Pedagogical essay “My profession is a kindergarten teacher. Essay “My profession is an educator

Why do each of us think about the essence again and again pedagogical activity? The reason is simple - I want to understand the motive that makes me engage in this difficult all-consuming business. And if you have already given this cause all the warmth of your soul, a part of yourself, then what next, what in return?

And the answer lies on the surface: teachers, for the most part, are special people, without silver, who do not expect any honors or awards from fate, they just want to be significant, in demand, they want to plunge into the world of childhood, to find common ground with children.

Crossing the threshold for the first time kindergarten, I saw those curious, sparkling eyes, felt soft, warm hands, felt the children's keen interest in new discoveries and realized that I had found my place, my vocation.

And now a year of work is behind me, not even work, but a state of constant creative search, involvement in the development of the personality of my little friends.

All the same, this is an amazing profession - an educator! Working with children makes it possible for a person to show all the best that is in him, all his abilities. Someone wants to be a singer - but the voice is not the same, dreams of being an actor, but does not dare, thinks about the glory of the artist, but the abilities are not the same .... And in kindergarten, the teacher can realize all his desires - and sing, and dance, and draw, and be an artist. Well, what folk artist can boast of two roles within 2 hours?! And the teacher can be Baba Yaga on one matinee, and Snow White on the other! And he will always find the most grateful spectators, the most independent judges - in the face of children.

And now I increasingly ask myself the question: “What kind of a modern educator should be in order to meet the high requirements of the creator of the human personality?”

My little experience allowed me to draw the following conclusions:

  • A modern educator must love children, because education is a long process that requires great patience and sincere generosity.
  • The teacher must know a lot. The front is not simple task- to teach a child to perceive and understand everything beautiful in the world; nature, music, poetry.
  • The teacher must be able to do a lot: sew, craft, play and sing with children. The educator should always be interesting for his children.
  • The educator must constantly improve his skills, using the achievements of pedagogical science and best practices. Gotta go ahead, master innovative technologies, unconventional methods, but also should not forget the good old, for example, oral folk art.

Required Qualities modern educator- tolerance and goodwill, because the teacher has to work not only with children, but also with parents. It is necessary to learn to respect parents, to reckon with their opinion, even if it differs from the ideas of the educator about pedagogy.

Many modern upbringing and educational initiatives are aimed at qualitatively building up the knowledge and skills of children, but in parallel with this, there must be a spiritual - moral education. If this process is underestimated, then the development of the child is noticeably impoverished, and this is not harmless in the future for the child and society as a whole. The task of the modern educator is to help "ennoble" the child's soul, using folk pedagogy and true human values ​​as an inoculation.

In the teachings of St. Seraphim of Sarov there is wise advice:

"Don't be in a hurry to teach children French and German, but prepare their soul first, and the rest will follow later."

Love for children, constant creative search, self-education and work on oneself - these are the three main whales for the educator of the past, present and future.

And it is important to remember the eternal commandment: do no harm.

After all, the soul of a child is not rocky soil, but a flower that needs help to open up. And, moreover, it is necessary to teach your pupils to follow the difficult paths of knowledge, not to wait ready-made solutions but seek and find knowledge by yourself. That is why our task is not just to fill the vessel with ready-made knowledge, but to instill a craving for self-knowledge.

How to make the most of inquisitiveness childish mind and push the child to the knowledge of the world? How to promote the development of a child's creativity? I came to the conclusion that this can be done with the help of children's research activities. It is this direction that is a priority in my work.

Experimentation permeates all spheres of children's activity: cognitive-research, play, labor, communicative. The child is already an explorer in his own right, showing a keen interest in experimentation.

Experiences help develop thinking, logic, creativity of the child. So, studying the properties of air, children, with the help of experiments, independently come to the conclusion that it is around us, colorless, it can be compressed. And how much interesting ways applications of the properties of air they offer. From flying to hot-air balloon, to life at the bottom of the sea under a glass funnel. And how much genuine interest children experience with soap bubbles. Is it possible to remain indifferent, studying such beauty. (Experiment with soap bubbles.)

After all, it is not for nothing that the Chinese proverb says: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand.”

The most favorite games of the children in my group are games with magnifiers, mirrors, vessels with holes (where water pours out), containers (where children look for animals, recognize the smells of flowers and fruits), waste material(laces, ribbons, clothespins, feathers, corks, Velcro, buttons, seeds). These games broaden their horizons, develop curiosity in children, tactile sensations, fine motor skills and manual dexterity. By experimenting, children learn more new, unusual, interesting things, become inquisitive and independent.

These are the “roads of happiness” that teachers follow, tormented and tormented, but still achieving their goals. And the reward is children's eyes, pure as a spring, turned to you. Educator. And I am proud that I am an educator and involved in creating the future of our country.

Essay of the educator "I am the educator!"

Description of work: this material can be used by teachers for their portfolios and for various competitions.
Target: disclosure of the meaning of the word educator.
- create a comfortable atmosphere when reading the material.
- develop a sense of interest in the material.
"The educator is a magician who opens
children the door to the world of adults. And what the educator knows and can do depends on what and how he will teach his pupils.
K. Helvetius

I have been working in this small rural kindergarten for twenty years. Started working as a laundress junior teacher, a teacher and even three years of them as a manager. But as soon as the opportunity presented itself, I moved to the position of an educator, and I don’t want another profession for myself.
During my stay in kindergarten, I had the opportunity to work with different ages, and I will say, not concealing, that every age has its own “zest”, its own distinctive features. When you type younger age and you go, step by step, to graduation from kindergarten, then during this time you get closer to the children and grow with them.
The art of being a kindergarten teacher is as multifaceted and complex as any art. What kind of educator should be: an inquisitive scientist, a fearless traveler, a talented artist, a subtle psychologist, or maybe just understanding, kind person? Depending on the circumstances, the educator has to act in different roles: he is for children and a teacher who knows everything, teaches everything; and playmate, and close person who will understand everything and help in Hard time. An educator is a wise man to whom children go for advice.
And who is this "modern educator"? I think this is a person who lives his profession, in which he achieves significant success, gets a predictable result. A creative person who seeks to find himself.
The educator is like a potter, in whose hands soft, pliable clay turns into an elegant vessel. The task of the educator is to fill this vessel with goodness, creativity, knowledge and skills. This is the very profession when the educator in the soul always remains a child, otherwise the children simply will not accept him into their world, they will not let him into their hearts. I believe that the most important thing is to love children, give them your heart, love just like that, for nothing, just for what they are.
The world is changing, children are changing, which, in turn, puts forward new requirements for the qualifications of a teacher. Educators need to master modern educational technologies, with which you can implement the requirements of the new federal state educational standards. The task of education modern children should consist in creating a system of work that provides conditions for reducing hyperactivity, relieving anxiety, developing volitional qualities, concentration, concentration, maintaining and strengthening physical health child.
As it turned out, this is a very difficult and difficult work, it is a constant search for something new, this creativity are new discoveries. And in order to be necessary and useful to children, you need to constantly improve yourself, you need a desire to grow in the profession, as a teacher, who, with time, becomes only wiser with the acquisition of experience. Now, in connection with the implementation and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool institutions, teachers are provided with an even greater volume for the development of creative and project opportunities, for self-development. And only if you want you can reach the greatest heights.
In my opinion, modern society no longer needs an educator-executor, but an educator-researcher, an enterprising, well-educated, trying creatively, unconventionally, in a new way to present the material, it is interesting to organize pedagogical work provide children preschool age the opportunity to express yourself as creative people.
Today like never before ecological problem has become one of the most pressing issues modern society. "The health of the nation depends on what kind of natural habitat we leave for our descendants," Dmitry Medvedev said in his Address to the Federal Assembly Russian Federation. According to Dmitry Medvedev, “the decisive role in protecting environment must play civil society", while extremely important role acquire environmental education and education of the next generation. Therefore, for myself, I chose the topic "Ecological education of preschoolers."
Preschool child is a natural explorer of the environment. The world opens up to the child through the experience of his personal sensations, actions, experiences. "How more baby saw, heard and experienced, the more he knows and learned, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, other things being equal, his creative, research activities", - wrote Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky.
The development of the cognitive interests of preschoolers is one of the actual problems pedagogy, designed to educate a person capable of self-development and self-improvement.
The fundamental fact is that research activity permeates all types of children's activities, including play.
The game in the study often develops into real creativity. And then, it does not matter at all whether the child discovered something fundamentally new or did something that everyone has known for a long time. At the scientist problem solver on cutting edge science, and the baby, discovering a world that is still little known to him, uses the same mechanisms creative thinking. Cognitive research activities in preschool allows not only to maintain the existing interest, but also to excite, for some reason, extinct, which is a guarantee successful learning further.
Development cognitive activity in preschool children is especially important in modern world, because thanks to the development of cognitive research activities, children's curiosity and inquisitiveness of the mind develop, and on their basis stable cognitive interests.
Today society is developing new system preschool education. The role of a modern educator is not limited to conveying information to the child in ready-made. The teacher is called upon to bring the child to the acquisition of knowledge, to help the development of the child's creative activity, his imagination. It is in cognitive research activity that a preschooler gets the opportunity to directly satisfy his inherent curiosity, to streamline his ideas about the world.
I am convinced in that genuine law for education is not a diploma of vocational education, but a vocation, the main criterion of which is indifference to other people's destinies, high human dignity, which determine the main pedagogical activity.
I think that the profession of an educator has become my vocation, helped me find my way, my place in life, gave me the opportunity to sincerely devote myself to my beloved work, give my love, knowledge to children and not burn out from it, but become purer and richer in soul.

Kokorina Yulia Nikolaevna

My teaching credo:

The world of childhood is joyful and subtle, like a floating sound of a flute.

While the child laughs at me, I know that I do not live in vain.

Friends keep saying: “There are quieter fields,” but I won’t retreat for anything.

I love these cute kids like my own children...

And every day, as if at the premiere, I enter a quiet kindergarten:

I'm not coming here for a career - here every child is happy for me,

To be in the midst of joyful events ...

And so for years -

The fate of my childish soul! There is no better life on earth...

Educator - what is this word, why is it so named?

It sounds so simple, but how much sense is invested in it!

To begin with, the Educator is, first of all, just a person,

Love for children - this is his road and he will not turn off it forever!

The educator is a man from God, everything is already laid in him:

Kindness, purity, faith in everyone and also care for everything!

The educator is a professional person, he is familiar with both theory and practice,

He gave his heart to the children - for him it is both reality and romance!

Educator ... you can’t count everything, you can talk a lot about this:

Here both personal and professional quality There is,

But the most important of them is taking care of children!

Sometimes one poem can tell a lot...

Why did I choose the profession of an educator? The answer to this question is very simple: for me it's not just a profession or job - it's a calling, a state of mind, a way of life. Everyone chooses the path of life in their own way ...

My choice of profession was more than conscious. When they ask: “Who do you work for ?!”, I am jarred by the need to answer with an empty phrase: “Educator”. Not because it is now a completely non-prestigious profession. It’s just that for me, “educator” is not a profession, not a social position, not a hobby, not a job ...

… For me, the “educator” is life, my philosophy. I do not work as an educator, I live as an educator, I like being an educator. And, despite all the difficulties and attempts to dissuade me from choosing this "ungrateful" profession, I work, I live this profession.

It is difficult to say that work is an everyday holiday, yet every day we deal with different characters. It is also very difficult. Sometimes they just give up, but as soon as the child smiles at you and that's it, you understand that you simply cannot betray them. No wonder kids junior groups, forgetting, they call you mom. Is not it highest mark trust?

The question is, did I make the right choice? And I can safely say:

I - happy man! I am allowed by fate to be close to our future - with our children! Every mother is happy when she re-lives the period of childhood with her child. And I was lucky to enjoy this age many times, each time “teaching others, learning myself”! I can call myself "Mom" with capital letter, because I have more than a hundred children, and all of them are mine, all of them I love, I gave each of them a piece of my soul, my heart! Some of them are already finishing the 10th grade, some have only recently started going to kindergarten - but all of them are equally loved for me, I worry about everyone like a mother. Thinking about children, taking care of them, loving them is the most wonderful feeling which is not for everyone to experience. And that makes me happy!

I - loving person! And this is many times more wonderful than being loved. I have a wonderful mission - to give my Love to children! And with great pleasure I bring it to life, while teaching my children this feeling. As Leo Tolstoy said: “To love means to live the life of the one you love.” These words are the meaning of why you go to the children every day.

I am a creator! It is not for nothing that children are called "flowers of life", and educators - "gardeners". The work of an educator can be compared with the work of a gardener who grows various plants. One plant loves the light of the sun, another - a cool shade; one loves the bank of a stream, the other a dry mountaintop; one grows on sandy soil, the other on oily, clay soil. Everyone needs a special one, just for him appropriate care otherwise it will not reach perfection in its development. So in my work, every child needs love, understanding of his individuality. After all, only in love is the uniqueness of each child revealed, its image is revealed.

And it was I who was entrusted by Humanity to "sow" the reasonable, kind, eternal into the little souls of the most beautiful treasures on Earth!

I am a teacher!!! I am proud of this! There are many professions in the world, but this profession is not chosen, SHE chooses! random people does not happen here, they simply cannot live in this state. What does it mean for me to be a teacher? Not the opportunity to teach children something, educating them every moment, but every day to communicate with them, discovering something new.

Children are changing, I am changing together. I like to talk about the world through the eyes of children. Find joy and satisfaction in it. For me, an educator is not a profession, not a social position, not a job. To be an educator for me is to live.

Every morning when I come to work, I see the eyes of my children. In some - alertness, in others - interest, in others - hope, in someone - so far indifference. How different they are! Everyone has their own idea, their own special world, which cannot be destroyed, which must be helped to open up.

I am sure that children should be loved for who they are. To instill in them a sense of dignity and responsibility for themselves and their actions. Praise, encourage, approve, create a positive atmosphere around him.

You always need to believe in the capabilities of each child, in the good that is in him. I teach children kindness, caring for others, respect for other people.

WITH early childhood I form such character traits that will help him become a man and a citizen of society. Raising love and respect for home, kindergarten, native street, city, a sense of pride in the achievements of the country, love and respect for the army, pride in the courage of soldiers. I develop in children an interest in phenomena accessible to their age public life.

Because of a large number boys in the group classes had to be restructured. Girls are more obedient, diligent, and to achieve the optimal level of performance, boys need 3-5 minutes from the start of the lesson, but in the classroom they are realized to a greater extent. To keep their attention, tasks should be more varied, sometimes unusual. If the lesson is boring, then the guys stop perceiving the material and begin to violate discipline.

Little boys are the antipodes of those men who will grow out of them, they often cry, they are afraid of blood and greenery. My task was not only to give them certain knowledge, but also to try to instill in them such moral and moral qualities that will help them become real men in the future.

In my classes, I try to use a variety of didactic materials, which help children to better assimilate the material covered, some didactic aids were developed by me. But I still consider the game to be the main activity.

Vygodsky also said that for a child, play is hard work over himself. After watching the games of the boys, I came to the conclusion that they prefer: different kinds designers, desktop-printed games, sets of cars. That's why subject-play environment I organized the group in such a way that each child could easily choose an activity to his liking. play corners: "Barbershop", "Construction", "Garage", "Hospital", "Shop", "Family", arranged so that children can play in small subgroups.

I paid special attention to the games of children in the "Family", trying to teach children, respectful attitude to each other and to the “children” in their “family”. The development of tolerance is very important in the modern world, when people can insult a person just because he does not agree with him.

The kids love to play productive activity. At the paper design class, I took classes with origami elements, which helped me a lot to teach the guys to finish what they started, to be more calm. I noticed that the girls try to do the craft as accurately and accurately as possible, and the boys enrich it with unusual details.

As a lover of literature, I try to instill in my children a love for the living word. To acquaint them with the works of the wonderful children's writers I. Tokmakova, N. Nosov, V. Bianchi, E. Charushin, etc., as well as with the works of our great writers S. Yesenin, L. N. Tolstoy, A.S. Pushkin.

As part of familiarizing preschoolers with their native land, I conducted classes from the cycle "Small Motherland".

In order for children to learn responsibility in a group, a corner of nature has been created, in which there is a place for experimentation. The guys planted onions in special jars, and each child watched his onion. In the spring, children take Active participation in growing flower seedlings, working in a flower bed.

For the best organization In the educational process, I use not only the program according to which the kindergarten works, but also magazines from my personal library: “A child in kindergarten”, “ Preschool Pedagogy”, “Preschool education”, “Modern preschool education", and teaching aids and programs: O. Voronkevich "Welcome to ecology", N. V. Aleshina "Introduction of preschoolers to the surrounding and social reality", I. A. Lykova " Visual activity in kindergarten”, N.A. Ryzhova “Ecological education of preschoolers”, which allows me to make the process of teaching children richer and more interesting.

According to the plan of medical and health-improving work, anthropometric measurements of children are carried out, their examination by specialists, vitamin therapy, hardening measures.

I try to educate creatively gifted people, in which the music director of our kindergarten Kondratenko T.A. provides me with no small support.

Our children constantly participate in regional competitions. I am proud of the achievements of my boys and girls, because I am simply sure that they are the best.

Through these activities, boys learn to be generous and strong, and girls learn to be gentle and beautiful.

I try to actively participate in the life of the kindergarten: I show open classes, matinees, consultations for educators.

And it is very nice when your work is positively evaluated not only by children, but also by their parents.

Be an educator in modern conditions difficult and responsible, because not only comprehensive knowledge and experience are needed, but also great patience, constantly being in a creative search, bringing something new into the work. Our profession is needed and gives society children prepared for later life self-confident, willing to learn further.

I am proud that I am involved in the formation of personality, helping parents in adapting children to later life in modern society.

Pedagogical experience came in stages - along with experience, a pedagogical credo is formed, which is based on the attitude towards children.

The child, this is the most important value in my activity, and as a teacher, I am responsible for ensuring that this child takes place as a person, that is, he is not broken, humiliated, so that he finds out who he is, understands what his capabilities are, what he can do, what he wants and what he doesn't want.

I agree that there are "Educators" with a capital letter. This does not always mean high professionalism, here huge role play also human qualities. “If the educator has only love for the cause, he will good teacher. For some reason, young teachers are constantly waiting for gratitude for their work, but is that right?

If you expect gratitude for your work, then you should not work in the profession. No one owes anything to anyone, especially children.

“Childhood is an everyday discovery of the world,” wrote V. A. Sukhomlinsky. Preschool children are distinguished by curiosity, kindness, immediacy.

If the educator has only love for the student, like a father, a mother, he will better than that a teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for the work or for the students. If a teacher combines love for work and for students, he is a perfect teacher. (L.N. Tolstoy)

“Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has inner confidence that he exists, should be and cannot be otherwise. This certainty is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices a person makes to his vocation.” (L.N. Tolstoy).

Someone becomes an educator purposefully, from the school bench understanding the value of this great profession and, setting a goal, achieves it.

For some, this path is not easy and thorny. This once again confirms that the profession of an educator is life, and in life everything happens in different ways. But people who bear this proud title have one thing in common - they gladly give their hearts to children and cannot imagine their lives without it!

Can I call myself an Educator with a capital letter? I believe that this title should be made up of the feedback from parents and, of course, our children, whom I can’t even call “pupils”, but only “my children”.

But it is not so much the opinion of others that is important, but the process of every minute interaction with children. Although everything in life is interconnected. Does the child happily cross the threshold of the kindergarten every day, does he meet you with a smile, even if he is already at school, does he play role-playing game"Kindergarten" at home, without fail becoming exactly in your place - this is the highest rating for any teacher, even if he does not have awards and medals.

Highest award- the love of children!

Once again I want to emphasize that I am proud that I was entrusted by fate, to contribute to our future!!!

I can end my essay with:

What should a teacher be like? Of course, it must be kind!

Love children, love learning, love your profession!

What should a teacher be like? Of course, you must be generous!

All of himself without regret, he must give the children! »

My working principle:

  • do not be intrusive: everyone has their own world of interests and hobbies;
  • children have more independence and the right to choose;
  • not entertainment, but entertainment and passion as the basis of the emotional tone of the lesson;
  • "hidden" differentiation of pupils according to educational opportunities, interests, characteristics and inclinations;
  • to be able to take the position of the child, to see in him a personality, individuality;
  • help the child to be socially significant and successful;
  • you provide requirements for pupils, check whether you meet them yourself; everything new is fun!

Essay on the topic: "My profession is an educator."

Why do I work in a kindergarten?

Educator - what is this word, why is it so named?

It sounds so simple, but how much sense is invested in it!
To begin with, the Educator is, first of all, just a person,
Love for children - this is his road and he will not turn off it forever!
The educator is a man from God, everything is already laid in him:

Kindness, purity, faith in everyone and also care for everything!
The educator is a professional person, he is familiar with both theory and practice,
He gave his heart to the children - for him it is both reality and romance!
Educator ... you can’t count everything, you can talk a lot about this:
There are both personal and professional qualities,
But the most important of them is taking care of children!

Sometimes one poem can tell a lot...

I never had a problem with choosing a future profession, because since childhood I knew for sure that I would be a teacher. Probably because children are the most grateful and sympathetic, enthusiastic and spontaneous, devoted and loving creatures in the world. It has long been accepted that a teacher, an educator, is a sower. He is called to "sow the reasonable, the good, the eternal." But what and how will sprout from what is sown? And this is important, how to increase what is sown. Knowledge, experience, worldly wisdom - these are the seeds of an inspired sower.

The profession of a teacher is one of the most important and significant in the life of modern society. Being a teacher is a calling. It means to want and be able to live childhood again and again with each child, to see the world through his eyes, to be surprised and learn with him, to be invisible when the baby is busy with his own business, and indispensable when he needs help and support. Sometimes it seems, well, I know everything and everything is known, but again and again you understand how much more needs to be learned and done for you - “my baby”. And then you remember the lines of Lermontov M. Yu .: “Educate ... the most difficult thing. You think: well, it's all over now! It wasn’t there: everything is just beginning!”

The profession of a teacher is not only unlimited creativity, not only a serious responsibility, but also difficult, painstaking work that requires great effort and expense. The teacher must constantly work on himself, learn something new, expand his horizons, set high goals for himself, move towards them no matter what,

and reaching, do not stop, go forward to new goals. Only then can he be interesting, loved by his pupils and professionally do his job.

Undoubtedly, raising children in kindergarten is not an easy and troublesome business.
The educator is a teacher - a generalist who knows how to work creatively.
The main goal of the educator is to develop even the tiniest inclinations of the child, to notice in time the "God's spark", which is inherent in every child from birth. The ability to discern this spark, not to let it go out, is the talent of a teacher.
It is very difficult not to be influenced and to remain yourself. If you love with all your heart children's laughter, childish speech, spontaneity, if you feel the sea in yourself creativity, do not deny yourself the pleasure of being a teacher! A teacher is a creator, a creator, the main chest is open to him - a chest with children's hearts that are waiting for warmth, good word, new knowledge and are always ready to reciprocate. Walking through life hand in hand with children, it is impossible to forget such concepts as laughter and smile, kindness and innocence.

Finding a recipe for professional success is the dream of any teacher. But there is no such recipe. And the components of my recipe: Kindness, Respect, Sincerity, Justice, Love, Dignity, Professionalism.

The upbringing of a child is a collective undertaking, caring for successful results requires unity (coordination of approaches to upbringing, its content, methods of implementation) of the forces of all interested adults. I work closely with all subjects of the educational community: parents, nurse, speech therapist, psychologist, music director, physical education instructor.

“Our most important pedagogical tool is the ability to deeply respect the human personality in your pupil. With this tool we are called to create a very tender, subtle thing: the desire to be good, to become better today than yesterday. This desire does not arise by itself, it can only be nurtured. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Main question Now, did I make the right choice? And now, after 6 years, I can say with confidence: "Yes"!

Many people are born on earth every day, but only a few become famous. Perhaps I am not destined to accomplish a feat, to make a great discovery - I do not need this. It is important for me that people entrusted me with the most precious thing they have - their children, who will grow up and will certainly make their contribution to the good of our Earth, and one of them may become famous and even accomplish a feat.

And I will know that this is also my merit, since I have invested in each of my pupils my work, a piece of my soul and heart.

A teacher is an eternal creator.

He teaches life, and love for work.

I am a teacher, mentor, educator,

For which I thank my fate.

Much love and care is needed

Hear everyone, understand everyone.

Educator - hard work -

Constantly replace mom.

Children will grow up, childhood will not be forgotten,

Life has a whole century ahead of it.

And that naughty over the years will be kind,

The main thing is that he was a man!

It doesn't matter who they work for.

For the educator - they are children forever!

The more people respect them,

The higher the bar of my work!

Some will leave, other children will come,

Here you will receive both affection and comfort.

I will be rated inXXIcentury,

The work of the educator will be appreciated - good work!

"My motto at work."

I am a happy man! I am allowed by fate to be close to our future - with our children! Every mother is happy when she re-lives the period of childhood with her child. And I was lucky to enjoy this age many times, each time “teaching others, learning myself”! I can call myself "Mom" with a capital letter, because I have more than a hundred children, and all of them are mine, all of them I love, I gave each of them a piece of my soul, my heart! Some of them have already finished the 1st grade, some have only recently started going to kindergarten - but all of them are equally loved for me, I worry about everyone like a mother. Thinking about children, taking care of them, loving them is the most wonderful feeling that not everyone can experience. And that makes me happy!

I am a loving person! And this is many times more wonderful than being loved. I have a wonderful mission - to give my Love to children! And with great pleasure I bring it to life, while teaching my children this feeling. As Leo Tolstoy said: “To love means to live the life of the one you love. “In these words, the meaning of why you go to the children every day lies.

I am a creator! It's not for nothing that children are called the "flowers of life"

and educators - "gardeners". And it was I who was entrusted by Humanity to "sow" the reasonable, kind, eternal into the little souls of the most beautiful treasures on Earth!

I am a teacher!!! I am proud of this! There are many professions in the world, but this profession is not chosen, SHE chooses! There are no random people here, they simply cannot live in this state. “Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has inner confidence that he exists, should be and cannot be otherwise. This certainty is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices a person makes to his vocation.” (L.N. Tolstoy).

"My motto for life."

"Never be afraid that something may not work out for you - take it, try, dare! After all, if you remain inactive, there will be no chance that something will change at all ..."

Do not ask yourself why you live, live in such a way that others do not ask you about it.

Life is an opportunity, use it;

Life is beauty, admire it;

Life is a challenge, accept it;

Life is a mystery, study it;

Life is a struggle, endure it;

Life is an adventure, dare it;

My working principles:

  • Do good and good deeds, children learn from us!
  • Avoid accusations!
  • Stay calm until you find the truth!
  • Give your child the joy of communicating with you! Praise! Point to success! Inspire!
  • Give your child more independence and the right to choose.
  • Be careful! Moderate your expectations. Children are not adults at all!
  • Give children more independence and the right to choose;
  • The basis of the emotional tone of the lesson is not entertainment, but entertainment and passion
  • Know how to take the position of a child, respect his personality, individuality;
  • Help the child to be socially significant and successful;

The main goal of his teaching activity I consider the creation of a single educational space "family - kindergarten", in which all participants pedagogical process it will be comfortable and interesting, as well as the formation of a creatively thinking personality capable of self-development and self-expression. Therefore, in my work I try to shape and develop Creative skills pupils, develop logical thinking and the ability to adapt in life, the ability to independently find a solution to the tasks. I see my role in the educational process in being not just a source of information, but a captain, indicating the goal, setting the right course in organizing work with parents and children.

The priority of pedagogical activity is the creation of conditions for favorable interaction with parents, the establishment of trusting and partnership relations with them, the involvement of the family in a single educational space. The teacher should actively look for new forms and methods in working with parents, since it is impossible to choose any system once and for all, because the peculiarity of pedagogy is in constant movement, development and change.

When working with parents, I use traditional forms work: conversations, consultations, folders - moving, and non-traditional: questioning, classes, musical and sports holidays and leisure: "Mom, dad, I - sport family”, “Mother's Day”, family drawing competitions, theatrical entertainment with parents.

"My hobbies".

As a creative person, I like to organize and participate in children's and adult holidays and entertainment.

autumn fun(the role of Autumn, Leshy, the Old Man forester).

New Year's party(the role of the Wolf, Snowman, Goblin, Hut on chicken legs, Cat Basilio).

Prom(the role of the Host, Old Man Hottabych, White Bear).

Methodological Association (The Role of the Toad).

I love to draw on my own and with my students. I love making beautiful things with my own hands.

Larisa Izgagina
Essay "My profession is an educator"

Essay on the topic of: "My profession - educator»

caregiver: Izgagina Larisa Ivanovna.

My teaching credo:

The world of childhood is joyful and subtle, like a floating sound of a flute. While the child laughs at me, I know that I do not live in vain. They say Friends: "There are quieter fields" but I won't back down. I love these cute kids like my own children...

Why did I choose this profession? Everything is very Just: for me it's not a job - it's a calling, a state of mind, a way of life. For me « educator» This is life, my philosophy. I came into this field of activity more than twenty years ago and do not regret anything. I don't work educator, I live educator I like to be educator. It is difficult to say that work is an everyday holiday, yet we deal with different characters every day. It is also very difficult. Sometimes they just give up, but as soon as the child smiles at you and that's it, you understand that you simply cannot betray them. It is not for nothing that the kids of the younger groups, having forgotten, call you mom. Isn't that the highest credibility score? Children are joy, they are the most precious thing we have. There are no other people's children for me, so I treat each child as if it were my own, with maternal care and tenderness.

My working principles:

Give children more independence and the right to choose.

Know how to take the position of the child.

don't be pushy: everyone has their own world of interests and hobbies.

Not to entertain, but to occupy.

Person-centered approach.

Help the child to be socially significant and successful.

Everything new is fun!

I love my job very much and I the profession of an educator is the best for a woman. After all, the main quality of a woman is motherhood. And as a mother, I try to surround children with care, affection, and attention. In response, from children I receive a new charge of positive, creativity, mass positive emotions. Next to children, you always feel young, lively and energetic.

What does it mean to be kindergarten teacher

For me it:

B - attention

Oh - responsibility

C - calmness

P - truthfulness

I - sincerity

T - tolerance

A - artistry

T - diligence

E - still kindness

L - love

b - softness.

I am sure that children should be loved for who they are. Bring up they have a sense of dignity and responsibility for themselves and their actions. Praise, encourage, approve, create a positive atmosphere around everyone without exception. You always need to believe in the capabilities of each child, in the good that is in him. I try to treat my little wards the way I wanted others to treat my son. In my work, I strive to plan the day so that the children have no time to be bored. educator have to perform in different cast: he is for children and a teacher who knows everything, teaches everything, and a playmate, and a second mother who will understand everything and help in difficult times. I try to be a friend to children, to find my own approach to everyone, to understand the individuality of each, in order not only to give them new knowledge about life, but also bring up a positive attitude towards the world around them, towards themselves. And I hope that mine pupils will grow up literate, educated and worthy people. After all, parents give children a start in life, but I help them take the second step - educator. I teach children kindness, caring for others, respect for other people. From early childhood, I form such character traits that will help him become a person and a citizen of society. educate love and respect for the native home, kindergarten, native street, city, feelings of pride in the achievements of the country, love and respect for the army, pride in the courage of soldiers. I develop in children an interest in the phenomena of social life accessible to their age. For the best organization of the educational process, I use not only the program according to which the kindergarten works, but also magazines from my personal libraries: "Child in Kindergarten", "Preschool upbringing» , "Modern preschool upbringing» , as well as teaching aids and programs: O. Voronkevich "Welcome to Ecology", N. V. Aleshina "Introduction of preschoolers to the surrounding and social reality", N. A. Ryzhova "Environmental preschool education» which allows me to make the process of teaching children richer and more interesting. The main focus of my work is on environmental upbringing. To form ecological ideas among preschoolers, I use the method of ecological contact - this is the contact of the child with objects of nature, communication with plants in the kindergarten area (garden, observation and Practical activities for caring for them.

Kindergarten is my second home, where they are waiting for me, love me, appreciate me, to which I hurry with interesting ideas, With good mood. Working in a kindergarten, I never cease to be amazed at how different all the children are, interesting, funny, surprisingly smart, able to set a task for me or any adult with their reasoning, conclusions, and actions. Each child is unique in its own way, each of them is both a talented artist and an inquisitive observer.

Can I call myself An educator with a capital letter? I believe that this title should be made up of feedback from parents and, of course, our children, whom I can’t even name. « pupils» , but only "by my children". But it is not so much the opinion of others that is important, but the process of every minute interaction with children. Although everything in life is interconnected. Does the child happily cross the threshold of the kindergarten every day, does he meet you with a smile, even if he is already at school, does he play a role-playing game "Kindergarten" at home, by all means becoming exactly in your place - this is the highest rating for any educator, even if he does not have awards and medals. The highest award is the love of children!

Once again I want to emphasize that I am proud that I was entrusted by fate, to contribute to our future!

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