Birthday with minnie mouse script. Mickey Mouse themed birthday party for the little ones

Screenplay Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse. (Mickey mouse is a braggart)
Mickey Mouse is in love with his beautiful girlfriend Mini Mouse. But like all boys
sometimes does stupid things when trying to please Mini. Here and now coming for a day
birth to ________________. He starts boasting in front of everyone and this upsets
1. Greeting (the characters speak in thin voices).
Mickey: (child's name) you know how lucky you are that I came to you for the day
birth?! I'm the bravest, most courageous, most intelligent little mouse!
Minnie: (grabs her cheeks, as if blushing) Mickey! Again you boast! How not
shame on you little mouse! You are not the only one so brave and smart! Look at the guys! I am sure that
they are also brave and smart. And you're just a braggart!
Mickey: (offended) Am I a braggart?
Minnie: Yes, you are.
Mickey: I'll prove that I am what I say. And you show what your guys are!
Minnie: Please. Guys, let's show Mickey that we are brave and smart. And unlike
Mickey is not a braggart. (Children agree). Well, where do we start?
Mickey: For example, I'm the funniest little mouse, and I can dance well, and you?
Minnie: We can dance too, show your dance!
Dance "If you want to have fun"
Mickey: I'm very smart and quick. Now I'll check what you are. Let's play, you
you will be butterflies, and I will be a bumblebee. Bumblebee loves to scare butterflies and butterflies hide on
1. Competition "Hide on a flower." We lay out the hoops on the floor, the children run (dance) to the music, as soon as the music stops they should hide in the flower (hoop)
Minnie: Now let's see if you can clean your room
2. Competition "Separate objects". For the competition you will need toys and fruits.
(we climb through the tunnel, take an object on a tray and put it either to the toys or to
tray with fruits and vegetables)
Minnie: You said you were very brave, here's a test for you eyes closed
pick me some apples for a pie?
Mickey: I love pies (strokes his tummy)
Mini: Only you need to collect them with your eyes closed.
3. Competition "Collect apples in a basket for a pie"
Apples are weighed on a string, children with their eyes closed must cut
apple scissors. The children are blindfolded one by one.
Mickey: Mini, now let's dance our favorite dance with the guys
Mini: our friend's duckling dance?
Mickey: Yes, it's the dance of the little ducklings.
Dance of little ducks"
Mickey: But I can run fast, we often play with Pluto, my faithful dog, V
4. Contest Pass a wooden egg on a spoon quickly but carefully through
5. Congratulations: newspaper. The newspaper is made by a photograph of the birthday man on whatman paper.
Mickey: I love to play sports very much, I am a champion in all sports!
Minnie: You're bragging again!
6. Competition "Hockey with balls"Children take long balls and play hockey with a round ball. The task is to hit the ball
sports stick at the gate. (two chairs)
Minnie: Mickey, did the guys prove to you that they are brave, skillful, smart and funny?!
Mickey: Yes, you've proved it, you forgive me Mini... And you guys, I won't brag anymore.
Let's have more fun!!!
Minnie: At first, it's better to eat, and then we can continue the fun
Sweet table. We bring out the cake.
We paint faces with aqua-grim, disco.

I was thinking of a script for cartoons about Mickey. It was assumed, of course, that the birthday girl would be Minnie, all the guests were cartoon characters. And in the role of Mickey I had to appear.

First, we gave gifts, among which was homemade postcard with a butterfly. Masha made it from dough and mother-of-pearl, which we brought from summer trip along the Golden Ring. Collected near Rostov. As it turned out later, this was not the only gift with a butterfly for Sophia.

That's all the guests in the collection. this time Masha and Sasha, Maxim, Ilya, Eva and Slavik came. The children are looking forward to the tasks from Mickey Mouse.

Mickey Mouse is very optimistic and never loses heart. He tries to be ahead - at least a little bit, but his cheerful disposition, sensitive heart and Good friends. Mickey is a real winner, but he is also ready to become a friend to everyone! Do you like this cheerful character of Walt Disney and maybe you want to become like him - well, at least a little bit? Then welcome to the Mickey Mouse Club! He is always happy to welcome new friends!
We've already warned you - only the very best can become members of the Mickey Mouse Club! Therefore, everyone who wants to be tested.

You are ready?

First you need to name Mickey Mouse's friends.

Daisy Duck - Masha
Minnie Mouse - Sophia
Pluto - Sasha
Scrooge - Maxim
Goofy - Cyril
Ponochka - Eva
Donald - Slavik
Ilyusha - Mickey Mouse

Now quickly find Mickey's friends.
Printed images of Mickey, Mini, Donald, Daisy, Goofy, Pluto, Chip, Dale, Pete, Professor Drake and more. "Portraits" are attached with adhesive tape in the most unexpected places of the house.

This competition caused great enthusiasm among the children. Everyone rushed around the house in search of characters, tried to get ahead of each other, to find more. Then they gladly considered the found pictures.

Now we'll see if you can focus.

Shall we buzz?
A fun competition during which all competitors will have to buzz to the point of exhaustion, because whoever laughs last is the winner!

Tests passed! Time to start the party, there's a lot of fun at the Mickey Mouse Club!
Participants are issued a Club Card.

The icon with the image of cartoon characters had to be signed - write your name. Everything worked out with the parents. Maxim liked the icon the most. He did not part with him during all the competitions.

Congratulations. You have become full members of the Mouseclub!!!

Would you like to visit our club? Then say magic words: "Mikko-mocha-mickey-mouse!" All amicably and together.

Song "Our Mouse Club"

Now on to adventure! Today wonderful holiday: We are celebrating our Minnie's birthday. I suggest you celebrate. Who is with us?

And here is our task today. Our Minnie is 4 years old. We should organize a party and congratulate her.
Here is a list of things to do:

1. Draw postcards for Minnie.
2. Decorate yourself with edible bracelets
3. Give her flowers.
4. Dance a fun and funny dance
5. eat birthday cake.

Repeat what we have to do.
You will help?


We need Maustrum.. Whom shall we call?


My children do not often watch this cartoon, but often in the game after the holiday they call an assistant? Sasha is funny: "Pouchny!"

Let's see what tools are here?

Needle and thread
Musical instruments.
Secret Maustrum.

Later we will need one or another tool.

Let's see, what's the first item on the list?

What will we need? Where to get?

I placed all the tasks in a presentation on a computer so that you can remember which task is next. True, Eva remembered the whole task in the correct order and without pictures.

Let's draw?
It is necessary to draw postcards for the birthday girl. Now who do we call for help? "Helper!". Which tool will we choose? Yes, of course, pencils.

Let's prepare something special.
Daisy loves to cook. And one of her favorite foods is edible bracelets. Who can we call to find necessary tools? Right. Let's all together: "Helper!" What do you think will fit this time? I also think that you need to take a needle and thread.

Props: thread (ribbon), sweets, fruits, marmalade "bears".
Essence: in 15 minutes, the children must make their own bracelet by stringing “edible” beads and sweet “jewels” on a thread.

It took a lot of work to make the bracelets. It was not immediately clear how to pierce sweets with a needle.

How beautiful they turned out!

What do you want: eat them or take them home as a keepsake of the holiday?

What else do we have to do now? Of course, give flowers to our Minnie!!! What tool do we need? Again we call the Assistant. What do we choose? No the right tool? What do we do? Choose Serket Maustrum? Those are scissors.

You should find the right hose to water the flower.

Flowers on sticks.
Cut out a flower cotton pads and put on a stick. Make a flower vase.

The whole bouquet turned out! You did your best!!!

Looks like we've been stuck in place. Remember what's next on our to-do list? That's right, dance for the birthday girl. But this, it seems to me that it will be a difficult dance. I propose to dance a special mouse dance. Let's call a helper. We just need musical instruments!

Let's dance ?
All the guys come out to dance. The main subject in this dance is the ears of Mickey Mouse, which the leader puts on the head of one of the dancers. That, in turn, must pass the ears to someone else, and so on, the essence of the competition is that at the moment when the music is turned off, the person left with the ears is considered the loser. You can play for elimination, or you can give the loser some simple but fun task that he will be required to complete. The host can make the game more interesting by turning off the music at completely unexpected moments.

The one on whom the music ended had to make a small performance - to show that he can. The guys did not put on each other's ears very quickly. Everyone wanted to be with ears. We danced with two ears at once.

Well, it's time to move on to the last task. What do we have there. Again, we can not do without the Assistant. Let's call him. We only have one tool left. It's a spoon, and we need to eat the birthday cake. Just what you need!!!
Let's run a little first.

Relay from Chip and Dale
Rules of the game: children are divided into teams. In each team, a person is determined who will collect acorns (that is, hold the bag). The task of all other participants is to throw the acorn into the bag using a plastic spoon. The distance between the "throwers" and "catchers" is 3 steps. Each member of the team has 3 attempts to throw the acorn into the bag. When all participants try their luck, you should count the number of acorns in the bags. The team that collected the most acorns wins.

The relay race turned out to be worthy of the most emotional comments: the intrigue is stronger than the fitball world championship. We have teams of girls and boys. At first, the girls could not clearly and quickly complete the task, then they began to work harder and more smoothly. Parent fans screamed, yelled and jumped. The boys stepped out. It seemed that nothing could be done, and this is a clear victory. However, they suddenly relaxed, lost concentration, and began to make mistakes. And now the fight has become equal. The guys quickly run one after another, without wasting time they pass the baton to the next one. And who won? The girls went one nut ahead.

Then, undoubtedly, the traditional loaf around the birthday girl.

A wonderful song from Eve with mom.

Incendiary break dance from boys.

Congratulations from Masha.

And here is the most delicious pie from mom. And the candles, according to the established tradition, are old, serving as a mother in childhood.

I wonder what wish Sophia-Minnie made?

And Maxim at the end asked when there would be more assignments.

Great theme for a celebration children's day the birth of a girl. About how to organize a Minnie Mouse birthday party, choose a script, games, costumes, decorate a room, festive table and much more you will find on this page-collection.

Minnie Mouse is a simple girl next door. She personifies femininity, warmth and care. Her speech, movements and manners are full of amazing charm. Innocent and naive, Minnie always remains an open, friendly girl. She is polite and tactful, but despite her shyness, she is independent and full of self-esteem.

Minnie loves fun and enjoys life with might and main. A talented performer, Minnie loves music and often hums something. Sweet and modest, she is smart and reasonable enough not to fade in the glory of her partner, Mickey Mouse. Minnie dignifiedly shares the burden of popularity with Mickey.

Debut: November 18, 1928 - "Steamboat Willie"
Early roles: Housewife, cheerleader, poor girl, singer, society lady
Hobbies: Gardening, shopping, fashion, music, dancing
Favorite magazines: good housekeeping
Pet: Pluto
Favorite phrases:"Oh, hello!", "Ye-hey!", "Ah, Mickey ...", "My cuties"
Interesting: Minnie Mouse's bow is almost the size of her head. Minnie is also a passionate gardener.

Festive decoration

The main colors to use at a birthday party are red, pink and/or fuchsia, these colors are a favorite backdrop for polka dots (white and black), which is often used in little Minnie Mouse outfits.

Use these colors and/or patterns in balloons and balloon arrangements paper garlands, streamers and banners. We recommend paying special attention to paper decorations, in the center of which you can paste a circle with images of Minnie Mouse in different outfits.

A huge image of Minnie Mouse and (optionally) other cartoon characters, Minnie Mouse bows, Minnie Mouse head or ears, gloved hands, painted or printed, are perfect for decorating doors, walls, and, of course, for a themed photo zone.

Additional decor can be foil Balloons, figures from balloons or piñata in the form of Minnie Mouse and / or with his image.

Table setting and decoration
Mickey and Minnie Mouse birthday party

Minnie Mouse birthday party

Real experience Minnie Mouse birthday party

Mickey Mouse birthday party

Real experience mickey mouse birthday from our subscribers. Here you can find interesting ideas decoration, as well as look at the already assembled sets for the holiday (paper candy bar), if it was used. For your convenience, links to printed materials have been added to the photo reports. I thank all the authors of the photos for the photos from the bottom of my heart!

Exciting adventures and fun in the company cartoon characters- such a holiday will surely appeal to kids. A birthday in the style of Minnie Mouse for a girl of any age will be a wonderful surprise if the birthday girl loves cartoons about Mickey and his friends.


Start by choosing a color scheme. Traditionally it is red, black and yellow, but in the design of the holiday for girls, red is often replaced with pink - bright caramel, pastel or juicy glamorous. The atmosphere will be stylish and gentle if you use gray instead of black.

Do you want cartoonish colors and iridescent variegation? Black minimum, emphasis on yellow, blue and red. white polka dots on any bright and black background they consider almost calling card Topics. We offer design ideas for a party in the style of Minnie Mouse:

  • drapery perfectly conveys the color mood- replace the curtains, pick up tablecloths for tables with treats. Cover part of the walls with strips of fabric (smooth as a background, in a beautiful fold as an independent decor). Cushions and big bows on the chairs, colorful rugs here and there;
  • balloons are an easy way to enhance the holiday ambiance. Thematic foil, polka dots, regular suitable shades, in the form of numbers (age), with drawings of characters. The arch at the entrance, "bouquets", with long ribbons above the ceiling, tied to the backs of chairs - dozens of options!

  • Easy DIY Minnie Mouse Paper Decorations or order online if there is little time to prepare for the party. To decorate the ceiling, garlands with circles, serpentine, Minnie and other characters on colored triangles.

Look great on the walls circular fans crepe paper. In the middle of such a "flower" you can glue stylized letters and pictures.

  • if this is the first birthday, use children's attributes for decoration - rattles, nipples, diapers, sliders, etc. It is not necessary to buy at exorbitant prices, everything can be decorated with printed stickers, polka dot ribbons, appliqués. Don't forget to celebrate high chair and a crib;

A chic surprise for 2 years - a do-it-yourself children's car! It's easy - attach ears and a bow (with a drill from the inside), paint from a spray can in pink or red (on the street), paste over with circles.

  • make birthday number and congratulatory banner. There are many templates on the web, almost all ideas are easy to repeat. For example, a topper - print the font, cut it out with a stationery knife from thick cardboard, paint it. The number of paper flowers - glue the buds on the base with a continuous carpet (double-sided tape);
  • although this is a children's party in the style of Minnie Mouse, fresh flowers will fit in perfectly - a holiday for a girl! But in conditions of a modest budget, they can be replaced with paper ones. Huge buds look great in bouquets in the center of the main table, in vases on the floor, near the candy bar, hanging on ribbons from the ceiling;

  • seat toys - Minnie herself, Mickey, Goofy, Pluto and other heroes. Do-it-yourself growth characters from cardboard: draw on whatman paper or print, cut out the silhouette, stick it on double-sided tape (cardboard deforms from moisture);
  • doll castles, decorative carriages and bird cages, various fashionable things - handbags, beautiful outfits on hangers and mannequins, children's cosmetics, ladies' accessories. Of course, everything is in the style of Minnie Mouse - princesses, fashionistas and just real girl with their inherent desires and weaknesses;

  • arrange an exhibition of photos of the birthday girl(for 1 year by months, for 2 years and older - the funniest pictures). They can be hung randomly on a large background in the shape of Minnie's head, or each photo individually, first on a background picture, and then assembled into a garland.

Cut out mini bows from paper with polka dots, stick them on some pictures like a bow on the head of a birthday girl - it will turn out funny and unexpected. Ribbon bows are suitable for decorating anything - curtains, tablecloths, garlands, chandeliers, etc.

  • the atmosphere of the marvelous garden in half with cartoon charm: fake fence, imitation of flower beds, cardboard trees, grass and clouds, butterfly birds, cute little animals.

Luxurious photo zone - a castle with turrets and windows made of a large sheet of cardboard. A fun background will turn out if you print a scene from a cartoon (a huge poster). Since the characters are easy to draw, it is not difficult to make a tantamaresque or individual characters with holes for their faces.


Theme party, children's day birthday - well, how to do without invitations? Of course, in the style of Minnie Mouse! It is not difficult to make such an invitation with your own hands, there are a lot of ideas on the net.

The most popular is the silhouette of a head with ears and a bow, on which a card with text or a pocket for it is glued. You can simply print the pictures you like, sign in the editor “I invite”, “Anya is 2 years old”, etc., stick on thick cardboard with text on the back.

It's just as easy to cut out a card in the shape of a bow, Minnie Mouse herself and / or her friends (everyone has a different invitation). An unusual format is to buy a themed balloon, inflate it, write a text with a marker, dry it with a hairdryer, blow it off and tie it to a postcard.


And everything is simple here, especially if it is a birthday for 1-2 years. Although a Minnie Mouse style outfit for older girls won't take long either. Decorate a T-shirt with an appliqué made of pieces of fabric, sew on a puffy skirt made of ribbons, satin or tulle, make ears on the rim - you're done! Such costumes can be made for all guests by asking the parents for measurements (for boys, loose shorts with suspenders).

Ears can be made from hair if there is enough length: collect in ponytails, pull out a loop, comb the ends and hide them inside the loop. It remains to gently straighten the "ear" with a fan and fasten the edges with invisibility.

If one of the parents does not prepare a themed outfit, holiday attributes and accessories in the style of Minnie Mouse will help out. For girls, hair ornaments (hairpins, bows), for boys - bow ties or polka dot ties. Everyone, including adults - caps, ears on headbands, masks and hats of characters.

Menu, serving

The theme is so popular that even ordinary stores sell table and dish decorations, tablecloths, dishes. Cupcake toppers, bottle labels, chocolate and candy wrappers, boxes, popcorn cones, and other bulk treats - there's everything, ready-made and templates.

Molds for muffins, muffins and cupcakes look nice with a pattern that continues the topper on a toothpick. Only the price goes off scale, but you can print suitable pictures, make a topper from the top, and lower part stick on the finished mold.

Styrofoam balls (1 head, 2 ears) make multifunctional decorations. On them, you can attach strawberries in chocolate, marmalade, flowers (topiary in a pot) with toothpicks.

From an aluminum can, cut into strips, make molds for cutting dough, biscuit, cheese and sausage. Print a b/w picture, cut out a stencil - now you can sprinkle cocoa and confetti on any dessert.

Look at the MK about how to make minnie mouse from mastic- no more difficult than sculpting from plasticine! figurines different size You can decorate not only a birthday cake, but also any desserts that hold their shape. Paint mastic at home natural dyes or juice.

The choice of the menu is up to you, since there is no binding of treats to the topic. Of course, since this is a children's birthday, the main emphasis on the design of the candy bar and a large assortment sweets. In addition to juices, buy plain water. For entourage, put a cheese plate with mice sitting around your favorite treat.


If you're planning a Minnie Mouse party for 1-2 years, you probably don't need a script. But it’s worth thinking about entertainment: a safe play area, Finger paint, musical toys. Download funny songs from cartoons and any children's, suitable for a festive atmosphere.

Our Minnie Mouse style birthday script will be interesting for children from 3 to 7 years old. If the children are older, the competitions can be made more difficult (to place obstacles, limit time / attempts), and the riddles can be changed. The plot of the script is simple, without a lot of details - it is difficult for the little ones to make them listen to the host for a long time, they are bored.

So, Minnie the kitten lost his fish (toys, cut out of paper). According to the scenario, for each completed task, the guys get a hint about where the next one is hidden. First, they look in the room for something that matches the answer, and already there they are looking for a fish.

joke quiz so that shy guests join the game:

  • MINNY (M.) Is this a bear, a monkey or a mouse?
  • who is M. for Mickey Mouse - a chatty neighbor, a pet or a faithful girlfriend?
  • Does M. usually have an umbrella, a candy wrapper, a bow on his head?
  • Are there bright patches on M.'s paws, chocolate stains, or white gloves?
  • Kitten M.'s name is Piero, Bucket, Figaro?

Leading: That's right, Figaro! Such a playful, funny kitten. Only today he is sad for some reason. He probably misses his fish, which Minnie and Mickey give him for all the holidays. Can we help Figaro find his favorite toys? (Yes Yes!). So here's your first riddle:

W Imoy is tightly locked, in the summer it is wide open

It starts with “O” and ends with “O” (the fish is hidden behind a curtain or under flower pot on the window).

IN: In order to receive hints, you will need to pass very difficult and terribly dangerous tests! Don't be afraid? As a reward for each I promise you new riddle where you can find another fish. Do you agree?

Who is this?

Cut out a lock with windows or just circles in a sheet of colored cardboard. Print pictures of characters in such a size that they can be covered with "leaky" props. The younger the children, the larger the holes. The goal is to guess who is in the castle (or behind a piece of paper with peas). Enough 5-7 pictures. Reward Mystery:

His mistress covers

He cordially invites guests to him (under the table, glued to the lid with adhesive tape)

Catch Pluto (Naughty!)

Throw rings on pins/bottles with a picture of Pluto. Rings: several donuts made of cardboard, glued together for weight. The older the children, the further the distance and the more weight the “projectile” should have. Since this is a children's party, and even for girls, glue on top of the rings colored paper in the style of Minnie Mouse is a trifle, but it will fit the props into the atmosphere.


Crew without horses

At night it is put in the garage (inside or with tape on the bottom of the machine)

Don't Wake Pete

One of the parents in the role of Pete - a fat cat with a mischievous character. Pete lies on the floor with his eyes closed and snoring. Scattered around it are pieces of yellow foam rubber - cheese (the more, the merrier). You need to quietly sneak up and steal a treat (1 approach - 1 piece). Pete sometimes wakes up, wants to grab impudent mice, grumbles terribly - the children run away with a squeal until the cat goes back to sleep.

Walking through the woods in a brown coat

All honey and raspberries will go to ... (bear, clothespin to a soft toy)

Bring a Cake to Daisy

Put a tall silhouette at the finish line or plant a toy, although you can do without. The goal is to convey balloon lying on a plate. Schoolchildren with one hand, let the kids carry a plate in two handles. You can race.

Let the summer outside the window

But frost and cold in it (inside the refrigerator, with a magnet on the door - whatever you like, put a puppet in the room or go to the kitchen).

mouse race

A strip of fabric with holes held by the parents at some distance from the floor. You need to go through the "track", stepping into the slot. The fabric can be wobbly, it will be even more fun, but only if they are not quite kids, they will fall! According to the scenario, to fit the game in the style of Minnie Mouse, it will be a huge piece of cheese (yellow cloth).

Has legs but can't run

But the table is haunting the house! (under one of the chairs with tape)

catch a ponytail

Ribbons of the same length for the belt, like ponytails (Velcro to the dress, if not, what to tuck in). Children dance to cheerful music until the host suddenly shouts “Get it!”. It is necessary to steal the ribbon from anyone, but not let them steal your own. Everyone scatters in all directions until the leader says “Stop” - they dance again until “Grab”. And so on until you get bored.

I whistle and puff, I rattle loudly with a lid -

I call everyone for tea with cheesecake and crumpets (bring a children's teapot or bring it from the kitchen, put it somewhere in the corner, the fish is inside).

IN: What are you all good fellows! For helping Figaro, accept gifts from Minnie!

Gifts - sweet sets, accessories in the style of Minnie Mouse for girls, coloring books, themed toys.

Additional entertainment that can be included in the script or prepared just in case, so that you don’t get bored after the main program:

  • blindfolded, put a bow on the drawing;
  • feed the mouse by throwing "cheese" into the hole where the mouth was (box + picture);
  • color Minnie's dress (cut out with eyelets, like paper dolls);
  • collect beads or other jewelry (if there are only girls at the party);
  • peel nuts for Daisy (wrap in candy wrappers, 2 teams, speed).

Read another version of the script

What is the most famous Disney character? Most likely, the majority will answer this question like this: Mickey Mouse. The black and white mouse appeared on the screens in 1928, and since then its popularity has only grown. So why not use cartoon style with this party hero?!

Preparation for the holiday

To make everything fun and memorable only with positive side, you need to carefully prepare for the event:

  1. and send (distribute) to those whom the child wants to see at his celebration. The theme of the event must be indicated in the invitation - so the kids will understand that they need to choose the appropriate outfit.
  2. Write a script or just a list of competitions for the holiday. Stock up on prizes for the winners - black ears, polka dot bows for girls, pencils and more stationery with the image of a Disney mouse, etc.
  3. Create a menu and purchase disposable tableware V desired style.
  4. Decorate the room in primary colors - black, white, red. If it is large, then you can make compositions from balloons. For a small room, several balls in one bundle in the corner, character figures on shelves, chairs and sofas, multi-colored flags are suitable.
  5. Just in case, you need to stock up on paints, brushes, felt-tip pens, pencils and albums. Children love to draw, especially cartoon characters. Perhaps they just want to relax in this way, or maybe it's worth organizing a competition among young artists.

Parents should not be the only ones to prepare. The child himself will be very pleased to participate in the organization of the holiday. However, if you want to surprise the baby, then all this must be done behind his back. And if the celebration takes place in the apartment, then it will have to be decorated at night, while the child is sleeping.

Games and contests

Games at the holiday should be both mobile and calm. It's best to start with the latest:

  1. Quiz on the knowledge of Disney characters: “who is Pluto”, “what is the name of the most famous Disney duck”, “what is the character of Goofy”, etc.
  2. Mobile game "Collect the bows". Cardboard bows are scattered on the floor, like Minnie, the girlfriend of the Disney mouse. To the music, children collect these bows, and when the music ends, you need to count them, whoever has more of them wins.
  3. Drawing. It is necessary to draw Mickey's muzzle with his eyes closed. An easier version of the contest is to attach cardboard ears (also blindfolded) to an already finished image.
  4. Conductor. Each child in turn acts as a conductor, and the rest make sounds from what they got, at the command of the conductor. As musical instruments you can use ordinary spoons, a rubber squeaker toy, an upside down bowl of pencils, etc.
  5. Star Mice. Where else has this animal appeared? In what cartoons, movies or fairy tales? The children must take turns saying the names, whoever names the most, he won.

All games and competitions should be alternated with watching cartoons and eating. And if the choice of cartoons is obvious, then the menu will have to be “conjured”.


It is logical to choose dishes that outwardly will be associated with kids with the hero:

  1. Small sandwiches decorated with olives and eggs that form the face of Mouse.
  2. Ears cut from pineapple circles.
  3. Hotdogs with vegetables.
  4. Sweet popcorn.
  5. Red juice.
  6. Chocolate cupcakes or muffins decorated with bows.
  7. Cookie in the shape of Mickey's head.
  8. A large cake that is best made to order. Let a mouse figurine flaunt on it, and each layer will resemble a reel of cinematographic tape.

In principle, any dish will go with a bang if it is served beautifully and in accordance with the theme of the celebration. For example, juice can be poured into glasses decorated with ears, and black plates can be decorated with bows of their red napkins.

You can end the holiday big photoshoot. Let each guest have a photo. To do this, you can call a professional photographer or order a photo booth if the party takes place, for example, in a cafe.

Very good idea organize face painting on children's holiday. Children love such entertainment and may want to transform not only into the main character, but also into someone else. So it needs to be done by a professional.