Existing jeans options for tall men, stylish combinations. How to dress skinny men

Today, most people suffer from excess weight, so there are many tips on how to lose weight, how to dress for fat people, how to hide extra pounds. But there are also quite a few thin people who also want to look beautiful and dress fashionably. Properly selected clothes will turn thin men into slender and attractive.

What to wear for skinny people

Never wear too wide things. This is one of the most common mistakes made by skinny people who think that spacious clothes hide their complexion. Say "no" to shapeless hoodies, oversized trousers and dangling T-shirts, such clothes only emphasize thinness, highlight angular and thin knees, hands and elbows.

Avoid wearing too tight clothes, especially shirts and t-shirts. Choose upper body clothing that is slightly larger than yours. You should not buy clothes made from fabric that sticks to the body. To do this, always check the elastic content on the tag on the product.

Choose clothes from voluminous, textured fabric - for example, corduroy trousers increase the volume of the legs. In cold weather, wear woolen cardigans and loose-fitting sweaters. Buy thick cotton T-shirts and shirts, heavy woolen clothes. Try to dress in several layers to appear fuller.

Thin men with underdeveloped muscles can be advised to wear blazers with shoulder pads that make the upper body muscular. Make sure that the hangers are small, massive ones can turn you into a boy wearing adult men's clothes. Also wear jackets of a certain length - only to the buttocks. Shorter models increase height and make the figure thinner, while elongated jackets do not look aesthetically pleasing on thin men, evoking associations with a stick wrapped in a blanket.

Wear classic straight pants, never opt for leather jeans or wedges. Choose trousers with pleats, pockets, cuffs, as they add volume. Boat neck sweaters with high collars work well for thin men, while V-necks accentuate the thinness of the neck. When shopping for shirts, look for shirts with wide collars to make the upper chest appear wider.

Drawing on shirts and t-shirts will also help hide thinness. Wear shirts with horizontal stripes - striped shirts are very fashionable now, with cuffs and collars made of fabric with a different pattern. If the shirt is without a pattern, you can choose a sweater with a horizontal stripe that expands the body. Pants and jeans are best to choose from a dark fabric.

If you wear a tie, pay special attention to its model, as this accessory immediately catches your eye. Don't wear wide ties, tie a medium-sized knot like a Windsor.

Useful tips on how to dress thin men:

  1. Always button up shirts to the end, do not show your chest.
  2. Dress warmly - as a rule, thin men have a fast metabolism, and the absence of a fatty layer quickly cools the body. In addition, warm clothes increase the figure.

Last update: 11/10/2018

In the world of fashion and cinema, tall men are loved and favored. But, the question of how to dress a tall man to look great is still relevant. Despite the fact that many brands sew clothes just for stately fellows. So, turning to the well-known resource Mr.Porter, we found such recommendations for clothes for tall men.

Steven Rojas - Night DJ, Digital Director of Morgans Hotel Group and Long Distance Runner

visual data:

Waist- 76.2 cm

Breast — 96,5

Height- 184 cm

What does Stephen say about his height?

“I don’t see many flaws in my height. The only problem is that I'm very thin and at this height I look quite lanky, which makes me sometimes shy, even like a teenager.

What is the solution?

Height is a huge attribute. And with the right clothes, you can create a royal look. The first tip is to wear tight pants with a little clearance at the ankle. It helps to emphasize long legs.

Levis Made & Crafted Skinny Stretch Jeans

The first tip is to wear tight pants with a little clearance at the ankle. It helps to emphasize long legs.

Officine Generale textured wool coat

Leather and suede sneakers from Golden Goose Deluxe Brand

This is just one set that will come in handy for a tall man. But the rules that are described here, you can always apply when choosing your clothes.

P.S. When shaping our wardrobe, we often underestimate the influence of style on our personal well-being and how other people perceive us. Clothing has long ceased to play a purely practical role. From now on, every thing is a message. A message that allows you to manage yourself and others. And if you want to improve your management skills, a 10-month online course by the famous social technologist Vladimir Tarasov will surely help you. Learn what aesthetic and ethical distancing is, learn to distinguish and use for your own good the little things and details in the behavior of other people, find out what trends the digital revolution brings in changing society.

For the most part, people tend to be overly critical and demanding of themselves. There are not so many individuals who have the makings of a convinced “narcissist”, and it’s not about them that we will talk today.

Let's talk about how to learn how to dress properly for thin guys and present yourself to others from the most beneficial side, cleverly hiding some flaws and shortcomings of nature under clothes. If you belong to the category of rather slender and skinny guys, or the so-called ectomorphs, then you will certainly come in handy with the information below. It is possible that it will help to solve some problems of a personal nature, from which I will simply be delighted!

By the way, there may be some unpleasant moments in being an ectomorph, but I can say with confidence that many can envy you terribly.

Remember the advantages: you can eat anything you like without observing a nasty and trembling belly and unaesthetic barrels, there are usually no problems with the cardiovascular system, and the fair sex often believes that a good male is never fat! Sorry for being direct, but the conclusions suggest themselves - you have all the prerequisites to become desired and loved.

Color and structure of fabrics

Your main task is to hide excessive thinness under your clothes.. And remember, you should do this first of all for yourself in order to feel more confident and not experience false discomfort. It is immediately worth noting the fact that slim women are always much easier to choose an outfit than obese men with excess weight. Yes, and stylists with great pleasure come up with styles designed specifically for this category of people.

As for the color scheme, it is advisable to give preference to light shades and, if possible, to abandon black and gloomy ones. Beige, gray, light blue, ecru, a shade of baked milk will visually enlarge your figure. Large geometric patterns and vertical stripes on clothes will make your torso more athletic and massive.

On cooler days, light-colored clothes in neutral tones can be enlivened with bright details: a loosely flowing scarf, a stylish vest, a not-so-wide tie tied with a Windsor knot.
Pay attention to the structure of the material from which things are made. For example, large ribbed corduroy trousers can perfectly disguise overly thin legs and lack of buttocks, and a woolen sweater made of thick threads will add solidity to the upper body.

One of the secrets to appear bigger and denser is the principle of layering, especially since today it is at the peak of fashion! A thick cotton T-shirt with a vest, shirt or sweatshirt will perfectly hide your subtlety.

All your do's and don'ts

The worst mistake on your part would be to wear wide, shapeless clothes that are several sizes too big. Believe me, this will not only not help to hide thinness, but will also expose it even more, and you will have a miserable and sloppy look of a wounded animal. But tight clothing, of course, is not your option. Therefore, you should look for a middle ground, choosing things according to size, but playing on the colors and structure of fabrics.

If you're shopping for shirts and polo shirts, opt for soft-fitting styles. Make sure that they are fastened with all buttons, in your case it is advisable not to show bare breasts. If you buy trousers or jeans, then your choice is a win-win classic or "flared". They will never have extra pockets, folds and small tucks.

Under the strictest ban for you are leather pants! For thin men, an ideal option would be a jacket without shoulders, not very wide, buttock-length. Let it sit perfectly on your shoulders and torso! In my opinion, it is better to look like a sophisticated aristocrat than a kind of tomboy who pulled on his father's clothes. But a blazer with small shoulder pads, on the contrary, will add a slender figure of the article and solidity.

Choose sweaters and jumpers with a high collar or boat collar, V-neck only focuses on a thin neck. When it comes to shoes, tall and slender men look best with pointed or square-toed shoes, but round-fronted shoes are definitely not your option!

In terms of sportswear, thin people generally have unlimited freedom of choice! Today, almost all young people wear wide trousers and shapeless sweatshirts, while managing to look really cool!

A light gray baggy and matching sweatshirt will be a great outfit for training or extreme sports like parkour. Of course, no matter how much you like yourself in such clothes, you still should not appear in public places: cafes, clubs, cinemas and just on the main streets. This is considered bad form and I agree with this 100% (the latter is only relevant if the point of view of a woman is really important to you)!