Essay by a preschool teacher. Modern educator

What should a kindergarten teacher be like? modern realities? This profession is special in its significance and essence.

Features of the profession

The specificity of the work lies in the fact that the main object is the child, who is a unique creation nature. The teacher must be involved in the spiritual, mental, and physical development of the child. It is for this reason that working as a teacher in kindergarten is one of the most responsible and important in the modern world.

Specifics of pedagogical activity

All the work of the teacher is aimed at the formation of basic activities that contribute to the development of harmonious developed personality preschooler. To successfully implement all the tasks assigned to a teacher, he must have true professional skill. Not all holders of a pedagogical diploma educational institution will be able to become good workers DOW. Working as a teacher in a kindergarten involves the implementation of musical, gaming, labor, research, project activities with the pupils.

Teacher's work program

Exist certain requirements to the level of training, as well as to direct activities pedagogical worker of a preschool institution. In addition to secondary vocational or higher specialized education, there must be a special working programm teacher It indicates the main goals of working with students: educational, developmental, educational. Here are the tasks set by the teacher for certain period, ways to achieve them. According to new standards preschool education, the teacher prescribes all the basic universal skills that his students must master after completing the course of study. Depending on which profile is selected preschool, teachers' programs can be narrowly focused. Among the most common areas in preschool educational institutions, the leading ones are patriotic, environmental, and physical education.

Functions for the implementation of the educational activities of the educator

To implement the tasks assigned to the teacher modern system Russian education, it requires certain functions. The communicative-stimulating function presupposes the teacher’s ability to establish contact with children and maintain friendly relationships with the children. The professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher involve showing concern for children emotional attitude, care, warmth, love and respect. This function involves full communication not only with wards, but also with parents, other employees, and colleagues.

The diagnostic function is interconnected with the study of the characteristics of each child and the establishment of their level of education and development. The professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher include knowledge of the characteristics of the nursery developmental psychology. If the teacher does not have information about the level of moral, mental, physical development child, he has no place in kindergarten. A true professional will study all the personal characteristics of each child in his group, meet the parents, and analyze living conditions, the atmosphere in the family, to be aware of everything that is happening with his kids.

It assumes such professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher as planning educational and developmental work. Besides, in professional interests A preschool educational institution employee must have a desire to be creative in their activities.

The constructive and design function characterizes the professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher related to the organization training sessions and educational games, projects with kids.

The organizational function is considered the most difficult; it is this function that allows you to demonstrate your personal characteristics to the teacher. Only a person passionate about his profession can lead children and “ignite” a spark of knowledge in them. The teacher selects and structures information during communication with the children, organizes various activities for them, and analyzes the children’s desire to acquire new knowledge and skills.

The research function presupposes the ability of the teacher himself to engage in self-education, develop his professional interests in order to be a real example for the child.

What a teacher should be able to do

There are certain personal qualities skills that a kindergarten teacher should have. Education in this profile can be obtained at a pedagogical college or university. First of all, it is necessary to note the dominant qualities. If a teacher does not love children and does not want to work with them, there is no question of his pedagogical competence.


This quality is especially important for representatives of this profession. It is the teacher who must provide timely support and assistance to the child, help him overcome problems associated with communicating with other children. Under the guidance of a sensitive mentor, the baby transforms from an “ugly duckling” into a beautiful “swan”. While attending kindergarten, must go personal growth child, grow desire to acquire new knowledge and skills.


The teacher must be tolerant of his children. Situations where the teacher raises his voice at children during class are not allowed.

Pedagogical tact and fairness

This quality presupposes that the mentor adheres to universal human norms of interaction and communication with preschoolers. Besides, professional educator takes into account the individual qualities of each child, his psychological characteristics. According to the new Federal State Educational Standards, each kindergarten student builds his own educational trajectory, along which he advances under the guidance of his mentor. Fairness is a mandatory quality of a modern school teacher. He is obliged to behave impartially towards each child. What other personal qualities should a good teacher have? He must be an optimist, not get lost in extreme situations, have charm and personal charm, have a sense of humor, have worldly wisdom. From the point of view of social activity, such a teacher should always be ready to help colleagues in solving social and social problems primarily related to the educational sphere.

Job responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher

The Ministry of Education has developed requirements that a modern preschool teacher must meet.

  • He is obliged to plan, organize, carry out the activities of children and their upbringing in the preschool.
  • The teacher is engaged in daily work, which is aimed at providing conditions for the social and psychological rehabilitation of preschool children.
  • In his work, he is obliged to use modern techniques, methods, and teaching aids.
  • Based on recommendations child psychologist, the results of personal research, works with children individually, in groups, and is engaged in correctional and developmental activities.
  • Together with a medical professional, he develops and implements a set of measures aimed at preventing and strengthening physical health preschoolers.

Together with medical workers ensures the preservation and strengthening of children's health, carries out activities that promote their psychophysical development, and is responsible for their life and health.

The teacher is obliged to know and comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, regulations and decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation relating to preschool education, and be familiar with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


A word like “educator” comes from “to nourish,” that is, to feed. Modern dictionary interprets this profession as a person who is engaged in the upbringing of someone, takes full responsibility for the development and conditions of existence of the personality of another person. For this to appear teaching profession were objective reasons. For full development society, it was important that the experience accumulated by older generations be passed on to children. This profession first appeared in Ancient Greece. At that distant time, a slave was responsible for the development of the child. It was he who first looked after the baby, and after the child grew up, he accompanied him to school. The duties of the slave included monitoring the development of the child, his behavior and actions. Gradually, the slave was replaced by home educators (governesses), and then kindergarten teachers. Modern DU teachers are creative and bright personalities. They are distinguished by emotional stability, endurance, patience, balance, and observation. Representatives of this profession have excellent communication skills and the teacher is an excellent organizer, speaks clearly and knows how to attract the attention of his interlocutor. All representatives of this important and responsible profession have a developed sense of personal responsibility. They are active, proactive, and kind to their students and colleagues. There are also certain medical restrictions that do not allow a person to work as a preschool teacher. A candidate for the position of teacher undergoes a medical examination. People with mental disorders, serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory and of cardio-vascular system suffering from severe stuttering. Persons who have skin-venereal and infectious diseases and are virus carriers cannot work in a kindergarten.

The profession of a teacher has been known since ancient times. Today this is one of the most necessary and significant professions, because busy parents cannot always devote a sufficient amount of time to their child, and even more so to develop important skills in him and prepare him for school. It is the teacher who will teach your little one independence, rules of behavior, and the knowledge necessary for a preschooler. What is it like perfect portrait? About what qualities of a teacher will contribute to his effective and successful professional activities in preschool children's institution(DOW) - in our article.

Pedagogy is my calling

Preschool teacher is a calling

A teacher in a children's educational institution is not even a profession, but a real calling, and also daily hard work. To become a teacher for a long time and seriously, you need to feel that pedagogy is the work of your whole life, and work conscientiously, passing on to children the best that is in you, giving your whole soul.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky, an internationally recognized ideologist of humanistic pedagogy, emphasized that he is a real teacher whose activities are aimed at educating a humane personality.

According to V. Sukhomlinsky, a real educator should:

  • loving children is the most important thing
  • to care about them
  • respect the personality of each child and believe in him
  • know the soul of every baby and understand it
  • be kind to spiritual world child, his nature
  • protect and develop the baby’s self-esteem
  • become a true friend to every child.

If the qualities of the teacher correspond to these humanistic principles of pedagogy, he will be able to raise the child to be an attentive, noble, kind, intellectually developed, patriotic, not indifferent to the problems of others, cultural, responsible, honest, tactful, sensitive, hardworking person.

Responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher

Responsibilities preschool teacher listed in a number regulatory documents, such as an employment (collective) agreement, job description teacher, rules and regulations of the sanitary and epidemiological station, etc. These documents regulate the activities of the preschool teacher.

Now preschool education is developing taking into account the intensive introduction of innovations in pedagogical process. Therefore, new, modern requirements are currently being put forward for the activities of the educator. The work of a preschool teacher should be based on four components:

  • communicative and personal development of the child
  • cognitive-speech
  • artistic and aesthetic
  • physical.

The pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution is carried out on the basis of pedagogical interaction between the teacher and the child. Therefore, the teacher must be professionally competent.

“The level of professionalism of a teacher is determined by professional competence - the ability to conduct teaching activities efficiently and effectively based on job responsibilities, scientific education and value attitude towards pedagogy as a type of activity.”

The competence of a preschool teacher determines that he has the necessary pedagogical activity attitudes, values, corresponding personal characteristics, theoretical knowledge, professional qualities which need to be constantly improved through self-education.

The teacher must have certain professional competencies

The professional competencies and responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher include:

  • knowledge of the specifics of the preschool education system, as well as the peculiarities of organizing educational work for preschoolers of different ages
  • knowledge and understanding of the patterns of child development in early and preschool childhood
  • knowledge of the peculiarities of the formation and development of children's activities in early and preschool age
  • ability to organize the necessary preschool age types of activities (game and object-manipulative), thereby ensuring the development of children
  • ability to organize joint and independent activity preschoolers
  • knowledge of theory and mastery of pedagogical methods of cognitive, personal and physical development of children
  • ability to plan, implement and analyze pedagogical and educational work with preschoolers in accordance with the standard of preschool education
  • the ability to plan and adjust pedagogical tasks (independently, as well as in collaboration with a psychologist and other specialists) in accordance with the results of monitoring the development of children, taking into account individual characteristics every preschooler
  • ability to follow the recommendations of a psychologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist and other specialists in working with preschoolers who have difficulty mastering the curriculum, as well as children with special needs
  • the ability to create psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment, ensuring the safety of life of preschool children, maintaining and strengthening their health and emotional well-being during your stay at the preschool educational institution
  • mastery of methods and methods of psychological and pedagogical monitoring, thanks to which it becomes possible to track the results of preschoolers mastering the curriculum, the level of formation of their necessary qualities necessary for subsequent education in primary school
  • knowledge of methods and methods of psychological and pedagogical consultation of parents of preschool children
  • the ability to build proper interaction with parents to solve pedagogical problems
  • the ability to plan, implement and evaluate their teaching activities with children of early and preschool age.

Personal characteristics

A good teacher should be kind and patient

What personal qualities must be inherent to a good teacher children's educational institution? Let's look at them:

  1. Kindness and patience. And also justice, mercy, understanding and most importantly - love for children. These qualities, which determine a person’s humanistic orientation, are fundamental for a teacher.
  2. High moral qualities. If the teacher himself does not possess the qualities that he teaches to children, then how will he teach them? A preschool teacher must monitor his actions, be honest with himself and the children, be responsible for his words, be open to children, and treat them with respect.
  3. Organizational skills. The ability to plan, carry out everything consistently and clearly, approach teaching activities comprehensively - these are the qualities that will ensure successful work preschool teacher.
  4. Hard work. Working with children takes a lot of energy, but it is important to work with joy. If you love your profession with all your heart, it will be a pleasure to work.
  5. Positive attitude. Children who are brought up in an atmosphere of goodwill and calm develop faster, grow self-confident, sociable, and emotionally open.
  6. Ability to be creative. In kindergarten, you have to come up with a lot to make the upbringing and education of children as interesting as possible for them. It’s good when the teacher can do this easily.

Without a creative component, the work of a teacher will not be effective

"Advice. It is very important to respect the child's personality. This means being able to communicate with him, listening and understanding his needs, not getting irritated by disobedience, finding ways of tactful and persistent pedagogical influence, seeing the best in the child.”

The list of necessary personal qualities of a preschool teacher can be continued. In addition, the teacher must have a number of professional knowledge, skills and abilities that are important for the successful implementation of educational activities in a children's educational institution.

Professional excellence

The fact is that educational activities Kindergarten requires a lot of patience. Some people believe that only someone who has innate special abilities can become a teacher, but this is very controversial issue. Needed by the teacher Special knowledge, professional skills and abilities can be acquired and developed.

Education does not consist of annoying teachings and endless lectures: with their monotony, they will only cause boredom and melancholy in preschoolers. The professional skill of a preschool teacher is manifested in the understanding that the most effective are not only verbal methods of education, but to a much greater extent good and moral actions: helping others, showing empathy and mercy, etc. Therefore, the teacher needs to develop his pedagogical experience in being able to It is easy to organize such activities for children.

To teach children, the teacher must have deep knowledge in various areas

The teacher must have in-depth knowledge of:

  • pedagogy
  • developmental psychology
  • basic life safety and first aid
  • ethics and aesthetics
  • principles and content of the organization of preschool education.

The preschool teacher must:

  • know and be able to apply methods of teaching and developing children
  • be able to organize and activate cognitive activity brought up.

Among professionally important qualities teacher experts highlight:

  • possession modern techniques and technologies in the field of education and upbringing of children
  • broad erudition
  • pedagogical intuition
  • high level of intelligence
  • highly developed moral culture.

Criteria for assessing the work of a teacher

How to evaluate the work of a teacher? Look how he builds his communication with children.

Let's pay attention to the personal side of communication. If the teacher behaves intelligently, calmly, respectfully towards the children, pays attention to each of them, knows how to listen and help - then before you is someone who selflessly loves his job. They say about such people - “he is in the right place.” And even if he does not yet have much pedagogical experience, then, thanks to his love for the profession and children, he will undoubtedly acquire it.

If the “teacher” does not behave with restraint, shouts, commands in an orderly tone, and does not particularly monitor the children, then such a person, alas, will not good example role model for a child.

From the point of view of the content side of a teacher’s professional activity, attention should be paid to whether the teacher applies new forms and approaches to organizing teaching and independent work children, group and individual lessons.

The teacher must apply new forms and approaches to organizing children’s learning and independent work, group and individual lessons

The role of the teacher in educational DOW process great. The teacher influences the development of the children’s personality, imparts to them the necessary knowledge and forms personal qualities. Therefore, in order to positively influence the self-development of preschoolers, the teacher himself must be a highly developed moral personality and constantly improve your professional skills.

“What is a modern teacher like?”

I am proud of my profession because

I live my childhood many times

Being a kindergarten teacher is very, very difficult. You understand what responsibility lies with you - the future of the child and the country depends on the teacher. In 15 years, the entire adult population will be represented by our graduates. It is to them that we will go for treatment, they will build houses, pass laws, and become the people on whom the fate of the country depends.

Kindergarten is a second home for children, here they spend 10-12 hours a day. the main task educator - to develop the child’s personality, that uniqueness that will distinguish him from others; teach how to communicate and consider others, respect yourself and others...

But in order to develop a personality, you need to be a personality yourself.

1) The teacher must know a lot, constantly work on himself, have special skills; constantly improve your skills, master innovative technologies, unconventional methods; know a computer, be able to use the Internet.

2) The teacher must be a psychologist, take into account age characteristics children, find them individual approach, respect them. Children are open to goodness and beauty, do not tolerate injustice, and tell the truth straight to their faces!

3) The teacher must be creative personality, to be a guide for children into the world of fairy tales and fantasy, to evoke delight, love, tenderness, and surprise in children. The teacher must be interesting to children - be able to sing, dance, “animate” dolls, read poetry, tell fairy tales, sew, draw, make toys from natural material, from paper, from bottles and jars, from lids and boxes and much more!

5) The teacher must take care of the health of the children and carry out all routine activities; learn to look after your appearance, teach self-care.

6) The teacher must be able to find mutual language with parents. The teacher must pay attention to the questions and wishes of the parents, be extremely polite and patient with them (know the psychology of an adult, because parents are all so different!)

7) The teacher must be: independent, diligent, disciplined, hardworking, responsible. And also - to be charming and attractive, beautiful, neat, observe the rules of personal hygiene (after all, the teacher is a model for children); regardless of everyday troubles - always cheerful, cheerful, and have a sense of humor.

A modern educator is a person who combines the traits of a psychologist, an artist, a friend, a mentor, etc. The creative potential of a student depends on creative potential the teacher himself, so you need to pay great attention to the development of creative imagination.

A modern teacher is a creative worker, a master of his craft, an innovator, a leader healthy image life, who uses the latest methodological developments in his work.

The necessary qualities of a modern educator are patience and kindness, because the educator has to work not only with children, but also with parents.

Communication with children is a kind of exam every time. Little wise teachers test your strength, and at the same time love you with an all-consuming love, in which you can dissolve without a trace. Their secret pure love simple: they are open and simple-minded.

The task of a modern educator is to educate a creative, communicative personality. You need to predict and evaluate your results, develop independence and initiative. Create conditions for the realization of the individual abilities of each child.

The teaching profession is one of the most important and significant in life. modern society. Being a teacher is a calling. This means wanting and being able to relive childhood again and again with each child, seeing the world through his eyes, being surprised and learning with him, being invisible when the baby is busy with his own business, and indispensable when he needs help and support.

Working as a teacher, I can say that there is no better profession than mine! It makes you forget all your sorrows and grievances and gives you a feeling of eternal youth.

Of course, he must be kind!

Love children, love learning,

Love your profession!

What should a teacher be like?

Of course, you must be generous.

All of yourself without regret

He should give it to children!

A kindergarten teacher is a person

whom children sometimes see more often than their own parents.

Before his eyes, kids grow, learn, laugh and cry,

get used to a certain routine, enjoy walks in the yard

and, of course, they grow up.

A kindergarten teacher. People of this profession are special. Not everyone will dare to devote their lives to the little ones, to become a second mother for them, to take their first steps in life with them, to teach them goodness, to love their family and friends, their city, their country. Kids are fertile soil. Whatever grain you throw into it, such a sprout will sprout.

Kindergarten... How many pleasant memories are associated with this wonderful institution. Games with friends, walks in the yard, casserole and compote for breakfast, children's morning parties, little children's pranks and, of course, a kind and caring teacher.

Today the phrase " kindergarten“doesn’t cause as much positivity as before (I mean parents). There are many problems with kindergartens today. Everyone knows about this. However, the children who visit this institution today, just like 20 years ago, spend time there usefully, learn to communicate with peers, develop physically and mentally, and go for walks. fresh air, play and get a lot of other pleasures.

Educator. What was it like 20-30 years ago and what is it like today? Has his portrait changed?

What qualities should a teacher have today?

The most important thing is love for children. Without this, the teacher will not be able to give the children anything. In kindergarten, the main thing is to create psychological comfort for children separated from their mother, and conditions for the development of children.

The ability to teach a child the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that he must master for school is, of course, very important, but, as practice shows, if the child is not comfortable in kindergarten, the training will not give the desired result.

An individual differentiated approach to each child (which takes into account the child’s health characteristics, level of development, etc.), which is practiced today, distinguishes modern approaches in education from the approaches of 20-30 years ago.

However, it is wrong to say that today’s children go to school more prepared. Even before, educators gave good knowledge to their students, but today the curricula and requirements have changed and become different.

Everyone knows that young people today do not want to work in kindergartens. The workload and responsibility are great, and the salary level, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired.

The requirements for teachers today are very serious: this knowledge methodological foundations pedagogical activity, knowledge of the psychological foundations of age-related pedagogy, knowledge and ability to master ICT (information and communication technologies). Computer, magnetic boards, multimedia player, video projector... A modern teacher must be able to manage all this equipment. There is no other way. New strict requirements dictate their own rules. Being a teacher is not an easy job, and therefore everyone, both old and young, should appreciate and respect it. Teachers work hard for our children, putting their souls into them so that their childhood is happy and carefree. Isn’t this what we all want for our children?!

The main quality of a modern educator (as in the old days) is the ability to give children love and affection. The new thing that the teacher acquired is mobility, the ability to keep up with the times, to follow modern trends in raising and teaching children. Much attention modern educator devotes himself to self-education. The teacher should be here today modern man, not rigid, but capable of learning, grasping everything on the fly, adopting new methods of educating and training the younger generation. The world is changing, and so are the requirements. And a modern educator, despite age and other circumstances, must comply with them.

Vandzilyak Tatiana
Pedagogical essay “What is a modern educator?”

Pedagogical essay"What such a modern educator

Children are often smarter than adults and always sincere.

M. Gorky

Since childhood I dreamed of a profession teacher, and in his youth, studying at pedagogical institute, I already knew for sure that love for children, romance of adventure, conquering new pedagogical peaks are the meaning of my life.

Fifteen years ago I crossed the threshold of kindergarten and since then I have not been able to leave these walls, which became a second home for me. From the very first days of working with kids, I fell in love with them and went to work with joy.

Many present work teacher only as a game with children, and do not suspect that a lot of painstaking work and patience is required for each child to grow up to be a real person. How much knowledge and skills should you have? teacher! I am absolutely sure that the love and respect of preschool children cannot be earned by armed modern methods and new technologies. It also requires hard work of the soul. The main thing is to learn to see and appreciate in a child that unique individuality that distinguishes us all from each other, to be able to ensure freedom of self-expression of his personality and to understand that a child is a person who has his own idea of ​​the world, his own experience and his own feelings.

Time passes, children, their parents, and also modern educators. What is he like? modern educator? What are the requirements for it? modern society?

Modern educator Kindergarten students must apply a wide variety of knowledge from various fields of science. For example, he cannot do without knowledge of developmental psychology. After all, many children’s actions are determined precisely age-related changes their psyches. What sometimes seems like a whim to adults is actually quite normal for a child. However, we must not forget about the personal approach. Teacher must be able to determine the individual abilities of children, develop them and draw the attention of parents to the successes or problems of their offspring. And here knowledge of the psychology of an adult is required, because parents are also all different.

Modern society needs educated, moral, creative people who have a non-standard view of problems and possess the skills research work, can make their own decisions.

Today, the problems of providing new approaches to organizing are coming to the fore. pedagogical activities of the kindergarten, its interaction with the family and primary school, the emphasis is placed on the effectiveness of the processes of socialization and individualization of the development of the personality of a preschooler. In this regard, the need for professional educator capable of taking into account changing socio-economic conditions, general situation in the education system, independently make responsible decisions and predict them possible consequences capable of cooperation.

Modern teacher must be characterized by mobility and dynamism, as well as high level pedagogical culture. Professionally - teacher's pedagogical culture DOW is largely determined by the level of its teacher training, the desire for self-improvement in the conditions of professional activity.

Educator of the 21st century, what is he like?

The educator of the 21st century is, of course, a comprehensively developed and educated person. In my opinion, the 21st century differs from other centuries in its information content and the many ways of transmitting and receiving information. That's why teacher of the new century must be ready for any communication. In my work I use modern ICT, which develop the skills and abilities of information retrieval activities. However, I would like to hope that, no matter how far the process of automation of learning goes, teacher The 21st century will not forget the importance of direct communication with its pupils and parents. No, even the most advanced technology, can replace a live interlocutor. Any technical teaching aid, even the most modern and promising, is only a faithful assistant for teacher, auxiliary.

In the last 10-12 years, domestic pedagogy began to focus on the changes that have occurred in our society; Job teacher with children is now based on the principles of humanism and respect for the child’s personality. In my mind teacher The 21st century is, first of all, a friend to children, their assistant, adviser and ally.

Democratization pedagogy provides the teacher More and more opportunities for creativity. Educator XXI century - creator in the most various fields pedagogical activity: an experienced technologist, an organizer, always striving to sum up his work and generalize his experience.

Since we are an important link in preparing children for school, we need to know what to focus graduates on, how much is the approach to learning at school changing, what awaits the future for today’s preschoolers?

Each of teachers, one way or another, touched on the content of the national educational initiative "Our new school" and understands that modernization in education and innovations that are already being implemented in educational process, are inevitable, since new educational standards cannot be achieved in any other way.

Today it is clear to everyone that modern children we need to teach and educate in a new way. It dictates modern socio-political situation, rapid changes modern world , and our children must be ready for this.

Quote: « New school- this is a school where children will be involved in research projects And creative activities“to learn to invent, understand and master new things, express one’s own thoughts, make decisions and help each other, formulate interests and recognize opportunities.”

In my work, I attach special importance to cognitive research activities preschooler. A modern teacher is not a person, giving ready-made truths, and a seeker, a wanderer, always on the way. So in kindergarten it is necessary not only to teach children, but to communicate with them every day, engage in activities, discover and pupils – NEW! This is where A. Disterweg’s statement comes to mind: “A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches you to find it”

The basis of the cognitive and research activities of preschoolers is the thirst for knowledge, the desire for discovery, curiosity, the need for mental impressions, and my task is to satisfy the needs of children, which in turn will lead to intellectual, emotional development. And what satisfaction the child himself receives from having made a discovery for himself!

What would I like to see in my pupils?

In their pupils I want to see people who can think freely and solve problems constructively and creatively. In other words, not “stuffed” with knowledge, but capable of acquiring and applying new knowledge throughout their lives, and therefore being professionally and socially mobile. And the most important thing is for each of them to become a bright individual, to become a personality.

Vandzilyak T. N.

Senior teacher of MKDOU"Kindergarten "Forget-me-not"