Which girls do guys like the most in terms of character and appearance: polls and statistics. What kind of girls do guys like

Every girl wants to feel attractive. The assessment of one's own beauty is formed from a personal feeling, which depends on self-esteem, and on the degree of interest of the opposite sex. Therefore, the question of what kind of girls guys like is always relevant. Knowing the opinion of the strong half helps to draw useful conclusions and determine ways to improve your appearance and behavior.

What type of girls do guys like? (photo)

Sympathy between a man and a woman arises even before the first communication. Guys determine the attractiveness of girls, first of all, in appearance. The assessment takes into account both the general appearance and individual parameters of appearance. Almost all men say that they experience pleasant feelings when they see a beautiful, harmonious, blooming, radiant girl. Let us consider in more detail what is meant by these characteristics.

What should be the appearance?

Men like beautiful women. Almost all guys in love say that their girlfriend has an attractive appearance. Others may consider her only cute or generally possessing an ordinary appearance. This suggests that each man has his own beauty parameters. Some like green-eyed blondes, others - dark-eyed brown-haired women. There are several parameters of appearance that do not leave indifferent any man. Here are some of them:

  • Shining eyes. Guys attach great importance to women's eyes. The color fades into the background. Most men remember the beautiful shape, warmth and radiance. It is possible to achieve a radiant look through external and internal transformations.
  • Well-groomed skin. Clean skin exudes freshness and health, which does not leave indifferent the representatives of the stronger sex. Anyone who wants to look attractive should carefully monitor the condition of the skin of the face and body, regularly visit a beautician and use suitable care products.
  • Well-groomed hands and nails. Cases when a woman attracted the attention of her future husband with a beautiful manicure are not uncommon. Modern men pay great attention to trifles. It is important to always have the perfect manicure and pedicure. Even such an inconspicuous detail as cracked heels can completely spoil the first impression.
  • Naturalness. Guys like girls with natural beauty. A thick layer of makeup creates the effect of unnaturalness, creates suspicion: what if she is not made up, what will she be like? It is not at all necessary to completely abandon cosmetics, it is important to use it carefully and create the effect of “makeup without makeup”.

The listed appearance parameters play an important role, but there is one more detail that is not visible in the mirror - the smell. An unpleasant aroma will turn any beauty into an unpleasant person, so it is important to carefully monitor personal hygiene. The use of perfumes is acceptable, but only in moderation.

Figure: thin or plump?

In assessing the female appearance of men, a large role is assigned to the figure. This is due to the instinct of procreation. The guy subconsciously evaluates every girl he likes as the future mother of his children. A girl should have a figure that indicates health, and painful thinness or excessive friability of the body just says the opposite. As a result, most of the representatives of the stronger sex like moderately well-fed girls. Fullness can also attract fans, but only if it is characterized by attractive rounded shapes: large breasts, buttocks.

Height: tall or short?

Growth estimates are always conditional. The concepts of "high" and "low" depend not only on the average height of residents in a certain area, but also on the height of the person conducting the assessment. So, for a man with a height of 170 cm, a girl with a height of 156 cm will not seem small at all. And for a guy with a height of more than 2 meters, a model with a height of 175 cm may seem like a fragile inch. In most cases, men prefer women who are 10-15 cm lower than them. A considerable percentage of the stronger sex consider it normal if the chosen one is taller.

Body type

The attractiveness of the physique is determined by its proportionality. A girl should be slim, which is not at all synonymous with thinness. Rather, it means harmonious proportions, correct posture and an even gait, which is achieved by regularly performing certain sets of exercises. Weakly amenable to changes in the proportions of the figure, but a slight disharmony is corrected by a competent selection of clothes and accessories. Here are a couple of recommendations for improving the silhouette:

  • With short legs and a long torso, wearing skirts and dresses with a high waistline, shoes with high heels is shown.
  • Long arms will visually shorten a stylish jacket or pullover with three-quarter sleeves.

What does the statistics say about this?

There are no official statistics that study what kind of girls men like. Many magazines and websites regularly conduct such surveys. According to their results, men unanimously agree only on the ideal height of a woman - 170 cm. Otherwise, views differ. The majority of respondents find it difficult to name the ideal weight, however, they note that a woman should have the correct body proportions and a toned figure. The most popular breast size is the 3rd, and an attractive body type is the hourglass.

As for hair color, there are almost always an equal number of fans of blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women and redheads among the respondents. Most respondents prefer natural hair color, shoulder length and natural hairstyles. The same is true for eye color. One, the only attractive, from a male point of view, eye color does not exist. Many respondents note the importance of the warmth of the look.

What character and behavior do girls like guys the most?

An attractive appearance can arouse male interest, but in order to continue a long and strong relationship, you must have character traits that a guy considers important. Harmony in a couple, the quality of communication and the number of conflicts depend on them. All guys want to feel spiritual comfort next to their chosen one, and this will not provide a beautiful appearance. What kind of girls do guys like? Here are the main character traits that attract most men:

  • Caring. Any guy likes it when a woman is attentive not only to herself, but also to her chosen one. Selfish bitches who only seek to use guys to solve their problems are always repulsive.
  • Self confidence. People with adequate self-esteem do not focus on their shortcomings, do not humiliate other people, do not annoy with constant whining about their appearance. It is pleasant to joke with a confident girl on various topics, without fear of sudden resentment.
  • Calm. Most guys are pissed off by the excessive emotionality of girls. Guys like calm girls who are not prone to tantrums, causeless tears. A classic example of male misbehavior is the scandal of breaking dishes and throwing things out the window.

What kind of girls do guys like according to the zodiac sign?

  • Men of water signs - Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio - like feminine girls who are able to sincerely love and care for a partner. Representatives of the water element appreciate thriftiness, the ability to create comfort in the house. Appearance is not particularly important, the presence of a riddle is of great importance. According to the horoscope of these signs, a girl should have something special, bewitching.
  • The guys of the earth signs of the zodiac - Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus - like practical, combining the features of an ideal hostess and lover. Representatives of the earth element like it when a girl appreciates traditions, knows how to improve life, and skillfully manages finances. Outwardly, men of the earth signs of the zodiac are attracted by classical beauty, elegant ladies who know how to behave in society.
  • The guys of the air signs of the zodiac - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - like cheerful, full of life, easy-going girls. It is important for men of the air element that their chosen one shares their hobbies, is ready for frequent trips, adventures, and walks. A girl with a bright, well-groomed appearance is capable of attracting representatives of the air.
  • Guys of the fire signs of the zodiac - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius - like stately girls with a sleek appearance. It is important for representatives of the elements of fire that the second half be successful, have many hobbies, and be able to stand up for themselves. Guys of these zodiac signs appreciate when a girl stands out from the crowd, admires others.

Video: What do guys and men like in girls?

The fair sex is constantly puzzling over what kind of girls guys like? Everyone tries to be well-groomed, sweet, modest and caring. These are just some of the characteristics of the ideal woman. To find out what else guys like in girls, the video below will help you.

What does it take to be liked by guys? - a question asked by girls of different ages. One answer is not enough here. After all, men are also all different, everyone has their own preferences. You can't combine everything. It will be unnatural behavior, too picturesque. But still, what kind of girls do guys like, if you take the majority of them? We have compiled a list of qualities, types, characteristics, based on the opinion of the strong half of humanity, heard or read on forums, in questionnaires, television programs.

1. Beautiful and well-groomed

Girls often look back at each other thinking, “I’m prettier than her! So guys like me more. But everyone knows that everyone determines the degree of "beautifulness" for himself. Blue eyes or brown, blond hair or dark, long legs or not so - how can you compare all this with each other? It's like discussing who has greener leaves on a maple or birch. We were born that way, period. But how a girl takes care of herself, watches - this is important. Nobody likes unkempt, unwashed, untidy girls with a hole in their tights, even if they have long legs and hair.

2. Sports

Women who play sports attract the eye with a healthy appearance and a strong spirit. When you see this, you yourself want to go for a run in the morning. Usually they take life seriously: instead of clubs and discos, they visit libraries and needlework workshops, do not smoke. Many guys complain that their girlfriends smoke more than they do. More often they are tipsy. This does not fit in with the image of the princess and the future mother of his child.

3. Attentive and affectionate

Guys, these are the same children, they need not only a sexual partner, but also a friend. When something does not work out, everything falls apart, everything falls apart, you need to be able to regret them. It is not always convenient for an already grown-up young man to go to his mother to cry, but to fall on the shoulder of an attentive friend who knows how to listen and understand is a completely different matter. They appreciate those.

4. Sexy and liberated

Sexuality is also an individual concept. It has long been known that model parameters are not an indicator. External data is not the most important, you need to be able to present them and show, emphasize. Some girls, owners of magnificent forms, do not know the rest from fans, but there are those who, with a slender figure, remain old maids. Sexual attraction lights a twinkle in her eyes, a hint in her clothes and behavior in general. But do not confuse liberation and vulgarity.

5. Chaste

Despite the emancipation, the girl should look chaste. Like the first teacher. Some people are great at combining these two opposing qualities. For a serious relationship, men do not choose for themselves those about whom everyone knows everything. Glasses on her nose, a book in her hands, a modest skirt, but not to the toes, a neat hairstyle and a smart look. Ingoda girls specially become bespectacled for this.

6. Balanced, calm

Being on your own mind can be extravagant. But I would like to know what to expect from my partner in a minute or an hour. Especially if you do not look at him as a future life partner.

7. Witty

When a woman knows how to smooth out an awkward moment with a good joke and thereby restore balance in a relationship, she is irreplaceable. And if he doesn’t let you down in the company, he shows his wit, and not vulgarity and banality, this will not go unnoticed, you can be sure. But if you understand that you do not have such an ability, it is better to smile silently.

8. Active and bold

Such that at an important moment she could make the right decision. Yes, not only guys need to be courageous and brave. Often they also need a fighting girlfriend who can take her by the hand and take her, for example, to the dentist.

9. Modest, well-mannered

Recently, girls who laugh loudly in transport and swear in the store have become unfashionable. Now young men are increasingly paying attention to the “quiet” with lowered eyes to the floor, a slight smile. The girl who gave way to her grandmother in the subway will surely catch the glances of young people who are nearby. Not only will they feel ashamed, and this will distinguish you from the rest, pretending that they are sleeping.

10. Educated, interested

Getting a really good education today is not easy. There are a lot of universities, but there is little sense. When a woman has become a specialist in any business, she spends her time for the benefit of society. She is appreciated at work, they go for advice. A man will want to have such a rare copy. With her, you can find interesting topics for conversation, and maybe learn something.

11. Self-reliant

Times have changed. And now, more and more often, we change roles, the lady tries first to provide for herself with everything, to become independent, and only then start a family. Gentlemen are comfortable of course, so they like to hold on to such. But a girl is, first of all, a future mother, the violation of this law leads to her unfulfillment. The consequences can be different: constant depression, unbalanced character, frequent change of partners. Anything.

12. Unobtrusive

All the guys unanimously claim that the girls themselves jumping on your neck, endlessly ringing the door and the phone scare even moms and dads. It is better when she behaves neutrally.

13. Loyal and reliable

Nobody likes individuals walking around with anyone. This is completely frivolous, unhygienic and simply dishonest. Respect for a loved one will not be replaced by long eyelashes, a wasp waist, a keen sense of humor, originality.


Those who have a headache all the time, and sudden guests cause a sigh of grief, most often left alone. You have to be sincerely friendly person, not for someone, for yourself. A positive attitude towards life makes it easier, attracts people, makes troubles less bitter.

15. Household

“It should be such that when you come home, you rest,” say representatives of the strong half of humanity. Housekeeping is visible when a young man comes to visit a classmate, sees her room, for example. Things laid out on the shelves, flowers on the windowsill, a bed made with a soft blanket. Or it's the other way around.

16. Addicted

You can spend your free time in different ways, lying on the couch, sitting with your girlfriends all day on a bench in the yard, talking pointlessly on the phone. Or you can get yourself a hobby, go to interesting courses, so as not to waste time. And then surprise your friends with original birthday crafts, achievements in sports, knowledge and skills.

17. Proud

Inaccessible cause hunting instincts. You always want to take possession of what is inaccessible. Proud women command respect, but not everyone realizes that sometimes this trait is

ruins their relationship with people. And yet, this impregnability reminds the guys of something royal, and who among them does not want to be next to the queen.

18. Outgoing

When a woman knows how to stop in time during a quarrel, quickly forget the words spoken on emotions. Can live on as if nothing happened, not continue the conflict to save something more important. Such a partner, the guy will always be grateful for his quickness.

19. Wise

Of course, experience accumulates over the years. In what situations, what to do, we understand later, after thinking everything over carefully. But there are wise girls or cunning ones who are still very young. They know how not to offend themselves and not to forget others.

20. Harmonious

The rarest type of person in general is one in which many different qualities can be combined. Modesty with sexuality, pride with appeasement, thrift with education. A girl who can be the golden mean, show a sense of proportion, probably does not know how to get rid of bows. And then she will decide who will become her soul mate.

A woman's desire to please the opposite sex is a natural manifestation of her natural essence. But it shouldn't cover everything else. For some girls, it's crazy. In their pursuit of male location, they lose their heads: they devote their available free time, money and even health to this. After all, putting tons of cosmetics on themselves, burning and drying out their hair, tormenting their legs with heels, they significantly bring their old age closer, spoil their skin, hair, posture, and sometimes their mood. And they completely forget about self-development, self-realization, deprive relatives and friends of the attention. Without thinking at the same time that appearance is the initial indicator. Don't forget to just take care of yourself. After all, if you carefully read what is written above, the main thing is the inner world.

Each person is individual. Do not look for idols, look for zest in yourself. Everyone has them. Are you wondering what kind of girls guys like? There can be only one answer - different, but certainly interesting.

Video: types of girls that guys don't like

And in this video, Lyubov Barskaya will tell you about 8 types of girls who do not like guys:

Type number 1. "Lady-mystery"

Any man loves to solve riddles and secrets, especially in his woman. It is important here not to overdo it with the dosage of these secrets, layered one on top of the other. Without getting answers, he will be disappointed, tired and leave ...

But to the extent of unpredictability and gradually informing a man about himself, it will be very appropriate. The only caveat - secrecy and ostentatious concealment of something can be perceived by the chosen one as distrust. They don't like it either!

Type number 2. "Child-baby"

It's not about growth! Some representatives of the stronger sex are attracted exclusively by infantile girls who sincerely show childish playfulness and open fun. There is a male type, which is also called "daddy", it is they who need such a "little girl" who remained in deep childhood. She can become a ray of light in the monotonous adult life of a “daddy” man.

But do not rush to rejoice if this is your case. Male goals are not so disinterested, and more often such a child-girl is exposed to the “sculptor”, who sculpts from her what he needs, namely, the future uncomplaining wife-housewife.

Type number 3. "Integrity itself"

Surprisingly, but a fact: a very large number of men turn their eyes and far-reaching plans to shy, naive and immaculate girls. Such a girl in the modern world is often just a rarity that still needs to be looked for! A smart and adequate young man is able to appreciate such decency and inexperience in a beautiful maiden. It is with her that he will seek marriage.

His advantage is that he will be a "teacher of love" for a virgin girl. Many men are tired of dating “sex know-it-alls” who have a carload of experienced lovers behind them.

Type number 4. "Lara Croft"

The image of a James Bond girl stands before the eyes of every second man. But this is an ideal fictional image and it is not necessary to copy it in order to win a loved one! Keep your unfeminine hobbies to yourself. It's best not to show off your karate skills to him by wearing a kimono with a black belt. Simplicity is the key to success! Better please him with things like:

  • Your ability to repair a failed faucet in the kitchen.
  • Climbing the peak of a low mountain with him.
  • The process of rescuing a kitten from a pipe or from a tall tree branch.
  • Your sporting achievements, not related to wrestling.

Such activity can delight most men. You will have a huge advantage over the passive computer girl who hangs out on all social networks and writes faceless messages to everyone.

Type number 5. "Sex bomb"

It is difficult to argue with male instincts, conditioned by nature. A sexy woman will attract 99 out of 100 men! But is this a guarantee of love and happiness in marriage or a permanent relationship? The question is natural, since not every young man is able to withstand the increased attention of other men to his girlfriend, who specially dresses provocatively both at work and on the street.

Leave your sexual nature and all sorts of "things" for a period of solitude ... Such intimate games will keep him forever!

Type number 6. "Trouble girl"

A man sometimes madly wants to hit a "bad girl" in the ass ... It is very important for a girl not to go too far, otherwise this desire will develop into another - "beat to hell"! depravity, as a kind of emancipation, is very appropriate and even desirable in sexual life. But everyday life is far from such demonstrative detachment as:

Fall into an apartment in a good drunk, in the morning from the nearest nightclub, shout obscene words and kick things with your feet! It's cool, of course, but you can't do that!!!

Type number 7. "Independent lady"

Do you know how to get out of various, even difficult situations yourself and not call your man for any problem? He will certainly appreciate it. This is very attractive to men!

However, there is also a “BUT” here. Soon the chosen one will think: do you need him, if you yourself manage to do everything, cope with everything? The advice is this: sometimes you need to let him know that without his help you will be lost. He must feel irreplaceable at least once in a while!

Type number 8. "Mommy"

When a young man grows up, he strives to fly away from under his mother's wing and feel free flight. And so he achieves this freedom and suddenly realizes that he lacks a mother or a woman who will keep comfort in the house and indulge him with various goodies.

A woman appears, she is caring and economic. Such a girl replaces a man's mother. Time passes ... And he again strives for free flight from such "maternal care". You must learn to balance between care and freedom so that such an impulse simply does not arise in him.

Although they are greeted by clothes, it is still appropriate to start the “debriefing” with spiritual beauty. And here it is worth noting that there are no clear definitions, everything is subjective. You can’t say: “Be like that - everyone will like you.” However, it is important to take into account some universal human factors inherent in decent and pleasant people. No girl will win a man's heart if she whines and demands. These are the main taboos. Agree, equally in friendship, love or even a distant acquaintance, this should be avoided.

In addition, do not forget that guys (no less than girls) need tenderness, care and affection. Attention: lisping with a baby and tender care for a chosen one are two big differences. Why not praise (even for a trifle), why not seem surprised and delighted?

No less important is the ability of a girl to listen to a man, to understand his interests, and ideally, to share them. It is advisable to moderate your ardor and verbal flow, do not interrupt or compare. It is better to compete in achievements and give personal examples for each situation with friends.

Another enemy of girls in communication is female nervousness, inconsistency and impressionability. Unjustified mood swings - that's what any young person is unlikely to understand and forgive. Not because the guys are so callous and stupid, but because it is beyond understanding, the structure of the psyche, etc. It remains to be reconciled and yet be more balanced. If something is wrong or you want something, it is better to say. Saying one thing and thinking another is a failure.

And, of course, common truths: guys who know how to keep up the conversation, know how to cook and are faithful to their beloved. One beloved.


It's hard to talk about looks. However, based on various sociological surveys, we can say that modern guys prefer dark-haired girls and redheads. Blondes, alas, firmly remain victims of stereotypes. Still, do not forget that the main thing is the ability to take care of yourself, have your own style and maintain health. No matter how pathetic and bewitching mademoiselles of the 20th century look with a cigarette and a glass, recent trends show that maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle is held in high esteem.

And yet "an alien soul is darkness." Who can say for sure what is good and what is bad?

Everyone wants to find love for themselves, but how to recognize it and will it be real? Modest girls like to be mysterious and hide love from a man, although they have sunk a long time. And mercantile girls confess their feelings, although they do not love, but are simply looking for a profitable party. How do you know if a girl truly loves you or not?

1. A girl loves if there are no secrets for her.

The girl asks a lot of questions and wants to know absolutely everything. What is your favorite band, the amount of sugar in your coffee, what was your childhood name, what are you doing tomorrow and do you like fishing? If a girl is interested in all this, then you are the most important part in her life. The girl also talks about herself. All women's secrets, dreams, doubts and emotions. It's like love.

2. A girl loves it if she cuddles up to you.

The girl can't resist getting a bit of tenderness from you and giving her in return. Girlfriend loves to walk hand in hand, hugging, kissing, fooling around and touching in 1000 different ways. She happily jumps into bed and takes off her panties as soon as you call, and does not try to sell sex in exchange for goodies.

3. A girl loves if she is jealous

When some woman appears next to her man, the girl becomes jealous. This does not mean that she rushes to pull out her hair from the root. The girl is rather a little excited and dissatisfied. Jealous means love.

4. A girl loves if she gives all the time

The girl wants to meet as often as possible, and does not make one or two regular dates a week. She rearranges her schedule and is released from business if a man called her for a walk. In her organizer, you are a priority.

5. A girl likes to be attentive to small things.

A girlfriend gives cards, sends ridiculous messages, arranges surprises, sings songs to you, writes notes, helps in various matters and cares. A girl loves for real, if she is attentive in details.

6. A girl loves if she compliments

Does the girl praise and compliment with enviable regularity? You are very nice to her, and she is your biggest fan. That's why she likes your new jacket, your ability to play the guitar, your hair and everything else.

7. A girl loves if she "sees" only you.

You can be in a crowd, but be only the two of you. A girl loves if she focuses all her attention on you, and does not wander her eyes out of boredom or out of curiosity.

8. A girl loves if she wants to get to know your surroundings.

The girl wants to get to know your inner circle: friends and relatives. She makes an effort to please and seeks approval. In addition, she introduced you to her girlfriends, and maybe even her family.

9. A girl loves if her body says so.

Body language is very difficult to hide and hard to control. The girl shows with her whole body that she adores and loves you. She runs to the meeting as soon as she sees you. Her eyes are burning, her face is shining, and the smile does not leave her face. When a girl loves, she shines when her man is near.

10. A girl loves it if she says it spontaneously.

A loving person cannot hold back the words of love in some pleasant moments and tides of tenderness. The girl confesses her love spontaneously, getting lost in words and worried. It's definitely love.

Do these 10 signs match? The girl really loves you...