What does it mean to live with an older brother? What does it mean to live with an older brother When you have an older brother

Quotes about brother - When two brothers fight, it’s better not to interfere - you’ll get it from both. - Anna Darkness.

Parents give us life and sincere Love... instill values ​​and education... share warmth and experience... But one of the most beautiful gifts from Them is a brother and sister... - Serge Goodman.

When you have an older brother, it's terrible because you always know how you'll be dressed in six months. - Dmitry Romanov.

Why are you so nasty?! “I am your older brother, it is my responsibility to be nasty and heartless.” - Night of the Living Dead.

My brother always told me that I was kind. And I became kind. He told me I was naive, and I became naive. He told me that I was capable of many things, and I once saved the whole world. - Jordie Rivers.

I can feel that you are my brother, even if there is no blood relationship between us. - Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt.

Quotes about brother and sister “Nothing changes with age,” she thought. “The younger brother may live to be a hundred years old, but he will always be the younger brother.” - George Martin.

I will never leave you! I will always be by your side! I won’t leave you in trouble, I swear!!! You are my brother and I am proud of it!

Do not doubt that retribution will come, When you go to war against your brother. Kinship is a great gift from God, It should be sacred to a person!

A brother is a person who, without demanding anything in return, will love and protect you, because you are his Sister!

If you know what your brother needs, don't wait for him to ask you for it.

Brother in the apartment is when you first smell it and only then drink the water in a cup.

Whoever is what he is, concludes the same about his brother. - Ava Stifat.

Brotherhood - where? Or aren't all people already brothers? No, not all. Moreover: not even all are brothers. - Boris Strugatsky.

Be your friend's brother and you will be your best friend. Be your brother's friend and you will be a better brother. - Muhammad Okar.

A brother is a protector. A brother is a friend. A brother is a support. Brother is an advisor. A brother is an accomplice. A brother is a brother. Native person. The same blood flows in us. We are bound by family ties forever, for which I thank fate.

The best thing about brothers is that even despite our mistakes, they still love us. - Dr. House.

When they want to give the highest assessment to human relationships, they say “brotherly.” There are sister cities, there are unions called “brotherhoods”. That is, above our relationship with you - only the sky.

Miracles are beautiful, and to console a brother, to help a friend rise from the depths of suffering, to forgive an enemy for his errors - these are the greatest miracles in the world. - Voltaire.

All men are brothers, but not all brothers are men. - Jerzy Leszczynski.

When, as a child, our argument ended in a fight, it was the conquest of territory; when my parents punished me because of you, it was retribution; when it gave me a reason to be upset, it made me stronger. In a word, you adequately prepared me for adult life, brother... and I don’t know what would have happened to me if it weren’t for you!

Where did I get the scar on my forehead? We tried to share some kind of plastic bracelet with my brother, and my head flew into the refrigerator.

Where did I get the scar on my leg? We decided to ride down the mountain together on a bicycle with the words “Everything will be fine, don’t piss!”

Where did I get the scar on my arm? Well, okay, it’s my own fault...

These are the disadvantages of the older brother.

Well, now about the main thing. About happiness, “the greatest happiness in my life” - about Him, about my older brother! (Quote from my brother).

We've been together since I was born. When I was born, he had already lived for two years and had learned a lot, so for me he was always a “pioneer”. He first went to kindergarten, and then to school. And I was looking forward to his stories - how was it in kindergarten? What about at school? What do you need to know to survive?

I was lucky: I was given a survival coach from birth.. For me, he was an instructor in various techniques from action movies, a football coach, a master of manipulation, and, of course, an older brother who had to be listened to.

Thanks to my brother, I clearly knew what a man is, what organ he uses mainly to think (the brain, of course!) and how to convey the necessary information to a man (simply put, without unnecessary branches).

He told me about his girlfriends. I can, I'm a sister - and this is almost a man. And I told him which of his girlfriends were worthy of attention and which were fools. So a little sister is also a plus for a brother. Here you have a friend to tell you everything in detail, and a female brain to understand this complex, illogical female behavior.

I'm not a lady. I didn’t play with dolls, I had something more interesting - an older brother. I didn't smell hairspray all over the house - we smelled the result of my brother's soldering. I didn’t wear dresses that often - they’re uncomfortable for skateboarding or scoring a beautiful goal. I didn't know what color of lipstick suited me, but I knew exactly where to hit if some idiot decided that I was a lady and wouldn't hit.

I have to say, no one has ever touched me before. After all, the formidable older brother was always nearby.

And I’m very glad that my brother always took me with him, even though I’m a girl. We played football together, swam, rode bicycles, just walked, drove a car, got into scrapes, even life-threatening ones. And no matter what happened, we were always together. Of course, we quarreled, fought, declared war on each other. But all this happened mainly in childhood. Now we hardly quarrel. We know that we are the only ones with each other. No one can replace each other for us.

We may not even talk, just drive in the car, listen to the music we both love and be in incredible peace and an atmosphere of the most tender warmth. Friends don't really like to play association games with us because we guess words and whole sentences too quickly. It only takes 2-3 seconds, and the second of us already knows what we're talking about. Many people think that we can read each other's thoughts. I'll tell you a secret: that's how it is.

Yes, he still sometimes locks me in the toilet, and I hear him unable to contain himself and giggling behind the door. If I'm driving and someone cuts me off, he can jump out of the car at any moment and punish all those responsible. And if I cut, he will say: “Well done! My school!"

I am an unusually happy person. I have an older brother. And at the same time, a friend, adviser, assistant, support, coach, player on the same team, soul mate and just a wonderful person.

When we were children, we talked non-stop, because we lived in the same house, and we were together all our free time. And don’t think that we cooed like doves, had a nice conversation over a cup of tea, or simply admired each other. No! I’ll tell you more, my brother is the only person in the world who could not only piss me off, but awaken the beast in me! But years of training take their toll. Now I can't be outraged now even Buddha will envy my limitless patience.

In general, the older brother is a treasure.

This is when, in addition to all women’s affairs, you can also do half of the men’s. For example, change a tire, light a fire, dig up potatoes, hammer a nail, stab you in the eye.

This is when someone is trying to “attack” you, and you have a secret weapon: “I’ll call my brother right now!” He’ll arrange this for you!”

This is when both of you do something wrong, but only him is scolded because he is the eldest.

This is when you are the only one who misbehaves, and he takes the blame. (But just so you know, the parents’ methods of reprisal cannot compare with the brother’s fantasy).

Big brother is like a fortress, only soft. You can also lie on his stomach.

With love and respect to all brothers and sisters, older and younger. Love and cherish each other!

A large family is wonderful, because the more children there are, the more helpers will grow in the future, and parents can shift some of the responsibilities around the house to the older ones. But the life of the youngest children in a family is not always full of joy and happiness, especially if the eldest child is male. After all, older brothers try not only to keep an eye on their younger brothers and sisters, but “cruelly” exploit them.

We decided to tell you what it means when you have an older brother.

1. Wear old things after him
The main problem especially for all families with more than one child, because as many already know, it is financially difficult to provide the youngest with new things. So the second child has to suffer, wearing clothes after his older brother. And you are very lucky if you were also born a boy, because the economy does not spare anyone, and from time to time younger sisters have to wear their brother’s children’s clothes.

2. Finish off his bike
A bicycle, toys, coloring books and everything else that remained relatively intact after my brother’s childhood. Moreover, age does not matter, and even younger sisters have to play with half-dead cars. But most of the saved things rarely survived the first experience of acquaintance and parents had to fork out for new toys

3. Watch how they play on the computer, rather than play
Unfortunately, if you have an older brother, your first acquaintance with computer games (Dandy, Sega, Playstation) was exclusively in the form of a spectator. And it doesn’t matter that you would be better at passing this or that game. The older brother knows better.

4. Cover up his binges
“Yes, those guys were smoking nearby, that’s what it smells like!” This was, and is, the favorite excuse of young smokers, and who else but a younger sister or brother should have confirmed it. And if they didn’t confirm it, then a period of sanctions could come, in the form of slaps on the wrist.

5. Be an ambassador to the store/stall
When the older brother began to actively hang out with his friends, the younger ones had a new duty - to be a courier to a stall or store for beer, cigarettes, chips and other small items. But these trips also had a certain advantage - you could keep the change for yourself, and information appeared that could be profitably “sold” to your parents.

6. Help him with girls
Unfortunately, each of us made mistakes on the love front. But the problem could be easily solved if you had a younger brother or sister who could be sent to your beloved with chocolate and an apology. Usually, such a trick worked, because no girl could refuse a kid with a chocolate bar. Moreover, it was an extremely romantic act, worthy of a gallant gentleman.

7. Be with money all the time
You will always have money in your pocket for ice cream or chips, because change remains not only from trips to the stalls initiated by your brother, but also from parents, who sometimes want to find out what their brother is doing during their absence. But just revealing secrets, especially under the threat of getting a slap from your brother, is not good.

8. Find out what porn is too early
We think that with this point everything is clear without further ado. Perhaps such a problem will not be understandable to modern children, because in our age of fast Internet there is no need to save gigabytes of pictures and videos of piquant content on a computer. But when everyone used exclusively modems that paid by the minute, I really wanted all the pictures to load from below, and not from above, leaving a feeling of disappointment when the next disconnect. And in the rare moments when you could sit at your own computer without your older brother, you often came across such hidden “surprises.”

9. Walk a lot
Helping your brother with girls is sacred, but the consequences of such help can be the most unpleasant, because when your beloved comes to your brother, they insistently ask you to go for a walk, and even give you money for candy or ice cream. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s frost outside or rain. If you need to go for a walk, then you should! And, naturally, you will be torn apart by curiosity about what the older brother is doing with his girlfriend without you. Plays on your computer? Does he watch your cartoons? Or maybe they carry your candies that your parents hid on the top shelf? But, naturally, my brother has no time for sweets or even cartoons, but is busy with much more pleasant things.

10. Always be protected
But despite all the hardships and hardships of life with your older brother, you have one trump card that can be used in completely different life situations, and it doesn’t matter how old you are, because your older brother will always come to the rescue and protect you.

Do you have an older brother or sister? What kind of relationship do you have with them?