Magnetic resonance imaging during pregnancy: possible harm. Does an MRI affect pregnancy? Newly acquired fear of enclosed spaces

A desired pregnancy is a wonderful state of waiting for the birth of a baby for any woman. Unfortunately, in addition to pleasant moments and troubles, this process may be accompanied by a deterioration in the well-being of the expectant mother. Due to changes in the body, some diseases arise or recur, the symptoms of which give a woman discomfort and anxiety about her condition.

An excruciating headache is one of such manifestations, which does not allow a pregnant woman to fully enjoy her position. And the fact that such symptoms can be signals of serious health problems exacerbates the situation several times. When contacting a doctor, a lot of tests and examinations are prescribed, but MRI of the brain during pregnancy is considered by most experts to be the most informative and painless diagnostic method.

Why is MRI of the head the method of choice?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), due to its specificity, is the most appropriate examination, especially for women who are expecting a child. The procedure does not carry a radiation load, does not require surgical intervention, and in most cases does without the introduction of various drugs or chemicals.

A method based on electromagnetic oscillations and the reaction of hydrogen atoms in the human body to them combines qualities that provide a quick and reliable diagnosis and often do not require auxiliary examinations. MRI is non-invasive, high accuracy, informative and fast.

When prescribing this procedure, women who care about the health of their unborn baby immediately have doubts and questions to the doctor, is it possible to do MRI for pregnant women and will it affect the development of the child? Specialists in such situations always find enough arguments to convince and the examination is carried out safely.

Is there a danger to pregnant women when undergoing an MRI of the brain?

A few decades ago, doctors tried not to recommend many examinations, including MRI during pregnancy, and treatment had to be prescribed based on the diagnosed symptoms. This was explained by possible harmful effects on the body of the mother and fetus. But gradually, as the equipment used for diagnostic purposes improved, the need for the use of high powers decreased, and multiple scientific studies were carried out to identify pathological disorders after prescribed procedures.

Over the years of observation of patients who have undergone magnetic resonance imaging, no reactions associated with a deterioration in the health of patients have been noted, therefore, if necessary, sometimes doctors recommend that even pregnant women undergo this diagnosis. Even in the first trimester, when the main organs and systems of the fetus are being laid, there is no danger of diagnosing the head, especially if the woman suffers from headaches and other symptoms that reduce the quality of life, which are characteristic of brain diseases.

When is an MRI indicated during pregnancy?

While waiting for the baby, numerous changes in the body of a woman can cause diseases, in which, so, the difficult situation of the expectant mother will turn into continuous suffering. And in addition to the symptoms, the pregnant woman will worry about her health and the condition of the baby.

If a woman was brought to the doctor by discomfort in the head or pain of an unknown cause, manifestations of cerebrovascular accident, dizziness, tinnitus, hearing loss, trauma, head bruises, visual impairment, loss of consciousness, the specialist recommends an MRI, then the procedure should not be postponed, but it is better to find out as soon as possible the diagnosis and get advice for undergoing therapy.

After all, it is most likely that the painful manifestations will intensify and lead to complications.

Even if the doctor cannot prescribe a full course of therapy due to pregnancy, he will still recommend gentle treatment and possibly lifestyle adjustments. Symptoms are not always dangerous signs of serious illnesses - in most cases, ordinary nerve infringement that occurs with osteochondrosis can lead to pain in the head.

Infringement of the nerve roots in osteochondrosis of the cervical region leads to headaches

From such pain, a pregnant woman will be helped by a course of ordinary massage of the head and neck, or folk remedies that do not carry a danger to the body. Therefore, MRI is sometimes not only a diagnostic method, but also a kind of sedative for a pregnant woman.

What pathologies are diagnosed?

There are many diseases that begin with the above symptoms, and most of them can be quickly cured if detected in the early stages of development.

MRI of the head will reveal the following pathologies:

  • oncological foci;
  • vascular disorders;
  • anomalies of the pituitary gland;
  • nerve diseases;
  • hemorrhages, strokes;
  • structural disorders of the brain;
  • causes of headaches and other symptoms.

Thanks to the capabilities of MRI, you can take pictures of any projection of the brain, which will provide a detailed examination of its organs from all angles and see even the smallest violations that can darken the life of a pregnant woman.

So you don’t need to doom yourself to a few months of suffering while waiting for the birth of your baby, but take the advice of a specialist who wants to help get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

Recommendations for the procedure with minimal risks

No matter how much there is talk about the harmlessness of MRI, most likely, pregnant women will be afraid to go for this examination. Even the understanding that the doctor will unreasonably prescribe a study will not always relieve the desire to evade the diagnosis. Then you can use some recommendations to avoid the risks from the effects of the electromagnetic field.

Indications and contraindications are considered individually

Firstly, if the symptoms are not very pronounced and it is possible to wait, then it is better to undergo an MRI at the end of the first trimester, when all the organs of the fetus are formed and nothing can affect their development. Secondly, it is worth choosing a clinic with modern equipment, which does not require the use of powerful electromagnetic waves to obtain the results of the study. Since obsolete MRI devices used to use a much stronger magnetic field.

Thirdly, in order to be completely sure of complete safety for the baby, it is better to find a clinic in advance or discuss the details of the procedure, allowing you not to completely immerse your whole body into the tomograph tube, but only to insert your head there. In any case, even if all the rules and advice are followed, it should be remembered that MRI is an absolutely harmless method that can help get rid of the painful manifestations of many diseases.

Any woman preparing to become a mother tries to create ideal conditions for her baby. Therefore, even the conduct of conventional medical research causes fear in many of them. One of the most informative and safe diagnostic procedures is magnetic resonance imaging (). During pregnancy, it does not harm either the woman herself or the fetus. However, there is an opinion that it is better to refrain from MRI in the first trimester.

Principle of MRI

The technique is based on the use of magnetic fields, which, passing through the tissues of the body, cause vibrations of hydrogen atoms in water molecules.. These resonant vibrations are recorded by high-precision sensors. After computer processing, perfectly clear layered images are displayed on the monitor screen. Visualization of objects is carried out both in 2D and 3D mode. During the study, magnetic fields are used, the power of which is from 0.5 to 3 TL, and according to the World Health Organization, such an effect cannot harm a person.

When is an MRI needed?

Many specialized specialists can refer the expectant mother to magnetic resonance imaging, but only after agreeing on the need for the study with the doctor in charge of the pregnancy.

The main indications for MRI include:


During the course, indications for early termination of pregnancy are often revealed, but in almost every fifth case they are not confirmed by MRI! Compared with ultrasound, MRI is better suited for detecting cortical developmental malformations and is more sensitive for diagnosing other malformations.

To detect neoplasms or secondary tumor foci (metastases), magnetic resonance imaging with contrast is indicated. Contrast agents include gadolinium metal with relatively low toxicity. The components of the compositions in some cases can cause allergic reactions in the patient. It is advisable to resort to MRI with contrast only in the II-III trimesters, when the unborn child is most reliably protected by the blood-placental barrier.

Contraindications for MRI

Absolute contraindications:

  • intracranial aneurysm;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • installed pacemaker, pacemaker, defibrillator or insulin pump;
  • orthopedic structures (external fixation apparatus);
  • metal plates after osteosynthesis.

Relative contraindications:

  • body weight > 200 kg;
  • state of intoxication (drug or alcohol);
  • intense pain when moving;
  • metal prosthesis;
  • metal dentures (including pin structures and implants);
  • claustrophobia.

MRI in early pregnancy

Due to its non-invasiveness and safety, MRI is recommended for detecting a wide variety of pathologies in pregnant women. Thanks to tomography, it is possible to accurately determine the nature and localization of the pathology. Experts say that the harm from the diagnostic procedure is no more than from a mobile phone, but it should be carried out only if there are direct indications.


This restriction can be considered additional reinsurance; large-scale studies that could prove absolute safety have not yet been carried out. Women who underwent MRI in early pregnancy had children without any abnormalities indirectly related to the diagnosis.

During an MRI, the temperature rises slightly, and the woman may experience. It is believed that these factors may affect the child, since in the early stages of gestation there is a process of laying organs. To combat psycho-emotional experiences, you can take safe ones. Stress can provoke a fear of closed space (when examined on a device with a closed circuit). In such cases, the presence of one of the close relatives is allowed. Alternatively, in order to avoid an attack of claustrophobia, diagnostics can be carried out in an open-type installation.

The course of the procedure

Special preparation for the study is not required. It is not necessary to interrupt the course of prescribed pharmacological preparations. It is advisable to undergo an examination on an empty stomach or after a light breakfast.. You can take a change of clothes with you, but without metal elements (including buttons and zippers). Chains, watches, earrings and other metal accessories must be removed. Of course, you can not be placed inside the tunnel of the device with mobile phones or other gadgets. If the patient uses a hearing aid, it should also be removed to avoid skewing the results. Even a wig or a removable denture is best removed.

6-03-2014, 18:02 21 636

The human brain is one of the most complex and least understood organs of the body. It cannot be said that it is little studied, on the contrary, in medicine and in physics and chemistry, and at the junction of various sciences and pseudosciences, so many searches and studies have been carried out that all other organs have not been honored with them taken together.

So far, science is not able to explain the mechanism of the brain, and why the results of its work are so different for different people (thought process). So far, knowledge about the brain is localized within the limits of brain reactions to certain stimuli and the dependence of functioning on damage or diseases that lead to a change in shape, density or size.

A change in the type of encephalograms with certain changes in the working conditions of the brain can also be attributed to the definition of a purely mechanical dependence, without in-depth knowledge and understanding of the processes occurring in the brain. This mystery can be compared with the mystery of the origin of the universe. The scale of the objects is incomparable, but the level of mystery is the same.

MRI of the brain helps to see macrochanges in the brain, the presence of tumors, injuries, impaired blood supply, inflammation, deviations from normal interaction with neighboring organs. An MRI of the head is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Frequent headaches of unknown origin;
  • Symptoms of ischemic stroke;
  • Head injuries that may have caused internal changes;
  • Suspicion of Alzheimer's disease or multiple sclerosis;
  • Suspicion of the development of tumors;
  • Pathology of the organs of vision;
  • Violation of the circulatory system of the head.
These are very serious reasons for an MRI examination. Although magnetic resonance imaging is considered the safest method of modern diagnostics, not complicated by the accumulation of harmful substances in the body and completely devoid of any residual effects, there are certain contraindications.

MRI for pregnant women

MRI of the brain during pregnancy is a rather controversial issue among doctors and scientists. Only UK medicine without restrictions allows head MRI in pregnant women during the first trimester of fetal development. In other countries, including Russia, this is not recommended, although there is no categorical ban.

The fact is that in the fetus it is during this period that the main organs are laid, and it is most susceptible to the influences of the external environment. How the magnetic field affects the developing brain is very small, although there is no data on any destructive influences. But there is no unconditional confirmation of the harmlessness of a high-strength magnetic field (tomographs use fields with a voltage of more than 0.3 T).

Can pregnant women have an MRI of the brain? No doctor can give a definite answer to this question. The opinion of the majority tends to a positive answer, but with some reservations. For example, MRI cannot be performed during the first 12 weeks, except in critical cases, when the patient's life depends on the timely establishment of the correct diagnosis.

Brain tomography during pregnancy during this period is also allowed with serious suspicions of a fetal pathology that threatens the health of the mother or determines the possibility of artificial interruption. In other periods, MRI of the brain during pregnancy can be performed on a general basis. Naturally, the reason for the tomography is not the desire of the patient, but medical indications.

MRI of the head during pregnancy is much preferable to CT using x-rays and more informative than ultrasound diagnostics. The only unacceptable during childbearing is MRI with contrast. This procedure uses rather active compounds based on gadolinium ions, the effect of which on the unformed fetus has not yet been fully investigated.

MRI of the fetus at different stages of pregnancy

An MRI of the fetus is performed only after receiving the results of ultrasound, signaling a developmental pathology or deviation from the norm with unclear causes and directions of development. Before gestational age less than 20 weeks, MRI imaging is rather indistinct and may not bring the desired effect. But in subsequent periods, all changes and the picture of development are very accurate and informative, both in static and kinetic modes.

Layered visualization allows you to view all organs in different sections and in a three-dimensional image and get a complete picture of internal changes. An MRI of the brain in the fetus is also performed after obtaining a complete picture of development using ultrasound. MRI complements research, identifies possible malformations and destructive changes, or refutes suspicions of them.

In a developing fetus, an MRI of the brain during pregnancy can also be performed at the request of the parents in cases of reasonable suspicion of possible genetic abnormalities and hereditary malformations, as well as in case of exposure to hazardous factors, such as radiation, chemical poisoning or intense stress.

Recent advances in medicine allow the use of MRI of the brain in infertility. Endocrine causes of infertility are identified by examining the pituitary gland and its surrounding tissues.

The study of the brain during pregnancy is performed in all specialized clinics. MRI of the fetus - only in a few, due to the complexity of the operation itself and the peculiarities of decoding the data obtained. But tomography of pregnant women is developing rapidly and is becoming available to most patients who are indicated for these procedures.

MRI is performed for pregnant women and separately for the fetus. Moms are prescribed in case of suspected brain tumors, hemorrhage, trauma and pathology of the central nervous system. The fetus is prescribed a tomography if there is a suspicion of intrauterine developmental defects.

There is no single correct answer, no one will say whether it is possible to do an MRI of the brain during pregnancy. By the end of the last century, experts argued that magnetic diagnostics of the body is harmful to both the mother and the fetus. However, the benefits of magnetic resonance imaging are being revealed every year.

Today, most diagnosticians will say that it is possible to do an MRI of the brain for pregnant women. But bearing a fetus is a relative contraindication for research. It is considered, rather, as reinsurance and prevention of gene mutations. This is especially true of the first trimester of pregnancy - the first three months.

The problem of the possibility of conducting an MRI of the fetal brain during pregnancy appeared during the period of innovation of magnetic tomography as a medical research method. Then, due to the imperfection of the diagnostic device, specialists and patients had a strong opinion that the magnetic field is harmful to the mother and the unborn child.

The first magnetic tomographs were imperfect devices that made a loud noise, and inside during the study it was crowded and hot. So, pregnant patients succumbed to psychological discomfort rather than real physiological. Expectant mothers had to spend an average of 30 minutes in the tomograph. This caused discomfort and frightened those who are not familiar with medicine and computer research.

Modern magnetic tomographs, unlike the old ones, are a quiet and spacious device, the study in which does not bring discomfort. The devices are installed. This eliminates the effect of acoustic noise on the psychological state of pregnant women.

What restrictions

Magnetic resonance imaging should not be done in pregnant women in such cases:

  1. If metal and electronic devices are installed in the patient's body, for example, an artificial pacemaker, a cochlear apparatus, an automatic insulin pump.
  2. If the mother weighs more than 120 kg. Due to the massive body, it simply will not fit into the diagnostic device.
  3. If there are endoprostheses, metal needles or bone plates in the body of a pregnant woman.

Used with limitation. Problem - the pharmacological preparation contains substances that potentially cause an allergic reaction. The latter can cause serious complications in a healthy adult, not to mention the vulnerable pregnant mother and fetus. The contrast agent is used only for vital indications - when the life of the mother or child is threatened with death.

Procedure safety

Speaking of harmfulness, the concept of “threshold value” should be mentioned. In order for any substance to harm the body, its amount must exceed a certain bar. For each substance, this bar is different, as well as different individual susceptibility of the organism. Exceeding the allowable value, the danger increases. For magnetic resonance imaging, such a threshold exists.

The power of a standard average tomograph is up to 1.5 Tesla. In the entire history of the existence of digital computer diagnostics with such power, there has never been a case of harm caused by a magnetic field.

Unlike , where relatively aggressive x-rays are used, MRI is based on a soft magnetic field. Moreover, every day a person is faced with this physical phenomenon - the magnetic field of the Earth and the Sun, sockets, irons, microwave ovens, TVs and refrigerators. Therefore, when they talk about the harmfulness of the procedure, they usually mean not the harm of the magnetic field, but a side effect of such an effect - heating of the tissues.

The older the fruit, the more resistant it is to external pests. This means that harm of the same strength will affect the health of the fetus in different ways at different stages of maturation. So, there are three stages of fetal development:

  • First trimester. The baby in the womb is now highly sensitive to everything: lack of oxygen or nutrition. MRI of the brain during early pregnancy is not recommended, since it is extremely difficult to predict and predict the reaction of the fetus to the effects of a magnetic field. The study is also contraindicated because the first three months are the foundation for the development of the baby. Any minimal deviation from the norm can lead to serious health problems in the future. Therefore, MRI should not be performed during the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Second trimester - 3-6 months. The fetus has become more resistant to irritants. If during the first trimester the fetus developed normally and there were no suspicions of deviations, the study can be carried out.
  • Third trimester - 6-9 months of development. At this time, pregnant women can do MRI without fear for the health of the child.

In order for the MRI to be carried out with maximum benefit and with minimal harm, and the result has a high diagnostic value, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Diagnosis is best done in the first half of the day. At this time, the fetus is most calm. It is inactive, which means that the distortion of the picture will be minimal.
  2. 3-4 hours before the study, you can not eat. Also, before the procedure, you need to come with an empty bladder and intestines.
  3. Take your husband or girlfriend to the procedure. Although the procedure is not dangerous, some women inspire themselves with harm, and therefore worry. A loved one can comfort you.
  4. If it becomes difficult to breathe while lying on the couch during the study, you can roll over on your side. It won't distort the picture.

The course of the procedure for pregnant women is the same as for other patients.

The safest procedure that even a pregnant woman can undergo is called an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). MRI during pregnancy can be performed at any time, but only in the direction of a doctor. Is it possible to perform an MRI during pregnancy at the initial stages? Doctors strongly recommend not to conduct an MRI during pregnancy until a period of 3 months, because it is during this period of time (in the first trimester) that the laying of the fetal organs begins to occur. Therefore, magnetic resonance imaging during this period of pregnancy is considered an undesirable procedure and is prescribed only when absolutely necessary.

What can an MRI show in early pregnancy?

The magnetic resonance imaging procedure is used to diagnose a pregnant woman or her fetus. An MRI of the fetus, for example, can show all the possible defects that appear at the time of the development of the unborn baby, and this greatly affects the further development of pregnancy. Thanks to this study, specialists can collect all the necessary information about the development of the fetus, after which the doctor can prescribe treatment. Magnetic resonance imaging is considered very sensitive to defects, and this is a serious role in making such a decision as an abortion. Qualified specialists perform procedures such as an MRI of the brain during pregnancy, an MRI of the spine during pregnancy, or an MRI of the head during pregnancy. Pregnancy is not considered a contraindication for such procedures. Using this diagnostic method for 30 years, experts have found that MRI does not cause any harm to a pregnant woman or her unborn baby. This type of scanning is very simple - ring sensors are placed around the head, the patient is placed on a special table in the tunnel tube of the tomograph. Basically, magnetic resonance imaging during pregnancy is performed to detect injuries or their possible consequences, these can be oncological diseases or an examination of cerebral vessels. This type of information is necessary for the doctor to monitor the pregnancy. Thanks to such a diagnosis, it is possible to exclude the development of various diseases.

Contraindications for MRI diagnostics

There are a number of contraindications, for example, the presence of a hearing aid, a pacemaker or some other implants in the form of electronic devices that are responsible for maintaining human life. Another reason for contraindications to the use of diagnostics may be the presence of metal - pins, piercings or jewelry. The patient's pockets should be free of items such as bank cards, watches, keys, or cell phones. Epilepsy and claustrophobia are also considered contraindications for magnetic resonance imaging. The procedure will not be performed on a patient who is overweight (200 kg).

At the time of scanning, the patient will not feel any discomfort or discomfort. Diagnosis can only bring discomfort to patients who are prone to claustrophobia. And even if a person is prone to bouts of claustrophobia, he can take a loved one with him for diagnosis, who will support him at the time of the procedure. The MRI machine is making too much noise during operation. And only this is considered the only unpleasant moment during the MRI. By the way, even this trouble is solved very easily, before the procedure, the patient is given headphones or ear plugs. An MRI is an absolutely safe procedure, so it will not affect the pregnancy in any way and will not cause harm. Today, this method of diagnosis is considered the most effective and efficient.