What tattoo is better for a girl to never regret it. The most successful places for tattoos

For girls

For men

Masters and avid fans of the art of body painting believe that the idea of ​​a tattoo must be nurtured for a long time, visualizing oneself in one way or another. However, an incorrectly chosen place for a tattoo can destroy the whole effect and beauty of even the most ideal sketch. In addition, psychologists are sure that a wearable image can radically change fate. It is believed that a tattoo for good luck on one or another part of the body can activate energy flows and bring happiness and prosperity to life. How true this statement is is not known for certain, although some people do note the beneficial effects of wearable drawings. The secrets of how to choose a place for a tattoo will be revealed by experienced specialists.

What to look out for

To decide where it is better to get a tattoo, you should think about the following nuances.

Should the drawing be shown to others?

If yes, then you can choose open areas of the body that are always on public display. These are the hands, neck, fingers, wrists, upper chest. The most outrageous and extravagant people choose tattoos in unusual places: the face or head. Before deciding to take this step, you need to not only weigh the pros and cons, but also choose a proven and reliable tattoo parlor, since the risk of infection during the procedure is very high. In the event that a strict dress code is introduced at work, the choice of a place for tattoos narrows. In this case, it is better to give preference to those areas that can be hidden under clothing: back, shoulder blades, shoulders, abdomen, buttocks, lower back, hips.

Will the tattoo distort when walking?

The joints and some muscles are in almost constant motion: these are primarily the elbows and knees, and in some cases the back. A portrait depicted in one of the above places, no matter how beautiful the initial sketch, will at least look comical, wrinkling and deforming when walking. Men and women who decide to place the tattoo on the side should consider how the tattoo will look, for example, on the beach. Indeed, due to the movement of the hands, one or the other part of it will fall into the field of view.

What is the level of pain threshold?

Studies show that men have a higher pain threshold than women. This is especially true for the sensitivity of the skin. People who already have wearable drawings approximately understand the degree of pain of the procedure, so they can measure their strength. For beginners, the best places for a tattoo are the hips, shoulders, shoulder blades and buttocks. The most painful areas are the ribs, pubis, hands, face, knees, elbows. Here, the bones are in close proximity to the skin, so the lack of fat and muscle layers does not allow absorbing needle strikes.

Very often they make a tattoo on the site of an appendicitis scar. Photos on the Internet show that in the hands of an experienced professional, a skin defect becomes invisible. However, before visiting the tattoo parlor, you should consult with your doctor so that there are no complications. A tattoo on the site of a scar from appendicitis or from a cesarean (for girls) will relieve complexes and give self-confidence.

Features of a tattoo on different parts of the body

When choosing a place on the body for a tattoo, you need to consult with the master. Only he will be able to tell where this or that sketch will look best. At the initial stage, when the idea of ​​a tattoo is only hatching, you can listen to general recommendations.

  • The shoulder and biceps are the most versatile part of the body, where any pattern is perceived as a complete composition. It is also possible to extend the tattoo to the entire arm or go to the back or chest.
  • The forearm is not a very painful area for application, so these patterns can often be found. In men, the pattern usually occupies the entire space on the arm, including both the forearm and the place from the elbow to the shoulder, like a sleeve. Women place tattoo inscriptions that have a special meaning for them: they give inspiration, motivation, remind of loved ones.
  • The wrist and ankle are favorite parts of the body among the fair sex. Graceful drawings in the form of bracelets or chains emphasize the fragility and femininity of their owner.
  • Hands and fingers are the choice of those who like to attract attention. Very often, tattoos on the phalanges of the fingers can be seen on rappers and singers.
  • The neck (especially its back) is the most inconspicuous place for a body pattern in girls, because it is easy to hide it under the hair. For men, the neck area is in demand from the side or front.
  • The back is the part of the body where you can place the largest composition. It should be borne in mind that tattooing on the spine is quite painful.
  • The male chest is a great canvas for any artist. Women quite rarely decorate the bust with underwear drawings. Here it is important not to make a mistake when choosing a sketch, because even innocent flowers can look vulgar and vulgar.
  • The abdomen is a good area for a tattoo, but only if a person takes care of himself and boasts a steel press. Otherwise, all the flaws will be in sight. The exception is a tattoo on the site of scars or scars. Usually they are located in the lower abdomen and do not particularly attract attention.
  • The lower leg is one of the sexiest body parts for women according to men. Graceful drawings with imitation of jewelry will help to emphasize slender legs. Men should carefully select a sketch so that the image can be distinguished due to vegetation.
  • The hips are a great place for women to draw attention to their figure. By the way, a well-chosen sketch can increase or decrease the size of a lady.
  • The lower back also belongs to the "female" parts of the body. The tattoo here adds coquettishness and sexuality to the image. In men, the lower back is captured in rare cases if the composition is on the surface of the entire back.
  • The drawings on the head look very outrageous and unusual, but they can be easily hidden by growing hair.

Finally, you overcame yourself and decided to get yourself a tattoo. This is a worthy decision, because few things can give you personality as much as characteristic tattoos. But more and more often people prefer to put on their body not images, not stylized photos, but simple inscriptions. It may be straightforward, but it is stylish, and the meaning is read immediately. And everyone can choose which phrase to put on the tattoo. But the tattoo has another characteristic - it is important to understand where you specifically want to place these inscriptions. And here the choice, I must say, is surprisingly huge. Just think, you can put the image on the wrist, on the arm, on the leg, on the back, on the neck, on the forearm, on the chest, on the side, on the fingers, on the ribs - and that's not counting the more exotic places. What choice of place on the body will be the most reasonable? Let's try to figure this out.

Most common places

When choosing where to place the tattoo, you can be sure by looking at the numerous photos of tattooed people that it is on the hand that the image is most often. After all, tattoo inscriptions on the hands are quite universal - they can be demonstrated to the whole world, or, for example, for an official photo, what is hidden on the arm with sleeves. Therefore, tattoos on the arm are chosen as the most compromise option. Often they choose to apply an image on the back, but here everything is a little ambiguous. If you depict the inscriptions simply on the back, then when moving they will bend, distort, and not be read very well. But if you prefer to have a neat tattoo on the shoulder blade, then everything will look more than fine. No less often, inscriptions are applied to the wrist. The reason for this is simple - you can put a thin elegant proposal on your wrist that will look like a bracelet. Finally, the forearm is an elegant place where any proposal will look especially beautiful, and in the case of women, even flirty. And when not only the forearm is affected, but also the shoulder, then the effect is doubly attractive. On the leg, too, you can write anything. Thin lettering around the ankle? Sweeping on the hip? There is good freedom of choice on the leg.

Less common places

But the fantasy on this need not be limited in any way to the aforementioned places. For example, what is not remarkable about the variations that are depicted on the neck. After all, what is written on the neck can be read by anyone standing behind, even if you are dressed. Men may prefer to depict the required inscription on the chest. It will be a little more problematic for women on the chest, because there is simply less space for tattoos, although a neat proposal will also come in handy. Continuing the theme of the body, you can prefer options on the side or on the ribs. Naturally, on the side, on the ribs, the inscription will be visible only without clothes, which makes this option also a compromise. Finally, a short inscription can be depicted on the fingers. Usually one letter is applied on the fingers. For other people, such a tattoo is associated with a prison one, but in practice, if everything is done gracefully, then everything will look more than fine on the fingers. Lettering tattoos can be done in different places. On the wrist, on the back, on the leg, on the arm, on the neck, on the forearm, on the chest, on the side or on the ribs. But it is equally important that on any of the indicated parts of the body they would be made to the highest standard. And our masters, from scratch, from a photo or a sketch, are ready to make an excellent inscription on any part of your body.

Tattoos can be different: from emblems of sports clubs to Celtic patterns. A tattoo is one way to express your style. If you don't have tattoos yet, don't go to the first salon you find. First you should think over the drawing, choose a date, sign up and prepare for visiting the salon. With proper preparation, the process of applying the first tattoo can be completely safe and not so intimidating.


Planning stage

    Pick up a picture a few months before visiting the salon. Choosing a pattern is a purely individual process. You may be inspired by tattoos you find online, or by symbols or images that mean something to you. Maybe you just like some picture. Try to devote at least a couple of months to choosing a drawing so that you don’t regret your choice later.

    If you are afraid of pain, get a tattoo on a less sensitive area of ​​​​the body. If you have not had a tattoo before, it is better to start from a place where the pain will not be felt very much. So you can assess your pain threshold without tormenting yourself with unbearable pain. If you want to get a tattoo on a more sensitive area, you can come back for a second or third tattoo later.

    • The least pain is felt on the hips, biceps, calves and other areas where there are a lot of muscles.
    • If this is your first tattoo, don't get it on the inner knee, ribs, armpits, nipples, eyelids, or genitals.
    • At the same time, don't let fear limit you! Don't be afraid to do what you want, where you want.
  1. Plan to place the tattoo on even and healthy skin. With the help of a tattoo, you can mask dense scars and uneven areas of the skin, but the picture will be clearer on even skin. Choose a relatively clean area to make it easier for the stylist to work on your skin.

    Master's Choice

    1. Check reviews of local tattoo parlors. Look for salons in your city and read reviews on the Internet. If any of your friends have tattoos, ask where they got them and if they can recommend a salon.

      • Explore portfolios and testimonials on social media.
      • If the salon is new and has few reviews, contact the salon and ask about the qualifications of the employees.
      • Do not choose the cheapest salon if you care about getting a quality tattoo. Tattoos don't wash off, so it might be worth spending more money on quality work if the salon has good reviews.
    2. View the portfolio of salon masters. In many salons, you can see the work of masters on the Internet, in the salon itself or on request. Compare works from different salons and choose a master whose work is closer to you in style.

      • Each master works in his own style. If you like some kind of tattoo, sign up to the master who made it.
    3. Go to the salon. When you find a salon with good reviews and works that suit you, go there and talk to the staff before signing up for the procedure. Ask questions to the masters or arrange a meeting with the master of your choice, evaluate the situation in the salon.

      • Pay attention to how clean the salon is. Ask what qualifications the masters of the salon have and where they studied.
      • Check the licensing and beauty laws in your area to make sure the salon is authorized to provide these services.
      • Ask the salon staff about sterilizing instruments. Instruments can be autoclaved or sterilized in other ways. In addition, disposable instruments can be used in the salon.
    4. Arrange a date for the procedure. Go to several salons and choose the salon and master that you like the most. When choosing, consider the quality of work, safety and artistic style. Make an appointment for a specific date by phone or in person in the salon.

      • To protect yourself from impulsive decisions, try to set a date at least a week or two away. If you change your mind, you can cancel your appointment.
      • Some salons allow you to get a tattoo without an appointment, but if you want to get a really good result, it's better to make an appointment in advance. This will allow the artist to fine-tune the sketch of your tattoo.
    5. Discuss the sketch with the master at least a few days before recording. Many tattoo artists take several days to prepare the stencil, the right ink, and the tattoo tools. Talk to the master in person or by phone 2-3 days before the appointment.

      • Send or bring examples of what you like to the master so that he can study them.

      Preparing for a visit to the salon

      1. Eat before the procedure. Before visiting the salon, it is important to have a little snack with something healthy. Thanks to this, you will not faint during the procedure.

        • Try to eat protein and complex carbohydrates. Avoid refined sugars.
      2. Please arrive 15-20 minutes prior to your procedure. You will need to fill out paperwork before the procedure, so try to arrive early. In addition, this way you can talk with the master again or ask him questions.

      3. Talk to the master about the state of your health. If you have specific medical conditions, ask the tattoo artist if you can get a tattoo. Tell the master about past and chronic diseases. This will allow the tattoo artist to consider possible risks and take the necessary precautions.

        • If you have a chronic illness (such as diabetes or epilepsy), bring a doctor's note with you. In some salons, a certificate is needed to ensure the safety of the client.
      4. Do not move when the master will shave and clean the skin. When the tattoo artist is ready to begin work, he will clean the area with alcohol and shave it with a disposable razor. Try not to move while the master prepares your skin for work. If you need to sneeze or make a sudden movement, alert the tattoo artist.

        • If you have sensitive skin, tell your stylist to clean and shave your skin gently. But remember that getting tattoos on sensitive skin is more painful.
      5. Inspect the stencil as the artist transfers it to your skin. Once the tattoo artist has cleansed the skin, they will begin transferring the stencil with soap, dry deodorant, or a special marker. Check the stencil before the artist transfers it to the skin in order to correct any errors or inaccuracies in time.

        • The stencil will allow the master to exactly repeat the pattern on your skin.
        • Some tattoo artists do not use stencils and draw the outline directly on the skin. In this case, check the circuit before the wizard starts to work.

Where to get a tattoo? This issue is no less important than the choice of the tattoo artist and the sketch. The site site has collected for you the top 10 best places on the female body for tattoo placement.

Choosing where to get a tattoo is more difficult for a girl than for a guy. First of all, because women treat their bodies more strictly. Also, they often have to refuse certain areas, as they are open subject to the dress code. While men may wear a jacket and trousers that only expose their neck, face, and hands, women usually wear skirts. This automatically makes many refuse to place a tattoo on the calves, ankles, lower thighs.

But besides such difficulties, graceful tattoos on the female body are beautiful. Because the female body is beautiful in itself. But on some parts of it, the drawing will look more appropriate and better than on others. What areas are you talking about?

Where to get a tattoo for a girl? Top 10 best places

  1. Clavicles. Many men claim that the collarbone is one of the most beautiful parts of the female body. So why not pay even more attention to them by placing an elegant tattoo there? You can be inspired when choosing a pattern, including famous women (for example, the Barbados princess Rihanna). Please note: the special "relief" of this part of the body requires, accordingly, a special approach to choosing a sketch.
  2. Place under the chest. It is probably not necessary to talk about the place of this part of the body in the men's rating. Where can a girl get a tattoo if she doesn't plan to show it to everyone around her every day? The place under the chest is quite secluded, isn't it? Works in graphics or new school that imitate jewelry look especially good in this area. Minus one - painful sensations. Girls who have already become happy owners of a tattoo in that place summarize: there will indeed be discomfort, but it can be endured.
  3. The inside of the wrist. This place has gotten a bad rap lately for being TOO trendy. Wrist tattoos are done so often that it has become something of a sign of bad taste. But if you have your own original idea and you really want a tattoo in this place, don't listen to anyone!
  4. The back of the neck. Whatever idea you choose for a tattoo - a large bold piece or something small and delicate, a tattoo on the back of the neck is beautiful and comfortable. The drawing is easy to hide under long hair or, on the contrary, to collect them up and show the drawing to everyone around.
  5. Along the spine. About 5-7 years ago it was popular to make tattoos with Chinese characters, placing symbols along the spine. Gradually, the trend has passed, however, the spine line is still an interesting place to place a tattoo. This is one of the longest (albeit narrow) sections on the body. And it's easy to hide under clothes too, if that matters to you. However, one must also take into account the difficulty in choosing a suitable sketch, as well as prepare for specific sensations (after all, there is almost no fat layer between the vertebrae and the skin).
  6. Shoulder blades. This place is ideal not only for women, but also for men. The shoulder blade provides the tattoo artist with a flat, fairly large area of ​​skin. Therefore, literally any drawing can be placed in this place. In addition, tattooed people say that getting a tattoo on it is probably the least painful, compared to all other parts of the body.
  7. Hips. If we are already talking about large "canvases", then we cannot but mention the hips. If you are thinking about where to get a tattoo, if it is large and detailed - this place is perfect! It looks beautiful and bold when two different, but thematically similar patterns are placed on two hips.
  8. Lateral chest and ribs. On what part of the female body can a small personal tattoo be placed? The side of the chest and ribs are a good choice. This part of the body is almost always hidden from prying eyes. You can also make large drawings on it, but you have to take into account the natural curves of the body. However, this is not the "worst of evils". Much harder to endure pain. A tattoo here will bring many times more unpleasant discomfort than on the shoulder or shoulder blade.
  9. Sleeves. Tattoo sleeves - is it too bold and not at all feminine? What nonsense! When a beautiful girl gets herself such a daring tattoo job, she will only attract more attention and admiration. Of course, provided that such an “accessory” matches her image and was made by a professional tattoo artist.
  10. All over the body. Of course, this point is a little exaggerated. But when there are tattoos here and there on the female body, it attracts attention and fascinates, makes you turn around and look at it. If you want to get several tattoos, don't let society's opinion stop you. Pick a couple of good places from this top, and go!

You have been dreaming of getting a tattoo for a long time, but still do not dare, because you have strict parents, a harsh boss, serious work, judgmental friends ... The list goes on and on. Great news! There are many ways to do what you want while keeping it a secret. Here are some helpful ideas:

1. Make a tattoo with white ink

First, you will not be tormented by questions about the colors of your drawing. Secondly, the white ink starts to fade after 10 years, so it's not such a lifelong tattoo. In addition, white tattoos are almost invisible to other people, so experiment, implement the most unusual ideas in white!

2. Choose an inconspicuous place

The best way to hide a tattoo is to cover it up! To prevent colleagues, boss or parents from noticing your feat, get a tattoo on the part of the body that the clothes hide. For example: feet, behind the ear, on the neck.

3. Get a very, very thin tattoo

In fact, no one is looking at you closely. That is why friends do not immediately understand what is at stake when you complain about a small pimple on your face or small coffee spots on a white shirt. So thin openwork tattoos can be a great solution.

Look for more options in our photo gallery:

Source: www.bustle.com

Images: whiteinktattoo (5), countrycitygirl007, hollylawho,angelvong, kaesirinapha, merry.jhyun, joe_efc,crystalgoulding, vaovaoclothing, flavy_holyink,the_requisite/Instagram