Bride ransom in football style. A boring wedding in a sports or quest style

Everyone knows that many young couples prefer to spend their memorable wedding day in an unusual way. Sometimes this includes a unique scenario for the wedding, sometimes the bride and groom choose an unusual place for the ceremony. One such example is a stadium wedding.

Who would like to get married on a football field?

There are couples who do not hesitate to invite guests to an unusual place, and a wedding day in an unusual place will bring a lot of emotions to young people and will be remembered for a long time. By the way, stadium weddings are no longer something supernatural. They have been held in our countries for a couple of years, but abroad, for example, in sunny Brazil, they have been practiced for about 10 years.

A wedding at the stadium will suit players or ardent football fans accordingly. Couples book ceremonies on the football field of the team they support. As a rule, the photos are very colorful.

What are the advantages of holding a wedding at the stadium?

One desire of the bride and groom is already enough to hold a wedding in such a place. But still, it is better to weigh and consider any situation, to correlate the pros and cons. Advantages of a stadium wedding:

  • Finished design. You don't have to figure out how to decorate wedding hall, do not have to cooperate with decorators. The stadium itself is already an excellent backdrop for a wedding and does not require additional decor.

The maximum decoration, which involves a wedding on the football field, is the arch of the bride and groom and chairs. During the ceremony, it will look more advantageous if the young people still have an altar, and the guests can sit down and sit comfortably.

  • An honor for the fans. It will be an incredible honor for the fans to walk out already engaged through the same doors as their favorite team after the game. This gives a huge charge of positive emotions.
  • Organized food court. As a rule, stadiums have many points providing cooking services, and this greatly simplifies the task of organizing a food court.

What are the disadvantages of a stadium wedding?

It is necessary to say the same about the minuses, but if a person really wants something, then the minuses will not matter to him.

  • Weather. It is necessary to carefully consider a plan of action in case the weather on the day of the ceremony is not only cloudy, but also rainy. Have an indoor wedding or organize a wedding tent on the field. Perhaps more ideas will come to mind on how to save the holiday.
  • Waiting in line. It is necessary to think about booking the field very early, as the bride and groom will have to wait not only for the line of young people who have booked the stadium earlier, but also for the end of all season matches.
  • High price. Of course, the rent of the stadium will be rather big, and in case of bad weather, you will have to spend extra money on a tent for guests and young people.

How can you have a wedding at the stadium?

Not interested people it may seem that the wedding in the stadium is not interesting option, since there is absolutely no entertainment, but this is not at all the case.

Together with the rent of the football field, it is also planned to hold wedding banquet. You can organize a beautifully decorated food court or have a real picnic. Most of the complexes also offer indoor banquet facilities if the young ones want it. Everything can be done in themed style, and make a wedding cake in the form soccer ball.

On the field itself, you can great wedding, with competitions and entertainment. In addition, there will be plenty of space, which gives freedom of action.

Sports complexes very often offer excursions that tell more about the life and history of the team.

Wedding photo shoot on the football field

Your wedding photos are incredible. Photos at the stadium itself, at the gates with guests, in the stands show unusual style bride and groom. To demonstrate one's belonging to one or another football club, you can take pictures with its symbols, flags, scarves, soccer balls. It will be allowed to hold a photo shoot in the internal premises of the players, such as the locker room, indoor training halls.

A photo session at sunset with balloons or in the twilight with Chinese lanterns. The football field will be an excellent background for this, and the images will turn out to be very romantic.

wedding cost

An important aspect that interests all young people is the cost of a wedding at the stadium. Of course, everything depends on the stadium chosen by the bride and groom, it is impossible to name a single cost. For example, renting the Olympic Stadium, famous for its weddings, will cost about $6,500, while the cost of a regular football field fluctuates around $50 per hour. Due to such a gap, it is impossible to establish an exact price range.

wedding in sports style- unusual new way holding a holiday. This method of decorating a celebration has appeared recently, but it is gaining more and more fans. Holding this thematic wedding is well suited for professional athletes and natures who are keen on physical games.

It is important that both newlyweds are passionate about sports activities otherwise the celebration will lose its charm for the bride or groom. Depending on what kind of sports they prefer, the celebration varies.

There are many sports, and depending on the choice of one of them, accessories and colors are selected.

It is important that only one direction is determined, and decoration is chosen according to it.

Therefore, it is necessary to know the most popular types of sports and their distinctive features.

Sports for themed weddings

For themed weddings, almost all sports that can attract newlyweds are used. The main thing is that they are aesthetically beautiful.

  1. Equestrian sport - the wedding is held on fresh air, horses can graze nearby. Elements of jockey equipment can be traced in the outfits of the newlyweds and guests. If everyone is dressed comfortably, horseback riding is possible.
  2. Football - it is believed that only men like to watch it, but there are many women who support one or another team. Therefore, if both are not indifferent to this sport, then the wedding is organized on outdoors, next to the playground.
  3. Tennis, country club is ideal for a wedding in this style. Such places are often adjacent to the courts for the game and the restaurant. But the price is high enough, so you can get by with just an open area with a lot of decorative things associated with sports.
  4. Basketball - can be held indoors, then the situation will be more strict and correspond to the classic game. But if there is a desire for a lighter celebration, then open areas will add a touch of emancipation and informality.

Whatever sport is chosen, the design necessarily contains its inventory, and places are selected as similar as possible to those where these competitions are held.

How to make a soccer style wedding

For a wedding in football style choose an open area as a venue; it's good if the football field is nearby. But if not, they install decorative gates at a distance from each other.

Mandatory accessories are soccer balls, cups, whistles. The toastmaster can dress up as a coach, and the waiters as team members, as in the photo.

It is important to choose comfortable shoes because a football wedding will require a lot of active movement, perhaps even running.

Bright boots or sneakers can even become one of the accents that dilute traditional outfits.

The wedding theme can also be seen in the clothes of the bridesmaids, who dress like a cheerleader. For the groom's friends, you need to pick up accessories, it can be scarves, caps or even painted faces. And the main attribute of registration - a pillow for rings - is sewn in the shape of a soccer ball.

It is also important to support the theme in the design of the tables: you will need tablecloths Green colour, many desserts in the form of balls. Plates can be both ordinary and painted with football paraphernalia. When the main direction in the outfits of the newlyweds is classic, then they choose a round white cake in several tiers.

But to connect with the football theme, “grass” is laid up from the mastic and unusual figures of the newlyweds are installed.

How to hold a wedding quest

The wedding quest is new trend replacing traditional city trips. Usually, most guests get bored and entertain themselves on their own, to the extent of their imagination: someone sits buried in the phone, and someone in a glass. Yes, and the newlyweds are not up to them - they need for short term take lots of photos different places, and constant posing is tiring. The quest unites everyone in an effort to solve puzzles and go through all the stages.

There are many sub-themes of quests:

  • active team games;
  • reproduction of several situations from life;
  • treasure hunt;
  • car challenge;
  • playback of scenes from films;
  • detective investigation;
  • superheroes prevent the spread of world evil.

There are many more different types of themes for quests, it makes no sense to list them all. The main thing is that both newlyweds like the chosen direction.

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully decide what attracts the newlyweds the most. After that, the selection or development of the script begins. It is important that each stage is carefully thought out and linked to the previous and next.

Unlike a traditional trip, which is not expected to do much, a quest is something out of the ordinary, and if it is inaccurate or boring, then most guests will be disappointed.

A quest-style wedding is not suitable for a holiday where most of the guests are of the older generation or it is difficult for them to participate in such a game.

This is an adventure for young and energetic people who are able to get carried away by a common idea. When a theme is chosen, it is required to decorate the hall with attributes associated with it.

So, for detective stories, these can be drawings of famous book characters hung on the walls, magnifying glasses, tobacco pipe hats.

For the treasure hunt quest, decorations with pirate maps, chests, coins and others are suitable decorative elements. The easiest way to pick up decor is if a replication of a book story is being created.

In adventure novels there are always many interesting stories, and you can try to embody some of them in your holiday.

But it is important that tasks and situations, at first glance, similar to the original ones, differ from them. Otherwise, if they know the end result, the guests will get bored of solving riddles.

After the theme is chosen, and the design of the hall is thought out, they begin to create the quest itself. It is best to break the guests into several teams, especially if some of the participants are not familiar with each other.

The search for answers will bring them together, and give the whole holiday a friendly atmosphere. At the first stage, the initial situation is set; for a detective - a crime scene (it is better to refuse murders and other situations that are difficult for the psyche), for treasure hunting - finding a map of a buried treasure.

At each subsequent stage, there can be both a hidden clue and a person who plays the role of a sphinx.

Therefore, all riddles should be unusual and complex to the extent that they make the players think and worry.

This video is very fun wedding sport style:

To get part of the rebus, you need to solve the riddle of the leader for certain time. Those who did not guess can complete any task to earn an answer, or move on to the next stage.

The more keys are collected, the faster the place of the treasure will be revealed or the criminal will be found.

Themed weddings in sports or quest style - good fun for young and active people. Replacing boring trips, it makes every holiday unique - it is impossible to predict the behavior of guests during the execution of tasks. Such themed games bringing the sea positive impressions, allow you to remember the celebration for a long time.

The whole world lives on the wave of football theme. Probably, nothing unites people like common sincere sports emotions and feelings for your favorite team in the current World Cup.

Football is sincerity and openness of emotions, it is bright emotions and the love of millions. In it, as in family life, coordinated team game. Therefore, for those who wish to celebrate in a non-standard and extravagant way wedding celebration, keeping up with world events, it is worth thinking about a football-themed wedding. Decor will help create the right mood. But the main highlight must be a themed wedding dress, as well as bridesmaids' outfits.

Football wedding: attributes and outfits

The first and most important element is the dress of the bride, bridesmaids, accessories for the groom

If you want to choose a "football" dress for the bride, pay attention to the Lorange themed collection.

Collection “Football. Love. Lorange" created by the masters of the company "Lorange" entirely in football style in order to support the theme healthy lifestyle life, football championship and love for world football.

To the traditional for "Lorange" exquisite luxury And unusual styles sports nuances were added: yellow-blue balls “jump” on the dresses, multi-colored applications bloom. Each outfit is sporty and comfortable, designed for an active bride and her friends who do not plan to spend their happiest day sitting modestly on a chair in a restaurant. All dresses are filled with the spirit of a healthy drive, and embody a deep idea: a girl should be not only beautiful, but also athletic, active and healthy. Of course, it can’t do without football – the elements of this theme are so harmoniously embodied in the outfits of the “Football. Love. Lorange" that such clothes are ideal for a themed wedding in the "stream" of the hottest theme of the season!

In addition, the collection also includes accessories for the groom, bride and witnesses with embroidered football symbols. And if you decide to bring your football love story to life by joining hearts at a football-style wedding, Lorange will help you fill the holiday with the atmosphere and energy of a real sports celebration.

You ask, what can be in common between football and a wedding dress? This is the emotion they give. For there is no more lucky guy than the one who scores the winning goal in the championship, and no happy girl, who tries on a magnificent wedding dress, imagining herself in the arms of her beloved. The masters of "Lorange" embodied this emotion in their football collection.

From the collection “Football. Love. Lorange” you will also pick up dresses for bridesmaids, which will help maintain the style and mood of the celebration.

Element two - decor and venue

Where else to hold a football wedding, if not on the football field? Everything is simple here: a beautiful fresh green lawn will bring brightness even on a not very clear day. Order field registration, put an arch decorated with round bows resembling a ball, complement everything with guest chairs with matching ribbons - and a couple of lovers can walk down the aisle to the sound of fans' pipes and football horns. Such emotions will never be forgotten!

If the wedding takes place at a real stadium, which would be as realistic as possible, then thematic inscriptions can be displayed on the scoreboard, the score “1: 1” can be set, because friendship and love have won.

The third element is interesting football ideas, which include:

Invitations in the form of football tickets for a match, where the names of the spouses are the names of the teams;

Badges for all guests with the image of soccer balls or the inscription "Match" Vova ":" Lena "- 1: 1";

Ribbons of witnesses and honorary parents with the inscriptions "arbiter", "senior arbitrator";

Coaching bench - a table for parents;

The ideal venue is a stadium or an open area where you can hold an open-air banquet;

Toastmaster-commentator of the match;

The bride's ball-shaped bouquet, which will look even more spicy when the bridesmaids "fight for the ball" trying to catch the bouquet;

A lot of non-traditional and interesting thematic competitions.

Fans say: "Football is life." But we know football is love. And love is Lorange.

Have a bold and beautiful themed football wedding with Lorange!

Themed weddings began to be held not so long ago, but in Lately they became very popular. The newlyweds are moving away from the banal options for marriage, paying tribute not only to fashion, but also to their own passions.

Football wedding style

The concept of "style" in which the wedding will be held includes certain paraphernalia, and the corresponding outfits of the bride and groom, and dress code(code of dress) invited. wedding cars, a banquet hall, a special program, music, even the smallest accessories - everything must match the football style.

And the fact that a non-standard option was chosen for the wedding will add fun, enliven the holiday, turn it into fun entertainment. Only doing what you love, a person achieves high results. Why can't a football player or a furious fan, a football fan, indulge in his passion even at the most solemn event in his life? Moreover, the future wife shares his passion, and they met at the most responsible football match.

How to Schedule a Football Party Style Wedding?

It is necessary to schedule the entire wedding day in advance. Only exact compliance with the schedule will not violate the order of the wedding.

If you cannot control the entire schedule, you need to choose the most responsible friends and instruct them to follow key moments. Compose detailed map with the itinerary of possible trips, print in several copies. One copy will need to be distributed to all drivers.

Football style wedding concept

1. Decor for a football wedding

Naturally, the main attribute, which is also the owner of the decor, is a soccer ball. So, it is necessary to decorate the banquet hall with everything related to a soccer ball and its friends: cups, flags, scarves, symbols of your favorite club, photographs of the most prominent world football stars.

2. Suits of the bride and groom in football style

The most important thing is hidden in the little things, do not forget this simple truth. Not a single wedding outfit from stores can simply have football symbols, by definition. It would never occur to any fashion designer to sew an image of a boot on a wedding dress.

Here you will definitely have to turn to individual tailoring or modify it a little already. existing options with the help of a tailor who can fully embody the football fantasies of the newlyweds. You can, of course, choose wedding dresses in the colors of your favorite team.

And, of course, the bride's bouquet should have the shape of a soccer ball. Such a bouquet will emphasize the style of the wedding, and the "final throw" of the bouquet will add zest at the very moment when the bridesmaids begin to "fight for the ball."

Bridal rings are also made, and sold, in football style, in the shape of a ball.

3. Outdoor wedding ceremony on the football field

A football-style wedding must be organized with an outdoor wedding ceremony right on the football field. In fact, it's hard to imagine how much it can cost to rent the largest football ground for at least an hour! It's not even about the cost, there is no wedding without huge expenses.

But it is quite difficult to choose the time when the football stadium is idle. You will have to be content with not very large stadiums or small school sports grounds.

Is this the main thing? It is important that the marriage be registered in kind. A wedding photos will be perfect in any sports arena.

It may also happen that on the day of your wedding, your favorite team holds a responsible match. And the choice between postponing the wedding day and skipping the game is not even worth it. Feel free to combine two events by watching the game in wedding attire, and after the match, go to the center of the field and swear to each other in eternal love and fidelity. Don't forget to include football-style slogans in the oath ceremony for the bride and groom.

4. Wedding banquet

The choice of a restaurant for a wedding banquet should be approached very responsibly. Of course, there is no hall that would be difficult to decorate in accordance with style decision, however, there are a sufficient number of places where everything is literally permeated with passion for your favorite game. It is possible and necessary to choose just such a hall, then the preparation for the celebration will be greatly simplified.

Choose a toastmaster who knows and loves football, carefully read his program, check whether everything in it corresponds to the football theme. By the way, the toastmaster fan can add many valuable offers that you should not refuse. His conduct of the banquet should take place in the rhythm and style of a football report, which will bring a lot of interesting moments to the celebration.

You don't have to dress up your adored grandma in your favorite player's T-shirt and make her yell "Spartacus is the champion!" or "Judge on the soap!". But you can add a little football symbolism to her outfit.

For example, a scarf or a badge with the image of a soccer ball will withstand any relative, even an amateur figure skating. At a football-style wedding, guests and relatives of the young should instead of the traditional “Bitter!” shouting: “Goal!”, it’s not difficult, you just need to rehearse a little.

Football-style weddings and pageants should be appropriate. For example, you can hold a competition for the most football attire of the players, that is, the guests. You can even arrange a small football game if the banquet hall has a small enclosed courtyard. The whole organization of the wedding is in your hands, all innovations and style improvement depend only on your imagination.

… we have already talked about the dress code. Relatives and friends of the young people should be familiarized with its requirements in advance.

5. Kidnapping and ransom of the bride

Not a single wedding can take place without the kidnapping of the bride, this tradition is old and should not be broken. And adding eccentrics and excitement is simply necessary, especially in themed wedding. As soon as messengers come to the groom and the witness, tired of the fruitless search for the missing darling, demanding a ransom, the procedure can be turned into an exciting competition.

Here you can arrange a test of the football potential of both, arranging an interrogation with an addiction to knowledge of the history of your favorite club, football rules, and your young wife's addictions to one team or another.

6. Video filming and photo session of the newlyweds at the football wedding

Organizing a soccer-themed wedding is a tricky business. Not everyone around is as "sick" of football as your young family. Whatever difficulties you have to face, do not miss the opportunity to capture all the events on the video camera.

All newlyweds want their wedding to be special. If you are thinking about how to organize a holiday in an original way, there is one very interesting idea. Why not take your common passion as the basis for your wedding theme? For example, the love of sports. Perhaps your couple loves to play football or volleyball, then the ball can serve as a symbol strong love. Sports weddings are a very fresh and extraordinary idea that real daredevils will decide on.

Wedding in a sporty style: the outfits of the bride and groom

The sporty style of the holiday does not mean at all that the newlyweds should be dressed in tracksuits and sneakers, because a wedding is first of all a solemn event. The bride should give preference to elegant white dress, and the groom - classic suit with a bow tie. Express the theme of the wedding in the best possible way with accessories. Of course, before choosing such gizmos, you will need to decide on the sport. Think carefully about what it will be: basketball, rugby, water polo or tennis. Then figure out how this or that sport can be successfully beaten in accessories.

All girls from childhood dream of a beautiful white wedding dress, so you can’t deprive the bride of such pleasure, and her outfit can simply be supplemented voluminous bow bright color or colored buttons.

If you wish, you can wear sports shoes under the dress, besides, it will be much more comfortable than shoes with heels. If you are not ready to give up classic version shoes, then sneakers and sneakers can be used for a photo shoot or carried with you as a replacement option.

The groom can also complete the look with sports shoes. In any case, it will look very extraordinary. It would not be superfluous to emphasize the suit with a butterfly, on which tennis rackets or volleyballs serve as a pattern.

Sports style will also reflect a special colors. For basketball, these are orange tones, for swimming - blue, and the wedding of football lovers can be organized in black, white and green.

Sports wedding: dress code

Be sympathetic to the fact that not all invited guests may share your love of sports. Therefore, it will be impolite to force them to come in sports shoes. However, the outfits of the bridesmaids and groomsmen can be kept in the same style. Girls will love fashionable sneakers with mini dresses, and bright shorts can be offered to the groom's friends in combination with lace-up sports shoes.

Sports equipment can serve as an addition to the image: give guests flags, balls or tennis rackets. For even brighter and more colorful photos, give the participants of the celebration funny smiles on wooden sticks or mustaches. Just imagine how many positive emotions you will experience when reviewing such pictures.

Sports wedding: decoration

It is necessary to decide in advance in what style the guest cards will be made, how to decorate the hall, and think over an event plan. All this should be prepared down to every detail, so that the design is harmonious. A plan for the evening is a must. As decoration festive premises worth using Sports Equipment, designer paper and other decorative elements.

Special attention it is recommended to give the newlyweds a table. It can be decorated with both familiar colors and bright sports accessories, for example, large and small balls, gold and silver medals and cups. The decoration will look good balloons matched to match the main color of the event. A bicycle with a basket of flowers looks very romantic.

As entertainment for guests and at the same time a stylish element banquet hall you can use sports inflatable balls big size. If the theme of your wedding is golf, then you can create impromptu holes on the floor of the room, and decorate the walls with clubs. Think over all the decorations in advance and do not forget that you should not make your guests bored, and a properly designed banquet hall will help to cope with this task.

Decoration of the festive table and bonbonniere

Traditionally, guest cards are placed on the table, which should be completed in original style. For example, make them in the shape of a ball. Depending on the number of guests, special seating arrangements can be used. For example, to announce to the banquet participants that this evening everyone is representatives of different football teams, and everyone should sit down at the table under the flag of their football field. The role of the judge can be assumed by the toastmaster or the presenter.

Even at a sports wedding flowers - required attribute. Be sure to decorate the tables of guests floral elements. Also, choose carefully. wedding cake so that it fits perfectly into the theme of the celebration.

Each guest will be very pleased to receive at the end of the evening small souvenir, which will remind them of your triumph. Such a gift can be homemade cookies with an inscription, a bonbonniere with an interesting sports detail, a bottle or jar of a sports soft drink.

Sports wedding: accessories

Accessories for a sports wedding must be selected in accordance with the sport that you decide to convey in the design. Here are a few examples of how you can use one or another decor element.

If your choice fell on basketball, then a great idea would be a photo session on basketball court with bright balls. Inflatable balls are suitable as design elements, Balloons, sport shoes, mesh ring.

If you and your future spouse are fans tennis, then a great decoration banquet table become bright yellow tennis balls. Very successful photos can be taken on a tennis court, where the background for your pictures will be a bright and fresh green lawn. Don't forget that rackets can also be used as stylish accessory giving them to guests.

In case the newlyweds are fans football, it is worth reflecting this passion and on wedding ceremony. If you invite many guests, then the football stadium will become perfect place for the celebration. Besides, this good place and for photography. As decorative elements, select balls, cups, football boots.

Some couples are addicted golf. Such a wedding will turn out to be very stylish if the young people establish a dress code, and guests will appear at the celebration in strict black suits with a bow tie. Balls and clubs can be used as decorative elements. And in warm time of the year ideal option there will be an event on the green golf course.

For extraordinary couples and real daredevils who choose swimming, we offer pool as a wedding venue. It's bold, but it's those who take the risk who usually get the most memorable experiences. Use life buoys, glasses, balloons. Small aquariums resembling a swimming pool can also be placed as interior decoration.