Entertainment for guests in the restaurant. At the birthday party of a child, guests can also be entertained. Changing clothes in turn

If you have a birthday, then this is an occasion to think about how to entertain guests at a birthday party so that it is fun and interesting. And while you're thinking, let me offer you our ideas for home and games to play at the table. And so, let's start.

First, invite your guests to play a variety of contests. And pick up a variety of contests so that all guests can play in them. That is, make a musical, dance, moving, sitting contest. Also think about the order in which these contests will go.
Here are sample contests that your guests can play.

The first competition is a well-known competition called - a mind-reading hat. It's easy to play. It is enough to make a selection of interesting songs and catchphrases from films and find a hat. Bring the hat to the guest and talk - and now we will find out what this person is thinking about. You put a hat on your head, one phonogram turns on and everyone laughs.
Song examples:
- I fight like a fish, but I didn’t get money!
- the girls didn’t love me, the girls fell in love with the tractor driver ...
If I were a sultan...
- for lovely ladies, for lovely ladies, my first toast here and there ...
- where are you, dear, sweet, beloved ...

The next competition is called - who am I.
Everything is simple, but interesting. You need to prepare face masks in advance. These can be masks of different vegetables, fruits, characters, and so on.
You come up behind each guest and put a mask over their face. The main thing is that he does not see his mask, but everyone else saw it. When everyone is wearing masks, each guest in turn asks one question about his mask and receives an answer to it. And so it continues until someone guesses his mask.

And the next competition with papers or cards, whichever is more convenient for you. On the cards you write tasks for the guests. All cards are placed in a bag. Guests take turns taking out one card at a time and complete the task that is written there.
Examples for assignments:
- congratulate the birthday man in five different languages ​​of the world.
- to tell a funny incident from the life of a birthday man.
- shout, as if swearing, and make a congratulatory speech for the birthday person.

You can also play at a birthday party. Like fishing! Only you need to go to the children's store and buy a set for children's fishing. In such a set, instead of a hook, a magnet and fish with a magnet. The fish should be of different colors: blue, red, green and one gold fish.
You make something like a lake, and you launch fish into it. Take guests to a certain distance and give them a fishing rod. The guests begin to fish. They must cast the line into the lake and catch a fish.
Caught blue fish, pour and drink a glass.
Caught a green fish, eat a sandwich.
Caught a red fish, sing a song.
Caught a goldfish, receive a prize from the birthday man.

Birthday is one of those holidays that a person in most cases celebrates in a noisy company of friends or relatives. Of course, the number of guests depends only on the desire of the birthday person, as well as the menu, decor, venue and other nuances. One of the points to pay attention to is how to entertain

One cannot argue with the fact that often the celebration of a birthday consists in the arrival of guests, their placement at the festive table, conversations, and drinking. Sometimes it happens that everything is limited to a feast, and, having had a hearty dinner and discussing all the important guests, they go home or go to bed right on the spot. Is it interesting? What will guests remember about the holiday? We offer a few tips that will tell you how to entertain guests at the table and turn the holiday from an ordinary booze into a truly memorable event. Everything is much simpler than it might seem at first glance!

How to entertain guests at a birthday party if they are all adults with their own tastes and preferences? When inviting guests to a birthday party, remember that they most likely have different views on the same things. It is important to think over everything so that it is interesting to absolutely everyone.

Despite differences in age and status, all people remain children at heart, so the question of how to entertain guests at a birthday party has a very simple but understandable answer - by playing!

word guessing

Today, among representatives of all ages, the so-called board games are popular, the essence of which, for example, is to guess words from an explanation. You can prepare cards in advance with different words that someone will need to explain, and someone - to guess in a certain time. Believe me, the atmosphere of fun, a little booze, a rush and a good mood will do the trick! It's sure to be a lot of fun. There are a lot of variations on this theme: you can show words, draw them, show and explain at the same time. The more complicated the rules, the more interesting the game will turn out! If there is no time to think over the rules, you can do with the usual game of pantomime.

Who am I?

The game is also very famous, when each of the guests “turns” into a famous person or a hero with a piece of paper on his forehead, and tries to guess who he is through questions. The name of the player is given by his neighbor on the table, and the game continues until one unguessed character remains.

costume party

A win-win option is to have a themed party. It can be a 20s-style party, a beach-style evening or get-togethers where everyone plays a certain role. Guests can change gender, dress up as animals or people older or younger than their age. Whatever you choose, it will be fun, because it will be very great to entertain guests at a birthday party!

Other games

You can remember the different games from childhood - those that you played with friends when you were ten, but remake the entertainment in an adult way. It can be, for example, a game of forfeits, a broken phone, a quiz with jokes and funny questions, a karaoke contest or funny dances. You can play "Guess the melody" or a game called "What will fit in a three-liter jar?" In fact, there are plenty to choose from. It is important not to forget about gifts, because motivation plays a very important role even in entertainment.

So, is it your birthday? How to entertain guests? Easily! It is necessary to give free rein to fantasy and fun, to make sure that no one gets bored at the festive table. Agree that vivid memories of games, laughter and fun are better than

The birthday boy invites guests to the table. Guests are accepted for food and drinking spirits. The most daring makes the first toast, then everyone in turn wishes the hero of the occasion everything that can be wished for on this day. And after there is no strength to eat or drink, the guests go home, the strongest continue to drink until unconsciousness. And in the morning, of course, a big and buzzing head. And this is the only memory of a well-celebrated celebration. So, in order to avoid this, you should think in advance how to entertain guests at a birthday party?

The answer is simple! Have fun, have fun and have fun again, so that your head and stomach hurt not from food and alcohol, but from incessant laughter.

Company and venue

What kind of entertainment to come up with for a birthday? First of all, you should decide where you will invite your guests. Maybe in a restaurant, or maybe in nature? It all depends on the place of celebration, as well as on the guests. If the guests are your old friends and relatives, then you can have fun with them from the heart, without embarrassment or fear. But if this is a business party, then you can forget about the fun. In such a company, it is better to show your best side, especially if your boss is present at this party.

How to entertain guests at the table?

To begin with, we should remember that we are all still children, and we all really want to have fun and laugh heartily. So feel free to invite your guests to play games.

One of the most fun games is called Crocodile. Two people are needed for the game: the presenter, who thinks any word in his mind, and the “demonstrator”, who must show this word with gestures and movements so that the guests guess which word was guessed. To make it more fun, try to think of a more difficult word, it will be much funnier to demonstrate it.

The next game is wishing. Give the guests a piece of paper, let each of them write their desire, but only one that the person sitting next to them can fulfill. Be reasonable, do not scoff at those who have to fulfill them. Then take a hat or hat and place all the leaves there. Each guest must pull out a piece of paper, read it and fulfill what is written there. Believe me, it's very funny!

The next entertainment for guests is a game called Bearded Joke. To do this, one of the guests must begin to tell any anecdote, if anyone knows the continuation, he interrupts the narrator and finishes himself. A piece of cotton wool is glued to the chin of each guesser who guesses the ending. By the end of the game, the most "bearded" wins.

A very interesting way to have fun is to bring all kinds of cutlery from the kitchen, it can be anything from a teaspoon to a ladle. Everything is packed into a bag or package. The guest, with his eyes closed, takes out the device, not sorting it out, but grabbing what first comes to hand. After that, he must try the treats that are on the table with this device. Believe me, it's very funny when some serious uncle starts eating with a ladle or a wooden spatula. It's safe to say that his seriousness will fade pretty quickly.

There are a lot of such contests and games, so the question of how to entertain guests at the table is practically solved, all you need to do is prepare in advance.

Outdoor games

For those invited, you can also try outdoor games, they are no less fun. For example, you can try to pull a rope across the room and attach various kinds of gifts to it. It can be anything from food to a sock, as long as it's funny.

You can also try holding an orange or other fruit between your legs and try running from one end of the room to the other. Guests should be divided into two teams. The team that carries the most fruit wins.

Restaurant and cafe

How to entertain guests at a birthday party in a restaurant and cafe? Naturally, no one will allow you to make noise and run around the room, but if you have found the means to order a feast in a restaurant, try to hire a host who will provide you with real fun and help you remember your birthday for a long time.

How to entertain guests outdoors?

Nature is a great option for celebrating a birthday. Again, so that there is no question of how to entertain guests at a birthday, think through everything in advance. First, consider the menu. Most guests will want to enjoy barbecue in nature. Actually, this should be the main highlight of the celebration. After the meal, you can start entertainment.

The first and rather amusing game is "Find a surprise". To do this, one of the guests must hide the gift. And in order not to forget where he is, you need to draw a diagram on a piece of paper in which direction the birthday man should go. It's very funny!

Another interesting competition is a forest gift for a birthday boy. Each of the guests should try to find a gift for the birthday boy in the forest, but not an empty bottle or bag, but a berry or mushroom.

In nature, if you have a tape recorder, you can also dance, this is an excellent way to cheer up and unload after a heavy meal.

How to entertain guests on the anniversary?

Anniversary is a holiday that should be remembered for a long time, because such an event happens once every twenty-fifth anniversary, which is why you want something new and unusual. If you have not yet decided how to entertain your guests on the anniversary, try the games and contests below, they will certainly not make you bored.

It will be quite funny if one of the guests dresses up in a gypsy outfit and congratulates the birthday man in this way, and if this is accompanied by dancing, then success for the most original congratulation will be absolutely guaranteed.

Take a bag and put all sorts of clothes in it. The idea is that guests with their eyes closed will take out any part of the wardrobe from the bag and try it on themselves. The funniest person can win a prize.

Another no less interesting way to cheer up guests is a game of compliments. Those invited should compliment the birthday man on the letter that begins his name. Whoever says more will win.

There are many more ways to entertain guests at a birthday party so that they do not get bored. You can think of something yourself, the main thing here is a sense of humor and imagination. Be sure to leave time to chat with the guests, because they are the ones you chose to see on your birthday.

Birthday is considered the most long-awaited and memorable holiday not only for children, but also for adults. You can gather the closest and dearest people and hold contests at the birthday table.

On a birthday, all the guests and relatives present bring only bright and pleasant moments to the birthday man. And the "hero" of the occasion is simply obliged to make every effort so that the guests do not get bored during the feast and feel as relaxed as possible and are in a good festive mood.

Select contests from the list

If guests at such a grand celebration as a birthday sit idle, they will become bored and uninterested.

In order for this day to become memorable, it is necessary to cheer up the guests as much as possible, to make some kind of sensation that every guest will surely remember. And they will remember this day with a smile for another year. To do this, you need to prepare contests for the birthday of adults at the table.

Interesting stories about the birthday boy in the Acquaintance contest

The competition starts with the first seated person. He needs to tear off as many scraps from the roll of toilet paper as he sees fit, then the roll is passed to the next one and he does the same process.

The essence of the competition is that all the guests present must tell as many stories about the birthday man as they torn off pieces of paper.

This is a very interesting and fun competition, as everyone knows the birthday boy from different angles and will tell the funniest stories.

Tell me about the neighbor on the right, or "Like - don't like"

During the evening, everyone present already has some idea about each other. And clearly everyone has already managed to fully consider each other. And in this competition, you need to talk about the neighbor who sits on the right side.

What do you like about it and what do you not. After all the guests tell, you still need to say what is the main point of conducting such a survey. And all participants must kiss the neighbor on the left that part that they did not like the other.

A very fun contest. Everyone starts laughing. Because they usually say that someone does not like a tie, someone has a mustache, someone has ears, etc. It is necessary to warn everyone in advance so that no one is offended, this is just a game and nothing more.

Victory in the "Button" contest goes to only one

As a result of this competition, only one person can win. The point is that one player is given a button, which is placed on the tip of his finger, he needs to pass it to a neighbor sitting next to him so that it does not fall and is also on his fingertip.

If, nevertheless, the button fell, then the player is removed from the game. In the end, only two players will remain, who will play among themselves until the button of one of them falls.

Funny birthday rumors on one sheet

All guests are given one sheet of paper. The first participant writes information about the birthday person, wraps up what is written so that only the last word remains visible and passes the pen and sheet to the next.

He must continue the sentences, while writing his information - and so continue to pass the sheet around the table. After that, you can learn a lot of interesting things about the birthday man, and this is how gossip is born. Someone said, someone misunderstood, misheard and thought of it himself. As a result, a gossip sheet can be handed to the birthday man.

Necessary things for the competition: a pen and a sheet of paper.

Interesting and old competition "Deaf Phone"

The long-standing game "Deaf Phone" can be a wonderful competition at the holiday table.

The meaning of the game is that the last participant must correctly name the word he heard. At the same time, he receives an incentive prize.

If the spoken word is wrong, he gets a penalty. As a penalty, there may be the fulfillment of some birthday wish or a glass of alcohol and much more.

Praise with adjectives will please any birthday person

The meaning of this game is that all players are asked the question: "What is our birthday?".

Their answer should consist only of adjectives. For example: thin, fat, generous, brave, etc.

The process of praising the birthday man goes in turn, while the words should not be the same. Those guests who, after a lot of spoken words, begin to think for a long time before answering a question, leave the game. The winner is the player who can praise the birthday man the most.

Try to remember everything about the hero of the occasion

All the guests who came to the holiday know the birthday man well. And, of course, they have something to tell about the birthday boy.

This competition consists in the fact that each participant in turn must tell an interesting, funny life story related to the birthday. This is a fun game that will make everyone present laugh. The person who can tell the most stories wins.

Describe yourself in an interesting competition "Charade"

All guests are given a piece of paper and a pen. The essence of the game is that everyone must describe himself in writing. Write about appearance, character traits, etc.

Then all the sheets are given to the birthday man, and he must read aloud what is written and try to guess who this description refers to. A very fun game, especially when he starts guessing, everyone becomes fun.

The main thing is that you need to write more believably. Necessary things for the competition: A pen and a piece of paper.

We hold an entertaining lottery at the festive table

Everyone is very happy and pleased with the presence of games at the festival, during which, in any case, you will receive some kind of prize.

This, firstly, will interest even more all the guests, and secondly, after the holiday it will remain in memory.

The game starts from the very beginning of the holiday. Everyone who came is given a leaflet, which indicates the number of the sequence of arrival. After the guests gather together, eat, drink, you can begin to conduct this lottery.

It is necessary to prepare in advance a container in which small, folded leaves with the name of gifts will lie. Each guest, in turn, takes out a piece of paper, reads it and receives a prize. Very interesting and entertaining.

Necessary things for the competition: the number of gifts, how many guests. Tickets with numbers and pieces of paper with the names of the prize must also be prepared in advance.

At the same time, gifts do not have to be expensive, they can be: a notebook, a set of pens, pencils, soap bubbles, garlic, a package of wet wipes and much more that you can afford to buy.

Let's remember the hero of the occasion in the contest "Congratulatory"

Of course, all kinds of competitions at the adult's birthday at the table will bring guests a lot of pleasure and fun.

But at the same time, of course, it is worth remembering the "hero" of the occasion, who tried and prepared it all.

This is no longer a competition, but simply the wishes of relatives and friends who came to you today on such a significant day.

To do this, you need to buy in advance either a beautiful notebook or a notebook with a festive cover - and let everyone present leave a written wish as a keepsake.

At the same time, of course, you need to sign your congratulations so that the birthday person knows who it is from. And after some time, after reading these notes, I was able to mentally return to this pleasant friendly atmosphere.

Necessary things for the competition: A beautiful colorful notebook or notebook, the cover of which will also be beautiful and thick, for durability. It is better to take multi-colored pens or felt-tip pens for the beauty of congratulations.

    • In order for guests to feel comfortable, it is necessary to seat them not too close to each other.
    • With a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe festive table and a large number of invited guests, there is no need to make contests that cause numerous body movements.
    • Also, you do not need to create situations in which they will need to hug and kiss each other - this will cause a lot of inconvenience.
    • When holding various table games and competitions, you also need to arrange an appropriate table.
    • Near the edge of the table, put only those devices that are necessary for each visitor. Put the rest and lay it out closer to the middle of the table. This is necessary so that in the course of excitement and fun, someone does not accidentally catch a dish or bottle with their hand and knock it over on themselves or on the table. You don’t need to put everything on the table at once, it should be decorated with a small space.
    • Before holding competitions at the festival, you need to carefully think through everything and prepare well. In advance, buy all the prizes and the necessary materials for the event.
    • In order not to forget anything, you need to make a list, buy everything and put it in one place, but in different packages so that there is no confusion. It is better not to create unpleasant situations at the holiday.
    • You need to know the exact number of guests in advance in order to buy the same number of gifts for participating in contests. It is also better to buy a few gifts more so as not to be mistaken.
    • For an incentive prize, you can buy some small thing, for example, a keychain or something else, but as a main prize, you can buy something weighty, for example, a chocolate bar, etc.

This article helped you decorate your birthday, make it more fun and interesting, even with a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. To do this, you just need to invite family and friends to you. Your holiday will surely remain in everyone's memory and will cheer everyone up for a long time.

A holiday is a time for fun and relaxation from everyday hustle and bustle. However, you can gather friends without a reason to just sit at the table. But what if the guests are bored? Only eating and drinking at a festive dinner is not interesting. But to find entertainment at the table for everyone - both adults and children - this is already a task worthy of attention. And even if you are making a holiday for the elderly, then having properly organized the fun, neither you nor they will definitely be bored.

"IN plate"

For the game "In the plate" you do not even need to break away from the dish. Guests must name something on the table, the name of which begins with the letter chosen by the leader. The one who does it first wins. He proposes a new letter.


For a large and small company, women's and men's, the traditional folk feast fun is to sing songs. Funny, lyrical, folk, and even funny hooligan. This can diversify both New Year's corporate parties and family gatherings.

Even if your vocal experience is very small, and you picked up the microphone for the first time a couple of minutes ago, you should not be shy, because there are hardly representatives of a strict jury at the table.

"Guess the melody"

To diversify simple singing, play Guess the Melody. It is good if a musical instrument is at hand. But if it is not found, then it does not matter. Choose a presenter who will hum a tune, it can even be more fun.


In the game "Memories" songs can be used in another way: phrases from popular hits are written on the leaves, according to which you need to guess and sing the intended hit.


The game "Orchestra" is dedicated to all connoisseurs of high classics. Participants “play” on handed out tools, only kitchen tools are handed out: for men - rolling pins or ladles, and for women - lids from pots. Pairs of men and women must play a hidden melody on the instruments received.

They were and remain a win-win option.

Do not postpone the preparation for the feast, be sure in advance:

  • write a script;
  • choose the right contests;
  • prepare props;
  • think and buy prizes.

A good option for the holiday is to change the rules of board games. "New Year's mafia", for example, takes place with the "purchase" of Christmas trees, lots of beards from Lapland, the fantasy is not limited. It will be very fresh and interesting.


In the game "Likeness" cards with images of animals, movie characters or even plants are being prepared. On another batch of cards it is written “In the morning I look like ...”, the same thing - “At work”, “When I drink”. Participants first draw cards with quotes, then with images. A fun evening is guaranteed.


Participants must unravel the hidden words, depicting them with gestures, postures and facial expressions.


Even a simple New Year's masquerade can be turned into a celebration by putting masks and costume elements into a box. It is passed around in a circle to the music, the participant who has it left, as soon as the music is turned off, must randomly pull out and put on the item from the box. Laughter at the party is guaranteed.


Make a collective compliment to everyone and everyone, play an intellectual game, for example, “What? Where? When? ”, choosing questions on the topic of the holiday.


Another interesting game is called "Colleagues". In it, you need to show the employee with gestures and facial expressions, randomly pulling out a piece of paper with his name. Others must guess the identity.

"Photo pest"

Poets can compete to find rhymes, and photo lovers can play the Photo Pest game. According to its rules, the players try to portray photo models, while others try to spoil the photo by getting into the frame.

Fanta for table

Play the old board game Fanta. Put notes with phantoms in a rubber ball, fix it on the wall, and let everyone throw darts, “knocking out” their ball with the task. You can also hide notes in glasses of wine or in a cake. Eliminate undesirable tasks, such as eating lemons, because someone may be allergic to citrus or have stomach problems.

Ideas for fans:

  • write a congratulation on the prepared drawing paper, holding a felt-tip pen with your teeth or blindfolded;
  • blindfold and guess other guests;
  • right during the holiday to change clothes with a neighbor;
  • bite through balloons.

Fun at the birthday table

Birthday is a special holiday, and fun should be bright for both adults and children. Funny jokes and humorous games at the festive table are an invariable attribute of any holiday.

"A come on put it in"

A great game for an adult company, "Come on, put it in": in it you need to insert a pencil into an empty bottle. The difficulty is that it hangs on a thread on a man's belt. And the girl is holding the bottle with her feet. If there is alcohol at the table, then the entertainment will take place with a bang.


In Adjectives, the first player thinks of a noun by saying what kind of word it is. Then the other two name any adjectives, after which all the words are called in the resulting sentence. For example, 1 - "suit", 2 - "watermelon", 3 - "shovel", as a result, a rather funny phrase comes out.

A huge "range" of entertainment for guests at the table includes jokes, quizzes, contests.

When the whole company has eaten and tasted the wines (and not only), you can conduct a comic testing of the company. Particularly interesting are such games at corporate parties.

Test for sobriety

This game takes place like in a joke with a husband who says that he did not drink:

Say Gibraltar!

Gib...gibbbb. Drank...

Write in capital letters so that all guests can see. For example:

  • popcorn bag;
  • there is no ring near the well;
  • do not smoke, Turk, pipe; do not peck, trigger, grits;
  • a nervous constitutionalist was found acclimatized in Constantinople;
  • Pankrat Kondratievich forgot the jack, and without a jack you can’t lift a tractor on the highway.

Invite guests to voice these tongue twisters without making a mistake. If there is a lot of alcohol at the party, this contest promises to be the funniest.

You can arrange a real quiz with serious riddles. This will add variety to the party. You can compose questions yourself or find them on game sites like "Own Game", "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire".

Anniversary entertainment at the table

Entertainment at an anniversary or at a corporate party at the table should also not resemble a meeting of aristocrats! They can give odds to any gatherings of young people. An anniversary is not a reason to rest decorously on sofas. Show your artistry and dexterity at the "Knight's Tournament". Pairs of "knight - Dulcinea" fight like in real tournaments: ladies sit on the shoulders of horse knights, and rivals try to knock them out of the saddle.

At any holiday, you can use the "wedding set of competitions", for example, the traditional entertainment "Sleight of Hand". A raw egg rolls across the table. You can’t push it, but you need to roll it, covering it with your palm. You can complicate the task - roll the egg with a massive knife, or choose gentlemen's knees instead of the table.

Separately, it is worth mentioning entertainment for special holidays, for example, at Easter or Christmas, when the choice of leisure should be approached carefully. You can make themed quizzes, songs dedicated to the holiday will do. If there are children in the company, arrange contests and costumed scenes.