Facial peeling with lactic acid at home. Milk peeling is the key to a spectacular skin transformation

Peeling that can be used to cleanse any skin type. Milk facial peeling is safe and excellent for both hypersensitive dry skin and oily skin with comedones (blackheads) and acne. Lactic acid (the main active component of peeling) has a complex effect on the skin. On the one hand, it softens the stratum corneum of the skin and promotes the rejection of old cells, and on the other hand, due to its irritating effect, it activates metabolic processes and microcirculation.

Lactic Acid (the Latin name for lactic acid) moisturizes the skin, accelerates the synthesis of collagen and elastin (proteins necessary to maintain the elasticity of the skin), and also enhances the barrier (protective) properties of the dermis. Lactic acid is a natural substance for humans. It is found in sour milk, pickled vegetables, wine and beer. Peeling with lactic acid is perfect for young skin that is not burdened with serious problems. After 35 years, facial peeling with lactic acid is often included in care programs both as an independent procedure and to prepare the skin for medium and deep peels (chemical and hardware).

Chemical milk peeling: indications

A fairly wide list of problems that lactic acid peeling helps solve and reviews from patients who are satisfied with the result are the undoubted advantages of the procedure.

Reasons to do milk peeling:

  • dry, flaky, dehydrated (dehydrated) skin;
  • comedones, pimples, blackheads and traces of them;
  • superficial pigment spots;
  • uneven skin with a thickened stratum corneum;
  • problems with the sebaceous glands, enlarged pores;
  • sensitive skin prone to irritation and allergic dermatitis;
  • low skin tone (flabbiness);
  • fine wrinkles;
  • dull skin color;
  • deterioration of skin condition due to excessive tanning in a solarium or on the beach.

Milk peelings of different brands differ significantly from each other, among them There are very aggressive formulations suitable for medium peeling. It is recommended to clarify in advance which drug will be used for the procedure in order to avoid possible negative consequences. Some manufacturers add hydroquinone to milk peeling - this substance perfectly whitens the skin, but is highly toxic. Experts recommend applying these only to age spots.

Milk peeling: how to do the procedure in the salon

Pre-peeling preparation. Preparation for milk peeling is limited to a ban on tanning (two weeks before the procedure) and requires mandatory protection of the skin from direct sunlight. For patients who have herpes rashes, prophylactic use of antiviral drugs is recommended.

Procedure. Before peeling with lactic acid, the skin is thoroughly cleansed. Next, the skin is toned with a product containing low concentrations of fruit acids.

If the procedure is being done for the first time, then a weak solution of lactic acid is applied to the skin. Only after making sure that there is no negative reaction, the cosmetologist applies a peeling composition (30-90% lactic acid) with a brush and leaves it for up to 20 minutes. The success of the procedure largely depends on the specialist’s ability to correctly determine the moment when the procedure should be interrupted with a neutralizing composition. This is why it is not recommended to peel with lactic acid at home: if the composition is underexposed, there will be no expected effect, and if it is overexposed, you can seriously damage the skin. After neutralization, the working composition is washed off cold water. It's important, right How does hot water react with lactic acid? and causes irritation.

After milk peeling, make a moisturizing mask (cooling masks that do not need to be washed off are best), and then apply a nourishing cream with UV filters.

Post-peeling care. It is carried out at home for a week and consists of using cosmetics that take into account the characteristics of your skin type with an SPF of at least 30. On the first day after the procedure, you cannot use decorative cosmetics. In the following days, you should avoid direct contact with the sun's rays.

Milk peeling: video

Milk peeling: price of the procedure

According to reviews, milk peeling for the face is a useful procedure, but for a noticeable and lasting result you need to do a course of 4-8 procedures, performed with a break of 10-14 days. The price range for milk peeling is from 1,500 to 4,000 rubles. It all depends on the drugs used and the qualifications of the specialist performing the procedure. On average, a course of milk peeling with a minimum set of post-peeling cosmetics will cost 15,000 rubles (in Moscow and St. Petersburg).

Milk peeling: it's interesting

  1. Milk peeling has no seasonal restrictions.
  2. Lactic acid is a popular natural substance it is added to cosmetics for its ability to accelerate tissue healing. Polyester based on lactic acid (polylactic acid) is the main component of the preparation for contouring ( Sculptra).
  3. Lactic acid combines well with other acids, it is included in combined milk-salicylic and milk-peelings.
  4. The skin after milk peeling is renewed “invisibly”, without pronounced erythema (redness), swelling and peeling.
  5. 5. If your skin is thin and sensitive, milk peeling may cause irritation and dryness. In such situations, if there are no other recommendations from a cosmetologist , creams containing panthenol and shea butter help out.
  6. Milk peeling at home can be done using branded preparations that are designed specifically for home use. They contain a safe amount of the active ingredient and are accompanied by instructions for use.
  7. The effect after a salon peeling course lasts up to a year. Once every two to three months, a maintenance milk peeling procedure is performed.

Chemical peeling with lactic acid: contraindications

You can do milk peeling if not:

  • herpes rashes (peeling can provoke an exacerbation of the disease);
  • inflammatory and infectious skin diseases in the acute stage;
  • scratches and other skin disorders in the corrected area;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • colds;
  • oncological diseases;
  • problems with blood vessels (rosacea).

Attention: Milk peeling should not be done during pregnancy and breastfeeding, after recent sun exposure (fresh tanning), or when taking a number of medications.

The main thing about milk peeling

Type of peeling


Peeling type


any skin, mostly young

Active substance

lactic acid (Lactic Acid, lactanic acid)

Application area

face, body

Pre-peeling preparation


not required

Post-peeling care

Restrictions during the post-peeling period


Price of one procedure in the salon

1,500 - 4,000 rubles

Number of sessions

4-8, with breaks of 10-14 days

Home procedure

Chemical peeling is becoming increasingly popular due to its excellent effect, noticeable after the first use. One of the most popular peelings is milk peeling, which has a gentle effect. Lactic acid is added to creams, masks and other cosmetics; even those with sensitive skin can use it. Peeling with lactic acid is considered one of the most gentle and painless, but effective peelings. Salon peels contain up to 90% lactic acid; at-home peels are less concentrated and safe even for use by non-professionals.

After application, lactic acid begins to penetrate the skin and gently destroys dead cells, unclogging pores. In addition, the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated. This is a shock to the skin, after which it begins to actively recover and renew itself, and as a result the patient receives smooth, soft and elastic skin.

Indications, contraindications and results

Indications for the procedure are:

Milk peeling is also an effective option for those who cannot wait for redness or swelling to go away, or as preparation for more aggressive procedures.

Contraindications include:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation;
  2. Presence of cancer, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases;
  3. Damage to the skin, inflammation caused by infections, herpes and fresh tanning;
  4. Infectious and any other diseases in the acute stage;
  5. Recently completed other piercing.

The result of using milk peeling will be noticeable almost immediately. It is suitable for both dry and oily skin, which makes the procedure universal. After use, the patient receives:

  1. The skin is evened out and brightened, becoming smoother, softer and more youthful;
  2. Thanks to the activation of elastane production, the skin becomes more elastic and firm;
  3. Freckles and age spots disappear, the tone becomes lighter and more uniform;
  4. The lifting effect is slightly noticeable: the oval of the face and the skin are tightened.
  5. The outer layer of the epidermis begins to be more actively restored and structured, the face takes on a healthy appearance.

The whole procedure takes no more than half an hour. It can be done from a young age after consultation with a cosmetologist. It is worth noting that older women (after 40-45 years) may not feel the effect of milk peeling, since it is aimed at eliminating shallow wrinkles and teenage problems.

The most famous companies which are used in salons:

  1. Spain: Toskani Cosmetics, Sesderma;
  2. USA: Meillume, Allura Esthetics;
  3. Australia: Ultra Ceuticals;
  4. Poland: Dr. Irena Eris;
  5. Canada: Oxygen Botanicals;
  6. Russia: Rejuvi, mediccontrolpeei.

Before peeling, you should do a little preparation: forget about tanning for 2 weeks and use sunscreen even in cloudy weather. This is necessary For complete UV protection. You can also start using a product with a small (1-2%) lactic acid content so that your skin gets used to it.

The peeling itself begins with cleansing. To do this, use gels and foams for washing, then disinfectants, for example, tonic with fruit acids. After them, there should be no sebum left on the surface of the skin. If the procedure is being performed for the first time, you can apply a peel with a lower concentration of acid to the skin to check that there is no negative skin reaction.

After this, the cosmetologist applies milk peeling with a concentration of 30-90% to the skin in 2 layers using a brush and leaves for 2-10 minutes. The duration is selected individually; at the first signs of redness, the cosmetologist should move on to the next stage. Next, an acid neutralizer is applied on top of the layers, which is washed off with plenty of cold water. Do not use hot water, otherwise it will react with lactic acid and cause severe irritation.

When everything is washed off, apply to it to soothe the face. moisturizing mask or cream.

After the procedure, it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics, comb or touch your face and neck, or use aggressive cleansing cosmetics for 24 hours. For 1-2 weeks, it is not recommended to do hair removal on the areas that have undergone the procedure, and it is necessary to apply a moisturizing serum or cream to the face, and during the day use sunscreen with an SPF factor of at least 30. This will help not harm the skin during recovery, when it is especially effective.

For prevention, milk peeling can be performed every six months to a year. If the skin condition is far from ideal, it is worth carrying out 4-8 procedures with an interval of 2 weeks to achieve optimal results.

Ready-made milk peeling at home

The procedure is carried out at home using more gentle components that will not cause harm even if used ineptly. When choosing funds it is necessary pay attention to the following things:

Among cosmetic companies, producing milk peeling for home use, the following stand out:

  1. Combined peeling Lactic Peel from MedicControlPeel;
  2. Universal peeling for face and hands from Tian De;
  3. Ericson Laboratoire mixture from Novacid;
  4. Lactolan series from Holy Land Cosmetics: it includes peeling masks and cream;
  5. Algologie presents a wide range of peelings for different parts of the body (basic, lip contour, eye contour) based on lactic acid;
  6. The Premium Peeling Hour company produces several types of peeling mixtures, as well as cosmetics for further care.

The procedure is no different from cosmetic, but you must follow Some precautions: Before the procedure, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction on the bend of the elbow. The procedure should be carried out in good lighting in the bathroom so that running cold water is available. During application, you do not need to touch your face with your hands. The first experience should be short-lived and use mild peeling.

Milk peeling can be performed several times a year, no more than once a month. It is best to carry out the procedure when the skin is heavily contaminated, so as not to inadvertently harm healthy cells.

DIY milk peeling

Exist several folk recipes preparing masks with lactic acid solution:

  1. A few drops of Hilak Forte should be added to a regular mask that does not contain lactic acid and applied for 10 minutes. the preparation contains lactic, citric and phosphoric acids, which increase the effectiveness of cosmetics.
  2. You can purchase a solution with lactic acid at a concentration of 10-15% and apply it to your face for 1-4 minutes. If the concentration is higher than required, it must be diluted with water.
  3. It is necessary to mix kefir or sour cream with chopped vegetables, fruits or berries until smooth, then apply to the skin for half an hour. The composition of such a mask will include fruit and lactic acids; their concentration will not exceed 5%, which makes the mask safe and affordable.

Side effects of milk peeling

Despite the safety, the procedure has a number of side effects that disappear within a few days. If the condition has not changed or started to worsen within 3-5 days, you should consult a doctor. After peeling you may experience:

I am almost 30 years old, and for the last 10 years I have been using masks and creams with lactic acid. The result satisfied me, but with age, the skin became less elastic, wrinkles began to appear, which cosmetics could no longer cope with. A couple of months ago I went to the salon for a milk peeling and was pleasantly surprised: an active skin renewal. It became cleaner and smoother, wrinkles smoothed out, and the cheeks that began to sag became elastic again.

Victoria, Moscow

After reading positive reviews about milk peeling, I decided to send my daughter to it: adolescence, acne, skin covered in acne scars. The cosmetologist advised me to take a course of 5 procedures to make the effect more noticeable. After the first procedure there was practically no change, only redness and itching, but the second procedure exceeded all expectations: the skin became prettier and changed before our eyes. Pimples and blackheads disappeared, the complexion became healthy and even, the scars from the rash almost completely disappeared. By the way, we decided to stop at three hikes; in a year I will go with my daughter for prevention. It wouldn't hurt for me to rejuvenate either.

Marina, Khabarovsk

I have never complained about my skin, but lately it has begun to let me down a lot: enlarged pores, oily shine, and the first wrinkles under my eyes. To combat this, I decided to try milk peeling, which I did at home. I was terribly worried, having read terrible reviews, and was very afraid of ruining my skin, but everything went fine: after leaving the mixture on for 5 minutes, I washed it off and began to wait. I can’t say that the results were pleasing: yes, the skin became cleaner and fresher, but I didn't see anything bad. Next month I will go to a cosmetologist, let them clean it properly.

Varvara, Ivanovo

Bottom line

Milk peeling is a safe and gentle way to get rid of skin problems, especially at a young age. Due to the quick results and absence of side effects, the procedure is deservedly popular. In a salon, its cost will start from 1000-1200 rubles; it can also be done at home, using more affordable means. In the second case, the result will not be so impressive, but if carried out regularly, the effect will please you.

Milk peeling

About myself: I am 36 years old, I have dry skin by nature, there are wrinkles around the eyes from active facial expressions, enlarged pores in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. In general, I wanted to go and get a peeling at the salon, but I decided for now I’ll make do with home remedies. Maybe later, closer to 40, I’ll do a salon glycolic or even retinoic peeling.

I purchased lactic acid 80% from the online store "Aroma Store". Cost 100 ml 130-00 rubles + delivery. The dark bottle inside is a clear liquid, slightly gel-like. The store's website says:

A completely natural product, therefore safe for humans. The lactic acid molecule is 2 times smaller than the glucose molecule and therefore it can penetrate the cell membrane.
The main effect of lactic acid is moisturizing, smoothing the skin texture, cleaning, reducing pores, rejuvenation, whitening, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Since lactic acid has photosensitizing activity, it should be used with caution in spring and summer.
Lactic acid-based cleansing peeling is suitable even for dry and sensitive skin and is therefore a very popular cosmetic procedure. It is recommended for acne, inflammation and redness, loss of elasticity and tone of the skin, a tendency to allergies, the presence of age spots, deep wrinkles and even stretch marks; helps reduce excessive fat content. Using different concentrations of lactic acid, you can achieve different effects: a highly concentrated solution quickly dissolves the stratum corneum, and a weak concentration rearranges the functioning of the epidermis and dermis. The frequency of use of such peelings is once a week or two, depending on individual characteristics. The course initially lasts 5-7 procedures, then is reduced to 3-5 per month. For home use, a 10% concentrate is used, cosmetologists use a 20%-90% solution.

The first time I used a 10% solution (1 ml of acid per 7 ml of water). The acid was applied to cleansed facial skin with a cotton swab. Started holding it for 1 minute. I was afraid of burning my skin. Gradually I increased the time to 3 minutes. I carried out such procedures 5 times. Then I used a 20% solution (2 ml of acid per 6 ml of water). I also started with 1 minute, gradually increased the time to 3 minutes. I washed it off with cool water. I didn’t apply the cream right away. I was waiting for my skin to calm down a little. In principle, it was possible to get by with a 10% solution. I didn’t notice any particular peeling either the first time (peeling with a 10% solution) or the second time (peeling with a 20% solution). Only the burning sensation was greater the second time.

So, what I got in the end: Peeling is aimed at skin quality. It didn’t reduce the wrinkles much, but it smoothed them out. The pores in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds were tightened. They became less noticeable. In general, the skin has become more well-groomed. I'm happy with this result so far. I will use it again.

Here are other effective skin care products:

Laura tablets - to moisturize the skin from the inside

Internal fish oil is the same for moisturizing the skin, but at a lower cost

Carrot cream and how to improve its quality

One of the modern and effective ways to transform the skin is milk peeling. This is a fairly pleasant procedure. It can literally transform the skin, restoring its beauty and youth.

During the manipulation, only natural ingredients (products of enzymatic processing of milk) are used, so it is quite safe.

Lactic acid was used in ancient times, but even today it does not lose its popularity and continues to win the love of many people. What is her secret?

Milk peeling (what is it)

In the reviews, many women who have tried this procedure note that with the help of milk facial peeling you can achieve amazing results. But for this you need to follow the entire sequence of actions and treat your skin with care after the session. What is milk peeling for the face?

This is the name given to the procedure, which is aimed at removing the upper, keratinized layer of skin cells.

In general, they can be (when the layer is actually “scraped off”) (essentially, this is a controlled burn), physical (cells are removed or by another device). Milk peeling is a variant of chemical peeling.

Before using products with lactic acid, you need to consult a cosmetologist to understand what effect to expect from the procedure.

For young girls or women of advanced age, procedures with different effects are required.

After removing the top layer, the skin is renewed, small wrinkles are smoothed out, acne does not form for a long time, and pigmentation is evened out.

5 positive properties of acid

Lactic acid is a really useful component. What did she do to deserve such recognition?

The fact is that applying such a substance leads to positive changes on the skin of the face. Namely:

  • improvement of epidermal renewal and blood circulation;
  • enormous hydration of the skin;
  • acceleration of collagenosis;
  • skin whitening;
  • strengthening the protective functions of the epidermis.

Indications and contraindications

The choice of any cosmetic procedure should be approached from the point of view of feasibility and the ratio of potential harm and benefit.

If you look at the photo before and after using lactic acid peeling, you will better see the problems that the product fights. Let's take a closer look at them.


  • The presence of small wrinkles;
  • Dry, tired skin;
  • Acne and its consequences;
  • The presence of unevenness, small scars and fresh stretch marks;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Freckles and age spots;
  • The complexion that needs to be “whitened.”

In addition, peeling with lactic acid at home or in a beauty salon can become a preparatory procedure for other more complex manipulations.

Although the procedure is quite safe, it still has contraindications.


  1. Fresh cuts and wounds;
  2. Recent hair removal procedure;
  3. Oncological diseases;
  4. The presence of an inflammatory process;
  5. Herpes;
  6. Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  7. Recent tan;
  8. Diabetes.
  9. Intolerance to the components of the drug.

Before buying facial peeling with lactic acid for home use, you should consult with a cosmetologist who deals with this procedure.

He will suggest a safe and effective remedy, and also advise on the possibility of use in a particular case.

How the procedure is carried out in the salon (7 stages)

The process of removing dead skin using lactic acid is carried out in several stages:

  1. Makeup is removed and the skin is cleansed with lotion.
  2. The skin is disinfected.
  3. The composition itself is applied to exfoliate epidermal cells. Then you should wait from 5 to 20 minutes.
  4. A neutralizing composition is applied to the product.
  5. The resulting mixture is washed off with cool water.
  6. After drying the skin, moisturizing masks and creams are applied.
  7. The procedure can be repeated after 2 weeks.

The total number of sessions is usually from four to eight, but other options are possible.

They are best carried out during the cold season. Since excessive sun activity can have a negative effect on the skin and cause pigmentation.

If you are prone to herpes, then a week before peeling you need to take antiviral drugs; this nuance should be discussed with your doctor in advance.

What to do after the update session (4 rules)?

After the session, the skin needs special protection and careful handling during the recovery period:

  • You should not scratch your skin for several days after the cleansing session;
  • decorative cosmetics should be used no earlier than after a few days;
  • It is better not to use strong cleansers for 4-5 days;
  • You should not sunbathe, and when going outside, even in winter, you need to use sunscreen for a week after the session.

After the procedure itself, slight redness will be observed. It may not disappear for a couple of days.

In the future, you should be prepared for peeling, which lasts about a week. Please be patient until the formed crust comes off on its own. Don't touch her again! Don't rip it off!

After peeling, you should expect not only peeling, but also a burning sensation.

It would be better if the woman did not apply cosmetics to her skin during the recovery period.

What result should you expect?

If the procedure promises a stunning result, then, probably, many women are ready to endure both peeling and crusting. But do the price, side effects, and milk peeling justify it?

In this case, most cosmetologists will recommend this procedure. Since just a couple of sessions lead to such changes:

  • wrinkles are reduced;
  • skin tone improves;
  • freckles and pigmentation lighten;
  • Acne marks become less noticeable, sebum production decreases;
  • dryness disappears, the skin stops itching.

Question answer

This problem is best dealt with by TCA peeling. In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to laser resurfacing or other hardware techniques.

With such skin, you risk encountering age spots. It is better to contact a cosmetologist who will select a more suitable option, taking into account the phototype.

To begin with, you should wait for the complete restoration of the skin and the completion of the rehabilitation period. Only then can you go for contour plastic surgery.

How to exfoliate yourself

At home, it is quite possible to conduct a session of removing dead particles of the epidermis. You can make your own milk peeling composition using proven recipes, or you can resort to industrial compositions.

When purchasing a product, carefully read the instructions for use and the composition of the product: not all components are suitable for every type of epidermis.

Regardless of whether you choose milk peeling spa technology from Tian De, or Aravia professional peeling with lactic acid lactica exfoliate, or any other product, you should take care of thoroughly cleansing the skin, applying a high-quality neutralizing composition, and a moisturizing mask.

It is most convenient to use drugs from the same manufacturers as the main product.

If you are not sure of the correctness of actions, then first you can try a more delicate product, for example, peeling Milk Mousse PREMIUM Professional from a Russian manufacturer with lactic acid.

It acts more gently than conventional products, the effect is less noticeable, but you don’t have to worry about unwanted consequences if used incorrectly.

Before the procedure, be sure to cleanse your face first with lotion and then with alcohol or an alcohol-containing liquid.

The composition itself is applied first to the forehead, then to the temples, chin, the rest of the face, and neck. It is convenient to distribute the mixture with either a cotton pad or a makeup brush.

Then you should wait the time specified in the instructions. For example, the manufacturer recommends applying Aravia peeling with lactic acid for 2 – 10 minutes.

A slight burning sensation during the procedure is normal, but if it becomes unbearable, the session must be stopped immediately to avoid burns.

Despite the fact that some manufacturers write “professional use” on the packaging (as, for example, it is indicated on the packaging of the peeling product with 10% lactic acid lactica exfoliate from Arabia), it is suitable for home use, although it requires more care when working.

Homemade recipes for peeling compositions

If you want to experiment and feel like a real chemist, you can prepare a composition for peeling with lactic acid yourself.

Even if you are completely confident in the correctness of the prepared composition, be sure to test it on the skin of your hand, for example, in the wrist area.

The pharmacy chain sells formulations containing 80% lactic acid. This concentration is unacceptable for use at home.

To prepare the peeling mixture, you need to add water. Depending on the sensitivity of the facial skin, a 10-20% solution is used.

It is convenient to use a syringe for preparation. 1 ml. acid and 7 ml. water will give a 10% solution, to obtain 20% - 2 ml of acid and 6 ml. water.

Mix the resulting composition thoroughly. If you use it only for the face, it will be enough for about two procedures.

Apply the resulting solution to thoroughly degreased skin. For the first procedure, limit the time to one minute or less. You can wash off the homemade peeling with ordinary cool water.

Slight redness and burning are a normal skin reaction. After the procedure, you can apply a moisturizing, soothing cream, or make a mask with aloe. In the future, the duration can be increased.

If there are children in the house, make sure that neither the prepared composition nor the concentrated acid becomes the subject of children's games.

Chemical burns, although they can be treated, the degree of cure depends on many parameters and is not always 100%.

To rejuvenate the skin of the heels, acid with a concentration of 25-60% is used. If the skin is very rough, a more concentrated solution can be used.

For the first time, you should start with a 20% solution. In subsequent procedures, the feet can be wrapped in polyethylene after applying the acid. After rinsing, be sure to use a rich cream.

TOP 5 best products for milk peeling

There is more than one option for milk peeling, but some are still more popular. Below is the TOP 5:

  • Milk peeling compliment has quite contradictory reviews from users. On the one hand, it is quite effective for dry skin, but on the other hand, it can cause severe irritation.
  • Facial peeling with lactic acid Aravia (Arabia) Russian manufacturer - has collected a lot of positive user reviews. Quite an effective product, especially for oily skin. Use with caution at a young age.
  • Milk peeling Tian De (tiande) spa technology, according to reviews from women who have used it, it is a relatively budget option that can be bought for home use. Quite gently exfoliates dead skin; in addition to the face, it is used to renew the skin of the hands, elbows, and décolleté. But the parabens included in its composition cause concern among some buyers.
  • Belarusian peeling from the manufacturer Belita-Vitex PROFESSIONAL FACE CARE. Also a budget option for home use. It is not as active as its Western counterparts, but it is effective. The disadvantages of this product include a rather strong smell.
  • Facial peeling Sesderma The Spanish manufacturer is not so actively used by Russian consumers, but it deserves attention. Well suited for young skin whose main problem is rashes.

This list is not exhaustive. In addition, you should always remember about individual intolerance, so before the first use you need to test the composition on a small area of ​​skin on your hand.

Session in the salon and at home (pros and cons)

The cosmetology industry offers a lot of procedures, including milk peeling for the face, which are carried out in the salon.

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of conducting a session in a beauty salon/cosmetology salon or at home.

CriterionCosmetology salonHome procedure
PriceThe price is quite high, it includes, in addition to the cost of the drug and the work of the cosmetologist, the overhead costs of the officeLimited by the price of the drug and related products (lotion, cotton pads, etc.)
SafetyResponsibility for the quality of peeling lies with the cosmetologist; if undesirable consequences occur, you can receive compensationAll risks are assumed by the patient himself.
ComfortThe client performs virtually no active actions and can completely relaxThe procedure is performed independently, the performer must carefully monitor so as not to harm the skin

Either option has its positive and negative sides. If you decide to perform the procedure in a cosmetology salon, then it is worth studying reviews of different salons that perform milk peeling. The fact is that the final result depends on the doctor’s qualifications.

Lactic acid is an organic substance obtained from the fermentation of glucose in milk. In modern cosmetology, lactic acid is used for peeling procedures. It is recommended for women under 35 years of age who have minor dermatological problems. In older age, peeling with lactic acid is used as one of the methods of complex therapy.

The effect of peeling on the skin

Milk peeling has the following effects on the skin:

  • keratolytic - disrupts the connection between keratinized cells, due to which they exfoliate better;
  • hydration – improves the skin’s ability to retain and attract moisture;
  • lifting – stimulates cell division, smoothes fine wrinkles, evens out the relief, and increases skin tightness;
  • comedolytic and sebostatic – reduces the production of sebum, stops the inflammatory process, narrows pores, without drying out the skin;
  • whitening – promotes uniform distribution of melanin in the epidermis;
  • anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic – lactic acid creates unfavorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora;
  • antioxidant – reduces the production of free radicals.


Milk peeling, compared to other similar procedures, has the following advantages:

  • minimal feeling of discomfort and pain;
  • lactic acid does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • peeling is very soft, so after it there are no “traces” left on the skin;
  • there is no need to carry out preparatory procedures;
  • moisturizes but does not dry out the epidermis, suitable for both oily and dry skin;
  • can be carried out at any time of the year, since lactic acid does not have a photosensitizing effect;
  • Already after the first procedure, the result is noticeable: the complexion is evened out, the skin becomes more velvety and smooth;
  • since the peeling is gentle, there is no need to buy cosmetic skin care products after the procedure;
  • can be performed on different parts of the body.


The main disadvantage of milk peeling is that it is superficial. That is, it will not remove serious dermatological defects. Some manufacturers add hydroquinone to the peeling product, which accumulates in tissues and has a toxic effect on the body.

Mixtures for peeling with lactic acid vary in the degree of aggressiveness. After using some products, you get a superficial peeling, and after using others, you get a medium peeling. If you are going to do this procedure for the first time, so as not to get an unexpected effect on your face, first ask your cosmetologist if he has used the products of this company before and what the result was.


Peeling with lactic acid is carried out in a beauty salon. It consists of the following steps.

Pre-peeling preparation. Two weeks before the procedure, you should not apply sunscreen or sunbathe. For frequent herpetic rashes, it is recommended to take a course of antiviral drugs in advance.

Makeup removal and cleansing. Before peeling, the skin is cleansed of makeup and dirt using milk and lotion.

Toning. To degrease and tone the skin, wipe the face with a cotton swab dipped in fruit or lactic acid.

Peeling. The cosmetologist, using cotton swabs or a special brush, applies 30-90% lactic acid to the face in 1-2 layers. Exposure time can range from 2 to 20 minutes. The face is covered with peeling agent in the following sequence: forehead, temples, cheeks, neck, décolleté, chin, nose, area around the eyes. During the procedure, the specialist monitors the condition of the skin in order to quickly neutralize the drug when the first signs of redness appear.

Neutralization. The neutralizing agent is applied over the peeling composition in the reverse order. Then you need to wash your face with plenty of cool water. The skin dries out.

Hydration. After peeling, you need to make a mask that will moisturize the skin, and then apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to it.


  • shallow and fine wrinkles, dull skin color;
  • photoaging of the skin due to excessive exposure to UV rays;
  • the skin is flabby, not elastic, with low tone;
  • enlarged pores;
  • skin prone to allergies, very sensitive;
  • seborrhea (a disease in which the sebaceous glands produce excess oil);
  • hyperkeratosis (thickening of the skin, causing it to become uneven);
  • epidermal hyperpigmentation (excessive number of pigment spots on the surface of the skin);
  • shallow fresh stretch marks (stretch marks) on the body and face;
  • mild acne (post-acne, acne, comedones);
  • dehydration of the epidermis (flaky, dehydrated, dry skin);
  • local peeling of the skin around the eyes;
  • an additional procedure in a complex of measures to correct age-related changes;
  • preparatory stage before deeper and more serious procedures.


Peeling with lactic acid, like any cosmetic procedure, has contraindications for use:

  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • colds;
  • rosacea and telangiectasia (dilated capillaries and spider veins);
  • fresh tan or recent visit to a solarium;
  • recent hair removal;
  • taking medications that increase the photosensitivity of the skin (some types of antibiotics, retinoids);
  • violation of skin integrity;
  • acute inflammatory process in the body;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • individual intolerance to any of the components included in the peeling mixture.

Milk peeling is an effective procedure that helps cleanse all skin types. It improves blood microcirculation, activates the protective function of the skin, increases the synthesis of ceramides and collagen.