"Fairy tale - a true story about a fiery serpent." The soup came out, that's what you need

The safety of young children is vital. Parents who fail to educate their preschoolers on personal safety can endanger their child's life, putting them at risk in many situations. Many try not to think about the bad, shift the responsibility for educating the baby to the kindergarten teacher, the nanny, and even the ingenuity of the child himself. A preschooler understands far from everything, and safety must be taught from childhood. What dangers lie in wait for the baby and how parents can teach him safe behavior, read in our article.

What dangers await the child?

To a small explorer, the world seems huge. Every day the kid discovers something new for himself, facing obstacles and failures, achieving new results and victories. Let's see what dangers the world surrounding the preschooler is fraught with.

  1. The child is alone at home.

At what age can a child be left alone? Everything is individual here. The age of the child, the level of his independence and the degree of yours to him are important. Once you have decided to teach your child to stay at home for a while, pay attention to some important details:

  • Teach your child how to use the phone. Write the phone numbers of parents and security services in a prominent place. Explain the safety rules for talking on the phone with strangers.
  • Learn to remember and pronounce your name, as well as the names of your parents, address, phone number.
  • Place objects dangerous for the child in an area inaccessible to him (medicines, household chemicals, cutting objects, matches).
  • Before leaving, check that you have turned off the gas and electrical appliances.
  • Teach your child about safety with gas and electrical appliances.
  • Explain how dangerous matches and sockets are for a child.
  • When leaving, carefully close windows, balconies and the front door.
  • Teach your child not to open the door to strangers.
  1. Child and strangers.

It is known that villains often use the gullibility and naivety of children. For the most part, parents are to blame for this, not explaining to the crumbs with early years rules of conduct with strangers. To teach the baby to be careful, it is necessary to convey to him the information that all non-relatives are strangers (even if they appear at home).

  1. Child and elevator.

The elevator seems like a fun attraction for a preschooler to ride. To avoid traumatic situations, the child should be explained the rules for operating the elevator. Learn what to do if the elevator is stuck, how to behave safely in the elevator, whether to enter the elevator with strangers.

  1. Child on the street.

The street carries many dangers for the child, even if he walks under the supervision of parents or a nanny. Pay attention to how comfortable and safe the playground is, where the child is walking, how far the roadway is, whether there are dangers in the yard (basements, manholes, cars, suspicious companies, stray or pets).

  1. Child in public places.

Going with the child to the store or to the market, attending holidays and sport competitions, think about how to secure it in crowded places. A preschooler needs to be taught how to behave if he has lost sight of his parents.

To this list, you can add the behavior of a preschooler on the water, in the sun, on ice, on trips, in extreme situations, communication with animals.

Dangers at home

Information about accidents happening to children shocks many parents and makes them more attentive to children's safety. Parents should remember that the danger is practically under their noses - at home.

An apartment or house is the first place where a child begins to develop and. As long as the baby is under supervision, everything will be fine with him. Common sense parents and their concern for the child will protect him from dangers. But as soon as the baby begins to move independently around the house, he immediately runs the risk of meeting troubles and dangers.

“Did you know that children, exploring the house and their capabilities, climb into the most incredible places every day and take objects that are completely not intended for kids?”

It is known that the most great danger children under 4 years of age are exposed to any injury. A second is enough for the baby to swallow the pills or small items, grab a knife and cut yourself, burn yourself. As soon as the baby begins to crawl, parents need to examine the home in order to exclude the availability of dangerous objects and reduce the possibility of traumatic situations.

Sources of domestic injuries:

How can parents make their baby's life safe at home?

  1. Try not to leave children unattended. If you can't be with your baby all the time, get a baby monitor.
  2. Keep it out of sight detergents(under the sink) and medicines (in the nightstand).
  3. Help your child take a bath.
  4. Keep matches and lighters, knives, scissors and needles away from your baby.
  5. When leaving a child alone in a room, make sure windows and balcony doors are closed. Mosquito nets do not protect against falls.
  6. Close sharp corners special overlays, sockets - with plugs, and hold the doors with latches.
  7. Demonstrate good example yourself: do not lean out of the windows, do not sit on the edge of the bath.

"Advice. Can be used good example telling the story of a child who ate pills and ended up in the hospital."

safe walk

To make walking a preschooler enjoyable, you need to take care of his safety:

  1. Look after the child or arrange this with neighbors walking with children.
  2. Choose, away from the highway.
  3. Keep a close eye on the baby at swings, slides and other rides. Teach your child to be careful when approaching the swing.
  4. Be careful when crossing the road with a stroller. Follow the rules traffic and teach them to your child.
  5. Explain to the child that you need to watch if the car is driving in the yard. Don't let the ball get out from under the car.
  6. Teach scooter and bike safety.
  7. Do not allow the child to approach animals - stray or strangers. They can be vicious.

If a child is lost

Imagine that a child is lost. This can happen in the store, on a walk, on mass event or even in kindergarten. The child loses his mother out of sight, decides that he has been forgotten, and goes in search or home. To prevent such cases, need to teach the kid important rules:

  1. The child must know that if he is, the parents will not leave without him and will look for him at the scene. Explain to the baby that he stays in place and does not run to catch up with anyone.
  2. If you are out for a walk, explain to the preschooler where you will be waiting for him when he runs in the playground or in the park.
  3. The child is older three years can already remember his last name, first name and address.

"Advice. When going for a walk or excursion, put a note with the names and coordinates of the parents in the baby's pocket.

Security Skills

How should parents prepare their child? preschool age to make the baby's life safe? Do not rely on chance or kindergarten teachers. Be attentive to your child's knowledge of life safety.

The amount of knowledge on safety for a preschooler:

  • A preschool child must understand which situation is dangerous and which is not.
  • The kid must understand that there are dangerous people, phenomena, objects, actions.
  • The baby must understand what “health” is and the essence of damage to the body.
  • A preschool child must know information about himself (last name, first name, address, parents' names).
  • The baby should be aware of the safety rules when he is at home. He must understand the danger of fire, electric current, hot appliances, windows. The child should be informed that he should not open the door to strangers and talk to them on the phone.
  • The child must understand the basics of safe behavior on the street: do not pick up syringes and bottles, fragments, do not engage in conversation with strangers and do not go anywhere with them, do not take anything from the hands of strangers, do not approach dogs, do not climb high.
  • The kid should be familiar with the rules of staying in kindergarten: do not run away outside the garden, play calmly with children, obey the teacher.
  • The child needs to be introduced to the rules of behavior in dangerous situations (fires, gas poisoning, electric shocks, earthquakes, floods, lightning strikes, hurricanes, etc.).
  • A preschool child should know the rules of behavior on the road and the basic concepts: "zebra", "traffic light", "red light", "underpass", etc.
  • The kid needs to be told about safety rules while on the ice, near the water.
  • Preschoolers need to be taught basic principles healthy eating and strengthening the body. He needs to be explained what is useful and what is not.

In all situations, the child must clearly understand that safety is the main thing, and in many respects it depends on him. And it depends on the parents how much he understands the safety rules in various life situations.

Larisa Usoltseva

and for many years we have been working closely with representatives of the fire department and the traffic police. Planned work to promote and educate fire fighting security and compliance traffic rules involves a variety of activities both directly with children, parents as well as with society.

Representatives of the fire brigade and the traffic police are frequent guests at events held in kindergarten. We visited the fire station. An interesting excursion was organized for us, where the children were not only able to see the fire trucks nearby, but also to visit inside it. We saw in action how firefighters go out to call for help, rescue equipment and heard how loud the siren howls. Children are very happy with such meetings, as they bring a lot of positive emotions and cause a desire to become people of these heroic professions.

"Erudite Tournament"

Target: Teach children navigate in a problematic situation associated with a risk to life and health.


Pin skills children act correctly in emergency situations call for help by phone (ambulance, rescue service, police)

To generalize knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street and technology safety at home.

To form a desire to provide first medical care in case of accidents.

- Develop the ability to independently apply the acquired knowledge in life.

Cultivate self-confidence. And the desire to help.

Methods and techniques: Verbal, visual, game, problem-practical.

vocabulary work:

preliminary work: memorizing poems "reminders - warnings" on life safety, reading thin. literature, drawing competition "Fire", "SDA", workshop “I’ll call on the phone and call for help”, "Learning to provide first aid", GCD on the topic « Safety» , experimental activity "Fire is the enemy"

materials: Certificate for each child"Young Rescuer";

badges for teams "Znayki", "Smarts"; sultans; "black box";

posters "SDA", pictures (cut, nose bleed, burn, frostbite, (01,02, 03) ; sport equipment for relay races.




The most precious thing everyone has parent is his children. And our task, by our own example, is to teach them not only the rules of health saving, but also to explain that compliance with these rules can save the life of yourself and those who are close to him. There are many dangers lurking around us. natural phenomena, inability to properly use household items and ignorance of how to behave in various life situations. If you know the ways and rules of behavior in the current situation, be able to make the right decision, then you can avoid serious consequences.

C) - Today we will hold a tournament of scholars dedicated to the rules security. At the end of the tournament, the best will receive evidence"Young Rescuer".

2 teams will compete in the tournament "Znayki" And "Smarts".

And now I present to you our competent jury:___

1. Let's start our tournament with a greeting commands:

We are a team "Znayki"

Hello opponents!

We openly declare to you

We know the answer to everything.

We are a team "Smarts"

They came to meet you

Ingenuity and skill

They brought with them…

C) - Each team will receive a flag for the correct answer. At the end of the tournament, we will determine the winners by the number of these flags.

In order to become real rescuers, we need to go through a special training and education, show in practice their speed, courage and dexterity ...

2. Competition "Mystery Box"

What is a cramped, cramped house?

One hundred sisters huddle in it.

And any of the sisters

It can flare up like a fire.

Don't mess with your sisters


(with matches)

Questions for the teams:

C) What are the benefits of fire? (a person cooks food, heats a house, lights a house)

What causes fires? (from playing with matches, lighters, from left not turned off or faulty electrical appliances.)

What harm does fire do? Careless handling of matches can start a fire in which things, a house, a forest will burn)

What should be done in case of fire in the apartment? (fill the fire with water, call "01", call an adult for help)

For that. To become a real lifeguard, you need to know and follow traffic rules well.

3. Task:

C) - Each of the teams to find on the posters 3 mistakes that the artist made

When there is a fire, various troubles happen. (blockage in the room, smoke) so it is necessary to be physically prepared...

4. Relays:

C) - You need to overcome the path with obstacles to save the animal and return with it.



Jumping... obstacle walking...

Jury word.

Sometimes when saving people, rescuers have to provide first aid, for this you need to know what to do in order to alleviate the pain of the victim.

5. Task "First aid to the injured"

Give each team 2 picture cards.

Burn, nosebleed, cut, frostbite.

Together you need to pick up honey cards for each of these pictures. actions, observing the sequence and correctness ... who is faster, at the end, explain your choice.

Question parents:

C) Careless handling of what items can cause burns, cuts, eye injuries, or bone fractures?

What services do we call savior-rescuers? Who at any time will come to help us? What do we call these people?

C) But in order for them to help the victim in time, you need to know the phone numbers of these services by heart. Let's practice...

(on the board are pictures of assistant cars. fire, ambulance, police)

6. Quest: Competition for captains:

Choose the right phone numbers for each picture.

7. Task: "Help fairy tale characters"

(According to the riddle, you need to determine and name the telephone number of the rescue service for each specific case)

And next to the hippos, grabbed their tummies.

They, hippos, have tummy ache…. (03)

I am bloodthirsty, I am merciless

I am an evil robber Barmaley,

I don't need marmalade, and I don't need chocolate,

Only small children(02)

And the chanterelles took the matches,

Let's go to the blue sea

The blue sea was lit... (01)

The hostess abandoned the bunny,

there was a bunny in the rain,

Couldn't get off the bench

Wet to the skin (03)

Suddenly some old man - Spider

We dragged our Fly into a corner -

Wants to kill the poor

Destroy the Tsokotukha. (02)

Tilly, Tilly, Tilly… Bom!

The cat's house caught fire

The cat jumped out, his eyes bulged (01)

C) Millions of years ago, people learned how to make fire. In the hands of a man, he gave light and warmth. On the fire, people cooked food, defended themselves from wild animals, but as soon as the fire was left unattended, the good actions of the fire turned into evil. Fires continue to this day. And most often they arose where fire was handled carelessly and carelessly. If careless, people get burns and poisoning.

8. Task: "Experimental Lab"

Invite parents.

b) How can you put out a fire?

(Light the candles on the iron rack, parents put out the fire with

Snow, sand, water, earth... dense fabric, a glass flask and a few unnecessary items ... paper, lightweight fabric, boot...

(Experiment with a flask ... Close the burning candle tightly with a flask, the access of oxygen to the flask has stopped ... Fire cannot exist without air)

9. Task: Relays "We are firefighters"

2 teams, pour water into a bucket, run with it between the pins, pour water into the basin (fire seat ... return and pass the bucket to the next player ...

We put all our efforts

And we put out the fire

It was hard, hard

But skill and dexterity

Saved us from disaster...

Jury estimates ... Summing up, awarding evidence"Young Rescuer"

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution kindergarten №8

Advice for parents

"Preschool Safety"

Developed by: Danko Elena Petrovna -

teacher of the highest qualification category

Belogorsk 2015

All of us - teachers, parents, educators are trying to answer the question: "How to ensure safety and healthy lifestyle the lives of our children? » The child enters various life situations where he can get lost.

Therefore, it is necessary to give children a sum of knowledge about the norms of behavior generally accepted by man; learn to act in a given situation; to help preschoolers master elementary skills of behavior at home, on the street, in the park, in transport, as well as to develop independence and responsibility in preschoolers.

in kindergarten from middle group and more in depth in the senior and preparatory, classes are held on life safety, games, target walks, theatrical performances, with the help of which adults, without moralizing and edification, introduce the child into a world that is fraught with so many surprises.

The requirements for kindergarten and at home should be the same. Parents should realize that it is impossible to demand from the child the implementation of any rule of conduct if adults themselves do not always follow it.

We offer you some vital important rules and prohibitions for children.

Danger one: Sharp, piercing and cutting objects.

Rule number 1: All sharp, piercing and cutting objects must be put in their places. Clutter in the house is not only for beauty, but also for safety.

Rule number 2: You can not take! (knife, awl, nail, hammer, hacksaw, compasses, pin).

Keep the house in order:

Forks, scissors, knives,

And needles and pins

You put it in place!

Danger two: Electrical devices. They may cause electric shock or cause a fire.

Rule number 1: Do not use the outlet yourself, ask adults to turn on or turn off the electrical appliance.

Rule number 2: Never touch the included electrical appliances wet hands(water passes current through itself) Rule number 3: Do not touch the included electrical appliances with metal objects (screwdrivers, scissors, hairpins) Rule number 4: Never pull the electric wire with your hands (and the cat - by the tail).

Do not put your finger in the socket -

Not a girl, not a boy!

Danger three: Medicines and household chemicals.

Rule #1: Never try any medication. Firstly, it's tasteless, and secondly, it's wrong medication taken may be poison.

Rule number 2: What is household chemicals? This washing powders, dishwashing detergents, cockroach repellents and much more. Children, of course, are not cockroaches, but the poison from cockroaches also affects people. Therefore, in no case do not open any packages with household chemicals.

Chemicals are poison

And not just for the guys.

Danger four: Home security.

Rule #1: Don't play with matches or lighters. Independently use the kettle, pan.

Rule #2: Handle with care glassware, do not drop it, put it in place.

Fifth danger: Balcony.

Rule number 1: Never play outdoor games on the balcony.

Rule #2: Don't lean over the balcony railing (if there's something interesting downstairs, it's better to go down the stairs).

Man is not a bird

It is more convenient to go down the stairs.

Without a parachute from above

Only cats jump.

It hurts to fall from the floor

Soft spot on the hedgehog.

Danger six: follow the rules

Rule number 1: You can only cross the street at pedestrian crossings. They are marked with a special sign. "Crosswalk".

What is a transition

Every cat knows this.

Respect these signs

Even cats and dogs!

Rule number 2: You can only cross the street when the traffic light is green. You can not cross the street on a red signal, even if there are no cars.

Rule number 3: When crossing the street, you should always look: first - to the left, and when you reach the middle of the road - to the right.

The road is not a path

The road is not a ditch.

Look to the left first

Then look to the right.

Rule #4: It is safest to cross the street with a group of pedestrians.

Rule number 5: In no case should you run out onto the road. You have to stop before the road.

Rule #6: You can not play on the roadway and on the sidewalk.

Our Tanya is crying loudly

Dropped a new ball

The ball hit the Moskvich,

There is no more ball now.

Games on the road

Can lead to misfortune.

Each guard will say:


Danger seven: There are many dangers in the forest.

Rule #1: Stick together in the woods. If you get lost, shout louder so that you can find each other by voice.

When you get lost in the dark forest

And meet an evil owl

You only shout louder “OW! »

And he will respond to you: “AU. »

Danger Eight: Fire.

Rule #1: Don't play with fire. dry hot weather one match is enough to set the forest on fire.

Children took up matches

The poor bird has no place to live.

After the terrible fire

Not even a stump remained.

Danger nine: Poisonous mushrooms and berries.

Rule number 1: Collect mushrooms with adults.

Rule number 2: Never try unfamiliar berries and mushrooms.

Rule #3: Always ask an adult if the mushrooms and berries you've picked are edible. Try to remember which mushrooms and berries are edible and which are not.

Rule number 4: Leave inedible mushrooms (fly agaric, toadstools) for the inhabitants of the forest. They are being treated.

Tasty soup

The witch decided to cook soup.

Shredded dried snakes,

Made a big fire

And I installed the boiler.

Between pines and clearings

I collected a bucket of toadstools,

Jumped over the hillock

Found fly agaric

For seasoning elderberry,

For poison-henbane,

Wolfberries half a basket

And excellent fresh tina.

The soup came out just right;

As many as twenty liters of poison!

Danger Ten: Insects.

Rule number 1: If you saw vespiary, in no case do not touch it, otherwise the wasps will fly out and sting anywhere.

Rule number 2: If you meet an ant - do not touch it. If you don't bother them, they won't bite you.

Rule number 3: If there are a lot of mosquitoes in the forest, you need to use ointments that repel insects.



Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten No. 8

Advice for parents

"Preschool Safety"

Developed by: Danko Elena Petrovna -

Educator of the highest qualification category

Belogorsk 2015

All of us - teachers, parents, educators are trying to answer the question: “How to ensure the safety and healthy lifestyle of our children? » The child gets into various life situations in which he can become confused.

Therefore, it is necessary to give children a sum of knowledge about the norms of behavior generally accepted by man; learn to act in a given situation; to help preschoolers master elementary skills of behavior at home, on the street, in the park, in transport, as well as to develop independence and responsibility in preschoolers.

In kindergarten, starting from the middle group and more in-depth in the senior and preparatory, life safety classes, games, targeted walks, theatrical performances are held, with the help of which adults, without moralizing and edification, introduce the child into a world that is fraught with so many surprises.

The requirements for kindergarten and at home should be the same. Parents should realize that it is impossible to demand from the child the implementation of any rule of conduct if adults themselves do not always follow it.

We offer you some vital rules and prohibitions for children.

Danger one:Sharp, piercing and cutting objects.

Rule number 1: All sharp, piercing and cutting objects must be put in their places. Clutter in the house is not only for beauty, but also for safety.

Rule number 2: You can not take! (knife, awl, nail, hammer, hacksaw, compasses, pin).

Keep the house in order:

Forks, scissors, knives,

And needles and pins

You put it in place!

Danger two:Electrical devices. They may cause electric shock or cause a fire.

Rule number 1: Do not use the outlet yourself, ask adults to turn on or turn off the electrical appliance.

Rule #2: Never touch electrical appliances with wet hands (water conducts current through itself) Rule #3: Never touch electrical appliances with metal objects (screwdrivers, scissors, hairpins) Rule #4: Never pull on an electrical wire with your hands (and cat - by the tail).

Do not put your finger in the socket -

Not a girl, not a boy!

Danger three:Medicines and household chemicals.

Rule #1: Never try any medication. Firstly, it is tasteless, and secondly, an incorrectly taken medicine can turn out to be poison.

Rule number 2: What is household chemicals? These are washing powders, dishwashing detergents, cockroach repellents and much more. Children, of course, are not cockroaches, but the poison from cockroaches also affects people. Therefore, in no case do not open any packages with household chemicals.

Chemicals are poison

And not just for the guys.

Danger four:Home security.

Rule #1: Don't play with matches or lighters. Independently use the kettle, pan.

Rule number 2: Carefully handle glassware, do not drop it, put it in place.

Fifth danger: Balcony.

Rule number 1: Never play outdoor games on the balcony.

Rule #2: Don't lean over the balcony railing (if there's something interesting downstairs, it's better to go down the stairs).

Man is not a bird

It is more convenient to go down the stairs.

Without a parachute from above

Only cats jump.

It hurts to fall from the floor

Soft spot on the hedgehog.

Danger six:follow the rules

Rule number 1: You can only cross the street at pedestrian crossings. They are marked with a special sign. "Crosswalk".

What is a transition

Every cat knows this.

Respect these signs

Even cats and dogs!

Rule number 2: You can only cross the street when the traffic light is green. You can not cross the street on a red signal, even if there are no cars.

Rule number 3: When crossing the street, you should always look: first - to the left, and when you reach the middle of the road - to the right.

The road is not a path

The road is not a ditch.

Look to the left first

Then look to the right.

Rule #4: It is safest to cross the street with a group of pedestrians.

Rule number 5: In no case should you run out onto the road. You have to stop before the road.

Rule #6: You can not play on the roadway and on the sidewalk.

Our Tanya is crying loudly

Dropped a new ball

The ball hit the Moskvich,

There is no more ball now.

Games on the road

Can lead to misfortune.

Each guard will say:


Danger seven: There are many dangers in the forest.

Rule #1: Stick together in the woods. If you get lost, shout louder so that you can find each other by voice.

When you get lost in the dark forest

And meet an evil owl

You only shout louder “OW! »

And he will respond to you: “AU. »

Danger Eight: Fire.

Rule #1: Don't play with fire. In dry, hot weather, one match is enough to set the forest on fire.

Children took up matches

The poor bird has no place to live.

After the terrible fire

Not even a stump remained.

Danger nine: Poisonous mushrooms and berries.

Rule number 1: Collect mushrooms with adults.

Rule number 2: Never try unfamiliar berries and mushrooms.

Rule #3: Always ask an adult if the mushrooms and berries you've picked are edible. Try to remember which mushrooms and berries are edible and which are not.

Rule number 4: Leave inedible mushrooms (fly agaric, toadstools) for the inhabitants of the forest. They are being treated.

Tasty soup

The witch decided to cook soup.

Shredded dried snakes,

Made a big fire

And I installed the boiler.

Between pines and clearings

I collected a bucket of toadstools,

Jumped over the hillock

Found fly agaric

For seasoning elderberry,

For poison-henbane,

Wolfberries half a basket

And excellent fresh tina.

The soup came out just right;

As many as twenty liters of poison!

Danger Ten: Insects.

Rule number 1: If you see a hornet's nest, in no case do not touch it, otherwise the wasps will fly out and sting anywhere.

Rule number 2: If you meet an ant - do not touch it. If you don't bother them, they won't bite you.

Rule number 3: If there are a lot of mosquitoes in the forest, you need to use ointments that repel insects.

Our children are the most precious thing we have. We just can't imagine that something bad could happen to them. Therefore, we often neglect simple rules for parents who have children of school, and even more so preschool age.

And it's not that hard to do them. "So simple!" will tell you how to protect a child of any age from the most common ills.

Safety rules for children

  1. Teach your child to call dad or mom when he went out, came home from school or went to work out. You need to teach this by setting an example. Mom and dad in front of the child call each other, report that they left work: "I'll be back in an hour."

    It is necessary to focus the attention of the child on this, to show him that the parents are worried about each other. If you force a child to call, then he may decide that, due to his infancy, he is simply kept under control, limited, and not trusted.

  2. Before going to a crowded event, such as a concert, be sure to take a picture of your child in full growth.

    Parents who have lost a child, sometimes in a panic, cannot properly explain what the child was wearing, what blouse and what cap. It will be much easier to look for a child by showing a photo: have you seen this child?

    If the child is not found in the next 2-3 hours, then it will be the most recent photograph in the orientations that law enforcement agencies will work with.

  3. Parents should always know exactly how long it takes for a child to get to school, a circle, a section, to a tutor. If, for example, it is 30 minutes, then if he did not appear there after 60 minutes, you need to sound the alarm.

    You should write and call absolutely everyone: ex-husbands, grandparents, parents of classmates, classmates. Don't think it's inconvenient. It will be inconvenient if he is never found again.

    Why is this being done? You never know what might have happened. For example, a child could be frightened of something, run away from someone, and, finding themselves in a conditionally familiar area, could go to at least some address familiar to him.

    If you are sure that the child is lost, call the police immediately. A call to number 112 is already a statement about the loss, which is accepted and recorded. The story about three days is a myth, a lie and the unwillingness of the police to work. There is no such decree, act, law.

  4. It is useful for all family members (both children and elderly parents) to install a number of programs on their phones. These can be "My Friends" (on iPhone), "My Family" (on Android). But keep in mind, these apps require an internet connection and won't work on cheap feature phones.

    In this case, you will need to activate the service from a mobile operator, for example, Beeline. Coordinates "(50 rubles per month), "Megafon-Navigator" (84 rubles per month). For what? At your telephone request, no operator will give you the coordinates of your child's phone. Has no right.

    If the phone is registered to your passport, then at the operator's office you will be given a printout of the last calls. But the operator has the right to issue the coordinates of the phone only by a court decision, that is, at least after 2-3 days.

  5. Teach your kids to say no, not to talk to or listen to strangers. We often teach children to obey their mother, father, nanny, grandmother, teacher, not to argue with all these people, to be polite. As a result, we get children who leave with unfamiliar adults.

    Last year, the search and rescue team "Lisa Alert" conducted a shocking social experiment "Stealing a child in 60 seconds." Of the 22 children, 19 left the playground with an unfamiliar aunt! Only three children were left to wait for their mother.

    Explain to the child, first, who these unfamiliar adults are. That this is not always a terrible uncle, it can also be a pretty girl (as, for example, it was in that very experiment). Secondly, convey the following thought to the child: normal, adequate adults do not ask children for help, they do not ask them to convey anything, guard, find something in the trunk of a car.

    Even if the child met your acquaintance or friend who offers to give him a ride home, the kid should call his parents at the same moment and say: “I met Uncle Misha, he offers me a ride.” You immediately call Uncle Misha and make sure that the child is with him.

  6. Teach your child to trust themselves and their feelings. Often children convince themselves (or really do not understand) that nothing “such” is happening, that it is inconvenient to refuse an uncle, that they will think badly of him or scold him. The child must clearly know that strangers should not touch him and ask for anything.

  7. If your child or elderly relative calls and says, "Meet me, please" - get off the couch / take time off from work, but do it.

    Very rarely do people ask to meet them, because it's a whim. Perhaps the child cannot tell that some uncle is looking at him very intently, since this person is nearby.

    If you say: “Well, you are already an adult,” and then something happens, you will not forgive yourself for this. Do not be lazy.

  8. Teach a child to scream. We constantly tell the child when he is behaving noisily on the street: "Be quiet, don't shout." A lot of people - both children and adults - do not know how to scream. Go to the forest and learn how to scream there, set an example for your child.

    Explain to the child that he should never be embarrassed to ask for help from a person with a child, a policeman, a security guard, an employee of the institution where he is. And put into his head the basic rule of safety: if you get lost, stay where you are, don't go anywhere.


  9. Don't let your kids use social media. Let him start his own page - so before your eyes there will be information about what he is interested in, what kind of music he listens to, with whom he is friends.

    Once a month, look through the list of his friends, you should be alerted by adults, if they are not teachers. The ban will provoke the creation of fake pages with other people's photos and incorrectly indicated age. Think about the risk.

  10. Teach your child that on the Internet and in life - he does not owe anything to anyone. If strangers asked to send a photo or say their phone number, the first question that the child should automatically ask himself is: “Why?”. You must explain to the child what information is personal and should not be shared with strangers.
  11. The development of technology has led to the emergence of new threats: trolling, bullying, the desire to earn likes at any cost. Now defend favorite child needed not only in reality, but also on the Web.

    It turns out that this is not so easy to do. Pornography is the most innocuous thing you can find on the Internet. And you can also find information about suicides, drugs, meet dangerous scammers, intruders.

    One of the biggest dangers of the virtual world is the game " Blue whale”, which provokes children and adolescents to commit suicide. The victims of this terrible quest have already become 130 teenagers who died under various circumstances from November 2015 to April 2016.

    To get into the deadly game, curious teenagers join certain online communities in in social networks where they find curators and like-minded people.

    From the very beginning, teenagers are offered to cut their hand with a blade, cut out a thematic inscription, for example, “sea of ​​​​whales”, F57, F58, or draw a whale. The final stage of the game is the same for everyone - the participant's suicide.

    To prevent teenagers from falling into such groups, the police advise parents to check skin the child for the presence of injuries and, if they are found, find out the circumstances under which they appeared. Also pay more attention psychological state children and their social circle.

  12. Safety rules for parents include knowledge of phones- teachers, friends, girlfriends, classmates, sports sections, circles.

    If for some reason the child did not come from school on time, be sure to call class teacher. It is likely that this is due to a change in schedule or additional classes.

    If not, call all of the child's friends. It may well be that he just went to visit and played. If that doesn't work, dial the emergency number right away. Remember, when a child disappeared, every minute counts. In Russia, there is a single emergency number - 112.

  13. Practice with your child how he will act in a dangerous situation.. Most often in any extreme situation the person is very lost. And the child is no exception. Therefore, be sure to practice with your son or daughter how they will behave.

    Learn with the child the names of the parents, his address of residence. Try to ensure that the child remembers exactly what he will do if he gets lost in the store, gets on the wrong bus, gets lost in an unfamiliar place.

  14. If a child is lost, and then (thank God!) is found - do not yell at him. Calmly explain that you were worried and why what happened was dangerous.

    Do you remember the parents of the Kid from the cartoon about Carlson? The fire brigade was taking the boy off the roof, and when his parents met him, his mother hugged him and said: “Baby, how worried we were.”


All these tips can save your family and even save children's lives. However, for the first time sending children somewhere alone, tell them about safety balanced, do not intimidate them unnecessarily.

Explain that danger may arise in the future, but it is not at all necessary that this will happen. Otherwise, you will make children feel unnecessary anxiety and fear of the world around them.

Nikolai Laduba loves to spend time actively, he is engaged in hiking. He is a big fan of fantasy. Son Nikolai is only 7 years old, but he shares his father's hobbies: what could be better than getting cozy and watching the Star Trek series with the whole family? Our author approaches all issues in detail, this is evidenced by the quality of his articles. Nikolai's favorite book is The Black Prince by Iris Murdoch.