Types of spiritual beings of the universe. We love your likes

change from 02.09.2017 ()

Have you ever wondered what happens to a thought when it leaves your consciousness? But she doesn't disappear. Essentially, you could learn to follow it, but you are too afraid to let go of your attention vector from three-dimensional reality. Therefore it seems to you that the thought disappears. On the other hand, you may notice that your subjectivity has a certain mysterious quality, that even your mental life has its continuation, where your thoughts and memories do not disappear, becoming nothing, but continue in some reality that goes beyond the boundaries of that world, with with whom you identify. And if you followed them, these thoughts could lead you to other realities.

These subjective holes into which you think your thoughts disappear are in fact like psychic distortions that connect the Self you know with other universes of life experience - realities where characters come to life, and thoughts acquire the ability to freely express their potential. They become independent living beings, often generated by you!

There remains a mutually beneficial relationship between these creatures and you, which can result in constant interaction. The main thing is to want it. As you know, the Creator created man with only one purpose - through it and with the help of it to evolve yourself. And to help him, he created spiritual beings, whose main purpose is to embody and materialize the thoughts and aspirations of man. Of course, there are spiritual beings whose tasks are in no way related to humans, but we will consider those with whom, at a certain level of spiritual development, we can interact.

So. There are eleven main types of spiritual beings in the universe.

First the spiritual being is the Creator himself. We can see it as golden light. You can talk to him, you can offer him food, water, and he will hear us. The Vedas say that the Creator is closer to us than our own breath. He is also called the Absolute, the Creator of all worlds.

In fact, you can even touch it. If you mentally, according to the law of sympathetic connection, call on the Creator to manifest, for example, in a rose bush, then you will see a golden glow around this bush. Now you just need to touch this bush, and your feelings will not let you down. This topic is very beloved in Christian spiritual literature.

Second spiritual beings are gods. Gods are aspects or manifestations of the Creator, virtually indistinguishable from himself. In the Christian tradition, God has three faces: father, son and holy spirit. But essentially it is one creature. In the Vedic tradition, the Creator is presented as one in many. The Indian Vedas describe about 350 thousand gods, each of which corresponds to a certain aspect, a certain manifestation.

In fact, the Creator did not create, but manifested himself as the universe. Therefore, the creation of the universe can be called a change in the energy state of the Creator himself. That is, if the Creator was in his unmanifested form, which is called Ramha, then a process arose that can be compared to awakening from sleep. The unmanifested form is Ramha, the manifested form is the Ancestor family.

Still others spiritual beings are demigods, harlegs. In Christianity they are called archangels. Demigods are the personified principles of the world. Each of us has a spirit that is in the Divine world. Each of us has a physical body that is located in the Explicit World.

The demigods also have a spirit in the divine world and a body in this. Only this body is not human. The sun, stars, moons, earths, other celestial bodies, the law of karma, the law of gravity - these are all the bodies of the demigods. Accordingly, if you agree with the demigod of gravity, you can learn to levitate. Therefore, the demigods are called the personified world foundations of this world, from which our world is built.

Fourth spiritual beings are birds of power. We have already said that there are rational worlds and irrational worlds. A mirror world, a world of shadows, a world of ghosts. The world of doors from The Matrix. Birds of power, in fact, are the same demigods, only of irrational worlds. Birds of power exist in all religions of the world. But most of them are among the ancient Slavs.

The loon is a bird that expresses the primary force of the gravitational field. In Christianity, the first power in the world was the holy spirit, which is expressed in the form of a giant dove. In Islam, the primary spirit of Allah is personified by the roc bird. It turns out that there was a certain primary bird that flew out of the Absolute, then it spread its wings, and a small bird flew out of each of its feathers. Each of these birds personifies some kind of natural phenomenon. For example, electrical energies are personified by the jet bird. Therefore, when this bird is called, transformer boxes can often explode and wiring can burn. The Griffin bird is considered protective. The Gamayun bird gives the gift of prophecy. A person who talks to the Gamayun bird often begins to talk in poetry himself. The Rarog bird grants wishes.

When addressing these birds, you should understand that they all live in very distant worlds. These distant worlds have almost no contact with the physical world. Therefore, every time you call upon creatures from these worlds, a connection is established between that world and ours. This channel starts weak at first and needs to be nurtured. Every time you make a connection, this channel breaks through more and more. And after some time it can be completely broken through, and then the power of this creature can completely pass into this world and really influence it.

For example, if you are tired and do not have the strength to heal a patient, you can call the Firebird and ask her to heal your patient. The session lasts 25 minutes (25 is the healing number), after which you thank the bird and release it. Essentially the effect is the same as holding your hands over a person and reciting a mantra. If the disease is advanced, you can turn to the Stozhar bird.

There are birds that change fates: Ilyana, Kilyana, Veretnitsa. Christians have Sirin and Alkonost, who sit on the gates of Paradise. Alkonost is something primordial on which the rules (kon) and all the highest are based. This is the energy of the world of Rule and the world of Glory, which guides the process of development of life. Stratim - a hundred Ra then to them. Those beings who are to be controlled are given the power of a hundredfold Ra, i.e. the energy of very powerful control of the power of light. And of course she is very formidable, against which even the forces of darkness cannot resist. This is a property of the hypostasis of Svarog or our willpower and conscience. The light of the soul, which controls our base impulses and inclinations. The vulture is the forces of dark Navi, these are the waves of pride, vanity and ambition. It turns out that the Griffin is a power that destroys the dark impulses of our soul. Those. we have two forces of power of our soul, which, interacting, help us grow spiritually.

Speaking about birds, divine and demonic, we should not forget that we are talking about energies consisting of the same spiritual beings, but playing different roles. It's like a man and a woman. And at the highest level, light seems to control the process of entropy occurring in the universe.

Fifth type of spiritual beings are legi, yasuni or angels. These are self-aware intelligent channels between the human and divine worlds. In other words, if an angel is present, a channel is established between that place and the divine world. Energy from the higher world constantly flows into this place while the angel is there. Ancient religions imagine angels as pillars of light connecting heaven and earth. Now they are presented in humanoid form, so they come in the form in which they are ready to be seen. Therefore, if you want to see them as a winged creature, you will see them that way.

Sixth type of spiritual beings are eternal spirits. They are the same as archangels, only their bodies do not belong to the foundations of the world. The spirit of the lake, the spirit of the wind, the spirit of rain, the spirit of nobility - these are all eternal spirits. The spirit of nobility, for example, makes one behave nobly. There are a huge number of them and they are called eternal spirits because they always exist.

For communication, the eternal spirits are called to the magic circle and you can come to an agreement with them. These also include the world souls of plants and animals. A striking example of the existence of the world soul can be the effect of the hundredth monkey. If ants are bothering you on your property, then by making an agreement with the world soul of ants, you can get rid of them. They simply will not enter your site. To this day, in India you can see a furrow surrounding a village, along which scorpions run. They run up to it, run along it, but not one of them crosses it. This suggests that someone in this village has made an agreement with the world soul of scorpions.

When communicating with spiritual beings, it is worth understanding that sacrifices to other forces are a way out of the contract with the highest deity. Prasad or water can be offered to the supreme deity and then offered to the spiritual beings for them to take communion. They will yield to us and meet us halfway, since the highest deity is on our side.

The consequences of sacrifice to other forces are described very well in The Secret Book of John: “And then the Father commanded his angels: “Take off from the angels of Satan the garments of my Peace.”. But this is true, by the way.

The world souls of plants are capable of initiating people into magical arts. Knowledge of medicinal herbs can be obtained from the world soul of plants literally in a day, of course, if she wants it.

For example, from the world soul of a toad you can gain knowledge about the art of werewolf. There are only two types of animals that can interrupt the flow of astral light: toads and bats. Therefore, if you hold a toad in your hands, no influences of the astral light will reach you. Often knowledgeable people who want to rid themselves of damage once and for all dry the bat, sew it into a leather bag and carry it with them.

Seventh the type of spiritual beings are the elements of nature. They stand apart from other spiritual beings. These are perfumes that create gaseous environments. According to the Vedic tradition, there are ten elements. Therefore, there are also ten main elemental spirits. In the east - air (gods of Heaven), in the southeast - time (divine Love), in the south - fire (God's Wanderers, ascended Masters), in the southwest - lightning, plasma fire (the supreme personality of the Most High), in the west - water (the breath of the Almighty), in the northwest - consciousness (impersonal Aspect of the Almighty), in the north - earth (Mother of the Worlds), in the northeast - ether (the innermost Mystery, Absolute Something). Starlight above us (Absolute Truth) and the power of fertility below us (Unspeakable Aspect of the Supreme). In this regard, the “superstring theory” is interesting, which describes the basis of the universe in numerical terms as “8+2”.

The elements and interaction with them are described in great detail, in figurative form, in the Chronicle of MidGaRad.

If we fly east, we can reach the kingdom of the elves, the spirits of the air. They look like small winged people and move very quickly. The spirits of time are fairies about whom tales of all peoples of the Earth are told. Since time is the primary element, fairies can actually control any other element through time. Friendship with these spirits is extremely useful for the reason that they know everything how we can change the world the way we need it. They can influence all ten elements.

The element of time produces two types of being: overactivity and overpassivity. Superactivity is a vacuum in which elementary particles move at such speeds that they cannot move into circular orbits of rotation around each other when approaching. Therefore, particles there are always in free flight with the highest energy levels. It is believed that the vacuum of space is the mind of the universe. Particles that manage to catch on and move into circular orbits form proto-matter. This substance is called ether. Thus, vacuum is a pole of activity, ether is a pole of passivity. Between these poles there is a discharge of energy that ignites the stars, plasma or the highest fire. As a result, we get four elements: time, the mind of the universe, ether and the highest fire or plasma. These four elements are reflected on Earth by the other four elements: air, water, earth and fire. In addition to these eight, there are two more: infinity up and infinity down. Spirits live in every element.

The spirits of fire are similar to Bazhon’s Jumping Firefly. Ball lightning is the spirits of higher plasma fire, which fly to us from their worlds through the channels of linear lightning or hurricanes. You've probably read that ball lightning is conscious and you can negotiate with them so that they don't touch you.

Water spirits are humanoid. The spirits of consciousness are spread throughout the universe like a liquid, like a huge ocean. And whoever has accumulated the most of this liquid understands this world best. That is, the more of this substance a person has, the more intelligent the person is. Spirits of consciousness are somewhat similar to the Scandinavian Valkyries. They are winged like angels, but a little slow.

Spirits of the Earth - gnomes. Spirits of the ether have vague outlines, consisting of a luminous mist that constantly changes its shape. Starlight spirits are essentially spirits of space. The Indians of South and North America call them sky gods. According to their beliefs, the gods of the sky can come to a person, teach him to fly, teach him to move in space with the power of thought. They can teach you to separate your astral body and use it to fly in space. Moreover, this body can be given different brightness. It is believed that the brighter a healer's astral body can be, the greater his healing abilities. The various geometric shapes that appear in the northern lights are a reflection of the spirits of starlight.

Fertility spirits ensure the fertility of the earth. If fertility spirits live in the depths of the earth under a certain area, then the more of them there are, the higher the yields from this area will be.

The Poles call these spirits the Underground. They are something between a gnome and a brownie, about the size of a human index finger. They live in groups deep underground.

In addition to these simple spirits, personifying one specific element of spirit, there are also complex spirits. For example, an element such as Forest already consists of several elements. Leshy, brownies, desert dwellers, swamp dwellers, sagans, etc.

The spirits of the elements live on the other side of our world and, through their activities in those worlds, produce the elements here. Thanks to the activity of water spirits, seas, rivers arise here, and it rains. These spirits, like people, have two genders, male and female. They also reproduce by creating a family in which children are born. But they have one significant difference from people - they do not have an immortal soul. When we die, our body disintegrates into elements, and the soul goes to the astral plane, from where it can again come for reincarnation. The spirits of the elements become aware of themselves at the moment of birth and at the moment of death they disintegrate into the elements of the element in which they were born. Therefore, the spirits of the elements are always looking for opportunities to make friends with a person, because if they learn from us to love, enjoy the products of their labor, the laws of ethics, then they have a chance at the moment of death to turn into an eternal spirit or an angel. In this case, their life becomes endless.

Elemental spirits can sometimes emerge from their other world and take on the forms of living beings of our world. They can also be induced artificially. Some magicians are able to materialize elemental spirits in human form. In this case, only clairvoyants will be able to distinguish them from an ordinary person, since such an elemental spirit does not have an aura, and in all worlds they look the same. If a person’s body looks different in different worlds, then for such spirits they are the same.

Up to 5% of the people we meet on the street may well turn out to be elemental spirits. The ubiquitous Americans, at one time, installed cameras on the streets in large cities that could record human auras. When these records were analyzed, it turned out that some people had no aura at all. They have very similar faces, and the sunlight around them becomes a little dimmer. The Americans initially mistook them for aliens, but then they sorted out this issue. And as always, everything was kept secret.

Moreover, elemental spirits can not only maintain a human form for a long time, they can enter into sexual relations with people and even give birth to children from them. But such children move into the human world, while retaining the abilities of this element.

Elemental spirits are stronger than demons and interaction with them can bring many benefits to a person. The closest elemental spirit with which we can communicate every day is the brownie.

Eighth type of spiritual beings - gremlins, spirits living in machines and mechanisms. They belong to the category of gnomes, since they used to be spirits of the earth and lived in the mines. When machines and mechanisms were made from ore, they became the spirits of these machines and mechanisms.

Therefore, if you have problems with household appliances, try to negotiate with their spirits. For example, when we bought our first microwave, I was unhappy and even expressed this to her. We put it on the refrigerator and it turned out that its door was at the level of my forehead. After I. essentially expressed my dissatisfaction, I began to periodically bang my forehead on her open door. I swore and swore, but everything only got worse. And only after I agreed with her presence in our house did it all end. Something similar can happen with other equipment, especially those purchased second-hand. But once you come to an agreement with the spirit, everything gets better; it begins to mind its own business, and not pester you.

Ninth type of spiritual beings - artificial spirits or elementals. You must understand that any ritual performed by a person in that world looks like the creation of a living being. An intelligent being created during rituals lives until the ritual is implemented. Interestingly, those spirits that are created for healing purposes have the heads of birds. This spirit lives in the astral world until the patient is healed, and with the healing, he is embodied in our world through the healing of the patient. That's why they are called artificial elementals. In this vein, the purpose of creating the Egyptian civilization, whose gods are often depicted with bird heads, becomes clear. And the surname Rarog apparently speaks of the same thing.

If a spirit is created as a corruption, it also looks like a living creature and can even talk to the one to whom it is sent. Egregors are created using the same principle. Hence the influence they can have on people. In addition, the gods themselves often create such creatures for a specific purpose. In spiritual scriptures you can find such a concept as titans - confirmed in the denial of truth, which were originally created by Svarog and Lada. Titans are the highest demons who control development through the left hand. In Judaism, there is a legend about golems, artificially created people.

On the other hand, these spirits can be used for their own purposes, forcing them to perform useful work. If you turn to spiritual books, you can find references to ancient saints who forced these spirits to dig canals, carry stones for construction and do other useful work.

It is worth understanding that as much as angels are collective, demons are individualists. In fact, they constantly fight among themselves, deciding which of them is in charge.

Eleventh a type of spiritual beings are chaos dragons and wrathful gods, who are called upon to restrain the chaos dragons if they flirt.

The supreme deity, gods and goddesses, wrathful deities, elemental spirits, natural and artificial, are simply invoked. You call them and they come. Demigods, archangels, eternal spirits, birds of power, world souls of animals and plants, minor demons and dragons of chaos are summoned with the help of a magic circle, because they live not here, but in distant worlds.

In essence, the magic circle is a model of the universe: the forces acting in the real universe also act in its model, built according to the laws of sympathetic communication. Therefore, all the forces that are in space, in the case of drawing a circle, begin to be projected onto the circle. Consequently, the first task of the circle is to create a passage between our world and the other world. The second function of the circle is as a lens concentrator of energy in the triangle of manifestation. And the third function is protection. The magic circle must always be there for at least the first 108 invocations of spiritual beings (108 repetitions give new insight). After this, our consciousness can draw it energetically.

Contact with other worlds is always through the pineal gland. This gland is the basis of all head chakras and in the presence of spirits it begins to intensively open and develop.

Of course, there are many more types of spiritual beings than we have described, but these are the main types that we can meet and interact with in this world. We have touched on this topic in other articles on the site, so read other materials.

We are great, strong, powerful spiritual beings of Light living in the physical world with dignity, direction and purpose.

I clearly remember how, during my first near-death experience, the Thirteen Beings of Light instilled in me the truth that we are “great, strong, powerful spiritual beings.” I want you to know that I had no problem believing this, even though at that exact time my burned body was lying in the hospital, wrapped from head to toe in a crisp white sheet, waiting to be departure to a cold morgue. However, after returning from Heaven, I thought deeply about the meaning of these words. What does it really mean to be great, strong and powerful? It was not easy for me to understand how we - poor, unfortunate creatures with all our obvious shortcomings and mistakes - could be something wonderful. Therefore, I offer you a philosophical explanation of the truth that I have come to on the basis of 53 years of life experience, as well as otherworldly experiences. Some of what was said below was known to me before my near-death experiences, but some was not.

“The true perfection of a man lies not in what he has, but in what he is.”

Oscar Wilde

Honestly, the years of life after the first brought me to the realization that the inner strength present in each of us is measured mainly by the amount of courage we possess. This spiritual courage is most obviously expressed through our determination to be born into a physical body and then to successfully manifest and maintain physical reality. I firmly believe that only the greatest heroes and heroines could take on the challenge of coming into embodiment and living on Earth during these turbulent times, as our planet faces the most incredible upheavals and unpredictable changes over the next decade.

During visits to the other world I was shown that each of us is in the physical world to fulfill a specific mission that contributes to the revelation of perfection on Earth: this will be fulfilled in accordance with the Universal Divine Will. Turns out, we have voluntarily undertaken this mission to carry out certain life tasks designed to promote maximum personal growth in the shortest possible time. Seventy or eighty years of life on Earth may seem like an eternity to us, but from the point of view of an eternal being, this is not such a long time to accomplish such a great feat. So, we have a definition for truly great people: they are those who have taken on an almost impossible task with a meager amount of time to complete it. Don't you think this is courage?

Our true power comes from the fact that we are unique, individualized sparks of the Divine. Through us, the Spirit manifests His power and magnificence, embodied in the form of our thoughts, words and deeds. I personally think that our transitory earthly strength is most expressed through our thoughts.

A person’s spiritual potential grows in direct proportion to the way he directs his conscious intention to effectively change his life, the lives of the people around him and the world as a whole. The changes we consciously cause, both positive and negative, ripple throughout the Universe. This inevitably happens, because we are particles of Unity. In the Unity of Spirit, everything is interconnected - from a small pebble on the beach to the endless space of space. Let this thought run like a red thread throughout the entire book (and, I hope, throughout your entire life). It is in this spirit that this Spiritual system was created, and we are all each other’s guardians in it. Have you ever thought that Divine power could be so cunning? Well, based on the fact that we cannot be anything that Divinity is not, Divine power can also be tricky, right?

Believe me, what you are reading now is just one of the options for describing the true state of affairs. I assure you that my words are far removed from any of the psychic chatter that has been thrown at you. These are immutable truths put into effect by the Almighty. I have my own interpretation of these truths, as do you all. This is true, because each of us shapes the world in which we live with our consciousness. It is consciousness that gives shape to the experiences of life, death, and the afterlife.

Regardless, what I think you need to understand at this point is this: Absolutely everything any one of us thinks, says, or does affects everyone else to varying degrees and on some level. Please pause for a moment to better understand this idea.

Even though I gradually developed spiritually and learned more and more about the above, I still found it difficult at times not to be selfish. To use the power of the path, you need to give up all selfishness and self-preoccupation (although I must admit that I still have problems with this myself). I understand very well what a difficult thing I am asking of you. You have no idea how arrogant I can be! There was a time when I truly believed that the only opinion that mattered in life was mine. Seriously! For many years, I sincerely believed that I was the only one that mattered in all situations. But I was destined to discover the truth. This is ahead of you too, for we have all gathered here to act and live in loving Unity. It is time to free yourself from all arrogance and selfishness. Please let it all go. Get started today! Metaphysicians know that “when the student is ready, the teacher comes.” The fact that you are reading this page confirms that you are ready to actively respond to these truths.

Realizing this perspective, we automatically manifest the spiritual essence of the Master’s decree: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” After all, everything we do for others, we undoubtedly do for ourselves. Believe my words: the Golden Rule lives and works in the next world.

As the Thirteen Beings of Light explained to me, we are obligated to live with dignity by the high position we occupy in the structure of the spiritual kingdom. We were created in the Divine image, and this implies nobility and therefore the corresponding noble behavior that we are born to demonstrate. However, many members of humanity seem to have lost their dignity, which literally manifests itself in their loss of self-respect and underestimation of themselves.

Let me tell you something because I am an expert in this field and I know what I'm talking about. When we lose dignity, we subsequently also lose respect and appreciation for everything around us, and then become spiritually and emotionally isolated from each other. This is where the whole cycle begins. As a result, we find ourselves in a society where the slightest manifestations of loving kindness come as an unexpected surprise to us. We find ourselves living in a time where even the simple word “hello” from a stranger makes us suspicious and uneasy. The media has convinced us that it is not safe outside. The reaction to this threat is to withdraw and communicate with others only at a distance. It is only through the fiber optic barrier of the Internet, chats and group meetings over the phone that we feel safe.

But in fact, the true danger lies in the loss of genuine communication with each other, in the loss of a sense of inner connection with family, friends, co-workers and society. There are so many things that separate us that we have lost count of them. Yet I firmly believe that we were created in the Spirit as interdependent beings. Therefore, we are able to inspire each other, help overcome the difficulties of everyday life and together change the world for the better.

That's why I work in hospitals. This way of caring for people does not allow me to avoid the close, individual communication from heart to heart that we so strongly desire in life. The time I spend providing voluntary, selfless assistance to the dying is a part of my personal life where interdependence becomes a form of spiritual art. By volunteering to serve others, we close the gap and break down the boundaries that separate us from important human interactions. Voluntarism is the highest form of spiritual activity. When we give with an open heart, without expecting anything in return, that is when we become Love and compassion in action. In other words, we act with the dignity of the Divine. We show mercy to ourselves and the person we are helping. More precisely, we do not just show mercy, but become mercy. Webster's Dictionary defines "charity" as: a) freely given, undeserved help and love of the Spirit; b) virtue or high quality of divine origin.

So we see clearly that the gift called life is Divine mercy. In this state, we manifest the qualities of the Spirit to make a real difference in the lives of those around us. And these are not just wishes or empty chatter. Our ability to create mercy and become it seems to us an unusual idea, although this is one of the rights of co-creation that we have inherited. Most people believe that only God is able to bestow mercy, but I am telling you because I know for sure that we too have been given divine access to it. Acts of selfless, selfless love and kindness reconnect us with mercy because we are spiritual beings who are trying to gain a human experience.

If our human endeavors are based on Love and , then the result will be imbued with spiritual mercy. From this perspective, it becomes easy to find the true purpose of life. As I stated earlier, during my first post-mortem experience I was shown that one of the fundamental lessons that every soul trapped in the human form must learn is how to use their unique abilities to unleash perfection on Earth.

However, some of us help by resisting, and I must admit, I am guilty of this too. It never ceases to amaze me that before I finally decided of my own free will to play the role assigned to me, they had to kill me so many times. I hope none of you have to go through a similar path to enlightenment. But if that's your choice, go ahead! I just personally cannot call this path to self-realization pleasant and recommend it to you.

For 25 years I traveled giving lectures all over the world. Despite the fact that the people listening to me spoke languages ​​unfamiliar to me and professed a variety of religions, most often they asked the same question: “How did I find my true purpose in life?” The next two chapters of this book will help answer this question.

Suggested focus

Wanting to use wisdom and being strong, powerful spiritual beings, you must honor as sacred the value of your breath and heartbeat. This is achieved through careful care of your earthly form. The better you take care of yourself, the easier it will be for you to fulfill your earthly mission, that is, your heroic spiritual goal. Staying healthy includes (but is not limited to):

Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily,

7-8 hours of sleep at night,

Regular exercise (at least 5 days a week),

A nutritious diet that includes foods suitable for your blood type,

Time set aside for reflection and meditation (5-15 minutes, twice a day),

Daily records of important events and blessings,

Reading and re-reading Spiritual Reflections and Affirmations for each truth.

Spiritual Reflection on Truth #1

My magnificence

I'm flawless. I am a beautiful reflection of my Divine origin. No matter what imperfections appear through my human qualities, the perfect spiritual side of my personality remains intact. I am a being of the Great I AM.


I AM the magnificent manifestation of Universal Perfection.

based on materials from the book: Danion Brinkley - "The Mystery of Light. About our life in two worlds."

I once traveled to the Hawaiian island of Kauai with my team of healers and helpers to conduct a six-day intensive, “Dazzling You,” designed to heal our clients at the deepest level of the soul, and with me

a new and very powerful source of knowledge came into contact. I first felt this powerful new spiritual force on the third day of my stay on the island, when a group of 30 of us were doing an afternoon meditation.

As I relaxed to the beautiful music of my musician friend Michael Welch, I told everyone to close their eyes and concentrate on their breathing, feeling the air moving in and out of the body. A few moments later, I completely stopped noticing the group and suddenly in my mind's eye I saw an army of tall blue cylindrical creatures approaching me with open arms and great love. Their vibrations were so high that I became completely immersed in their powerful healing energy.

I felt my head slowly tilt back and my ego step aside as these Beings of Light approached me and entered my body to speak to the group through me (this process is known as channeling). I was conscious, but I felt far away from my physical self, as if I was looking at myself from the outside, as surprised by what was happening as everyone else.

These beings introduced themselves as Emissaries of the Third Ray and respectfully asked permission to speak to those present. Not knowing what was happening, but feeling the same vibration of deep love that I felt, the group agreed.

Then the Beings of Light began to convey a clear and important message. Through me, they began to talk about how we are all loved and valuable, but must change our vibration, freeing ourselves from fear and turning to love, if we are to survive as humans in particular, and as a human race in general. With great compassion, the Emissaries shared that they were reaching out to them through me (and to me) to offer assistance in bringing about this transformation. While they were speaking through me, my voice and manner of speaking were different. It was strange, but it didn't make me uncomfortable.

I was amazed at the power of their vibrations as they passed through my being. Their light and love were so great that it seemed to me that I could explode at any moment. However, instead my heart opened in a way that it had never opened before. I felt intoxicated by riding so high on the wave of love. Every cell of my body was filled with energy and renewed, pain and tension went away, creating absolute peace and tranquility, and all the worries and anxieties of my life receded with ease. With the help of these loving Beings of Light, I felt one with the Universe and God.

They spoke only briefly, but the words were not so important. They sent us such intense healing vibrations that words simply could not convey their message, and I later learned that everyone felt the same. By transmitting this powerful vibration of love, the Third Ray Emissaries expanded our heart chakra to such an extent that no one present had ever thought such a thing was possible. We received the message because we felt it.

They used me as their channel for a few minutes and then retreated, thanking us for our attention and telling us that if we wanted to feel their presence again, we must open our hearts and allow them to enter us through our hands. Then I slowly returned to consciousness.

I had channeled before, allowing guides to speak through me, especially with the Three Bishops, but never before had I entered such a deep altered state or felt such a physical impact.

When they left, we all sat in amazement in silence. We felt a change in energy and a heady freedom from fear. This vibration of a powerful loving force was so different from the frequencies of consciousness to which we were accustomed that we were speechless. There was no need to say anything... we felt happiness.

The first contact with the Emissaries was very interesting. For the past five years, I have felt that they were trying to contact me, but my vibration was not open and stable enough for them to get through to me sooner. I asked myself if it would be possible to establish contact again, and the same question arose among the whole group.

The next day we meditated again and the Third Ray Emissaries returned. When their incredibly high vibrations filled me with light and love, I almost fell. This time one of their army of love came out and introduced himself as Joachim.

He greeted us with the same respect and affection as before and asked our permission to speak. He received permission and again began to convey through me what he called an urgent message. He spoke slowly, deliberately, and his words made a lot of sense. He said that the human race cannot survive unless we transform our traditional consciousness into something more than is needed just to tie up loose ends. He said that the planet cannot withstand the fear we are creating, and large numbers of people, gripped by horror, will have to leave the Earth to restore its balance.

He said that this would not be a foregone conclusion if everyone changed their energies for survival, throwing away fear, limitations and selfishness and turning to love. Such people will not only be safe during this period of change, but will also give birth to a new race of higher beings. While he spoke, I felt deep peace and tranquility, just like the day before, and everyone present felt the same.

Using my body and hand, Joachim showed me how to generate this powerful energy inherent in the heart chakra. He asked everyone present to open their hearts and stretch their arms to the sides, letting the vibration of love pass through them and radiate it into the world. In this way, he assured us, we can create and attract to ourselves whatever we want.

Feeling a powerful vibration passing through my entire being as I followed his instructions (it was the same with others, as I later learned), I understood exactly how his words could be realized. This unlimited flow of love that the Third Ray Emissaries helped each of us release into the world was so wonderful and peaceful that I intuitively knew it was the same vibration with which Christ healed. If we recognize this power as ours, then we too can create miracles.

Joachim said that the Emissaries have come to help us experience the miracle of boundless love that the world desperately needs right now. He and the other Beings of Light then showed us a heart-opening meditation that put us into an altered state of consciousness for several hours. We were told that by quieting our minds and opening our hearts we would begin a new humanity and they came to teach us how to plant those seeds.

Having given us his parting blessing, Joachim left, but not before assuring us that the Emissaries of the Third Ray and many other armies of Beings of Light are constantly available to us and can guide those who are ready to let go of fear and be filled with the vibration of love.

Joachim and the Emissaries have since established a very strong bond with me. They told me that my spirit had agreed to help give birth to a new kind of human being that would come from love and not from fear. My mission is to help people activate and expand their heart chakra and become energetically stronger in their love.

I believe in this because I have been prepared for this since childhood. Now Emissaries come whenever I speak in public to help me activate this higher vibration in everyone present. They - and the rest of the Beings of Light - communicate with many others who are open to filling the Earth with love, because without cooperation we cannot succeed.

They may have come into contact with you too. You will know this is true if you suddenly feel a deep and strong desire to forgive all the pain and hurt that your ego feels and to love yourself, others and life with all your heart and soul.

The transition from linearity to multidimensionality will be marked by the transformation of consciousness from vibration to tonality. Tonality is a set of vibrations that manifested themselves before certain stages of materialization in different dimensions: realities with different physics. Vibration manifests itself in different places within the same dimension of space and time. In parallel worlds, the vibrational entity does not exist in the stage of conscious creation. The tonal being is aware of itself as a set of versions manifested here and now in any dimensions and parallels.

Merging with the Spirit is an awareness of one’s potentials, the development of which is possible in the human body and mind. Coverage of past and future versions of the present self with all possible changes in the level of development of consciousness and the stage of evolution of the soul.

Tonality as a property of advanced consciousness allows you to move not with human consciousness, but with the essence in reality with a different physics and there observe or be an active participant in what is happening with the subsequent synthesis of a recognition character in the human world. Sometimes a person is able to remember the most unusual dreams and even realize his presence in the actions taking place there. Such people are called “walkers between worlds.”

Time travel, moving to one’s future is a possibility for any vibrational being whose consciousness is aimed at receiving a certain amount of information and energy messages from one’s future self, with the ability to apply it here and now for one’s own benefit and the highest benefit of all. All serious discoveries occur precisely according to this principle. Therefore, often, the discovery made is several centuries ahead of modern times.

A tonal being of light lives consciously in several non-overlapping worlds. In addition, the ability to travel to oneself in the past-present-future line remains a basic property that is constantly used in practice.

The absolute awareness of oneself as the One, existing in a variety of manifestations in multidimensional space, forms the basis of the psychophysics of the tonal being. To live a full life in several worlds at the same time - this opportunity is embedded in our DNA. Twelve strands of DNA give impulse to the development of 12 vibrations in a specific space-time continuum of the Universe. Other dimensions of DNA, not yet known to science, appear in the so-called “parallel worlds” - worlds with different physics.

Activation of all layers of DNA accessible to a person allows one to cross the line of linearity of consciousness and enter multidimensionality. The activation of 12 layers of DNA means the awareness and reception of one’s vibrations, manifested in matter in one form or another, they are also called potentials.

Maintaining complete freedom from the emerging opportunities-talents, using them as tools on your evolutionary path allows you to get out of duality, learn the “essence of things,” and learn to create your own realities in any worlds.

For a person, reality exists only in the zone of his awareness; everything else is an illusion. For a tonal being of light, the illusion is dispelled by contact with his conscious attention directed anywhere in the universe. Through the concentration of sensory experiences, he shapes worlds through instantaneous materialization. Moreover, events take shape and are formalized within the framework of the laws of physics operating there. According to this principle, man himself manifested himself in the three-dimensional space of the planet. The body is formed from trace elements of the planet on which it lives. The functions are clearly subject to the laws of physics on this planet. This is the process of thickening matter as a reaction to a specific vibration.

A tonal being is capable of condensing matter into any of the many vibrations available to it. Now there is a process of creations becoming Creators due to a sharp increase in the vibrational background of the planet Earth itself, measured in Hz and called Schumann waves.

Tonality is the ability to live in many worlds while maintaining complete adequacy in any of them. The ability to travel to different worlds is inherent in a person’s genes. Many individuals, due to gene pathologies, as doctors call them, do not demonstrate adequacy here and now. That is, when matter thickened, a vibrational action occurred according to the clearly observed laws of the planet (more often the body of such people is in perfect order), but awareness of oneself in this reality is partially or completely absent. They say about such people “they live in their own world.” There are beings in the human body and mind with a hyperactive process of self-awareness - geniuses. From one vibration - the soul - 12 thickenings of matter are possible in the modern world of earth and humanity. The principle of complementarity is a kind of reflection of the law of conservation of energy. For the same reason, a family cannot have more than one genius in a period of several hundred years.