Low-slung baby at 31 weeks of gestation. All about the thirty-first week of pregnancy. Getting rid of shortness of breath

Time flies quickly, you have just recently entered the final trimester, and the 31st week of pregnancy has already begun, which means that the eighth obstetric month is coming to an end. There is less and less time left until the cherished date of birth, and many women during this period are happy to choose clothes and other things for their baby.

There are still about nine weeks until the planned due date, but it’s time to choose a maternity hospital where your long-awaited baby will be born. Moreover, anything can happen; in case labor begins prematurely, it is better to always keep the necessary documents at hand. In addition, 31 weeks of pregnancy is not the best time for long trips; it is better to relax close to home.


Pregnancy at 31 weeks is not an easy time. Surely, you have noticed that you have become much more tired, and when climbing stairs you feel short of breath. These unpleasant phenomena are due to completely understandable reasons. By this period, the uterus has grown so much that the remaining internal organs are compressed. It is for this reason that:

  • difficulty breathing (shortness of breath);
  • heartburn, feeling of nausea when overeating;
  • constipation;
  • frequent urge to urinate.

All these phenomena are temporary, you just need to endure this difficult period. To reduce discomfort, it is recommended:

  • avoid sudden movements;
  • walk slowly and carefully;
  • watch your posture;
  • rest more often.

The 31st obstetric week of pregnancy is the time when a woman’s metabolic processes accelerate. This is manifested by the fact that expectant mothers often feel hot, although the air temperature is low. Sweating and appetite increase.

Sweating should only be combated by frequent showering. Doctors do not recommend using antiperspirants that block the activity of the sweat glands during this period. After all, toxins are removed from the body along with sweat.

By 31 weeks, a woman’s body weight should increase by 8-11 kg, if for comparison we take the weight before the pregnancy period began. You need to weigh yourself weekly, and your weight gain should not be more than 500 grams per week.

If you notice that you are weighing a lot more, this is a reason to consult a doctor. A sharp jump in weight may indicate the formation of internal edema. The abdomen at this stage is already solid, the fundus of the uterus is located a palm above the navel.

The shape of the abdomen is an individual indicator; it depends on the woman’s body structure, as well as on the number of pregnancies she has had previously. During the first pregnancy, most stomachs are “sharp” and stick out forward. In subsequent pregnancies, the belly may become more rounded due to muscle strain.

Preparing for childbirth

31-32 weeks of pregnancy is still very early for childbirth, but meanwhile, the body is already beginning active preparation.

  • Special hormones begin to be produced, thanks to which the ligaments and pelvic bones soften. This is necessary for easier passage of the baby through the birth canal.
  • Training contractions appear periodically. This manifests itself as a feeling of spasm, the stomach becomes “stony”, and mild pain may occur. Such contractions occur sporadically and are never regular.

  • The breasts are preparing for the lactation period. Colostrum, a thick yellow liquid, may periodically be released from the nipples. Do not try to express colostrum under any circumstances; nipple stimulation can cause uterine tone and premature labor.


The child has grown a lot, so he is already feeling cramped in the uterus. Most likely, the baby has already assumed the position in which he will remain until birth. Therefore, movements at 31 weeks of pregnancy are limited to the fact that the baby pushes the wall of the uterus with his hand or foot.

An attentive mother may notice that at 31 weeks of pregnancy, fetal movements occur at a certain period. Most often, in the evenings, when mom goes to rest. The number of movements needs to be monitored. If the intensity of fetal movements sharply increases or, on the contrary, the baby stops “giving signals,” then you need to consult a doctor.

If there are two in the tummy

31 weeks pregnant with twins is a difficult period. The fact is that with multiple pregnancies the risk of premature birth is much higher, but the thirty-first week period is still too early for childbirth. If possible, you should maintain your pregnancy. And for this you may have to resort to medical help.

Perhaps at this time you will have to go to the maternity hospital for conservation. In this case, you will have to lie down almost all the time so as not to stimulate labor. By this time, doctors must already decide whether the pregnant woman will give birth on her own or require a cesarean section.

The indication for surgery is breech presentation of children, or the option when one twin is located transversely. Doctors can decide whether a caesarean section is necessary even if a woman has certain diseases.

How does a child develop?

Let's figure out what happens to the baby at 31 weeks of pregnancy. By this period, the formation of the body had long ended, but organs and systems continued to improve and develop.

A fetus at 31 weeks of gestation is not yet ready for independent life, but if premature birth does occur, the child’s chances of survival are very high. He can already breathe on his own, although his respiratory system is still imperfect.

At 31 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is about 1600 grams, but this is just an average figure. Your child may be slightly larger or smaller than average. At 31 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s weight depends not only on developmental characteristics, but also on hereditary factors.

So, if the parents are short, then the child’s weight at 31 weeks may be slightly less than the average parameters. If you are pregnant with twins, the total weight of the children can be about 3 kg. Moreover, one child, as a rule, weighs a little more than the other.

At the 31st week of pregnancy, the development of the baby proceeds as usual, at this time the following changes can be noted:

  • the fetal brain at 31 weeks still continues its active development, the central nervous system is improving;
  • the accumulation of adipose tissue occurs at a rapid pace, the baby at 31 weeks of pregnancy is no longer as red and wrinkled as before. But before giving birth, he still has to approximately double his weight;

Adipose tissue is needed not only to make the baby look cuter and plump. Its main function is to protect the body from hypothermia and overheating. Therefore, babies who were born prematurely and do not have a sufficient “reserve” of adipose tissue are placed in incubators where a stable temperature is maintained.

  • The organs of vision are improved, the baby can open his eyes and distinguish light from darkness. A corneal reflex appears, that is, the child reflexively closes his eyes when he touches the eye;
  • The development of the fetus is also reflected in changes in its appearance. Facial features become clearer, this can be seen by looking at a photo from an ultrasound machine with a 3D effect;
  • The child’s emotional development also continues; the baby may show displeasure at sharp and unpleasant sounds, react differently to the voices of the mother and strangers, and worry if a bright light is directed at the woman’s stomach.

The emotional state of the fetus is associated with the mother’s mood. Therefore, a woman needs to avoid negative emotions, try to remain calm, listen to pleasant music and do things that bring pleasure.


The third planned ultrasound screening takes place at 31 or 32 weeks.

When undergoing an ultrasound at 31 weeks of pregnancy, the specialist will find out:

  • What position is the fetus in? At this stage, the likelihood that the child will change his position is small. Therefore, if the examination shows that the baby is in a transverse or leg presentation, the doctor may decide whether a cesarean section is necessary.
  • What condition is the placenta in? This determines how well the fetus is supplied with nutrients.
  • How well developed are the child’s internal organs?
  • An assessment is made of how much amniotic fluid is in the uterus. Too little or too much amniotic fluid is considered a complication of pregnancy.
  • Position of the umbilical cord. The presence of double or triple umbilical cord entanglement is a factor that can complicate childbirth.
  • In addition, the condition of the woman’s pelvic organs is assessed.

At this stage, tests are carried out as planned, that is, the following is carried out:

  • urine examination for the presence of protein;
  • blood test for glucose and hemoglobin levels.

Possible problems

A pregnant woman may be bothered by various ailments, so you need to know which of them are normal and when urgent medical attention is required.


Normally, discharge at 31 weeks of pregnancy is transparent and moderate, although their quantity may increase slightly, since at this time blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases.

However, sometimes copious discharge that is colorless and odorless is a sign of leakage of amniotic fluid. And this condition is dangerous for the fetus, since an infection can enter the uterus.

At the pharmacy you can purchase special tests that allow you to determine the admixture of amniotic fluid in the discharge. If the result is positive, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

If at 31 weeks of pregnancy the discharge changes in character, this may indicate an infection. At this time, it is necessary to take a smear test so that if an infection is detected, there will be time for treatment.

If the infection is not treated, there is a risk of infection of the baby during childbirth. The appearance of bloody discharge is especially dangerous. The appearance of blood may be a sign of the onset of placental abruption.

Premature birth

31 weeks is still very early for the birth of a child, but anything can happen, so you need to be prepared for any surprises. If a pregnant woman has a stomach ache and cramps occur periodically at ever-decreasing intervals, then labor may have begun. In this case, you need to call an ambulance.

However, at this stage the stomach can hurt for a variety of reasons, including those not related to pregnancy. For example, chronic diseases of the digestive system or kidneys may worsen. But, in any case, a sore stomach should not be ignored.

If the pain does not go away for a long time or recurs periodically, you should definitely consult a gynecologist. Signs that premature labor is beginning, in addition to pain, are:

  • heaviness in the lower abdomen and vaginal area;
  • release of mucus plug with bloody spots;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid.

So, the 31st week of pregnancy is the time when you need to start mentally preparing for childbirth. Gather the things you will need at the maternity hospital in advance. Of course, it’s still too early to give birth and you need to get ready to carry the pregnancy to term, but if a critical situation arises, you won’t have to frantically rush around putting together what you need. Let the folded things calmly “wait” until the due date approaches.

By the thirty-first week of pregnancy, the baby’s reflexes are already quite well developed, and the structure of the sections responsible for personality and intelligence in the brain becomes more complex. The baby has a noticeable increase in energy - this can be seen by the force of the shocks in your stomach. The expectant mother, on the contrary, feels increasingly tired, clumsy, and due to hormones and constant worries, her memory, concentration, and sleep deteriorate.

How long is 31 weeks?

You are six months and three weeks pregnant.

What happens to the child?

At 31 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's body reaches the size of a coconut. In the third trimester, his weight increases faster than his body length. The child's height is 41 cm, weight - 1.5 kg. At 31 weeks of pregnancy, some children already have quite luxuriant hair on their heads, while others are still bald.

All five senses of your unborn child are already working and quite well developed. His pupils react to light. He can turn his head to the right and left, make a variety of movements with his arms and legs, suck his thumb, swallow, and breathe. The fetus is in the “fetal position”, head down. This position is called cephalic presentation. If the buttocks are adjacent to the opening of the uterus, they speak of a breech presentation.

At 31 weeks of pregnancy, the testicles in boys are approximately at the level of the inguinal canal - very soon they will finally descend from the abdomen into the scrotum. Girls have a fully formed clitoris.

What happens to the expectant mother?

By week 31, a woman normally gains 9.5–12.2 kg. A growing belly makes it more and more difficult to cope with many things. The gait becomes more and more awkward, “tottering.” It’s impossible to find a comfortable position in bed; because of this (and also because of hormones and frequent worries), many expectant mothers have trouble sleeping and often feel tired and overwhelmed.

As the uterus grows, the load on the spine increases, while the hormone progesterone relaxes the ligaments - this is how it prepares the body for childbirth. As a result, pain occurs in the back and legs. If they are very strong, you need to visit a doctor

The uterus compresses the bladder and rectum, displacing the abdominal organs upward. Because of this, the expectant mother experiences heartburn, constipation, and urination becomes more frequent. Increased pressure in the veins around the rectum leads to hemorrhoids. These symptoms will have to be endured until childbirth - then they will pass.

Fingernails and toenails grow quickly, but become brittle and dry. The mammary glands enlarge even more and produce colostrum, a nutritious fluid that in the first days of life will replace “real” breast milk for the baby.

Braxton Hicks contractions occur periodically. They manifest themselves in the form of pulling sensations in the abdomen and lower back. Training contractions should not last very long or cause pain.

Time has flown by, and it’s time for the young mother to go on maternity leave. Her interesting position is obvious to others. The belly is already visible to the naked eye and under any clothing. How many months is it - 31-32 weeks of pregnancy? Based on obstetric calculations, this is seven and a half months of pregnancy. Normal pregnancy resolution occurs at 38-42 weeks, meaning you have a maximum of 10 weeks left. Have time to enjoy this state, because the little legs that are actively kicking you today will very soon begin to run on their own, and mom will remain nostalgic for these exciting, but such wonderful moments.

Estimated due date

Since we are now 31-32 weeks pregnant, every woman is wondering when to expect her baby to be born. The baby has already become quite heavy and every mother wants to be freed from the burden as soon as possible. But don’t rush, your child is already a fully formed organism, however, it is still very useful for him to stay in his mother’s womb, build up subcutaneous fat and get stronger. Although if the pregnancy proceeded with the threat of miscarriage, now you can breathe a sigh of relief. A child born on any subsequent day will be fully viable. However, 31-32 weeks of pregnancy is only the beginning of the third trimester. To calculate the day of birth, obstetricians use special tables, and, of course, take into account the day of the last menstruation. In this case, it is necessary to make an allowance for the duration of the cycle, which is individual. If yours is up to 30 days, then most likely the baby will be born on time or a little earlier. If the cycle is more than 30 days, then there is a high probability that the baby will appear a little later.

Your baby's physical development

Today he is actively growing and gaining weight, the accumulation of subcutaneous fat is the main task that the child faces when he is 31-32 weeks pregnant. Now his weight is not very large, about 1.4 - 1.6 kg. His height reaches 30-45 cm, that is, the baby is already large enough for your stomach and his every movement is very noticeable. Now, before giving birth, he needs to grow about 5-15 cm more and gain one and a half kilograms of weight, and all this in less than two months. At this time, the doctor leading the pregnancy will definitely send you for an ultrasound to determine whether you are actually 31-32 weeks pregnant. The weight of the fetus is also determined based on the results of this examination. Too little, as well as too much, is an alarming symptom that should be analyzed by doctors. The reasons may be poor blood supply to the placenta or poor diet by the mother, as well as various pathologies of intrauterine development.

Mental development

Today, no one is surprised by the fact that the baby in the womb begins to explore the world. This is true, especially in the third trimester, when all senses are fully formed. The end of their formation is precisely 31-32 weeks of pregnancy. The weight of the fetus now increases every day, and the brain develops in proportion to it. Connections between nerve cells are formed with amazing speed, and the brain is already able to analyze incoming information, although there is not much of it in the child’s living space. However, the baby from his shelter monitors everything that happens in the outside world. It successfully processes information signals from all five available senses.

Development of sensory channels

Let's look a little deeper into the baby's world to understand why the 31st-32nd week of pregnancy is significant and what happens at this time. So, the child rapidly develops all senses. This is due to the survival instinct. It reacts especially strongly to light. If you point a light source at your stomach, your baby will squint and turn away. The second source of information is sounds. He already distinguishes voices well, knows how to distinguish his mother’s voice, calms down when he hears classical music and, on the contrary, becomes excited when he hears a cheerful, rhythmic melody. When the pregnancy is 31-32 weeks old, movements become very noticeable, but do not cause much discomfort to the mother, so this particular period is considered the most favorable for playing with your unborn baby.

Good time

Games between mother and child, and even better if dad and older children join in, are a great way to unite the family and let the baby know that he is loved and expected. The simplest games are stroking and patting the belly, in response to which the baby also begins to push from the inside. Some mothers try at these moments to try on a bootie on the leg that protrudes from the stomach. You can go even further and play with soldiers who will march across your stomach. Another wonderful activity would be to draw the future baby on the mother’s belly, done with the help of fingers and paints by the rest of the family. Such games guarantee a lot of new impressions for the future baby and a great mood for everyone else, which is of considerable importance.

What is your child doing now?

How do you think he whiles away his leisure hours? Now he's big enough to stay awake for quite a long time. This is well noticed by all women who are 31-32 weeks pregnant. It moves frequently and continuously, which is normal. But if the baby calms down for more than 3 hours, you should think about it. Try challenging him to play by lightly patting his belly. If you feel tremors, everything is fine, he just fell asleep. However, if the lull continues, consult a doctor; this may be a sign of oxygen deprivation.

If a child is overly active, pushes around for many hours in a row, does not calm down to the sound of music or even while walking (all children usually sleep while mothers are walking), then this is a cause for serious concern. Contact your doctor immediately for a referral for testing.

During periods of wakefulness, the baby usually makes faces and pushes, hiccups and swallows water, breathes and pushes the walls of the uterus with its arms and legs. Favorite pastime is sucking your fist or thumb and swinging your legs. These skills are honed during the 31-32 weeks of pregnancy. A 3D photo will allow you to see your unborn child in one of the interesting poses to leave as a souvenir for the family album.

Development of internal organs

Despite the fact that the foundations of all organs have already been formed, the future baby continues to grow actively. This is understandable, because only the 31st-32nd week of the fetus continues in full swing, since in a short month and a half it needs to prepare for independent life. Now all organs and systems are fully functioning. The baby's head becomes proportional to the body. Now it is 60% of an adult. The wrinkles on his skin are gradually smoothing out. This occurs due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. Hair grows on the head. Every day the nervous system is improving more and more, now the pupils can already narrow, the baby is no longer afraid of bright light. The fetus at 31-32 weeks of pregnancy is exercising its lungs and trying to inhale. At the same time, a little amniotic fluid gets inside him. This is how the lungs prepare for their first breath after childbirth.

We are growing by leaps and bounds

A child at 31-32 weeks of pregnancy is changing before our eyes. Every week he gains about 200-300 grams. That is, by the end of 32 weeks, he will most likely reach a weight of 1700 - 1900. Such significant weight gain cannot go unnoticed by the mother. It's getting harder for her. This period is a transitional period, a little time will pass and that means it will become a little easier. In the meantime, the large uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm, making it difficult to breathe. The uterus is now 10 cm above the navel, which means all the organs are moving to give the baby more space to develop. This affects everything. Pressure on the stomach leads to severe heartburn, digestive problems and constipation. The bladder, which also experiences a certain amount of pressure, requires frequent emptying. However, if this reassures you, then all these moments are temporary, they can be compensated for by longer walks in the fresh air and a balanced diet.

What's new

What changes does pregnancy at 31-32 weeks give us? is increasing, changes await you in the near future. As we have already said, all the child’s organs are fully formed. Now one of his main tasks is to roll over and take a head down position, which will ensure normal delivery. He will have to remain in this position until birth. Now the child’s immune system is developing. During this period, my mother is very worried about heartburn, shortness of breath, and constipation. In case of toxicosis, nausea and increased blood pressure are possible, sometimes swelling or even protein in the urine. If all these signs are collected, then the mother may be hospitalized, since a complication such as gestosis is possible.


This is a diagnostic method that allows the doctor to assess the child’s condition and the mother to see her baby for the first time. Recently, technology has made a huge leap, now going to an ultrasound is like visiting an auditorium. Usually the expectant mother comes along with the child’s father, and sometimes even the grandmother, and everyone can watch the movements of the baby in the belly.

We would like to take a closer look at what the ultrasound procedure is at 31-32 weeks of pregnancy. An ultrasound at this stage is designed to determine whether the size of the fetus is appropriate for development. The second point is to find out whether the baby has turned head down. Usually he will not be able to roll over again, as he continues to gain weight. At the same time, the doctor will evaluate the amniotic fluid index. It should be in the region of 80-250 mm. If it is less, then the diagnosis is oligohydramnios, and if it is more, then polyhydramnios.

Sometimes the doctor performing the ultrasound procedure may note signs of inflammation of the placenta. It can be caused by fungi or viruses, as well as pathogens. In this case, the specialist transmits the information to the attending physician, and he, in turn, makes a decision on how to treat this pathology. But entanglement with the umbilical cord, which sometimes doctors scare mothers with, is not a big deal at this stage. In the next few hours, the baby may free itself from the entanglement, and it will no longer be discovered during labor. It may be the other way around: there was no entanglement on the ultrasound, but there was one during childbirth.

Feelings of the expectant mother

Every day she has more and more worries. How will the birth go, will the baby sleep peacefully, is everything okay with his health. These and other questions sometimes cause a woman a lot of anxiety. But now the main thing is to calm down. Listen to pleasant music, go for a walk, sleep. Now it is extremely important to gain strength, you will need it soon.

Now the baby turns over with his legs up and his entire body falls on the mother’s chest area. This causes pain. Therefore, doctors recommend that expectant mothers monitor their posture and keep their back straight, this can slightly reduce discomfort.


Very soon you may encounter a problem such as retention of excess water in the body. During pregnancy, this is almost inevitable, leading to swelling of the limbs and swelling of the veins. The best prevention would be to get rid of tight clothing and jewelry, normal physical activity and a water-salt diet. First of all, you need to minimize salt intake, and if this does not help, then the doctor will determine the maximum dosage of liquid (including soups) per day.

Uterine contractions

They may appear for the first time during 31-32 weeks of pregnancy. This is how many months, you already know. If we proceed from ordinary calculations, then seven and a half, and by obstetric standards a little less. Be that as it may, it is during this week that frequent uterine contractions appear, which are training and do not pose a threat to the life of the child. Pressure from the uterus on the bladder can cause uncontrolled urination. This may also cause minor pain, which can be relieved with the help of valerian and other sedatives.

What you need to pay special attention to

The training contractions of the uterus will become increasingly stronger as the day of delivery approaches. This is a normal phenomenon, however, you need to know how to distinguish them from real contractions. The warning signs are usually not intense and go away if you move a little. Real contractions will only intensify from physical activity.

Various diseases pose the greatest danger to mommy during this period. One of the most dangerous is late gestosis, or placental abruption. Heavy workload can cause back pain, for the correction of which doctors may recommend wearing a special corset and doing a set of exercises. It's time to sign up for gymnastics for pregnant women, where, under the guidance of a trainer, you will not only do useful stretching and breathing exercises, but also share experiences and gain new knowledge.

Especially now you should be wary of colds and infectious diseases. The course of the disease, as well as the medications used to treat it, will, one way or another, affect the baby’s health. Therefore, even with the most minor illness, for example, a runny nose, you should consult a doctor so that he can examine you and prescribe adequate treatment. Most often, expectant mothers are prescribed herbal remedies or homeopathic treatment. Such medicines are more gentle and do not cause harm, but at the same time they give a good effect. In addition, doctors recommend various herbal remedies. But, of course, prevention is the main task of every expectant mother. A balanced diet and optimal physical activity, avoiding crowded places, ventilation and wet cleaning of the room are simple actions that help to avoid unpleasant consequences and live without illness until childbirth.

  • the child is already fully formed and visually looks like a small person. The final stage of development of vital organs begins. The body is actively preparing for existence outside the mother's body;
  • The child's body weight reaches one and a half kilograms. His height increases by several mm every day. Now it is about 40 cm;
  • the active stage of development of mental activity begins due to the daily increase in brain cells. The child learns to respond to light, voice, and touching the stomach. From these actions he learns to experience positive or negative emotions;
  • At the beginning of the seventh month, eye color is determined. Pigment begins to accumulate in the iris. The baby blinks and reacts to bright light sources;
  • surfactant begins to be produced - a substance that is required for the proper opening and functioning of the newborn’s lungs. In the respiratory system, the stage of maturation of the alveoli is completed;
  • the pancreas and liver are actively testing their functions. The production of insulin and the secretion of bile has not yet been established, but will soon be actively carried out;
  • The baby's daily routine is established at 31 weeks. The routine may differ from the mother’s; some women, during a period of calm, note increased motor activity of the embryo, which is normal.

What happens to the expectant mother: sensations

At 31 weeks of pregnancy, most women are already on maternity leave. The time begins when you can devote yourself entirely to a new state. The final period of the baby's development requires special attention, since now the child learns to contact his mother. Considering that the baby is already fully formed and is constantly gaining weight and size, changes await a pregnant woman.

Training or preparatory contractions. One of the main new sensations is periodic contractions of the uterus, which occur several times a day. With their help, the organ prepares for childbirth. During the contraction of the walls, the woman feels that her stomach has changed shape, as if it had shrunk and become very hard. The child becomes quiet at these moments. Training contractions have no time dependence. They are repeated at different intervals and do not cause serious discomfort.

Changes in the mammary glands. At 31 weeks, a woman’s breasts have already increased significantly in size. At this stage, the nipple becomes pigmented. The halo darkens, and the Montgomery glands become clearly visible on it. Also, many expectant mothers in the seventh month note that liquid is released from their breasts - colostrum, which will become the first food for the child. This often causes discomfort as it saturates clothing and leaves stains. To get rid of this trouble and make your feelings comfortable, it is recommended to use disposable sanitary pads for the breasts.

Body changes. The volume of the abdomen continues to increase. A woman’s position is noticeable to everyone around her. The average volume of the abdomen at 31 weeks is 85-90 cm. The fundus of the uterus rises above the pelvic cavity at a height of 30-31 cm. In many mothers, the navel begins to protrude during this period. In some cases, this is accompanied by painful sensations. It is imperative to see a surgeon to rule out an umbilical hernia. The pelvic bones begin to gradually diverge. This causes discomfort and makes the gait even more awkward.

Changes in appearance. This period is accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the soft tissues. This is especially noticeable if you do not follow a healthy diet and consume large amounts of salt. The nose becomes swollen and may be associated with potatoes. Lips become plumper and more sensual. In the morning, the expectant mother may observe swelling under the eyes, which indicates a violation of the kidneys. At 31 weeks, hair is shiny and healthy looking. Few pregnant women are already experiencing prolapse at 7 months. Usually this process begins after childbirth under the influence of changed hormonal levels.

The 31st week of pregnancy is characterized by a calm course and good mood of the expectant mother, if the gestation process proceeds normally. At this stage, parents are already starting to come up with a name for the baby.

The baby understands and hears everything, but so far he cannot respond to his mother with cooing, but only with pushes. The thirty-first week is characterized by divergence of the pelvic bones, an increase in blood pressure, and weight gain, but the woman’s condition is stable and does not cause concern.


With the onset of the thirty-first week of gestation, the expectant mother should already be on maternity leave and begin to devote herself to the future baby. In the time remaining before the birth, you should prepare the nursery, buy clothes and other accessories for the baby, and of course, choose his name.

You should not forget about your well-being. You can keep it normal with the help of physical activity, proper nutrition and timely visits to the antenatal clinic.

31 weeks of pregnancy: How it feels

Maternity leave is given to the expectant mother at the thirtieth week for a reason. From this time on, it becomes more difficult for her to experience her condition not only physically, but also emotionally. The upcoming birth of a future baby often causes nervousness and sometimes panic.

Many pregnant women, especially those giving birth for the first time, are very afraid of the unknown and the pain that they will have to experience during childbirth. Also, the future mother’s mood is negatively affected by limited movement, changes in gait and the inability to lead an active life as before. All this is due to the growing belly.

The expectant mother begins to notice how her mammary glands are changing. They become full, become too sensitive, the nipples darken and colostrum begins to be released. The pregnant woman also feels the muscles of the uterus contract. This should not be feared, because such contractions are designed to prepare her for the upcoming birth. Such training contractions appear at the end of the second trimester and last until childbirth. In this way, the expectant mother’s body prepares for the birth of the baby.

The child moves and pushes every day, and sometimes his activity can cause discomfort. Often the baby wakes up his mother with his kicks in the morning or does not allow him to rest peacefully at night, since their sleep and wakefulness biorhythms do not coincide. Despite this, not only the woman, but also all her loved ones like to watch the baby’s movements, since by placing your hand on the stomach, you can feel how it pushes and tosses and turns even when the child is sleeping.

But this period also has negative aspects, namely fatigue and weakness that arise in the late afternoon. Throughout the day, the expectant mother experiences pain in the lumbar region and lower extremities, as well as drowsiness.

These problems arise due to the heavy load that is placed on the mother’s body, which works for two during pregnancy to ensure normal functioning for itself and the growth and development of the baby. To improve her well-being, a woman should get plenty of rest and sleep well at night.

External changes at 31 weeks of pregnancy

From the beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother should not gain more than eight kilograms. If her weight exceeds the permissible norms, she should review her menu, removing high-calorie foods from it in order to lose excess weight and get back to normal.

In order not to gain extra pounds, a pregnant woman’s diet should not contain fast food, processed foods, sweets and fatty foods. You need to eat properly, in small portions, often and only with healthy food. In addition, you should not forget about physical exercise.

The belly at this stage has already reached an impressive size, and its circumference ranges from 82 to 87 centimeters. The height of the uterine fundus is 31 centimeters, which leads to even greater displacement of the internal organs and pressure on them. Because of this, ailments often occur caused by shortness of breath and congestion, frequent urination and problems with bowel movements.

You can also find out what external changes await you at 32 weeks of pregnancy, as well as how the fetus develops, what gynecologists advise, and much more. You will find all the necessary information in this article.

31 weeks of pregnancy: Threats and problems

As a result of hormonal changes, enlargement of the uterus and stress on the musculoskeletal system, the expectant mother begins to feel pain in different parts of the body. Its frequency and intensity depend on the individual characteristics of the expectant mother’s body. Painful sensations cannot be tolerated, even if they are infrequent and minor. To avoid serious health problems, you should tell a specialist about them. Only a doctor can determine whether such a condition poses a threat to the baby or not.

  • Algia in the lumbar region occurs due to an increase in the weight of the expectant mother and, accordingly, the load on the spinal column. To minimize discomfort, gynecologists advise, from the moment the tummy grows, to wear a special bandage for expectant mothers, which fixes the stomach and relieves the load on the lower back.
  • Discomfort and pain arising in the anus and intestines intensify with the onset of the thirty-first week of gestation. They appear due to the fact that the uterus puts pressure on the gastrointestinal tract, leading to slow processing of food, which causes problems with bowel movements and hemorrhoids.
  • Calf pain occurs due to increased load on the lower limbs and the appearance of edema. Sometimes cramps occur due to a lack of magnesium and calcium. This problem can be eliminated with the help of proper nutrition, the use of a vitamin-mineral complex and the application of venotonics to the lower extremities.

Vaginal discharge at 31 weeks of pregnancy

If the gestation of the fetus proceeds successfully, then every day the mother detects abundant, transparent or milky discharge, odorless and with a uniform consistency. If the vaginal secretion has changed its color, smell or consistency, and the woman feels discomfort and pain in the genital area, she should immediately consult a doctor.

Often in the thirty-first week, pregnant women develop thrush, which affects the vaginal mucosa. This disease can be treated quickly and quite effectively if a woman seeks help in a timely manner.

If you delay a trip to the gynecologist, intrauterine infection of the fetus may occur.

Edema of the lower extremities and increased blood pressure

At the end of the thirtieth week of gestation, it is necessary to begin monitoring the appearance of edema and the increase in blood pressure. This is done in order to avoid the occurrence of gestosis, which is characteristic of the third trimester and is very dangerous for the life of mother and child.

Late toxicosis is a very serious illness, so it is better to prevent it than to stop it later, since this will be extremely difficult to do. If swelling increases and blood pressure increases, you should urgently contact a gynecologist to prevent serious consequences.

What, besides pressure and swelling, may indicate the development of gestosis? When it appears, the expectant mother complains of nausea, vomiting, weakness, elevated blood pressure, severe swelling due to poor kidney function.

If in the third trimester a pregnant woman feels constant nausea and notes increased swelling, then most likely she has late toxicosis. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the mother undergoes a cesarean section to save the life of her and the baby.

Premature birth at 31 weeks of pregnancy

In the thirty-first week of gestation, the expectant mother faces various dangers, one of which is premature birth. The untimely birth of a baby poses a great threat to his life, since his body cannot yet fully function on its own.

But if a child born prematurely is provided with qualified assistance, then he will be able not only to survive, but also to develop normally in the future.

Various developmental pathologies, stress, physical strain, drinking strong drinks and smoking, past miscarriages and the age of the expectant mother can lead to premature birth.

The first signs of premature baby birth are pain in the abdominal area, discharge of amniotic fluid, discharge mixed with blood, and frequent urination. However, the most important symptom is contractions. , which intensify every hour and become painful. If you have these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

31 weeks of pregnancy: Fetal development

The obstetric gestation period is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual flow. If we count the duration of pregnancy from the moment of conception, then at this stage twenty-nine weeks have passed, not thirty-one. After the embryo has attached itself to the wall of the uterus, it has undergone many changes and is already similar to a newborn baby, but slightly smaller in size. Now the baby is gaining body weight, and all his existing organs and systems continue to improve. The baby's size can now be compared to a pomelo fruit. He weighs 1600 grams and is 40 centimeters tall.

Due to the fact that the baby accumulates subcutaneous fat, his body weight increases, leading to the appearance of folds and roundness. The number of cellular structures in the brain increases. The baby’s mental activity is activated, so he perceives and assimilates all the information that he receives through the senses.

The child responds well to external stimuli represented by sound, light and stroking. At the initial stage of development, the fetus's eyelids were closed, but now the child blinks and squints in bright light. In addition, his iris is now accumulating pigment, which is responsible for the color of his eyes.

His respiratory system is almost ready to work at full capacity. At this stage, the alveoli mature and form and produce surfactant, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the lungs. The pancreas is busy actively producing insulin, a secretory element responsible for processing glucose. The liver produces bile, which aids in the digestion of food.

The baby has already established a daily routine. He sleeps about twenty hours a day, the rest of the time he is awake, actively kicking and tossing about, which his mother feels well.

31 weeks of pregnancy: Research and analysis

From now on, you will need to visit a doctor once or twice a week. At each appointment, the doctor will evaluate the well-being of the baby and mother. Before going to the antenatal clinic, the expectant mother must pass the following screenings:

  • General urine analysis;
  • Antibody titer, if there is a Rh conflict.

The gynecologist will take smears for vaginal microflora directly during the examination. Regular examination by a doctor will allow a pregnant woman to maintain good health and prevent the development of various ailments. The specialist monitors the baby’s condition and listens to his heartbeat. He also monitors the mother’s condition by measuring blood pressure, weight, abdominal circumference and fundal height of the uterus.

All data is recorded in a card that the woman must carry with her. This is necessary so that if labor begins, doctors can use this map to understand how to help the woman and what type of delivery to prefer - artificial or natural.

Ultrasound at 31 weeks of pregnancy

Many expectant mothers are sent for a routine ultrasound examination in the thirty-first week of gestation. With the help of this examination, including the triple test that was taken earlier, the doctor can find out how the baby feels and how he is developing. It can also be used to identify abnormalities in the development of the baby, the amount of amniotic fluid, and analyze the condition of the placenta: presentation and its maturity.

In some cases, it happens that during two previous ultrasound examinations, the doctor cannot determine the gender of the child, since the baby takes a position in which gender characteristics are not visible. Then at the last ultrasound, the gender of the baby can already be seen, since he can no longer toss and turn, and, accordingly, take closed poses.

Nutrition at 31 weeks of pregnancy

Considering that a woman’s weekly weight gain should not exceed three hundred grams, then in order to avoid problems with excess weight, the expectant mother’s food should be healthy and low-calorie.

In order for the baby to grow and develop normally, the mother’s body needs to receive a large amount of proteins, represented by seafood, lean meat and fish. Minerals and vitamins can be obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables, and carbohydrates from cereals.

Products that are undesirable for consumption are represented by smoked meats, semi-finished products, strong tea and coffee, soda, strong drinks and flour products. Fried, salty and fatty foods should be excluded from the menu.

Food should be cooked with a minimum of vegetable oil and preferably in a double boiler. You should not overeat, you need to eat in small portions and often, remembering that excess weight can lead to serious complications during the birth of the baby.

Vitamin-microelement complex

The expectant mother's body needs vitamins. They are especially needed by women who have crossed the thirty-year mark or those who have previously had miscarriages.

To ensure that the baby develops normally and does not need nutrients, gynecologists prescribe special vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women, which include components such as folic acid, calcium, iron, iodine, vitamins E, C, D, A, B.

Any drug has a number of contraindications, so it must be prescribed by a gynecologist, taking into account all the characteristics of a pregnant woman’s body.

Physical activity at 31 weeks of pregnancy

Despite the fact that in the thirty-first week of gestation it becomes difficult to remain active and alert, this does not negate the importance of keeping your body in good shape. Movement and appropriate exercises will allow mom to remain healthy and active until the birth.

During this period, you can do aqua aerobics, yoga, walk in the fresh air, perform Kegel exercises, do special gymnastics at home and practice breathing, which will make labor easier and allow the baby to be born faster.

While performing the exercises, the mother should monitor how her baby reacts to them. If he feels uncomfortable and ill, he will definitely let her know about it with the help of active movements. In this case, you should reduce the load, rest and continue training the next day, adjusting the training to the baby’s needs.

  • From the moment the baby begins to move, he needs to be carefully monitored. . When visiting a gynecologist, you can learn how to correctly count your baby's movements. At thirty-one weeks, the baby should make up to 10 movements in 12 hours.
  • To reduce fatigue and drowsiness, you need to get plenty of rest and preferably sleep during the day. . You should also keep in mind that you can only sleep on your side. Sleeping on your back is fraught with poor health and loss of consciousness due to a compressed vena cava.
  • During this period, as well as throughout pregnancy, you should not lift weights. , as this can lead to premature birth. There should be physical activity, but it is necessary to monitor its moderation.
  • If you feel the slightest deterioration in health, you should contact a gynecologist , or to specialists to prevent the development of the disease.
  • The expectant mother should monitor her weight and avoid overeating . Extra pounds will significantly complicate the life of the expectant mother, causing swelling and digestive problems.
  • To establish a connection with the baby before giving birth, you need to talk to the baby and stroke the tummy . He hears well and perceives tactile contact, so such actions on the part of his mother are very useful.

Sex at 31 weeks pregnant

If a woman has no ailments, then intimate relationships are possible and even necessary. However, it should be borne in mind that any carelessness in intimacy can lead to premature birth. In order not to harm the baby, you need to choose poses without putting pressure on the stomach. Also, the expectant mother should monitor her well-being.

You will have to refuse sex if you have high or low water levels, are pregnant with twins, or are at risk of premature birth.


Carrying a fetus in the thirty-first week is often complicated by a number of unpleasant symptoms and nervousness associated with the upcoming birth. Although the hormonal storm has long been left behind and the mother is mostly in a calm state, and the baby is practically formed, there are still some fears and worries.