Features of the use of valerian during pregnancy. Is it possible to drink valerian for pregnant women - contraindications. Useful video: treatment of neurotic conditions during pregnancy

Probably, every pregnant woman tries to avoid taking any medications during the period of bearing a baby for one simple reason: medications can harm the child, affect its growth and development. The “search” for alternative treatment begins, the use of herbal remedies: valerian during pregnancy, for example, is quite popular among women.

Valerian is a natural (that is, natural) medicinal substance, with the help of which it is customary to eliminate the symptoms of anxiety and anxiety, as well as fight insomnia. During pregnancy, it is important to know about the advisability of taking the medicine and its safety for the health of the unborn child, which will be discussed later.

It is this synonym that can denote valerian officinalis (the Latin term is Valeriána officinalis). Valerian is a perennial plant, which means that it lives for more than two years.

IN medical purposes the root and rhizome of the plant are used: with their help it is customary to deal with sleep disorders. Among other things, the plant can be used as a remedy for anxiety, headache and stomach pain; in some cases, it is even used for depression and convulsive syndrome.

The drug is widely popular in traditional Chinese medicine and homeopathy. It is used as a sedative and cardiotonic.

Interesting fact! In 16th century Europe, women used valerian as a perfume.

Although there are about 200 plant species in nature, it is Valeriána officinalis that is mainly used in medicine. The medicinal substance can be in different forms: in tablets (usually they remember "brown valerian"), in drops; it can also often be taken as a tea. In the form of a tincture, it can be used in combination with hops, passionflower and lemon balm (the addition of herbs due to their ability to "mask" the somewhat putrid smell of natural valerian root).

Is it safe to use valerian root during pregnancy?

There are not enough large-scale studies on the effects of valerian on the fetus. However, during pregnancy, you should still avoid taking any medications.

Note! You should definitely consult with your doctor about taking valerian during pregnancy!

Some known safety issues with valerian use are as follows:

  • Until now, valerian is an over-the-counter drug and is available at any pharmacy. In the annotations to medicines, pregnancy is not a contraindication to taking the medicine, however, it is indicated that it is necessary to take valerian with caution during the period of gestation and. Thus, herbal remedies are currently available on the market even without their adequate and complete research and impact on the human body.
  • In some scientific experiments it has been established that the use of valerian root can lead to a decrease in the level of zinc in a child being born (zinc is important element which is involved in proper development brain).
  • It is believed that valerian during pregnancy causes not only "peace", but also drowsiness. Even if the doctor has approved the drug, a pregnant woman should be careful with tasks that require increased concentration (for example, driving a car).

Optimal dosage

Basically, the drug is used in the following conditions:

  • Insomnia. The recommended dose is 400-600 mg of valerian one hour before bed for two to four weeks. The clinical study did not indicate the presence of side effects, but the results were inconclusive: valerian did not have a sufficient positive effect to combat sleep disorders. Among other things, studies have not found an effect of dosage on clinical outcome.
  • Anxious state. The use of valerian as an anxiolytic is recommended at a dosage of 150 mg in three doses for a month. It can also be used as an extract (1-2 ml) or tincture (2-4 ml).

It should be noted that many commercial preparations are available only as combinations of other natural remedies and valerian.

Side effects of using valerian

In most cases, Valeriána officinalis is a fairly safe herbal preparation that has minimal side effect(however, like most natural medicines). Valerian can also be used in Food Industry(as flavors).

Possible side effects may include: dizziness, restlessness, headache and problems with the gastrointestinal tract (bloating, diarrhea). In rare cases, there is withdrawal after stopping the medication (the so-called "withdrawal syndrome").

Deliberate overdose (a dose increased by 20 times the recommended dose) was carried out in specialized studies; the patient had moderate side effects that disappeared on their own within 24 hours.

Signs of hepatitis (and valerian is metabolized in the liver) were not detected when valerian was consumed orally at a dose of 2.5 mg per day for four years.

The studied individuals working with valerian on a daily basis (growing the plant on farms) did not have any serious problems with health.

Interaction with other drugs

Valerian also has the ability to potentiate (or weaken) the effect of other medications taken:

  • Strengthening the effect of sedatives. The combination of valerian with insomnia drugs (Zolpidem, Zopiclone) leads to a more pronounced effect, increasing drowsiness. Benzodiazepines (diazepam) and some sedatives used for intravenous anesthesia (propofol) also increase their effect on the patient's body.
  • Potentiation of the effect of antidepressants (amitriptyline).
  • Interaction with anticonvulsants medicines(Valproic acid, Phenytoin).
  • Producing an effect on antihistamines (allergy medications).
  • Interactions with statins (atorvastatin) and antimycotic drugs (drugs for the treatment of fungus) are possible. Because valerian is metabolized in the liver, it can make it difficult for other medications to be broken down (by liver enzymes).
  • Valerian may aggravate the conduct of general anesthesia. If you regularly use valerian, it can increase the effect of anesthesia and cause some surgical complications.
  • Valerian during pregnancy can inhibit the effect of some herbal and food "additives": catnip, sage, orange, St. John's wort and others. Among other things, the combination of valerian with herbs that have a sedative effect leads to more pronounced drowsiness.

Herbal use during pregnancy

Facilities traditional medicine quite popular and widespread among the population. Some of these herbs can produce the desired effect, some work at the placebo level and have no clinical effect on the human body.

  • 1 trimester. On early dates the use of any drugs is undesirable in principle; if absolutely necessary, valerian tablets are used during this period (usually to combat severe toxicosis).
  • 2 trimester. From 14 weeks the most active growth and the development of the baby, which means that it is inappropriate to take any medicines.
  • 3rd trimester. Valerian is prescribed according to indications with the recommendation of the attending physician (as auxiliary drug in the complex fight against preeclampsia).

Teratogenicity (violation of embryonic development) has not been found in experimental studies (for example, the study of rodents). Mice during the experiments experienced ataxia (impaired coordination), muscle relaxation and hypothermia (decrease in body temperature).

At the same time, the fact remains: there is no sufficient evidence base that would indicate the safety of the use of natural medicines on the body of a pregnant woman. That is why valerian is not strictly prohibited; however, its use is possible only with the approval of the attending physician.

Note! Use in combination with warfarin may potentiate the effect of the latter; sage in large doses often leads to uterine contractions.

  • When planning to receive any herbal preparations should be reported to your doctor in advance. Find out if valerian will help to cope with the symptoms that bother you, or is it still more appropriate to choose an alternative treatment. Safe drugs for you are only those who have scientific rationale and evidence of the possibility of taking the drug during pregnancy. Carefully study all possible side effects from taking these medicines.
  • All medicinal substances, even herbal ones, should be taken with caution. Herbal use can also cause miscarriage, uterine hypertonicity, preterm labor and/or fetal toxicity (just like synthetic drugs).
  • Even if you have problems sleeping, you should tell your doctor about this: he may choose another drug for insomnia. Especially considering the fact that valerian in clinical studies has not established itself as the drug of choice for sleep disorders. Avoid valerian preparations not only during the period of gestation, but also during lactation and.

Despite the fact that in the public mind Valerian is considered an easy drug, it should be taken with caution during pregnancy. This is stated in the manufacturer's instructions. The medicine can even harm healthy woman, because during the period of bearing a child, she becomes very vulnerable. That is why you should not take pills for prevention or sedation. It is better to consult a doctor and strictly follow his recommendations.

How does valerian work?

Preparations based on valerian extract - herbal natural remedies, which have a sedative and antispasmodic effect. They act mainly on the central nervous system, eliminate irritation, soothe, normalize sleep. Valerian forte relieves smooth muscle spasms internal organs, due to which their normal work is restored, the pain syndrome. This is important for pregnant women who suffer from increased uterine tone or are often nervous.

Medicines based on valerian act gently. They have a cumulative effect that does not appear immediately. The drugs have a beneficial effect on blood flow, bile excretion and digestion in general, improve the functioning of the heart muscle.

The healing effect of the plant was known in antiquity, traditional healers successfully used in the treatment of ailments. For the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, valerian rhizomes are used. They contain more than 200 active substances. Despite the fact that the plant has been used for a very long time, its effect on the human body has not been fully studied.

Indications for use

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  • tachycardia;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • anxiety, restlessness;
  • bad sleep;
  • heartburn;
  • early and late toxicosis;
  • increased tone of the uterus.

The decision to prescribe any medication during pregnancy should be made only by a doctor. Even such harmless drugs should not be used on their own, because they have contraindications and side effects. Before prescribing Valerian to a pregnant woman, the gynecologist will assess the duration of pregnancy, her state of health and concomitant diseases.

In some cases, the decision to prescribe medications will be premature. If there is no threat of miscarriage, and the expectant mother is worried about subjective reasons should analyze her lifestyle. First of all, you need to observe the regime of work and rest, sleep more, not be nervous.

A Valerian tablet can be replaced by watching your favorite movie, a walk in the fresh air, a pleasant conversation with friends. Relatives and friends need to protect a woman from worries, physical labor and household chores. The calm course of pregnancy, when nothing bothers the expectant mother, does not require preventive medication of this kind.

Symptoms of early toxicosis can be dealt with by reviewing your diet. It is necessary to exclude junk food (fried, fatty, smoked, sour foods), diversify the menu useful products(fruits, vegetables, dairy products, eggs, lean meats and fish). It is supposed to eat several times a day in small portions - then the symptoms of toxicosis will significantly decrease without medication.

Instructions for use and dosage

Preparations based on valerian extract are available in the form of tablets, drops and dry raw materials for brewing. Usually, pregnant women are prescribed a tablet form, because the drops contain ethyl alcohol. Valerian should be used in combination with other, stronger medicines.

A tincture of valerian rhizomes can sometimes be prescribed to a pregnant woman, despite the contraindication. If the condition requires emergency measures, and the pills do not help, you can drink 15 drops of alcohol infusion at a time (with strong excitement, tachycardia, abdominal cramps). This will help relieve pain and quickly calm the expectant mother. You should not abuse the drug, it is better to consult a doctor who will select safe and effective remedies.

You can also take a decoction of valerian root, brew teas with this herb. On sale there are herbal sedative fees, which include this herb. Before use, you must make sure that the other components of the tea are indicated during pregnancy.

Valerian should be used no more than three times a day, 1 tablet. Maximum daily dose is 6 tablets. The doctor may prescribe a larger dose if deemed necessary. In this case, you should focus on his recommendations, and not on the manufacturer's instructions.

The medicine is taken half an hour before meals with a small amount of liquid. You can drink Valerian in the evening - this will help normalize disturbed sleep. The course of admission lasts up to a month, depending on the condition of the patient. A pronounced effect will appear only two weeks after the start of therapy.

A decoction of valerian rhizomes should be consumed as follows. Pour 3 tbsp. l. dry material with a glass of boiling water. After complete cooling (after 1 - 1.5 hours), it must be filtered and drunk 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day before or after meals.
The effectiveness of the decoction is higher than that of tablets, so its effect will be noticeable after a few hours. A safe daily amount of decoction is 1/3 cup.

How long to take the medicine and in what doses - only the doctor determines. If desired effect No, this should be reported to your doctor. Any ailments associated with taking Valerian should also be a reason to consult a specialist.

In the early stages

The main indication for the appointment of Valerian in early pregnancy is the threat of miscarriage due to increased uterine tone. The woman is shown bed rest. Additionally, antispasmodic drugs are prescribed (for example, No-Shpu), which will relax the muscles and relieve hypertonicity.

Valerian helps to normalize sleep, reduce arterial pressure. The irritability and anxiety inherent in women at the beginning of pregnancy is successfully eliminated by herbal preparations. Toxicosis, expressed by nausea, vomiting, fatigue, is also stopped by Valerian. Without these indications, the drug should not be used prophylactically.

2 trimester

Restrictions for admission in the second trimester are much less, you can drink Valerian without fear. The baby in the womb has already formed, its organs are being improved. From harmful effects it is securely protected by the placenta. The woman feels more calm, less nervous, her hormonal background stabilized.

Particularly effective preparations based on plant materials in increased tone uterus. This disorder can lead to miscarriage or premature birth, so the benefits of taking Valerian are beyond doubt. Doctors often prescribe the drug in the 2nd trimester, if there is an indication for this. Self-administration should be excluded, because the formation of the child's nervous system is underway.

3rd trimester

The third trimester is characterized by intensive preparation of the mother and fetus for future childbirth. A woman is often tormented by heartburn, flatulence, signs of preeclampsia may appear (edema, high blood pressure). Many note a sleep disorder, a pregnant woman cannot take comfortable posture, nervous and worried.

Valerian will help to cope with excitability, nervousness, heartburn. She will calm the woman and normalize her sleep, lower blood pressure due to vasodilation. In addition, the herb improves digestion, and many pregnant women experience constipation during this period.

Why is an overdose dangerous?

Despite the fact that Valerian is a mild herbal preparation, you can use it only in the dosage recommended by your doctor. Exceeding the dose leads to:

  • headaches;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, constipation);
  • hyperexcitability, irritability;
  • allergies (see also:);
  • excessive drowsiness, lethargy;
  • trembling of the limbs;
  • pupil dilation;
  • tachycardia;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • impaired functioning of the organs of hearing and vision.

When indicated symptoms should urgently apply for medical assistance. If the condition causes concern, you need to call ambulance. It is extremely dangerous to treat an overdose on your own - this can lead to miscarriage or severe complications pregnancy.

If necessary, doctors will do a gastric lavage, conduct therapy with activated charcoal. Symptomatic treatment aimed at maintaining the pregnancy will be prescribed.

An allergic reaction to the drug should not be ignored by the doctor. Reception of Valerian should be stopped immediately, because allergies are dangerous not only for the expectant mother, but also for the fetus. Subsequently, the child may react negatively to valerian extract, up to severe allergic manifestations ( anaphylactic shock, angioedema).

Are there any contraindications?

Contraindications for taking Valerian during pregnancy:

  • allergic reaction, individual intolerance;
  • liver disease;
  • enterocolitis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • mental disorders;
  • apathy, lethargy, depression;
  • pre-stroke state.

Valerian should be taken with caution by those suffering from hypotension, reduced pressure. The drug is able to reduce it even more.

Long-term use of the drug at the beginning of pregnancy can provoke a miscarriage, so you should not take it yourself. Like any medicine, Valerian has a number of side effects:

  • allergies (rash and redness on the skin);
  • dizziness;
  • weakness, lethargy, drowsiness;
  • delayed reaction;
  • flickering black dots before the eyes;
  • constipation, diarrhea.

If these symptoms appear, you should stop taking it and visit your doctor. He will cancel the drug and replace it with another, of a similar effect.

Drug analogues

What is better for a pregnant woman to take in a particular situation - a specialist should decide. It comes from the gestational age and the condition of the woman at the moment.

Depending on the indications, the doctor may replace Valerian with other medicines. As a sedative, preparations based on motherwort are often used. This is a medicinal herb that has a spectrum of action similar to valerian. Medicines based on it are also used long time have a cumulative effect.

Pregnant women often hear advice not to worry, so as not to harm the development of the child. However, this is not always easy: hormonal changes, results of examinations and tests, anxiety about going to maternity leave and uncertainty about the upcoming changes in life make the expectant mother pretty nervous. When it comes to applying sedatives, the first place in the list of mild sedatives is occupied by valerian. However, pregnancy is not the time when you can use any medication without thinking about the consequences. In the case of valerian, as with other medicines, you must first weigh the pros and cons.

Valerian as a drug

Valerian officinalis (lat. Valeriana officinalis) has long been used in medicine for increased nervous excitability, insomnia, headaches, and increased blood pressure. Thanks to its active substances and essential oils, it also has an antispasmodic effect.

For pharmacological purposes, an extract of the root of this medicinal plant is used. It is an ingredient in many drugs on the market. The sedative effect of valerian does not come on as quickly as from sleeping pills, but it is longer, so it is often prescribed to take a course for a longer and more productive effect.

The big plus of valerian is that it does not cause addiction, unlike other drugs.

Currently, valerian can be found on sale in the following forms:

  • tablets - contain 0.02 mg of valerian root extract;
  • drops - alcohol infusion of valerian roots and rhizomes, 20 g of plant roots per 100 ml of tincture;
  • dried rhizome - filter bags with 1.5 g of vegetable raw materials for brewing.

Everyone has three forms release has some features. To get a good sedative effect from the tablets, you need to take them regularly, because they have a cumulative effect. Drops begin to act quickly enough, however, the alcohol included in their composition may not be suitable for everyone. The decoction has a faster sedative effect than tablets, but when it is used, it is not always possible to correctly observe the dosage.

Forms of release of valerian officinalis - gallery

You can prepare a decoction from plant materials yourself Alcoholic tincture of valerian rhizomes begins to act faster than tablets, but is dangerous due to the alcohol content Tablets contain 0.02 mg of valerian root extract

Indications for the use of valerian in early and late pregnancy

A doctor may prescribe valerian to a pregnant woman in the following cases:

  1. Increased nervousness. Valerian is, first of all, a sedative, so it is often prescribed to pregnant women if they are stressed and anxious during the period of bearing a child. In addition, this drug helps to cope with insomnia.
  2. Tone of the uterus. Valerian is prescribed in case of a threatened miscarriage as part of complex therapy, since the drug relieves the tone of the uterus.

    Expert opinion, however, differs as to whether valerian can be taken as early as the first trimester of pregnancy. Some doctors believe that the use of any drugs at this time is contraindicated.

  3. Preeclampsia. Valerian is recommended by doctors in the third trimester in case of gestosis - late toxicosis pregnant.
  4. Hypertension. If future mother problems with high blood pressure, valerian will help to gently reduce it due to its calming properties. In addition, the drug is prescribed for tachycardia.
  5. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Valerian helps soothe heartburn. The extract of this plant is often used in medicines to combat gastrointestinal problems, as it relieves stomach and intestinal spasms well.

Instructions for use

Many gynecologists agree that valerian is a natural and safe sedative for pregnant women. However, this does not mean that it can be taken in any form and in any quantity. First, it is worth figuring out in which form the drug will be most favorable for a woman in position.

Important! When using valerian during pregnancy, you should strictly observe the dosage for various forms drug, which can only be prescribed by the attending physician according to individual indications.

Most often, pregnant women are prescribed pills, since they allow you to clearly observe the dosage. The medicine should be taken in the amount prescribed by the doctor, after meals, without chewing and with a glass of water.


Since valerian drops are an alcoholic tincture of its rhizome, their use during the period of bearing a child is called into question in the first place.

Of course, the amount of alcohol that enters the body of a pregnant woman with a few drops of the drug is not so large. Even less will get to the child through placental barrier. In addition, the liquid form is absorbed faster, and therefore can be used in cases where rapid stabilization of the emotional state is required.

According to some reviews, drops help to remove nervous tension due to the essential oils they contain.

Nevertheless, resorting to this method of using valerian is advised as a last resort and only after prior consultation with a pregnancy specialist.


A decoction of valerian is taken half an hour before meals. It's easy to make your own:

  • 2 tablespoons of dry vegetable raw materials pour a glass of boiling water;
  • heat in a water bath for 15 minutes;
  • strain;
  • dilute hot water up to a volume of 200 ml.

Nevertheless, it should be remembered that a decoction prepared independently may differ in the content of active substances, depending on the conditions in which the plant grew, or the timing of its collection. Therefore, it is almost impossible to correctly calculate a safe amount.


Experts advise not only to use the drops inside, but simply to inhale their smell. To do this, pour the tincture into a saucer or cup.

Essential oils, coupled with measured breathing, will have a calming effect.

Another way to use valerian is to make a sachet - a small rag bag stuffed with vegetable raw materials.


Valerian is contraindicated in:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • allergic reactions, manifested by a skin rash.

In addition, the drug should be refused in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the placenta has not yet formed.

Possible side effects

Being a sedative, valerian lowers concentration, which can be dangerous for a pregnant woman who is already faced with drowsiness and absent-mindedness. Other possible side effects:

  • constipation;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • violation of the heart rhythm.

However, the most serious consequence of an overdose of valerian seems to be an excessive decrease in the tone of the uterine muscles, which can lead to difficulties during childbirth. In addition, there may be problems with uterine contractions in postpartum period(including caesarean section).

If there are any signs negative impact the drug should immediately stop taking it and consult a doctor!

The negative impact of valerian on the child

Provided that the drug is taken in accordance with the doctor's instructions, this sedative is safe for the unborn child. However, an overdose of valerian during pregnancy can pose a serious danger to the health and life of the baby.

If the expectant mother takes the drug in large quantities, then the fetal movements may become less intense, which can cause concern for both the pregnant woman and the attending physician.

In addition, valerian is capable of:

  • reduce muscle tone child;
  • disturb his heart rhythm;
  • cause allergic reactions.

What can replace valerian during pregnancy

Not only valerian is prescribed as sedative during pregnancy. There are many other drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect.

Drugs that can replace valerian during pregnancy - table

Name Active substance Release form Contraindications Application during pregnancy
Papaverinepapaverine hydrochloride
  • pills;
  • injection;
  • rectal suppositories.
  • glaucoma;
  • atrioventricular block.
It is used at any stage of pregnancy, but with caution.
  • valerian;
  • lemon balm;
  • hypericum;
  • hawthorn;
  • passionflower;
  • hops;
  • elderberry;
  • guaifenesin.
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • myasthenia.
It is used only by absolute indications, if the expected effect for the mother exceeds possible risk for the fetus.
Persen ForteExtracts:
  • valerian;
  • lemon balm;
  • peppermint.
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • hypotension.
Used with caution due to lack of sufficient studies, prescribed after evaluation possible benefits for mother and potential harm for the fetus.

Appointed at increased nervous excitability, migraine, hysteria, spasms of the digestive tract, cardiac neurosis, flushing of blood to the head.

Can expectant mothers drink (take) valerian?

Many women are interested in what effect valerian will have during pregnancy, and whether it can be taken at all. It is worth considering this issue medical point vision.

Increase during pregnancy nervous irritability, insomnia, headaches, it would seem that valerian is the most the right remedy from this. However, in a special position, valerian should be taken in a special way.

Firstly, the question of the use of valerian by pregnant women is decided with a doctor. It takes into account the balance of the need for treatment for a woman and the potential threat of this drug to a child.

Valerian is prescribed by a doctor for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, insomnia, increased, as well as unrest, nervous disorders that are caused hormonal changes in organism.

Doctors prescribe valerian during pregnancy because of its hypnotic effect, thanks to this, a woman will fall asleep faster and stronger.

Secondly, valerian is contraindicated in pregnancy. A doctor can prescribe it if there is a real one.

Third, valerian is never prescribed to cure an illness, but is taken in combination with other drugs.

How to take (instruction, dosage)

alcohol solution

Despite the rapid effect of valerian on an alcohol solution, its use by pregnant women is not allowed due to the alcohol content.

In tablets

You can safely and quickly take valerian tablets during pregnancy, but their effect can be felt only after a few days.

When using valerian in the form of tablets, their number should not exceed 2 tablets 3 times a day. Take the tablets after meals, without chewing and drinking plenty of liquid.

Valerian root decoction

For getting quick effect use a decoction of valerian root. Its effect is the same as alcohol solution, but it does not contain alcohol contraindicated for pregnant women.

To prepare a decoction, you need to take 15 - 20 g of rhizomes with valerian roots (2 - 3 tablespoons), pour 200 ml (1 cup) of hot boiled water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, then cool for 45 minutes to room temperature and strain. Squeeze out the remaining raw materials, bring the volume of the resulting infusion to 200 ml.

Use 30 minutes after eating, after shaking the decoction, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

In case of increased excitability, you need to take a third of a glass 3 times a day, without mixing with food. Valerian root contains valerianoborneol ester, borneol, as well as saponins, valeride glycoside, isovaleric acid and alkaloids, and resinous and tannins add viscosity to the essential oil.

Is an overdose possible?

Can pregnant women drink valerian without fear? No. It should be remembered that valerian for pregnant women dangerous to the body in large quantities, and with prolonged use of it, consequences such as headaches, impaired work activities heart, increased influence on the digestive process, and sometimes a nervous state.

Thus, an overdose of valerian gives the opposite effect, which leads to distraction, nausea, and excitation of the nervous system.

With all the naturalness and lack of toxicity, taking valerian during pregnancy can adversely affect the body of a woman and an unborn child if it is not taken correctly.

Expert comment

It is no secret that all the drugs that a pregnant woman takes go to the fetus. Moreover, this process occurs at any stage of pregnancy and is completely independent of the route of administration.

Exceptions are ointments and creams. because their action does not extend deeper than the subcutaneous tissue. But here, too, there is a problem.

If outdoor products contain allergens, then the fetus develops an allergic reaction. Subsequently, perhaps a few years later, at the first contact with the allergen, the child will develop an allergic shock, which in medicine is called anaphylactic shock.

In the first trimester the mother's blood enters the fetus through the chorionic villi, after the formation of the placenta (since pregnancy), the third circle of blood circulation is formed in the woman's body. The placental barrier is formed. It is impassable for many substances. That's why some drugs are used from the second trimester of pregnancy.

As for valerian, its use is not limited to the duration of pregnancy.

Valerian root does not contain substances that cause fetal abnormalities. If the expectant mother easily tolerates the drug, the child does not develop an allergenic complex.

That's why the only contraindication to taking valerian during pregnancy is an individual intolerance. It can manifest itself not only with an allergic rash, but also with undesirable side effects:

  • drowsiness;
  • inhibited reaction, which is most often detected when driving a car;
  • increased intestinal motility, which leads to bloating and frequent stools;
  • paradoxical action - excitation of the nervous system and insomnia.

Mechanism of action

Valerian root contains, which accelerates the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the human body. It is a powerful inhibitory mediator of the nervous system.

This does not mean mental activity, but the work of an independent from the will, autonomic nervous system - parasympathetic.

After taking valerian there is an oppression of the stress system - the sympathetic one, and the parasympathetic system, on the contrary, prevails. That is, work is activated gastrointestinal tract and the heart rate slows down.

Much decreased production of adrenaline. As a result, the human body is tuned to the assimilation nutrients rather than spending them.

Indications for admission

Valerian root preparations are prescribed for the following conditions:

  • the threat of termination of pregnancy at any time - the increased tone of the uterus is removed;
  • early toxicosis - the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is activated, as a result, appetite appears, vomiting disappears;
  • manifestations of late gestosis - vascular tone decreases, as a result, there is a decrease in fluid effusion and a decrease in blood pressure;
  • insomnia;
  • caused by increased nervous excitability.

Methods of reception

The drug is taken only inside. And, regardless of food intake.

Dosage forms

Valerian root tincture is made on alcohol and is used in cases where the desired action of valerian must begin as soon as possible.

Absorbed in the stomach, drops ethyl alcohol enter the liver of a pregnant woman and are deactivated there. Not a single ppm of alcohol reaches the fetus.

Valerian root decoction used in cases where the drug must be continued for several weeks. The action of valerian in this case manifests itself gently and smoothly.

Valerian tablets most often act as a placebo - "dummy". The woman takes a valerian tablet and believes that it works. So you can fall asleep, but reach therapeutic effect does not always succeed.

But not all pills are like that, there are quite effective ones. Determining which ones are normal and which are empty is easy. If the cat does not react to them in any way, this is not a medicine.

Most women rely on the miraculous power of herbal preparations and many ask the question - is it possible to take valerian during pregnancy. The answer is ambiguous.

On the one hand, valerian is considered a non-toxic drug with a pronounced sedative effect. On the other hand, the alcohol form, that is, the tincture, is unacceptable in the same way as high doses of valerian tablets.

The question of the use of the drug should be decided only with the attending physician, a gynecologist, who takes into account all the potential risks and benefits of treatment with valerian.

Why are valerian preparations prescribed during pregnancy:

  • Anxiety related tachycardia.
  • Spasms of the gastrointestinal tract are not of infectious or inflammatory etiology.
  • Increased tone of the uterus, the threat of abortion in the early stages.
  • Persistent insomnia.
  • Chronic irritability, nervousness.

Tablets, decoction of valerian have a beneficial effect on digestive tract help to normalize bile secretion. All these problems often accompany the period of pregnancy. In addition to the traditional calming effect, valerian is able to relieve spasms during Braxton-Hicks contractions, that is, false, "training", it has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the diaphragm, intestines and uterus.

It is believed that the use of valerian preparations is acceptable, but you should pay attention to the following information:

  • An ideal pregnancy is a condition that does not require either herbal or synthetic drugs. Anxiety and irritability can be neutralized more in safe waysbreathing exercises, autogenic training, walks.
  • An overdose of drugs containing valerian can increase the excitability of the nervous system.
  • An excess of isovaleric acid, glycosides, alkaloids, saponins and tannins contained in the root of the plant can cause headaches, nausea, and increase blood pressure.

Valerian: instructions for pregnancy

Valerian root as an independent remedy used by many people, but such methods are not effective for pregnant women. With what drugs valerian is prescribed, instructions for pregnancy, dosage regimens - this is the doctor's prerogative, amateur activity will not only not be beneficial, but can also harm both the mother and the fetus.

I-th trimester - shows the tablet form of valerian in combination with other drugs. This is especially effective in case of a threat. spontaneous miscarriage, increased tone of the muscles of the uterus. To prevent and neutralize early gestosis, it is prescribed complex treatment, which includes such ways and methods:

  • Bed rest.
  • The appointment of sedative herbal preparations, including valerian in tablets, in the form of a decoction or as part of a herbal tea.
  • Drug antispasmodic therapy according to indications - No-shpa, myotropic antispasmodics in the form of suppositories (candles).
  • Late toxicosis - preeclampsia, when the pressure rises to 140/90 and protein is found in the urine. Preeclampsia in mild form It is treated in a complex with the help of valerian, motherwort and antihypertensive drugs. More severe forms of preeclampsia require inpatient treatment and constant monitoring by a doctor.
  • It should be noted that alcohol tincture of valerian is not acceptable for pregnant women, despite its rapid action. It is better to wait two or three days until valerian tablets start to "work" than to risk the health of the fetus. The body of a woman is more susceptible to a decoction of valerian root, it is more effective than the tablet form, but less convenient, the pill needs only to be removed from the blister and washed down with water, and the decoction will have to be prepared every day.

Summarizing, we can say that valerian is a drug that is practically safe if the instructions for its use during pregnancy are drawn up by the attending physician, not through experiments or with the help of the advice of friends.

Valerian tablets during pregnancy

Expectant mothers, like no one else, need peace and maintain emotional balance, therefore, with increased excitability, anxiety, tachycardia, neurotic etiology, valerian root is the first remedy recommended by a doctor. Valerian is available in different forms - in the form of an alcoholic tincture, in tablet form, is part of many preparations and herbal teas - Corvalment, Novopassit, soothing collections No. 2 and No. 3.

Valerian in tablets during pregnancy is prescribed in a dosage that depends on many parameters. The treatment regimen is affected by the level of nervousness, the state of health of the woman, the degree of risk and threat when using the drug, as well as the possible intolerance of some components of valerian, which is not uncommon during pregnancy.

As a rule, no more than three tablets per day are prescribed, which are taken half an hour before meals and washed down with a small amount of purified water. Coated Tablets are usually produced in a shell containing safe ingredients, each tablet contains 0.02 grams of valerian extract.

In the first trimester, the extract can reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus and prevent the threat of interruption of gestation - miscarriage, but only in combination with others. medicines. In the future, valerian tablets during pregnancy helps to normalize periodically rising blood pressure and improve sleep quality. The tablet form is considered the safest, unlike tinctures containing alcohol, but you should be aware of the danger of overdose. The maximum that a future mother can afford is no more than six tablets of valerian per day. If the drug does not have the desired effect, you should again contact the attending gynecologist and find out true reason anxious, nervous state.

Valerian drops during pregnancy

Valerian in drops during pregnancy is not recommended for use, since it is prepared for alcohol based. Further, it would be possible not to continue, however, in obstetric practice, there are cases when stressful conditions future moms demand quick action and cupping. Also, there are emergency moments when a pregnant woman needs to be immediately calmed down at home, then the tincture is allowed.

Valerian in drops during pregnancy is an extreme measure, of course, not removing pathological conditions. A single dose is no more than 15 drops per half glass of purified or boiled water, only the situational use of alcohol tincture is permissible under such conditions:

  • We urgently need to calm down, but there was no tablet form of valerian at hand.
  • There is a spasm, colic in the abdomen.
  • Girdle pain radiating to the right, signaling in the stagnation of bile.
  • Great fatigue as a result of many days of insomnia.
  • Severe tachycardia.

Having removed the primary symptom, a pregnant woman should urgently consult a doctor for examination and adequate assistance. Uncontrolled use of valerian in the form of tincture can provoke complications for both the mother herself and the fetus. Here it is appropriate to recall the good old film "The Secret of the Third Planet", through the lips of the hero of which it is said: "That's what two extra drops of valerian mean ... All this will not end well." Of course, there may not be pathological, serious consequences from the tincture, but the expectant mother should not take risks, it is better to remove nervous excitability, viewing anxiety, the aforementioned positive and cheerful cartoon.

How to take valerian during pregnancy?

We note right away that alcoholic tincture of valerian is contraindicated for expectant mothers, it is used only in the most extreme cases, when the woman's condition is assessed as stressful: the tincture is taken once, no more than 20 drops per half glass of purified water.

A decoction of the rhizome. In order to prepare a decoction, you need to take 20 grams of dry chopped roots (about 3 tablespoons), pour one glass of boiling water and heat to a boil over low heat. It is better if the broth boils slowly for 15 minutes in a water bath. The product is infused for an hour, during which time it cools down. The broth is filtered and topped up with chilled boiled water to a volume of 200 milliliters. Pregnant women are shown to drink no more than 6 tablespoons - 2 three times a day before meals. The initial dosage should be as follows: one tablespoon three times half an hour before meals, after 2-3 days the dose can be increased. However, if the initial volume of the decoction brings relief, soothes and normalizes sleep, there is no need to add it. The doctor regulates the long-term use of the decoction, but it is believed that the course should not exceed 30 days.

How to take valerian during pregnancy in tablets. Just as in the case of using a decoction, the maximum number is 6, that is, no more than six tablets per day. As a rule, in the first week, 1 tablet is prescribed three times a day, 30-40 minutes before each meal. The dose can be increased to 2 tablets at a time, in cases where anxiety, nervous state the pregnant woman demands it.

Surprisingly, few people remember that valerian contains a large number of essential oils that work great as an aromatherapy and as an external remedy. Infusion for therapeutic baths it is easy to prepare: 3 tablespoons of the root are boiled for 10 minutes in 2 glasses of water, filtered and added to bathing water. Please note that the duration of the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes, and the water temperature should not be higher than 37.5-38 degrees. As a concentrate, you can also use tincture of valerian for alcohol (alcohol will quickly evaporate), 30 drops of the product are added to a standard volume of water.

Valerian in early pregnancy

Valerian in early pregnancy can be a lifesaver that helps to cope with toxicosis, early preeclampsia in a mild form. Toxicosis is not uncommon during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, it is during this period that the fetus begins to form vital important organs, systems. Vomiting and the serious condition of the mother does not at all facilitate this process, in addition, there is high risk dehydration, reduced nutritional intake, so necessary for the baby. Valerian in the early stages of pregnancy, in combination with drugs that stop the gag reflex and the activity of the salivary center in the cerebral cortex, can eliminate this condition. Valerian root is part of phytocollections with sedative properties, the tablet form of valerian in combination with rehydration measures, taking antiemetic drugs reduce the symptoms of toxicosis and help a pregnant woman survive this difficult stage.

You can prepare the following decoction on your own: 1 tablespoon of crushed dry roots of the plant is poured with one glass of hot boiled water, insisted for 2 hours, then simmered for 10-15 minutes. Chilled broth is taken in a tablespoon 4-5 times a day between meals.

It should be remembered that valerian in the early stages of pregnancy is prescribed only for strict indications, since it is believed that in the first trimester it is better to do without drugs in principle.

The use of valerian during pregnancy in the 1st trimester

Since valerian root has a pronounced sedative effect and does not have toxic properties, its decoction and tablet form can be prescribed to both pregnant women and children. Valerian is especially effective during pregnancy, the 1st trimester of which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, that is, early toxicosis. As a rule, valerian preparations are prescribed for expectant mothers in combination with other drugs - antihypertensive, antiemetic, rehydration. In addition, decoction, valerian tablets are effective in complex therapy that prevents spontaneous interruption pregnancy - miscarriage. The saponins, tannins that are part of the rhizome, essential oils, alkaloids and glycosides can have a slight antispasmodic effect on the uterus with increased tone. The use of Radix Valerianae minoris (root) is indicated up to the 16th week, when the threat spontaneous abortion very high.

Valerian is taken in a course of up to 30 days, its effectiveness is controlled by a doctor in the same way as the dosage. In other cases, when the 1st trimester proceeds without complications, valerian is not prescribed during pregnancy, however, like other drugs.

Is valerian harmful during pregnancy?

It is believed that ideally, during the entire period of gestation, a woman should avoid any drugs, both herbal and synthetic. The expectant mother is shown a reception vitamin complexes And special diet helping to replenish the reserve of nutrients and prepare the body for childbirth.

Whether valerian is harmful during pregnancy depends on who recommends it, how, when and how much to take it. Any self-administration of medicines, including herbal ones, however, as well as vitamin preparations, can not only be useless, but also quite risky. Valerian is prescribed as a sedative, antispasmodic for certain conditions of a pregnant woman. Overdose, arbitrary use of tablets or decoction can provoke complications, including the following:

  • Increased excitability at a dose of more than 6 tablets per day.
  • Headache.
  • Constant feeling of nausea, not associated with toxicosis.
  • Digestive disorder.
  • Constipation.
  • Allergic reactions, urticaria.
  • Drowsiness, feeling of apathy.
  • Increased irritability.

In addition, whether valerian is harmful during pregnancy depends on the period of its use. In the first trimester, it is prescribed with the threat of spontaneous miscarriage, with an excessively increased tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus, as well as with severe toxicosis. Valerian preparations are also prescribed in the third trimester with late gestosis as aid in complex therapy. In the second trimester, when nervous system baby, any sedative or activating drugs are unacceptable.

How to drink valerian during pregnancy?

Pregnant women are shown tableted forms of valerian or decoctions of the root. Alcohol-containing tinctures, alcohol-based herbal teas are not prescribed for obvious reasons.

How to drink valerian during pregnancy:

  • Pills. The initial course for 2-3 days is based on the scheme - 1 tablet three times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. Dragees or tablets should be washed down with plain purified or boiled water. If necessary, the dose is increased to 2 tablets three times a day in the same mode. The course of treatment is usually 2-3 weeks, less often a month. It is necessary to note the dynamic changes in the state, with its improvement, valerian, like other sedatives, is canceled.
  • A decoction of valerian. Take one tablespoon three times a day before meals. Sometimes the dose is increased to 2 tablespoons three times a day. The decoction should be prepared daily and be fresh, it should not be stored in the refrigerator and used for several days.
  • Bath concentrate. 200 ml diluted concentrate per standard bath volume. If a decoction of 3 tablespoons per glass of water is considered a concentrate, it is filtered and topped up plain water, bringing the volume to 200 ml.

How to drink valerian during pregnancy should be decided by a doctor, and not by friends who have already given birth to a baby and generously offer help in the form of advice. It must be remembered that every organism has individual characteristics especially the body of a pregnant woman.

Motherwort or valerian during pregnancy?

For a doctor, such a question does not exist, since valerian itself as a single remedy during the period of gestation is extremely rarely used. Most often it is prescribed in combination with other medicines, including decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Motherwort or valerian during pregnancy? Both are especially effective. herbal collection, which has a synergistic effect, that is, the effective interaction of the medicinal components of valerian and motherwort.

Just like valerian root, motherwort has a slow but steadily accumulating sedative and antispasmodic effect. In addition, it normalizes blood pressure, therefore, it will prevent possible pressure surges, while activating the work of the heart muscle due to the glycosides and alkaloids contained in it. Motherwort restores carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, controls blood sugar levels. If valerian has an antispasmodic property, then motherwort complements this action with its anticonvulsant properties.

Of course, the choice of motherwort or valerian during pregnancy remains with the attending physician, it is quite possible that only motherwort decoction will be prescribed. You should not be surprised at this, if there are no indications for the use of valerian root, there is no need to once again overload the body of the expectant mother with drugs, even if of plant origin. It is likely that you need to remove mild swelling, and the pregnant woman does not have other serious problems, in this case, it is recommended to use motherwort in the form of a decoction, since it also has all the properties of a sparing diuretic. It is most convenient to drink herbal tea in a packaged form, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, such a preparation contains an already measured dose.

Motherwort also relieves flatulence, which quite often accompanies the period of pregnancy. The course of treatment with valerian and motherwort depends on the problem to which they are directed, but, as a rule, does not exceed one month. In addition, it should be remembered that an overdose of herbal remedies can provoke complications, so pregnant women should strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.