Congratulations to museum workers in prose. Cool congratulations on Museum Day

It is impossible to compare your work with others,
After all, working in a museum is full of flavor.
A generation with an open mind listens to you,
No one can compare with such an erudite.
You have connected your life with this work for a long time,
And you won’t allow yourself to get bored here,
Today we wish you lots of love,
So that all your dreams can come true.

You preserve a sensitive museum atmosphere,
For us – connoisseurs of the history of gifts.
You open the door for us, for example,
To a world where the art of great masters blooms.
And about strange and unusual objects,
You can tell us similarly and in full,
Endless gratitude and bow for this,
A big country sends you this holiday.

Who in the world knows more and better than you,
Who is able to capture our attention,
To bring pictures from the past to life for us,
To give us great inspiration.
We would like to wish on the holiday of museums,
Great happiness, kindness and, of course, love,
So that you can make all your dreams come true,
And they preserved their love for their work for a long time.

You are like gods in this museum,
You are always happy to see us, but at the same time you are strict,
You are always friendly, well-read, smart,
Every day you reveal to people the secrets of antiquity.
And to you, the guardians of all this antiquity,
An admirer of the museum spirit and complete silence,
Today we want to say a big hello,
And express how your country needs your work.

You are the keeper of the people's memory,
You are a storehouse of patience and wisdom. Let's hurry
Today we honor you publicly,
And congratulations on Museum Day from the bottom of my heart.
Communication with you is a living source,
A visit to your museum is like a pure spring,
May you, tireless museum worker,
The Guardian Angel protects from harm and protects.

Time froze in these halls, there was silence,
And only the museum worker knows everything,
The exhibits hang covered in gray dust,
And when they lived and were real reality.
Today we congratulate the museum workers,
We always learn a lot of interesting things from you,
Thank you for preserving the memories of past years,
Collected over the centuries, like the traces of our ancestors.

May time be favorable
Stopping your run for the day,
Will make us look those people in the eyes
Days, years and centuries keeping his shadow.
Excavations of amazing discoveries,
Or maybe a king's pin,
Centuries of other paintings and events
They keep them for me to see.
Treasures of valuable and large!
Various exhibits and awards!
May your days fly by!

Museums – Mecca of history,
Museums keep secrets.
Museum workers
Their secrets are not told.
They just give tours
Showing rarity.
Museum workers are aware
What is the secret of the exhibit?
Work and enjoy
Great and undiscovered.
We congratulate you on the holiday
Big and unforgettable for you!

Museums store material memory,
Which you can gently touch,
Lightly touch the bygone eras,
Former greatness to tiny crumbs.
At night excursions lead time here,
Knocking very quietly, timid in the face of the past.
Keeping silence and its exhibits,
The ghosts are silent, curling up angrily.
And let the years pass by after the years,
Pipes, rulers, fashions change,
Let museum everyday life be easy,
And the ceilings never leak!

Secrets and mysteries are kept in museums,
Discoveries, hundreds of random finds,
Pieces of manuscripts, ancient armor,
Ceramics, once advanced,
Canvases and books, skeletons and maps
And even imagine, prescriptions for medicines,
Bracelets and earrings, swords and crowns,
Beetles, sarcophagi, costumes, columns...
Today is a special day - Museum Day,
Let's all congratulate them soon!

Beautiful and official congratulations Happy Museum Day to employees, colleagues in prose, happy holiday, original wishes to the director, a text from the administration, from employees, gratitude in your own words.

Congratulations on Museum Day to workers in prose

Dear museum workers! We congratulate you on Museum Day and want to wish you successful work in the cultural field of our society. A museum worker is the title of a bearer of spirituality who tries to support as much as possible national culture and instill it in future generations.

Thank you for your invaluable work in the field of cultural enlightenment and a huge amount educational work. On this important day, we wish you great personal happiness and success in your future endeavors!

Dear employees! On International Museum Day, please accept our congratulations on the universal professional holiday. The museum is a valuable repository of historical monuments, as well as a place of spiritual treasure, the custodians of which are you, Dear Colleagues.

We wish you boundless joy and inspiration in your professional field. Indeed, thanks to your painstaking work, we have the opportunity to constantly learn about the limitless power of the country’s culture. Happy holiday!

Happy holiday wishes in your own words to colleagues

Dear Colleagues! On the eve of something significant for our profession - International Day museums, we would like to congratulate you and wish you peace of mind, happy days. The work you have done over the years is proof sincere love and respect for your business.

A museum is a separate world, filled with the mystery of history, and you know how to share these secrets with culture lovers. We wish that the new day brings a smile and makes you happier.

Dear colleagues! A museum worker is a profession that requires attention and responsibility. Every day, employees take care of exhibits that are important to the people and present them for viewing to the younger and mature generation. You, dear colleagues, are doing enormous educational and educational work.

IN professional holiday, I would like to wish you unlimited happiness in every home. Let the new day be filled exclusively positive impressions and vivid memories. Happy Museum Day!

Congratulations on Museum Day to the director, leader in prose

Dear (name, patronymic)! From the team we give you congratulations on upcoming holiday- Happy Museum Day! It is known that the successful functioning of not only museums, but also other institutions depends on a tactful leader, as well as a properly structured form of work. Our employees highly value cultural and kind understanding.

You are responsible for preserving spiritual values ​​and making the work environment better every day. We wish you daily warmth from loved ones, spiritual harmony, joyful life events, as well as inexhaustible positive energy that you convey to your employees!

Every year museum workers celebrate their professional holiday on May 18th. This date is an excellent reason to visit a museum of interest and congratulate its workers on their professional day. Also, all specialists in the field of history, archeology and simply lovers of going to museums are involved in this holiday. People who keep great historical relics deserve respect and their own holiday. This holiday has been celebrated since 1977; an interesting fact is that at the next meeting of the International Council of Museums, it was Russia that initiated its establishment. Museums play a significant role in cultural and educational work, as well as in the preservation of cultural heritage. The date we celebrate International Museum Day is May 18.

Without the past, the future cannot be created,
Every citizen should know this
History always attracts us,
We come to museums as in previous centuries.
Congratulations to all museum workers today,
We wish you happiness, joy, goodness,
May luck open doors for you,
Let him be lucky in everything, always.

You diligently protect the heritage of our ancestors,
You know the history of the country very well,
Each exhibit of the past is a particle,
For a long time days gone by yellowed page.
Congratulations to the museum workers on the holidays,
We wish you a long and happy life,
May life give you bright moments,
May you always be in a great mood.

History, with your help, comes to life every day,
Tell the same thing a hundred times, and you’re also not too lazy,
Visitors always listen to you attentively,
We receive complete information about the past.
Happy holiday to the museum workers,
We sincerely wish you a long and happy life,
All the best to you, joy, happiness and goodness,
Let life flow like a full river.

To things that contain history within themselves,
You are responsible, attentive,
About each exhibit, about its fate,
You tell it in an accessible way, it’s wonderful.
Museum workers, please accept our congratulations,
Let your work bring you inspiration,
Let the past remain where yesterday is,
And you always think optimistically about tomorrow.

You are wise keepers of antiquity,
We want to know a lot about the past,
With your help, history always comes to life,
Museum workers - honor and praise to you.
Today is your holiday, congratulations,
We wish you all the best in life,
May every day pleasantly surprise you,
May the Lord protect you from troubles.

You protect the exhibits from destruction and time,
You are the keepers of history's bygone days,
Frozen moments always come to life,
We learn from you everything that has been preserved for centuries.
We wish happiness to all museum employees,
Let failures and bad weather pass you by,
Let your every day turn into a holiday,
Let the bird of happiness fly into your home.

Thanks to you, it’s easy to touch history,
You, like a guide, lead us through the centuries,
Every day guests come to the halls,
After all, the past always worries everyone.
We are happy to congratulate you on Museum Workers' Day,
Let work be a joy for you,
May you always be lucky in everything,
May the family weather always be warm.

In the museum you are servants and gods:
In laboratories and archives they are very strict,
And in the halls with the public they are friendly, smart,
Revealing to us the secrets of antiquity.
The years fly by, century after century passes,
Everything created in the world by man
Keep, loving humanity, -
Much is alive, thanks to you.
Guardians of ancient antiquity,
Connoisseurs of museum silence
We would like to congratulate you on Museum Day:
There is no doubt that everyone needs a museum.

Your profession cannot be compared with another,
A museum employee has a different flavor.
For hours I listen to you with an open heart,
I wish I could remember more to become an erudite.
You have inextricably linked your life with work,
You can't let people get bored even once.
I wish you happiness, health, love,
So that all wishes can come true.

Thank you for keeping the memory alive
About what happened in ancient years,
And that we are always ready to answer
To the stupidest questions.
Anyone who has not served in a museum does not know
What painstaking work
Every day you come there, you should
Taking time for disheveled braids -
And return them shine and beauty,
And listen to the voices of things and letters,
And to see in the halls... no, not emptiness,
And eternity, its light and wisdom of thoughts.

  1. Vladimir Gusev, director of the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
  2. Irina Lebedeva, director of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
  3. Vladimir Tolstoy, director of the Yasnaya Polyana museum-estate
  4. Mikhail Piotrovsky, Director of the State Hermitage, St. Petersburg
  5. Nicholas Serota, Director, Tate Gallery, London:
    “Together with the Pushkin Museum we organized many projects: wonderful exhibitions of Turner, Blake, and next year we will work together on a stunning exhibition of the Pre-Raphaelites - a movement that, in a sense, was the forerunner contemporary art Great Britain. It seems to me that Moscow has long wanted to see the works of the Pre-Raphaelites, and we are very happy new opportunity collaboration with Ms. Antonova and her colleagues and the opportunity to bring this exhibition to the Pushkin Museum.”
  6. Neil McGregor, Director of the British Museum, London:
    “The museum world is one big family, and every family has its own legends. Without a doubt, the great legend of the modern museum community is Irina Antonova. I congratulate the Pushkin Museum on its 100th anniversary - it is a wonderful museum headed by a legendary director.”
  7. Michael Isenhower, Director of the State Museums of Berlin:
    “I congratulate the Pushkin Museum on its holiday and anniversary.”
  8. Henri Loyrette, Director of the Louvre, Paris:
    “Dear Irina, a hundred years for a museum is a lot and at the same time nothing. I want to say what is opening before you long life: for the Pushkin Museum, for everything you do, for all your projects. You are etched in our hearts, we love this museum, we love you, Dear Irina, and we congratulate you both on this wonderful anniversary.”
  9. Alfred Pacman, director of the Pompidou Center, Paris:
    “100 years is both a little and a lot for a museum. It is necessary for this museum to live and develop; it has big plans for expansion. I hope that in the future I will often return to the Pushkin Museum to once again see works of art and meet with the museum team and its wonderful director Irina Antonova. Happy anniversary!"
  10. Thomas Campbell, director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York:
    “We have worked closely with the Pushkin Museum since the mid-1970s, exchanging works of art, exchanging exhibitions and collaborating on personnel exchanges, and I very much look forward to continuing this important relationship.”
  11. Glenn Lowry, director of the Museum of Modern Art MOMA, New York:
    “On behalf of all MOMA employees, I would like to congratulate the Pushkin Museum on its 100th anniversary. What wonderful achievements you have achieved in just one century! You created one of best museums in the world".
  12. Fumiko Hayashi, Mayor of Yokohama

There are interesting things in the museum,
The antiques on the shelves are smoldering again,
And the worker cherishes him again,
And he gravitates modestly towards work.
You can find antiques here,
For myself, maybe I’ll find something,
And I can admire the find,
And finally understand art.
I wish all museums to develop,
And on new level rise.

I feel good in the museum - quiet and calm,
It smells of antiquity from all sides - it’s cool,
I love to hang out here, relax culturally,
Protect the exhibits, they’re not that bad!
The mummies are standing around, don’t they want to go to the toilet?
Harnesses, chains and shackles are not suitable for the army?
You can joke on a holiday, I dare to admit,
That I began to admire museums a long time ago.

I'll touch art and go to the museum,
I feel at home, my soul is dearer here,
Nice and cultured - it’s the way it is here,
True, touching something is again prohibited.
I felt ashamed and insulted for the people,
They are no longer attracted to the museum,
But I wish to change this soon,
So that people start going to the museum.

Go to the museum and let go of your thoughts,
And get something new for your brain,
You can play on the computer for days,
But sometimes you need to enlighten yourself.
Once museum day, hovered on the nose,
I will modestly drag you to the museum,
And it will be cool to study eras,
And you will want to visit museums.

Within the walls of the museum, like at home,
Complete silence and grace,
Here the statues look stern,
And you can sleep at night.
Someone is sad, he yawns,
Have you found meaning in your work?
Let the visitor remember
That you brought him to the light.
He opened his eyes and with admiration,
Saliva suddenly flowed onto the floor,
Everything around you is with tenderness,
Eating food for the mind
And I'm proud of our acquaintance,
And I will visit again
There's no place better than museums
I'm ready to hang out here more often.

History doesn't like change!
She will just smile from above,
When on yellowed pages,
Let's see through long years and centuries.
Talk leisurely with her,
And don’t change your opinion all the time,
Only museum workers can do this.
We are happy to congratulate you today!

Intellectuals run in with a sour face,
It's as if they know everything in the world
Let them visit your museum more often,
Only those who really have more fun here.
Love and pain are shown in the paintings,
Skeletons and remains of giants,
Here the statues will keep secrets,
I envy you because you are rich.
After all, immerse yourself every day in the path of art,
Perhaps this is a good feeling.

As museums close, exhibits come to life,
And the museum worker is congratulated on his holiday,
Genghis Khan and Napoleon are having fun playing hide and seek,
Stalin, persecuting the Germans again, shot people for bribes.
You sit and watch the history of Russia,
And thanks to your work, people fell in love with us,
You are a talented worker, you know the dates of gray days,
I only wish for you that life would be clearer.