Wishes for the last call to graduates should be beautiful and kind. Wishes to classmates

Wishes to classmates bring us back to school. It is as if we are scrolling through a photo album, remembering the story depicted in the photo. Wishes for classmates are always a hope for a quick meeting of the former mischievous, cheerful boys and girls.

In verse

  • I wish we met more often
  • And they remembered our cheerful class,
  • Always smiling brightly when they met,
  • And they remembered every passing hour!
  • Let the school meet us with flowers,
  • What we planted in the school yard
  • So that sometimes we fly to school with dreams,
  • When we wake up in the morning, at dawn.
  • We studied together
  • So many years!
  • I wish you friends
  • Joyful victories!
  • So that we do not study in vain,
  • For knowledge to be useful
  • To be on the way to your destiny
  • We met only kind people!
  • Dear and dear classmates!
  • I wish everyone to find love
  • So that your soul burns clearly
  • And so that the blood boils with passion.
  • To love and be faithful
  • They gave birth to many children,
  • In the heart to live hope, honesty,
  • And so that you live many days,
  • Longevity to you, joy,
  • And let it be marmalade in life,
  • And so that from this sweetness
  • My heart has always been happy!
  • My classmates!
  • I wish you love!
  • Strong and big families
  • Life is long and cool.
  • Children to you healthy,
  • new impressions,
  • Gentle meetings, dates,
  • Joyful dreams.
  • warm relationship,
  • New, good zeal,
  • Let everything come true
  • Fulfilled quickly!
  • Who was in our class
  • Let your path be clear!
  • Boldly you go to the goal,
  • Keep a good memory
  • Remember our friendship
  • Come if you need
  • Always on the school doorstep
  • And all of you be protected by God!
  • my classmates,
  • We have become family!
  • I wish you in life
  • Don't get tired of yours!
  • Never got sick
  • Got around the troubles
  • And let in your destiny
  • There will only be victories!
  • I wish my classmates well
  • And inspiration, and squeaky pen,
  • paint pictures, write novels,
  • Someone to become a screen star
  • Someone to become an astronaut
  • Someone may be an astronomer,
  • And so that you graduate from all universities
  • Only with honors, with a red diploma.
  • Let everyone have their own star in life,
  • May she always illuminate life
  • So that in the path of life
  • It was easier for you to go!
  • You are my classmates!
  • Friends, girlfriends!
  • I wish you to keep
  • This friendship of ours!
  • And wherever you go
  • Remember the school
  • Always return to her
  • If it hurts!
  • Let school be joy
  • And relieve fatigue
  • And let all your pain
  • Quiet immediately!

In prose

Dear my classmates! Thanks to you, studying at this school was not only a necessity, but also a wonderful entertainment. Our class has always been the most cheerful and noisy. Usually the students are waiting for the holidays to come, but I couldn't wait for them to end, in order to see all of you as soon as possible. I sincerely wish that we never forget about our friendship, and even after graduation, our cheerful company gathered in full strength at least at the reunion of graduates.

When my parents first took me to grade 1 "A" of our school, I was very worried, because I did not know what was waiting for me here and whether I would be able to make friends with someone. But a month later I found the best girlfriend, with whom I am still friends. My dear friend and classmate! I am very glad that I was enrolled in the "A" class, and not "B" or "C". It helped us get to know each other and get closer. I wish you to always remain as smart, talented and collected in further studies, and cheerful, open and positive in everyday life.

Our school years are coming to an end. Soon we will go to different colleges and universities and may never get together again. But, to be honest, I can’t imagine that completely different people will surround me there, and our class will remain only in memories and photographs in the school album. Classmates! I want to wish each of you the realization of hopes and goals. And may any team that we get into after school be as friendly and united as our class!

In your own words

How you poisoned my first years at school! You always gave me offensive nicknames, pulled up my dress and shamed me in front of other boys from the class! I cried and didn't want to go to school. Why did you do it? We were residents of the same country called "school" and had to help each other, play together and grow up! Classmate! I do not hold evil and with all my heart I wish you a worthy future! Be strong and very brave. And also love and respect women, because one of them will become the mother of your children! Classmates! Girls! I want your life to turn out the way you dreamed! I wish you to become models, actresses, journalists and just wives of oligarchs! Swim on yachts, interview the president and stars, perform on the catwalks! Boys! And you yourself become presidents and oligarchs! Then we will be connected not only by work, but also by the old friendship of classmates. Good luck to you all! In many years, I will leaf through our school album and remember this day. I will look at the photos and guess who has their fate, career and personal life. Dear classmates! Friends! I suggest you never get lost. Let's think of some place where we will come, for example, on Friday, every three months! I will miss many of you!

The last bell rang
The academic year has ended.
All summer ahead
This makes us very happy.

Relax, have fun
Strength, health gain.
Get ready for autumn
To study again for a year.

School year ends
And the last bell rings
He calls you to rest
Have fun and play!

You have a whole summer
And then back to class
To start over again
Granite science to conquer!

Dear students, I congratulate you on the Last Bell and the beginning of a well-deserved rest. All year long you have been working hard, conquering high peaks, discovering a lot of new and interesting things, and now it's time to take a little break from school desks and textbooks, from school uniforms and calls to the lesson. I wish you guys a wonderful summer, bright sun, cheerful mood and fantastic plans for this long weekend.

The last bell will ring
He won't call me to class again.
And exams are waiting for you ahead,
Then graduation and college.

Entering adult life
Everyone was waiting for this and waiting.
Now you are not school students,
Proudly called you - graduates!

We wish you to choose the right path for you,
And step on it confidently.
We wish you good luck and good luck,
No fluff to you guys, no pen!

Another year behind
Vacations are great!
I want you to make them
Fun, bright and cool!

I wish that all your knowledge
Over the summer you have not forgotten
And so that dreams and desires
Easy and beautiful everything came true!

You don't have to come to school anymore
Your last lesson is over.
It is very sad to leave the class,
But the bell rang for the last time.

Another exam is ahead
Well, then the space is open for you.
Let there be no obstacles on the way
And life flies like a free bird.

The call of the last one is disturbed by overflows,
Called to go to wonderful lands,
May all your dreams come true beautifully
May this world remember you lovingly.

We wish you not to be upset from insults,
Stumbling, immediately jump to your feet,
Love, be friends, do not forget to meet,
It will be easier for you to live together.

It's time to say goodbye to school
Special day today
There is delight in it, great joy
And a light languishing shadow.

We wish you great success,
Let there be a bright, glorious path,
Catch the bird of happiness
Success and joy are not to be frightened off.

Well, it's time to sum up:
There were so many colorful days!
And let the teachers be strict at times,
But only to make you smarter!

We wish you the sea, enjoy the warmth,
After all, summer is on the calendar!
And return with new strength
To your native school in September!

See you soon, students!
School doors close behind you.
The last time verses were sounded for you here,
Even though we don't want to believe it!

We wish creative forces,
And success in work, study.
Each of you is sincerely dear to us,
You will be missed in our school!

As the years of study flew by quickly,
They suddenly managed to jump a step higher,
Hear your last call now,
Soon everyone will leave for the new world from us.

Let ingenuity go with you,
The thought is remembered, the brain does not get tired,
We wish you courage to go all the way,
Pass the exams, join the students.

The last bell is a traditional holiday for schoolchildren finishing their studies. The last calls in schools take place at the end of May, when studies have already ended, and the final exams have not yet begun. The last call draws a line, puts an end to the long-term educational marathon with all its lessons and breaks, tests and homework.

The last bell is a big school-wide holiday, which is addressed to graduates, teachers and parents. The solemn ceremony includes speeches by guests, the director, the first teacher, parents, greetings from first graders, parting words from 9th and 11th grade students.

The moment of parting with school is often very sad, because not only homework and tests, but also beloved teachers, and schoolmates, and unique moments of childish mischief remain in the past. But at the same time, the Last Call is always a celebration of joy and enthusiastic expectation of new changes in life. After all, from this moment a new life opens up before the graduate, full of all kinds of discoveries and surprises - a new life that opens up the opportunity for a person to make his dreams and plans come true!

If you want to congratulate your friend or acquaintance, who is graduating from school this year, on a holiday, you can choose, if you wish, either SMS congratulations, or musical or voice congratulations on the last call with delivery to your mobile.

Congratulations on the last call in verse

How fast time has flown
Since the first lesson was
Today you all have matured
The last bell rings.

You do not forget school lessons,
Your class, friends, teachers.
Now you will involuntarily feel sad,
The class door will be closed.

You've grown up guys.
Today you are graduates!
And there were kids once,
Without letting go of my mother's hand.

Good luck in your adult life
Don't forget the school way.
And value your friendship
After all, the past years can not be returned.

Acts of you truthful, honest,
You keep the joy of meetings.
Grow up, value friendship,
Save the school waltz!

The last bell rings -
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
He is much more victorious
What was yesterday!
Understandably, expect
Exams more...
They melt in the heat
Life is coming!
May there be a lot of happiness
And farta ahead!
Let the side of bad weather
Bypass you on the way!

Today is the day of farewell to study,
For tomorrow the doors of the school are far away,
Let this day be a little cheerful
But we can't hold back the tears.
Here are all our friends, our girlfriends,
Favorite ever teachers.
And there is no more friendly and beautiful building,
It's like you're leaving home forever.
And ahead lies the road of life,
From sharp turns and obstacles,
Who will be defeated instantly by the power of thought,
And the knowledge of student awards!

That's it, friends, the farewell bell will ring,
Remember this moment forever!
From now on, the path will be open to adult life,
Step boldly! We give you blessings!
May hearts be filled with goodness
May the young destinies only find happiness!
And the school years are always, always
Let your memory live!

Your last school bell rings.
It rings softly, somehow in the old fashioned way.
No need to rush to class tomorrow
With a briefcase along the trodden path.
No need to study theorems
Write complex essays in notebooks,
And you can just take and dream
About those roads that it is possible to pass.
Let the mountains that stand in the way
Will be overcome overnight
May it always be easy for you to go
May only happiness be with you.
Let everyone be who they want to be
It will pass all the difficulties of complex science.
Always go forward, do not give in and know
That in life everything is always possible!

Congratulations on the last call in prose

So the last school bell rang! We congratulate you on your graduation. Childhood remains beyond its threshold, you enter adulthood. How much has swept over the years: the joy of the first victories, hard work on oneself, sleepless nights of parents. Do you remember what your first clumsy steps in your studies were like, the first written letters, the words you read? All this is far behind. Everyone has their own path ahead. Each of you, for sure, decided on the choice of profession. Now you will make all the decisions yourself. And it depends only on you how your future destiny will turn out. I wish you easy beginnings, successful achievements, a bright future!

Today we congratulate not children, but adult young people who are on the threshold of their new, independent life. And the last bell, which will ring for you very soon, will become a symbol of future victories, brilliant discoveries and wonderful achievements! Take care of yourself and your hearts, keep in them a good memory of the time when you were children. Be happy!

Last call! Such a sonorous, clean, calling ... But .. Alas, ah! It's too late for us to rush to him! However, there will be more exams... But you have nothing to worry about, you will definitely pass them easily! And then - there will be graduation ... and hello, adulthood! I recommend starting it in such a way that by the next meeting of graduates you will be among the youngest millionaires in the world!

Now you are listening to the last school bell ringing. And for someone it will sound for the first time in the fall ... The flight of time is faster than the flight of a swallow! Accept congratulations and wishes from us - successfully pass the exams, take a walk at the graduation ball, as if in a fairy tale, spend an unforgettable summer and choose the right path in life that leads to happiness!

I want to sincerely congratulate you, my dearest guys, my graduates. You and I have come a long way, which was not always easy, but you endured. I want to congratulate you and say that you are great fellows. You are not just graduates, you are already quite adult people who have gone through one important stage in their lives. I would like to wish each of you patience and perseverance, as well as endurance and a lot of strength, because not everything will be easy for you, but believe that you can cope with any problem, because you have already gone through one school of life. But today forget about everything, because on this wonderful holiday you should relax and have fun. Today is just your day, and the exams will suffer a little. Happy holiday, my guys! May this day give each of you a lot of positive emotions.

At the end of May, school graduates will gather for a farewell assembly. During its solemn part, sincere wishes for the Last Bell will be heard from parents and class teachers of schoolchildren, their classmates and teachers. Of course, each speaker will remind the grown-up children that it was the school that became the place for them, where they were taught not only to write beautifully in notebooks and correctly divide the “column”, but also to be friends, respect each other, help the elders. Standing on the ruler, many boys and girls, already future students, will “scroll” in their heads various episodes of school life that are significant for them, jokes that took place in the classroom, and, perhaps, sad events that happened in the classroom. Of course, congratulating the children in prose, the teaching staff of the educational institution, fathers and mothers will only talk about a better future awaiting graduates. Some of the teachers or the principal of the school wish young people not to be afraid of difficulties and not to look for easy ways in life, choosing their own path.

Last call - Wishes to graduates in prose

Addressing graduates during the Last Bell, teachers will not only congratulate them on the successful completion of grades 9 or 11 and wish them easy exams. Teachers and the school administration will tell former students about the confidence they feel when letting go of already pretty boys and charming ladies from under their “wing”. Wishing the guys to always find the strength to overcome life's obstacles, strive for success, integrity and justice, they will congratulate every future student and successful employee on completing the most important life stage.

Examples of wishes in prose for graduates on the last call

Addressing yesterday's schoolchildren, teachers and guests invited to the Last Bell will talk a lot not only about the educational success of the children, but also about their future. Indeed, every graduate may feel some uncertainty - but will he make the right choice of profession or life occupation? Will he make a mistake when entering a university, guided by the prestige of the educational institution, and not by his own aspirations. Adults must definitely support the guys, wanting them to obey their hearts and not be led by others. Examples of such parting wishes in prose can be found here.

Dear graduates! Young, beautiful, smart, promising and confident. Today is the only way to call you! Yesterday's boys and girls have become gallant young men and charming ladies. We are happy to see you so happy and carefree. Congratulations on graduating from school, with the successful passing of exams. Now, instead of the exam, I want to say three other letters - Hurray! You are great! We congratulate you on one of life's victories - obtaining a certificate. We wish you to choose the right decisions, be persistent and never give up, do not succumb to laziness, do not waste your nerves, do not let everything take its course. And today let it sound more often from your lips “Let's dance?”
Dear teachers! You are more than just teachers. You, as second parents, brought up and taught our children. You are great and talented mentors! Over the years, they have passed on their knowledge to our children. We want to thank you and say "thank you" for all your efforts. We wish you success, strength, patience and more flowers! Let it not come to valocordin in your work.
Special thanks to the class teacher. Your activity was passed on to our children. Your inexhaustible energy charged the students, helped them, gave rise to a craving for learning new things in them. You are full of ideas and resemble a beautiful and cheerful butterfly. We wish that your future students take an example from you. You are the coolest class teacher!
The director of the school deserves deep respect and individual words of gratitude. Thanks to Marina Vladimirovna, a friendly, close-knit and wonderful team of teachers works at the school. We wish you not to be like that anymore :) We wish you to be even better! Your school has been like a guiding star for our children. She guided them, helped them take the right steps, make the right choice. Our gift to the school, as a symbol of the school and an expression of the pride and joy of parents that their children studied at your school, a school that prepared graduates for real adult life.

Somehow, suddenly, the day came. The day when our children rise to a new stage in their lives. The stage where there will be no all-encompassing eye of parents and teachers; a stage where most of life's problems and tasks you will have to solve on your own. But you went to this step for a short 9 years, learning new and unknown, getting acquainted with all kinds of aspects of life, learning to communicate with adults and peers. And all these 9 years your teachers tirelessly walked hand in hand with you. Together with you, they rejoiced at your ups and downs and victories, were upset and worried about you in difficult times. Just imagine how much strength, health, patience and love they needed in order to raise such wonderful graduates proudly and confidently looking into the future from unintelligent six-year-olds.
Dear teachers! Allow me to express to you sincere words of gratitude for your attention, care, and for your work. Today we say from the bottom of our hearts: “Thank you for our children!”
And now I turn to you, our beloved children. Boldly, with pure thoughts, go forward. Set reasonable goals for yourself and strictly follow the intended path. Learn to enjoy and appreciate every moment, every hour, every day. Good luck on your next step in life. Always remember: there are people in the world who love you very much and always worry - it's us, your parents. Good luck!

Wishes for the last call from the class teacher

Sometimes the period between the Last Bell and the beginning of the former student's working career or his admission to the university is called the "last summer of childhood." Indeed, with the end of school comes the most difficult period of choosing a profession, a life path. The main thing at this time is not to make an irreparable mistake, listen to the advice of elders, but always be guided by your own opinion. Speaking to the guys on the line, their class teacher will call the graduates his family, younger comrades. He will definitely read poetry to them, wish the girls and boys to carefully keep the memory of the years spent together at school, but always look to the future, seeing their goal.

Examples of wishes from the class teacher for the last call

The class teacher always goes a long way with the children than any of the other teachers. For many graduates, this teacher becomes a true friend, from whom you can always take an example. Wise, fair, sometimes cheerful class teachers, children really love. They are often trusted with secrets hidden even from their closest relatives and friends. As always, at the Last Bell, these teachers will take the floor, wishing the children, without forgetting the school, to strive for their life goal.

Today is your last call
Familiar to the pain, carried away in childhood,
And touching every corner of the soul,
It opens a new door for you!

You are my children, we have become like a family,
It's time for us to say goodbye, you are adults at all!
A new path of life is waiting for everyone,
But autumn will still yearn for you!

You keep the memory of your school years,
Let everyone find their own way in life
Everything is now in your hands only,
And new goals are already waiting at the threshold!

You and I have come a long way
And let the sadness cover a little,
But her pride instantly crowds out,
A new life embraces you.
Guys, my class, you are all great!
You were able to finish school
With an excellent passing score.
I wish you to reach the desired heights!

My dear class, we went through
The road is long and now I will say -
I'm proud of these students
And I love each of you.
Over the years, these have become my family,
Graduation and life are ahead of you ...
The best years of your youth are waiting for you.
So happy holiday my class, my graduate!

Last call - Wishes from parents

At the end of May, thousands of graduates will gather the last school bell in their lives. Parents of former schoolchildren will definitely come to the holiday. One of the moms or dads will definitely take the floor, make a speech full of hope for a wonderful future that awaits each of the guys. How quickly school years flew by! Until recently, boys and girls learned to write correctly and read fluently, and today they are already thinking about their future profession. Which life path to choose? How to learn to set the right goals for yourself, steadily moving towards success? Parents will give future students invaluable life advice and wish them not to be afraid to overcome possible difficulties.

Examples of wishes from parents for the last call

Turning to the graduates at the Last Bell, parents, of course, will say thanks to the teachers who conscientiously and patiently teach and educate their children for 9 or 11 years. Speaking about teachers, they wish the children to follow the example of these people who have chosen such a difficult, responsible profession, who were not afraid of the difficulties of working with schoolchildren. Of course, every young person today is free to make his personal choice of the future. This is not an easy task: too many temptations can await young men and women in a new, “free” life. Parents will wish them to remain reasonable, not to rush into choosing a job or university, and learn how to make informed decisions.

Our dear children
Today you are already graduates,
We wish you that the stars were brighter
On your life path.

So that you do not doubt your abilities,
To try to achieve goals
To live in a perfect, bright world,
So that you do not meet troubles at all.

We also wish, dear, patience,
Good luck, happiness, to find your destiny.
Throw you away regret
And believe in your bright dreams!

Excitement fills the soul
Can't hold back the tears.
Thank you, dear teachers,
For your sensitivity and warmth.

That our children have become friends
And led by the hand into the world of science,
Among new discoveries and knowledge
After all, the guys have found personality.

And to you, graduates, we wish
Do not be shy in front of a difficult problem
And, conquering new heights,
Have perseverance and patience!

How quickly you grew up
Our children are dear,
Didn't have time to look back
And you already have "graduation"
Roads open up
adult life before you,
Lots of paths ahead
Make your choice yourself!
Just remember we're here
And we will help you, as before,
In a word, deed, a warm look,
After all, our love is boundless!

Wishes for the last call to classmates

For a long 9 or 11 years, the guys studied together in the same class. Many classmates became bosom friends, someone even managed to fall in love. At the Last Bell, graduates take the floor, wishing their comrades to achieve their goals, enter the chosen educational institution, and master a worthy specialty. Such wishes are heard both in prose and in verse.

Examples of wishes to classmates for the last call

Over the long years of schooling, schoolchildren have become so accustomed to school bells that today, having heard the last of them, they do not always realize that childhood is really over for them. Today, former classmates, like birds, will scatter to different places. Someone, perhaps, will move to another country, others will come later to work in their own school. No matter how life circumstances develop, children should always remember the honor of the school, human dignity, and a sense of justice. Of course, on the Last Bell, former students wish each other personal happiness, successful admission to a university, excellent work, and a good family. You can find examples of such wishes in verses here.

Solemnly clean, the school is lit up.
Your most recent lesson is over.
Tearful - sad, happy and cheerful,
Your final bell will now ring.
You will no longer sit at the school desk.
You will not, worrying, leaf through the textbook.
You won’t go to the blackboard, to the historical map,
Not knowing what to talk about - and be silent.
The teacher won't mark you
And the diary will no longer see the deuces.
Last call .. It happens so rarely!
For a lifetime - only a short moment!
Last call .. Tired to death,
Eleven years spoiled your nerves.
He seemed evil, but in reality, believe me,
He was not like that - and now, on this day,
You hear it - and you go dumb with sadness.
Like a farewell hand waving.
And there is nothing dearer in the whole world
The last, school bell ringing.
Your ship is built and under sail
He will sail into the distance to unfamiliar seas.
We believe you will pass the most important exam:
The right to consider yourself a man.

For many years the bells rang
Inviting to a lesson.
But today it's the last one
Final call.

Happiness, joy, good luck.
In the new life of bright days
Fulfillment of dreams.
Faithful, devoted friends!

The last call is a special holiday.
It contains joy and sadness, hope and fear.
Lessons are already in the past, and your classmate
Will not scratch rhymes on tables.

The end of discos and school concerts.
And you don’t have to “build small ones”.
You can forget fractions, x's and percentages.
And there will be no “spurs” for two.

The bell will ring and the doors will slam shut
Thousands of new doors will open.
And most importantly, you need to firmly believe in yourself,
Save your fire in the beams of lanterns.

Addressing graduates in poetry and prose, class teachers, teachers, and parents say their best wishes for the Last Bell. They sincerely congratulate former classmates on their successful graduation from school, advise them not to rush to make a choice for the future, making only informed decisions.

The solemn school line dedicated to the Last Bell is traditionally held in the last days of May. On the site in front of the school, classes line up in orderly rows - from junior primary to "newly minted" graduates, for whom this event will be held for the last time. Indeed, the students of grades 9 and 11 are happy and sad today, because they will soon have to leave the walls of their native school forever and choose their own life path. Touching wishes for the last call to graduates are heard from the closest and dearest people - the class teacher, teachers, parents, classmates. With the help of words of wishes, you can cheer up graduates, giving them confidence in their abilities and future. Our selection contains the best wishes in prose and poetry - such touching lines on the Last Bell will be remembered by graduates and all those present for many years to come.

Sincere wishes for the Last Call of 2017 to graduates of the 9th grade in prose - from the director, parents, teachers

Many students of the 9th grade have made a choice in favor of further studies in secondary schools or work, so at the Last Bell they will have to say goodbye to their favorite school and teachers. What wishes to express to ninth-graders? First of all, good luck, luck, as well as the successful overcoming of all life's difficulties. Starting their journey, 9th grade graduates receive a lot of guidance from parents and school teachers - close people who are proud of their achievements and wish only the best. An important part of the solemn line dedicated to the Last Bell is the speech of the headmaster with sincere wishes for perseverance, patience and endurance. We have selected the most sincere wishes for graduates of the 9th grade in prose - such words can be included in any scenario of the Last Bell.

Examples of sincere wishes in prose for the Last Bell holiday for grade 9 graduates:

Dear graduates, I would like to congratulate you on the successful completion of another life milestone. I hope you have received the amount of knowledge you need, which will definitely come in handy in life. May your future be as bright and unforgettable as the graduation ball. Try to pay more attention to the choice of profession and do not forget your school friends and teachers. Go your own way, boldly looking ahead, and do not be afraid of difficulties!

For me, as a leader, it is a great honor to open a graduation party for our now former ninth graders. We are proud of you. You defended the honor of the school at subject Olympiads and sports competitions, creative competitions. This prom will always be in your memory. Today we are summing up the results of your first life achievements. No matter how your life develops, know that the connecting thread has not broken. Great happiness to you, joy in new achievements, rise to the heights of an eagle's flight!

Our beloved children! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on your secondary education! Most of them adequately coped with their task and successfully passed the exams, you are just great! Now everyone has a certificate, it contains only assessments of your knowledge - this is a ticket to the steamer, called life. Let not everyone get first class cabins, there will still be time to fix everything and achieve more! In the meantime, have fun and enjoy youth, but do not forget about your parents. Good luck!

Wishes in prose and poetry for the Last Call 2017 from the class teacher - graduates of grades 9 and 11

For graduates, the class teacher is not only a wise mentor, but also a senior comrade and friend. Indeed, over the years of school life, children, under the strict “guidance” of a cool “mother”, have grown up and learned a lot. And now the time has come to say goodbye to their pupils who are leaving the walls of their native school - at the Last Bell holiday, the class teacher experiences a feeling of joy and sadness at the same time. Words of wishes to graduates from the class teacher are filled with maternal pride, participation and excitement. So, we bring to your attention the best wishes for the Last Call in prose and verse - graduates of grades 9 and 11 from your favorite class teacher.

A selection of wishes for the Last Call - poems and prose from the class teacher:

So many feelings mixed up in my soul at once,

After all, my guys are graduating today!

I can't forget how I took you in the fifth grade

Over the years we have become one family!

Trips, holidays, concerts, KVNs -

There were many amazing moments!

You will remember them, guys, by all means,

May they always live in your hearts!

You have passed your thorny path to the heights of knowledge,

And I wanted to be your friend!

And our pride is 2 successful medalists,

Decorated the school with our cheerful, friendly class!

It's not so easy for me to let you go today,

You are the first issue, you are doubly dear to me!

I wish you to live with dignity, nobility,

After all, humanity, conscience, honor are always valuable!

Strive for goals and love your loved ones,

Don't forget school, class, teachers!

May life be full of accomplishments and discoveries,

Walk joyfully, confidently along it!

Today is your last call
Familiar to the pain, carried away in childhood,
And, touching every corner of the soul,
It opens a new door for you!

You are my children, we became like a family,
It's time for us to say goodbye, you are adults at all!
A new path of life is waiting for everyone,
But autumn will still yearn for you!

You keep the memory of your school years,
Let everyone find their own way in life
Everything is now in your hands only,
And new goals are already waiting at the threshold!

The last call is the final part of a long-term "marathon" called "studying at school." Indeed, only final exams are ahead, after which school life will remain only in the memories of children and parents. Of course, at the Last Bell holiday, everyone's attention is riveted on graduates of the 9th and 11th grades - smart girls and boys, standing on the threshold of a new adult life. Congratulating young graduates on graduation from school, parents say words of encouragement and parting words, as well as wishes of good luck, the right choice of profession, and success in further studies. Do not forget about school teachers - dedicate a few good wishes to teachers on behalf of your parents in poetry and prose.

Texts of touching wishes for the holiday of the Last Bell for children and teachers - poems and prose from parents:

Dear teachers of the most wonderful best school, for many years you met your students - our children, taught, taught smart things, good deeds. It seemed that the school epic would never end. The day of farewell to breaks, lessons and calls came quite unexpectedly. We are happy and sad, a little scared to be left without your daily patronage. Accept parental low bow, sincere gratitude for the teacher's work.

Dear teachers and graduates! Today is a joyful and solemn moment - today the last bell rings for you. This is a long-awaited event, because it is with the last bell that you, graduates, become adults, and you, teachers, can be proud of yourself, because you have released another generation of students. On behalf of all parents, we congratulate you on this event and wish you to pass all the final exams perfectly and not let your teachers down.

Everything ends. Such is the law of the times.
And school time is coming to an end.
last call farewell bell
Takes you from the school threshold.

We raised you, believed, tried -
Now it's time to be proud of you.
For us, you always remained children,
Although they were surprised at times.

Now we want to wish you success
Always, in everything - let you be lucky.
School hard work will be rewarded
And whatever you want will happen!

Wishes at the Last Call 2017 to classmates - in verse and prose

Many classmates have become true friends or good buddies during their school years. However, we have to part with the end of the school, because from now on, each graduate has his own life path. On the Last Call, classmates can wish their cherished desires come true - to enter a university and graduate with honors, get a dream job, meet your love and create a strong family. May sincere words of wishes in verse and prose for classmates be sure to come true and become a good friendly parting word. And most importantly, wish classmates to meet again - after a few years!

I wish you, my dears, that your school years remain in your memory a bright and kind spot, that you will always remember with tenderness and joy. I wish you to succeed in your future life as good specialists and “people”. I wish the boys to become strong and courageous, responsible and good heads of families. Let the girls be kind and sweet, excellent mothers and hostesses. And may you succeed in this life!

What wishes to choose for the last call? On our pages you will find texts of sincere wishes to graduates in verse and prose: from the class teacher, teachers, parents. It is better to say touching wishes to classmates for the Last Bell holiday orally, putting the warmest friendly feelings into each word. We wish you all the best, dear graduates!