own hands: choosing and preparing the material

It is better to use expensive fur. You can take material from old clothes. An old mink coat will do, as well as fox fur. Remember that the skin tissue should not be fragile or, conversely, loose. Golden mean! Then check the seam. It must withstand any load so as not to break during further use.

Remove the adhesive fabric from the fur coat. We rip out the seams. We get rid of fasteners and pockets. The back, sleeves and other parts should be separated and laid out separately.

We select the best pieces from existing patterns. We cut out the back and shelves from them. Thus, we will have a beautiful sleeveless vest.

We go around the shoulder seams of the fur coat. These are the areas where the skin is most susceptible to damage. We leave only newer cuts for new seams.

During work, it is often necessary to cut out entire worn-out fragments of the skin and install new sections. The shape for this “patch” should be cut at an angle or square. No need to try to make ovals or circles. We separate the pieces along straight lines, carefully selecting the color of the fur and the direction of the pile.

You should not use fur coat insulation, or old lining. Your vest will be updated with a fresh contrast lining and simple new insulation. They don't cost much, but they will help give your product a certain newness.

If there is not enough material for the vest, or the fur itself is of poor quality, then you can improvise. Let's say knitting handmade patterns with raccoon or rabbit fur. Here the result depends on your skill.

We sew a fur vest from fox fur quickly and easily

For a new wardrobe item we will need 4-6 fox skins. Short skins will not work; only long ones will be needed. You should pay attention to the condition of the material. There should be no large “bald spots” or bald spots that could spoil the result of your work.

Be sure to look at the color of the selected skins. At first glance, the shades may seem the same to you, but this is not entirely true. The fox's hair varies in color in different parts of the body. Somewhere it’s lighter, somewhere it’s darker. You should select the same skins in color so that the future product looks more natural.

And the length of the hair also deserves attention. It may also differ. Take a closer look so you won't be disappointed later.

  1. First we “stretch” the fur. Lightly wet the leather tissue (inside) of the skins with water. After moistening, stretch the fabric just a little on the wooden surface. We nail the edges with large push pins.
  2. We dry the drawn fur for 24 hours. In a day the product will become even and smooth. The connecting seams will be even.
  3. Cut out the details of the fur vest. Important! Fur is cut not with scissors, but with a shoe knife. You can use a regular stationery knife, which is easy to find in all stores. Do not press too hard on the tool! We cut the fragments, loosely pressing the fur item to the table. If you press too hard, the seams on the vest will begin to stand out in the future. We don’t touch the hair! When attaching the skins there should be no hairs in the seam. If they get caught, carefully pull them out of the stitch with an awl.
  4. Comb the area of ​​the union with a wire brush. After this procedure, the junctions will become more visible.
  5. We join the skins together using a hand furrier's stitch. You can use a special furrier machine. Under no circumstances should you try to sew skins on a regular sewing machine. The material simply will not withstand such overwhelming loads; frequent needle strikes will only ruin the entire fabric.
  6. We constantly check the condition of the fur. If fragments of the future product tear from touch, then the work should be completed. Unfortunately, the material was of poor quality.
  7. Great! After combining the parts of the skins, you have a full-fledged vest.

Finishes and accessories:
  1. You can decorate the vest with various fasteners, as well as decorate your new item with expensive jewelry.
  2. Vests with a belt are in fashion now. Today, strictly black belts are very popular.
  3. And also recently they have been using suede inserts along the edges of the vest. This will give you a more business-like and “aesthetic” appearance.

Video on the topic of the article

If you doubt your abilities, you can always take the materials to the studio. However, to consolidate your knowledge and skills, you are given the opportunity to watch the videos below to better understand the process of making vests. Practice your skills and you will succeed!

Outfits made from natural fur drive both men and women crazy with their extraordinary beauty, elegance, luxury and expensive appearance. Numerous stores and factories offer customers original models and classic versions of fur vests. But what to do if you want to create such a work of art with your own hands and have everything you need for this? Further in this article there is a detailed and very interesting master class on how to sew a fur vest with your own hands using a pattern.

Advantages of fur vests

Outerwear made from natural fur has always been famous for its luxury and beauty. For women, such outfits add sophistication and charm, and for men - belligerence and masculinity.

A very interesting option for autumn and winter are fur vests made from fox, mink, arctic fox or mouton fur with pockets and interesting trim. A knitted vest made from pieces of natural fur is not just a beautiful option, but also warm, practical clothing, with which you can create a huge number of different looks for a fashionista with your own hands. And you can knit it yourself.

The photo below demonstrates how beautiful and luxurious a do-it-yourself fur vest made from a fur coat with leather trim can be; you can create such an outfit without additional difficulties if you have a clear pattern and a detailed master class at hand. Next, we will tell you how to turn an old, boring fur coat into a brand new, stylish and attractive vest.

Master class: sewing a vest yourself

Many fashionistas who have sewing skills are thinking about how to sew a fur vest with their own hands from an old fur coat according to a pattern, how difficult this task is, and also what you need to have to complete it. In fact, if you want and have some diligence, you can create such beauty yourself without much hassle.

Current tools

To sew a fur vest with leather trim yourself from an old fur coat according to a pattern, you will need to acquire the following tools and accessories:

  • well-sharpened large scissors;
  • needles of different sizes for basting;
  • sewing machine with a mode for working with natural fur;
  • measuring tape for taking measurements from the future owner of a fur vest;
  • thimble.

Stages of work

The step-by-step execution of the work looks like this.

Taking measurements from the person for whom the future fur product is intended. Carefully and without haste, measure the fashionista’s figure and record on paper half the volume of all measurements. For example, a girl’s measurements are 38, 32, 42 cm. Such measurements are necessary to assess the actual size of a fur product. Next, you will also need to measure the width of the shoulders, the distance along the back to the armhole, the girl’s waist and the desired length of the future vest. For example, our parameters are 40, 27, 35 cm, and we make the length of the outfit 53 cm in front, and 57 cm in the back. Then there will be a slight difference in length on the leather inserts on the sides, which looks very interesting.

Based on the measurements taken, a fur vest pattern is made with your own hands. If you decide to alter an old fur coat, then all the seams must first be removed by laying out individual pieces of fur on the table. Next, the actual details of the future product are cut out from them. The edges of the parts can be carefully cleaned by hand, or you can use a vacuum cleaner. A lot depends on the quality and length of the pile.

To save fabric, we make the back from 2 parts. To do this, place the parts of the back facing one another, not forgetting to follow the direction of the fur. They need to be sewn together using a sewing machine and straighten the pile to hide the seam.

Now from the center on top of the back of the outfit you will need to put 6 cm on different sides and 2.5 cm down. Connect these marks using a smooth line to create a neat cutout for the beauty’s neck. On the sides of the back, measure 3 cm from top to bottom and connect the collar to the neckline. This way you will get a smooth shoulder line. From the waist line you need to put 6 cm to the sides, top and bottom and 2 cm to the center. Connect the dots with a smooth line to create cutouts for the waist. Then your DIY fur vest from an old fur coat will look simply stunning.

Position both shelves so that the fibers lie symmetrically towards the center. This is necessary because we want to place the pile of the shelves across the product. Next, you need to measure 3 cm from the top on the sides of the shelves and connect these points with a line to the top point on the opposite side to get a shoulder cutout. We perform all cuts without haste.

Lay out 3 parts of the future fur vest on the lining material and cut them with 2 cm allowances so that the lining does not puff up when worn. Connect with threads along the shoulder line on the shelves, as well as on their lining, in order to connect them with the shoulder parts of the back and its lining. Let us remind you that they are shorter in length than the front ones.

Sew the front and back panels directly along the top and bottom lines. Sew the outer edges of the shelves and lining, first inserting a flap of leatherette down. It needs to be turned to face the pile. Now you need to turn out the finished shelves.

Connect the back pieces to one another with the face, carefully stitch the seam of the bottom edge of the back with the lining. Do not twist the shelves. Bring each of them inside the back and stitch the side seam on this side. Don't forget about inserting leatherette parts. We connect the second shelf to the product in exactly the same way.

Turn the vest right side out through the unstitched part. All that remains is to stitch the remaining hole by hand. Sew fasteners on the waist. You can see photos of hand-sewn fur vests.

The video below once again tells how to sew a fur vest yourself at home from an old fur coat.

No less interesting in appearance is a vest knitted from long strips of fur. You can look at interesting photos on how to knit such an outfit yourself on the Internet on the forums of needlewomen.