How to make a Christmas foil toy. New Year's and not only do-it-yourself toys. Symbol of the year, toys made of foil, paper, paper napkins. Simple and fast

Making a whole range of various decorations for the Christmas tree and at home on the eve of the New Year in many families becomes an integral part of their pre-holiday preparations. After all, not only delicious and fragrant dishes cheer us up and amuse the eye, but also the general atmosphere of celebration and splendor in the interior of the home. Whether it's a house or an apartment, each of us strives to transform all the rooms as beautifully as possible, giving them a certain fabulousness and magic with the help of decorations made by hand. Materials for home creativity you can find a huge number, and without any problems. Whatever you put your attention to can become the fruit of your creation. In order not to get lost for a long time in guessing about what is all the same to create an original and elegant, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our article, in which we will provide 6 photo ideas for your review cool crafts from foil to New Year 2019 DIY made in a fairly simple and creative form. For beginners, we have prepared wonderful master classes, thanks to which beginners will acquire the necessary skills in this needlework.

Christmas tree made of foil

If for the New Year 2019 you do not plan a real Christmas tree for any reason, do not be too upset with all members of your family, especially children. After all, you can form a good forest beauty from foil with your own hands. Thanks to our master class, this craft will turn out dazzling - sparkling and overshadowing everything around. Yes, and you will not have much trouble regarding its manufacture. Even kids can do this job in a matter of hours. So let's get creative.

This will require:

  • Foil;
  • Wire;
  • Glue;
  • Decorative embellishments of your choice.


  1. To create crafts in the form of a Christmas tree for the New Year 2019 with your own hands, you need to assemble a large number of foil. From them you need to make thin tubes that will serve as tree branches.
  2. The base of the Christmas tree is a wire that needs to be wrapped in a shiny silvery material, and glue can be used where required.
  3. Then branches are fixed to the base, as to a tree.
  4. To decorate the product, you need to make toys or hang tinsel. Bright and shiny Christmas tree the best decoration any room. In addition, to create such an ornament does not require large financial investments.

To create your own perfect outfit for your Christmas tree, you need to watch our video, which will tell you how to make bright balls foil at home.

Master class on manufacturing Christmas decorations do it yourself

Sparkling Christmas garland

If you don’t know how to make foil crafts for the New Year 2019 with your own hands quickly and effectively, then we advise you to be curious about our wonderful and easy idea. Despite the fact that this work will require patience and endurance, it is still worth taking advantage of this offer. After all, the result, to be honest, will surprise you and even amaze you. A garland decorated with such a motley silver material and hung in all rooms will remind you of a shimmering scattering of silver, especially in the light of the sparkling lights located on the Christmas tree. Nothing simpler and more solemn can not be invented for the New Year's celebration. let's consider step by step wizard class right now, so that such beauty in your hands is silvered today. By the way, if you have children, be sure to connect them to creative process. It will be useful for them and quite exciting.

This will require:

  • Foil;
  • Glue;
  • elegant thread or thin twine;
  • Scissors.


  1. To get an elegant decoration for the house, you need to use foil. To do this, it should be cut into small strips 1 and 5 cm wide.
  2. Then they need to be glued into rings, attaching to each other. Weaving the chain is necessary to the desired length. If you want to hang it all over the room, then you should do it as long as possible. It will turn out beautifully if it is supplemented with rings of colored paper. This craft, made in the form of a garland, will look no less attractive on the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019.

Made by you chic garland can be diversified by supplementing it with voluminous stars attached to the main thread of the product. To do this, you should watch our video tutorial.

Master class on creation volumetric star foil and cardboard

Silver foil snowflake

An elegant snowflake will turn out for the New Year 2019 if you use foil in its manufacture. The craft will have a shimmering sheen and a rustling structure. Perfect activity for kids young age, say, 5 years, since doing this work with your own hands is not difficult at all.

This will require:

  • Foil;
  • Paper;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Rope.


  1. From the foil you need to cut two snowflakes of the same size.
  2. Exactly the same blank should be made with your own hands from paper, to which the previously prepared silver snowflakes should be glued.
  3. When the craft is dry, you need to make a loop from any thin thread. A wonderful and such a simple product is ready to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019.

Together with snowflakes on a pine tree, small pictures made using the embossing technique will also look chic. To learn more about this direction in creativity, you need to watch our video.

Master class on creation Christmas decorations foil

Original Christmas balls

For kindergarten this DIY craft for the New Year 2019 will be one of the easiest. The kids will not only develop the motor skills of their little hands, but will also get a lot of pleasure from this needlework. And besides, the Christmas tree will get a new, unprecedented before, colorful and unsurpassed outfit for the matinee. Forms of Christmas toys can be of various configurations, but for kids more suitable round shape because it is simple and uncomplicated. In general, the foil is so pliable and pleasant to work with that you will want to create something from it again and again. The main thing is that the children's imagination should be directed in the right direction, then the work will be fruitful and worthy of praise and admiration.

This will require:

  • Foil;
  • Threads;
  • Needle;
  • Plastic bottle;
  • Decor (rhinestones or beads).


  1. From the foil you need to form a simple ball and thread a rope into it.
  2. As a decoration for a simple do-it-yourself toy for the New Year 2019, the top decor will serve. For its manufacture from plastic bottle You need to cut strips 1 cm wide and 5 cm long.
  3. From these strips you need to make a shape like a ball and strengthen it with threads. Decorate them better beads or glittery sequins.
  4. And at the end of the work, a ball is placed in the space of the ball of stripes. Another manufacturing instruction can be used, because it's all about fantasy. Here is our craft and ready!

A Christmas tree, if you show imagination and desire, you can decorate quite - still unusual. This will require such holiday decor like roses made by hand from the same foil. You will get indescribable beauty, reminiscent of your appearance shabby chic style. Watch our video tutorial carefully and you will learn how to achieve this at home.

Master class on creating magnificent roses

Festive foil flowers

The Christmas tree for the New Year 2019 will look rather unusual, decorated not with balls and stars familiar to all of us, but with flowers made from foil with our own hands. It is very easy to make such a fragile-looking craft in a circle. friendly family in just one evening. Spending time on such creativity, you will receive in return spectacular transformation your entire home in anticipation of the upcoming holidays.

This will require:

  • Foil;
  • Paper;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Beads.


  1. First you need to draw and cut flowers out of paper. You can use white as well colored paper or cardboard.
  2. A foil twisted into a tube is glued along the edges of the petals. You need to do this work very carefully and then it will turn out beautiful craft for New Year 2019.
  3. Here you can use a wire as a stem, which is wrapped in a silvery material used in all our products.
  4. In a similar way, it is worth making leaves for a flower. The more you create such lovely decorations, the richer and more elegant your forest guest will look in your home.

Video: master class for making flowers from foil

Flickering foil lanterns

If you still have not decided what kind of foil crafts you will make for the New Year 2019 with your own hands to decorate the whole house, be sure to check out our master class, which will provide you the simplest option man-made craftsmanship at home are flashlights. Each of us is familiar with them firsthand, because this is one of the first works of every student primary school. Let's, as they say, remember our childhood and plunge into the world of creativity together with our children.

For work you will need:

  • foil;
  • scotch;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We take the foil, the size of a sheet of A4 paper, and fold it in half. Thus, we outline the middle of the paper. After that, we align it, and fold the sides of the sheet, pulling it to the selected center.
  2. Then, with scissors, carefully cut strips, 0.3 mm wide, not reaching 1 - 1.5 cm to the edge on both sides.
  3. We unfold the paper and fold it into a kind of cylinder, as in the photo.
  4. To prevent our craft from unfolding, we should fix its edges with small strips of tape.
  5. Don't forget to attach a handle to your flashlight so you can ready product hang on the tree.

Here, in principle, our hand-made creation for the New Year 2019 is ready! this work, as you can see, presents no difficulty. You just have to really want it and everything will work out. By the way, in order for the interior of the house to attract everyone with its colorfulness and colorfulness, you must also use colored, corrugated and gift paper, double-sided bright cardboard and many other materials that you can easily and without problems get. Ready-made lanterns or other New Year's creations created from this entire range, you can add some elegant ribbons, beads, rhinestones, rain, tinsel, confetti and sparkles. Ornaments decorated with organza or other fabrics will also look impressive. Having shown your creative approach and individuality, you will achieve an excellent result in the decor of your home.

If you suddenly didn’t have foil, then don’t despair, because ordinary tea bags, which we all used to throw away, can also serve as a substitute. If you want to see for yourself, then check out our video tutorial.

New Year's snowflakes: Snowflakes from candy wrappers

Getting ready to welcome the New Year.

To the decoration of the house to this fabulous holiday can and should involve children and grandchildren.

Imagine how much joy crafts made by your own little hands will bring children!

Let's do it first new year star to decorate the Christmas tree or the house.

1. For such an elegant star, you will need only 3 candy wrappers. True, it is desirable to take wrappers square.

2. Fold the wrappers in half diagonally.

3. Starting from the middle, we fold an accordion from wrappers with a step (width) of approximately 1 cm.

4. Connect all three candy wrappers in the middle with a stapler or a needle and thread. Do not forget to insert a loop for hanging the toy.

5. We fasten the individual rays of wrappers with a stapler to each other and slightly straighten our asterisk.

Well, so unusual bright snowflakes You can decorate the Christmas tree both at home and in the yard. Each of us has plenty of material for snowflakes! These are candy wrappers. For those with a sweet tooth, making such a snowflake is easy!

  • Let's take 5-7 candy wrappers. The more, the more magnificent the snowflake will turn out. It is better if the wrappers are of the same color and pattern.

  • We fold each wrapper with an accordion (no more than 5-6 times) and string them on a needle and thread. (You can fix the wrappers with a stapler). Pull the middle, attach a loop, decorate the middle with tinsel.


We all love chocolate (with rare exceptions :o)!

Often we give a tile to friends and acquaintances, and we ourselves receive it as a gift. We buy sweets for our children, and sometimes we want to pamper ourselves, our beloved ...

Let's not throw away the foil from the chocolate bar.

We cut it into 4 parts and, having crushed, roll the balls in the palms. When there are a lot of balls, we will make snowflakes out of them.

With an awl, we will make through holes in the central ball. We insert pieces of thin wire about 10-12 cm long. We put foil balls on it, after piercing them with an awl. We close the ends of the wire inside the extreme lumps. Let's tie a thread. Snowflake is ready!

Let it flaunt on the Christmas tree.

And here - christmas snowflakes from paper.

How very easy it is to transform an ordinary room by letting in winter magic? How to make a simple and beautiful Christmas decoration with your own hands? See our master class "foil icicle".

The time is coming. The most favorite crafts are those that are easiest to make. Foil - the basis of our crafts is in almost every home.

To make foil icicles, we need:

  • foil
  • scissors
  • sequins
  • floss threads

Cut out a triangular shape from the foil.

Bend the base of the triangle. We cut off a little floss thread and fold a loop handle out of it. Glue the loop on the edge of the foil folded in half.

We twist and squeeze the foil around the loop. We try to give the icicle natural look. It should be wider at the base and taper towards the end. We make several of these.

We cover the icicles with PVA glue.

While the glue is not frozen, sprinkle the icicles with blue or any other sparkles.

Shake off excess glitter from the icicles. Our "frosty icicle" is ready! You can hang icicles on a Christmas tree or decorate a chandelier with them for the Winter holiday.

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for discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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The feeling of the New Year comes when everything around looks festive. Every winter, closer to January, we decorate our houses, and every time we want to surprise ourselves and loved ones with something new, unusual. To do this, it is not necessary to run to the store for new toys, candles, garlands - you can create a New Year's atmosphere if you make decorations yourself.

For inspiration and fresh ideas website turned to InMyRoom.

holiday candles

To New year's night become truly special, dim the lights and place candles around the house. You can make candlesticks with your own hands: banks are suitable for this, flower pots, cones and even cinnamon sticks.

Made with love

Christmas decorations can also be made with your own hands: for example, mold them from plasticine or sew them from felt or velvet. And if you don't like sewing, try making toys out of transparent balls or old light bulbs. To do this, cover the glass surface with glue and lower the ball or light bulb into a bowl of sparkles.

Let there be light

Luminous garlands are guaranteed to create Christmas mood. Hang them literally everywhere: on stair railings, ceilings and walls, along cabinets and doorways, and, of course, on the Christmas tree. You can make garlands yourself - for example from corrugated paper or foil.

Small but distant

An excellent Christmas decoration will be a Christmas tree made of cones, buttons, lace, woolen threads or colored stickers. Decorate the finished Christmas tree with sparkles, beads and ribbons - and it will be able to compete with a real Christmas tree.

Drawing with Santa Claus

Do not forget about window decor and draw beautiful Frost patterns. To do this, cut out stencils from thick paper and prepare the paint: mix toothpaste with water until thick. Now it remains to attach the stencils to the windows and blot them with a sponge.

delicious garlands

If you are looking for original way decorate your house for the upcoming holiday, bake fragrant gingerbread cookies and make small holes in them. Pass a ribbon through the holes and please your loved ones with an original edible garland.

A bit of nostalgia

The Christmas tree can be decorated not only with tinsel, garlands or New Year's toys. Make the holiday brighter and hang printed family photos- such original decor definitely will not leave anyone indifferent.

Joy for children

Do not forget about the children - make a beautiful Christmas decoration for them with your own hands. To do this, simply put a children's toy and a Christmas tree in a jar, and use rice or cotton wool as snow.

To keep toys warm

You can make Christmas decorations from anything - even from an old scarf or sweater. It won't take long: take christmas ball and tightly wrap it with a woolen cloth. Now fasten the fabric at the base of the balloon with tape - and you can hang the balloon on the Christmas tree, windows or railings.

tangerine mood

Let this year tangerines decorate not only festive table but also a Christmas tree. Place fruits in simple plywood boxes lined with craft paper. Once dry, garnish with ribbons or cinnamon sticks. Such simple but fragrant crafts will look great next to other Christmas tree decorations.

Making a whole range of various decorations for the Christmas tree and at home on the eve of the New Year in many families becomes an integral part of their pre-holiday preparations. After all, not only delicious and fragrant dishes cheer us up and amuse the eye, but also the general atmosphere of celebration and splendor in the interior of the home. Whether it's a house or an apartment, each of us strives to transform all the rooms as beautifully as possible, giving them a certain fabulousness and magic with the help of decorations made by hand. You can find a huge amount of materials for home creativity, and without any problems. Whatever you put your attention to can become the fruit of your creation. In order not to get lost for a long time in guessing about what is all the same to create an original and elegant one, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our article, in which we will provide for your review 6 photos of ideas of cool foil crafts for the New Year 2019 with our own hands made in enough simple and creative form. For beginners, we have prepared wonderful master classes, thanks to which beginners will acquire the necessary skills in this needlework.

Christmas tree made of foil

If for the New Year 2019 you do not plan a real Christmas tree for any reason, do not be too upset with all members of your family, especially children. After all, you can form a good forest beauty from foil with your own hands. Thanks to our master class, this craft will turn out dazzling - sparkling and overshadowing everything around. Yes, and you will not have much trouble regarding its manufacture. Even kids can do this job in a matter of hours. So let's get creative.

This will require:

  • Foil;
  • Wire;
  • Glue;
  • Decorative embellishments of your choice.


  1. To create crafts in the form of a Christmas tree for the New Year 2019 with your own hands, you need to collect a large amount of foil. From them you need to make thin tubes that will serve as tree branches.
  2. The base of the Christmas tree is a wire that needs to be wrapped in a shiny silvery material, and glue can be used where required.
  3. Then branches are fixed to the base, as to a tree.
  4. To decorate the product, you need to make toys or hang tinsel. A bright and shiny Christmas tree will be the best decoration for any room. In addition, to create such an ornament does not require large financial investments.

To create the perfect outfit for your Christmas tree on your own, you need to watch our video, which will tell you how to make colorful foil balls at home.

Master class on making Christmas decorations with your own hands

Sparkling Christmas garland

If you don’t know how to make foil crafts for the New Year 2019 with your own hands quickly and effectively, then we advise you to be curious about our wonderful and easy idea. Despite the fact that this work will require patience and endurance, it is still worth taking advantage of this offer. After all, the result, to be honest, will surprise you and even amaze you. A garland decorated with such a motley silver material and hung in all rooms will remind you of a shimmering scattering of silver, especially in the light of the sparkling lights located on the Christmas tree. Nothing simpler and more solemn can not be invented for the New Year's celebration. Let's look at a step-by-step master class right now so that such beauty in your hands is silvered today. By the way, if you have children, be sure to include them in the creative process. It will be useful for them and quite exciting.

This will require:

  • Foil;
  • Glue;
  • elegant thread or thin twine;
  • Scissors.


  1. To get an elegant decoration for the house, you need to use foil. To do this, it should be cut into small strips 1 and 5 cm wide.
  2. Then they need to be glued into rings, attaching to each other. Weaving the chain is necessary to the desired length. If you want to hang it all over the room, then you should do it as long as possible. It will turn out beautifully if it is supplemented with rings of colored paper. This craft, made in the form of a garland, will look no less attractive on the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019.

The chic garland you made can be diversified by supplementing it with voluminous stars attached to the main thread of the product. To do this, you should watch our video tutorial.

Master class on creating a three-dimensional star from foil and cardboard

Silver foil snowflake

An elegant snowflake will turn out for the New Year 2019 if you use foil in its manufacture. The craft will have a shimmering sheen and a rustling structure. Such an activity is perfect for young children, say, 5 years old, since it is not difficult to do this work with your own hands.

This will require:

  • Foil;
  • Paper;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Rope.


  1. From the foil you need to cut two snowflakes of the same size.
  2. Exactly the same blank should be made with your own hands from paper, to which the previously prepared silver snowflakes should be glued.
  3. When the craft is dry, you need to make a loop from any thin thread. A wonderful and such a simple product is ready to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019.

Together with snowflakes on a pine tree, small pictures made using the embossing technique will also look chic. To learn more about this direction in creativity, you need to watch our video.

Master class on creating Christmas tree decorations from foil

Original Christmas balls

For kindergarten, this do-it-yourself craft for the New Year 2019 will be one of the simplest. The kids will not only develop the motor skills of their little hands, but will also get a lot of pleasure from this needlework. And besides, the Christmas tree will get a new, unprecedented before, colorful and unsurpassed outfit for the matinee. The shapes of Christmas tree decorations can be of various configurations, but a rounded shape is more suitable for kids, as it is simple and uncomplicated. In general, the foil is so pliable and pleasant to work with that you will want to create something from it again and again. The main thing is that the children's imagination should be directed in the right direction, then the work will be fruitful and worthy of praise and admiration.

This will require:

  • Foil;
  • Threads;
  • Needle;
  • Plastic bottle;
  • Decor (rhinestones or beads).


  1. From the foil you need to form a simple ball and thread a rope into it.
  2. As a decoration for a simple do-it-yourself toy for the New Year 2019, the top decor will serve. To make it from a plastic bottle, you need to cut strips 1 cm wide and 5 cm long.
  3. From these strips you need to make a shape like a ball and strengthen it with threads. Decorate them better with beads or shiny sequins.
  4. And at the end of the work, a ball is placed in the space of the ball of stripes. Another manufacturing instruction can be used, because it's all about fantasy. Here is our craft and ready!

A Christmas tree, if you show imagination and desire, you can decorate quite - still unusual. This will require such a festive decor as roses made by hand from the same foil. It will turn out indescribable beauty, reminiscent of the shabby chic style in its appearance. Watch our video tutorial carefully and you will learn how to achieve this at home.

Master class on creating magnificent roses

Festive foil flowers

The Christmas tree for the New Year 2019 will look rather unusual, decorated not with balls and stars familiar to all of us, but with flowers made from foil with our own hands. It is very easy to make such a fragile-looking craft in the circle of a friendly family in just one evening. Having spent time on such creativity, you will receive in return a spectacular transformation of your entire home on the eve of the upcoming holidays.

This will require:

  • Foil;
  • Paper;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Beads.


  1. First you need to draw and cut flowers out of paper. You can use white as well as colored paper or cardboard.
  2. A foil twisted into a tube is glued along the edges of the petals. You need to do this work very carefully and then you will get a beautiful craft for the New Year 2019.
  3. Here you can use a wire as a stem, which is wrapped in a silvery material used in all our products.
  4. In a similar way, it is worth making leaves for a flower. The more you create such lovely decorations, the richer and more elegant your forest guest will look in your home.

Video: master class for making flowers from foil

Flickering foil lanterns

If you still have not decided what kind of foil crafts you will make for the New Year 2019 with your own hands to decorate the whole house, be sure to check out our master class, which will provide you with the simplest version of hand-made craftsmanship at home - these are lanterns. Each of us is familiar with them firsthand, because this is one of the first works of every elementary school student. Let's, as they say, remember our childhood and plunge into the world of creativity together with our children.

For work you will need:

  • foil;
  • scotch;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We take the foil, the size of a sheet of A4 paper, and fold it in half. Thus, we outline the middle of the paper. After that, we align it, and fold the sides of the sheet, pulling it to the selected center.
  2. Then, with scissors, carefully cut strips, 0.3 mm wide, not reaching 1 - 1.5 cm to the edge on both sides.
  3. We unfold the paper and fold it into a kind of cylinder, as in the photo.
  4. To prevent our craft from unfolding, we should fix its edges with small strips of tape.
  5. Do not forget to attach a handle to your flashlight so that you can hang the finished product on the Christmas tree.

Here, in principle, our hand-made creation for the New Year 2019 is ready! This work, as you can see, does not present any difficulties. You just have to really want it and everything will work out. By the way, in order for the interior of the house to attract everyone with its colorfulness and colorfulness, you must also use colored, corrugated and gift paper, double-sided bright cardboard and many other materials that you can easily and without problems get. Ready-made lanterns or other New Year's creations created from this entire range, you can add some fancy ribbons, beads, rhinestones, rain, tinsel, confetti and sparkles. Ornaments decorated with organza or other fabrics will also look impressive. Having shown your creative approach and individuality, you will achieve an excellent result in the decor of your home.

If you suddenly didn’t have foil, then don’t despair, because ordinary tea bags, which we all used to throw away, can also serve as a substitute. If you want to see for yourself, then check out our video tutorial.