A modern child needs a modern educator. Pedagogical essay "What is a modern educator

« What should be the educator? «

Of course, it must be kind!

Love children, love learning,

Love your profession!

What should a teacher be like?

Of course, you should be generous

All of myself without regret

He should give the children!

The educator is the first teacher, after the mother, who meets the children on their life path. Educators are people who always remain children in their hearts. Otherwise, children will not accept, will not let them into their world. The most important thing in our profession is to love children, to love just like that, for nothing, to give them your heart.

Did I dream of becoming a teacher? No. I didn't even know much about this profession. I became an educator by the will of the circumstances. But why did these circumstances develop in this way, and not otherwise? Or maybe it was all not accidental, but natural?

For me, my profession is an opportunity to constantly be in the world of childhood, in the world of fairy tales and fantasy. You are especially aware of the importance of the profession of an educator when you see the eyes of children wide open to meet; eyes greedily catching my every word, my look and gesture; eyes ready to embrace the world. Looking into these children's eyes, you understand that they need you, that you are the whole universe for them, that it is you who lay the sprouts of future characters, support them with your love, give the warmth of your heart.

A real teacher at all times has those qualities that distinguish him from the rest of society. No profession sets such strict requirements regarding moral purity and spiritual nobility.

The teacher is an example. And to be one means to work hard and hard. Yes, sometimes you have to forget about your personal life. But the reward for this will be grateful children adapted to life in society.

Working as an educator, I realized that the main thing in my work is “burning, not smoldering”, otherwise it’s not worth working in kindergarten. Search, initiative and creativity are my obligatory companions on the thorny path of a teacher. To get rid of outdated stereotypes, to ask more of myself, to work with full dedication, to replenish and update my knowledge - this is how I understand the requirement of the time and try to meet this requirement. The educator must constantly improve his skills, using the achievements of pedagogical science and best practices. Gotta go ahead, master innovative technologies, unconventional methods, but also should not forget the good old, for example, oral folk art. The teacher needs a variety of knowledge to satisfy curiosity modern child to help to know the world. In our age of rapid development of high technologies, the teacher, no doubt, must have a number of knowledge and skills, the need for which is dictated by the time itself; must correspond to the realities of the day: own a computer.

I dreamed of being not just a teacher, but a good teacher. Is it possible to unequivocally answer the question: “What is a “good educator?” Socrates said that all professions are from people and only three are from God: Teacher, Judge, Doctor.

I believe that the educator combines these three professions.

Because: A good educator is a doctor for whom the main law is: “Do no harm!” Without appliances and tools, we monitor the mental and moral health of our children. Without potions and injections, we treat with a word, advice, smile, attention.

A good teacher is a wise judge. He does not divide, but smooths out contradictions in order to come to harmony. The teacher, like Themis, on the scales of justice, weighs good and evil, deeds and actions, but does not punish, but tries to warn.

A good teacher is an actor, screenwriter, artist. It is in his power to turn any activity into pleasure. Raise a person full sense words - it means to perform a miracle, and such miracles are performed daily, hourly, every minute by ordinary people - kindergarten teachers.

Communication with children is a kind of exam every time. Little wise teachers both test you for strength, and at the same time love you with an all-consuming love in which you can dissolve without a trace. Their secret pure love simple: they are open and simple-minded.

Working with preschoolers, I never cease to be amazed at how different, unpredictable, interesting, funny, surprisingly smart they are, able to set a task for me or any adult with their reasoning, conclusions, and actions.

Of course, we don't cry every day when they are taken home. We cry, once every four years, at the end of May, when you suddenly clearly realize that Dima, Sonya, Lera Tolya .... will no longer be in your group. They will not come in the morning and their eyes will not meet your eyes, you will not touch them, they will not take your hand - they are leaving you .... - and it's sad, every time it's very sad. And they leave the kindergarten, go to another life, but remain in my heart forever. But I always know that one child will be replaced by another.

Working as an educator, I can say that there is no better profession than my job! It makes you forget all the grief and resentment, gives a feeling eternal youth. And to all those people who say: “What kind of profession is an educator. Wipe your nose forever and no thanks! ”, I want to answer with very good verses:

I will work in the forge, but not where the iron and hammer,

I will take tender, bright youth as an ally.

The objects of my romance gently squint in the sun,

They wear bows on their domes, walk along the street in pairs.

They, defenseless, small, I will lead to a bright life

And many will envy


Vandzilyak Tatiana
Pedagogical essay "What is a modern educator?"

pedagogical essay"What such a modern educator

Children are often smarter than adults and always sincere.

M. Gorky

Since childhood, I dreamed of a profession teacher, and in his youth, studying in pedagogical institute, I already knew for sure that love for children, romance of adventure, conquering new pedagogical peaks - the meaning of my life.

Fifteen years ago, I crossed the threshold of a kindergarten and since then I have not been able to leave these walls, which have become my second home. From the very first days of working with the kids, I fell in love with them, I went to work with joy.

Many submit work educator only as a game with children, and they do not suspect that it takes a lot of hard work, patience, so that each child grows up to be a real person. How much knowledge and skills should educator! I am quite sure that the love and respect of preschool children cannot be earned by armed modern methods and new technologies. It also requires hard work of the soul. The main thing is to learn to see and appreciate in a child that unique individuality that distinguishes us all from each other, to be able to ensure the freedom of self-expression of his personality and to understand that a child is a person who has his own idea of ​​the world, his own experience and his feelings.

Time passes, children change, their parents, as well as modern educators. And what is he modern educator? What are the requirements for it modern society?

Modern educator kindergarten should apply a wide variety of knowledge from various fields of science. For example, he can not do without knowledge developmental psychology. After all, many of the actions of children are due precisely age-related changes their psyches. What sometimes seems like a whim to adults is actually quite normal for a child. However, one should not forget about the personal approach. teacher should be able to determine the individual abilities of babies, develop them and draw the attention of parents to the successes or problems of their offspring. And here knowledge of the psychology of an adult is already required, because parents are also all different.

Modern society needs educated, moral, creative people who have a non-standard view of problems, have the skills research work can make their own decisions.

Today, the problems of providing new approaches to the organization are coming to the fore. pedagogical activities of the kindergarten, its interaction with the family and elementary school, emphasis is placed on the effectiveness of the processes of socialization, individualization of the development of the personality of a preschooler. As a result, there is an increasing need for professional educator capable of taking into account the changing socio-economic conditions, general situation in the education system independently make responsible decisions and predict them possible consequences able to cooperate.

Modern teacher should be characterized by mobility and dynamism, as well as high level pedagogical culture. Professionally - pedagogical culture of the educator DOE is largely determined by the level of its pedagogical training, the desire for self-improvement in the conditions of professional activity.

Educator of the 21st century what is he?

The teacher of the XXI century is, of course, a comprehensively developed and educated person. In my view, the 21st century differs from other centuries in its informativeness and in the many ways of transmitting and receiving information. That's why teacher new century should be ready for any communication. In my work I use modern ICT which form the skills and abilities of information retrieval activities. However, I would like to hope that, no matter how far the process of learning automation has gone, educator The 21st century will not forget the importance of direct communication with its pupils and parents. No, even the most advanced technique, can replace a live interlocutor. Any technical learning tool, even the most modern and perspective, - only a faithful assistant for teacher, an aid.

In the last 10-12 years, domestic pedagogy began to focus on the changes that have occurred in our society; Job teacher with children is now based on the principles of humanism, respect for the personality of the child. In my mind educator The 21st century is, first of all, a friend in relation to children, their assistant, adviser and ally.

Democratization pedagogy provides the educator more opportunities for creativity. caregiver XXI century - the creator in the most various fields pedagogical activity: an experienced technologist, organizer, always striving to sum up his work, generalize his experience.

Since we are an important link in preparing children for schooling, we need to know what to focus graduates on, how much the approach to learning at school is changing, what awaits today's preschoolers in the future?

Each of teachers, one way or another, touched on the content of the national educational initiative "Our new school" and understands that modernization in education and innovations that are already being introduced into the educational process are inevitable, since new educational standards cannot be achieved in any other way.

Today, it is clear to everyone that modern children must be taught and brought up in a new way. It dictates contemporary socio-political situation, rapid changes modern world and our children should be ready for it.

Quote: « New school is a school where children will be involved in research projects And creative pursuits to learn how to invent, understand and master new things, express their own thoughts, make decisions and help each other, articulate interests and recognize opportunities.

In my work, I attach particular importance to cognitive research preschool activities. The modern teacher is not a person who gives ready-made truths, but the seeker, the wanderer, who is always on the way. So in kindergarten it is necessary not only to teach children, but to communicate with them every day, engage in activities, discovering and pupils - NEW! So the statement of A. Diesterweg comes to mind “A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it”

At the core of cognitive research activities preschoolers is the thirst for knowledge, the desire for discovery, curiosity, the need for mental impressions, and my task is to satisfy the needs of children, which in turn will lead to intellectual, emotional development. And what satisfaction the child himself receives from having made a discovery for himself!

What would I like to see in my pupils?

In their pupils I want to see people able to think freely, constructively and creatively solve problems. In other words, not “stuffed” with knowledge, but capable of acquiring and applying new knowledge throughout their lives, therefore, being professionally and socially mobile. And most importantly - so that each of them becomes a bright individuality, becomes a personality.

Vandzilyak T. N.

Senior educator MKDOU"Kindergarten "Forget-Me-Not"

Conference: Modern Kindergarten

Organization: MBDOU Children's garden №186

Location: Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa

“They say that the heroine is a mother, If she has five children. They say they award a medal, If they bring up seven children. How can the teacher be called, If she has five times five? A bunch of nice, noisy kids, Naughty girls and boys. What is the name of the teacher? Seven times three times the heroine-mother

In modern society, there are big changes, landmarks change, accents are rearranged. These changes affected the system preschool education. Preschool work educational institutions built on the use of new curricula, variable programs. On present stage the development of preschool education in accordance with federal state educational standards, the goal is changing educational work- instead of a set of ZUNs (knowledge, abilities, skills), it is proposed to form new qualities of the child (physical, personal, intellectual).

The requirements for educators are also increasing. An educator is not only a profession, it is a vocation that not every person is marked with, this vocation must be earned, earned with your work, your talent, your desire to constantly change, transform, improve.

We live now, and not in some other time, so the teachers of our team have revised their life positions, developed a new pedagogical thinking in themselves, and in pedagogical activity they have taken the position of a child.

Factors in the development of positive emotions of a child in kindergarten are:

- Educator, his behavior, speech, professional competence.

A neatly dressed teacher, friendly, speaking in a calm tone, professionally competently organizing communication with a child, causes last feeling trust.

"Modern child - modern educator!" - the slogan of today!

- And who is this "modern educator" ?! Does a person who lives his profession, in which he achieves significant success, get a predictable result? A creative person who seeks to find himself? ...

Let's note the unique aspects of the profession:

    The teacher must know and be able to do a lot. The front is not simple task- to teach a child to perceive and understand everything beautiful in the world; nature, music, poetry.

    The teacher must be able to: sew, craft, play and sing with children. And he needs to read a lot. He should have a good knowledge of children's fiction.

    The educator not only organizes the work children's team in general, but the personal relationships of children among themselves. The appearance of the educator plays an important role in the upbringing of children. Pleasant appearance, soft demeanor attract not only children, but also make a good impression on parents.

    The educator faces a difficult task - being an adult who develops and teaches the child, to understand and feel Child's world, combine strictness and kindness, respect for the little person and exactingness .. Therefore, educators need patience and flexibility of thinking in order to individually and accurately apply the knowledge of pedagogy and psychology. Main method in the training, development and upbringing of children is a game. Wise educators forbid little and play a lot. After all, children live in the game. The skill of the educator lies in the fact that he knows when a timid child needs to be supported, “by appointing him a wolf”, and an aggressive one should be taught sympathy, “by making him a goat”.

    Having noticed the abilities in the child, the educator must not only support the weak shoots of future undertakings, but also convince the parents of the need to develop the child. Here he can not do without observation, good memory and tact.

The world is changing, children are changing, which, in turn, puts forward new requirements for the qualifications of a teacher.
Educators need to master modern educational technologies, with which you can implement the requirements of the new federal state educational standards. These are well-known problematic dialogue technologies, game pedagogical technologies, productive reading technologies, activity technologies, as well as ICT technologies. I accept that the computer is new powerful tool for intellectual and creative development children, but it must be remembered: he should only complement the teacher, and not replace him.

We must not forget that we are called not only to teach the child, but also to keep him healthy. Therefore, the task of educating modern children should be to create a system of work that provides conditions for reducing hyperactivity, relieving anxiety, developing volitional qualities, concentration, concentration, maintaining and strengthening physical health child

Practice shows that the availability of knowledge in itself does not determine the success of further education of children in school, it is much more important for us to teach a child already in kindergarten to independently obtain and apply them. This is the activity approach, which underlies the state educational standards. Teaching activities in the educational sense, we make learning motivated, teach the child to independently set a goal and find ways, including means, to achieve it, help children develop the skills of control and self-control, assessment and self-esteem - this is the task of a modern educator. Preparing children for school, we form in a preschooler the qualities necessary for mastering learning activities, - curiosity, initiative, independence, arbitrariness, creative self-expression of the child.

We carry out the choice of forms of work independently, depending on the contingent of pupils, on the equipment of the group, on experience and creativity educator. So, in the morning hours, when the pupils are cheerful and full of energy, I provide for the most time-consuming activities: conversations, observations, looking at albums, didactic games, labor assignments. As the children get tired, I turn on role-playing games, outdoor games, reading fiction. alternating different kinds activities of children during the day, ensure their diversity and balance while maintaining the leading role of the game, in order to improve the health of preschoolers great importance I do physical activity.

We are modern educators, we make preschool childhood diverse. For us, it has become the norm. We give children the opportunity to realize their individuality. At the same time, everyone will go not in formation, not in step, but at their own pace. It is simply impossible otherwise. We understand that children came to us - why-whys, who should remain why-whys. You can talk about different opinions on the assessment of the Federal State Educational Standard, but, for us - educators, main criterion- Satisfaction of parents. If the child is full and healthy, if he goes to kindergarten with pleasure, if there are organized activities that attract him, and he tells his parents about something new every day, then this is the highest mark of a professional educator.

In their professional activities, the teachers of our preschool educational institution harmoniously combine and integrate traditional forms interaction with innovation.

We pay special attention to the implementation of upbringing and educational activities based on active interaction with society and family. In my opinion, it is necessary to involve parents widely and massively, to create conditions for the formation family values, rapprochement and rallying, fostering a sense of tolerance, active cultural and sports leisure. Organize holidays at which parents, along with children, perform various creative tasks.

In our work, we plan such forms of work as

    family diagnostics;

    pedagogical education of parents, exchange of experience;

    joint creativity of children and adults;

    joint activities with social institutions;

    individual work with parents.

    information communication ( Email, social network)

We involve parents in participating in the implementation of the program, in creating conditions for the full and timely development of the child at preschool age, so as not to miss critical period in the development of his personality. Parents of our pupils are active participants educational process, participants in all projects, regardless of what activity dominates them, and not just outside observers.

In my opinion, modern society no longer needs an educator-performer, but an educator-researcher, proactive, widely educated, so the teachers of our preschool educational institution are trying to creatively, unconventionally, present the material in a new way, it is interesting to organize pedagogical work provide children preschool age the opportunity to express themselves as creative individuals.

So, a modern educator should have the following list of personal and professional qualities

- clear vision modern tasks education;

- value attitude to the child, culture, creativity;

- support the process personal development children, their self-development;

- to show a humane pedagogical position;

- preserve physical and spiritual development children;

- be able to carry out pedagogical activity for the implementation modern technologies upbringing and education of children;

- ability to self-education and personal growth.

"Modern educator, what is he?"

I am proud of my profession because

I live my childhood many times

Being a kindergarten teacher is very, very difficult. You understand what responsibility lies with you - the future of the child and the country depends on the educator. In 15 years, our graduates will represent the entire adult population. It is to them that we will go for treatment, they will build houses, pass laws, and become the people on whom the fate of the country depends.

Kindergarten is the second home for children, where they spend 10-12 hours a day. The main task of the educator is to develop in the child a personality, that uniqueness that will distinguish him from those around him; learn to communicate and reckon with others, respect yourself and others ...

But in order to educate a person, you need to be a person yourself.

1) The educator must know a lot, constantly work on himself, have special skills and abilities; constantly improve their skills, master innovative technologies, non-traditional methods; know a computer, be able to use the Internet.

2) The educator must be a psychologist, take into account age features children, find them individual approach, respect them. Children are open to goodness and beauty, they do not tolerate injustice, they speak the truth straight to their faces!

3) The teacher must be creative personality, to be a guide for children to the world of fairy tales and fantasy, to evoke delight, love, tenderness, surprise in children. The teacher should be interesting to children - be able to sing, dance, "revive" dolls, read poetry, tell fairy tales, sew, draw, make toys from natural material, from paper, from bottles and jars, from lids and boxes and much more from what!

5) The teacher must take care of the health of children, carry out all regime activities; learn to take care of yourself appearance to teach self-care.

6) The teacher must be able to find mutual language with parents. The teacher should pay attention to the questions and wishes of the parents, be extremely polite and patient with them (to know the psychology of an adult, because parents are all so different!)

7) The educator must be: independent, diligent, disciplined, hardworking, responsible. And also - to be charming and attractive, beautiful, neat, observe the rules of personal hygiene (after all, the teacher is a model for children); regardless of everyday troubles - always cheerful, cheerful, have a sense of humor.

A modern educator is a person who combines the features of a psychologist, an artist, a friend, a mentor, etc. The creative potential of the pupil depends on creativity the educator himself, so you need to pay great attention development creative imagination.

The modern educator is creative worker, master of his craft, innovator, leader healthy lifestyle life, which uses in its work the latest methodological developments.

The necessary qualities of a modern educator are patience, goodwill, because the educator has to work not only with children, but also with parents.

Communication with children is a kind of exam every time. Little wise teachers both test you for strength, and at the same time love you with an all-consuming love in which you can dissolve without a trace. The secret of their pure love is simple: they are open and ingenuous.

The task of a modern educator is to educate a creative, creative, sociable personality. You need to predict and evaluate your results, develop independence, initiative. To create conditions for the realization of the individual abilities of each child.

The profession of a teacher is one of the most important and significant in life. modern society. Being an educator is a calling. It means to want and be able to live childhood again and again with each child, to see the world through his eyes, to be surprised and learn with him, to be invisible when the baby is busy with his own business, and indispensable when he needs help and support.

Working as an educator, I can say that there is no better profession than my job! It makes you forget all the grief and resentment, gives a feeling of eternal youth.

Of course, it must be kind!

Love children, love learning,

Love your profession!

What should a teacher be like?

Of course, you should be generous.

All of myself without regret

He should give the children!

Educator is not a profession, it is a vocation, a way of life and a state of mind. He must not only love to mess with children, but live their little lives with them. Parents leave their relatives, defenseless children with other people's aunts and take them away only in the evening, while you need to be sure that the children are not just supervised, but are in the warm, reliable hands of the educator. What qualities should a teacher have, what should he be like at the present time, how should he behave with pupils so that parents trust him 100%, and children run to kindergarten with smiles?

Qualities required of a teacher

What should a teacher be like? The first thing that comes to mind is a children's song: "From a smile it will become brighter for everyone ...". If the teacher meets the baby and sees off the mother with a smile, then both the mother and the child will part with pleasure, the baby will happily run to the group, and the mother will go to work in high spirits. The teacher must be sociable, he must easily find a common language, not only with children, but also with parents.

At a good teacher always a positive atmosphere in the team, the children are friendly, and the parents are sympathetic. Of course, a teacher is not just a good aunt, it is, first of all, a teacher, he must help parents in raising a child, so excessive kindness is useless here. The teacher must be sensitive, responsive, always ready to help and hear, but he must also be moderately strict, otherwise there will be no order in the team.

Requirements for teachers

Now the requirements for the educator are very high and many parents do not know at all what a modern educator should be like? In addition to all of the above, according to many, a modern educator should be a creative person. In addition to higher pedagogical education, he must be able to: dance, sing, draw, know several different developmental techniques for preschool children. All this knowledge should be applied in the classroom in kindergarten. It must be remembered that the profession of an educator is an educational work and the main task educator, first of all comprehensive development child, the formation of his various skills, rules of conduct, available knowledge, preparing the baby for school.

After the foregoing, it becomes clear what should be preschool teacher. It must be understood that in different periods development of society, more and more new tasks are set before educators, but the main one always remains - the development of a comprehensively developed, physically healthy personality. Society is changing, kids are changing, you need to understand that they are not getting better or worse - they are just different. And the main task of the educator is to understand the children.