Synopsis of an open lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical abilities in the second junior group Topic: “Orientation in space. "Orientation in space

yulya lonshakova
Abstract of a lesson in mathematics in middle group"Orientation in space"

Synopsis OOD

Educational area : « cognitive development»

Integration of educational regions: cognitive development, social and communicative development, physical development

Subject: « Orientation in space»

Target: Learn navigate in space

Tasks: learn to identify and name where they are items: above, below, above, below; distinguish between left and right, exercise in counting within 2; distinguish and name the numbers 1 and 2.

Material: For educator: sparrow, house, tree (on magnets); numbers 1,2; handout for children material: 2 green triangles and 2 yellow circles, number card; for Game (leaves, sticks, pebbles, shells, tree fruits.)

preliminary work: count within 5, d/i "Find items round shape» , "Where is the item"

Dictionary activation: above, below, above, below, left, right, number, figure, how much, the same, equally, more, less, the same.

Lesson progress

1) Organizational part

Let's hold hands together and smile at each other.

2) Main body

The teacher and children are sitting at the table.

An image of a sparrow, spruce and a house is attached to the board.

Draw the children's attention to the board. Before viewing pictures to do gymnastics for the eyes.

Gymnastics for the eyes:

“one to the right, two to the left, three up, four down, and now let's go in a circle and close them tighter. Now let's open our eyes and see the world."

Asks children to guess riddle:

Chik chirik!

Jump to the grains!

Peck, don't be shy

Who is this? (sparrow)

Tell the children that sparrows fly everywhere. Ask the children, Where is he located?

Before work, he offers to stretch his eyes.

Invite them to close their eyes and put a sparrow on the tree. Children must determine where he is sitting using the words "left, right, up, down" etc.

(The game is repeated 5-6 times.)

During the game, the location of the sparrow must change: on the spruce, to the left of the house, under the spruce.

Play a game "Where is the right, where is the left?":

The teacher stands facing the children, raises his hand with the toy and asks in which hand is the toy? (the game is played several times)

Working with a card

In front of the children is a number card, two triangles and two circles.

The teacher shows the children the number 1 and offers to put on the top "shelf" so many triangles cards - Christmas trees.

After completing the task, he asks how many Christmas trees they took and why.

Then the teacher invites the children to put the same number of circles on the bottom shelf - "bumps".

What can you say about figurines? How many? Which figurine is higher, which is lower?

(Try to get different answers to the given questions(equally, equally, as much as, one by one, the same, etc.).

Finger gymnastics:

“One, two, three, four, five fingers went out for a walk.

One, two, three, four, five fingers hid again"

Invite the children to put another Christmas tree upstairs,

* How many Christmas trees are upstairs? Say where are two objects, and where is one object.

* What can now be said about the Christmas trees above and the cones below?

And how to make them equal - two each?

* Outside small group lessons children can play "Paired Pictures".

Phys. minute:

“We walked, walked, walked, found a hedgehog, bent down, picked it up, then went on”

"Paired Pictures"

The players are given cards with pictures, which depict one or two objects. Duplicate pictures lie in the middle of the table.

Children put the cards in front of them and take turns opening the cards lying in the middle of the table. Finding a picture that pairs with the one he has, he puts both cards aside.

The game continues until all the children have combined pairs of pictures.

3) Final part

Summing up: what did we do? (played games, counted, guessed where the sparrow was).

What words did we use today? (bottom, top, right, left, under, over)

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Botvinova Liliya Olegovna
Educator MBDOU No. 186 of the combined type, Kemerovo
Synopsis of direct educational activities(middle group)
Integration of educational areas: Cognition (Formation of elementary mathematical representations), Communication (Speech development), sensory development.
Topic: Orientation in time and space.
Objectives: To consolidate knowledge about the parts of the day and their sequence, the ability to navigate in space (left, right, up, down), to consolidate the ability to use prepositions in speech. To consolidate knowledge of color and planar geometric shapes.
Develop spatial awareness logical thinking, attention.
Cultivate independence, perseverance, culture of mathematical speech.
Equipment: cards with the image of the seasons, individual sets of planar geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval), audio recording of the children's song "Boogie Woogie"
Direct educational activities
I Organizing moment
II Communication of the topic and objectives
Today we will remember the seasons and their sequence and practice to distinguish and name the directions - left, right, up, down.
III Consolidation of knowledge
1. Riddles
The cock greets the dawn
Mother of children washes
Hoarfrost on the grass, like powder.
What time of day? (Morning)
The sun is high in the sky
And the night is far away
Short shade trees.
What time of day? (Day)
The day has passed. The sun is setting.
The darkness creeps in slowly.
Light lamps, candles -
Dark is coming... (evening)
It's dark in the yard,
The moon is looking out the window.
Son and daughter sleep in cribs
So it has come ... (night)
The sun has set. The light turned off.
It's time for everyone to sleep. Late hour.

The evening has flown away

And he is sneaking after him ... (night)

Listen carefully to the riddles and try to solve them.

Look at the cards, what parts of the day are shown on them?

Arrange the cards so that the parts of the day are in order.

How do days start? (since morning)

What do they end up with? (at night)

What time is after morning? (day)

After a day? (evening)

2. Exercise "Unusual gait"

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge and ability to distinguish between right and left side, direction forward and backward. Develop attention, spatial orientation. Cultivate independence.

Move: Children stand in one line and, at the signal of the teacher, begin to move according to the instructions to the designated place.

For example: step forward, step left, step forward, step right, step back, etc.

3.Front work. Exercise "Labyrinth"

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to distinguish between the right and left sides, the direction up and down.

Move: Children are invited to go through the maze (help the hero get to something), pronouncing the direction of movement.

IV Fizminutka,

Fizminutka is carried out with musical accompaniment(children's song "Boogie-woogie")

V Independent work

Dictation with geometric shapes.

Each child has an individual game set planar geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle) and the object "landmark".

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to navigate in space, knowledge of planar geometric shapes.

Stroke: Children are invited to arrange geometric figures, according to the directions of the educator.

Put the house in front of you. Put a circle to the right of the house, a square to the left of the house, an oval above the house, a rectangle below the house, etc.

Which figures are on the left?

What flowers?

Which figures are on the right?

What flowers?

Which side has more shapes?

Learning tasks.

Learn to find an object in space, determining its location with the words: “above”, “below”, “on”.

Exercise in comparing two groups of objects laid out in a row.

To consolidate the ability to use the words “as much”, “how much”, “equally”, classify objects by color, name the image.

development tasks.

Develop cognitive activity.

Develop children's observation skills through play activities.

Methodical methods.


Visual (use of cards with the image of leaflets and ladybugs).

Verbal (reminder, instructions, questions, individual answers of children).

Encouragement, analysis of the lesson.

Preliminary work.

Preparation of handouts.

Introduction to counting sticks.


For the teacher: a toy mouse.

For children: a card with 5 leaves and 5 ladybugs cut out of cardboard, a tray, counting sticks: 3 large orange and 3 small blue.

Lesson progress

There are counting sticks on the table in front of the children.

Educator. What color are the sticks? (orange and blue). Set aside the blue sticks.

How many blue sticks? (three). Make a triangle out of blue sticks. Lay out an orange triangle next to it.

Children complete the task on their own.

Educator. Guys, look carefully at the triangles. Which triangle is bigger? (orange). Which triangle is smaller? (blue). And why?

Children. Because the orange sticks are longer than the blue ones.

Educator. That's right, well done. Where is the orange triangle?

Children answer which side the triangle lies on.

Is the small triangle located to the left or right of the large one? Now arrange the triangles so that the small triangle lies above the large one. (Children complete the task on their own).

Educator. Guys, look what we got? (Christmas tree). Right. What color is the triangle at the top? (blue).

Where is the big triangle? (at the bottom). And the little one? (up).

Educator. Well done. All the guys did their job.

Now listen carefully to the riddle:

Hidden under the floor

Afraid of cats (mouse).

Educator. A mouse came running to visit us, she wants to play with you. Close your eyes, and the mouse will hide from you at this time.

The teacher puts the mouse under the table, on the cabinet, etc. Children, opening their eyes, are looking for a mouse. Having found it, they say where it was, using the words: “above”, “below”, “on”. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Well done, the guys found a mouse everywhere. Now take your seats. Listen to another riddle:

Red, small lump,

Few dots on the back

Doesn't scream or sing

And crawling on a leaf (ladybug).

Educator. That's right, it's a ladybug. In front of you on trays are cards with leaves and ladybugs. Show your left hand. (Children show their left hand.) Hold the card with your left hand, and lay out the ladybugs with your right hand. Plant one ladybug on each leaf.

How many ladybugs? (A lot.) How many leaves? (A lot.) And what do you think, which is more: leaves or ladybugs? (The teacher listens to the children and leads to the fact that the leaves and ladybugs are equally divided, how many leaves, so many ladybugs.)

Educator. Guys, let's remember what tasks were today. (After the children's answers, the teacher gives a positive assessment of the children's activities.)

You guys are great, you all did a great job.

Integration of educational areas:"Cognitive development » , “Social and communicative development » , « Physical development»


Educational area "Cognitive development".

1) Develop attention, logical thinking, spatial orientation;

2) Enrich and activate the vocabulary of children;

Educational area "Social and communicative development".

3) Fix spatial relationships;

4) To educate children in independence, confidence;

Educational area "Physical development".

5) Develop motor activity of children

Methods and techniques:

Practical (physical minute);

Visual (illustrations);

Verbal (conversation)

Materials and equipment: illustrations, flannelgraph

Children's activities

Forms and methods of organization joint activities




game situation, games


Situational conversation, questions

Logic of educational activity

The activities of the educator

Activities of pupils

Expected results

Teacher: Hello guys! In many fairy tales, heroes stand at a fork in the road, at a crossroads and read such inscriptions: "You will go to the right", "You will go to the left."

Educator: Guys, do you know how to determine where is the right side and where is the left?

I'll tell you one secret! Where the heart beats is the left side and the other side is the right side.

Raise your right hand, look at it and say who is sitting on your right. Now raise your left hand, look at her and say who is sitting to your left.

Children answer questions

Creating children's motivation

"Game of Attention":

Touch your nose with your right hand, touch your left ear with your left hand, lift your right leg, etc.

Children listen attentively

Children develop logical thinking

Educator: Guys, the words came to visit us: on, over, under. There are flowers on the tables, take them in your hands.

Now hide the flower under your right hand, hold it over your left hand, hide it under your left hand, hold it over your right hand.

Children do the task

Game "How vegetables grow":

Educator: If I say a vegetable grows on the ground, spread our arms to the sides, if above the ground, up, in the ground, down.

Children do the task

Children have developed physical activity

The game "On, over, under":

Educator: Guys, let's try to make the tree not lonely. On your tables are miscellaneous items. And now let's place all these items on the tree, under the tree, above the tree.

Children do the task

The children improved their spatial orientation skills.

Educator: Well done guys, they coped with the task. Now our tree will not be lonely.

Did you guys enjoy the activity? What have we learned today?

dei answer questions

Summing up the lesson

Program JUNIOR GROUP offers to teach children distinguish spatial directions from oneself: front (forward) - behind (back), left (left) - right (right).

The basis for distinguishing spatial directions serves children clearly distinguishing parts of their bodies and defining sides on themselves. So, the concept of "ahead" in children is associated with their face, and "behind" (behind) - with their backs. Considering this, at the beginning school year it is important to check whether the kids know how to focus on themselves, whether they know the names of parts of the body and face.

While washing or dressing, the teacher, speaking at ease with the children, calls the parts of the body and face: “Wash your nose, ears, chin, rub your forehead”, “Put a scarf on your head”, “Tie a scarf around your neck”. It is important to encourage the kids themselves to name parts of the body and face. If the children are not well oriented, you can conduct didactic games "Bathing the Doll", "Putting the Doll to Sleep", "Let's Dress the Doll". It is important that during these games the attention of children should be focused not only on the processes of washing and dressing themselves; emphasis should be placed on distinguishing and naming parts of the body and face. The child is offered to wash the doll's breast, back, shoulders, etc.

children at the same time exercise in distinguishing paired mutually-reverse directions: top - bottom, front - back, left - right (left - right), since the formation of ideas about one of them is based on the formation of ideas about the other. Especially makes it difficult for kids to distinguish between right and left hands. Difficulties are eliminated if the educator constantly associates the naming of the hand with the actions it performs, and above all, characteristic of each hand. The kids should name in which hand they hold the spoon, and in which they hold the bread, in which hand they have a pencil, brush, and with which hand they hold the paper.

The exercise in distinguishing and naming hands is associated with the performance of other actions.. For example, in music and physical education classes, the teacher offers the children to take a blue flag in their right hand, and a green flag in their left, or take a long ribbon in their right hand, and a short one in their left, asks the kids to say in which hand they have this or that object.

In the process of learning to distinguish and name the right and left hands great attention is paid to the development of the ability to identify different sides of oneself: head - above, legs - below; right leg, left leg; right ear, left ear, etc. this work held both individually and with small subgroups of children. The teacher asks them to touch their knees with their hands and guess which leg they have is right and which is left. Toddlers will learn that the left leg is on the side where left hand, and the right one is where the right hand is. Similarly, children guess which cheek is right and which is left. When conducting exercises, children should not be seated opposite each other, in a circle or in corners, because in this case the homogeneity in the perception of space is disturbed. All children and the teacher must sit or stand facing the same direction. The duration of the exercises does not exceed 3-5 minutes.

Based on these skills children, you can start teach them to indicate spatial directions from themselves: forward, backward, left, right. For example, the teacher asks the children to take the flags (or rattles) and stretch their arms out to the sides. At some point, the attention of the kids is focused on the fact that they have a blue flag in their right hand, and they show them in right side; holding a green flag in their left hand, they point to their left. At the direction of the teacher, the children point the flags down, up, left, right. They are taught to lean forward by the word, raise their hands up, lower them down, etc. The games “Hide and seek”, “Where did you throw the ball?” Are used. Such exercise games should be repeated 6-8 times, they are given approximately 4-5 minutes.

In the younger group, children receive the first skills of orientation on the sheet plane. In the classroom, they are taught to place objects on the sheet at the top and bottom, on the upper and lower strips, left and right, lay out objects in a row in order from left to right.

Showing techniques for depicting objects in drawing class, the teacher calls hand direction: from top to bottom, from left to right, etc. The children themselves are encouraged to name the direction of action or the location of objects on the plane: "How do you lay out the circles?" ("From left to right.") "Where are more circles?" ("Downstairs.") "Where is less?" ("Up".)

IN THE MIDDLE GROUP the child must learn determine where an object is located in relation to it up, down, front, back, left, right. basis of distinction spatial directions serves distinguishing body parts, determining sides on oneself. At the beginning of the school year, they find out to what extent children are able to focus on themselves, and consolidate this skill.

great attention give exercises in distinguishing between left and right hand , since orientation in the left and right is given to children of a given age with a certain difficulty; reinforce the ability to point with a hand (flag, wand) forward, backward, up, down, left, right.

Determination of the spatial arrangement of objects relative to themselves.

Having taught children to orient themselves, indicate directions forward, backward, etc., you can go to the exercises in determining the location of objects from yourself(in front, in front of, behind, left, right, above, below). At first, children are asked to determine the location of only 2 toys or things that are in opposite directions from them: front, back, right, left. Later, the number of items is increased to 4. Items are first placed at a small distance from the child. Gradually increase the distance.

After the child determines the location of objects, it is useful to invite him to turn to the left or right (by 90 °), and later around (by 180 °). In the future, this will allow children to understand relativity in determining the location of objects from oneself. The child turned to the left, and Cheburashka now sits in front of him (in front), and not to his left. The most effective are exercises related to movements, moving children.

Exercises in determining the spatial arrangement of objects spend as in the classroom, as well as Everyday life . Great importance attach use didactic games : "Guess what is where", "Who left and where was he standing?" and etc.

Teaching the ability to move in the indicated direction.

After children have acquired the ability to distinguish and name the main spatial directions, their learn to move in a specified direction.

To do this, it is advisable to first use game "Where will you go, what will you find?".

Its purpose- to exercise the children in effective discrimination and designation of the main spatial directions.

Organization of the situation. The teacher in the absence of children hides toys in different places rooms, taking into account the expected location of the child (in front, behind, left, right). For example, he hides a bear behind a screen in front, and puts a nesting doll on the back of the shelf, etc. Explains the task: "Today you will learn how to find hidden toys." Calling the child, he says: "If you go forward - you will find a bear, if you go back - you will find a nesting doll. Where do you want to go and what will you find there?" The child must choose a direction, name it and go in that direction. Having found a toy, he says which toy and where he found it. ("I went back and found a nesting doll on the shelf.")

Note. At first, the child is offered to choose a direction only from 2 paired directions offered to him (forward - backward, left - right), and later - from 4. Gradually increase the number of toys located on each side. The task can be offered to 2 children at the same time.

Representations "closer", "farther", "near", "far" the children receive performing certain actions with toys and items. "Whose ball rolled farthest? Who threw the snowball farthest?" - such questions draw children's attention to the distance. They gradually learn the meaning of the words closer, farther, close, far. In the classroom spend several special exercises to refine the view data.