A child of 8 years old began to write at night. Treatment of a child with folk remedies at home. Nervous state of the baby

A child of 6 years old pees in a dream - is this considered the norm or not. Young children are very often wet - both during the day and at night. When should a child stop writing at night in their sleep?

Toddlers stop wetting the bed at night by the age of five. If such actions are observed in older children, this is an occasion to contact a pediatrician, as a result of which enuresis will be diagnosed. Nowadays, such occurrences have become quite frequent. Perhaps the reason for this is the use of diapers by parents. What leads to the fact that a 5-year-old child pees during sleep?

Enuresis can be of three types: daytime, nocturnal and mixed. The first type is rare in everyday life and necessarily requires contacting doctors for help. But bedwetting for babies is a fairly common situation. Deep sleepers can't always control the gray matter urge to overflow our "urine storage reservoir."

Psychological reasons

The child writes in a dream, what are the psychological reasons for such a deviation. Does he have psychological trauma or similar problems?

What is meant by the psychological causes of childhood urinary incontinence:

  • uncomfortable home atmosphere;
  • frequent quarrels and scandals in the family;
  • the child has totalitarian parents;
  • lack of parental attention;
  • too busy day
  • not passing stress;
  • jealousy of younger or older brothers and sisters.

The above items negatively affect the fragile psyche of the child, which is fraught with constipation and the inability to urinate during the day. And as a result, during nighttime relaxation, the baby pees on the bed.

Physiological causes

The physiology of the fact that the child began to write in a dream is as follows:

  • kidney problems;
  • ailments in the urinary tract;
  • diabetes;
  • psychical deviations;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • taking auretics, (enuresis - as a side effect)

According to statistical data, 2-3-year-old children are most often written, followed by “five-year-olds”, the third position is occupied by “seven-year-olds”.

Urgent treatment is required when a mixed type of enuresis occurs: unconscious urination occurs day and night.

When does a child stop peeing at night?

When the baby reaches a certain age, such a problem becomes obsolete. What age limits are noted by a pediatrician for urinary incontinence:

  • Version 1 - the problem disappears by the age of nine.
  • Version 2 - in a five-year-old child, the urinary function is fully formed, which means that the appearance of wet sheets is a deviation from the norm.

In any case, a 5-year-old child pees in his sleep - a mandatory visit to the doctor!

Is a diaper needed?

Many pediatricians are inclined to believe that the underlying reason for the so common cases of enuresis comes from the constant use of children's diapers. While wearing diapers, the learning manifestation of important instincts is smeared, because the baby is always dry. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that a child of 3 years old pees in a dream. Although a six-month-old toddler already manages to restrain the urge to urinate, and he does this consciously, not wanting to lie on soaked diapers. On the other hand, a child dressed in a diaper is not familiar with such a state - he relieves a small need when a need arises.

Based on the above, parents can be advised to:

  1. put the child on the pot early, but without fanaticism and aggression, otherwise you will develop in him an aversion to this hygiene item;
  2. put on instead of disposable - reusable diapers;
  3. take air baths with your baby more often (completely naked);
  4. from the age of one and a half years, do not use diapers at night, since from 1.5 to 2 years is the time to teach the child to the potty.

As a result of the urinary function formed by the age of three, a significant part of children stop urinating on the bed, and occasionally slipping episodes that a 2-year-old child pees in a dream are not considered a deviation from the norm.

Treatment of childhood enuresis

In the process of treating children's urinary incontinence, several specialists from different areas take part at once: pediatric, neuropsychiatric, endocrinological and others, taking into account the accompanying indications.

Most importantly, parents who are faced with childhood enuresis should understand that the manifestation of participation, benevolence, warmth and patience is the most important point in the treatment of such an unpleasant problem.

The psychological health of the child should be above all - less aggressiveness, more participation and kindness. Do not get hung up on a fallen pile of soaked laundry, without which there is already enough work. Psycho-emotional health of the crumbs above all!

Therapeutic measures are as follows:

  • to exclude swearing and undeserved accusations against the baby who has described himself, not to make a huge problem out of the incident - he is already very worried about what happened;
  • protect the mattress with a waterproof sheet;
  • try to nullify the mental tension of the child: more affection, attention, warmth;
  • do not deprive the child of the joy of communication because of the trouble that has happened and try to diversify joint leisure time with interesting trips: to picnics, to visit, to exhibitions;
  • strictly adhere to the daily routine;
  • do not give the child water before bedtime, but if he is tormented by thirst, do not refuse him this;
  • in the evening do not give diuretic drinks and dishes that are too salty or spicy, or contain a lot of liquid, also exclude fruit in the evening;
  • two hours before falling asleep, give up noisy and energetic games;
  • buy a hard mattress;
  • Be sure to take your child to the bathroom before bed.

These actions will help reduce the number of soiled sheets, but will not permanently improve the situation.

For the treatment of childhood enuresis, physicians use four methods of therapy:

  • medication;
  • physiotherapy;
  • psychotherapeutic;
  • folk.

In severe cases of the disease, it is possible to prescribe all methods of treatment at once.

Drug treatment of childhood enuresis

Based on the name of the method, it is easy to imagine what it means - the use of pharmaceuticals: tablets, suppositories, potions, etc. A narrow specialist can prescribe antibiotics, antidepressants, drugs that improve the tone of the bladder. Do not focus on the names of the medicines needed for treatment.

I would like to note that it is possible to choose an alternative method of treatment, for example, physiotherapy or psychotherapy.

Physiotherapeutic method of treatment of childhood enuresis

With this type of therapy, the following types of healing are used:

  • acupuncture;
  • massage;
  • magnetic, laser, music therapy.

To conduct the necessary treatment sessions for a four-year-old child who pees in a dream during the day, it is necessary to select competent specialists.

Good results in the fight against bedwetting gives homeopathy.

Psychotherapeutic method of treatment of children's enuresis

Sometimes the reason that the child began to write in a dream, both during the day and at night, is a psycho-emotional experience or trauma. Given the underlying reason for the appearance of enuresis, a visit to a child psychologist is inevitable in this case. A 4-year-old child who urinates while sleeping will have to undergo the following procedures:

  • self-hypnosis (suggestion to oneself);
  • personal training;
  • drawing;
  • hypnotizing influences (although many doctors are reluctant to prescribe this type of procedure);
  • dolphin therapy.

Not everyone can use the last two methods, but the first three are also very effective.

Parents can independently carry out treatment based on psychotherapeutic methods at home.

  • Let's wake up the child!

Wake your child up every hour at night. Despite the fact that it sounds cruel, but this method does not allow the child to wet the bed. Over the next week, sleep periods increase.

You can watch the baby at night, if he began to toss and turn, and some kind of anxiety appeared in his behavior, perhaps he wants to go to the toilet. Carefully wake him up and send him to the potty.

  • Autotraining

With six-seven-year-old children, you can conduct a kind of auto-training: “ When I want to go to the toilet, I will wake up and pee in the potty.“. Words can be chosen differently, but the meaning should remain the same.

Get a special journal where marks on “dry” and “wet” nights will be entered. Let the child receive a reward, let's say for 5 (10) “dry” nights.

  • Psychological games

There are a lot of games to stabilize the behavior of the kids. They can be found in books or on the Internet. You can also remotely communicate with a psychologist, in a conversation with whom you can find out a lot of useful information for yourself.

Folk recipes for childhood enuresis

Traditional medicine has in its arsenal a sufficient number of recipes to solve the problem: why the child began to write in his sleep. But in the presence of psychological or hereditary factors, inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, tumor formations, additional appropriate treatment is necessarily implied.

List of several effective herbal remedies for bedwetting in children:

  • 3-5 gr roots parsley pour 200 ml of boiling liquid and leave for half an hour. For a day, the baby should drink no more than a glass of the resulting infusion. The last appointment is no later than 5 pm.
  • big spoon dill seeds brew a mug of boiling water and let it steam for 2 hours. Take in the second half on an empty stomach for babies ½ cup, for children after 10 years - 200 ml.
  • for half a liter of pitch, take 2 tbsp. l. birch buds, after 10-15 minutes, drain the drink and give children water during the day.
  • you can make herbal tea from the fruits of hawthorn, peppermint and field horsetail in the following ratio 2:1:1. Pour a spoonful of the dry mixture into a half-liter thermos and pour boiling water over it. Forget about the elixir for 5-6 hours. Drink the child 1/4 cup 20 minutes before meals.

You can also try making warm lotions with ginger water on the lower abdomen. Squeeze juice from finely grated ginger, combine with a glass of hot water (60-70⁰). Apply a soft cotton cloth moistened with this mixture several times from the lower abdomen until the skin in the bladder area turns red. This remedy perfectly relaxes overly tense muscles and strengthens overly relaxed ones.

Attention! Mixtures based on medicinal herbs should not be given to a child of the second year of life.

Before you start applying the methods of folk medicine, do not forget to get expert advice.


The appearance of isolated cases of urinary incontinence at night in two-three-year-old children is the norm. Frequent episodes of pissing at night is already a deviation from the norm, you need to consult a doctor, especially for older children.

To avoid / get rid of the manifestation of childhood enuresis in babies who have stepped over the age of five, try to adhere to these points:

  • do not scold the baby;
  • provide a favorable psycho-emotional environment in the house;
  • stick to the diet and sleep;
  • visit a child psychologist;
  • do not limit the baby in children's fun and communication to which he is accustomed.

Only tenderness and patience will help to cope with the unpleasant pathology that has appeared. Observing these simple wishes, parents will never face the question: the child pees in a dream, why?

List of used literature:

  • Glazener C. M., Evans J. H., Peto R. E. (2005), “Alarm interventions for nocturnal enuresis in children”, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd) (no. 2)
  • Hjalmas K., Arnold T., Bower W., Caione P., Chiozza L. M., von Gontard A., Han S. W., Husman D. A., Kawauchi A., Lackgren G., Lottmann H., Mark S., Rittig S., Robson L., Walle J. V., Yeung C. K. (2004). “Nocturnal enuresis: an international evidence based management strategy”. The Journal of Urology. 171 (6 Pt 2): 2545-2561
  • Glazener C. M., Evans J. H. (2002), “Desmopressin for nocturnal enuresis in children”, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd) (no. 3)

Problems associated with children's urination occur in one in five families. If the child urinates often, it is necessary to contact the pediatrician. This phenomenon may be due to psychological and physiological factors. The sooner the problem is solved, the better for the health of the baby.

Why does a child urinate during the day

If up to the age of 6 these figures fluctuate within 7-8 times, then by the teenage period the numbers decrease to 5-7 times. There can be several reasons why the baby often empties the bladder during the day.

If a child pees, do not scold him

These include inflammatory processes, serious pathologies, psychological problems - for example, pollakiuria - a condition when a child often goes to the toilet, the presence of diuretic products in the diet.

Of course, frequent urination should not be ignored, it is better to seek medical advice.

But there is another problem: the baby does not want to get used to the potty and urinates in his pants. There may be several reasons for this:

  • The baby simply does not feel his body yet. Doctors believe that the child since then begins to control independent trips to the toilet when he stops climbing stairs with a side step. Free gait indicates that the muscles of the urinary sphincter are finally formed.
  • It's all about diapers. Pampers, of course, are a great blessing, but they should not be used for a long time. If a small household is always dry and comfortable, then why should he get used to an incomprehensible pot? You need to wean the child gradually. It is better to wear diapers only at night, and refuse them during the day.
  • Psychological problems. Children are very emotional. They are able to feel subtly, experience a lot, but still cannot explain their fears, anxieties, worries. Involuntary urination is most often a symptom that the child is experiencing stress. Perhaps you are enrolling him in kindergarten? Or another baby appeared in the family, and the first-born quickly received the status of a senior. Do not leave the little man alone with problems, give him enough time, talk with him about his worries and experiences.

There is also nocturnal enuresis. It is explained simply: children do not control themselves during sleep, and they cannot withstand 10-12 hours.

What to do if the child is pissing

The first step is to rethink your behavior. Of course, it is necessary to express your dissatisfaction if the child wets himself again, but do it calmly, without screaming and tantrums. It is necessary to help the child cope with the problem, and not to shame him, reducing self-esteem. Psychologists advise several exercises:

  • Drawing with finger paints. It would seem that an occupation that has nothing to do with frequent urination. But it helps the baby to better understand himself, to distinguish his emotions, sensations of the body. You can do this painting before swimming. Let your child color himself or a sheet of paper, compare drawings, share his impressions.
  • Exercise "Listen to the silence." Once a day, set aside time to sit with your baby in absolute silence. Turn off the TV, send your family to another room. First, listen to the sounds outside the window, then to the rustles in the apartment, share your observations. Then let the child listen to his body: how loudly does he breathe? How does the heart beat? What's going on in the tummy? So he will learn to hear the signals of the body, including the bladder.

A little patience, tact, care, and your baby will get used to going to the toilet.

Every family with a baby faces the phenomenon of wet sheets. Usually, by the age of two, the child already begins to ask to go to the toilet consciously and knows how to restrain himself. Sometimes it happens that having learned to go to the potty, the baby again begins to write in bed during sleep. If a similar problem appears in a 4-5-year-old child, then this should cause concern for parents. What to do in this case? How to wean a child to write to bed at night?

Urination in a child during sleep is a problem familiar to many parents. But how to wean the baby from this?

When is there cause for concern?

Often the problem of a wet bed is associated with the presence of a certain ailment in the crumbs. For example, it can be diseases of the bladder, and sometimes even adenoids. In these cases, bedwetting can only be managed with the help of doctors. Parents should be concerned about the following:

  • if, after reaching 4 years, the child continues to urinate in panties during the day during wakefulness;
  • when the baby is already accustomed to go to the potty and does it successfully, but suddenly began to write again during sleep in bed;
  • when a child, having reached the age of 7, still does not control urination during the night sleep (he has enuresis).

In all these cases, parents must show the baby to the doctor and, if necessary, undergo the necessary examinations.

The situation when a child, who has learned to go to the potty early and refused diapers, again begins to urinate at night, often becomes a consequence of the stress or fear suffered by the baby. In this case, we are talking about a psychological problem, and, most likely, the baby needs the help of a qualified specialist in child psychology.

In such a situation, parents will need maximum patience and attention to the child, he should in no case be scolded and punished. However, even the most caring mother will find it difficult to figure out why the problem arose, to find out what the baby is worried about or afraid of. In this regard, the help of a psychologist is needed.

If the child pees in bed for quite a long time, then it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

Enuresis and comorbidities

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Enuresis is called unconscious and involuntary urination, which occurs during the period of night or daytime sleep, and is diagnosed in a child older than 5 years. According to statistics, approximately 7-12% of children from 5 to 10 years old have this condition. It can be caused by a variety of ailments, and it is important to correctly determine which disease led to the appearance of enuresis.

In general, this pathology is primary or secondary. These conditions differ in that primary enuresis appears very early, when the baby has not yet learned to regulate the process of urination. Secondary enuresis is formed much later, it usually manifests itself at the age of 5-10 years, that is, after the child begins to go to the toilet on his own at night, but for some reason he suddenly starts to write to bed again. In the latter case, it is especially important to see a doctor as soon as possible, since this condition is not just a manifestation of an immature state of the nervous system, but is caused by some serious pathology that could appear against the background of a stressful state experienced by the child, neurosis or fear.

Enuresis in a child at an older age may be the result of certain diseases, so it is urgent to treat the child

Physiological causes of enuresis

DiseaseMain symptomsCauses of bedwettingDiagnostic methods
Urinary tract infections (kidney disease, cystitis).Frequent urination in small portions.The inflammatory process in the urinary tract and irritation of its walls cause the urge to frequent emptying.A general urine test, the results of which can reveal the presence of inflammation.
Epilepsy (we recommend reading:)The child has convulsions during sleep, and they cause involuntary urination. In the morning, the baby may not even remember what happened to him at night.In childhood, the disease manifests itself in the form of epileptic-like seizures, they occur against the background of increased excitability of the brain.Modern medicine successfully treats epilepsy, but for an accurate diagnosis, the child must undergo a night examination. It is performed using a video camera and special devices that record the baby’s sleep and record changes in the performance of his brain.
DiabetesThe use of liquid in large volumes. Frequent urge to urinate.Due to the use of a large volume of fluid, the brain simply does not have time to signal the need to empty.You need to do a blood sugar test

Psychological factors

Frequent quarrels in the family can provoke a child, affecting health, including enuresis

The psychological reasons that can lead to the appearance of enuresis in crumbs include:

  1. Frequent quarrels in the family - when the baby hears the raised tones and cries of the parents, he may experience severe fear at the subconscious level, even if all this is not directed at him, so adults do not need to sort things out with the baby.
  2. Constant psychological pressure - if the baby feels that he is constantly being pressured by adults, for example, he is told about the need to urinate in the toilet, and not in the crib, then he can start doing everything quite the opposite.
  3. Too busy days - if parents constantly take the child with them (on a visit, to work, events), he experiences psychological discomfort, and constant stress does not have the best effect on the baby's body, sometimes children endure in crowded places and do not go to the toilet, when they return home, they relax, so adults need to follow the daily routine of the crumbs and follow it clearly.
  4. A feeling of jealousy for a younger sister or brother - can cause involuntary urination in a child during sleep, in such a situation you do not need to scream and scold him, on the contrary, show the baby that you love him, he is important to you, try to spend time not only with baby, but also with an older child, connect him to the games and care of the newborn.

If the child peed at night, then it is necessary to support the baby, as the fear of punishment will only aggravate the situation.

How can I stop my toddler from pissing in bed?

Most pediatricians, including the well-known doctor Evgeny Komarovsky, recommend parents not to rush things. No need to look at other children and compare your baby with them, because every child is individual.

For example, if at 3 years old your baby still continues to urinate at night in bed, this is not a reason to worry. Put a diaper on your baby before going to bed, and let him sleep like that until he wakes up dry every morning.

In general, when such missteps happen to the crumbs, treat them philosophically, the older the child, the more he worries about such failures. Imagine that the irritation and discontent of the mother, which she will demonstrate, will be added to this. As a result, the feeling of guilt in the little man will increase several times, and the psychological complexes that have appeared as a result of everything that happens will only exacerbate the problem of urinary incontinence during sleep. How can you still help a baby at 3 years old or older and teach him not to pee while sleeping in bed?

Until the baby learns to get up on the potty on his own at night, use diapers. Don't rush your child through this process.

If parents want to wean their child from sleeping in diapers, here are a few tips to help them keep their nights dry:

  • prepare a spare set of bedding and pajamas for the baby in the evening so that you can change him at night if he pees in bed;
  • cover the children's mattress with oilcloth, since at first night "incidents" cannot be avoided, and they will happen quite often;
  • teach the baby to empty the bladder before going to bed, this will reduce the risk that the child will want to write at night, but if the baby refuses to go to the toilet or the potty, you need to gently but confidently insist on it;
  • try to wean the baby to use large volumes of liquid shortly before bedtime, let him drink as much as he wants during the day, and after dinner, any drink should be excluded;
  • also pay attention to the children's diet, spicy and sour foods lead to irritation of the urinary walls, which leads to urinary incontinence at night, magnesium and potassium deficiency in the body can also contribute to this, so you need to add broccoli, apricots, bananas, fish to the baby's menu ;
  • place a lamp next to the crib that gives a soft light, perhaps the child is afraid to get up in the dark to go to the toilet, you can still put a pot near the bed (even if the baby already knows how to go to the toilet) made of plastic, since it’s cold to sit on metal;
  • notice what time the baby wakes up at night because he peed himself, try to wake him up early and put him on the potty;
  • make sure that the baby is not cold at night, even if the room is warm, he may freeze, for example, due to the fact that he feels cool from the oilcloth through the sheet.

Parents need to show maximum patience in order to finally wean their crumbs from writing to bed at night. This is often not easy to achieve, but in no case should you be angry with the baby, yell at him and scold him, you should understand the causes of this phenomenon and try to eliminate them, you may need the help of a doctor.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in Clinical Psychology

The child pees in bed - many young parents face this problem. And find the answer to this question How to wean a child to write at night? trying not only moms and dads, but also pediatricians. So vsyo-taki, why the child is written at night?

This problem is primarily related to the physical development of the child and the development of his central nervous system. As a rule, children wean themselves from writing at the age of 4-5 years. Diapers play a big role in this process. If a child is used to walking and sleeping in a diaper, then it is much more difficult for him to unlearn this habit.

It happens that a child who is already accustomed to asking for a potty begins to write. This may be due to many reasons:

How to wean a child to write?

This process is natural. With age, the child begins to understand that it is impossible to write in pants or a bed, but you should ask for a potty. Parents, in turn, should contribute to this process in every possible way and talk with the baby. There are several recommendations on how to wean a child to write:

It happens that a child of 6 or even 7 years old suddenly begins to write. In this case, parents do not need to immediately panic and run to the doctor. You should wait a few days. This phenomenon may be related to stress and usually disappears on its own after 7-10 days. If an already adult child continues to write for a long time and shows nervousness, then in this case it is necessary to visit a pediatrician.

Many mothers look forward to the moment when their baby wakes up in the morning in a dry bed. Not all parents treat the problem of bedwetting as a temporary phenomenon. Some wake up the baby at night, trying to put him on the potty, others ask the doctor to diagnose and prescribe treatment for enuresis, starting from 1.5-2 years of the child's life.

How to determine why children urinate at night: causes and symptoms of diseases

With nocturnal urinary incontinence, it is important to know where the age limit of normal and pathology is.

By the age of four 20-30% of babies periodically wake up wet. In 10% of children, this trouble recurs from time to time. up to 6 years. European pediatricians believe that up to 9 years not every child has developed control of the nervous system over the functions of the bladder.

And, therefore, it is permissible that a child at this age urinates in bed at night.

To save yourself from unnecessary anxiety, you need to know the possible causes of bedwetting in children:

  • Heredity . In many cases, the immaturity of the nervous system is genetically determined, that is, both father and mother in childhood bothered their parents with a similar problem. This feature increases the baby's chance of repeating the hereditary scenario by 70-75%.
  • Excessive fluid intake before bed . Many children often drink a lot during the heat and the heating season, which dries up the air in the apartments. A large volume of fluid is not retained by the bladder until morning, and the bed becomes wet.
  • Too much sleep . Soundly sleeping children are unable to pick up the faint signals coming from a full bladder, and it empties into bed.
  • neurogenic bladder . Too high activity of the bladder causes the child to urinate at night anywhere, but not in the pot.
  • Urinary tract infections . Cystitis and pyelonephritis often cause bacterial damage to the bladder and disruption of its functionality.
  • Neurotic and psycho-emotional problems . A weak excitable type of the nervous system affects the development of enuresis, thus neutralizing the stress that occurs during the day in relationships with parents and peers.
  • Congenital and acquired pathologies of the central nervous system . Diseases of the brain and spinal cord and their consequences directly affect the regulation of the processes of filling and emptying the bladder.
  • any type.
  • Hypoxia in childbirth, mild pathologies of pregnancy , which caused the development of minimal brain dysfunction, provoking hyperactivity and urinary incontinence at night.

Diagnosis should not be done on your own, this is the prerogative of the doctor. When visiting a pediatric urologist, you need to be prepared for the fact that the doctor will take an interest in the course of pregnancy, childbirth, and the psychological climate of the family.

What if the child constantly pees at night?

After collecting anamnesis and carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures, the doctor proceeds to the choice of treatment methods for bedwetting. In his arsenal, there are many ways to solve the problem.

An important condition for successful treatment - the exact implementation of the recommendations of the specialist and the calm, benevolent attitude of parents to the problem. Without creating a favorable psychological atmosphere, it is very difficult to completely get rid of children's nocturnal enuresis.

Medical treatment

In diseases of the urinary system, treatment is aimed at eliminating the prerequisites for infection of the bladder. If a child urinates at night for another reason, drugs are used to normalize the tone of the urea, regulate the production of hormone a, and increase the sensitivity of organ receptors to it.

Popular medicines:

  1. Minirin nose drops - a hormonal drug containing vasopressin, it is used before bedtime.
  2. Driptan - a drug to increase the tone of the walls of the bladder. In some cases, it is used in combination with Minirin.
  3. Prozerin - is administered as an injection, combined with Minirin.
  4. Nootropil, Persen, B vitamins - are used for enuresis of a neurotic nature.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine methods are used only after consultation with the attending physician, who will help you choose combinations of medicinal herbs that are safe for children.

The most commonly used recipes are:

  • Baths from a decoction of bay leaves.
  • Cowberry leaf tea.
  • A decoction of St. John's wort, yarrow.
  • Infusion of roots and flowers of mountain arnica.
  • Means for the normalization of the nervous system: infusion of valerian roots, licorice, motherwort grass, shepherd's purse.

A very effective remedy is an infusion of dill seeds, when a tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted overnight in a thermos. Apply 2 courses of treatment for 10 days with a ten-day break between them.

Psychotherapeutic method

Often, parents exacerbate the condition of the baby, scolding and shaming him for pissing at night.

They do not understand that they themselves can become the cause of the problem:

  1. Conflicts between mother and father, other family members.
  2. Inability to show their emotions (admission to a new team, adaptation to school and kindergarten).
  3. Excessive coldness in relation to the baby, or, conversely, overprotection.
  4. Increased requirements for an older child when a baby appears in the family.
  5. Children's fears and anxiety.

To develop important decisions that radically affect the family microclimate, you need to contact a child psychologist, neuropsychiatrist.

For the treatment of nocturnal urinary incontinence in an older preschooler, younger schoolchild the doctor recommends to mark "wet" and "dry" nights in a special diary , reward the child for every night spent in a dry bed. This is how the necessary motivation is developed in order not to write at night.

Autogenic training , aimed at waking up dry in the morning, is another effective method of psychotherapeutic treatment.

Physiotherapy to help

Methods of physiotherapeutic treatment will help to deliver the drug exactly as intended in the treatment of bacteriological cystitis that has become the cause of the pathology, increase the tone of the bladder walls, and regulate excessive excitation of the nervous system.

Physiotherapy for urinary incontinence:

  1. Electrophoresis.
  2. Electrical stimulation.
  3. Electrosleep.
  4. Galvanization.
  5. Diadynamic therapy.

These methods are most often used in combination with drug treatment and psychotherapy. Physiotherapy exercises and a massage course conducted by a specialist can be an excellent addition.

Should I put my baby in a diaper or wake him up at night?

Putting on a diaper for a baby older than 2-3 years or laying a diaper with oilcloth in a crib is the personal choice of each mother. Someone's children, waking up in a wet bed, quickly learn not to pee on the bed, someone becomes wet at night and sleep peacefully until morning for several months and years. Here everything is individual and depends on the cause of nocturnal enuresis, the individual characteristics of the child.

The only thing that is not recommended is night “wake-ups” with the hope of making a dozing child pee on the potty. Interrupted sleep (both mother and baby) will not advance the solution of the problem at all. Moreover, a child awakened in the middle of a deep sleep phase risks getting a nervous breakdown due to sleep disturbance from this method of preventing enuresis.

It is inhumane to do so in relation to babies with different capabilities of the nervous system. It is much better to limit drinking before going to bed, not to allow active games, in order to reduce the prerequisites for nocturnal enuresis.