What are professional holidays in October. Calendar of historical events in October

October is an amazing month. It is known not only for its changeable weather, which actively prepares Russians for the imminent arrival of winter, but also for festive and significant events. The calendar of the month includes all the important dates of October 2017, which are versatile in nature, but are essential for each of us.


What's happened anniversary date? This is a festive event that has round date. Quite a lot of significant events are planned in the autumn, we will list all the anniversaries of October 2017.

1 - the date of birth of the famous Russian actor Oleg Efremov is celebrated. This year, the outstanding actor of the times would have turned 90 years old.
2 - 100th anniversary is celebrated since the birth of the Russian sculptor - Mikhail Anikushin.
5 - a unique historical date - the 280th anniversary of the birth of Count Alexei Orlov.
The 5th anniversary event is also celebrated by the Russian footballer Andrey Zyryanov. The athlete is celebrating his 40th birthday.
6 - celebrate anniversary events and entrepreneurs. For example, the famous Russian businessman Vladimir Gusinsky is celebrating his 65th birthday.
6 - at the same autumn moment, a unique and sought-after actress, Elisabeth Shue, is celebrating an anniversary event (55 years).

7 - a truly Russian anniversary event - 65 years old is celebrated by our president - Vladimir Putin.
8 - a holiday of a creative nature - 125 years since the birth of the famous poetess - Marina Tsvetaeva.
The 12th - 40th anniversary is celebrated by the Russian singer of popular songs - Jasmine.
14 - 90th anniversary of the birth of actor and entertainer - Roger Moore.
15 - Russian writer Ilya Ilf is celebrated by creative people on his 120th birthday.
16 - lovely date- Dmitri Hvorostovsky, the world-famous singer of the opera stage, celebrates his 55th birthday.
16 - the actor of our Russia - Ivan Dykhovnichny - celebrates his 70th birthday.
19 - a Brazilian actress popular in recent times, known throughout the world for the TV series "The Rich Also Cry" - Veronica Castro celebrates her 65th birthday this year.
19 - sports anniversary date - 55 years of the famous boxer - Evander Holyfield.
The 23rd - 85th anniversary is celebrated by the Russian writer Vasily Belov.
26 - the popular politician of all America - Hillary Clinton - is 70 years old.
28 - actress, better known for the film "Pretty Woman" - Julia Roberts - celebrates a significant date - 50 years.
30 - Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov celebrates his 100th birthday.
31 - 95 years is celebrated since the birth of the popular Russian actor - Anatoly Papanov.

Important dates

Autumn is rich and significant dates in October 2017. Festive events are celebrated in large numbers. If a holiday is classified as a cultural property, then it gathers like-minded people for creative evenings. Every Russian keeps public dates in his heart.

What is the popular month of autumn?

The 1st - 105th anniversary is celebrated by a popular Russian historian, as well as a geographer and, of course, the author of numerous research work- Gumilyov L.N.
4 - a unique date for the whole country - exactly 60 years ago, the first artificial satellite of the planet Earth was launched into the depths of space. In honor of major event of the year, the country declares a week of space, which begins on the 4th and ends on the 10th of October.

October is also unique in that this year marks the 60th anniversary of the release of the film The Cranes Are Flying to the masses. Director Kalatozov M. was recognized as one of all the best specialists his profession at the Cannes Film Festival. The outstanding film received a well-deserved award in 1958 - the Palme d'Or.

October holidays

For every Russian, significant dates for October 2017 carry essential information. This autumn month there are others, no less significant events of the year.

1 - creative people meets the international music festival.
1 - is celebrated by the whole world today and the holiday of a smile.
1 - Russia celebrates the day of the elderly.
1 - 11th anniversary is celebrated by the Russian ground forces.
2 - the date of birth of the popular and demanded e-mail in the present day.
3 - professional holiday of employees and employees of the OMON.
4 is an international holiday dedicated to animals.

5 - professional holiday essential- teacher's Day.
5 - well-deserved congratulations are received by employees of the criminal investigation department.
6 - date of birth of the emoticon.
8 is a holiday dedicated to rural women.
9 - Postal workers and all Russian post offices meet a professional holiday event.
11 is girls day. World date.
12 - the day of the Russian personnel officer.
14 - Orthodox Christians meet the Intercession Holy Mother of God.
16 is the chef's holiday.
20 - international holiday of the profession - cook.
24 is a professional holiday for special forces officers.
29 - date of birth of the Komsomol.
31 - Halloween.

Some of them are purely professional. For example, Teacher's Day, which is celebrated on October 5th. This is a holiday for all Russians: everyone studied at school or continues to do so now, and they are proud of those who gave or are giving a start in life, introducing them to a wide variety of knowledge. Schools on October 5 are full of flowers, smart children, their parents and, of course, the teachers themselves. Addressed to teachers warm congratulations And good wishes from everyone present.

Professional holidays include World Post Day, OMON Day, Ground Forces Day in Russia, etc.
At the same time, in October there are several unusual holidays, for example, International Smile Day, celebrated at the very beginning of the month. It is associated with the appearance on the Internet and in our life in general of a smiley - a yellowish laughing face, which was created in ten minutes by a modest American artist Harvey Bell. The smiley was even stolen, and became a trademark of a company with branches around the world. But often they are used by those who travel on the World Wide Web. Communicating with each other on the network, we actively use funny, sad, puzzled and with other mines on the face emoticons.

But the International Day of Older Persons in early October and Grandparents' Day at the end of it echo each other. But the essence is the same - representatives of the older generation are honored all over the world, who, even having retired, do not remain idle - they help children in raising their grandchildren, in solving endless domestic and other problems. And these days there are flowers in families, as well as in offices where older people continue to work. Veterans are presented with gifts, premiums in envelopes, they are bestowed with kisses and warm hugs.
In the second autumn month, a number of countries celebrate the days of gaining independence - Cyprus, Guinea, but it was in October that the People's Republic of China acquired its new state status with communist ideology and the Communist Party at the head. With a population of more than one and a half billion, China is now a prosperous world power with a powerful economy, which, literally in its rapid development, steps on the heels of the United States, and occupies a leading position on the planet after them. State formed in October South Korea. It also has a developed economy, modern cities, its products (cars, household and other appliances) are readily bought on all five continents. In October, Republic Day is widely celebrated in Portugal.

Standing apart in the list of holidays in October is the twenty-fourth number - the International Day of the United Nations. Created immediately after the Great Patriotic War on the initiative of the victorious countries, the UN has played and continues to play a big role in maintaining global peace. But every year and every month, the International Day of the United Nations is dedicated to a specific theme. For example, January 27 is Holocaust Remembrance Day. February 4 is World Cancer Day. March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day. We all remember the sensational Nizhny Novgorod the story of the expulsion from the cafe of the sister of fashion model Natalia Vodianova due to the fact that she is the carrier of this particular disease. And it can scare away the respectable public from the institution. Outrageous case! And the end of his investigation has not yet been set. But the saddest and most disgusting thing is that it took place! So the World Day of People with Down Syndrome, more than ever, is appropriate!

Working days in October 2019

First of all, let's talk about how many working days in October 2019. The second autumn month has 23 labor days: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31 numbers.

Non-working days in October 2019 in Russia

Surely, workers are interested in knowing what days off are in October. This autumn month will give employees 8 days off. These are the 5th, 6th, 12th, 13th, 19th, 20th, 26th, 27th.

Holidays in October 2019 in Russia

Now we will tell you how many holidays there are in October 2019. There are no official holidays this month.

How Russians will rest during the six-day period

Employees working under the condition of a six-day working week will rest only in Sundays. This month they fall on the 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th.

Working hours

What dates fall on holidays, workdays and weekends in October 2019, the production calendar will tell you. According to production calendar Russia, there will be 23 working days and 8 days off and holidays.

Working hours norms:

  • at 40 hour working week- 184 hours;
  • at 36-hour - 165.6 hours;
  • at 24-hour - 110.4 hours.

Holiday calendar in October 2019

This month there are no official public holidays that could give workers an extra day of rest. But employees will be able to note professional, international holidays, days of military glory and Orthodox holidays. More about what holidays in October 2019 are waiting for us, read on:

  • 1 - Day of the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • 1 - Day of the elderly. Grandparents, all elderly people you know should be congratulated on the holiday. Thanks to this holiday, it became possible to speak openly about the problems of the elderly, to pay tribute to their many years of work and care;
  • 2 - All-Russian day of vocational education (Day of vocational education). On this day in all secondary special technical educational institutions rulers are held, and students organize congratulatory concerts for teachers;
  • 4 - Day of the military space forces of Russia. The holiday is solemnly held in all military formations of the Russian Federation given purpose, at space orbital stations and in various ground-based design bureaus, centers for preparing for flights and launching spacecraft;
  • 4 - Day of the troops civil defense. Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • 5 - Day of workers of the criminal investigation department;
  • 5 - Teacher's Day in Russia. World Teachers Day. This is a professional holiday for educators;
  • 6 - Day of the Russian insurer;
  • 7 - Day of the employee of the headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • 12 - HR Day (Russian Federation from the USSR);
  • 14 - Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. The cover is the beginning of the wedding season;
  • 14 - Worker's Day Agriculture celebrated on the second Sunday of the month. This is a professional holiday for all those who work in the field of agriculture and the processing industry in Russia;
  • 20 - Day of Signal Corps of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • 20 - International Chef's Day, Russian chefs celebrate;
  • 20 - Day of the air traffic controller;
  • 21 - Worker's Day Food Industry. Celebrated on the third Sunday of the month. The holiday was established in 1966 by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The tradition of honoring food industry workers continues to this day;
  • 21 – Workers Day road infrastructure;
  • 23 - Day of Advertising Workers;
  • 24 - Day of formations and units special purpose;
  • 25 - Customs Day Russian Federation;
  • 29 - Day of service workers private security Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • 30 - Day of the motorist. Worker's Day road transport;
  • 30 - Mechanical Engineer's Day;
  • 30 - Birthday of the Navy;
  • 30 - Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repressions.