The dictionary of the modern cannibal elchka, or the words we need to get rid of

He ran very fast, - said the stray, - jumped out of his head.

You will not receive money, - the employer has declared.

Uncle! .. Yes, I'll show you.

Fine. Stay. Let's go together.

The bleating citizen lived, it turns out, on Sadovaya-Spasskaya. Ostap wrote down his exact address in a notebook.

The eighth chair went to the House Peoples. The boy who was chasing that chair turned out to be a sneaky one.

overcoming barriers in the form of a commandant's office and numerous couriers, he penetrated into House and made sure that the chair was bought by the supply manager of the editorial office of "Stank".

There were no two boys yet. They arrived at almost the same time, out of breath and exhausted.

Barracks Lane, near Chistye Prudy.

Nine. And flat nine. Tatars live there. In the courtyard. I gave him a chair. They walked on foot.

The last messenger brought sad news. At first everything was good, but then everything became bad. The buyer entered with a chair into the goods yard of the Oktyabrsky railway station, and it was impossible to climb through after it - at the gate there were arrows from the OVO NKPS.

He probably left, - the homeless child finished his report.

This alarmed Ostap very much. Having rewarded the homeless in a royal way - a ruble per messenger, not counting the messenger from Varsonofevsky Lane, who forgot the house number (he was ordered to arrive the next day early), - the technical director returned home and, without answering the questions of the disgraced chairman of the board, began to combine.

Nothing is lost yet. There are addresses, but in order to get chairs, there are many old tried and true tricks: 1) simple acquaintance, 2) love affair, 3) acquaintance with burglary, 4) exchange, 5) money and 6) money. The last one is the most correct. But money is scarce. Ostap looked ironically at Ippolit Matveyevich. The usual freshness of thought and peace of mind returned to the great strategist. Money, of course, can be obtained. In stock there were still the picture "The Bolsheviks write a letter to Chamberlain", a tea strainer and the full opportunity to continue the career of a polygamist.

Worried only tenth chair. There was a trace, of course, but what a trace! - vague and hazy.

Well! Ostap said loudly. - You can catch such chances. I play nine against one. The meeting continues! Do you hear? You! Juror!


Cannibal Ellochka

William Shakespeare's dictionary, according to researchers, is 12.000 words. The dictionary of a negro from the cannibalistic tribe "Mumbo-Yumbo" is 300 words.

Ellochka Shchukina easily and freely managed thirty.

Here are the words, phrases and interjections, meticulously chosen by her from all the great, verbose and powerful Russian language:

1. Be rude.

2. Ho-ho! (Expresses, depending on the circumstances, irony, surprise, delight, hatred, joy, contempt and satisfaction.)

3. Famous.

4. Gloomy. (In relation to everything. For example: “gloomy Petya came”, “gloomy weather”, “gloomy event”, "gloomy cat", etc.)

6. Horror. (Terrible. For example, when meeting a good friend: "creepy meeting".)

7. Kid. (In relation to all familiar men, regardless of age and social status.)

8. Don't teach me how to live.

9. Like a child. ("I I beat him like a child" - when playing cards. "I cut him like a baby" - apparently in a conversation with a responsible tenant.)

10. C-r-growth!

11. Thick and beautiful. (Used as a characteristic of inanimate and animate objects.)

12. Let's go by cab. (Talking to her husband.)

13. Let's go to the taxi. (Familiar male gender. )

14. Your whole back is white (joke).

15. Think!

16. Ulya. (Affectionate ending of names. For example: Mishulya, Zinulya.)

17. Wow! (Irony, surprise, delight, hatred, joy, contempt and satisfaction.)

The words remaining in an extremely small amount served as a transmission link between Ellochka and the clerks of department stores.

If you look at the photographs of Ellochka Shchukina, hanging over the bed of her husband, engineer Ernest Pavlovich Shchukin (one is full face, the other is in profile), then it is easy to notice a forehead of pleasant height and bulge, large moist eyes, the cutest nose in the Moscow province with slight snub nose and a chin with a small speck drawn in ink.

"12 Chairs" is one of the best comedies, which was shot by the famous Soviet director Leonid Gaidai in 1971. novel of the same name I. Ilf and E. Petrov. The comedy was filmed in two series: "The Ice Has Broken" and "The Meeting Continues." The comedy premiered on June 21, 1971.

To play the role of Ostap Bender, Gaidai invited Archil Gomiashvili, and Rostislav Plyatt was approved for the role of Kisa Vorobyaninov, instead of Sergei Filippov, who was seriously ill. But Filippov assured that he was ready to act, no matter what. Upon learning of such a desire, Plyatt refused the role of Kisa in favor of Filippov, although he himself did not remain without a role. In the film, Rostislav Plyatt reads the words from the author.

G. Volchek and N. Mordyukova claimed the role of Madame Gritsatsuyeva. Mordyukova was denied this role, so it seemed to Gaidai not funny. Galina Volchek turned out to be preferable, but sound engineer Vladimir Krachkovsky offered his wife, Natalia Krachkovsky, for this role. Looking at her, Gaidai said: "Here it is, the poet's dream."

Quotes from the movie 12 chairs are very popular in society. This selection quotes will remind you the best moments of the Soviet comedy.

How much is opium for the people?

The meeting continues! The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury!

Maybe give you another key to the apartment where the money is?

I will lead the parade!

There are also sleeves from the vest, a circle from a donut and a dead donkey's ears.

Who do you think this powerful old man is? Don't say you can't know. This is a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy and a person close to the emperor.

Oh, Kisa, - said Ostap, - we are strangers at this celebration of life.

Although we do not have Paris, we are welcome to our hut.

Give me the sausage, give me the sausage, fool! I will forgive everything!

Boy... Is it bad? Whoever says it's a girl, let him throw a stone at me first!

Dad, you are a vulgar person!

No time to hug, he said. Farewell darling. We parted like ships at sea.

Hit or miss. I choose pan, although he is an obvious Pole.

All smuggling is done in Odessa, on Malaya Arnautskaya street.

Here's a gray beard for you! Here's a devil in your ribs!

The first move is E2-E4, and then... And then we'll see.

Why are you looking at me like a soldier at a louse? Overwhelmed with happiness?

Half mine, half ours...

You were deceived, this is not a Mexican jerboa, this is a Shanghai leopard

Lord! Children will not forget you!

The office writes

Quotes Ellochka Cannibals

Your whole back is white (joke)

Don't teach me how to live

Boy. (In relation to all familiar men, regardless of age and social status.)

Ho-ho! (Expresses, depending on the circumstances, irony, surprise, delight, hatred, joy, contempt and satisfaction.)

Let's take a taxi. (male acquaintances)

Thick and handsome. (Used as a characteristic of inanimate and animate objects)

Quotes by Kisa Vorobyaninov

Lord! Lord! Are you going to beat us?
- And how!

Hold it! He stole our sausage!

Let's go to the rooms!

Quotes from other heroes

Dusya! You make me angry. I am a man tormented by narzans.

I can't at the source. From the source, I started having visions.

Consent is the product of complete non-resistance of the parties.

The answer is the equivalent of a thought.

There it in the swing

Coffin, he loves work

Music!!! Goose ready?

Not for self-interest, but only by the will of the wife who sent me

Birds, repent of your sins in public!

I'll give you the sausage! Take me down!

Is Vorobyaninov prowling somewhere now?

... And he went away from me, to a brothel should be

Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov

Don't think. Be quiet. And don't forget to puff out your cheeks.

Ostap hasn't eaten anything since yesterday. Therefore, his eloquence was unusual.

The art of the madmen, the cave painting, or the drawing made by the tail of a defiant mule, looked like museum treasures compared to Ostap's banner.

The air is clean, and smart thoughts come into my head!

Ostap wiped his noble forehead. He was hungry to such an extent that he would gladly eat a fried chess horse.

… breathe deeply - you are excited!

Gulyaeva Ksenia

The purpose of this work is to determine the originality of such an artistic means of creating an image as a speech portrait.

The main objectives of the study were the following:

Analyze the "dictionary" of the heroine, based on the features of its structure and correlation with stylistically neutral vocabulary;

Give a fairly complete characterization of the character on the basis of a carefully studied "dictionary";

Compare the speech portrait of the heroine with the speech portrait of the modern young man to establish similarities and differences.

The relevance of the work lies in the fact that the research materials can be used in the study of both the works of the writers Ilf and Petrov, and the works of other writers who use a speech portrait as a characterization of the hero. The practical significance of the work is determined by the fact that the features of the speech style are considered. modern youth, and this allows us to draw some conclusions in terms of the use of stylistically marked units: vernacular and dialect words, jargon, etc. Thus, before us there is a portrait of a modern young man.



MKU "District Department of Education"

Administration of the municipality "Kabansky district"

MAOU "Selenga gymnasium"

Speech portrait of the heroine of the novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov

"The Twelve Chairs" by Ellochka Ogres.

Completed by: Gulyaeva Ksenia Olegovna, 10 B class.

Head: Kozlova Lyudmila Anatolyevna,

Literature and Russian language teacher.

year 2014. Table of contents


II.Main part

1. Analysis of the "dictionary" of Ellochka Ogre……………………………………………………4-6

2. Characteristics of the heroine of the novel………………………………………………………… 6-9

3. Speech portrait of a modern young man………………………………… 9-14

III. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………15

IV. Literature used……………………………………………………………… 16

V. Applications……………………………………………………………………………… 17-18


The paper examines the originality of the prose language of Russian satirical writers of the early 20th century Ilya Arnoldovich Ilf and Evgeny Petrovich Petrov. Namely, one of the artistic means of creating images is a speech portrait. The object of the study was the heroine of the well-known novel "The Twelve Chairs" Ellochka Ogre.

The subject of the study was the "dictionary" of Ellochka Shchukina, containing 30 words, with the help of which she easily and freely managed in life.

In general, the character's speech plays an important role in the work, being one of the means of creating an image along with a portrait, landscape, and the actions of the characters. The use of book or dialect words, vernacular or professionalisms in the characters' speech allows the author to characterize the character from the general cultural, social or professional sides. What can be said about the heroine of the novel only on the basis of an exchange of remarks in the amount of only 30 words?

The purpose of this work is to determine the originality of such an artistic means of creating an image as a speech portrait.

The main objectives of the study were the following:

Analyze the "dictionary" of the heroine, based on the features of its structure and correlation with stylistically neutral vocabulary;

Give a fairly complete characterization of the character on the basis of a carefully studied "dictionary";

Compare the speech portrait of the heroine with the speech portrait of a modern young man in order to establish similarities and differences.

The relevance of the work lies in the fact that the research materials can be used in the study of both the works of the writers Ilf and Petrov, and the works of other writers who use a speech portrait as a characterization of the hero. The practical significance of the work is determined by the fact that the features of the speech style of modern youth are considered, and this allows us to draw some conclusions in terms of the use of stylistically marked units: vernacular and dialect words, jargon, etc. Thus, before us there is a portrait of a modern young man.

Contextual analysis, description and comparison, quantitative calculations, generalization and systematization are used as the main research methods in the work.

During the study, a working hypothesis was put forward: the author of a work of art can three dozens of words to create a fairly complete portrait of the character, and the reader, based on a rather meager exchange of replicas of the heroine, imagine her.

Let's try to prove it.

1. Analysis of the "dictionary" of Ellochka Ogre (Chapter 22 of the novel "The Twelve Chairs").

For the study that we planned to conduct, the slang of Ellochka the cannibal from the famous novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov was chosen as its object “The twelve Chairs"published in the USSR in 1929.

Cannibal Ellochka Shchukina is one of the most striking characters in the novel. Her distinctive feature is that in her conversation she managed with thirty words and expressions. This, of course, is hyperbole, as is the fact that she is called a cannibal. Naturally, she didn’t eat people, it’s just that her intellect was lower in terms of its level of intelligence than even the Negroes of the cannibal tribe “Mumbo-Yumbo”, whose vocabulary included three hundred words. Hyperbole, as you know, is one of the artistic means of creating satire and has certain real grounds. Some representatives of today's Russian youth also manage with a minimum of words, thickly sprinkling their speech with obscene language.

The speech of Ellochka Schukina is interesting in itself for researchers of the artistic form of the novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov.

In the language of satirical works, relations inherent in the language system are often realized, which, due to the strict rules of the norm, cannot be realized in other literary genres and in the general literary language.

Dictionary William Shakespeare, according to researchers, is 12,000 words. Dictionary of a negro from a cannibalistic tribe "Mumbo Yumbo» is 300 words. Ellochka Shchukina easily and freely managed thirty. Here are the words, phrases and interjections, meticulously chosen by her from all the great, verbose and powerful Russian language:

  1. Be rude.
  2. Ho-ho! (Expresses, depending on the circumstances, irony, surprise, delight, hatred, joy, contempt and satisfaction.)
  3. Famous.
  4. Gloomy. (In relation to everything. For example: “Gloomy Petya has come”, “Gloomy weather”, “Gloomy case”, “Gloomy cat”, etc.)
  5. Darkness.
  6. Horror. (Creepy. For example, when meeting with a good friend: “creepy meeting”).
  7. Boy. (In relation to all familiar men, regardless of age and social status).
  8. Don't teach me how to live.
  9. Like a child. (“I hit him like a child” - when playing cards. “I cut him off like a child” - apparently in a conversation with a responsible tenant).
  10. Cr-r-growth!
  11. Thick and handsome.(Used as a characteristic of inanimate and animate objects).
  12. Let's take a cab.(Spoken to husband).
  13. Let's take a taxi. (To male acquaintances).
  14. Your whole back is white(joke).
  15. Think!
  16. Ulya. (Affectionate ending of names. For example: Mishulya, Zinulya).
  17. Wow! (Irony, surprise, delight, hatred, joy, contempt and satisfaction).

The words remaining in an extremely small amount served as a transmission link between Ellochka and the clerks of department stores.

The analysis of this "dictionary" made it possible to make some conclusions.

In Ellochka's dictionary there are nouns: darkness, horror, beauty. Pay attention, it's like different poles of the heroine's relationship to reality.

Verbs: be rude, don't teach, let's go, think - a kind of protection, a barrier between the heroine and the people around her.

Adjectives: gloomy, beautiful and fat, famous - give an assessment of the surrounding objects.

Interjections and appeals: ho-ho, wow, Ulya, boy - express various shades feelings of the heroine, from delight and surprise to hatred and contempt.

Basically, Ellochka's remarks consist of individual words, only a few phrases - three or four.

Since Ellochka uses very few words in conversation, it can be assumed that her speech units syncretic. The authors themselves point to this, saying that the interjection Ho-ho! "expresses, depending on the circumstances, irony, surprise, delight, hatred, joy, contempt and satisfaction" [Ilf: 1977: 167]. Paradoxically, even among its thirty words and expressions there are synonymous means: for example, interjection Wow! completely synonymous with Ho-ho!

The phenomenon of syncretism is known to any highly developed language with a rich history. But Ellochka's syncretism is speech syncretism primitive man, the syncretism of the poverty of the language, not its wealth.

For the art form, the chapter about Ellochka is also important.phonostylisticmoment: the presence of a long word in this word rr evokes in the reader an idea of ​​the growling speech of the heroine, a small "cannibal" predator (and she really was of small stature, as the authors of the novel themselves say).

As for the expressionYour whole back is white, it most likely jokingly conveys an awkward situation in which the interlocutor got into:

Ernst Pavlovich tied his things into a large bundle, wrapped his boots in newspaper, and turned to the door.
- Your whole back is white, -Ellochka said in a gramophone voice [Ilf: 1977: 171].

In the already mentioned film comedy "Musical history», the script for which was written by one of the co-authors of the novel Evgeny Petrov, there is an episode when its hero, with whom his beloved girlfriend quarreled at the dance evening, went to the exit, then his whole back turned out to be white (in the literal sense), i.e. chalked as he stood pressed against a whitewashed bear sculpture. And this caused thunderous laughter from his friends. Here E. Petrov resorts to one of his favorite tricks -dephraseologizationphraseologism. But if in the novelsThe twelve Chairs" and especially " Golden calf"it was a linguistic technique, then in the film the scriptwriter and the director performed the technique of "defrazeologization" by visual means of cinema.

For a young pretty woman, the dictionary, of course, is poor, but it helps us to see the character of the heroine.

2. Characteristics of the heroine.

Ilf and Petrov, with the help of a fascinating story about the adventures of the protagonist, an enterprising seeker of quick wealth and a charming swindler Ostap Bender, with penetrating accuracy captured the destructive vices not only of their time, but of the entire system: bureaucracy, disorder, theft, idleness, official idle talk, Manilov dreams of a quick and easy economic rise, etc.

The wife of the respondent Ellochka Shchukin with the vocabulary of a cannibal is recognizable, bright, memorable and at the same time generalized-typed, which has become a household name along with other characters in the novel.

It is no coincidence that there is even a monument to Ellochka Shchukina. It was open

April 1 in Kharkov Petrovsky streeton the sidewalk at the entrance to the cafe "Rio" at the expense of the owner of the cafe Azer Akhverdiev. The bronze sculpture depicts the heroine in a relaxed pose, leaning onchair, which, according to Ostap Bender and Kisa Vorobyaninov, could containdiamonds. A boa is thrown over the shoulder, made, according to Ellochka, from the “Mexican jerboa”, but in fact from dyed with green watercolor painta rabbit, who was killed in the Tula province. The actress served as the prototypeElena Shanina, who played the role of Ellochka in the filmMark Zakharova.

Bewilderment may arise: after all, Shchukin is the name of her husband, and he, as you know, was at least a harmless person and by no means a predator. But even this can be explained: in Russian, proper names are often given from the contrary and the settlement High mountain , for example, can stand in a lowland, and a person by last name Balakin (from Balakat - dialect "to talk a lot") is most often not talkative.

Characteristic and the name of the heroine . Husband calls her Elena. However, in the spirit of their time, when many Russians changed their names in a foreign manner or, even worse, called their childrenTractor, Electrification, Radium, Detector, Radiola etc., Elena (Elenochka) turned into Ellochka. Here is a characteristic conversation of the character of the Soviet comedy film "Musical history»(1940), the script for which was also written by E. Petrov:

I, Klavdia Vasilievna, love everything beautiful. For example, my retarded parents gave me vulgar name Fedor. And I changed it and now I am called by the beautiful foreign name Alfred (his full name is Alfred Terentyevich Tarakanov - G.N. )

Ella was very creative young lady - in order to keep up with the American competitor, she herself created a stunning evening dress, the decoration of which was a dog skin depicting a muskrat.

If the dog-trimmed dress was Ellochka's first well-aimed blow inflicted on overseas enemies, then the second was a chinchilla stole in the form of a Russian hare killed in the Tula province.

Ellochka was not afraid of changing her image and willingly went tofashion experiments.So, without hesitation, she got rid of her black braid in favor of a fashionable short haircut. And to enhance the effect of surprise, she dyed her hair bright red.

Ellochka-cannibal from the "Twelve Chairs" by Ilf and Petrov could not help but become a female cult - after all, a more accurate image of a true "fashionista" cannot be found in literature. Interestingly, even for so many years, the image of the eternal party girl has remained practically unchanged: a slightly vulgar and stupid, but very attractive girl, who is used to living at the expense of men for her own pleasure and not denying herself anything. Now such girls call themselves "dandies", but no matter what fashionable definitions they give themselves, in fact, they remain the same "cannibals".

According to the ruthlessly satirical description of Ellochka by Ilf and Petrov, lexicon The maiden numbered thirty words, which she managed quite freely. The meaning of its existence was mainly dresses, jewelry and " Savor”, And she considered her rival the overseas Vanderbildiha, that is, the Duchess of Marlborough Consuelo Vanderbilt, whom she followed from the pages of fashion magazines.It is impossible to imagine Ellochka without her guide to life - fashion magazines. In the hands of a real Ellochka, you will never see a book, as evidenced by her lexicon, but gloss is her passion and object of adoration. However, this is not so bad - not everyone can be educated, literate and incredibly complex: sometimes a girl can be a cute fool and have her own charm. By the way, reading magazines is not the worst thing to do if you really read them, and not just look at pictures. You can get a lot there useful information, which will help in creating the image, and give personal advice - and more "elochki" do not need.

At first glance, the portrait of Ellochka is even attractive to most readers, especially female readers. But do not forget that the novel "The Twelve Chairs" is a satirical thing.

Not random in the text dialogue Ellochka Schukina with Ostap Bender, it is he who reveals the emptiness and insignificance inner world heroines. Ellochka-cannibal is easily deceived by the "great strategist", playing on her penchant for acquiring fashionable things. The authors of the work seem to remind the reader that if a person lacks spirituality, he becomes defenseless and vulnerable. No external "glitz and brilliance" can save a person from the complexities and contradictions of reality. And the wretched vocabulary becomes a kind of help for clever swindlers and adventurers. In this situation, it remains only to regret Ellochka.

Thus, Ellochka the cannibal is perhaps one of the most expressive and powerful
satirical images in the novel by Ilf and Petrov. In herspeech portraitbrightly represented
wretched and at the same time predatory nature of philistinism. For others it
masked by pompous phrases, by the gift of accommodation. Ella is all like on
palms. This is a very tiny predatory animal, its most dangerous feature -

Among today's "elochki" competition has certainly increased, but the interests have remained about the same. Is it not an extensive lexicon of Ellochkin words, such as "darkness", "horror", "wow!" changed "tin", "unrealistic", "I'm in shock."

3. Speech portrait of a modern young man.

It is no secret that our colloquial speech has changed very noticeably over the past twenty years. The main trend that we are seeing is that it is becoming less and less normative, we are using more and more even obscene language.
The number of people whose vocabulary is approaching the famous Ellochka's is increasing. As a rule, these are people of a low cultural level, for whom this language is the only one. By itself, slang or jargon is not dangerous: it is a natural "growing pains". If a person is normal and familiar with culture, then sooner or later he breaks out of the slang framework, as they grow out of children's clothes. Other dangerous:aggressive rejection of literary speech, stubbornly clinging to primitive jargon or equally primitive vernacular and imposing it on others, especially those around you.
If we turn to the processes that are characteristic of our today's speech, then I would say that the main and most dangerous trend of the spoken Russian language is
breaking all norms: stylistic, syntactic, grammatical, pronunciation norms. This process is deeper and far from harmless. But why is all this happening?

Half of the surveyed schoolchildren, in addition to program works, do not read books at all. Still some "difficult to answer." Another 6% said “one a year”; I suppose they lied, they were embarrassed to say that they don’t read. You type “Homer” in the search engine - the Internet offers you first the stupid simpsons, and only then the great blind man, the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey. You type "Caesar" - the first dozen addresses: salads, and the person of the same name is one of the greatest people in history - in the second ten.

The epidemic of a new disease has already arrived. The taste for reading and for the word is rapidly lost. Radio, TV, social networks, the press - everything slides down to the language of Ellochka Ogre (there were 30 words in her dictionary; the main thing is that she had enough! and everyone understood her without difficulty).

Pushkin's language consisted of 22933 words,

Ellochka-cannibal language - 30 words,

find your place in this coordinate system...

Is there an environment in which it is prestigious to speak the correct Russian language?

Certainly. First, they are philologists. Still, in this environment, a good Russian language, thank God, is preserved. And not only Russian philologists. There are Germanists, Hispanists, Orientalists who speak not only pure, but also beautiful Russian. Secondly, among journalists, no matter how they are scolded, there are people who are very attentive to the language. Then - the theatrical environment, in which traditions and laws are sacredly revered, including the traditions of a good Russian language. In good theatrical universities, work on stage speech is excellently staged, a taste for good speech is instilled. How can you forget about museum workers? About teachers? About librarians? About diplomats?

But if you try to calculate the percentage of people in different areas who are attentive to the Russian language, it turns out that among the technical intelligentsia they are almost the largest number. I know a lot of so-called techies who speak excellent Russian, are not too lazy to look into the dictionary, double-check themselves once again before using a word. All these people are the keepers of the traditions of the Russian language.

And I would also recommend reading fiction, namely the classics, and reading slowly and thoughtfully, for two reasons. Firstly, because it is a very lively spoken language, which is almost two centuries old and has not become outdated. Reading it, you understand that there are trends that will never die in colloquial speech. And secondly, it is a beautiful spoken language, the possibilities of which are truly endless. A language that can express a lot of feelings in two words.

Each nation is a unique culture, history, traditions, way of life. And, of course, the language. Preserve the language base and big people, and the smallest nationality - very important task.
February 21 is celebrated as the International Day mother tongue.
In revolutionary Russia in 1917, there were 193 languages, and at the time of signingagreements on the collapse of the USSRin December 1991, only 40. An average of two languages ​​disappeared each year.
Experts believe that for the survival of the language it is necessary,
to be spoken by at least 100,000 people.At all times, languages ​​were born, existed, then died out, sometimes without even leaving a trace. But never before have they disappeared as quickly as they did in the 20th century.
On International Mother Language Day, all languages ​​are recognized as equal because each of them in a unique way corresponds to the destiny of man and each represents a living heritage that we must take seriously and protect.

4. Conclusion.

As a result of the study, it was found the following :

1. The satirical writers of the early 20th century I.A. Ilf and E.P. Petrov expediently and successfully used such artistic medium creating an image of a character as a speech portrait.

2. With the help of a single chapter, the authors managed to create a brilliant portrait of modernity with all the advantages and disadvantages certain type young people.

3. The writers were able to focus on one of the main problems of mankind - lack of spirituality and internal imperfection.

4. A deep analysis of the work made it possible to take a fresh look at the portrait of a modern young man and identify the main stylistic and lexical features of his speech portrait.

5. The practical part of the study helped to see main reason such a disease of time as a loss of taste for reading and words, and to find an antidote, so necessary for a modern young person.

Thus, the work carried out made it possible to demonstrate one of the aspects of the influence fiction on the development of a full-fledged, thoughtful and invulnerable human personality.

5. Literature.

Bakhtin M.M. Aesthetics of verbal creativity. Moscow: Art, 1979. 424 p.

Dementiev V.V. Theory of speech genres. M.: Sign, 2010. 600 p.

Dubin B.V. Word - Letter - Literature: Essays in Sociology modern culture. M.: New Literary Review, 2001. 412 p.

Karasik V.I. Linguistic crystallization of meaning. Volgograd: Paradigma, 2010. 422 p.

Kostomarov V.G. Language taste of the era. From observations on the speech practice of the mass media. M.: Pedagogy-Press, 1994. 248 p.

Sirotinina O.B. Positive and negative consequences of twenty years of “freedom” of Russian speech // Problems of speech communication: Interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr. / ed. M.A. Kormilitsyna, O.B. Sirotinina. Saratov: Sarat Publishing House. un-ta, 2008. Issue 8. pp.5-13.

Yakimovich E.V. Banter in Modern Russian Linguistic Culture: Word, Concept, Genre // Axiological Linguistics: Problems of Linguistic Conceptology and communication activities: Sat. scientific tr. / Ed. ON THE. Krasavsky. Volgograd: College, 2009. S.29-40.

Annex 1.

Appendix 2

For a diamond to become a diamond, it must be cut. In order for speech to be as magical as appearance, the ability to communicate also needs to be constantly improved. have already been the object of our attention. Today we suggest thinking, if not about expanding your vocabulary, then at least about expelling words and phrases from it that create the image of a “typical princess” for you - a narrow-minded, soulless, selfish young lady, obsessed with things and outfits. Let's compare the dictionary of the heroine of the novel by Ilf and Petrov "The Twelve Chairs" (1927) Ellochka-cannibals, whose meager language has become a household name, and her modern followers. A great example of how not to talk!

Reading in original

The authors of the satirical novel "The Twelve Chairs" cite the vocabulary of the engineer's wife Elena Shchukina (aka Elena and Ellochka with the nickname Cannibal) in full to emphasize his "wealth". We quote this description in full:

“The dictionary of William Shakespeare, according to researchers, is 12,000 words. The vocabulary of a negro from the cannibalistic tribe of Mumbo-Jumbo is 300 words. Ellochka Shchukina easily and freely managed thirty. Here are the words, phrases and interjections, meticulously chosen by her from all the great, verbose and powerful Russian language:

Be rude.

Ho-ho!(expresses, depending on the circumstances, irony, surprise, delight, hatred, joy, contempt and satisfaction.)


Gloomy(in relation to everything. For example: “gloomy Petya has come”, “gloomy weather”, “gloomy event”, “gloomy cat”, etc.)


horror(creepy. For example, when meeting with a good friend: “creepy meeting”).

boy(in relation to all familiar men, regardless of age and social status.)

Don't teach me how to live.

like a child(“I hit him like a child” - when playing cards. “I cut him off like a child” - apparently in a conversation with a responsible tenant).


fat and handsome(used as a characteristic of inanimate and animate objects.)

Let's take a cab(said to her husband.)

Let's take a taxi(male acquaintances)

Your whole back is white(joke)


Ulya(affectionate ending of names. For example: Mishulya, Zinulya.)

Wow!(irony, surprise, delight, hatred, joy, contempt and satisfaction.)

The words remaining in an extremely small amount served as a transmission link between Ellochka and the clerks of department stores.

funny? And how! And now it's time to pay attention to the clichés of the speech of the beauties of our days.

Glamor and other words that it's time to get rid of

In 2007, researchers from the Center for the Development of the Russian Language at the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (MAPRYAL) for the first time chose, by conducting a survey and online voting, the word and anti-word of the year. On the podium were “glamor”, as well as the adjective “glamorous” associated with it, “creativity” received anti-word laurels. All the winning words, scientists note with sadness, testify to a dangerous tilt in favor of base mass culture and the standards of the consumer society. And both are favorites in the vocabulary of girls attacking social networks with their selfies, flooding the streets with fake Louboutins and proudly calling a fake Chanel quilted handbag on a chain a replica. Are you not one of them? Then drive away from your speech glamor and other “beacon” words that can spoil the impression of you

Ahahah! Very funny!

Ahtung! Horror, danger, anxiety.

Accordion. Banality, hackneyed joke.

Wow! Beauty! Marvelous!

To Bobruisk, animal! Accusing the interlocutor of intellectual and other insolvency.

To the point. To the point, to the point.

Into the firebox. Away as unnecessary; something that doesn't deserve attention.

I'm shocked! Unpleasantly surprised.

Drink poison! Relax, nothing will happen to you.

Glamor (glamorous, glamorous, glamorous). Beautiful, like in a glossy magazine; emphasizing the external charm and gloss associated with gossip columns.

Gothic. Grotesque, unusually beautiful.

Tin! Wow!

You are burning! Surprise!

Offset. Okay, right, right.

IMHO. In my humble opinion (literal abbreviated translation of the English expression in my humble opinion).

As if. It seems like it's possible.

Cake(aka pretzel). Boy.

Class! Amazing!

Briefly speaking! In a word, in general.

Cool. Original, excellent, excellent.

Lapul. Reaching out to friends and strangers, an analogue of the etiquette words "sir", "madame".

lol. Funny, funny (abbreviation of the English expression laughing out loud - loudly, laughing out loud).

Loser. Jonah.

Mimimi (cute). Sweet, charming, touching, romantic.

Failed. The opposite meaning to the word "offset" (see above).

Wow! Wow, well, well, what a surprise!

Kick-Ass. Failure, complete collapse.

Estimate. Imagine this.

funny. Joke, curiosity, absurdity, zest.

Rules! Dictates rules to others.

Super! Amazing, incredible!

Type. Like a model.

Kill yourself against the wall! Disappear!

Oops! Oh!

Fake. Fiction, lies, rumors.

Violet. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

And what words and expressions of modern Ellochka really annoy you? Share your opinion in the comments, replenish our selection!

Original: Ogre Ellochka. From the novel "The Twelve Chairs" (1928) by Ilya Ilf (1897 1937) and Evgeny Petrov (1903 1942). The 22nd chapter of the novel, entitled "The Ogre Ellochka", begins as follows: "William Shakespeare's Dictionary according to the calculation of researchers ... ...

Ellochka-cannibal- elochka people eater, ellochka people eater ... Russian spelling dictionary

See Ellochka the cannibal Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. Moscow: Locky Press. Vadim Serov. 2003 ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

Bronze sculpture of Ellochka the cannibal, Kharkiv. Sculptor: Katib Mammadov Cannibal Ellochka (Ellochka Schukina, Elena Schukina, Elena Schukina) is a character in the humorous novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov "The Twelve Chairs". Ellochka Cannibal Dictionary ... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Twelve chairs (meanings). The Twelve Chairs Zwölf Stühle Genre Comedy Director Ulrike Oettinger ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Twelve chairs (meanings). 12 chairs ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Twelve chairs (meanings). Twelve chairs ... Wikipedia

Genre animated comedy Director Georgy Gitis Producer Gevorg Nersisyan Armen Manasaryan Armen Adilkhanyan ... Wikipedia

Other films with the same or similar title: see Twelve Chairs (film). 12 chairs 12 chairs ... Wikipedia


  • Twelve chairs, Ilf Ilya Arnoldovich. This novel by Ilf and Petrov is still a huge success, although it was first published in 1927. "Great strategist", "ideological fighter for banknotes", damn ...
  • Twelve chairs, Ilf I., Petrov E .. This novel by Ilf and Petrov is still a huge success, although it was first published in 1927. "Great strategist", "ideological fighter for banknotes", damn ...