Leisure in preparatory. A promising plan for entertainment in the preparatory group. Mathematical leisure in the preparatory group

Entertaining leisure time in mathematics based on the Russian folk tale "Turnip". preparatory group

Age group: preparatory group
Target: Maintain interest in mathematics. Consolidate the knowledge gained in the classroom.
Integration of educational areas: cognitive (FEMP), social and communicative, physical.

Program tasks:
Tutorials: Continue to consolidate the solution of arithmetic problems and write them down using numbers; knowledge of geometric shapes, the ability to name the composition of a number; compare numbers using the definitions greater than, less than, equal to. Practice decomposing numbers into tens and ones. fasten
Development tasks: Develop logical thinking, imagination, memory, attention. To promote the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements.
Educational tasks: To cultivate independence, the ability to understand the learning task and perform it independently. Cultivate interest in mathematics. Develop a desire to help others in difficult times.
Ways to organize children: semicircle, circle, sitting at tables, standing, moving around the group.
Material: Slides with the image of fairy-tale characters, a number series, simple pencils, spacing with numbers and signs, counting sticks.
Preliminary work: prepare demonstrative and handout material, create a presentation.

All the children gathered in a circle
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And smile at each other!
Guys, today we are going on a journey through a fairy tale, but you have to guess what kind of fairy tale it is. I'll give you parts of the pictures. You will collect whole ones and learn from them what kind of fairy tale it is.
Task number 1: D / and "Collect a picture":
The teacher invites the children to the tables on which there are parts of split pictures (the pictures are the same for everyone, while each child has their own geometric figure in the lower right corner). Children sit at tables and collect pictures.
From which fairy tale did the characters come from?
Children's answers
That's right, this is the Russian folk tale "Turnip" (Slide No. 1). To start the journey, we need to remember how fairy tales begin.
We remember: “Once upon a time, there were”, “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state”, “Over the mountains, over the forests, over the wide seas”.
So we got into a fairy tale ... (Slide number 2) - Grandfather
“Grandfather planted a turnip. No, I haven't planted it yet. What happened is interesting? Grandfather does not know when to plant a turnip, will we help him?

Task number 2: Questions from Grandfather:
At what time of the year should grandfather plant a turnip?
What about harvesting?
How many months in a year?
How many days in a week?
Name Tuesday's neighbors.
How many nuts are in an empty glass?
If you eat one plum, what is left?
Who has more paws: a hare or a hare?

How many paws do two dogs have?
How many ears do two mice have?

Finally, Grandfather planted a turnip. A turnip grew large, very large, weighing more than 5 kilograms, but less than 7 (Slide No. 3). How many kilograms does a turnip weigh?
Children's answers
Grandfather went to pull the turnip. It pulls, pulls, but cannot pull it out (Slide No. 4). Called Grandma. But Grandma does not hear, she is busy with business. I washed the dishes, but mixed them up ... She can’t figure out whose.
Task number 3: Guys, please help the heroes of the fairy tale find their plate. It is necessary to connect the hero of a fairy tale with his plate with an arrow (Slide No. 5).
Grandfather has a large and round plate,
Grandmother's is square,
Granddaughter has a plate with flowers,
At the Beetle - not square and not round,
The cat has an oval
The mouse is small and round.
The teacher invites the children to the tables, on which there are album sheets with assignments and pencils. The children are doing the task. If desired, one of the children voices the decision.
Grandmother came (Slide number 6). Grandma pulls Grandfather, Grandfather pulls the turnip, pulls, they can’t pull it! They began to call the granddaughter, and in the morning she ran to the river to fish. She really loves this job.
Task number 4: Let's help Granddaughter as soon as possible and catch each fish.
Children play the game "Fishing". Each fish has a task to complete.
1. Compare numbers 6 and 9
2. How many tens and ones are in the number 16
3. Tell the composition of the number 5
4. Name the number in which there is 1 ten and 2 units.
5. Name the neighbors of number 15.
6. What geometric shapes make up the picture of the animal.
7. Count from 13 to 0
8. Compare numbers 4 and 4
9. How many tens and ones are in the number 6

Granddaughter came running to the call, began to help (Slide No. 7). Granddaughter for Grandmother, Grandmother for Grandfather, Grandfather for a turnip, they pull, pull, but they cannot pull it out. Then they began to call Zhuchka. And Zhuchka is not a simple dog, but a learned one. He does not hear, he is busy with his thoughts, he solves problems.

Task number 5 "Solve the problem": Let's solve these problems.
1. Five puppies
Plus mom is a husky.
How much will it be? (6) (Slide number 7).
2. 8 sparrows sat on a branch, 3 of them flew away. How many sparrows are left on the branch? (Slide number 8).

A bug came running (Slide number 9). A bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for Grandma, Grandma for Grandfather, Grandfather for a turnip. They pull, they pull, they can't pull. They began to call the cat. And Koshka dreams of performing with Kuklachev, look what kind of warm-up she came up with.
Children doing warm-up

The cat was playing with its tail
Like this! Like this!
The ball rolled on the floor -
That's it!! That's it!
And jumped around the room -
Like this! Like this!
And then the cat got tired
And she cried a little.
1,2,3,4,5 –
Let's comfort the cat.

The Cat came running (Slide number 9). A cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip. They pull, they pull, they can't pull. They began to call Mouse. The mouse ran, waved its tail and broke all the geometric shapes. Can we help her? Shall we put the shapes?
Task number 6: The teacher invites the children to the tables on which the counting sticks lie. Children perform tasks under the dictation of the teacher.
1. Build a figure out of three sticks. What happened? (triangle).
2. Attach 2 sticks to it to make 2 triangles. What figure did you get? (rhombus).
3. Build a figure that has 2 sides long and 2 sides short (rectangle).
4. Now take 1 stick and divide the rectangle into 2 identical shapes. What did you get?

The Mouse came running (Slide No. 11). Mouse for the Cat, Cat for the Bug, Bug for the granddaughter, Granddaughter for the Grandmother, Grandmother for the Grandfather, Grandfather for the turnip. They pull, pull, pull, pull and ... they pulled a turnip !!!
This is how we got a fairy tale, if not for your knowledge and help, Grandfather would not be able to cope with the turnip alone! Now we need to return to the group, and for this we need to complete the last task.

Task number 7: The game "Who will transfer objects faster."
In the center of the hall there is a table on which objects of various shapes are laid out:
scarf, flag, triangle, pioneer tie;
notebook, book, album, toy wooden bed;
plate, plate, ring, tambourine.
At a distance of 2-3 m from the table - 3 chairs, cards with these geometric shapes (circle, rectangle and triangle) are attached to their backs. Children are divided into 3 teams (according to the figures that were in the split pictures). At the signal of the leader, the children they run to the table, choose an object that matches the shape of “their” geometric figure and transfer it to their chair. Then they run after the second item. (Only one item can be taken at each approach). The winner is the team that first transferred all the items.
Self-assessment: Well, my young mathematicians, did you enjoy your journey into a fairy tale? And now I want to ask you to think and evaluate how well you have worked today.
Yellow smiley - I am satisfied with my success.
Green emoticon - I worked hard, I did not cope with all the tasks.
Red smiley - did not complete any tasks.

Presentation on the topic: Entertaining leisure time in mathematics based on the Russian folk tale "Turnip"

Svetlana Kolontaeva
Prospective planning of matinees and entertainment. Leisure evenings in the preparatory group.

Prospective planning of matinees and entertainment. Leisure evenings in the preparatory group.


1 Week "Knowledge Day, me and my friends"

Holiday "Knowledge Day".

Target. Summarize children's knowledge about school. Recall what you have learned. Create a happy mood.

2 weeks "Impressions of Summer"

Leisure"Natural phenomenon"

Target: fix a natural phenomenon that can only be observed in summer.

3 week "Let's set up our group»

Leisure(conversation) "I love my group»

Target: consolidate knowledge about objects, toys, furniture that are in group.

4 week "Preschool Worker's Day"

Literary leisure"All work is good"

Target: to remember, to consolidate the knowledge of children about people working in a children's institution.

1 Week "Autumn. Autumn mood"

Reading a poem "Autumn".

Target: to introduce children to the work of N. Nishchev and his works.

2 weeks "Harvest"

Evening of riddles“What is born in the summer, come in handy in the winter”

Target: to consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about plants, vegetables, fruits, their place of growth. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, which generously endows us with its riches; respect for the work of people working on the ground.

3 week "In the animal world"

Game "Funny monkeys."

Target: develop ingenuity, observation, dexterity and endurance of children, to teach children to communicate with each other, to remain friendly in various situations.

4 week "This Big World"

Holiday at the Russian birch. (verse by S. Yesenin "White birch".)

Target: To form the idea of ​​​​children about the Russian birch, as a symbol of Russia.

5 week "Day of the Elderly"

Autumn matinee.

Target: create an emotional mood for children to say goodbye to autumn. To consolidate knowledge about the season - autumn with the help of a musical game program.

1 Week “My small homeland. National Unity Day»

Leisure. Journey to the land of kindness. (Walking through the memorable places of our city)

Target: to educate children in good feelings and positive emotions from what they see.

2 weeks "Poultry yard"

Belarusian folk game "Vanyusha and the Swans"

Target: develop dexterity, and speed.

3 week "Game World"

Russian folk game "Big Ball".

Target: develop movement dexterity, speed.

4 week "Mothers Day"

Mother's Day Concert.

Target: encourage children to memorize poems and songs about mom, cause a desire to please her.

1 Week "My world"

"Journey into the past of counting devices"

Target: to acquaint children with the history of counting devices, with their transformation by man; develop a retrospective look at the objects of the man-made world; activate cognitive activity.

2 weeks "Early winter"

"Fair of games and fun"

Target: introduce children to winter games and fun.

3 week "Winter Patterns"

A game "Winter Words"

Target: develop attention, the ability to select words related to winter.

4 week "A New Year is Coming"

New Year matinee.

Target: Create a positive mood in children about the upcoming holiday. Activate the speech and musical abilities of children.

1 week vacation

2 week vacation Listening to children's songs "If there was no winter",

Target: create a joyful mood, cultivate a love for music.

3 week "Christmas Miracle"

Fun games "Jolly Train"

Target: develop dexterity in children, reaction speed when performing tasks in relay races. Cultivate friendship, solidarity, mutual assistance. Attract children to a healthy lifestyle through sports entertainment.

4 week "Me and my friends. Winter fun»

staging game "How the sun and frost quarreled"

Target: arouse interest in the theatre.

1 Week "Week of kindness"

Entertainment"Our friend is kindness"

Target: to form in children the idea of ​​kindness as an important human quality, clarify concepts "good", "evil", "goodwill", cultivate a friendly attitude towards others. Encourage your child to do good deeds. Create a festive mood.

2 weeks "World of Professions"

"Professions" (puzzles)

Target: bring children joy, cheerful mood.

3 week "The secret of our planets- a week of experimentation"

Quiz "I know space"

Target: consolidate existing knowledge about space. To instill in children a sense of pride in the history of their country. Develop logical thinking, communication skills, the ability to creatively use their experience in emotional communication with peers. Encourage children to be active, the desire to achieve success, endurance and perseverance, honesty in relationships with peers. Develop intellectual abilities of children. To introduce a healthy lifestyle, to physical culture and sports.

4 week "Defenders of the Fatherland"

"Fatherland faithful sons"

Target: develop imagination and creativity; consolidate knowledge about the history of the Russian army; to cultivate accuracy, purposefulness, pride in the Fatherland on the example of the exploits of soldiers who defended the Motherland in different periods of history

5 week "Attention, dear!"


Target: the formation of ideas in preschool children about the traditions and customs of the Russian people.

1 week "Beauty in art and life

Target: to cultivate love for loved ones, the desire to please them.

2 weeks "Soon to School"

Leisure(a game). "What do you need at school?"

Target: reinforce children's ideas about school supplies.

3 week "Book Week"

Entertainment - related quiz: "My Favorite Books"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the heroes of fairy tales, develop logical thinking, ingenuity, cultivate a desire for constant communication with the book and a careful attitude to it, enrich vocabulary, broaden their horizons, find out what fairy tales and what fairy-tale characters children know, introduce new concepts "folk" And "literary" fairy tales, reveal the best connoisseurs of fairy tales; contribute speech development of children, imagination, thinking, memory; cultivate a love of reading fiction.

4 week "Spring"

(a game) "The rain won't stop us"

Target: develop

1 Week "Humor in our life"

A game "Day of laughter"

Target: to educate children in sociability, the ability to perceive humor correctly.

2 weeks "The Secret of the Third planets»

Watching a cartoon "The Secret of the Third planets»

Target: to form in children the concepts of good and bad deeds, to clarify knowledge about astronauts.

3 week "The starlings flew in, they brought spring on their wings"

“We meet spring, we call birds!”

Target: Summarize children's knowledge about birds. reinforce ideas about birds: name, habits, appearance, migratory or wintering; develop memory, attention, speed of reaction, ingenuity, resourcefulness, logical thinking, expressiveness of speech; the ability to guess riddles; ability to classify, compare; develop fantasy, creative imagination;

4 week "World Health Day."

"We love sports"

Target: to improve the motor abilities of children; exercise in walking, running, crawling, jumping; educate purposefulness, team qualities; give children a sense of joy.

1 Week "Children's Rights in Russia"

Relay games.

Target: continue develop dexterity in children, speed, mutual assistance, a sense of empathy

2 weeks "Victory Day"

Musical lounge « Evening of songs of the war years»

Target: the formation in children of an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the Great Patriotic War is; activate children's vocabulary; to cultivate love for the Motherland, pride in the victory of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War. Acquaintance of children with songs written during the war years, showing illustrations.

3 week "Let's go to the museum"

Presentation "Russian hut. Houseware"

Target: the formation of ideas about the life and way of life of the Russian people, about its traditions.

4 week "Seasons"

Entertainment"When It Happens"

Target: To generalize and consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons.

1 Week "Children Protection Day"

"Our Pushkin".

A game "We can't live without each other"

Target: develop coordination of movements of children, memory, attention, intelligence.

Quiz based on the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin.

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge of fairy tales, the ability to expressively read excerpts from works.

2 week International "Russia Day."

Quiz game "Journey to "Land of knowledge about Russia"

Target: the formation of patriotic feelings. To generalize and systematize children's knowledge about Russia, to form a respectful attitude towards state symbols. To consolidate the knowledge of children about large Russian cities and rivers, the peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation, the names of folk crafts. Cultivate love for the Motherland, civic-patriotic feelings.

Week 3 International Friends Day Game of the Peoples of the North "I am"

Target: develop motor skills.

4 week "International Friends Day"

Quiz "Sports and Olympic symbols"

Target: to test the knowledge of pupils about sports and Olympic symbols, to instill in pupils a love for sports, a healthy lifestyle, an interest in sports competitions. To consolidate knowledge about sports and Olympic symbols. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, collectivism and mutual assistance.

1 Week "Animation Day"

Quiz "Fairytale Journey"

Target: develop cognitive activity of preschool children, acceleration of the thought process and speech, consolidation of acquired knowledge on a specific topic, development associative thinking.

2 weeks "Day of traffic police"

Quiz game "Road Signs"

Target: determine how children have learned the rules of traffic safety; consolidate knowledge about traffic signals; to clarify the knowledge of children about the work of traffic police officers; consolidate the meaning of his gestures; to educate children in attentiveness, ingenuity, the ability to comply with traffic safety rules; be kind to each other and to others.

3 week "Russian Post Day"

"Profession Postman"

Target: to expand the understanding of children about the profession of a postman, about the need and benefits of his work. Learn to compose a descriptive story about mail according to the scheme. Develop general motor skills imitation creative imagination through logarithmic game "What did the postman bring us?" Develop dialogical speech through the compilation of a descriptive story according to the scheme.

4 week "Week of native language and creativity"

Competition of poetry reciters about summer.

Target: development speeches of children in the expressive performance of poems.

1 Week "Athlete's Day"

Holiday "Neptune"

Target: increase interest in physical culture, create a positive emotional mood, improve children's health by the forces of nature (water, sun and air).

2 weeks "Builder's Day"

Contest "Sand Fantasies"

Target: Encourage children to create architectural structures using sand and water.

3 week “Happy birthday children congratulates the kindergarten”

Riddles competition "About Kindergarten"

Target: strengthening the ability of children to guess riddles.

4 week "Journey to a fairy tale"

Literary quiz "Visiting a fairy tale"

Target: Fix names and characters fairy tales familiar to children. Develop children have auditory attention, creative imagination. Raise children's interest in fairy tales. Cause emotional responsiveness.

Target : Strengthen the health and exercise the physical development of children.

Task : Satisfy the physical needs of children in movement, develop dexterity, the ability to navigate in space, create a positive emotion, the joy of joint motor activity.

To cultivate friendliness, organization, enrich the active gaming experience of children with a variety of relay games, to form the ability to act in concert, to consolidate the skills of safe behavior in games, relay races, observing the order.

Equipment: Balls, jump bags, hoops.

To the sports ground

I invite you together

Our merry holiday of sports

Starts now.

Dear friends, today we have an unusual competition. And since we have competitions, then there must be a jury, strict and fair (representation of the jury members). Jury, please, your parting word.

Walks in the wreck like a sailor

White tie, black coat.

In Antarctica among the ice floes

Spends his days ... (penguin).

And the name of the first team will be "penguins". We will find out the name of the next team by guessing the second riddle.

This is a snow-white bear,

The biggest, the boldest!

He lives in the forest all his life,

On the cold shore

They are good neighbors

This -…. (White bears).

The names of the teams have become known to us, and now let's have fun winter games! Let the guys from each team show me how they can make snowmen.

The relay is called "Snowball".

The first participant rolls a snowball (ball) to the landmark and back, and passes it to the next player. And so on, until the last one is finished. The winner is the team whose players completed the task faster.

Do you guys know how real penguins walk? Come on, let's be penguins!

Relay "Penguins".

The first participant runs with the ball between his knees to the landmark and back, passes to the next player. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

Well done you, and now let's collect snowballs.

Relay race "Collect snowballs"

The first participant runs to the hoop with “snowballs” (small balls), takes one “snowball” and returns running, puts it in the basket, after which the next one runs, and so on until all the snowballs are in the basket.

Well done, how fast you are, how many snowballs you have collected. But this is not the end of our holiday, but in full swing.

Relay "Fast Bunnies"

Team members put the bags on their feet, and quickly jump to the landmark and back, then the bag passes to the next player. The team whose players jump first wins.

Well, well done, you know how to jump quickly, let's have a little rest, and we will carry out the relay race for ingenuity, but it's called

"Fairytale Lotto"

I will give you the first part of the name or title, and you will continue. Horse (humpbacked), geese (swans), red (cap), frost (red nose), scarlet (flower), Bremen (musicians), hare (hut), ugly (duckling), wand (lifesaver), flower (semi-flower) , doctor (Aibolit), princess (frog), cat (in boots), Snow White (and seven dwarfs).

What good fellows you know all the fairy tales well, rested, and I prepared a winter riddle for you: listen carefully.

In the white tundra where there is snow,

He grows his horns.

King of all northern animals

Mountain northern ... (deer).

Let's play reindeer with you, who are carrying their reindeer teams.

Relay race "reindeer teams"

The team captain is a deer. He is harnessed to a harness (hoop). The deer helps people move from one village to another. One of the participants gets into the hoop, and the “deer” transports him to the other side of the hall to the designated place, after which he returns for the next one. The winner is the team whose "deer" will transport all the people faster.

Well, the "deer" coped with the tasks, all the people were transported. This is where the sports competitions end, and while the jury is counting the points, we will play the game “polar owl”. With words:

The owl has eyes like bowls

And they don’t see a crumb during the day.

But at night these bowls

They see everything in the dense forest.

And a mouse on the path

And a hare under a bush.

The mice run around the hall, with the cessation of the text, night falls, the “owl” flies out to hunt, the “mice” freeze, and the “owl” bypasses its possessions and takes the one who moves into its mink.

While we were having fun, the jury summed up: Friendship won. All participants are awarded.

Olga Kolesova
Physical culture leisure in the preparatory group "Funny relay races"

Physical culture leisure in the preparatory group« Fun relay races»

Target: to educate children's interest in a healthy lifestyle, in physical culture and sports.


Exercise in dribbling, jumping on two legs;

Develop dexterity, accuracy, speed;

Arouse the desire to participate in competitions;

Teach children to play in a team, act together, on a signal;

Create a friendly atmosphere, joyful mood

Equipment: cubes according to the number of children, hoops, rubber balls, "tunnel", sandbags.

preliminary work: prepare sports equipment for the lesson, certificates for a surprise moment, learning chants about sports with children.

Event progress:

Hello guys! Today we will spend « Fun relay races» . You show your dexterity, accuracy, speed, strength and endurance. All these qualities are very important to us, but remember that you need to fight and win together, honestly and fairly! You are ready? Then let's start with the warm-up.

1 part: Walking in a column one at a time, on toes, hands up, on heels, hands on the belt; walking and running at the signal of the teacher; jumping on two legs over obstacles.

On « fun exercise» become!

part 2: General developmental exercises with a cube

1. I. p. - leg stand shoulder width apart, cube in the right hand. 1-hands through the sides up, pass the cube to the left hand; 2. - return to the starting position (6-8 times).

2. I. p. - leg stand shoulder width apart, cube in the right hand. 1- hands to the sides. 2 - tilt forward, put the cube on the floor; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - tilt, take the cube in the other hand, straighten up. Repeat 4-5 times.

3. I. p. - kneeling, a cube in the right hand. 1 - turn to the right, put the cube at the toes; 2 - straighten up, hands on the belt; 3 - turn right, take a cube; 4 - starting position. Same to the left (6-8 times).

4. I. p. - sitting on the floor, hands in support behind, a cube between the soles of the feet. 1-2 - raise your legs up (without dropping the dice); 3-4 - starting position (6 times).

5. I. p. - the main stand, a cube on the floor at the feet. Jumping on the right foot to the right side (on the left leg to the left side) 3-4 times.

3 part. A game « Merry relay race» .

Children are divided into 2 teams.

Revise the rules with children relay races:

We play fair and together;

We play not for profit, but for pleasure;

If you win - rejoice, if you lose - do not be upset.

All together with children:

“Sport, guys, is very necessary,

We are very friendly with sports!

Sport is a helper, sport is health!

Sport is a game! Physical training!

1 relay race. Jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop.

Each team has 5 hoops. It is necessary to jump from hoop to hoop as quickly as possible, without hitting them. The speed and accuracy of the child is evaluated.

2 relay race. "Roll the ball"

Roll the ball with both hands between the pins to the post, then pick it up and run back to your team. At the start line pass baton to the next.

3 relay race. "Tunnel".

On a signal, the participant climbs through the bag, runs around the landmark, passes relay race to the next participant with a touch of the hand.

4 relay race. "Jumps".

Jumping on one right foot forward. Back - on the other left leg. Hands on the belt. At the start line passes relay race next hand touch.

5 relay race. "Hit the target".

Each child has a bag of sand in his hand. Participants need to hit the target with a bag (throw him into a hoop). The total number of hits in each team is estimated.

4 part. mobile game "Empty place". The players stand in a circle with their hands on their belts - they get "windows". The leader is chosen. He walks behind the circle and speaks:

I walk around the house

And I look in the windows

I will go to one

And I'll knock softly.

After the words "I'll knock" the driver stops, looks into the window against which he stopped, and speaks: "Knock-Knock". standing in front asks: "Who's come?" the leader says his name. standing in a circle asks: "Why did you come?". driving answers: "Let's run the race", - and both run around the players in different directions. There is an empty space in the circle. The one who ran to him first remains in the circle; the latecomer becomes the driver, and the game continues.

Let's turn back together,

And how shall we say; "Jump-jump-jump",

Words "hop-hop-hop" one child says (at the direction of the teacher). The driver opens his eyes and tries to guess who said these words. If he guesses correctly, that player takes his place.

5 part. Summarizing. Rewarding.

Exit from the hall to the musical accompaniment.

Related publications:

"Funny Starts" (joint physical culture leisure with mothers)"Merry Starts" (a joint sports festival with mothers, for children of older preschool age) Purpose: Creating a positive.

Physical culture leisure for senior and preparatory groups "In the world of animals" Goals and objectives: To promote the harmonious physical development of children; Develop physical qualities (speed, agility, endurance,.

Physical culture leisure for older preschoolers "Funny Starts" Synopsis of physical education for older preschoolers Fun starts Tasks: to develop physical and volitional qualities, the personality of the child.

Physical education for Mother's Day "Funny fun with forest animals" for children 4-5 years old Objectives: - promotion of healthy lifestyles; -create conditions for physical development; -to teach to establish partnerships with mom, with other adults.

Purpose: to form in children and their parents the need for a healthy lifestyle. Tasks: - to give children and adults the joy of interaction.

Scenario of autumn sports activities in the preparatory group

Physical culture leisure "Golden Autumn" (preparatory group)

Description: Autumn themed entertainment for children of the preparatory group, the action takes place in an unusual garden, and a sports one where children harvest, meet the hero Scarecrow Garden, solve riddles, play relay races with him (help harvest), get acquainted with the history of Scarecrow and why it is necessary.

Target: to form motor skills and abilities in children in accordance with their individual characteristics. Develop physical qualities and the need for respect for one's health.
- educational: to teach children to run races with overcoming obstacles, to consolidate children's skills to run easily and quickly complete tasks.
- wellness: develop muscle strength and coordination abilities, relieve emotional tension, promote relaxation of all respiratory and other muscles of the body;
- educational: to form the ability to perform movements consciously, quickly, deftly, beautifully. Cultivate friendliness, organization.
Cognition: to consolidate children's knowledge about pests of crops in the garden, about vegetables, about the concept of "garden scarecrow"
Communication: cause an emotional response to a work of oral folk art (riddles).
Socialization: to enrich the active gaming experience of children with a variety of relay games, to teach them to act in concert, to follow the order.
Safety: to consolidate the skills of safe behavior in games, relay races (do not push a friend, clear the way for a running child).
Health: to form an idea about health, its value, and ways to strengthen it.
Music: use rhythmic exercises to music.
Preparation: the hall is festively decorated - autumn is depicted on one wall of the hall (leaves, an inscription), the hall is decorated with yellow and orange balls.
Previous work: have conversations with children about the garden, autumn, harvest, vegetables, riddles about autumn.
Inventory: picture with the image of a garden scarecrow, landmarks 2 pcs., 2 buckets, 2 potatoes, 6 rings (holes), 2 jump ropes, 2 onions, 2 carrots, 2 beets, 2 apples, 6 green rubber balls, 4 stuffed balls 2 spoons, an envelope with riddles, treats - apples, tape recorder, CD - disk.
Members: 2 teams of 10-12 people (5 girls, 5 boys or 6 + 6), presenter, jury, teacher-educator - the hero of the "Garden Scarecrow".
The sports hall is decorated with autumn leaves, flowers, balloons (yellow-orange); the inscription "Golden Autumn" on the wall.

Entertainment progress:

Children enter the hall to the music (are built in a semicircle)
They read poetry.
Leading: Hello guys!
Tell me, what time of year is it? Right.
Autumn is a very beautiful time of the year, it's harvest time.
What do you think, in order to be strong, healthy, strong, what should be done? (Go in for sports, exercise, eat vitamins).
What has the most vitamins? (in fruits and vegetables).
Where do vegetables grow? (In the garden).
I suggest you visit the garden today, but the garden will not be ordinary, but sports. Today you will see that vegetables can not only be eaten, you can have fun with them. So we're off to the garden.
And who can we meet in the garden?
Listen to the clue:
Standing in the garden
Does not say anything
He does not take
And does not give to the crows
Children: Garden scarecrow!
It turns out a garden scarecrow.
That's right, guys - I, the garden watchman, scare away crows and other birds so that they do not destroy the crops and do not peck at the harvest.
The history of the appearance of a garden scarecrow is rooted in the deep past. From English, the scarecrow is translated as “to scare the crows.” Therefore, since the appearance of agricultural land and crows, there has been a need for an inexpensive bird repeller. Old, worn-out clothes found their last use in the manufacture of a stuffed animal, giving it a human figure. Moreover, making a garden scarecrow with your own hands is not at all difficult: the simplest materials and a little imagination.
How to make a garden scarecrow
Two poles are fastened crosswise.
The head is made of a rag, which is pulled together with a rope, stuffed with straw and mounted on a vertical pole.
Then the clothes are put on the crossbar, stuffed with straw, the sleeves and legs are sewn up with threads.
And it remains only to create a mood for your garden scarecrow with waterproof paints.
The scary will be a scarecrow or, on the contrary, cheerful - it completely depends on the creator. The chosen clothes, the painted face will convey the character of the scarecrow, expressing the mood of their creators. Each garden scarecrow is unique, especially, exists in a single copy.
Look at the pictures of the scarecrow (stuffed animal) for the garden (show the children the picture)

Scarecrow: Look guys, what a wonderful crop we have grown. (Children look at pictures of vegetables).
Scarecrow: I'm guarding the harvest, and now it's time to harvest it, can you help me harvest it?
Children: Yes!
Leading: Guys, the scarecrow has prepared some kind of surprise for us, I see an envelope with him!
Scarecrow: And this is not a simple envelope (takes out) riddles in it! Do you know how to solve riddles? Then help me solve them:
1 riddle:
Make everyone cry
Although he is not a fighter, but ... (bow).
Leading: Onion is a very useful vegetable, it cures colds and kills germs. I suggest you work hard in the onion garden, (loose construction for a musical warm-up, the drawn onions on the floor serve as a guide)
Children line up for a musical warm-up.
(rhythmic gymnastics to the song "Radiant Sun")
Scarecrow: Thanks guys! Well done, they worked hard to collect the whole garden.
Leading: Please, scarecrow, we are always happy to help, and our participants today are unusual:
Team: "Dachniks"
Team "Gardeners"

So they are smart, fast, hardworking!
The guys will help you cope with the harvest today, guess riddles for us soon!
Scarecrow: Listen!
2 riddle:
And green and thick
A bush has grown in the garden
Dig a little
Under the bush ... (potato).
Leading: It's time to harvest the potatoes. People say potatoes are the second bread. You can cook a lot of delicious dishes from it. And what can be cooked from potatoes. (Children answer: cook soup, make mashed potatoes, fry and bake) And today we will plant and collect potatoes.
Relay "Harvesting potatoes".
Two teams are participating.
The first one runs, puts potatoes in the holes, returns to the team, passes the basket to the next one. The second runs, collects potatoes in a basket and passes them to another.
Scarecrow: What dexterous and quick you have coped with this task. Thank you for harvesting potatoes.
Listen to the following riddle:
3 riddle:
Faithful guardian and friend of the fields,
The first messenger of warm days.
Blacker than all migratory birds,
cleans the arable land from worms. (Rook)
What migratory birds do you still know?
Leading: In autumn, many birds fly to warmer climes. But they do not fly one at a time, but gather in flocks, let's take the birds to warm climes.
Relay race: "Migratory birds"
The 1st participant - the captain (leader) with a gymnastic rope runs around the pin, returns to the team, the 2nd participant takes the rope, and they run together, then the 3rd, 4th, 5th.
The results of the passage of the distance by the boys are summed up.
The relay is held for the 2nd time, the role of migratory birds is played by girls.
Leading. Guys, we harvested vegetables in the garden, sent migratory birds to the south. And what other vegetables are harvested in the fall?
Children call what they harvest in the fall, (cabbage, beets, carrots, onions)
Leading. Guys, do you like puzzles?
Children. Yes!
Leading. Then try to guess my riddles:
1. All striped from showers
The tenth month has come to us,
We run home through the puddles,
Umbrella is a little wet.
So what month is it?
Did you come to visit us, my friend?
2. Without a path and without a road.
Walks the longest
Hiding in the clouds, in the mist,
Only feet on the ground.
3 . A mob across the sky.
Leaky bags are running,
And sometimes it happens
Water flows from the bags.
4. I'm under a colored hat.
I stand alone on my feet.
I have my habits -
I always play hide and seek.
5. Above you, above me.
Dropped a bag of water.
Ran into a distant forest
Lost weight and disappeared.
6. Golden coins fall from a branch.
7. Its spring and summer
We saw dressed.
And in the fall from the poor thing
They ripped off all the shirts.
8. Roaring across the field
Sings and whistles
breaks trees,
Bows down to the ground.
Like guessing? Now I want to know how you make riddles.
Each team makes 1 riddle.
Scarecrow: How savvy you are, you solved all the riddles, well done!
Now listen to my next riddle
They came to us with melons
Striped balls.
Leading: The watermelons are ripe, and it's time to collect them too.
Relay race: Collecting watermelons
We will now collect watermelons, but not one at a time, but three.
The first participant has 3 rubber balls of different sizes in his hands, having run around the skittle, he passes the “watermelons” to the second.

Scarecrow: In the garden - a yellow ball,
Only he does not run galloping,
He's like a full moon
Delicious seeds.
Leading: But not only watermelons grow on melons, so we will harvest pumpkins. But the pumpkin is heavy and we will not wear it, but roll it.
Relay race: "Pumpkin Harvest"
The 1st participant rolls the stuffed ball around the skittles, passes it to the second.

Leading. Children, in the field, in the garden, on the melon we harvested. And where is he still left, not removed?
Children: In the country.

Leading. Right. In the country, we also need to harvest, but very quickly, because in the fall it gets dark quickly. Can you help me cope?
Children: Yes!
Relay race: "Harvesting at their summer cottage"
Participate in one participant from the team blindfolded. In turn, you need to transfer carrots, beets, onions, potatoes, nuts, apples, pears, etc. from hoop to hoop.
The team can advise.
Leading. Guys, while you were harvesting, someone baked the potatoes you were harvesting. It's probably the grandmother. But this potato is still very hot and in order to convey it, you need to take a spoon.
Relay: "Hot Potato"
Carrying potatoes in a spoon. 1st runs around the skittle with a spoon, passes to the second, etc.
Scarecrow: you quickly removed the entire crop from the garden, well done, and our garden scarecrow drives away not only crows, but also hares that came to our garden to feast on ....... and what can you guess now
Red girl
Sitting in the dark
And the spit is on the street.

Relay: "Take it fast"
Carrots are laid out in a circle, participants of 2 teams stand in a circle and run in one direction at a signal, and at 2 signals they take one carrot, etc. until 2 members remain. The team that stays in the game wins.
(Children stand in a circle)

Leading: we have harvested, we have worked hard, it is time to rest.

Relaxation (sounds of nature, birdsong)
“Lie down on the floor, close your eyes and remember what kind of sports garden we had today. We warmed up in the garden with onions, planted and harvested potatoes, harvested carrots, watermelons and zucchini on melons, transported crops to storage and, of course, rested. Hands pulled up, eyes opened, stood up. While you were resting, the scarecrow prepared a treat for you, these juicy, delicious apples.
Goodbye. See you again.