Travel restrictions for pregnant women. Increased swelling of the nose. Possible risks for pregnant women during air travel

Can pregnant women fly on an airplane? Isn't it harmful? And how to prepare for the flight to the ladies in interesting position? Today we will answer these and other questions related to the flight of pregnant women.

According to the rules of most airlines in the world, pregnant women with a period of more than 28-30 weeks are required to provide a medical certificate from a doctor about the absence of contraindications for the flight. In addition, the certificate must indicate the date of flight and the expected date of birth.

The validity period of the conclusion for flights within Russia is 7 days. Some European and American carriers accept certificates issued no later than 24-72 hours before departure.

When you check in for a flight, you may also be asked to complete a special receipt.

Please note that many airlines refuse to take on board women who are less than 7 days before their due date.

Most foreign carriers have even stricter rules. They do not accept pregnant women on board in the following cases:

Flights lasting more than 4 hours:

  • Multiple pregnancy - after 32 weeks

Flights less than 4 hours:

  • Singleton pregnancy - after 38 weeks
  • Multiple pregnancy - after 36 weeks

How to prepare for a flight while pregnant?

Regardless of your period, be sure to consult your doctor. Do not make your own decisions about flying during pregnancy. The safest period for flying is the 2nd semester.

Be sure to take it with you exchange card(if any) and contact numbers of the doctor.

For the flight, choose comfortable and loose clothing and shoes.

Pregnant women are more prone to vein thrombosis, so it is recommended to wear special compression stockings.

How to make it easier for a pregnant woman to fly?

Try to drink plenty of fluids and do not sit in one position for a long time. Walk around the salon, stand near the chair, do a little warm-up.

Try to get up from your seat every 30 minutes. Because you will often go out, it is better to immediately take a seat at the aisle so as not to disturb other passengers.

Frequently asked questions about flying while pregnant

Are frequent flights bad for pregnant women?

Each organism is individual, it is impossible to give an answer to this question that suits everyone. Only the doctor who observes you can answer this question and it will concern you. some are not recommended not only for frequent flights, but in general to fly during pregnancy, for others, the flight has absolutely no effect. Regardless of the period, always consult with your doctor before deciding on a vacation where you need to fly by plane.
Should pregnant women be given the best seats on the plane?

There is no such rule, and the best place the concept is relative. For some, the best place is by the window, for another in the aisle, someone likes to sit in the tail, someone on the wing. If you check in online, you can choose the best seat on the plane yourself.

Please note that pregnant women are not seated at emergency exits. if you need more space, want to stretch your legs, then ask for a seat in the front row. However, keep in mind that passengers with small children are often put there and it can be noisy.
How to choose the right compression stockings for flying during pregnancy?

Compression hosiery, whether pregnant or not, should be selected by a doctor. contact a phlebologist and, depending on the condition of your veins, he will tell you what class of compression stockings should be.
How harmful is a scan at the screening before departure of a pregnant woman?

At airports, you can find 3 types of scanners. Most often, this is an ordinary metal detector, it is absolutely safe and does not affect in any way.

The second type of scanners is X-ray Backscatter X-ray, it is believed that it does not affect health in any way, but no one has conducted mass studies on pregnant women. That is why pregnant women are not carried out through this scanner and are examined manually.

And, finally, the third type is a microwave scanner, which can be found at Moscow airports. IN this case non-ionizing radiation (radio, light or heat waves) is used, which is not harmful to health. However, it is up to the airport security service to guide pregnant women through it or to manually inspect it. In the US, you have the right to refuse, in other countries this is unlikely to work.

Pregnancy is not a disease. Therefore, in itself it cannot be a contraindication to anything. But the condition of a woman, her health, the ongoing processes in the body can be big risk in certain situations. Among these are air travel.

Possible risks when flying during pregnancy:

  • premature birth. Although it has not been scientifically proven that air travel increases the risk of early delivery. But in everyday practice, this happens quite often, and patients should be aware of the lack of opportunities for resuscitation of newborns on board the aircraft.
  • Almost all pregnant women are very sensitive to pressure drops.
  • thromboembolic complications (formation of a blood clot in the veins of the legs). This complication occurs, fortunately, not often, but it is fraught with serious problems. Thrombosis can develop during a long flight, when a pregnant woman sits motionless in one place for long period time, not getting enough fluid
  • exposure to radiation. There is an opinion that at a decent height there is a risk of radioactive exposure. However, numerous studies refute this assertion. Scientists assure that the exposure in an airplane does not in the least exceed the daily dose of radiation that a person receives on the ground. But during pregnancy, it is still better to refrain from flying during solar flares.
  • decreased oxygen saturation arterial blood. But both the mother and the unborn child easily endure the relative
  • increased manifestation
  • short-term metabolic disorders
  • promotion
  • as well as difficult to predict obstetric complications. In general, the likelihood of occurrence of conditions that threaten the life of the mother and fetus during air travel is low. But you need to take into account the fact that on board the aircraft there is no possibility of providing specialized medical care.

Whether you go on vacation to rest or you are sent on a business trip to work, if you are pregnant - you are at risk. Even with excellent health and health, air travel (especially long ones) is not recommended for you now. But there are situations when the flight can be absolutely contraindicated.

Contraindications for flying during pregnancy

  • Risk .
  • Different kinds.
  • Transferred thrombophlebitis.
  • Anomaly of the placenta.
  • The tone of the uterus (and as a result, the threat of termination of pregnancy).
  • Severe toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy.
  • Preeclampsia.
  • Preeclampsia.
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • pregnancy as a result.
  • Incorrect position of the fetus in the second half of the third trimester.
  • Other complications and diseases for which your doctor considers travel unacceptable.

You need to carefully consider and weigh everything: how important or necessary the flight is, what risks exist specifically for you, possible level comfort during the flight or vice versa. If you decide that it is worth flying, in any case, consult with your doctor.

Although modern commercial flights do not pose any risk to a healthy mother and her unborn child, almost all airlines do not allow women on board their aircraft after the 32nd week of pregnancy (if you are a crew member, you can only continue to work in the air until the 20th weeks). In any case, you must have a medical record with you with the expected date of delivery and a doctor's opinion. So it is better to find out in advance about all the rules of the company you have chosen.

Modern control systems at airports have minimal radiation exposure to pregnant women and do not affect the fetus. But you have the right to ask for a personal search or control using a special sensor.

by the most safe period the second trimester is considered for travel, when the woman's body has already adapted to the new state, and all the main organs of the baby have already formed, and the fetus is not so susceptible to external influence. In addition, the probability of spontaneous birth during this period is the smallest. In the first and third trimesters, it is better to refrain from flying.

True, there is an opinion that the flight in no way can provoke premature birth, and there are no contraindications to this. However, some precautions must be taken while flying.

  • It is necessary to consult a gynecologist about the upcoming trip, who will give you certain recommendations, or, if any problems arise, advise you to postpone the trip.
  • On the eve of the flight, do not eat food that provokes gas formation (the resulting gases at altitude can expand and stretch the walls of the gastrointestinal tract).
  • At altitude, your body becomes dehydrated, so you need to drink a lot and often.
  • Choose a comfortable place for yourself. The largest amount of free space and comfort in the aircraft is provided by seats near the aisle behind the partition. At the same time, a quieter flight is possible in seats located in the middle of the aircraft.
  • Walk every half hour, often bend and unbend your knees to prevent swelling and the development of phlebitis.
  • Be sure to use your seat belt as air turbulence is unpredictable and can cause serious injury. The seat belt must always be fastened at the level of the pelvis (under the belly).
  • Stock up on special pillows for the back and neck.
  • put on comfortable clothes, which will not hamper your movements, will not squeeze your stomach, chest. Choose clothes from natural materials. Also, take something warm with you.
  • Choose flights that fly as low as possible to avoid potential exposure.
  • Separately, we should talk about vaccination, which is necessary when visiting certain countries. It should be remembered that in the first trimester of pregnancy, any vaccination is prohibited, so if travel is a prerequisite, it is better to postpone it. Yes, and in subsequent periods of pregnancy, it is necessary to treat vaccination with extreme caution, for example, avoid vaccinations against malaria, cholera, typhoid.
  • IN enclosed space Aircraft cabins are proliferating bacteria. In order not to catch and not get sick, put on a disposable medical mask which protects against viruses.
  • If necessary, a pregnant woman during air travel should be provided with additional oxygen inhalation.
  • The first aid kit for a woman traveling during pregnancy should include: talcum powder, thermometer, sachets of saline solutions for rehydration, vitamins, antifungal drugs For local application, acetaminophen, sunscreen with a high protection factor, tonometer, antidiarrheal drugs. Most medications should be avoided if possible.
  • At the slightest deviation in your health, do not be afraid to disturb the flight attendant.

Good to know

First aid for bleeding in a pregnant woman on an airplane. First of all, you need to try to find a medical worker among the passengers. Then you need to lay the pregnant woman on her back so that the head is slightly lower than the level of the legs (the legs, respectively, need to be slightly raised) - in this position, the brain long time receives a sufficient amount of blood even with severe bleeding. A source of cold is placed on the lower abdomen of a pregnant woman - for example, a bottle of frozen liquid or ice cubes in a plastic bag (which is on board). As an emergency measure, you can use a tight packing of the vagina with a swab from a sterile bandage. And of course, pilots should be aware of the force majeure situation on board in order to make an emergency landing of the aircraft at the nearest airfield, where experts will be waiting for the woman, ready to provide her with immediate medical care.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

On board, a woman can not only feel worse, but also begin a miscarriage, early birth or various pathologies.

To avoid these situations, air carriers have to equip their aircraft with special equipment and medicines. In addition, they train their staff so that they can provide the necessary first aid.

When can you fly?

The best time to fly on an airplane while carrying a baby is considered second trimester, which lasts from 14 to 28 weeks. This is due to the fact that in the first months of fetal development internal organs the baby has not yet had time to form and any violations of the mother's health that occurred during the flight can lead to problems in its development, as well as to a miscarriage. In addition, at the beginning of pregnancy future mother often attacks toxicosis, which greatly complicates the journey.

IN last trimester exists increased risk development premature birth. Yes and big belly will “prevent” a woman from sitting comfortably in a chair in which she will have to stay all the time of the flight.

When deciding on a flight at any time, you need to consult a gynecologist. Sometimes a woman may need to go for an ultrasound or take additional tests to dispel possible fears. The doctor will tell the pregnant woman about her condition, and also advise how it is safer for the child to make the flight.

If the doctor allows the flight, then you should take a certificate from him indicating the gestational age, approximate date childbirth, as well as the phrase that a woman has no contraindications to flying.

When is it bad to fly?

World Health Organization does not advise women in position to board the plane in such cases:

  • gestational age is 36 weeks or more;
  • pregnancy with 2 or more fetuses, which occurs for a period of 32 weeks;
  • complications during childbearing severe toxicosis, preeclampsia, the threat of miscarriage, etc .;
  • the first 7 days after the onset of labor;
  • anemia strong degree gravity, etc.

What is dangerous in flight?

While traveling, changes in the body of a pregnant woman can lead to a deterioration in her health, as well as normal development her baby.

The main problems include:

  1. Pressure drops at a height that can cause early start tribal activity.

When carrying a fetus, women strongly feel even slight pressure drops. No doctor can say how the patient will endure them, and whether pressure can cause early labor. To prevent this situation, it is worth doing an ultrasound, which changes the length of the uterine cervix, because if it is short, childbirth can begin at any time.

  1. lack of oxygen

When an airplane is lifted into the air, the oxygen concentration in it decreases, and many women fear that this will have a bad effect on their baby. However healthy woman, do not worry about this, as they will easily tolerate a slight decrease in oxygen. Women with severe anemia will have the hardest time, so this disease in a severe form is considered a serious contraindication to travel.

  1. venous disease, frequent stagnation of blood and the appearance of thromboembolic complications

The appearance of thrombosis (this is a large blood clot in the veins of the legs) is considered one of the serious risks in which air travel is strictly prohibited. A stationary state in the same position increases the risk of developing the disease by 5 times.

Should I be afraid of radiation?

According to modern scientists, despite the fact that pilots receive a yearly dose of radiation equal to that which can be received at objects with excessive amounts of radiation, pregnant women still nothing to worry about. This is due to the fact that rare flights will not be able to adversely affect the health of the fetus. For example, when flying for more than 7 hours, a person will receive radiation even lower than during a chest x-ray.

Airline flight rules

One of the mandatory measures to be taken when preparing for a flight is a consultation with a gynecologist. After all, he is well acquainted with the state of health of the patient, and if she has no complications, the doctor will approve the flight and issue a certificate that will need to be presented to the airline.

There are requirements for companies that carried out the flight of passengers:


If the patient delivers after 4 weeks (for multiple pregnancy after 8 weeks), the woman will be allowed on board only upon presentation of a certificate from the doctor. Such permission is issued no earlier than a week before the intended flight. In the event of childbirth, flight attendants will be able to provide first aid to the woman in labor.

Ural Airlines

The carriage of pregnant women is allowed only during total absence the risk of early birth. To confirm this future mother must submit a medical certificate to the airline, where it will not be written about contraindications to the flight. Such paper is taken from the gynecologist 24 hours before the intended flight.

The certificate and card of the pregnant woman must be with her during the flight. Before boarding, the airline staff will check that the passenger has all the documentation.

All flight attendants of this airline know how to give birth, so they will be able to provide first aid in the development of labor.


A pregnant woman is allowed to fly only if more than 8 weeks remain before the onset of childbirth. This information must be confirmed by a certificate, which must be issued not before a week before the flight.

As a rule, the carrier company does not bear any responsibility for the complication of a pregnant woman. In addition, the air carrier is not responsible for backfire, often appearing during the flight. To protect the airline, the carrier recommends that the expectant mother at the check-in counter, before boarding the aircraft, fill out a guarantee certificate.

During the flight

Air travel for a pregnant woman always carries a risk, so not every airline is willing to take risks with a future woman in labor. However, not one airline does not impose a complete ban on the flight of a pregnant woman, but at the same time she warns them of the risk that is present at any time.

But not every carrier agrees to take these steps and spend a lot Money. Yes, and providing medical care on board is a big responsibility that can be avoided if you refuse a pregnant woman before boarding.

In what cases can a pregnant woman not be allowed on a plane? As mentioned above, any airline has restrictions for pregnant women. You can find out about flight bans at the office or on the company's website.

Video on how to make flying on an airplane easier:

So that the flight of the pregnant woman leaves only pleasant experience you should heed the following tips:

Following these tips, you will be able to enjoy the flight, and not harm your own health.

You have planned a trip, and you have decided to replace the many hours of travel by train or bus with an air flight, but you still doubt whether it is possible to fly while being pregnant. Aircraft during pregnancy is a controversial issue, there are arguments both for and against this type of transport. Except psychological fear there are certain medical contraindications for the flight, which we will now figure out.

The main contraindications for flying during pregnancy

  • Gestational age. Half of all airlines in the world prohibit flights of pregnant women for a period of 36 weeks or more, they also call women with multiple pregnancy since 34 weeks. The remaining 50% of companies will require you to have permission from a doctor and an exchange card;

And, for example, the American airline Virgindin will let you on board the plane after 34 weeks, but only accompanied by an obstetrician.

The plane at the 7th month of pregnancy is another nuance: although carriers do not indicate this period as a contraindication, there is a risk, and it is better to postpone flights.

  • Risk of miscarriage. Regardless of the gestational age, if there is a threat of premature birth, you will be strongly advised not to fly by plane, as well as from the longest trip;
  • Tone of the uterus. A flight with pressure drops and shaking is not the best pastime with a uterine tone. In addition, in the cabin of the aircraft you will be constantly in sitting position, which can also negatively affect overall well-being;
  • Allocations. Bloody issues- this is another taboo for flying, the airline staff, of course, has an idea about childbirth, but it’s simply not realistic to help in case of bleeding or to do a blood transfusion in the air. But about how to behave if you start bleeding when you are on the ground, read the article Brown discharge during pregnancy >>>;
  • condition of the placenta. If your attending physician voiced a problem with placental abruption, or low placental, then the plane is contraindicated for you;
  • Anemia. You will definitely encounter the problem of iron deficiency during pregnancy, but all this can be solved with the help of a certain diet or taking special medications. In this case we are talking about 3 degrees of anemia, as there is a risk oxygen starvation, the amount of hemoglobin that binds oxygen is low, therefore, an additional load will greatly aggravate the situation. Read more about anemia during pregnancy >>>;
  • Toxicosis. If with toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy (for what it is and how you can deal with it, read the article Nausea during pregnancy >>>) you will still be allowed on board the aircraft, then late preeclampsia will bring an unpleasant surprise- it is on the list of contraindications;
  • Pressure. Turbulence zones, air pockets, constant pressure drops - this is a serious test for healthy person, but if you have pressure surges, then flights during pregnancy should be postponed;
  • Artificial insemination. During pregnancy, which occurred as a result of artificial insemination, air travel is undesirable;
  • Fetal position. If the baby at the end of pregnancy took wrong position, then you need to refuse the plane;
  • Vaccination passport. Pay attention to the requirements of the country you are flying to regarding mandatory vaccinations. In the first trimester, vaccinations are highly undesirable, and such vaccinations as against typhoid, malaria should not be done at all during pregnancy;
  • individual contraindications. In any case, before planning an airplane flight, you will consult with your doctor, and at the slightest threat, you should reschedule the trip to another time, perhaps already in the postpartum period.

The most favorable flights by plane during pregnancy are in the second trimester (article on the topic: 2nd trimester of pregnancy >>>), namely from 14 to 28 weeks. If you decide to travel and have not found any contraindications, then listen to the tips on how to make the flight comfortable:

  1. Place. The economy class of the aircraft is definitely not for you, but if there is no other way out, then choose seats at the beginning of the cabin in the first row. So you will be able to stretch your legs, in addition, the air here is cleaner, as it comes from the nose of the aircraft;
  2. Nutrition. Do you know about harmful products, so before the flight, this menu is taboo for you. You can and even need to drink, but only mineral water without gas or purified, green tea. Eat small meals and drink plenty - these are the main recommendations;

If you have doubts about the correctness of your nutrition during pregnancy, pay attention to our book Secrets of Proper Nutrition for the expectant mother >>>

  1. Walks. Every hour you need to stretch a little and take a walk around the cabin, for example, to the toilet;
  2. Equipment. You'll need comfortable shoes which can be easily removed natural clothes from several layers, a pillow for moving or a special device for pregnant women;
  3. First aid kit. All necessary drugs should be at your fingertips, in addition, grab a mask, who knows, maybe there will be a sneezing neighbor nearby. From time to time you will need to rinse your nose saline solution, as there may be discomfort from too dry air in the cabin;
  4. Exchange card. Take an exchange card with you on the road; it may be required on the plane or you may need it to take permission from the gynecologist to fly on the way home;
  5. Additional Information. If you decide to fly on your own or only children are traveling with you, be sure to write down all necessary information regarding the place where you are going with the phones of relatives or friends. Extra precautions won't hurt.

Psychological attitude

Aerophobia is not fiction, but real fear, which does not allow 20% of people to enjoy flying. If you are one of them, then psychological training not to do without, since your fear will be fully felt by the child.

Myths and reality regarding flights

You must have heard many scary stories related to the aircraft early dates pregnancy or prenatal period. We discard items with contraindications when horror stories may well become a reality, and consider standard situations:

  • Baggage. You understand that in your position there can be no question of any hardships, so carefully plan who will see you off and meet you, and do not hesitate to ask for help: no one will refuse you with your belly;
  • X-ray exposure. You must pass the metal detector, but you should not be afraid of it. It works on a magnetic field, and even then it is weak, and there are no x-rays in modern equipment. Also, read the article

In most cases, air travel does not provide negative impact for pregnancy, if not chronic diseases And . The first trimester is considered an unfavorable time for travel, when the probability is increased, and the third, when the risk of placental abruption, premature birth is increased. Recent studies have shown that in the absence of complications, you can fly an airplane at any stage of pregnancy. It must be remembered that each woman's pregnancy proceeds in her own way, so it is important to consult with the attending physician before flying.

Is it dangerous to fly by plane in the first weeks of pregnancy?

In some cases, doctors recommend not flying in the first trimester of pregnancy, as at this time a woman's body undergoes hormonal changes. During the flight, the likelihood of feeling unwell and fatigue increases, often occurs, headache. According to many gynecologists, air travel during the first trimester can be one of the factors that can cause. Long flights can worsen the condition, and pressure drops during takeoff and landing can negatively affect the fetus, and experts believe that it is better to refrain from them. However, there are no conclusive studies on the dangers of air travel during this period.

What are the dangers of pressure drops during takeoff and landing?

The rapid change in barometric pressure during takeoff and landing causes abrupt vasoconstriction, which can adversely affect the fetus, and in severe cases even cause placental abruption. Reduced atmospheric pressure in the cabin of an aircraft at high altitude can cause hypoxia: the lower the pressure, the worse the blood is supplied with oxygen. This increases the risk of oxygen starvation of body tissues, and hence the fetus. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, short-term hypoxic effects are usually not harmful, but can worsen the condition - therefore, if long air travel is necessary, it is better to refrain from them or consult your doctor.

Why does a runny nose often start on an airplane?

Due to the operation of the ventilation system, the air in the aircraft is quite dry, and the nasal mucosa, which is especially prone to swelling during pregnancy, can dry out, creating a feeling of congestion. Perhaps a pregnant woman on an airplane will have a runny nose or a sore throat. If you humidify the air and face with a spray with mineral water, drink enough fluids and use vasoconstrictor nasal drops, dry air is more easily tolerated. At allergic rhinitis Doctors recommend that pregnant women take an antihistamine before flying to reduce discomfort from the pressure drop during takeoff and landing. The drug helps to relieve mucosal edema and smooth pressure equalization in the nasal cavity and ear, reduces the effect of ear congestion. However medicines there are a lot of this class, so you should consult your doctor about their choice.

Can air travel aggravate varicose veins?

Varicose veins are a common problem during pregnancy. sharp drops atmospheric pressure, especially during takeoff and landing, can cause a deterioration in blood circulation and contraction of blood vessels, which, in turn, aggravates the manifestations of varicose veins - especially if the pregnancy is at risk of miscarriage and the woman is taking hormonal drugs.

How long is air travel safe for pregnant women?

Previously, it was thought that normal flow pregnancy, without complications, traveling by plane is safe up to 33-34 weeks (up to 32 weeks), if this does not contradict the rules of the chosen airline. Recent studies have shown that flying is safe at any stage of an uncomplicated pregnancy, provided that general measures precautions and recommendations are followed: the woman avoids immobility and tightness, drinks enough fluids.

Can an airline prevent a pregnant woman from boarding an aircraft?

According to the internal rules of many airlines, a woman after 30 weeks at check-in for a flight may be asked to present an exchange card and a certificate from a doctor on satisfactory health indicating the duration of pregnancy. She may also be asked to sign a warranty statement stating that the airline is not responsible for possible adverse consequences. Aeroflot requires such a certificate for a period exceeding 36 weeks.

What to do to make the flight comfortable?

Sometimes a woman's well-being can worsen due to nervousness: tension can cause uterine hypertonicity, headaches. It is better to be careful when choosing a flight: the schedule of regular flights is more predictable than charter flights; they are less likely to be canceled or rescheduled. When checking in for a flight, you can ask for a seat in the front row or next to the emergency exits, where it is more spacious. There is more turbulence at the end of the cabin, and this too should not be overlooked. Staying in one position for a long time can cause swelling of the legs, pain in the lower back and neck. A woman can avoid this by walking around the salon or changing her position in the chair more often. It is better to avoid large crowds of people, it is recommended to get on the plane closer to the end of the announced landing. Many airlines offer a personalized pre-booking service, and this is worth using. If a flight is necessary, it is better to use business class services.

What to do if the birth starts on the plane?

There are cases of successful births during the flight. If childbirth begins when the flight comes to an end, the crew contacts the dispatcher of the city of arrival, and immediately from the ladder the woman is taken to. As a rule, flight attendants accompanying the flight are trained in first aid, and in the event of a rapid birth, they will be able to help a woman give birth to a child right on board the aircraft. You still need to be aware of the risks, which is why the Department of Health and most OB/GYNs strongly recommend against flying for more than 36 weeks.