Hardware pedicure at home. What is also a hardware pedicure. The main advantages of the hardware method of processing legs

What is a hardware pedicure follows from the name of the procedure. It involves the processing of feet using a special apparatus or machine that can be purchased for home use. Similar equipment is also used in the practice of medical pedicure, so technologies are often confused.

The difference between the methods is that the first is a hygienic procedure, the task of which is to keep the feet healthy and attractive, preventing the development of problems. The second includes various medical techniques, which are beyond the power of an ignorant person to implement. The treatment of foot fungus, ingrown nails and hyperkeratosis should be dealt with exclusively by a podologist and only with the use of professional tools.

Features of the procedure

  • Technique is considered the most gentle and very pleasant. In the process of its implementation, there is no damage to the skin and nails, there are no pain sensations.
  • The advantages of hardware pedicure are the complexity of care with a single machine. It is enough just to choose the right cutters for different parts of the foot in order to restore smoothness to the skin and give the nails a perfect shape.
  • The procedure can not be called fast! Despite the fact that you do not spend time steaming your feet, you will spend about the same time with a special remover on your feet, the task of which is to soften rough skin. Its total duration is 50 minutes.
  • Hardware pedicure at home can be performed for people with health problems. So it is indicated for diabetes mellitus, in which there is a high risk of developing foot diseases up to blood poisoning. Due to the lack of steaming, it is indicated for people with hypertension, thrombosis, and other problems of the cardiovascular system. High-quality skin and nail polishing with a pedicure machine at home is also great for older people, especially those for whom it is problematic to visit a beauty parlor.

What is needed for the procedure

You will need:

  • Foot sanitizer. Choose gel-form septic tanks that do not require the use of water. They eliminate the maximum number of bacteria, are active against the fungus.
  • Softening remover. It can be in the form of a gel or cream. Some products also include disinfectant components, so there is no need for a first septic tank.
  • Equipment for hardware pedicure at home or a machine equipped with a set of cutters. By the way, a complete set of cutters for processing legs is never provided in a set of ordinary machines, at most 2-3 nozzles. They must be purchased separately.
  • Moisturizing cream or medicated foot ointment. Depending on the presence of problems - with a deodorizing effect, wound healing or simply normalizing the water-salt balance.

Hardware pedicure technique for beginners with photos and videos

Adhering to the hardware pedicure technique, you can perform it professionally at home. With high-quality performance, the frequency of the procedure can be once every 15-20 days. For men, whose skin of the feet is more elastic and less prone to cracking, it is enough to perform it once a month.

So, let's take a step-by-step look at how to properly do a hardware pedicure with your own hands.

  1. Disinfect and soften the feet. So you exclude the penetration of infection into the tissues and their infection, make the skin more pliable for care.
  2. Use a machine and cutters of the appropriate type. Their detailed description is always presented in the device manual, if the required models are not available, use our recommendations below. Treat the heels first, using the roughest polishing, then the skin of the feet. Pay special attention to the ball of your feet, where corns form from shoes with heels, and the area between the 4th and 5th toes, where corns also appear. Walk on the outside of your thumb. Gently exfoliate the cuticle.
  3. Treat your nails with compact cutters. Give them an even shape, avoiding the rounding of the plate to prevent it from growing into the skin.
  4. Cover your nails with hygienic or colored varnish.
  5. Cover your skin with a moisturizer or treatment.

Choice of cutters

When asked what nozzles are needed for a hardware pedicure, podologists answer: numerous. Indeed, for one procedure they will need several.

  • Diamond. Perfectly remove rough skin, suitable for polishing nails. A small cutter in the form of a ball or a needle is used for cuticles, a large cutter is used to remove small calluses and corns.
  • Ceramic. Suitable for treating the skin of the lateral "rollers" on the outer part of the thumb, cracks on the heels.
  • Silicone . Necessary for polishing the nail plates.
  • Silicon carbide. Used in the presence of very dry, rough skin.
That's all the subtleties of the hardware pedicure technique, which will be extremely useful for every woman to master at home!

Hardware pedicure is a fairly common and popular way to treat the skin of the feet and nails using a special electric tool with various attachments. Since such a device effectively copes with its tasks due to a certain speed of rotation of the nozzles, the risk of injury and minor wounds is minimized. In our article, we will consider the main features of a hardware pedicure, learn how to do it, based on informative videos and photos. For those who have encountered such a processing option for the first time, we suggest studying a detailed master class in which we will tell you which nozzles you need to choose at one stage or another of the complex of procedures. Detailed video tutorials and colorful photos will help you learn all the basics of high-quality foot care and make learning even more accessible and fun.

A few words about the electric pedicure machine

A pedicure machine is a special electric tool that performs a “dry” method of treating feet and toes. Such a pedicure is a kind of European version of foot care. Today on store shelves you can find an electric pedicure kit for every taste. Different models differ in design, number of nozzles, functionality, power and, of course, cost.

Which one to choose for a home pedicure? What attachments are needed for complete care? Let's try to understand this issue. As a rule, a qualified master uses a professional device equipped with a large number of nozzles and having several rotation modes. For home use, a less powerful and more compact pedicure machine is suitable. For example, as in the photo.

Usually in the electric set there are nozzles (special cutters) for both manicure and foot treatment. The more expensive the set, the more functions it performs. Some salons use a pedicure machine with a vacuum cleaner that sucks up the dust generated during nail filing. However, such machines have one drawback: if the vacuum cleaner breaks down, you will have to repair the entire tool.

The main advantages of the hardware method of processing legs

Before telling you how to do a hardware pedicure and revealing the main secrets and subtleties of this process, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main advantages of this processing method. A similar version of the pedicure fell in love with many girls due to the following advantages.

  • The apparatus for manicure and pedicure is used to remove dead tissue, cuticles from the skin of the hands and feet and file the nail plate. At the same time, there is no need to do preliminary baths to soften rough skin, which will significantly save your time.
  • Since this technology involves an unedged processing method, you don’t have to worry about wounds, injuries and infections - their appearance is excluded. The pedicure machine is safe and suitable even for people with diabetes.
  • Due to the fact that the nozzles work at a single rotation speed, fingers and feet are effectively processed.
  • The device for manicure and a pedicure copes with any problem. With it, you can easily get rid of corns, calluses, ingrown nails and so on. Each process has its own milling cutters that best cope with the task.

Step-by-step instructions for hardware pedicure

Every girl can learn how to do a hardware pedicure at home, because this technology is very simple. To do this, you need to know the sequence of procedures and be able to correctly influence various parts of the legs using special cutters. We invite you to learn everything about how to independently perform a hardware version of the treatment of skin and nails. The training will appeal to both beginners and girls more experienced in matters of hardware pedicure, as it will be accompanied by visual material. Interesting video tutorials, colorful photos and useful recommendations from experts will help you master the art of foot care. Next, you will find a step-by-step master class, after studying which you will see that a pedicure performed at home using an electric kit can be a great alternative to a beauty salon.

Properly performed hardware pedicure at home guarantees excellent results for a long time. Want to know more about it? Start learning right now. Our informative video lessons will help you quickly master the simple technique of performing quality foot care. An important condition for a pedicure, which is based on a hardware processing method, is a certain sequence of actions presented below.

  1. Treat the foot and the area between the fingers with an antiseptic.
  2. Then, using an inverted cone-shaped diamond cutter, it is necessary to model the nail. In this case, the pedicure apparatus should operate in the mode of 10-12 thousand revolutions per second. Gently bending the side rollers, correct the shape of the nails.
  3. To process the cuticle, take a ball-shaped bur and start moving from the center of the nail. The nozzle should rotate in the opposite direction relative to the movement of the hand. To avoid a burning sensation on the skin, it is necessary to constantly move the machine. Pedicure, which is based on a hardware processing method, requires strict adherence to this rule.
  4. Using a corundum nozzle, grind the cuticle and periungual space. Some girls prefer a combined pedicure, which is based on both manual and hardware processing methods. The beauty of this option is that each girl can independently choose the procedures performed by conventional tools or an electrical appliance.
  5. After removing the remnants of washed down with a cotton pad, remove dirt from under the free edge and from the cuticle area with a pusher.
  6. Process the side rollers and sinuses of the fingers with a needle cutter. The device must be held like a ballpoint pen.
  7. Nozzles with a rounded end perform the final grinding of the front cushion and side rollers. The rotation speed should be 10-15 thousand revolutions.
  8. To polish the nail plate, use silicone nozzles of different abrasiveness. As a rule, a professional manicure and pedicure apparatus contains more than three cutters, the use of which ensures a perfect polishing of the nail surface. You need to start with a coarser nozzle, gradually moving to soft polishers. The device should operate at a speed of no more than 10-12 thousand revolutions. Do not stop at one site, your hand should be in constant motion. This is the main rule of the hardware method, without which a high-quality pedicure is impossible.

You have learned how to properly treat fingers and toenails with an electric manicure set. Consolidate the acquired knowledge by watching a cool video, which provides an even more detailed step-by-step master class for performing a hardware processing option.

Now let's move on to the processing of the foot. To do this, use carbide tips designed for rough areas of the foot, or special sand caps.

  1. Carefully treat the area of ​​the metatarsus and heel, moving in the opposite direction of the rotation of the cutter. At this stage, the manicure and pedicure apparatus should operate at a speed of 18-20 thousand revolutions. Treat problem areas of the foot with intermittent movements, without stopping for a long time at one point.
  2. Then, with a softer nozzle, sand the sawn areas of the foot.
  3. Use a coarse polisher to polish the heels and then finish with a softer burr.
  4. Cracks in the foot require more careful and delicate treatment. In the area near the crack, work with a carbide cutter, then remove excess skin, sand and polish the problem area of ​​​​the foot.
  5. Finishing the hardware pedicure, apply a moisturizer to the feet, and grease the fingers and nails with nourishing oil.

Pedicure lessons are easier to master if learning is fun. We invite you to watch a video on how a professional salon foot pedicure is performed using an electric set.

Combination foot care

When performing a combined foot pedicure, you can combine hardware processing with manual to achieve the perfect result. The main advantage of this type of processing is that you can choose which areas to process manually, and in which cases to use the machine. For example, the most popular combined pedicure is a hardware version of foot treatment, which includes the removal of calluses and corns, and work with the nail plate, carried out using conventional manicure tools. Some girls are accustomed to wielding a nail file, shaping their nails, while the rest do all the steps of a pedicure using a typewriter. Combined pedicure is the most individual treatment option that allows you to properly work on problem areas of the skin of the legs.

Completing our training, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the excellent video tutorials. You will learn how a combined pedicure is performed in the salon, you will see what main stages it consists of. We hope you enjoy these lessons. Now you know that in skillful hands, a pedicure machine is a great helper in the fight for beautiful legs!

To be beautiful and well-groomed, it is not enough to have beautiful makeup, hair and manicure. Our legs attract attention no less, so you should take care of their aesthetics. Many women have already tried hardware pedicure. Find out what it is in this article. The procedure is also called a "dry" manicure, since it does not require soaking your feet in a bath, which will please people suffering from diabetes and circulatory disorders. Many people liked the professional hardware pedicure, but there are those who did not appreciate the technique. Probably, it all depends on the professionalism of the nail service master, but we'll talk about the comments at the end of the article. First, let's find out what it is - a hardware pedicure.

Originally from Germany

Many will be delighted to learn that for the first time machines for this procedure appeared in Germany. Many people know how scrupulous the Germans are about their appearance and hygiene, and, of course, convenience is important to them.

What is a hardware pedicure? This is a high-tech and relatively new procedure aimed at caring for the skin and nails of the feet. It is based on the use of a cosmetology apparatus with many nozzles. Machine for hardware pedicure more efficiently, easily and safely removes dead skin cells. With it, you can get rid of problems such as ingrown nails, cracked feet and chronic calluses.

Execution technique

Hardware pedicure (what it is, described above), as we already wrote, is done without pre-soaking the feet. But it is still necessary to soften the skin, and for this special solutions are used, which are endowed with keratolytic properties. They affect only dead cells, and healthy ones do not touch, so you should not worry about their safety.

First of all, the client is seated in a comfortable pedicure chair, the skin is softened, after which they begin to polish it using an apparatus with various nozzles. The pedicure set has all the necessary cutters to eliminate corns, rough skin between the fingers and on their tips. Nozzles with different diameters and abrasiveness, as well as the presence of several speeds, allow the master to work, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the client's skin, to grind the relief more smoothly and efficiently.

What problems, except for corns, can be dealt with with a hardware pedicure?

One device solves all foot problems

A quality pedicure is not only about shaping the nail plate. After leaving the salon, there should be a feeling that the legs were reborn. If the master did not pay attention to such problems as cracks and calluses, then he is not a professional. So, what will the miracle machine help with?

  1. Cracks in the feet are a most unpleasant problem that causes a lot of inconvenience. If the skin is too deep, then the master will first of all eliminate protruding, uneven edges with scissors, after which he will start grinding with a nozzle with the necessary abrasiveness. At the end of the procedure, the heels are lubricated with a special cream that will refresh, relieve discomfort and help in speedy healing.
  2. An ingrown toenail can be easily and painlessly eliminated with a hardware pedicure. First of all, a special cream is applied to the ingrown edge, which will soften it. In order not to thin the ingrown corners, the skin is treated with boron, after which the ingrown nail is painlessly and easily removed with forceps.
  3. Overgrown nail plates can cause severe pain when pressed on the soft part of the finger, so it is necessary to deal with the problem. The master will initially eliminate the thickening with a special nozzle, and then polish the edges with a white stone.

Hall equipment

The nail service master's office, which provides hardware pedicure services, resembles a dentist's office. The hardware pedicure kit includes vacuum cleaners, spray guns, and UV cabinets with a variety of tools and attachments. Drills should be available in large quantities to make the procedure more painless, comfortable, safe and hygienic. Without fail, the master's office must be equipped with a specialized pedicure chair, on which the client can not only sit, but also lie comfortably during the entire procedure.

Benefits of the procedure

Like any technique, this one has its pros and cons. Why is a hardware pedicure better than a classic one?

  • the procedure is performed without the use of water, so it is safer and more hygienic, the risk of fungal diseases is significantly reduced;
  • therapeutic effect that allows you to fight various diseases of the feet: mycosis, calluses, hyperkeratosis, plantar warts, hyperhidrosis, thickening of the nail plates, ingrown nails, cracked heels;
  • hardware pedicure is not traumatic, unlike the usual one, so the risk of contracting any disease is minimized.


And such a seemingly ideal technique has its drawbacks, four of them are singled out:

  • The main disadvantage is the cost of the procedure, because it uses expensive equipment, special disinfectant sprays, emollients and creams that accelerate healing.
  • If the legs are in a neglected state, then one procedure will not be enough. Some women have to go through five or even seven procedures to achieve the desired result.
  • In order to get a quality service, expensive professional equipment is not enough, the professionalism of the master is also important. If the procedure is carried out by a self-taught amateur, then instead of benefit, he will only bring harm, so require a certificate of his training when visiting the salon.
  • The method should not be used for people who have a thin plate of the nail.

Cutters for hardware pedicure

For the procedures of this type of service, a large number of nozzles and cutters are used, each with its own purpose:

  • Diamond tips are used to treat the free edges of nails and skin. Needle-shaped, spherical, as well as nozzles of small diameter are designed for processing the cuticle and lateral ridges. A larger nozzle diameter is needed to eliminate corns, corns and other skin defects.
  • Hardness is determined by the colored notches and the color of the nozzle. The darker the nozzle, the harder: blue - hard, yellow, green and red - softer. Two black stripes on the nozzle indicate that it is very hard.
  • Beginners are recommended to use ceramic nozzles. They are softer and therefore safer. But it is worth noting that they wear out much faster than diamond ones.
  • Ceramic milling cutters are made of corundum, which tends to recover. Nails are processed with them, skin is polished, cracks and corns are eliminated.
  • Grit of ceramic cutters: 100 microns - pink and blue, 200 - white, 400 - black. The latter are called artificial pumice and are used to polish the roughest heel skin.
  • Silicon carbide are the most effective for removing rough skin. They are made in the form of caps and are disposable. Three-phase processing is recommended: 80 units - basic removal, 150 - for grinding, 320 - finishing polishing.
  • Silicone nozzles are used for polishing nails, acrylic and other soft surfaces.

Now you know what cutters and nozzles are needed to make a high-quality hardware pedicure. The training we have described below is relevant for home use. To become a real professional, you need to enroll in the appropriate courses.

Before posting step-by-step instructions, let's figure out how to choose a pedicure machine.

Professional device

If you are not a professional and buy a machine only for personal home use, then home appliances will do, it will also come in handy when teaching a professional pedicure. Such a device has a small number of revolutions (from 1500 to 5000 per minute) and low power. It is very convenient for storage, has small dimensions and weight. When working, take breaks every 15 minutes so that the equipment lasts longer.

The professional unit differs in dimensions, speed (from 30,000 rpm) and power. It has a built-in sawdust vacuum cleaner, a foot pedal, protection against overheating and accidental activation without tools.

Hardware pedicure at home

If you have a personal pedicure machine, you will need the following materials:

  • nozzles;
  • disinfectant;
  • softeners for the skin of the feet and cuticles;
  • means for quick healing;
  • orange stick;
  • ointment with essential oils for cracked feet;
  • foot mask, which contains paraffin;
  • nail degreaser.

Let's start the procedure:

  1. Remove varnish, degrease nails.
  2. Disinfect your feet.
  3. Treat feet and cuticles with a softener.
  4. Remove rough skin from the feet and fingers with a special nozzle. With another nozzle, treat the area near the nails.
  5. Correct the cuticle with a small nozzle, you can use an orange stick for greater convenience.
  6. Use a fine or medium abrasive nozzle to shape and length your nails. Clean the plate with a brush attachment.
  7. Sand the plate with a rubber nozzle.
  8. After polishing the heels, make a paraffin mask and wrap the legs with polyethylene. Remove after twenty minutes.
  9. Your pedicure is ready!

Hardware pedicure: price, reviews

As we already wrote, the procedure is not cheap - from 1600 for women and from 1900 for men. Reviews of many girls claim that the result is worth it! Most women liked both the process and the effect of the procedure, they write that the legs have never been so good. Some got unskilled craftsmen, and clients did not get the desired result. If you encounter unprofessionalism, demand a refund. Don't forget to ask about certificates!

Hardware pedicure- This is a mechanical procedure for the care of toenails, as well as the skin of the foot. The main feature and its difference from the fact that water and skin softeners are not used here - everything is done by the apparatus.

The procedure includes a set of measures for the treatment of nails, cuticles and periungual ridges, as well as skin on the outside of the feet. During the procedure, the dry layer of keratinized skin is removed, corns, well-marked cracks on the legs are removed. A professional master will also help solve the problem or fungus and other little troubles on the feet.

I note that a hardware pedicure for home conditions (when performed by yourself) is not very suitable: it is unlikely that you can see all the problem areas well enough and perform their high-quality processing on your own, unless you are a professional master in this field.

In the salon, on the contrary, all conditions have been created: a special chair that raises the client to a height convenient for the master and supports the legs, a swivel lamp, a chair on wheels, etc. When performing a hardware manicure, the master must be dressed appropriately: gloves on his hands, an apron, a mask over his mouth and, of course, a mask with a transparent protective screen over his eyes.

Electric machine for hardware pedicure

To carry out a hardware pedicure, you will need to have several cutters and silicon carbide nozzles. To count on repeated and regular use, the machine must have a power of at least 40 watts and a rotation speed of cutters from 15 thousand revolutions per minute, as well as a reverse reverse function.

About cutters

Cutters for pedicure can be divided into three types depending on the place of use:

  1. For the treatment of nails and cuticles. The same cutters are suitable here as for the nails on the hands. You can read more about them.
  2. To treat the skin around the nails. Ceramic or diamond nozzles are suitable here. The abrasiveness of the cutter is selected depending on the condition of the skin.
  3. For the treatment of the skin of the foot. Coarse-abrasive diamond cutters, silicone grinders and silicon carbide bits (disposable sand caps) are suitable here.

How to do a hardware pedicure: step by step instructions

Performing a hardware pedicure can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Surface preparation
  2. Finger and nail pedicure
  3. Foot pedicure

1 - Let's start

The preparatory stage includes an examination of the condition of the skin of the legs and nails by the master, the identification of problem areas and, possibly, the identification of contraindications for the procedure. Next, you need to treat the legs and interdigital spaces with an antiseptic and clean them before manicure, then wipe them dry with a disposable towel.

2 – Nail pedicure

  • It begins with the correction of the length and shape of the nail. Here you can use the usual hard file, if the free edge is long, or with a machine. In the second case, we select a cutter in the form of an inverted cone and a speed of about 10,000 - 12,000 rpm.
  • Next, you need to lift the cuticle from the nail and remove the pterygium. To do this, they pass with a machine with a conical cutter (or a drop, or a ball), first in one direction, then change the reverse and go in the other direction. It is convenient to change the bypass method after all five nails on one foot have been processed. This saves time and movement. To avoid cuts and a burning sensation in the client, the movements should not be performed in one place - the machine is constantly moving. Do not forget to periodically clean the nails with a brush.
  • You can also lift the cuticle if the master considers it more suitable for this particular cuticle. In this case, it will not be completely hardware, but already a combined pedicure. The result of this will not be worse.
  • After lifting, the cuticle is removed with the same cutter, after which it is necessary to perform skin resurfacing in this place in order to prevent the formation and avoid unaesthetic torn skin edges.
  • Remains of pterygium can be removed with a pusher or cone cutter. Here, with a spatula, all contaminants in the space under the free edge of the nail are removed.
  • Next, we work with the lateral sinuses and rollers. First of all, it is necessary to clean with the thinnest needle cutter in the sinuses of keratinization.
  • With a truncated cone cutter, side ridges are processed along the lines of the skin, including the front pad.
  • The final of this stage is the polishing of the nail plate with the help of silicone nozzles at a low speed - about 10-12 thousand revolutions. To get a perfectly smooth surface, you can start with a coarser polisher and gradually move on to softer ones.

You can more clearly understand the whole process by watching the video. Below you can find a video instruction from my partner, the Krasotkapro online store:

3 - Foot treatment

This completes the hardware pedicure.


You may have already noticed that it has a lot of advantages over similar foot procedures, namely:

  1. Hygienic and safe. All tools before use, some materials are disposable. This way of working with the skin virtually eliminates the cuts that often occur with a classic pedicure.
  2. Solves many leg and foot problems: corns, calluses, ingrown nail, cracks, thickening of the nail plate, hyperkeratosis.
  3. No contraindications for those who suffer from diabetes.

After the procedure, you can cover the nails with varnish or. But that's a completely different story :) In the photo below, my legs after a hardware pedicure in the salon, I already did the gel polish myself:

If this page was useful to you, recommend it to your friends:

If you want your toenails to be beautiful and smooth, and rough corns on your feet and especially on your heels to disappear forever, like a bad dream, then be sure to read the information about hardware pedicure. It is not always possible at home with the help of improvised manicure tools to treat your toenails with high quality, to make the skin on your feet soft and smooth. Of course, you can turn to a beauty salon for professional services, but many women have to get to the salon for a very long time, and they don’t really want to spend extra money.

Fortunately, now it is possible to order an inexpensive high-quality machine (milling cutter) for hardware pedicure and special nozzles (milling cutters, burs) for it through the online store. With this machine, you can quickly and thoroughly polish the surface of the nail plate and grind any part of the skin on the feet (including hard-to-reach side ridges with rough skin near the nails). Hardware pedicure will help you quickly get rid of calluses, corns, microcracks. By installing special cutters on a milling machine, you can very finely adjust the shape of gel-extended toenails. In this material you will find video tutorials with step-by-step training in hardware pedicure, as well as photos of modern toenail design.

- on the photo: machine (milling cutter) for hardware pedicure

Unlike medical, hardware pedicure is not intended to eliminate such serious problems as ingrown nails, foot fungus, onychomycosis of the nail plate, hyperkeratosis. Therapeutic pedicure and complex treatment of any of these diseases is prescribed by a podiatrist.


the ability to organize high-quality care for the skin of the feet and toenails at home;

A very simple, intuitive technique for polishing nail plates and rough skin on the legs with a special machine (for self-practice, just watch carefully a few video lessons with step-by-step training);

A wide selection of different cutters for hardware pedicure. For comprehensive home care for different areas of the skin of the foot and nails, using a simple machine, you can purchase a set with cutters that will last you a very long time;

This is a very pleasant procedure without pain, sparing the structure of the nail plates and not violating the integrity of the skin (only the keratinized layer of dead epithelial cells is removed).


▪ machine (milling cutter). Choose a device with a power of at least 40 watts so that the cutter moves easily and smoothly over the surface of the nail or skin. By the way, modern cutters can be used not only for pedicure, but also for manicure - just buy a few cutters and burs for processing fingernails;

▪ set of cutters, burs and nozzles. To grind rough skin on the feet and side ridges, to eliminate calluses and corns, to treat the surface of the nail plates, to correct the shape of extended nails, you will need a set of 8-12 different cutters and burs;

▪ keratolytic. A tool for softening the nail plate and skin is sold in the form of a special liquid, gel or cream;

▪ septic tank for disinfection
surface of the skin and toenails. There are very good septic tanks in the form of gels that help prevent fungal infection during the procedure;

▪ remover to remove the cuticle.

▪ Foot treatment after the procedure. Use healing ointments with a wound healing effect, antifungal creams, moisturizing gels.


Silicon carbide cutters.
Especially effective for the treatment of severely rough, dry skin with chronic calluses and corns.

Ceramic cutters.
Delicately grind keratinized skin, eliminating small cracks on the heels and without damaging the skin. Perfectly process the side ridges next to the nails, gently removing hardened old skin

Diamond cutters.
Large nozzles perfectly grind rough skin, and medium and small nozzles are used for polishing the nail plates on the legs, for correcting nails extended with gel. There are also needle-shaped diamond burs for cuticle correction.

Silicone tips.
Quickly and efficiently polish the nail plate. An excellent replacement for nail files and buffs for polishing toenails.

- click on the photo and expand the cutters, burs, attachments for the machine


It is enough to perform the procedure once every 20 days

❶ make a hygienic foot bath (no more than 5 minutes). The water temperature is about 35 degrees. No need to steam your feet! Wipe your nails with a towel;

❷ treat the feet with a disinfectant, and then wipe them thoroughly with a disposable towel;

❸ using a wide brush, apply a keratolytic to the feet to soften and exfoliate dead skin cells. After 10 minutes, wipe your feet with a clean towel;

❹ install a coarse milling cutter (abrasiveness approximately 60/60) in the machine holder and process the foot evenly, setting the milling cutter speed to 10–12 thousand revolutions. We process until the skin becomes soft. If there are old corns on the heels, then we additionally process them with a large cutter;

❺ the next stage is polishing the foot with a fine cutter (100/100) at the same speed (10–12 thousand) of the cutter. Try to polish the skin of the foot very carefully, until a healthy pink color appears. But do not overdo it so as not to injure the "live" epidermis;

❻ Now we process the skin of the toes and the delicate skin between the fingers. First, we apply a keratolytic to the toes, install a medium-grained ceramic cutter in the form of a truncated cone into the machine and grind the skin at a speed of 5 thousand revolutions (especially carefully between the fingers). Then we change the nozzle - we install a fine cutter and polish the skin at the same speed. After that, remove the remnants of keratolytic with warm water;

❼ treat the cuticle and periungual folds with a special remover. After 3-4 minutes, remove the cuticle with a thin bur with a ball at the end. We set the speed of the machine to 5 thousand revolutions. Do not press with a burr, but gently move it from side to side, pushing back the keratinized skin of the cuticle. Then remove the remaining cuticle with a remover.
With a ceramic fine abrasive nozzle (in the form of a cone), we grind the periungual ridges at a speed of 5 thousand revolutions;

❽ now we will polish the nails, make their surface even and smooth. Before polishing, treat the skin around the nail with a decontaminating cuticle oil. We install a polishing felt nozzle in the machine and evenly process each nail at a speed of 5 thousand revolutions until their surface becomes smooth and shiny;

❾ it remains to treat the skin of the feet and nails with special moisturizing, nourishing agents. Make a massage for the feet (on which there are a large number of reflexogenic zones).


- click on the photo and expand interesting ideas, fashion trends of modern design for pedicure

in the summer we often wear open shoes and the nails on our fingers should not only be well-groomed, but also have a pedicure that blends harmoniously with modern summer manicure. For example, shellac on nails lasts a very long time and looks flawless for several weeks. You can paint your nails with gel polish and apply interesting drawings or patterns on the color layer, fixing them with a topcoat.

- in the photo: design ideas for pedicure (shellac gel polish)

In the spring, different shades of green, as well as a palette of pastel colors, will be relevant for decorating nails. It will look elegant as a monochromatic pedicure, as well as