Aphorisms and quotes about gratitude. Sayings of great and successful people about gratitude Gratitude quotes

How many do not measure, and the size of your gratitude is always less!))

Gratitude is a disease of dogs that is not transmitted to humans ...

Sometimes I am so grateful to fate for a child, because if not for this little bunny, life would be unbearable and meaningless.

Trust is the highest degree of gratitude.

I am grateful to those people who, in a strange way, are always there and help me!!! THANK YOU!!!

If throughout your life you have only one prayer - "thank you", that is enough.

The ability to be sincerely grateful is a talent, and it is not given to everyone.

Don't forget to thank God for every new day! He doesn't forget to wake you up every morning!

You are my meaning, and even if you are not with me, I am grateful that you taught me to love ... I learned to live!

One fine day, he will fix my veil and thank you mentally for letting me go then.

The word "thank you" appeared by shortening the phrase "God save", which in Rus' expressed gratitude. Every day we say “thank you” to each other, so it is very important to remember that true gratitude is only that which comes only from a pure heart!

You should not give your love to that man who will not be grateful to you for it.

My little, good, beloved! Thank you for your love beyond words.

It is not worth joining the ranks of those who had to endure a loss (loss of health, divorce, death of loved ones, etc.) in order to finally wake up and realize how blessed is what we have.

Gratitude is the most forgetful of all.

Thank you ... You were my rear and support. I thought that I achieved everything myself, but it was you who gave me strength ...

If your wallet was stolen - thank God that he took the money!

If I could meet God, I would thank him for giving me such a mother!!!

Not being able to appreciate what is and thank God for it, this is the great misfortune of a person ...

If you've done good, move to a safe distance. So that the shock wave of gratitude does not catch on.)))

Thank you, dear, that you were, and just a huge thank you that you are not.

A noble person knows only duty, a low person knows only profit.

Love life! She is one! She is so short! Appreciate every minute and thank Heaven for every breath!

In my ex, I will remember only the best. After all, it is thanks to him that I can avoid those ridiculous mistakes with my new happiness!

It is necessary to thank as selflessly as to ask ...

For every moment, for every breath, for the fact that God gave me DAUGHTERS, for pain, for happiness, for good luck, for the fact that I laugh and cry. For what I still love. For all my life I THANK YOU!!!

Thank women for being men.

Today I saw my first love in the photo ... God, thank you very much for not connecting my life with this person. It is indeed true that God knows what and when to give us, we just need to know how to wait...

Flowers of reciprocity adorn the words of gratitude...

The person to whom I owe everything in this life so sincerely thanks me for some little thing ... I'm in shock ... I love you Mom !!!

When you do good, be thankful for it.

After getting drunk, the person who dug the well is easily forgotten.

No need to shout about happiness. It is enough to quietly thank the one who gives you this happiness.

Gratitude is a powerful method for increasing your energy and bringing what you want into your life. Be grateful for what you already have, and you will attract even more good things.

Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he will not be disappointed.

Thank the person who lifts you into the sky and then drops you to the ground - he teaches you to fly. And if you crash, then you yourself did not spread your wings in time.

Thank you, Lord, that YOU allowed me to open my soul, and now you save it by opening my eyes ...

Thank you very much to those who betrayed me, hurt me, left ... If you had not done this then, I would not be SO happy now!!!

Statuses, sayings about gratitude

« All our complaints about life is difficult and unbearable our lamentations about what we lack stems from a lack of gratitude for what we have." Defoe D.

« - a debt that must be paid, but which no one has the right to expect." Russo J.

"The best filling for all the pleasures on earth is the gratitude of those we love." Bragg P.

« The law of tithes. The universe will always take its tithe. It's just the law of gratitude for the source of support - 10% of everything you have. You never know how your tithing will come back to you. Money is commonplace. But it can also come in the form of reconciliation with someone, with new friendships, in the form of recovery, etc.." Gage R.

« If you want to become happier stop thinking about gratitude and ingratitude and indulge in the inner joy that self-giving itself brings." Dale Carnegie

« Gratitude is a sign of nobility of the soul." Aesop

« I think the most important lessons can be learned from American Indian philosophy. Indians feel that life is driven by a sense of gratitude and that life is bestowed on you because you are grateful for this gift.." Schulten L.

« Maybe love is nothing but a feeling of gratitude for enjoyment." Balzac O.

« People's mistakes in their calculations of gratitude for the services rendered by them come from the fact that the pride of the giver and the pride of the recipient cannot agree on the price of the good deed.

« The gratitude of most people is nothing more than a hidden expectation of even greater blessings.." La Rochefoucauld F.

« Let the one who gave be silent; let him who has received speak.» Cervantes M.

« If a tree offers you its shadow, its fruits and flowers, do you really want to tear it out of the ground in gratitude and take it with you?? Vasistha

« Gratitude is one of the greatest virtues. But an even greater virtue is a sense of proportion in the claim to gratitude.." Goebel K.

« We get used to the fact that someone lives nearby, it becomes the norm for us to be loved by someone, that someone takes care of us all the time and all routine household chores can be blamed on him! And it seems that it will always be so, but the fact of the matter is that it always does not happen in our final world. You may not have time to learn to be grateful, and then hate yourself for not kissing those hands and eyes.» Dyachenko A.

« The first step of gratitude is a duty." Karpov I.

« There is no quality I would like to possess to such an extent as the ability to be grateful. For gratitude is not only the greatest virtue, but also the mother of all other virtues." Cicero

« To demand gratitude for each of the benefits is only to trade them." Decursel P.

« If someone offended you, be grateful to him for giving you the opportunity to feel a deep wound.." Osho

“Expecting gratitude is stupid, and being ungrateful is vile.” Guzeeva L.

« Gratitude is a sure way to bring more into your life. You breathe - be grateful for it, you have eyes, arms, legs, you can see this light, you can hear the sounds of nature, human voices, feel the breath of the wind. Give thanks for everything around you. Don't focus on what you lack. Give thanks for what you already have!" Gibert W.

« To learn to pray, you must first learn to give thanks.." Schweitzer A.

« Eat with gratitude. Now, when many are deprived of a piece of bread, you should be grateful that they give you something to eat.." Noro K.

« The feeling of gratitude is a reliable test of a person's moral qualities.." Shevelev I.


« And masochists confess everything under torture. Out of gratitude." Jerzy Lec S.

« Not a single pig has ever said thank you to anyone.." Karpov I.

« A Russian person should be thanked at least for his intentions." Gogol N.

« When a good person shares goodness with an evil one, the evil one gives off even more evil in return. Gratitude, apparently, he has such.» Ermolova E.

« Compared to thank you, thank you so much for half a liter more

« Did you feed the animal? Wait for it to spoil!" Balakin S.

« Good deeds come from the heart until they come out sideways.» Mamchich M.

« The extent of my gratitude will be limitless within reason.." Altov S.

« Often, statements of immeasurable and endless gratitude mean at best gratitude for the rest of the day.." Shoshanny N.

« Lock in your luck with gratitude." Marko A.

« Gratitude and betrayal are, in fact, the beginning and end of one procession." Twain M.

« It seems like “thank you” and “sorry” don’t pull out of your pocket, but you still won’t wait.» Wulf L.

«- How can I thank you?

- Oh, a bag of money will suffice

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Sayings and aphorisms about gratitude

Gratitude is a sign of nobility of the soul.(Aesop)

Gratitude is the most beautiful flower of the soul.(Biger G.)

Gratitude is nice at the right time.(Menander)

The child shows gratitude to parents with humility and respect.(Catherine the Great)

Those who are grateful do not count insults.(Publius)

We should thank those who show us our shortcomings.(Pascal Blaise)

All our lamentations about what we are deprived of stem from a lack of gratitude for what we have.(Defoe D.)

Whoever has a good heart, gratitude does not weigh him down.(Beaumarchais P.)

There is no quality I would like to possess to such an extent as the ability to be grateful. For it is not only the greatest virtue, but also the mother of all other virtues.(Cicero Mark Tullius)

Write grievances on the sand, carve gratitude on marble.(Pierre Buast)

Gratitude is the least of the virtues, while ingratitude is the worst of the vices. Thomas Fuller

If a tree offers you its shadow, its fruits and flowers, do you really want to tear it out of the ground in gratitude and take it with you?(Vasistha)

Gratitude is the road to the Divine. A grateful heart is an open heart, and it constantly lifts us higher until we come into contact with the Divine.

We always choose how we want to live our lives. Choosing gratitude as a life postulate, we will definitely live a happy, healthy, successful life.(Sh. Haffman)

January 11 is World Thank You Day! We learn from the article: about the word Thank you, sayings and proverbs with the word thank you quotes and aphorisms with the word thank you word, what to say thank you on International Thank You Day.

The word Thank you in Russian

In Russian, the word Thank you took root in the 16th century. First " Thank you” is officially mentioned in a colloquial dictionary published in Paris in 1586.

There are two known options origin of the Russian word THANK YOU :

  1. Derived from the combination " Save Bai! Bai is a pagan god.
  2. After the adoption of Christianity in Rus' Thank you"Became understood as the expression" Save, God! " Thank you”- they understood not only gratitude to God, man, but this word was endowed with power, became a “magic word”, was pronounced with good feelings.

Subsequently, this reinforced word in speech suffered various interpretations.

What meaning was put into the word, as it was used in Rus' "Thank you", can be traced by proverbs and sayings. The Russian people, with their characteristic trickiness, use words with fiction, which is not always clear to foreigners. But so capaciously and figuratively say the word "Thank you!" how to learn with the help of a wise folk saying! Take note proverbs and sayings with the word "Thank you!"

Proverbs and sayings with the word Thank you:

Previously, a man worked for seven years for thanks.

You won't put thanks in your pocket.

Do not regret your own thanks, but do not wait for someone else's.

You can’t sew a fur coat out of thanks.

You can’t sew hats out of thank you.

Thank you does not feed, does not warm.

You won't put a thank you on the tooth.

Thanks for the bread you will not spread.

Don't bring home thanks.

They don't give money for thank you.

No one will say thank you for hard work.

Thank you, godfather, on a piglet, we haven’t eaten yet, - and you already screamed.

Thank you not arrogantly: where and to whom you want to run.

Thanks to the one who waters and feeds, and twice to the one who remembers the bread and salt.

Thanks, you won't be full.

The ant is not comfortable carrying the burden. No one will thank him.

Thanks to this house, I will go to another.

What's in your mouth, then thank you.

Instead of thanks, they hit me in the neck.

The girl is arrogant, she will not say thank you.

Thanks to the godfather, she walked to Moscow on foot.

Health is in order - thanks to the mulatto.

And ugly, but after you say thank you.

Thanks to the gossip at the brew, and my head hurts from a hangover.

Thanks to the godfather, that godfather is good.

At a messy job and no thanks.

Thank you for the good, but pay for the sin (mistake).

On a kind word, thank you to anyone.

Soon, so thanks, I argue, so two.

Thanks is a great word.

Thanks to Ilyich - a candle with electricity!

Thanks to the jug that opened the twist.

And how brightly and ornately you can express yourself, pronouncing Thank you with quotes and aphorisms with the word Thank you ! This is Thank you more than coins, it will be remembered and make the desired impression.

Quotes and aphorisms with the word Thank you:

We are speaking: " Thank you for being you when we can't say, "I love you."

Vitaly Gusakovsky

Better a small ruble than a big thank you!

The blind won't tell you thanks for the mirror.

Thomas Fuller

You work, you work... And you instead of "thank you"“When will it be ready?”

Roman Voronezh

I I want to say THANK YOU every object that surrounds me. Otherwise, I wouldn't be who I am.

Georgy Slanov

Thanks everyone who didn't love me. They gave me optimism.

Leonid Krainev-Rytov

If a thought of a negative nature comes to your mind, then just say to it “ Thank you for participating”.

Louise Hay

The word "thank you" gentlemen came up with, and " Thanks a lot“poor gentlemen.

Konstantin Melikhan

Thank you fools: in comparison with them, many consider themselves smart.

Mikhail Mamich

Thanks for pointing on my pluses and Thanks a lot, for pointing out my cons.

Harun of Agatsar

Thank you spring for beautiful legs!

A.V. Ivanov

Let's say thank you for this what it was, and say thank you for the fact that this will no longer be.

Denis Kaplunov

Remember in Soviet art movie 1985" most charming and attractive» the hero of Alexander Abdulov pronounced the word "thank you" in different languages ? This made a favorable impression on women.

The word Thank you in different languages:

Thank you, dziakuju, dziekuje, thank you, danke, merci, toda, dank, grazie, arigato, xie xie, obrigado (a), gracias, tack, tesekkür ederim…

  1. Arabic: Shoukran (shukran)2. Armenian: Shnorhakalutjun (shnorakalutsyun)3. Hawaiian: Mahalo (mahalo)4. Greek: Evkaristo (efcharisto)

    5. Georgian: Mahd-lobt (madlobt)

    6. Danish: Tak (tsak)

    7. Irish: Go raibh maith agat

    8. Icelandic: Takk (taak)

    9. Italian: Grazie (grace)

    10.Spanish: Gracias (gracias)

    11 Cambodian: Orkun

    12. Chinese: Xie-xie (Sie-sie)

    13. Korean: Kamsu hamnida

    14. Latvian: Paldies (paldis)

    15. Lithuanian: Kob chie (kob chi)

    16. Malaysian: Terima kasih (kashi termi)

    17. Mongolian: Vayarla (vayala)

    18. German: Danke schon (danke schon)

    19. Norwegian: Tak (taak)

    20. Polish: Dziekuje bardzo

    21. Portuguese: Obrigado (obrigado)

    22. Romanian: Multimesk (Maltimesk)

    23. Somali: Mahadsanid

    24. Swahili: Asante sana

    25. Thai: Kabkoon krup (if you are a man), Kabkoon ka (if you are a woman)

    26. Tatar: Rekhmet (rekhmet)

    27 Turkish: sagol

    28. Fenya (Russian prison): thank you

    29. Filipino: Salamat (Slamat)

    30. Finnish: Kiitos (kiitos)

    31. French: Merci beaucoups

    32. Hindi: Shoukriah (shukran)

    33. Czech Czech: Dekuju

    34. Swedish: Tack (taak)

    35. Japanese Japaneese: Domo arigato (domo arigato)

Who to thank

Need to say thank you parents for the fact that we were born and raised; teachers for teaching us! Thanks to the doctors for treating us, helping to raise our children healthier, giving the advice we need! I wish you only benevolent!

Thanks to loved ones for sharing our sorrows with us and increasing our joys; friends for loyalty and fellowship! Thanks to the service professionals who make our lives more comfortable! Thank God for the lessons and life itself!

People with epilepsy sometimes think that the disease is difficult and there is no one to thank for it. Negative thoughts arise: . But you need to find in your soul bright feelings, hope for the best, strength and patience. There will be people who want to say thank you.

Who would like to say thank you?

Thank everyone who deserves your gratitude. Thank you is the magic word.

  • Excessive haste in paying for a service rendered is a kind of ingratitude.François La Rochefoucauld
  • After ingratitude, the most painful thing is gratitude. Henry Ward Beecher
  • By doing good deeds, we do not always win a friend, but we certainly make a few enemies. Henry Fielding
  • Let the one who gave be silent; let him who has received speak. Cervantes
  • We do not fully forgive the giver. The hand that feeds can also be bitten. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Gratitude is not the right of the one who is thanked, but the duty of the one who thanks; to demand gratitude is stupidity; not to be grateful is meanness. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky
  • Gratitude to those who do us good is a universally recognized virtue, and to show gratitude in one form or another, however imperfectly, is a person's duty both to himself and to those who help him. Frederick Douglas
  • If I manage to do a good deed and it becomes known, I feel not rewarded, but punished. Sebastian Chamfort
  • To demand gratitude for each of your good deeds is only to trade them. It is not a great misfortune to serve the ungrateful, but it is a great misfortune to accept a service from a scoundrel.François La Rochefoucauld
  • Gratitude is the little that cannot be bought... It costs nothing for a scoundrel and a swindler to portray gratitude, but they are born with a true feeling of gratitude. George Savile Halifax
  • Gratitude gets old fast. Aristotle
  • Gratitude is the digestion of beneficence, a process, generally speaking, difficult. Adrian Decourcelle
  • It is painful for a subtle soul to realize that someone is indebted to it for gratitude; a rough soul - to recognize itself as indebted to someone. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Appreciation is a virtue that manifests itself more often before than after.
    Marguerite de Blessington
  • The first step of ingratitude is to examine the benefactor's motives. Pierre Buast
  • It is not important who has rendered you a service, but who is the most profitable to thank. Wiesław Brudzinski
  • The gratitude of most people is generated by a hidden desire to achieve even greater benefits. François La Rochefoucauld
  • It is painful for a subtle soul to realize that someone is indebted to it for gratitude; a rough soul - to recognize itself as indebted to someone. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • People may forgive you for the good you have done for them, but they rarely forget the wrong they have done to you. Somerset Maugham
  • Gratitude is a sure way to bring more into your life. You breathe - be grateful for it, you have eyes, arms, legs, you can see this light, you can hear the sounds of nature, human voices, feel the breath of the wind. Give thanks for everything around you. Don't focus on what you lack. Give thanks for what you already have! Gibert V
  • Whoever is more careful in his promises is more accurate in their fulfillment. Jean Jacques Rousseau
  • Almost everyone tries to get even for petty services; many feel gratitude for the mediocre; but for great services, almost everyone answers with ingratitude.François La Rochefoucauld
  • People's mistakes in their calculations of gratitude for the services rendered by them come from the fact that the pride of the giver and the pride of the receiver cannot agree on the price of the good deed.François La Rochefoucauld
  • We are not so grateful to those who helped us as to those who could harm us, but refrain. Maria Ebner-Eschenbach
  • If you want to be happier, stop thinking about gratitude and ingratitude and indulge in the inner joy that self-giving brings. Dale Carnegie
  • Indeed, each of us has been given a lot, and we have much to be thankful for. A lot, but we don't understand it. Alas! Charles Dickens
  • Gratitude is the memory of the heart. Pierre Buast
  • Is there anything more monstrous than an ungrateful person? William Shakespeare
  • If someone from someone (from a person, institution, government) received a bribe, a cushy place or other gift, then he is grateful to the giver not only by agreement, out of loyalty or courtesy, but even ideologically, out of conviction - for which he no longer paid. Karol Izhikovsky
  • The extent of my gratitude will be boundless within reason. Semyon Altov
  • Relationships have become more complicated: you - to me, I - to him, he - to you. Semyon Pivovarov
  • You are indignant that there are ungrateful people in the world, ask your conscience if everyone who did you favors found you grateful. Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)
  • A good deed never goes to waste. He who sows courtesy reaps friendship; he who plants kindness reaps the harvest of love; grace poured out on a grateful soul has never been fruitless, and gratitude usually brings reward. Basil the Great
  • An ungrateful person is a person without a conscience, one should not believe him. Peter I the Great
  • People not only forget good deeds and insults, but even tend to hate their benefactors and forgive offenders. The need to give thanks for good and to avenge evil seems to them a slavery to which they do not want to submit. François de La Rochefoucauld
  • All our lamentations about what we are deprived of stem from a lack of gratitude for what we have. Daniel Defoe