Stylishly dressed guys. How to dress a man? Style tips from Giorgio Armani

What are the most common questions twenty-year-olds ask? And they think about how to make money, why people voluntarily marry and have children, why they drank so much last night.

During these years, you also often have to think about what to wear. This problem is compounded by the fact that a person's status changes. Yesterday you were a student, and today you are a young specialist. Behind this seemingly superficial concern lies a deeper question: who am I and what do I want to do with my life? And answering this question is more difficult than getting a degree in rocket science.

Your age is the time when they like to experiment. But experiments can go wrong and be a disaster. Therefore, in order to avoid at least some of the most painful mistakes, listen to the opinion of experienced experts.

Style rules for those over 20

Be fashionable, but in moderation

At this age, you can already give up most things. But you still have the need to express your identity. You are convinced that certain clothes will make you cooler or more attractive.

Being a fashion victim is common for many young people, but don't let yourself get carried away by designer labels, no matter how important they may seem.

Minimize Trial and Error

Excessive experimentation will lead to the fact that you will find yourself the owner of a disparate wardrobe with mismatched items of clothing and a monstrous loan debt. As a result of all these experiments, you will finally understand that there are things that do not suit you.

When making a purchase, do not hesitate to ask the store staff to help you choose suitable size and cover.

Find yourself

Self-identification can be a difficult process when trends and styles are constantly changing and you are surrounded by celebrities, style icons. Even if you buy a biker jacket and a little tight-fitting beanie, trying to imitate one of his videos, you still won't look like him, no matter how much you want to. Your outfit will look like fancy dress, no more.

Buy more, but cheaper

Spending money on expensive things is unwise if you don't have enough clothes. Wardrobe staples like sweatshirts and t-shirts tend to be non-durable, and that's perfectly fine. There's no need to fill your closet with designer white T-shirts, which, after a few washes, hot water lose sight.

Instead of expensive suit it is better to buy two inexpensive ones and wear them in turn. Complete your wardrobe first necessary things, wait until you start earning more, and then gradually go to more high level quality.

Dress within your means

The advice from the TV screen to dress how you want to work may seem reasonable, especially if you are lying on the couch at the time. But it is not always acceptable. Conversely, imitating the style of "Wall Street" is already too much.

Fitting suits, cleaning shoes, ironing shirts, and fixing nails only take time.

Don't claim a place of honor in art history

They say it's better to regret doing something than not doing something. A notable exception is tattooing. Yes, body art is already more socially acceptable, but if your tattoo is constantly on display, out of place, or just plain bad, it could cost you your future career. Or you will have to spend money to remove it.

Excesses in adolescence often intoxicating, but much of what excites you now loses its relevance over time and disappears altogether. The ink under the skin does not disappear.


Maybe you don't know yet, but there are more important things in life than clothes. And if you think that there is an unusually large public repository with photographic evidence of all your fashion abuses that will be shown to posterity, then you are mistaken.

Key wardrobe items for 20 year olds

Dark jeans

Skinny black jeans are perfect for a period of experimentation. Paired with blazers and biker jackets, smart shoes and sneakers, they never let you down, no matter what your evening plans are. Feel free to go to them and to a concert, to dinner with your parents.

If you want to add variety to your wardrobe, check out indigo jeans. This color is also universal and just as relevant.

Photo jeans: Uniqlo, River Island, Edwin, Topman

White shirts

Whether you're looking to climb the corporate ladder or not, a row of white shirt hangers is a must-have in any grown man's closet. Buy things High Quality, tight-fitting, with a stiff collar and wear them to job interviews, weddings and other formal occasions.

In the ordinary work time and in informal settings, wear inexpensive oxford shirts.

Shirts pictured: Uniqlo, Charles Tyrwhitt, Hugo Boss, Topman

elegant shoes

If your place of work is in any way reminiscent of a corporate environment, “ decent» pair of shoes one of unwritten rules for service personnel. For offices with a strict dress code, only oxfords are suitable. But if your employer sometimes turns a blind eye to some deviations from the rules, you can afford to wear derbies or brogues, which you can also wear after hours.

Shoes pictured: Reiss, Hugo Boss, Oliver Sweeney

bomber jacket

No wonder she became the number one subject in men's wardrobe. The bomber jacket is suitable for all occasions, perfectly combined with sportswear and strict. With almost anyone. The main thing is to determine which model best suits your style.

Bombers pictured: Alpha Industries, Baracuta G9, Reiss, Mango Men

Your first suit

The costume your parents dressed you in for your aunt's wedding doesn't count. This is the first costume you choose for yourself, and that's important.

You can, of course, buy ready-made. This is perfectly acceptable, just provide some money for rework. It should look like it was custom-made according to individual measurements. If you really want to stand out and buy something in pastel color or in " screaming» plaid, remember that a well-tailored two-button suit in gray or navy blue will be more practical and last longer.

Suit pictured: Reiss, Topman, H&M

White running shoes

Over the last ten years men's clothing has become much more practical, and, frankly, it has become easier. There are essentials that are so versatile that they will go with almost any item in any wardrobe. And it is, first of all, white sneakers.

The same pair of shoes goes with both jeans and suits. Just tidy them up regularly. If you're starting from scratch, white sneakers should be your first purchase.

Sneakers in the photo: Converse, Adidas, Vans, Nike

Watches for all occasions

Suppose your father didn't give you an adult gift Swiss Watches. But that's for the best. What you really need at your age is a durable watch that will go with a variety of outfits.

The most reliable purchase will be a watch from of stainless steel. The choice of a particular model depends on your style. Try a minimalist design or watch sports style. Under the cuff of the shirt, they are not visible, so they can be worn in the office.

Style icons in their 20s

Wherever the wind of fashion blows, so does the versatile Malik, whether it's dyeing his hair pink or appearing in a tuxedo with armored sleeves at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Is it hard to bend over? Maybe. But you can't help but admire.

Photo: Getty Images

If there's anything more terrifying than a killer clown, it's aging. But this is not about Skarsgård Jr., brother of Alexander Skarsgård. He is already 27 years old, but, adhering to the minimalist Scandinavian principles, he looks much younger.

Photo: Getty Images

The Tottenham midfielder earns points not only on the football field, but also in the arena of style. In particular, street-style clothing brought him to the big leagues.

Photo: Getty Images

The British rapper knows how to wear everything: both a tuxedo and sportswear. Perhaps his clothes are made to order, but most likely he just knows how to choose the right size. His usual attire is a sport-style jacket over a plain t-shirt. And in order not to look boring, he uses a wider colors which many do not dare.

Photo: Getty Images

A fitted cut won't always look as good on you as it did at the age of 20. It seems that the British actor understands this, because he prefers perfectly cut jackets. But even in a biker jacket and a jersey polo shirt, he looks stylish.

Photo: Getty Images

Checklist: what to give up by the age of 30

Make yourself more attractive

A well-chosen color will suit your face; certain types of cut will either emphasize or hide your proportions; certain style will reflect your inner world.

Wear unified clothing

By the age of 30, you will be mired in routine, that is, in work, which means that you will wear some wardrobe items much more often than others. So buy more clothes, which can be combined in color and style so that no one will guess that you wear basically the same thing every day.

Level up

Make sure you have enough clothes and rotate them one at a time. Over time, you will want to update your wardrobe quality things that are timeless and will serve you long years like leather brogues or a nice suit.

Spend a little more on some things and your look will change. Don't forget a suitable mechanical watch.


Of course, you are still relatively young and hot, but it's time to become a man. Stop dressing like children. This is mainly due to the fact that the size of the clothes changes, and the things that you wore before look like someone else's shoulder. By the age of 30, say goodbye to ripped jeans, slogan T-shirts and other commonplace things.

Accept what is

It's one thing to figure out what's right for you, and another thing to accept it. Like a six-figure salary, clothes will not make you completely different, more happy man. Ultimately, it can help you become the best version of yourself, but not Zayn Malik, Justin Timberlake or someone else.

Many men do not pay attention to what they wear. In vain, because in modern society other laws and rules work, and if you want to achieve success and respect, you need to seriously work on your style. Fortunately, there is a huge selection in stores today. quality clothes and accessories, you just need to spend a little time shopping and mastering simple rules, which we will discuss below.

In fact, it is not so difficult to do this, the main thing is your desire. It is much easier for a man to look fashionable than for a woman, and thanks to our advice, you will master this art:

  • Clothing to size. Most representatives of the stronger sex prefer to buy clothes 1-2 sizes larger, as a result they look untidy and ridiculous. Buy things in size, they should fit you well.
  • Textile. Things from natural species fabrics look more solid and expensive, so be sure to read the composition when buying. We recommend choosing from natural materials e.g. cotton, wool.
  • Shoes. First of all, others pay attention to your accessories and shoes. Splurge on two pairs of good shoes. Sneakers can only be worn for workouts and picnics, forget about them.
  • Throw away white socks. They have not been relevant for a long time, you should replenish your wardrobe with colored socks - with or without ornament. One of fashion trends years - wear unusual socks with dress pants.

You will like our publication Photos of stylish and original socks

  • Several shirts. Your wardrobe should have shirts for any occasion - for work, a walk or an important event. Modern shirts amaze with a variety of styles and colors, there are plenty to choose from.
  • Men's magazines and websites. To keep up to date with the latest news, be sure to read the news male fashion. Buy a men's magazine or read the articles on the site. Just 10 minutes a day - and you will become a real fashionista!
  • A haircut. Besides clothes, important role plays your hairstyle. Go to good master that will cut your hair according to the latest fashion trends. To make your hair look well-groomed, lubricate it with a small amount of hair gel.
  • Glasses. We are talking about both ordinary and sunglasses. You will not believe it, but stylish and high-quality glasses can completely transform you and create an unforgettable image! Follow fashion trends and choose glasses that are now in trend.
  • Watches and wrist bracelets. In order to look your best, you have to fork out for good ones. wrist watch. Also in vogue now stylish bracelets- as from precious metals, and from wood or rubber.

As you can see, it is not so difficult for a man to dress stylishly, the main thing is to choose the right clothes and accessories. Below we will present you with a few photos, thanks to which you will understand how a stylish man should look.

The main mistakes of overweight people are postponing the purchase of beautiful things until they lose weight, and dressing in baggy clothes, trying to hide figure flaws. The first leads to a depressed moral state, the second to a disgusting appearance.

Even if you are an obese man with a belly, you can find stylish, comfortable things that will correct your figure, give you self-confidence and good mood.

A man is adorned by clothes. Naked people have very little influence in society, if not none at all.

Mark Twain, writer

Why is it important for big men to dress properly?

Fat people are often uncomfortable to be in society. They are accused, even behind their backs, of laziness, incontinence in food and other sins that lead to fullness. The accusations are not always fair, but there is no escape from them.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary. And the point is not even in condemnation by society, but in the fact that it is important to maintain good health. However, you should not dream that you will lose weight and buy clothes. Dress nice and right now.

If a thin or athletic person is dressed casually, they are not particularly noticed. sleazy look complete man- another confirmation of how lazy he is: after all, he did not even have the desire to make a decent wardrobe.

We know it's frustrating to hear that. But let this be a strong argument for changing something in your style.

Basic rules for choosing clothes for large men

We'll talk more about which pieces of clothing will help you look your best later, but first, remember the four basic rules.

1. A good fit is important

Excessive folds on clothes, sagging fabric, wrinkling give the suit an untidy look. On fat man this effect is enhanced. Attempts to disguise excess weight clothing a size or two larger does the opposite: you only draw more attention to your figure.

How better clothes sits, the more comfortable you feel in it, and this improves your mood and appearance.
So, clothes should not be too tight, but should not hang in folds. Finding something that fits perfectly in the store is practically impossible task, do not even torture yourself with searches. It is more profitable to find a good atelier or a tailor who will fit the purchased clothes according to the figure.

2. The simpler the better

Your physique makes you look impressive. Therefore, dressing is easier, so as not to overwhelm others with your appearance.

Clothes without bright patterns and prints are suitable: basic, plain.

3. Benefits of lightweight fabric

Thick, heavy fabric emphasizes your size, makes you bulky. In such clothes it is hot, you sweat more. And even if you don't sweat, try wearing lighter clothing anyway.

At first glance, you probably won't tell the difference between fine wool trousers and tight jeans, but as you wear them, you realize how different they are. smooth, lightweight fabric, which drapes neatly, will tighten your figure, and you will feel more comfortable.

4. Do not try to drag the figure

All things that are aimed at pulling - corsets, special underwear and so on - have a short effect (only while you are in them) and deprive you of comfort. And this is a big minus. A person who is uncomfortable, constantly twitches, trying to straighten his clothes, looks nervous, unsure of himself.

How the right clothes will help you

Good clothes will visually change the shape of your body: you will look proportionate and neat.

Best effect proper clothes- change the first impression of you: not a fat man, but a big man. It seems to be not so significant, but in the minds of people you will appear not as lazy, soft-bodied and weak, but as powerful, imposing, self-confident. And that means that they will communicate with you differently.

Clothes for big men: the good, the bad and the ugly

So with general principles We decided on the selection of clothes, we will add specifics.

Good clothes

Proper clothing forms a neat, clean and collected silhouette. Suits, blazers, sports jackets cope with this task.

Instead of jeans, choose loose-fitting trousers made of thick cotton or wool. Complete the look in cold weather long coat to look solid.

bad clothes

Danger lies in wait for you when choosing a soft, shapeless clothes. Be careful when buying sweaters and sweatshirts. They can visually reduce the stomach, as they cover the belt of the trousers, however, these things should fit quite snugly against the body so that there are no wrinkles, folds, or overhanging fabric.

Sportswear will make you shapeless. Therefore, wear it only for training. Appearing elsewhere in sweatpants and a T-shirt, you will again confirm the stereotype of a lazy fat slob.

Terrible clothes

The worst outfit combines formlessness, low landing trousers or jeans and too bare arms and legs. The bottom line is that when your arms and legs are bare, you draw much more attention to your rather big belly.

How to look better now without throwing your entire wardrobe in the trash

Are you depressed? Are you thinking that you will have to change your wardrobe completely, but there are no funds and forces for this? There are seven tricks that will help you make visible changes to your existing wardrobe.

1. Replace your belts with braces

The belt does not always cope with its functions on a full man. Trying to fasten your pants around your waist with a belt is like trying to tighten the belt around the bottom of a basketball.

But the suspenders will definitely not let the trousers fall off you, besides, the trousers will sit correctly and beautifully, without slipping under the stomach.

There are two types of suspenders: with buttons (classic) and with metal clips. Metal clips will look very frivolous and even funny. Therefore, it is better to take the trousers to the atelier and ask them to sew on buttons or buttons with reverse side belts so that they can be worn with classic suspenders.

Of course, this will not be an ideal result, since the waist of trousers worn with suspenders should be slightly higher than the waist of regular trousers, but for a while you can put up with this state of affairs, and buy the following trousers specifically for suspenders.

2. Choose Shark Collar Shirts

"Shark" - a collar, the ends of which are widely separated to the sides. The edges of the collar can be rounded, sharp, cut, the collar itself can be longer or shorter - choose what you like best.

Shark collar wide face looks proportional, besides, with this type of collar, you can tie a large one (“Windsor”, for example) or neckerchief. And you only need to use wide ties and large knots, because big man with a thin tie and a tiny knot looks ridiculous.

3. Put on a hat

Hat - magical element a wardrobe that turns almost any outfit into an outfit for going out. By wearing a stylish hat, you demonstrate to others that you have put a lot of effort into thinking through your costume. This will dispel their assumptions that your obesity is the result of laziness.

And the hat will stretch your figure a little visually.

4. Swap jeans for work overalls

When you have to do some work with your hands, put on overalls instead of jeans and T-shirts that will constantly ride up or slip down.

Work overalls are classic men's clothing that will hide your belly and protect you from minor abrasions.

5. Grow a beard

You don’t need a big boyar one, but a short and neat one will hide the excessive fullness of the face. The goatee will sharpen the chin, the mustache will correct the shape of the cheeks.

Just watch your beard very carefully. A big guy with well-groomed facial hair is a stylish man, big guy with sticking out tufts of hair - lazy.

6. Use big accessories

In everything, it is important to observe proportions. The bigger you are, the larger accessories should be: watches, ties. Even plastic ballpoint pen, which you regularly use, it is better to replace it with a more weighty one.

Bonus - large accessories are perceived as an indicator of the strength and power of the owner. And these are exactly the sensations that you should evoke with your appearance.

7. Wear loose shirts

This will help to stretch the silhouette, hiding the belly hanging over the trouser belt. Pay attention to shirts with a rounded bottom and guayaberas - classic Cuban shirts. You can replace the shirt with a thin sweater.

Hemingway in guayabera

Be honest with yourself, perceive your body as it is on this moment and dress him up nicely. Choosing the right elements of the costume and fitting them to the figure in the atelier, you will look stylish, neat and elegant, regardless of the volume of the figure.

The style of a man is determined not only by his appearance, but also by his ability to behave. Someone has found himself and he has a special style, but someone can’t develop a “friendship” with shops, shopping and clothes.

It is worth remembering that the concepts of "style" and "fashion" may not coincide at all - it all depends on the character and inner world of each person. Let's talk about how a man looks stylish in any situation.

Find something that is specific to you, that you like and in which you will be absolutely special.

What you need to know to dress stylishly for a man:

How to dress stylishly for a man on a day off?

If you spend all day in business suit and this already assumes your style of clothing and life, then nevertheless in free time or on a day off, you should pamper yourself with comfortable, but still stylish clothes.

For relaxation, give preference casual style. The choice here is quite wide - jeans or velvet pants, sweater, knitted t-shirts and various clothes from linen and cotton. When choosing shoes for such a wardrobe, opt for moccasins, sports shoes or sneakers.

Casual style is comfortable clothing

But still radically change your inner world not worth it. gray clothes can hide bright personality and vice versa, under the external tinsel there may be a very modest person. And the inconsistency of clothing with your character can make it look ridiculous.

How to dress stylishly for a conservative man?

By their nature, conservative men choose classic things: black trousers, jeans, shirts, a suit. Such a man does not need to make a lot of effort to be stylish, you just have to pay Special attention one specific thing. It could be suede jacket or dark velvet, or bright colors. It will become quite noticeable against the background of the rest of the clothes, it remains to pick up suitable shoes and you are the most stylish man.

How to dress stylishly for a man who likes unusual things?

Occupation also influences how we dress. A young man who works in a club or even just likes to listen to certain music prefers clothes that are not quite of the usual cut. In this case, you should learn how to properly arrange things. Agree, the combination of a shirt with a glass bead ornament with a classic jacket will look strange. Do you want to wear a jacket for such a thing? Choose with a wrap and a slant cut. It will successfully emphasize all the advantages of your image and will be appropriate both in the club and in the restaurant.

How to dress a man stylishly and elegantly?

Elegance, first of all, is the nature of behavior, emphasized by the ability to present and present oneself. With such a man is always associated men's suit with a perfect fit. And, of course, stylish cufflinks - where without them?

Suit - I mean, not only tailoring a set of trousers and a jacket, you can compose it yourself, for example, from a white shirt, white trousers and a black jacket that has white elements.

How to choose stylish suit a man?

The well-known fact that best fabric for tailoring a suit - it is wool. Such suits are well worn, "breathe", they retain their shape, lie down on the figure and, having wrinkled a little, quickly level out without ironing.

The jacket should not be too long: carefully look at the waist, sleeves, shoulders - you should be comfortable. Trying on a suit is definitely worth wearing a shirt and boots, so that you can immediately see the whole image, and not a separate element.

It is worth following some rules for choosing the color of the suit:

  • Universal for all is gray, dark gray and dark Blue colour suit.
  • To go out, give preference to a black suit.
  • For the office, dark gray or deep blue suits are more suitable.
  • Wear light-colored suits only in summer.

How to choose a stylish shirt?

In the choice approach stylish shirts experiment with color is important: lavender, peach, coffee or even light turquoise colors. Find your own, in harmony with your color type, color.

Be sure to buy natural cotton shirts, without the presence of synthetics. They will look respectable, and you will feel very comfortable in them.

Your wardrobe must have a shirt that will emphasize your masculine essence and not be too strict

How to choose a stylish tie?

When choosing a certain combination of things that you are going to wear, then make sure that only one part of the wardrobe is bright. Such a thing could be a tie.

According to the rules, the width of the tie should be almost the same as the width of the lapels of the jacket. And the length of the tie should be up to the level of the belt buckle.

Tie color tips:

  • Correlate the color of the tie with the color of the shirt and jacket.
  • You don't have to have one tie for all occasions: buy several solid colors and classic stripes or polka dots.
  • Stylists recommend purchasing a dark blue silk tie.

How to choose stylish shoes for a man?

Shoes... It can show the character of its owner. Cleaned and shiny, dirty or stained - the shoes will immediately reveal all the secrets of the owner. So the first thing to watch out for is the cleanliness of the shoes.

Shoe material for stylish man It's leather, of course. When choosing a color, stop at black, brown and light - for summer.

How to dress stylishly and inexpensively for a man?

Stylish clothes are not always expensive and famous brand. Many famous people looking for their "chic" wardrobe items even in second-hand stores. The first place in the definition of style belongs to a sense of taste and understanding of proportion - so not everything depends on money.

Although the lack of clothing patterns and the style itself is also special and unique style not only in clothes, but also in life. Look for yourself and you will find your style!

To look stylish, it is not necessary to buy a lot of things. Another factor is important: each purchase must be in the top ten. And then you will always look attractive and fashionable. In this article we will talk about being a young man.

Our tastes and preferences

Some men prefer hooded sweatshirts, baggy jeans and oversized sneakers. And others like to wear warm cardigans, wool trousers and boots of the Brezhnev era. Which of these two categories of people follow fashion and style? The answer is simple: neither one nor the other. But how then can you find out what exactly suits you and how to dress stylishly and inexpensively for a man, no matter what age he is? In adolescence, many people want to look so that they look older on the outside. And at the age of 50, men want to rejuvenate fantastically thanks to their wardrobe. For the desire to learn how to dress stylishly and inexpensively, they forget to pay attention to the appropriateness of this clothing.

The perfect outfit for a man

The ideal outfit for any man would be a quality shirt, a well-fitting suit with a modest pinstripe, and clean leather shoes. For some, this option may not seem so original, but it will help a man become a real ordinary gentleman, and not an overgrown stuck in adolescence. Such an outfit will help the guy look decent at important events. Others will understand that this person knows how to dress stylishly and inexpensively, as well as fashionable and modern.


To look interesting, a man at a certain age must give up ripped jeans, T-shirts with bright prints, sneakers and glasses Pink colour. Such an outfit can never give the impression of a responsible employee and a reliable partner. Of course, given style may be acceptable for those companies that require their employees to do just that. appearance. Many people today think that a man can wear whatever suits his type of appearance. Of course, fashion has become a little freer, clothes and age have long ceased to have a single connection. But many representatives of the stronger sex are so obsessed with their years that they use any methods just to look younger.

Clothes for teens and job seekers

Teenagers are familiar with current trends and dress like it is fashionable to dress for school. Therefore, laughter is often heard behind their backs. Such people can be given one single piece of advice - stop thinking about how fashionable to look, it is better to dress strictly and tastefully than according to the latest fashion trends. A young man who comes to work for the first time in a suit that was in vogue during his grandfather's youth looks much more commendable than a grown man dressed in a flowery T-shirt and teenage shorts. If the first tries to merge into the adult world, then the second, on the contrary, tries to ignore his involvement in it.

Everything has its time

Each costume has its own age and time. A young man at twenty can wear a bright T-shirt and tight jeans with holes, at thirty you need to switch to modest and strict suits, at forty you can afford soft leather shoes and an expensive suit. Whatever clothes you choose, it should emphasize your high status, and not big problems with self-esteem.


In the article, we learned how to dress stylishly for a guy and a man. The main thing is to understand that it is simply impossible for a chic and attractive representative of the stronger sex, who is ready to protect, be responsible and provide for pink glasses teenager lifestyle.